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Bøger udgivet af Heirs Publishing Company

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  • - con recetas faciles y bajas en carbohidratos
    af TBD
    233,95 kr.

  • - La serie de El libro del Clan-Libro-3
    af Lea Larsen
    118,95 kr.

  • af Leela Hope
    113,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Leela Hope
    113,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • - Descubre los secretos de un increible estilo de vida cetogenico con bajo contenido de carbohidratos
    af Amy Moore
    228,95 kr.

    ¿Has oído hablar de toda esa gente que se vuelve más fuerte y delgada al mismo tiempo usando la dieta cetogénica? ¿Te sientes abrumado por el número de opciones y no puedes soportar la idea de comer sólo bacon, bistec y queso en cada comida?La mayoría de la gente piensa que la dieta cetogénica es una moda, o un lema para la gente que se muere de hambre, pero en realidad es una dieta médica diseñada para ayudar a la gente a usar las cetonas comiendo una dieta alta en grasa y ultrabaja en carbohidratos. Pero no tiene que estar basada en animales. Hay culturistas veganos y vegetarianos que no comen nada de carne. Lo bueno es que no tienes que ser un culturista para perder peso fácilmente y mantenerte sano porque comes mejor.Así que si estás listo para dar el paso y probar la dieta cetogénica al mismo tiempo que eres sostenible y proteges los preciados recursos del planeta no comiendo carne, entonces este lote de dos libros es perfecto para empezar.Básicamente, El libro de cocina cetogénica vegetariana super fácil te ofrece exactamente lo que necesitas para cocinar recetas increíblemente sencillas que no requieren mucho tiempo y que son imposibles de preparar mal. Es maravilloso tanto para la gente que se adentra por primera vez en el mundo de la cocina como para los completos principiantes de la dieta cetogénica. Y también es una completa herramienta para tu cocina, con gran cantidad de información y recetas excelentes para los profesionales de la cocina y de la dieta cetogénica. El segundo libro, El plan de comidas de la cieta cetogénica vegana, está dedicado a permitirte comer keto y vegano al mismo tiempo sin tener sólo unas pocas cosas aburridas que puedes comer. De hecho, tiene recetas y planes de comida para que siempre sepas qué comprar en la tienda, y tiene toda clase de opciones para preparar deliciosas comidas veganas-cetogénicas en casa.Dentro de estos dos recursos esenciales, encontrarás:Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las dietas cetogénicas de tipo vegetariano y vegano Consejos expertos en pequeñas secciones de fácil lectura y asimilaciónCómo incluso los amantes de la carne pueden adaptar estas comidas para aumentar su consumo de verdurasDatos científicos sobre cómo tu dieta cetogénica vegana/vegetariana cambiará tu vidaDeliciosas recetas de desayunoDeliciosos platos para la comidaExquisitas delicias para la cenaSabrosos tentempiés y postresPlanificadores de comidas mensuales para veganos y vegetarianos (¡para que lo tengas todo hecho!)Una dieta sólo funciona si comes los alimentos adecuados, y este lote de dos libros tiene todo lo que necesitas para empezar a seguir una dieta cetogénica vegana o vegetariana y conseguir así una nueva vida repleta de abundancia y buena salud. Desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en Comprar Ahora para perder peso, comer mejor y cocinar más fácilmente. 

  • - Without A Hitch Book Three
    af Kent Hamiilton
    118,95 kr.

  • - Discover the Secret to Making Low-Carb Ketogenic Cookies and Snacks That Taste Amazing
    af Amy Moore
    163,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • - The proven way to lose weight healthily with the ketogenic diet, even if you're a clueless beginner
    af Amy Moore
    158,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • - Discover the Secrets to Incredible Low-Carb Fish and Seafood Recipes for Your Keto Lifestyle
    af Amy Moore
    158,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Leela Hope
    113,95 - 213,95 kr.

  • af Leela Hope
    118,95 kr.

  • - Deja de preocuparte y se mentalmente duro despejando tu mente
    af Raymond Henry
    158,95 kr.

  • - intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet Book 2- The Vegan Keto Diet Meal Plan Book 3- Super Easy Vegetarian Keto Cookbook
    af Amy Moore
    248,95 kr.

  • - Receta facil de arroz mexicano keto y mas para ayudarte a perder peso y mantenerte saludable
    af Amy Moore
    158,95 kr.

  • - Stop Worrying and Be Mentally Tough by Decluttering Your Mind
    af Raymond Henry
    163,95 kr.

    Does your own thinking get in the way of everything you do? Do you have a hard time staying focused, and finishing things? It's easy to tell yourself that you will come back to it a project, but let's be honest, if you set it down you probably won't. There are too many thoughts swirling around in your head, making it hard for you to focus on thing and finish it. So how are you supposed to get anything done? That's a big question for most of us, and the honest answer is: we don't get anything done except the barebones basics for survival. But what if there was a way to break through all that clutter in your mind and not just finish that one thing, but everything? The weird thing is that we get caught up in bad habits and think that's who we are, but that's just not true. Overthinking, worry, procrastination, and brain fog all stem from one thing - the ownership of your mind. That's right. Right now you are not in control of your own brain. But you could be, and the crazy thing is, it's not that hard to take back control. In "How to Stop Overthinking" you're going to learn about how your brain works, both the good parts and the bad. Once you understand the machine, you can fix it, then fine tune it so it doesn't break down again. Inside, you will learn: How to Understand the Problem In the First Place Easily Break Through Procrastination and Mind Clutter Stop Worrying About the Things That Don't Matter How to Own Your Mind and Stay In Control Sound too good to be true? I used to be like you, until I used these strategies to help myself, and then my friends. Don't overthink it - scroll back up and click Buy Now so you can take control of your mind back!

  • - Part two
    af Kent Hamiilton
    113,95 kr.

  • - 2 books in 1
    af Kent Hamiilton
    238,95 kr.

    Book 1  Maryanne had been raised by her aunt, somewhat reclusively. Without any male suitors even knowing about her, let alone showing any interest, she decides to offer herself as a mail-order bride. Thomas is a successful businessman on the other side of the country, who up to now has had no inclination to get married. He now feels the need, however, and contacts a mail-order bridal agency. Upon receiving details of Maryanne from the agency, he writes to her and makes an offer of marriage. Maryanne finds Thomas's letters dull and devoid of any spark, but at the urging of her aunt, decides to accept his offer anyway. She boards the train to travel to San Francisco to join him, on which she meets a couple who happen to know Thomas. She extracts from them, more by omission than anything else, the fact that Thomas really is rather staid. Into the mix is thrown a soldier, Peter, who arrives in Maryanne's compartment abruptly during a Shawnee ambush. They are immediately attracted to each other, and after a whirlwind romance aboard the train, with Peter showing her various things outside her experience, including taking her onto the roof of a car, which then goes through a tunnel, he proposes to her, and she accepts, all the while understanding that Peter will not be able to provide for her nearly as well as Thomas would have been able. But she thinks that love will find a way.ΓÇ» She and Thomas get married and set up home in Omaha, and seem blissfully happy. Maryanne falls pregnant, and she feels that things cannot get any better. However, will love really find a way? Will Peter carry on his loving ways once a baby arrives? Will Thomas take all of this lying down?"  Book 2 After Peter sweeps Maryanne off her feet, she scraps her plans to meet Thomas, her arranged husband, in San Francisco, marries Peter instead, and sets up home in Omaha. The marriage is idyllic, and when she falls pregnant after a while, she feels her happiness is complete. After being initially indifferent to Albert's arrival, Peter warms to him, and Maryanne assumes that life couldn't get better. However, fate has a few lessons in store for her. When two tragedies strike, in relatively quick succession, Maryanne has cause to re-evaluate her life completely, and finally wonder whether she should resume her interrupted journey to San Francisco. Will Thomas take her back? Does she deserve happiness after disappointing him so much? As her aunt points out to her when they meet again - you cannot make your children's mistakes for them, you have to let them make them themselves. 

  • - Part One
    af Kent Hamiilton
    118,95 kr.

    Maryanne had been raised by her aunt, somewhat reclusively. Without any male suitors even knowing about her, let alone showing any interest, she decides to offer herself as a mail-order bride.  Thomas is a successful businessman on the other side of the country, who up to now has had no inclination to get married. He now feels the need, however, and contacts a mail-order bridal agency. Upon receiving details of Maryanne from the agency, he writes to her and makes an offer of marriage.  Maryanne finds Thomas's letters dull and devoid of any spark, but at the urging of her aunt, decides to accept his offer anyway.  She boards the train to travel to San Francisco to join him, on which she meets a couple who happen to know Thomas. She extracts from them, more by omission than anything else, the fact that Thomas really is rather staid.  Into the mix is thrown a soldier, Peter, who arrives in Maryanne's compartment abruptly during a Shawnee ambush. They are immediately attracted to each other, and after a whirlwind romance aboard the train, with Peter showing her various things outside her experience, including taking her onto the roof of a car, which then goes through a tunnel, he proposes to her, and she accepts, all the while understanding that Peter will not be able to provide for her nearly as well as Thomas would have been able. But she thinks that love will find a way.ΓÇ»  She and Thomas get married and set up home in Omaha, and seem blissfully happy. Maryanne falls pregnant, and she feels that things cannot get any better.  However, will love really find a way? Will Peter carry on his loving ways once a baby arrives? Will Thomas take all of this lying down?"  

  • af Kent Hamiilton
    138,95 kr.

    Chloe joins an African Safari, to help her get over a recent abusive relationship. She has NO interest in any new romance. She largely ignores the other members of the group.  Mark is on the same safari, also healing from a relationship that turned sour. While no stranger to the African bush, and having led a few similar tours of his own, he has decided to come on this tour as a customer, to leave someone else to do the organising.  On the third day of the holiday they are in a game-viewing vehicle, which is high off the ground, but open to the air. They stop to look at a pride of lions close to the road. One of the male lions rushes at the vehicle and starts climbing up the side, right where Chloe is sitting. She freezes in terror. The driver grabs for his rifle and starts to bring it round to bear on the lion. At the same time, Mark, who is sitting on the same seat as her on the other side, jumps over her and shouts loudly at the lion. The lion checks himself, and then drops back down from the vehicle.  Chloe is white as a sheet. Mark asks her if she's OK, and apologizes for jumping over her. She stammers out her thanks for what he did.  After dinner that evening she decides that she should thank him properly, and so goes into the lounge to where he is sitting reading a book. He asks her to sit down and have her coffee with him.ΓÇ»  Will he rescue her from more than just a lion ? Will she heal his bruised heart ? 

  • - Libros 1-3: Una Novela del Viejo Oeste
    af Hamilton Kent Hamilton
    273,95 kr.

  • - Novela Cristiana de Romance y Fantasia Una Novela del Viejo Oeste, Oeste de Texas, 1868.
    af Kent Hamilton
    183,95 kr.

  • - La Serie del Rancho Martin: Libro 2 Una Novela del Viejo Oeste Oeste de Texas, 1868.
    af Kent Hamilton
    138,95 kr.

  • - La Serie del Rancho Martin: Libro 3 Una Novela del Viejo Oeste
    af Kent Hamilton
    138,95 kr.

  • - The Martin Ranch Series: Book 3 An Old West Novel West Texas, 1868.
    af Kent Hamiilton
    148,95 kr.

  • - An Old West Novel West Texas, 1868. Part Two
    af Kent Hamilton
    163,95 kr.

  • - An Old West Novel West Texas, 1868.
    af Kent Hamilton
    288,95 kr.

  • - (4 Books in 1)
    af Kelly Curtiss
    163,95 kr.

    The Elly Elephant's series is a light-hearted, enjoyable illustration book meant to engage and entertain young children, while also providing valuable lessons to take away for real-life situations. With adorable characters and colorful drawings, it will be nearly impossible for your child to turn his or her attention away from the storyline. Your child will be able to tune in to the life of Elly Elephant and follow her through tough times, along with how she solves these problems. From reading stories about Elly's first day to getting lost in the wild, your child will be eager to flip the pages to find out what happens next. In "Elly Elephant's", your child will experience: Vibrant, engaging pictures that will make them giggle and smile 4 different stories about Elly Elephant, her family, and her animal friends, all in one place Catchy rhymes to enhance the story's adventurous plot Valuable life-lessons easily applicable to real-world situations Short and sweet narrations meant for children ages 2 to 5The market is filled with children's books, but the most valuable children's books are the ones with a balance of: A. Attention-grabbing characters B. Colorful pictures C. Relatable messages And the one thing to never be forgotten… D. A dash of silliness to bind it all together Grab the book on-the-go, during playtime, or even save it as tonight's bedtime story. Either way, your child will come to love Elly Elephant and all the joy she has to offer. Reading illustration books is a great way of keeping children's limitless energy preoccupied, especially when it's something that will strengthen their learning abilities because, in the end, a stimulated mind is a growing mind.

  • - Gets Lost
    af Kelly Curtiss
    118,95 kr.

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