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Bøger udgivet af Harding House Publishing, Inc./AnamcharaBooks

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  • af George Breed
    208,95 kr.

    With his trademark earthy exuberance, author George Breed explores the deep meanings within the Gospel of Thomas, giving readers new and surprising insights into the message of Jesus."The Gospel of Thomas is emerging as a true mystical source from the earliest period of what became Christianity. Any commentary on Thomas is worth reading-but this one is a genuine gem!"-FR. RICHARD ROHR, OFM (Center for Action and Contemplation, Albuquerque, New Mexico)"In this lovely book, Dr. George Breed helps to advance the art of seeing, not what rests on surfaces but rather that which lies through and beyond exteriors and forms, and within ourselves. The writer of the Thomas Gospel quotes Jesus as saying, "The kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." In other words don''t merely look-see! By reading the Thomas Gospel through Dr. Breed''s eyes, we can achieve a glimpse of the divine world in which we live, as well as the mysterious beauty of our inner lives. We can begin to see!"-BRADLEY OLSON, PhD, Jungian Depth Psychologist

  • af Ellyn Sanna
    208,95 kr.

    The Celts were activists for justice. They persuaded kings to change their policies; they stood up for women and others who were endangered by prejudice; and they worked with tireless love on behalf of all Earth''s creatures. They resisted the injustice of their day-and they persisted throughout their entire lifetimes, until their deaths. (And some would say that they are still hard at work fighting injustice from the Otherworld.) Following in their footsteps requires a mystical experience of the Divine that expresses itself in acts of tangible justice and compassion These essays build on Celtic stories, myths, and tradition to inspire and challenge us. They remind us that we cannot consider ourselves faithful to God if we are not faithful to our entire community (a community that not only includes humans, but also animals, plants, and the entire Earth). "It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it."-Nelson Mandela

  • af Kenneth Mcintosh
    208,95 kr.

    "Kenneth McIntosh liberates the Book of Revelation from magical thinking and apocalyptic predictions, showing us that it''s a book for all ages, providing a pathway of hope and agency in times of chaos and confusion. McIntosh''s vision gives authentic hope, challenges complacency, and inspires action in a time of rapid climate change, global pandemic, and social disruption. This text is a theological and spiritual goldmine for personal reflection and group study."-Bruce Epperly, author of Become Fire! Guideposts for Interspiritual Pilgrims, God Online: The Mystics'' Guide to the Internet, and Faith in a Time of PandemicThe Book of Revelation has been misunderstood as a book of future predictions and escape from the world-but it is actually a survival and transformation guide, written for people whose lives were threatened by the first-century system of domination. Kenneth McIntosh goes through the entire book, chapter by chapter, revealing Revelation''s abundance of wisdom we can apply to the challenges we face in today''s world.May these visions of transformation bring renewal to your inner self, giving hope for yourself and for the world that is struggling around you.

  • af Lynne Bundesen
    263,95 kr.

    Nautilus Book Awards 2020 winner!"Put aside all you preconceptions about the Bible and pick up this book. Lynne Bundesen imagines what it means to breathe a women''s spirit into sacred narrative. She enriches our understanding and nourishes our souls." -Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, author of Midrash: Reading the Bible with Question Marks and many children''s books, including Noah''s Wife and But God Remembered: Stories for Women from Creation to the Promised Land"In an accessible and comprehensive way, Lynne Bundesen weaves together linguistic knowledge, insightful exegesis, history of interpretation, and feminist biblical scholarship to reveal feminine spirit-the female divine and the divine female-from Genesis to Revelation. Feminine Spirit at the Heart of the Bible is a book that Christians hungry for God the Mother will read with pleasure and share with enthusiasm." -Mary Ann Beavis, professor of Religious Studies, author of Christian Goddess Spirituality: Enchanting Christianity, editor of She Rises, and founding editor of The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture"Lynne Bundesen''s The Feminine Spirit at the Heart of the Bible is an insightful reading of the Jewish and Christian scriptures focusing on the feminine, nurturing side of the divine. It calls out misinterpretations, mistranslations, and biased readings that have held women down and back for centuries. Accessible to the general reader, it is nonetheless based on sound scholarship. It is ideal for individual study or group sessions." -Alice Ogden Bellis, Hebrew Bible professor and author of Helpmates, Harlots, and Heroes: Women''s Stories in the Hebrew Bible and Proverbs"Bundesen''s knowledge of the Bible is clear throughout, as is her agenda: to offer a new way to read the Bible with women in the limelight." -Publishers Weekly(Updated 2019 edition!-THIS IS A NEW AND GREATLY EXPANDED VERSION OF AN EARLIER TITLE BY THIS AUTHOR.)

  • af Meg Llewellyn
    128,95 kr.

    Coloring is no longer for children only.Adult coloring books stimulate our imaginations. They can also be a form of mindfulness technique, just as yoga and meditation are. Research shows that coloring can reduce stress by helping to slow heart rate and respiration, loosen muscles, and stimulate the brain. Coloring can open up a quiet space where we are able to hear the Divine voice speaking to our hearts.The images in this coloring book were drawn from medieval bestiaries, and the descriptions of the animal are summaries compiled from actual ancient texts. Although today we may no longer believe that a panther''s breath is so sweet that it draws everyone to her . . . or that barnacle geese grow on trees . . . or that mermaids even exist, we still can learn from these fantastical bestiary creatures, just as medieval readers did. Each animal included here, from dragons to goats and unicorns to crocodiles, is a delight in its own right. Each one allows us to engage with the Divine as the ancient Celts did-and as we might have when we were children-using our imaginations, our creativity, and our hands to connect mind, heart, and body with God and Creation.Ask the animals, and they will teach you,or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,or let the fish in the sea inform you.Job 12:7-8

  • af Ellyn Sanna
    143,95 kr.

    Times of crisis test us, physically, emotionally, spiritually. But crises can also be opportunities for change, for renewed health, and new visions. Our response can make all the difference. Will we let crisis defeat us? Or will we rise to the challenge and one day emerge from these catastrophic events as better people building a better world? Change must come; it is inevitable. But the form that change takes is at least partly up to us.The prayers collected here, written in the Celtic tradition, offer us ways to spiritually meet the crises of our day. They call us to hope and to healing, to blessing others and to receiving strength and courage. They remind us that the Divine One is at work, even now, ever here.

  • af Ellyn Sanna
    158,95 kr.

    "The Spirit showed me a tiny thing, the size of a hazelnut," wrote the fourteenth-century mystic, Julian of Norwich. In Julian''s vision, the fragile and insignificant hazelnut contains all of Creation-and yet it endures "because God loves it."Seven hundred years before Rob Bell wrote Love Wins, Julian had already offered the world a vision of God''s all-encompassing love. These prayer-poems, based on All Shall Be Well: A Modern-Language Version of the Revelation of Julian of Norwich, are an accessible introduction to Julian''s joyous theology of love. "Take this book from my heart to yours," she wrote. "If you forget all the rest, remember this: Love is everything. Love is God."

  • af George Breed
    168,95 kr.

    "Warriors of spirit" across disciplines (martial arts, healing arts, creative arts, and spiritual arts) embody certain qualities, says the author. Embodying (deeply practicing) these qualities reduces stress, increases energy, expands awareness, deepens confidence, quiets the mind, and enhances creativity. The author has applied knowledge from his PhD in psychology, his 5th-degree Karate black belt, and his own deep spiritual practice to create a practical and deeply spiritual book that spans traditions.

  • af George Breed
    158,95 kr.

    "How can I describe this book? If I say it is brilliant, crazy, hilarious, sobering, vulgar, and sublime, all those words are true-but they are certainly not enough to express the contents of Jesus & Lao Tzu. The book defies being categorized or neatly summarized. It will have to suffice if I say simply this: the book''s words make me happier, freer, and wiser. If you read it with an open heart, I predict it will do the same for you."-Kenneth McIntosh, author of Water from an Ancient Well: Celtic Spirituality for Modern Life

  • af Kenneth Mcintosh
    128,95 kr.

    Coloring with the Green ManMore and more people are rediscovering what they already knew when they were kids-coloring is fun. What''s more, coloring can lead us into a deeper awareness of both our inner selves and the world around us.The Green Man images in this coloring book have been paired with short quotations from two of Anamchara Books'' titles: The Green Man: Ancient Symbol for the Modern World and Celtic Nature Prayers: Prayers from an Ancient Well, both by Kenneth McIntosh. These quotations are offered for use as mental focal points as you color, with space provided for you to jot down any thoughts that may rise to the surface.As you color, you may find yourself connecting with Nature in a new way, experiencing what poet Elizabeth Browning described: "Earth is crammed with heaven and every bush aflame with God."

  • af Ellyn Sanna
    138,95 kr.

    Here are prayers and blessings that sanctify the simplest of daily activities. They remind us to look for the holiness of the everyday and the real presence of God in Creation. They will illumine your life.

  • af Ray Simpson
    158,95 kr.

    Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation,for through him God created everything. . . . He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.-Colossians 1:15-17Like a vast, ever-growing Tree of Life, Christ-the expression of Divine love-expands endlessly throughout the universe. This is the perspective of ancient Celtic spirituality, and it is this concept that Ray Simpson reveals in his poem-prayers. Inspired by the traditional Celtic style of prayer, he gives words to our individual relationships with God. He speaks of the wonder, beauty, and love revealed through the Universal Christ, the Tree of Life that includes all that is. Each and everything in creation is sacred, for everything is a word of God-and we too are called to be God''s words to our world.

  • af David Cole
    158,95 kr.

    Using the Celtic tradition, David Cole explores the Christian theology that underpins meditation-and discovers the practical spiritual benefits of this ancient practice."Meditation is one of the great treasures of our Christian contemplative tradition, though largely forgotten by modern churches. In this delightful book, David Cole gently invites readers to rediscover this ancient path to deeper relationship with God. David writes with a spirit of ease and joy as he guides us through meditation with scripture, our breath, our bodies, and the natural world. This insightful and accessible book is a welcome addition to the contemplative renewal of our time."-Mark Kutolowski, OblSB, Salva Terra peace pilgrim and founder of New Creation Wilderness Programs

  • af Kenneth Mcintosh
    158,95 kr.

    Learn how the ancient Christian Celts read the Bible-and discover new ways to understand the sacred Scriptures today. The Celts'' perspectives on the Bible were far less literal than many modern viewpoints, and yet at the same time, they treasured even deeper layers of meaning than are familiar to most twenty-first century readers. For the Celts, Scripture was a wondrous treasure trove of metaphor and meaning, stories and symbols, all pointing to the loving Mystery that weaves through all Reality."At certain points while reading this book, I could just nod my head, seeing in print things that I have felt deeply but had never put into words. At other points I was stopped in my tracks, reading something that seemed so simple, yet so profound. There were times I had to stop and re-read the same paragraph several times, not because it was too difficult to understand, but because there was so much packed into just a few sentences."-Steve Robinson, Wolf Mountain Books"A very good introduction to how the Celtic followers of Jesus read and saw the Bible. I highly recommend it. Ken''s writing style is really easy to follow-which is saying a lot for such a vast and complex topic."-Jack Gillespie, Celtic priest in the Lindisfarne Community

    183,95 kr.

    Pray with the Sufis!The Sufi mystics'' experience of God was down-to-earth, sometimes even crude, and always both practical and jubilant. Their religion was love-and God was their Beloved. Their relationship with the Beloved gave each moment meaning and joy.As you pray with words inspired by Rumi and other Sufi mystics, you''ll experience a new understanding of the Divine One who is everything and nothing, all that we can perceive and all that we cannot. You may even, like the Sufis, find yourself falling head over heels in love with a God who is present everywhere, within you and without. Whatever your religion (or lack of religion), these spiritual poems, inspired by ancient Sufism, will bring you into a deeper relationship with both the Divine and your true Self.

  • af Bruce G Epperly
    118,95 kr.

    Let us begin the work of Christmas!This book is a celebration of the twelve days of Christmas, offering us a chance to dwell on the meaning of the season in dialog with the wisdom of one of America''s greatest mystics and activists, Howard Thurman.Thurman knew that Christmas always begins in darkness-the darkness of the womb, the darkness of human violence and oppression, the darkness of hopelessness. In Christmas, Thurman reminds us, a light shines even in the darkness, and this light will never be defeated. God''s light streams into the most unexpected places-a stable, among foreign magi from another religious tradition, and in the varieties of human culture and ethnicity. Just a little light can transform the darkness and help us anxious pilgrims find our way.During the twelve days of Christmas, our goal is to experience God''s light, despite the temptation to close our hearts in a world too often characterized by racism, sexism, polarization, nationalism, and exclusion. This season asks us instead to open our hearts and our lives, so that throughout the year ahead, we may be light-bearers, carrying the message of Divine justice and hope, making it come alive even in the darkest corners of the world. ∩╗┐This is the year-round work of Christmas!

  • af Bruce G Epperly
    118,95 kr.

    How can we recover the radical meaning of the Christmas season? Using the thoughts and words of Madeleine L''Engle, this books offers you a guide through the hectic Christmas season. With quiet times of prayer, Scripture, and meditation, you can begin to wonder-to imagine big possibilities and ask important questions-as you wander outside your typical comfort zones. In the twelve days of Christmas, bookended by Christmas Eve and the Feast of Epiphany, you will experience anew the awe and wonder of the Incarnation. As you both wonder and wander, the questions and images in this book will open your heart to the radical message of Christmas. Like the Magi, you too can follow a star, seeking wisdom in everyday life, while contemplating the cosmic forces within which we live and move and have our being.

  • af Bruce G Epperly
    118,95 kr.

    Bruce Epperly invites you to share a Christmas adventure with him, voyaging through the twelve days of Christmas (plus Christmas Eve and Epiphany) with Brendan, Columba, Brigid, Patrick, and other Celtic saints. With these Celtic adventurers as your companions, you will discover "thin places"-moments of time when the Incarnation of Christ shines through ordinary people, places, and events. After the busyness of Advent, the days that follow Christmas can be a quieter time, when you can venture out on an inner vision quest for new ways of seeing and being. Loving God, give me vision. Help me hear the singing of angels and the crying of children. Let my prayers take shape in loving words and healing hands. Walk with me, and help me walk with the lost and lonely, the forgotten and marginalized. Let my life be an incarnation of that little Child who is our Savior. May your Christmas journey awaken you to thin places everywhere.

  • - Celtic Prayers for the Season of Light
    af Ray Simpson
    118,95 kr.

    Ray Simpson has given his life, both professionally and personally, to Celtic Christianity, and now he helps us to celebrate a Celtic outlook on the season of Christmas. With their eloquent yet simple words, his prayers welcome the Holy One who comes to us in small, ordinary ways, who is present in the helpless and the vulnerable. As we join Ray in prayer, we stand on the threshold to paradox and mystery-and we "prepare the way" for God to enter our world anew.

  • af Bill Palmer
    138,95 kr.

    If you don''t believe in Santa, you might want to reconsider. The familiar fellow dressed in red has been around a lot longer than the malls'' Santa, longer than Rudolph, longer even than "The Night Before Christmas." His earliest and most ancient forms brought hope and cheer to generation after generation of humankind-and he still has a message for us today. In the midst of the materialism of the modern holiday, Santa offers us a bridge between the physical, secular world and the spiritual, sacred realm. He calls us to remember the power of love to bring hope, even in the midst of cold and dark. Discover his history and evolution, from Ice Age shaman to medieval saint to modern-day icon. Get to know Santa-and believe all over again.

  • af Bruce G Epperly
    128,95 kr.

    In the spirit of God''s call to creative transformation, Bruce Epperly invites you to join him on a holy adventure in spiritual growth, inspired by the evolving wisdom of Christianity and the world''s great spiritual traditions, innovative global spiritual practices, and emerging visions of reality. Epperly explores the many resources of Christian spirituality in dialogue with the spiritual practices of the world''s great wisdom traditions, describing the gifts other spiritual paths contribute to the pathway of Jesus; at the same time, he uses the lens of the spiritual practices Jesus has inspired throughout Christian history to examine these spiritual paths. Epperly write as a Christian committed to Jesus, whose teachings and way of life he believes lead to pathways of healing and creative personal and planetary transformation. We need an illuminating and multifaceted spirituality, Epperly affirms, to shed light and provide guidance as we confront the unique crises of our time. By embracing the diverse insights of spiritual wisdom givers, physicists, cosmologists, healing practitioners, and Earth keepers, we can meet the Earth''s current challenges with love, joy, and a united strength.

  • af Ellyn Sanna
    198,95 kr.

    The great spiritual classic by Julian of Norwich is now available in modern, easy-to-comprehend language that stays true to Julian''s original meanings. Her ancient wisdom is as relevant now as it was in the 14th century''s world of plague, prejudice, and war. Discover Julian''s joyous affirmation of the certainty of Divine love, a love that overcomes all."Julian would be pleased with this rendering of the Showings into contemporary English. The even-handed blending here of simple language and the grandeur of Julian''s content is flawless; and the happy result is that the Showings slip into our minds and hearts as effortlessly as if the mystic of Norwich were speaking to us herself, face-to-face and soul-to-soul."-Phyllis Tickle, founding editor of Publishers Weekly Religion Department, author of The Great Emergence, How Christianity is Changing and Why; The Words of Jesus, A Gospel of the Sayings of Our Lord; and the Divine Hours series.

  • af Bruce Epperly
    128,95 kr.

    Perhaps the world is saved one act, one click, or one post at a time.When we do ordinary things with great love, as Therese of Lisieux counseled, we bring beauty and healing to our companions on the Internet and to the planetary mind. The omnipresent God is as near as the next key stroke, the next post or response to another''s online comment. We need a whole-person spirituality grounded in a sense of the holiness of all creation and reverence for life, despite the conflicts that characterize our world-and given the amount of time most of us spend online, we need to include these activities in our spiritual lives.Bruce Epperly guides his spiritual Internet manual with the wisdom of the Christian mystical tradition. These insights, both ancient and modern, help us to claim our vocation as God''s companions in healing the world-through the vehicle of social media and other online interactions. Each chapter''s dialogue with a mystic concludes with a spiritual practice that enables us to discover, in the spirit of the patriarch Jacob''s exclamation, that "God is online, and we did not know it."

  • af Melina Rudman
    143,95 kr.

    Gardening is an instrument of grace.-May SartonIn these fifteen intimate essays, Melina Rudman explores the pain of loss and the joy of connection, all within the context of her garden. She writes of gardening as a spiritual practice, one that has the power to ground us in the seasons and cycles of Nature. Gardening, she says, plants us firmly in the circle of birth, life, and death, "smack dab in the middle of life''s gore and glory." While gardening focuses on the world of touch and sight and scent, it also opens doors to deeper realities. It teaches us resilience; it shows us how to let go; it comforts our aching hearts; it leads us to repentance-and it offers us a conduit to the Divine.Spirit, I give thanksthat I am held in a great web of Being,where the energy of earth and memory,tree and thought, flower and emotion,are all knit together into You. 

  • - Garden Thoughts with Celtic Prayers
    af Lucinda Avery
    143,95 kr.

    This little book contains "green thoughts" from writers who gardened across the centuries, thoughts that speak about the beauty and meaning of gardens. These words are combined with the author''s personal prayers, based on the ancient Celtic words from the Carmina Gadelica. Whether you garden yourself or only enjoy looking at gardens, this collection of thoughts will remind you of the deep connection with the life force that sustains not only every green thing but also our own lives and the entire cosmos.Here in my garden, I bend my kneeto the beauty I see beneath me,to the beauty I see above me,to the beauty I see all around me.O Great Being, Spirit of Beauty,bestow on me eyes to see beauty in leaf, beauty in flower,beauty in love, beauty in power, beauty in stem, beauty in fruit,beauty in soil, beauty in root. Beauty on earth as it is in heaven,here in my garden, in shade and light, by day and night,I bend my knee to beauty.

  • - From Hazelnuts to Pottages (A Collection of Medieval Recipes)
    af Ellyn Sanna
    143,95 kr.

    Accompanied by inspiration from All Shall Be Well: A Modern-Language Version of the Showings of Julian of NorwichJulian of Norwich was deeply concerned with the spiritual world-but she believed it was firmly rooted in the practical ordinary details of daily life, including eating and tasting. Her thoughts pair well with the recipes of her day, for she writes again and again of the nourishment God gives to us and the sweet taste of the Divine.Joy and love are the two words that best sum up Julian''s spirituality. May this cookbook, based on the food of Julian''s lifetime as well as her writing, give you joy . . . and the certainty that you are Divinely loved.

  • af Bruce G Epperly
    138,95 kr.

    Grandparenting is truly a holy adventure. As we see and bring forth the inner divinity of our grandchildren, we have the opportunity to show them that they are not only our beloved grandchildren but God''s children as well, infinite in worth and possibility. Grandparenting also takes us beyond our relationships with our own grandchildren to care for children everywhere. What kind of world do we hope for them-and what will we do about it?This book is an invitation to consider grandparenting as a spiritual and ethical vocation. Authentic spirituality is earthly good as well as heavenly minded. As we commit ourselves to love and pray for our grandchildren, we can also work to create a just and healthy world for all grandchildren.Anamchara Books seeks to create a community of "soul friends" to encourage and inspire all of us who are on spiritual journeys. The Soul Seeds series is a unique new offering in that life-enhancing library, timely books that gently and accessibly address the challenges facing all of us in today''s world.

  • - How to Grow a Spiritual Practice When Your Religion Is Cracking Apart
    af Jeff Campbell
    258,95 kr.

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