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Bøger udgivet af Harris House Publishing

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  • - How to Study Anything with Anyone
    af Paul Clayton Gibbs
    113,95 kr.

    Jesus said that the Bible contains new treasure as well as old. Why then do so few Christians study it? Is it too difficult to understand or is the issue in the way it is taught? Does the Bible have a middle-management problem? This updated edition of Haverim: How to Study Anything with Anyone offers a fresh approach to Bible study. It fulfills the needs of a society who want to pull information rather than have it pushed upon them. By researching the rabbinic method of education, author Paul Clayton Gibbs created a four-step method that equips you to study anything with anyone! You will learn how to explore the many facets of Scripture with those of no faith, little faith, or even another faith. Also serving as a companion guide to the popular Study Masterclass (, Haverim provides a practical way to create home groups that are inclusive rather than exclusive. It is a tool for friends who want to study together in order to know God and make Him known. Or, as the ancient Hebrews once referred to them . . . Haverim.

  • - A Story of Faith in Action for the Homeless
    af Pete Cunningham
    119,95 kr.

    Pete Cunningham, known far and wide as Pastor Pete, founded Green Pastures, a national social enterprise that has helped 10,000 people out of homelessness. In this memoir, Pastor Pete shares the profound work of God in and through his life."This is my story," writes Pastor Pete, "the story of a young man who, from being totally anti-God, had a miraculous conversion. God met me and then called me to follow Him with all my heart. I couldn't understand how I could be of any use to the Almighty and All-Powerful God, but then He showed me a Scripture in a book of the Bible I didn't even know existed.Jeremiah 1:6-7 KJVThen said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, andwhatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak."Then I understood. I was to be God's messenger Boy, I could understand this as that was the job I did when I first went into the Stock Market. This story is all about the message He sent me out with, the Gospel of Truth, in a thousand different ways. It has been a wonderful adventure of relationship with my Heavenly Father and all the wonderful children of God He has connected me to over the last 70 years. I trust as you read how God has used a very ordinary man in His extraordinary plans, you will feel you too can be a 'Messenger Boy' for God. You need nothing but a heart set on Him. He will do the rest."Every night more than 1500 residents are housed and supported by Green Pastures partners across the UK, and each year hundreds of residents come to faith in Jesus through the ministry.

  • - Lessons from Lot on Living a Life of Influence
    af Nick Person
    118,95 kr.

    Fifteen years. Four righteous. Thousands lost.Have you ever considered why the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed? It wasn't because their wickedness was beyond saving. No, it was because ten godly people could not be found among them. If only ten had been found righteous, entire populations could have been spared! Yet, Lot was a man of faith who lived in the land for fifteen years. Why didn't he influence others? Was he afraid of being labeled intolerant or politically incorrect? What held him back from sharing God's love and, importantly, what lessons can we learn from his tragic story?Only Ten uncovers key lessons from Lot to help you: - Break the chains of inaction - Put your faith into motion - Influence others for Christ God is still looking for His people to illuminate the darkness of our cities today. He's asking you to flip the switch. Are you ready to become a beacon of hope for this hurting world?

  • - Honor the Ride
    af Karen Sebastian
    173,95 kr.

    Are you overwhelmed by your duties as a caregiver? Do you feel as if you are navigating through unchartered territory? Caring for the needs of a dependent loved one can be a long, sometimes frightening task-like rafting through deep canyons filled with treacherous whitewater rapids. Serving as a compassionate and seasoned guide, author Karen Sebastian equips you with hope to help you embrace and even enjoy the ride. You will discover practical ways to empower your loved one with honor and dignity. You can serve them well and complete the journey with no regrets.

  • - Prepare the Way Home
    af Karen Sebastian
    173,95 kr.

    If your child has taken a prodigalpath, you need the transformingpower of hope...hope that will not only empower you to persevere through this journey, but will also enable you to interact with your child in a positive way. Candidly sharingfrom her personal journey with adaughter whose life took an alarmingdetour, "The Hope Lady" KarenSebastian offers refreshing Biblicalperspectives, which will helpyou receive and impart God'sgift of hope. Rather than dealingwith external manifestations ofrebellion, The Power of Hope forProdigals addresses issues of theheart and leads the reader to prayaccordingly. Discover practicalsteps to establish hope in the midstof dark times. Learn how to seeyour child through the Father'seyes. Speak words of hope andencouragement. Prepare the wayhome-it's shorter than you think.

  • af Sharon Gamble
    163,95 kr.

  • af Paul Clayton Gibbs
    143,95 kr.

    The Portuguese translation of the popular teaching by Paul Clayton Gibbs, Haverim: Como Estudar Qualquer Assunto Com Qualquer Pessoa.Jesus disse que a Bíblia contém novos tesouros como antigos. Por quê então apenas poucos cristãos os estudam? É muito difícil de entender ou é pela forma de ensino? A Bíblia tem um problema de gestão intermediária? Haverim fornece um novo método para experimentar a Palavra de Deus. Preenche a necessidade de uma sociedade que quer colocar informação, ao invés de ser levados à ela. Através de pesquisas sobre o método rabínico de educação, Paul Clayton Gibbs desenvolveu um modelo de quatro passos que te equipa a estudar qualquer coisa com qualquer pessoa! Nesta edição atualizada, você aprenderá como explorar as muitas facetas da Escritura com aqueles sem fé, com pouca fé e até mesmo de outra fé. Haverim também fornece um caminho prático para criar pequenos grupos que são inclusivos, ao invés de exclusivos. É uma ferramenta para amigos que querem estudar juntos para conhecer a Deus e fazê-lo conhecido. Ou como os Hebreus antigos uma vez se referiram a eles... Haverim.

  • af Sharon Gamble
    208,95 kr.

    Stop and sit for a few quiet moments...and rest in a "sweet selah moment" with the Word of God. A selah is a short pause or break in the normal pattern of a psalm or a song or a life. God calls us often to "be still and know" that He is God. This beautiful devotional journal is designed to help you develop a daily habit of intentional time with God. If you only have five minutes or so, read the short verse and message for the day. If you have longer to ponder, go deeper by using the study questions to think through the scriptures and how they apply to your life. No matter what your day looks like, you'll find yourself enjoying the chance to take a "sweet selah moment" while pausing to remember that you are loved by the One who made you.

  • af Melvin Harris
    179,95 kr.

  • af Paul Clayton Gibbs
    163,95 kr.

  • af Gamble Sharon Gamble
    198,95 kr.

    176,95 kr.

  • - Develop Godly Character
    af Paul Clayton Gibbs
    168,95 kr.

    Is adhering to a list of rules really what God wants from us?';What must I do? What can I get away with?'Can misunderstanding what is in God's heart cause you to be less than you can be? In Kingdom Principles, author Paul Clayton Gibbs encourages you to fight for the heart of your King and presents six ways to reshape your values in order to gain the mind of Christ.After all, we can learn how to think, not just what to think.Note: Previously published as The Cloud and the Line: Kingdom Principles

  • - Fulfill God's Calling
    af Paul Clayton Gibbs
    168,95 kr.

    Why do so few of us fulfill our God-given dreams?';Why is this happening? Did I misunderstand God's call?'Do we give up because we think things are going wrong, when they are actually going right? In Kingdom Pioneering, author Paul Clayton Gibbs explains how to know if your vision is from God, presents the four stages it will go through, and gives advice to navigate their dangers.After all, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.Note: Previously published as The Line and the Dot: The Kingdom Pioneers

  • - How to Disciple Anyone in Anything
    af Paul Clayton Gibbs
    113,95 kr.

  • af Mark Nathan Riley
    93,95 kr.

  • af Katie Hopmann
    223,95 kr.

    Many are invited, but few actually go. Follow the travels of a boy on his journey to see the King. Along the way, he meets others who have plenty of excuses not to go with him. Instead, they load him down with well-meaning gifts and advice. It''s a lot to carry! Will he make it to the Royal City? Or will he give up? Find out who he meets that makes all the difference.

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