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  • af Washington Toe
    148,95 kr.

    DEBORAH GONZALEZ HENDERSON works as a member of the security detail for US Senator EDWARD JOHNSON, whom she accompanies on frequent travels to Canada to meet with executives of Superb Metals Inc, a company that owns a mine in Mexico. Superb Metals supplies chromium to US gun companies for weapons manufacturing. After SENATOR JOHNSON and several of his colleagues oppose gun control bills in the Senate, DEBORAH suspects they are accepting bribes in return for their influence in Congress. When her son JASON is killed by a deranged shooter at the grocery store and SENATOR JOHNSON opposes new gun control legislation, DEBORAH decides to tell a reporter what she knows about SENATOR JOHNSON'S dealings with Superb Metals and US gun manufacturers. Before she can do so, she is kidnapped and held hostage at Superb Metals' mining compound in Mexico. While there, she learns her close friend and former colleague, CHRISTOPHER COLLINS, another member of SENATOR JOHNSON'S security detail, has been killed.DEBORAH manages to escape from the mine and is rescued by members of Las Zetas cartel, former owners of the mine who are actively fighting to regain control of it from Superb Metals. At a high-end dance club in Chihuahua city several nights later, she uses her military training to kill intruders and save members of Las Zetas, who own the club. Las Zetas' leader RAUL VAZQUEZ offers her a reward and she asks for his help in gaining proof to convict the corrupt Congressmen, which could eventually result in the mine being returned to the cartel. RAUL agrees to finance her undercover investigation and provide personnel to help her. She is also aided by GREG, an American computer specialist she meets in Chihuahua city who gives her high-tech video recording equipment in the form of a necklace. In disguise, DEBORAH returns to the US and obtains information about who is responsible for the payments to offshore banking accounts for SENATOR JOHNSON and his colleagues. She then travels to Canada to interrogate HARRY TREMBLAY, the bank vice president who set up the accounts. With a little stimulation from DEBORAH, TREMBLAY willingly provides the account information and the names of the gun manufacturers paying the bribes. Back in Mexico, DEBORAH gives the information to Las Zetas' leader RAUL, who sets up a meeting between Las Zetas and Superb Metals with the intent of regaining control of the mine. RAUL asks DEBORAH to be a member of the negotiation team. DEBORAH also gives the information to her new friend GREG, who sends it to the FBI. GREG reveals to DEBORAH that he is really her former friend and colleague CHRISTOPHER and an undercover FBI agent. The two make love and begin to plan a future together.On the way to the negotiations meeting between Las Zetas and Superb Metals Inc, DEBORAH learns that SENATOR JOHNSON has framed her for the death of HARRY TREMBLAY, the Canadian bank vice president. She fears for her life. SENATOR JOHNSON attends the negotiation meeting as a member of the Superb Metals' team. DEBORAH recognizes him, but he doesn't recognize her. The negotiations don't go well and DEBORAH reveals her identity to SENATOR JOHNSON and tells him she has enough information to send him to jail. He threatens her and the FBI steps in to arrest him. Gunfire breaks out between Las Zetas' and Superb Metals' protective forces as DEBORAH tries to flee. Many deaths occur on both sides.At SENATOR JOHNSON'S trial for accepting bribes, CHRISTOPHER COLLINS (aka GREG) provides evidence DEBORAH procured on the necklace he gave her of payments to SENATOR JOHNSON from Superb Metals and US gun manufacturers. He also testifies that he fears DEBORAH is dead, because her bodyguards were killed at the negotiation meeting and no one has seen or heard from her since. SENATOR JOHNSON is convicted and taken into custody. Later, CHRISTOPHER receives a mysterious letter that reveals DEBORAH'S fate and his future.

  • af Catherine Hudson
    158,95 kr.

    Get your COW out of my kitchen will take you on an oft-times humorous journey discovering new creatures and how their amazing personalities captured the heart of a little red-haired girl. You will meet such memorable characters as Gomer Pyle, Fred the Emu, Shakin Jake and of course Clarabelle the cow. Even the book's title repeats the very words that Catherine's shocked mother said to her the day her daughter's half grown pet cow walked casually into the kitchen while the family was enjoying breakfast. Every chapter will let the reader discover a new relationship or encounter that have been a part of the author's childhood right up into her mid-sixties. As you read these short stories it will transport you to places and times that will trigger your own fond memories of pets that have shared your life. This is a book that can be enjoyed and read over and over by both adults and children alike.

  • af Nicholas Page
    218,95 kr.

    Flirtatious Jones Trouble in Paradise Flirtatious Jones-Trouble In Paradise is a story about a flirtatious man named Robert Antonio Jones. He is a wealthy businessman, Bachelor, and an undercover Special Forces Operative for the US Government. This first novel takes you through different aspects of Robert's troublesome life dealing with terrorists, assassins, and the love of his life. At first, Robert was busy operating his construction company and dating beautiful sexy women. But the day he reunited with a woman he knew from high school, his life changed dramatically.Barbara and Robert were best of friends in high school. Barbara was a tomboy at this time and could always be seen competing with Robert in basketball. Even though their friends considered Robert and Barbara as a couple, they insisted that their relationship was strictly friends.Unfortunately, at that time, their relationship turned sour when Robert wanted to have sex with Barbara. Even though Barbara was in love with Robert, Barbara did not want to be just another woman on Robert's bucket list. Therefore, Barbara insisted Robert marry her before having any sexual relationship. She did not like his response, so she refused to talk with Robert from then on.Ten years pass and Barbara reunites with Robert. After spending time and falling back in love with Robert, she informs Robert that he will marry her whether he wants to or not. Not only does Robert have to deal with Barbara, but other things also play a part in this fictional novel.Enjoy!

  • af Kai Johnson
    468,95 kr.

    These are collections of original inspired poems from 1989, 1991 to 2020 which have been re-transcribed from pen and paper journals into a book from a writer who chooses not to copy other writers; but, to be inspired by where a creative mind takes him and sees images of a thousand words to paint a pictures on the printed pages of how he sees the world around him. Kai Johnson

  • af Scot Martin
    138,95 kr.

    Don't we all want to make a difference in the world? Heart of the Lion is the story of a funny, fearless, and faithful young lady making a difference at home and halfway around the world. Her life is an inspiration. Will you let her inspire you?

  • af Julia Birmele
    278,95 kr.

    No one is to blame for what I endured throughout those two years but myself. If I had simply rejected her after her first relentless accusation that I was a cheating whore, then Francine never would have slammed her fist into my face repeatedly while I held myself in the fetal position on my living room floor. If I had blocked her phone number, then she never would have dragged the issues of our relationship and of herself through the prison in which we both worked. If I had ignored her fabricated tears and scripted apologies, then Francine never would have told me to kill myself enough times to where I considered giving her what she wanted. Hindsight, you ruthless bastard. Just as my relationship with Francine began to teeter on the brink of normal and peaceful, the sudden appearance of a new officer would revive Fran's wrath, insecurities, and narcissism. My incessant protest of a friendless life while Fran did as she pleased would lead to her reluctant approval of a peculiar friendship to form between myself and our new co-worker, Officer Keeler. The uniform that Stephanie Keeler wore was a mere attempt to conceal the angel wings beneath it, for that friendship would quickly lead to an epiphanous dream and a life-changing kiss. Caramel Apples is the true story of how difficult it can be to pull yourself from the unforgiving floor, observe your life with a weary, broken heart, and realize that you have no idea who you are anymore. Sometimes it takes an angel from Minnesota to help you to your feet. Sprinkled with stories of youthful struggles, failed attempts at love, and corruption within our correctional system, Caramel Apples is a reminder that moving on is bittersweet.

  • af Stephanie Reynolds
    278,95 kr.

    The second part of the tournament should have been easier.Legend and her friends have moved on to the second phase of their tournament. Even as Legend reels with her situation regarding Tristan, she has to find a way to bury her feelings for him. She knows she must follow through with the promises she made to him, Emberly, and Ashlynn to fight for Ethyn.As Legend gets closer to Ethyn, more complications arise. Her friends no longer feel like friends, Tristan's anger and betrayal cause great tension between them, and she feels lonely once again. Queen Ella's reign of terror worsens, especially as King Sterling's health continues to decline. To make matters worse, a dark presence is creating an insurrection within Trilleia itself. Is LuMont's warning about the prophecy true? Can Legend navigate through all the uncertainty, fear, and loneliness she now feels has been thrust against her?

  • af Robert Harvey
    243,95 kr.

    Throughout its history, America has often been guilty of inflicting the very injustices it has tried to exterminate. One such period came in the first stages of the second world war when Americans, seized by the fear that they might become victims of fifth-column activities, began to see neighbors of different ethnic backgrounds as enemies. Within months of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Americans sought ways to rid themselves of potential threats in the easiest and most convenient method possible--concentration camps. In this second edition of Amache: The Story of Japanese Internment in Colorado During World War II, Robert Harvey outlines one of the darkest chapters in Colorado's history. Amache is a comprehensive must-read that will forever preserve the voices and stories of those who endured this dark period of our nation's past. "Harvey has done an excellent job of writing about Amache, a historical subject that needs to be repeatedly and accurately told. He has done it with solid research and great compassion." Robert Y. Fuchigami Ed.D. University of Illinois, former Amache inmate - 1942-1945, professor and author Amache: Remembered: An American Concentration Camp

  • af Stephen Boek
    268,95 kr.

    Contained within is one headline a day for an entire decade from the New York Times presented in chronological order. The headlines being presented in order constructs a narrative for the decade and what topics were presented as important to the American people. It's a new way to look at history that does not involve the use of just a couple of historians. Pick it up and put it down any time as a simple historical reader.

  • af Chris Cochrane
    198,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Deanna Shelley
    168,95 kr.

    Love letters to BreAnna--this is a book of how a mother communicates to her daughter who has autism through letters and stories.

  • af Kirk L. Attebery
    188,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Ric Vandett
    158,95 kr.

    These are difficult times. While incredible advances have been made in technology, advances in human interaction and in personal self-confidence have not kept pace with the growth of technology. Thus, facing life's difficulties, with no road map on how to overcome those difficulties, has left many people with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and depression. These feelings become hurdles to achieving personal growth and happiness.Hurdles is a common sense approach to identifying the obstacles people face and ways to overcome those obstacles. Using analogies, references from books and movies, as well as sharing personal experiences, both tragic and uplifting, Ric Vandett provides a thought-provoking guide to personal growth and happiness.

  • af Jeff Lombardo
    268,95 kr.

    The Making of Mace Stutzman is the saga of a boy who begins life paying a terrible price for the sins of his grandfather. His overbearing and grossly abusive mother suffers each day due to the sins of her father. Only ugly when Mace's beloved dad is not present, her influence on her son is exceedingly more powerful than her husband's. Her wrath and despising of him contort Mace into a shy, quiet, lonely introvert. Taught that laughing was a sinful waste of time, Mace must eventually carry his social and emotional ineptness into the adult world and try to achieve something of value. Will his dad's unconditional love be strong enough to override his emotional brutality and help him to become balanced and fulfilled? Or will his mother's abject cruelty invade every fiber of his being and corrupt every aspect of his soul?

  • af Kara Ramirez
    178,95 kr.

    You may be struggling with your health or your family or facing challenges in your professional or personal life. Regardless of your circumstances, you don't have to be afraid of the difficulties that stand in your path. You can live triumphantly by learning how to give your worries to the one who heals all wounds regardless of your pain.Learning to let go and let God take control of your life can be hard. This book reveals the many benefits that come from letting him lead and provides a road map for how to navigate through life's difficult moments with God in the driver's seat.No matter what we face in this life, when we are living in the center of God's will for our lives, we are shatterproof against anything that threatens to harm us.

  • af Evangelist Robert L. Shepherd Jr
    248,95 kr.

    This book is a compendium of short stories glorifying Jesus as Lord and alerting the Reader of HIS imminent return to judge the world for the Sin he has already paid for in full, by the shedding of His precious blood on a wooden cross.This book will let the Readers know, that the whole world can come to Him for the remission of Sin and for Salvation, today."For God so love the world, he gave his only Begotten Son that whosoever believer in him, should not perish but have everlasting life."(John 3:16)

  • af Lisa Battis
    168,95 kr.

    We are all on a spiritual journey, traveling through time and space. What we think of as space is all that we cannot see with our physical eyes. When we feel overwhelmed, we say, "Give me some space." At times of change, we say, "Let's make some space." And during ceremonies, we "clear the space."The Space Traveler's Guide to God's Magic is a step-by-step manual for the spiritual being who wants to come to the forefront of the physical experience to enhance the journey with God's magic-the true source of all that we are.In simple, easy-to-follow guidance, this short book will have long-lasting effects for living your best life.

  • af Js Evans
    233,95 kr.

    This is a story of a kindhearted and very forgiving girl who was born and raised in the Philippines. She writes a touching account of her hardships at the hands of both family and friends.At a young age, she knew that something was wrong, and she was not treated like others. Little did she realize that the family she thought she could trust and would not take advantage of her would be the ones who were the biggest offenders and that faith would play a larger role than she could have imagined.She overcame betrayal, cheating, abuse, homelessness, and a host of other hardships and managed to survive despite the odds. It is the author's true story of survival and overcoming the odds; she relied on her faith to get through when it seemed all was lost and hopeless, fighting for her children and a life she believes she deserves. This is a must-read for anyone who has experienced abuse and betrayal at the hands of family.

  • af Suzanna Mack
    248,95 kr.

    We have all experienced schooling and working with narcissistic individuals. From work colleagues to school bullies, the one common factor is their insecurity, displayed through their lack of empathy towards others. But what happens when we have a close family member who displays traits of narcissism, and how can we overcome that? This is the story of Abby Sutton and her middle-class English family. She is the younger of two daughters who must navigate her way through the demands and taunting of her older sister and the quiet enabling of her parents. We follow Abby's life throughout her teenage years and into adulthood and her belief that she will not allow her pain to be her sister's strength. Abby's story takes place in the changing world of the 1960s when women are beginning to take some control of their lives with the availability of oral contraception and the idea that girls can have both a career and families of their own. In a background of social change and cultural expectations, Abby's journey follows her realization that she is relevant and loved by others and that she can overcome the obstacles placed in her way.

  • af Hilary Eason
    158,95 kr.

    Jason and Carolyn were college sweethearts. After graduation, they bought a house together. Then they found out Jason had kidney disease. They tried to have a child before the inevitable happened, but the question is "Would they?" Would Jason have a child that he could see growing up?Carolyn did find out she was pregnant; however, Jason would not see the child. Carolyn realized that not only was she now doing everything on her own, but she had to raise a child alone. She knew she needed to move to a larger home, as hers had only one bedroom, but she did not want to leave where she and Jason made so many memories.

  • af Cory Bruce
    158,95 kr.

  • af Shari Lee Fleming
    198,95 kr.

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