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  • - Trunk
    af Kelly Curtiss
    148,95 kr.

    Does Your Child Want To Grow Up Too Soon? Are They Ready to Learn New Life Skills? Every kid wants to learn how to do adult things: from being tall enough to reach the counter, to being skilled enough to put on their own clothes. Unfortunately, you can't just tell a child to wait; they don't have the patience, or the ability to give themselves time to grow, and develop. But you can provide life lessons to your child through stories. Illustrated picture books capture your child's heart, while allowing them to use their wild imagination, and learn valuable life lessons. In this book, "Elly Elephant's Trunk," a playful young elephant named Elly is not content with being a kid, and using her trunk to just drink, and play with water. She wants to pick leaves off the tops of the trees like the grownup elephants in her community. By reading this book to your child, they will learn to respect their elders, and get the life lesson that all good things come to those who work hard, and are patient. Best of all, they will get the benefit of all this goodness while enjoying a fun story. The #1 way to keep your child interested, and engaged in learning anything is through illustrated storybooks. Picture books for children can: increase their self-confidence, strengthen their visual thinking, and improve their listening skills Delightful stories like "Elly Elephant's Trunk" with captivating illustrations trigger your child¿s imagination and spirit. They eagerly turn the page to see what comes next while you get a more well-rounded child. In "Elly Elephant's Trunk," your child will experience: A relatable adventure of a young elephant Fun animals, children love and identify with Colorful, playful images to delight your child Engaging narration and dialog that's short and easy to read/understand for young children between the ages of 2 and 5 Value-driven, learning lessonsThe best books for young children have dazzling illustrations and lovable characters while keeping the stories and messages simple. They can follow along without frustration, and identify with the hero. It's the type of book they will want to read again, and again.

  • - New Brother
    af Kelly Curtiss
    118,95 kr.

  • - First Day
    af Kelly Curtiss
    148,95 kr.

    Elly Elephant's First Day is a story for young children to enjoy at bedtime written in rhyme. The story's beautiful colorful illustrations are sure to thrill young readers of all ages. Elly Elephant has recently been born and is looking forward to exploring her incredible world. Her mother has told her that she must wait until she's a little older, but Elly can't wait. She explores the world on her own, learning and meeting other animals along the way. Young children will identify with Elly as she experiences things for the first time. Parents and teachers can also employ the story featured in Elly Elephant's First Day to teach children about what it's like to be the new arrival, making new friends, gaining self-confidence, and learning and growing from their early experiences. Elly Elephant's First Day is designed for bedtime reading with younger children. However, older children will also enjoy this wonderful book on their own and be thoroughly entertained with Elly's adventures

  • - Oeste Serie: Libros 1-3
    af Kent Hamilton
    268,95 kr.

  • - Box Series, Books 1-3
    af Kent Hamilton
    318,95 kr.

  • - Una historia romantica en el Viejo Oeste
    af Kent Hamiilton
    228,95 kr.

  • - Una historia romantica en el Viejo Oeste
    af Kent Hamiilton
    228,95 kr.

  • - Book 1
    af Kent Hamilton
    288,95 kr.

  • - Book Two
    af Kent Hamiilton
    118,95 kr.

  • - Como controlar la diabetes tipo 2 con la dieta Keto, !mas recetas saludables, deliciosas y faciles!
    af Amy Moore
    153,95 kr.

  • - 2 Manuscripts: Photographic Memory Improve Memory Skills and Accelerated Learning very best way to learn as fast as possible
    af Lawrence Franz
    228,95 kr.

  • - Emotional Intelligence, How to Analyze People, Emotional Intelligence at work, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    af Lawrence Franz
    228,95 kr.

    Book 1-Emotional IntelligenceEmotional Intelligence: A Guide to Improving Emotion Control and understanding Relationships, you will discover exactly how it can transform your success with chapters on:Understanding Emotional Intelligence The difference between IQ and EQ The benefits How to boost your emotional self-awarenessmanaging stress Interpersonal connections and relationships And much more…Get a copy today and see how your relationships can be transformed with this new knowledge.Book 2-How to Analyze PeopleDo you want to be able to communicate properly? Do you wonder why people move and act a certain way when you’re talking to them? Human beings are social creatures. While some individuals are inclined towards introversion and prefer to limit interactions with others whenever possible, the general thrust of humanity leans towards sociability and connecting with each other in a common, shared space of mutual activity and existence. The foundation and the core of all forms of human social groups is communication. Inside this book, you will learn how to read and identify the emotions behind body language, analyze people in a deeper perspective and more importantly, learn about personal space—when to open up and when to draw the line.Book 3Emotional-intelligence at-workIf you're always having trouble dealing with negative emotions in your place of work and can't take it anymore, then this book is for you.our world today is nothing like our ancestors have ever faced. A fast-paced world of economic uncertainty and turbulent workplaces, and our bodies have not evolved to deal with the kind of stress that this new situation presents. In this book, Lawrence Franz lucidly explains what emotional intelligence is and how it is clearly tied with our ability to control stress, especially in the workplace.How to deal with unhealthy emotions Techniques and strategies to boost your self-confidence and set yourself up for long-lasting success Traits of an effective leader and more!deeply insightful and highly practical, Emotional Intelligence at Work is a vast resource filled with actionable tips, tactics and strategies to help you deal with a wide range of unhealthy emotions and stress, helping you grow and thrive in an uncertain world.scroll up and click the button to buy now and get started on your journey to becoming more confident, self-aware and stress-free individual today!Book 4Cognitive Behavioral TherapyDo you feel depression, fear, or anxiety?do you have nightmares, flashbacks, panic attacks, or intrusive thoughts?Is your worldview distorted and causing you to be angry all the time?don’t worry, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Using CBT to Battle Anxiety, Depression, and Intrusive Thoughts will help you to start reframing those negative thought patterns and begin battling the cognitive distortions that make you unhappy. You will be exposed to techniques and activities that help reshape your life to more closely match your core beliefs. no matter if you are an aspiring therapist, someone who is looking for a therapist, or just curious about psychotherapy techniques, this book is for you. . within you will find the tools and essentials to either begin practicing or gain information about the various aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy. this book will help you take the next step to understand why you act the way you do, how to improve those thoughts, and to stay positive about your life, mistakes, and worries so that you avoid negative situations and cognitive distortions.

  • - Includes 3 Manuscripts Cognitive Behavioral Therapy+ Emotional Intelligence at work+ Emotional Intelligence
    af Lawrence Franz
    228,95 kr.

  • - Descubre el secreto para hacer galletas y bocadillos cetogenicos bajos en carbohidratos y con un sabor increible
    af Amy Moore
    153,95 kr.

  • - Entdecken Sie das Geheimnis der Herstellung von Low Carb ketogenen Keksen und Snacks, die fantastisch schmecken
    af Amy Moore
    153,95 kr.

  • - How to Manage Type 2 Diabetes Through the Keto Diet Plus Healthy, Delicious, and Easy Recipes!
    af Amy Moore
    228,95 kr.

    Are you a Type 2 Diabetic looking for something other than medicine to completely reverse your condition? Do you wish there were some way to make Type 2 Diabetes vanish from your life?When it comes to your health, there's no magic pill that you can take to reset your body. There's no easy cure that fixes everything - but there is a vast wealth of proven knowledge that's worked for millions of people already. You see, Type 2 Diabetes is a product of an advanced age where we are exposed to too much processed food, and forced to work jobs that we drive to, that promotes a sedentary lifestyle.In other words, Type 2 Diabetes is not your fault, it's a result of a broken system of genuine health care, where we are aware of what we eat and how we move. But the good news is that you can break out of this cycle with a little awareness of what's going on in your body, and some tools to help shape your future - and your body.In Keto Diet for Type 2 Diabetes, we will show you how it happened, what's going on, and how to fix it. While the science is simple, there are also some quick hacks you can make to change your diet, which will change your body into burning your fat, which will also increase your lean muscle.Inside, you're going to find:Type 2 Diabetes and Keto Diet Explained Simply (the Science Behind It)Delicious Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack Recipes such as:Turkey Meatloaf Muffins, Gingerbread Crème Brulee, Oven Baked Brie Loads Of Delicious, Healthy, Simple Foods Waiting to Heal You!True Support For Beginner to Advanced Ketogenic Diet EatersWhile we don't claim it's super easy or that it will work overnight, we can say that this is the most legitimate way to permanently manage and kick T2D, all while getting slimmer, stronger, and having a broader range of motion. If you're serious about getting better, you have to scroll back up and click Buy Now.This book does not dispense medical advice. Always consult your doctor before beginning any new diet or exercise regiment.

  • - Guia Completa de Habitos Saludables que: Le ayudaran a dormir bien y calmar la mente naturalmente con practicas sanadoras de respiracion y relajacion para vencer la negatividad, la ansiedad, la ira y los traumas.
    af Daniel Patterson
    228,95 kr.

  • af Kelly Curtiss
    118,95 kr.

  • - Entdecke die Geheimnisse der unglaublich kohlenhydratarmen Fischgerichte fur deine Keto Lebensart
    af Amy Moore
    153,95 kr.

    Langweilt Sie Ihre Ketogene Diät?Geraten Sie in Versuchung, aufzugeben oder zu mogeln?Einer der Hauptgründe, warum wir bei unserer Keto-Diät schummeln wollen, ist Eintönigkeit. Es ist langweilig, immer wieder dieselben Mahlzeiten zu essen, und diese Langeweile verführt uns zu Cheat Meals und Ausrutschern, welche den Stoffwechsel unterbrechen. Wenn Sie eine kleine Pause von den gewohnten Mahlzeiten benötigen, dann sind neue Rezepte genau das, was Sie brauchen. Während eine ketogene Diät einerseits einschränkend sein kann, können Sie sich jedoch auch gleichermaßen so viele herzhafte, köstliche Speisen gönnen, wie Sie wollen! Sie müssen sich nie wieder durch eine magere Hühnerbrust in nativem Olivenöl durchquälen, denn es gibt tonnenweise Meeresfrüchte, welche Sie vielleicht in ihrer strebsamen Suche nach kohlenhydratarmen Mahlzeiten übersehen haben.Amy Moore erinnert sich gerne an ihre geliebten Reisen nach Griechenland und Italien, und nicht zu vergessen die frischen Fischgerichte, die dort im Abendlicht dampften. Diese Erinnerungen waren die treibende Kraft während ihrer Zusammenstellung der ketogenen Meeresfrucht- und Fischrezepten – eine neue Sammlung von köstlichen, kohlenhydratarmen Rezepten, deren Zubereitung erstaunlich einfach ist. In diesem Buch finden Sie Rezepte für folgenden Mahlzeiten:Mahi-Mahi mit beurre blanc,Würziger Thunfisch und Gurkenrollen,Geschwärzte Tilapia Tacos,Heilbutt-Ceviche,Manhattan Clam Chowder,Hummer Cobb Salat,Shirataki Garnelen Pad ThaiPLUS: Die beste Auswahl von Fischgerichten für die Keto-Diät, und noch vieles mehr!Geben Sie Ihrer Keto-Diät mit diesen neuen, üppigen Fisch- und Meeresfrucht-Rezepten neuen Auftrieb. Scrollen Sie wieder hoch, und klicken Sie auf „Jetzt kaufen“, um eintönige Mahlzeiten aus Ihrem Leben zu verbannen! 

  • - Descubre los secretos de los usos sorprendentes e inesperados de la dieta cetogenica, ademas de recetas veganas, esenciales para empezar
    af Amy Moore
    153,95 kr.

  • - Logre Salud, Riqueza, Fortaleza Mental y Productividad Cambiando sus Habitos
    af Daniel Patterson
    228,95 kr.

  • - Discover the Secrets to Amazing and Unexpected Uses for the Ketogenic Diet Plus Vegan Recipes and Essential Techniques to Get You Started
    af Amy Moore
    153,95 kr.

    The key to unlocking the amazing secrets of this winning combinationHow to understand both the Vegan and Ketogenic diets, and discover their secrets for living a healthier lifestyle.We all know how confusing the food industry of today can be.With all the trends and social media hype, the 16-year-old prodigies who “know everything” there is to know, and all this big pharma hype around what sugar’s most recent name is, what’s actually healthy for you, and whether or not the FDA even cares?There is a lot to keep track of, and sometimes it’s hard to know what’s actually worth your time, and what’s not.This aside, we can know one thing is for sure: the winning combination of the Vegan-Keto diet is certainly going to put you on an amazing path towards a much healthier lifestyle.The Vegan diet and the Keto diet are unique diets that involve a specific set of rules, but when followed and properly applied are two of the most effective diets out there. But before jumping into it, there are some things you need to know.For example, did you know there were four different branches of the Ketogenic diet?The Standard Ketogenic Diet (SKD)The Targeted Ketogenic Diet (TKD)The Cyclic Ketogenic Diet (CKD)The Restricted Ketogenic DietAs there are many different types of veganism, as well:Dietary vegansJunk food vegansRaw food vegansRaw food, low-fat vegans Whole-food vegansRight, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Knowing what exactly each diet is and how they work is also very important. As well as properly understanding what this pursuit of a healthier lifestyle means to YOU.Good news is, you’ve come to the right place to make sense of all this. In The Vegan-Keto Diet Meal Plan you’ll discover:The magic behind a Diet that treats major physical and mental diseases including epilepsy  Expert guidance on the Vegan and Keto Diet regimens to avoid the most common trapsWhich type of Keto Diet you have to follow if you need more carbs but still want all the benefitsA green diet that goes far beyond animal protection How to avoid the annoying struggles every vegan who wants to go Keto has Why even meat lovers will fall in love with this dietHow one white vegetable can get you in perfect shape and prevent you from cancer (hint: it’s not kohlrabi)Science-based health benefits of going Keto-Vegan even if you’ve never tried either before And much more.As a free bonus, you’ll be provided some absolutely delicious and easily prepared Keto-Vegan Recipes. This way you’ll be able to jump right into applying all your new knowledge without worrying about your groceries.Enough with all these ‘21 day fat burning detoxes’ and 7-day‘ flab to fab’ hoaxes that just simply cause the yo-yo effect.With the Keto Vegan diet, you are choosing to set yourself up for a lifetime of positive and healthy choices. Choices that will leave you with one highly functional and extremely energized body, ready to conquer whatever life throws your way.Scroll up and click the ‘Add to Cart’ button if you want to discover the true secrets to becoming the healthiest version of yourself possible. 

  • - 2 Manuscripts: Anti-Inflammatory Recipes and Leptin Mediterranean Diet
    af Emily Simmons
    273,95 kr.

    Book 1: Anti-Inflammatory RecipesWe all need to be healthy to enjoy our lives, yet today more and more people are suffering needlessly from a lack of energy and from chronic ailments such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes and more. And the incidence of such diseases is growing every year.Well, you can reverse the trend, because in this book you'll find an easy to understand outline of what inflammation in our bodies is, why it's often a bad thing, what foods you can eat to prevent it, what foods to eliminate to avoid it, as well as nearly 50 original recipes. This book will help start you off on your road to inflammation-free health. You'll find recipes for breakfast dishes to use when you're in a hurry, luscious fresh salads, meal-in-one soups, hearty dinners, and even some sweet treats to end off with.Book 2: Leptin Mediterranean DietA leptin Mediterranean diet exploration over 50 enticing recipes to energize your day and excite your palate by For all those who want to lose weight and live healthy, following Leptin rich Mediterranean diet is your one-stop solution. This book tries to introduce you to an unorthodox way of healthy living. If you are following the recipes of the book, you will know that you do not need to monitor how much you eat but instead focus on what exactly you are eating. Summary of A leptin Mediterranean diet exploration over 50 enticing recipes to energize your day and excite your palateThis book is composed of nutritious and healthy recipes that are a key to a vigorous lifestyle. By reading this book, you will learn to know about the nutritive value of the foods that we consume daily. This will help you gain control over your eating habits and on your weight program overall. Leptin is a very necessary hormone that is your primary step in the world of losing weight. You should grab this book, if you want to get rid of those excessive pounds. There are many healthy and tasty recipes mentioned here that can become part of your meals. What is unique about the recipes is that, you can feast on them and even share it with your guests. If prepared [properly it would be a meal fit for royalty. If you stick to the recipes mentioned on the book you are bound to get rid of unnecessary food cravings. So, what are you waiting for? Download The Top Diet Meal Plan 2 books in 1:today so that you'll never be short of ideas for a quick and healthy meal.

  • - bedtime books for kids
    af Kelly Curtiss
    198,95 kr.

    Children love learning and there are some things that they have to learn as they grow up, whether it's learning to read, ride a bike, swim, or so much more. However, children also get sick sometimes and aren't happy that a cough or cold prevents them from doing what they enjoy. Baby Dragon Has A Cold is a wonderful bedtime story for young children, in which they learn how even animals sometimes become ill and have to wait until they get better before they can have fun again. This rhyming story is accompanied by delightful color illustrations throughout the book that are sure to thrill young readers. Baby Dragon is learning how to shoot fire with his father and older brother, until a cold spoils his plans. Children will identify with Baby Dragon as he learns that he has to take time away from favorite activities, so that he is well enough again to practice what he needs to master in order to grow up. Parents and teachers can also employ Baby Dragon Has A Cold to teach children about the need to look after their bodies, so that they can do the things that they enjoy and become healthy adults. This is a book for bedtime reading with younger children, but older children will also enjoy reading Baby Dragon Has A Cold on their own.

  • - Como Desabarrotar Tu Hogar Mas Minimalismo, Menos Libros
    af Marie Scott
    153,95 kr.

    Llega un día cuando miras a tu alrededor en tu casa y te preguntas: "¿Cómo llegaron todas estas cosas aquí?" Si ese día ya ha llegado para ti, entonces sigue leyendo.Si las cosas se han apoderado de tu hogar, te sientes abarrotado, malhumorado y frustrado. Ninguna de las cosas que invaden tu espacio vital (con tu colaboración voluntaria) te hace feliz. Pero estás paralizado. ¡No tienes ni idea de por dónde empezar! La enormidad de la tarea te detiene, por lo que dejas de lado tus preocupaciones y sigues avanzando.Pero hay una mejor manera de vivir.

  • af Leela Hope
    163,95 kr.

    Show your children that they are special in their own little way.Pam's brothers can all do a special trick. But when she tries to do tricks to be special, she can't quite get it. Will she learn how to be special?Perfect for early readers, this children's storybook teaches your children: That they are unique That they are special by being themselves To be encouraging Pam the Puppy Learns How to be Special is a wonderful bedtime story for all ages that's told through rhyming verses and colorful illustrations. This storybook helps you develop your child's reading skills in a fun and exciting adventure.

  • - The Complete Guide to Using CBT to Battle Anxiety, Depression and Regaining Control over Anger, Panic, and Worry.
    af Daniel Patterson
    258,95 kr.

    Do You Struggle With Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry But You Don't Want to Turn to Dangerous Medications? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a proven form of psychotherapy recommended by psychiatrists as a first-line of treatment. It's used to manage depression, anxiety, worry, and other common mentalhealth issues.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy delivers this powerful tool for regaining control of your mind, and your emotions, by teaching the most essential parts of cognitive behavioral therapy and applying them to your life.Written by licensed psychologist and bestselling author Seth Gillihan, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple replaces workbook pages and technical language with quick and highly accessible cognitive behavioral therapy strategies that can be used on an as-needed basis.Presented in language that you can understand, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will help you: Types of Problems CBT Can Solve, and How to Solve Them! Full Access to the CBT Method, Including: Cognitive, and Behavior Tools, As Well As Exercises You Can Use Right Now! Organized Sections So You Can Unlock CBT, and Help With Your: Panic, Depression, ADHD, OCD, GAD, Bulimia/Anorexia, Anxiety, Phobias, and Bad Habits If you're ready to harness the time-tested power of CBT, this book is a vital resource that will change your life if you put in the small amount of work it calls for. When you're ready to take this big step toward a healthy mind, and body, scroll back up and buy it now!

  • af Leela Hope
    198,95 kr.

    Teach your child the importance of sharing.Penny loves playing with her toys in her backyard, but one day, her toys start to disappear and that makes her cross. Will Penny solve the mystery of the missing toys?Perfect for early readers, this children's storybook teaches your children: To share To be understanding To make others happy Penny's Missing Toy Mystery is a wonderful bedtime story for all ages and is told through rhyming verses and colorful illustrations. This storybook helps your child develop their reading skills in a fun and exciting adventure.

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