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Bøger udgivet af Hertfordshire Press

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  • af Gulsifat Shakhidi
    227,95 kr.

    Why was Ozar's Father called Akhriman? Perhaps only God knows the extent of his devilish demeanour. Telling the story of three generations of one family in Tajikistan, with her book Akhriman-Lord of Darkness, Gulsifat Shahidi describes the reality and hardships that being a woman can entail. This is when the head of the household, who should be your protector, is ultimately your greatest threat.Akhriman (meaning Evil Spirit in early Iranian religious texts) weaves a web of fear and lies, which consequently leads to tragedy. His son Ozar describes the family members that had the biggest impact on his life, including his beloved sister Nilufar and forges a way forward to a brighter and more optimistic future where women do not see suicide as their only way of escape. The Lords of Darkness will no longer dim the brilliance of such strong and vivacious Women when truths and stories are brought to light.

  • af Elena Soboleva
    268,95 kr.

    This book, graphically, emotionally and frankly tells the story and more than answers my questions. It is a story of a battle to overcome issues that would have broken most people. It is the story of dealing with so called medical professionals more interested in their own worth than their patients and it is the story of relationships and a broken society. Elena has the words and descriptions to engage the reader to side with her, cry with her and will her to overcome her hurdles. At times she tells of an ongoing nightmare which you feel you are part of and want to shout at the characters and at other times she is catches you up in the tenderness of relationships and memories, like an entwined fishing net. The book is an inspiration to humanity and I am grateful for her courage in writing it.- Gareth StampChairman of the Eurasian Creative Guild

  • af Marina Shkrobova-Vernalis
    243,95 kr.

    The book reveals the multifaceted soul of the poet and artist Marina Shkrobovoy-Vernalis. The author is a philosopher who looks at the magic sphere of life through the prism of poetry and painting! Hence the interest in various subjects in painting: landscapes, still lifes, flower compositions and portraits, written exclusively with love from the heart.The deep interrelationship of meanings and images is interesting: in the image, the wisdom of loneliness lives in an autumn alley, the soul-insomnia is embodied in the image of a young goddess, and in portraits, even the color of the background hides a mystery!Spiritual height lives here! And the author addresses everyone as a soul that he knows and feels for a long time as a relative!This is a unique conversation with subjects who are ready to recognize themselves and reflect the beauty of their thoughts to the world!"I have long been fascinated by Marina Shkrobova-Vernalis' poetry. Her poems have colour, melody, sound, taste and smell - and it's all heavenly. The subtlety and wisdom of her poems is mesmerising, the images in them are like beautiful jewellery. Her poetry embraces the beauty of thought and feeling, and when she reads her poems herself, it seems to me that they become living beings and manifestations of her many faces. All Marina's poetry is filled with love for people and faith in the living heavens".- Shalva AmonashviliGeorgian educator and psychologist

    640,95 kr.

    This almanac was being rightfully dedicated to the two hundred and twentieth fifth (225th) anniversary of that giant of Russian letters Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837). A man who towered over his contemporaries through the undeniable lyricism of his poetry, the subtle psychology of his novels and the intense dramatics of his ingeniously crafted plays. Furthermore, an author whose origins amid the Golden Age of Romanticism continue to overshadow my own contemporary corpus, due to Pushkin's intertwining of vocabularies surrounding 'prejudice' and 'mercy'. Taken together, twin motifs, which have come to encompass so much of Global Text on a number of levels. Indeed, Pushkin's monumental influence on fellow titans such as Henry James (1843-1916), as well as Sir Peter Shaffer (1926-2016) are still matters of ongoing debate amongst modern scholars. All meaning, I hope the unrepentant atavism of my six experimental poems in this collection pay an obvious homage to Eugene Onegin, not to mention the enduring inspiration offered by Pushkin's unique penmanship! - David William ParryBute (Scotland) 2023

    243,95 kr.

    V etom godu otmechayetsya 195-letiye velikogo rossiyskogo pisatelya, klassika mirovoy literatury, L'va Nikolayevicha Tolstogo. Yego vklad v razvitiye mirovoy literatury prosto neotsenim i my rady posvyatit' sed'moy tom literaturnogo sbornika "Nit'" etomu velikomu tvortsu, oznamenovavshim novyy etap v istorii literatury. Pomnit' istoriyu i sledovat' traditsiyam, no v to zhe vremya privnosit' novoye i sovremennoye - imenno tak sozdayetsya sbornik maloy prozy "Nit'". Takzhe khochetsya otmetit' drugoye sobytiye - v 2023 godu ECG (London) otmechayet svoyu sed'muyu godovshchinu. My uzhe ne prosto mezhdunarodnoye kreativnoye soobshchestvo, gde tvorcheskiye lyudi so vsego mira ob"yedinyayutsya i tvoryat vmeste. My po-nastoyashchemu stali bol'shoy i druzhnoy sem'yey. S blagodarnost'yu vsem, kto ostayetsya s nami, ECG (London) i izdatel'stvo Hertfordshire Press (Velikobritaniya) predstavlyayut svoim chitatelyam sed'moy tom legendarnogo literaturnogo sbornika "Nit'". Etot al'manakh kak nichto luchshe otrazhayet kak svyaz' pokoleniy, tak i osobennosti kul'tur i traditsiy narodov Yevrazii. Nadeyemsya etot sbornik ostavit osobyy sled v dushe kazhdogo chitatelya.This year marks the 195th anniversary of the great Russian writer, classic of world literature, Leo Tolstoy. His contribution to the development of world literature is simply invaluable, and we are pleased to dedicate the seventh volume of the literary collection "Thread" to this great creator, who marked a new stage in the history of literature. To remember history and follow traditions, but at the same time to bring something new and modern - this is how the collection of short prose "Thread" is created.I would also like to note another event - in 2023 ECG (London) celebrates its seventh anniversary. We are no longer just an international creative community where creative people from all over the world come together and create together. We have truly become a big and friendly family.With gratitude to everyone who remains with us, ECG (London) and Hertfordshire Press (UK) present to their readers the seventh volume of the legendary literary collection "Thread". This almanac, like nothing better, reflects both the connection between generations and the characteristics of the cultures and traditions of the peoples of Eurasia. We hope this collection will leave a special mark in the soul of every reader.

    478,95 kr.

    This poetry collection is a unique international collaboration, created by the Eurasian Creative Guild (London). It's an almanac of poems from many countries in different languages taking you through the year, showcasing both favourite classics and new work from living poets. Poets from all over Eurasia were invited to submit their own work, and readers could submit their own choice of classic poets. Each poem is a gift, from one country to another, one friend to another, a joint mixtape of poetry. The second volume is not only about poetry but about the high aesthetic of culture and includes both poems and artworks. On these pages readers explore an amazing world of colourful masterpieces of classics as well as fresh and juicy compositions of modern artists.The result is a very special collection that underlines the power of poetry and art to build bonds of friendship between people and nations.

  • af Mikhail Kunitskiy
    318,95 kr.

    The Yarn is a bouncy little ball of curiosity who enjoys rolling around his owner's floor. However, something was bothering the little Yarn, everyone around him has a 'name', his cat friend 'Purr', his owner 'Tosha', all of them have names, identities. The Yarn felt that if he stayed in the cramped drawer of the equally cramped room he resided in, he would never be able to explore the outside world and discover who he really is, who knows, maybe he's no different from the 'Sun' outside his window, bright, happy and brave enough to help his friends in need.

  • af Shkrobova - Vernalis Marina
    223,95 kr.

  • af Dulat Dulat Issabekov
    168,95 kr.

  • af Dulat Issabekov
    198,95 kr.

  • af Andrey Grodzinskiy
    183,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Kazarnovsky
    183,95 kr.

  • af V. V Kozlov
    223,95 kr.

  • af Nina Yagolnitser
    248,95 kr.

  • af Sergey Bely
    178,95 - 253,95 kr.

    243,95 kr.

    ╨ö╨░╨╜╨╜╨╛╨╡ ╨╕╨╖╨┤╨░╨╜╨╕╨╡ - ╨┐╤Å╤é╨╛╨╡ ╨▓ ╤ü╨╡╤Ç╨╕╨╕ ╨ò╨▓╤Ç╨╛╨┐╨╡╨╣╤ü╨║╨╕╤à ╨╗╨╕╤é╨╡╤Ç╨░╤é╤â╤Ç╨╜╤ï╤à ╤ü╨▒╨╛╤Ç╨╜╨╕╨║╨╛╨▓ ╨¥╨╕╤é╤î.╨ù╨░ ╨▓╤Ç╨╡╨╝╤Å ╤ü╨▓╨╛╨╡╨│╨╛ ╤ü╤â╤ë╨╡╤ü╤é╨▓╨╛╨▓╨░╨╜╨╕╤Å ╤ü╨▒╨╛╤Ç╨╜╨╕╨║ ╨╛╨▒╤è╨╡╨┤╨╕╨╜╨╕╨╗ ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨╕╨╖╨▓╨╡╨┤╨╡╨╜╨╕╤Å ╤ü╨╡╨╝╨╕╨┤╨╡╤ü╤Å╤é╨╕ ╨┤╨╡╨▓╤Å╤é╨╕ ╨░╨▓╤é╨╛╤Ç╨╛╨▓ ╨╕╨╖ ╨┤╨╡╨▓╤Å╤é╨╜╨░╨┤╤å╨░╤é╨╕ ╤ü╤é╤Ç╨░╨╜ ╨▓╨╛╨╖╤Ç╨░╤ü╤é╨╛╨╝ ╨╛╤é 12 ╨┤╨╛ 94 ╨╗╨╡╤é. ╨É╨▓╤é╨╛╤Ç╤ï ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨╡╨║╤é╨░ ╨▓╤ï╤Ç╨░╨╢╨░╤Ä╤é ╨╜╨░╨┤╨╡╨╢╨┤╤â, ╤ç╤é╨╛ ╤ü╨▒╨╛╤Ç╨╜╨╕╨║ ╨┐╨╡╤Ç╨╡╨┤╨░╨╡╤é ╨╡╨┤╨╕╨╜╤ï╨╣ ╨┤╤â╤à ╨╜╨░╤Ç╨╛╨┤╨╛╨▓ ╨ò╨▓╤Ç╨░╨╖╨╕╨╕ ╨╕ ╨▓╨╜╨╛╤ü╨╕╤é ╨▓╨║╨╗╨░╨┤ ╨▓ ╨║╤â╨╗╤î╤é╤â╤Ç╨╜╨╛╨╡ ╨▓╨╖╨░╨╕╨╝╨╛╨╛╨▒╨╛╨│╨░╤ë╨╡╨╜╨╕╨╡ ╨╗╨╕╤é╨╡╤Ç╨░╤é╨╛╤Ç╨╛╨▓ ╨╕ ╤ä╨╛╤Ç╨╝╨╕╤Ç╤â╨╡╤é ╤â╨▓╨░╨╢╨╡╨╜╨╕╨╡ ╨║ ╨╕╤ü╤é╨╛╤Ç╨╕╨╕ ╨╕ ╨╜╨░╤ü╤é╨╛╤Å╤ë╨╡╨╝╤â ╨┤╤Ç╤â╨│╨╕╤à ╤ü╤é╤Ç╨░╨╜, ╤ü╨▓╤Å╨╖╤ï╨▓╨░╨╡╤é ╨╝╤ï╤ü╨╗╨╕ ╨╕ ╤ç╤â╨▓╤ü╤é╨▓╨░ ╤Ç╨░╨╖╨╜╤ï╤à ╨┐╨╛╨║╨╛╨╗╨╡╨╜╨╕╨╣. ╨Æ ╤ì╤é╨╛╨╝ ╨│╨╛╨┤╤â ╨╝╨╜╨╛╨│╨╕╨╡ ╨┐╨╛╨▒╨╡╨┤╨╕╤é╨╡╨╗╨╕ ╨╕ ╤ä╨╕╨╜╨░╨╗╨╕╤ü╤é╤ï ╨╝╨╡╨╢╨┤╤â╨╜╨░╤Ç╨╛╨┤╨╜╨╛╨│╨╛ ╨╗╨╕╤é╨╡╤Ç╨░╤é╤â╤Ç╨╜╨╛╨│╨╛ ╨║╨╛╨╜╨║╤â╤Ç╤ü╨░ ╨₧╤é╨║╤Ç╤ï╤é╨░╤Å ╨ò╨▓╤Ç╨░╨╖╨╕╤Å, ╨╡╨╢╨╡╨│╨╛╨┤╨╜╨╛ ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨▓╨╛╨┤╨╕╨╝╨╛╨│╨╛ ╨ò╨▓╤Ç╨░╨╖╨╕╨╣╤ü╨║╨╛╨╣ ╤é╨▓╨╛╤Ç╤ç╨╡╤ü╨║╨╛╨╣ ╨│╨╕╨╗╤î╨┤╨╕╨╡╨╣, ╤Ç╨╡╤ê╨╕╨╗╨╕ ╨▓╨╛╤ü╨┐╨╛╨╗╤î╨╖╨╛╨▓╨░╤é╤î╤ü╤Å ╨▓╨╛╨╖╨╝╨╛╨╢╨╜╨╛╤ü╤é╤î╤Ä ╨╜╨░╨╣╤é╨╕ ╨┐╤â╤é╤î ╨║ ╤ü╨▓╨╛╨╡╨╝╤â ╤ç╨╕╤é╨░╤é╨╡╨╗╤Ä ╤ç╨╡╤Ç╨╡╨╖ ╤ì╤é╨╛╤é ╤ü╨▒╨╛╤Ç╨╜╨╕╨║. ╨Ü╤Ç╨╛╨╝╨╡ ╤é╨╛╨│╨╛, ╨▓╤ü╨╡ ╨░╨▓╤é╨╛╤Ç╤ï - ╤ç╨╗╨╡╨╜╤ï ╨ô╨╕╨╗╤î╨┤╨╕╨╕, ╨░╨║╤é╨╕╨▓╨╜╤ï╨╡ ╤â╤ç╨░╤ü╤é╨╜╨╕╨║╨╕ ╨╡╨╡ ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨╡╨║╤é╨╛╨▓ ╨╕ ╤ü╨╛╨▓╨╡╤é╨╛╨▓, ╨╕, ╨╜╨╡╤ü╨╛╨╝╨╜╨╡╨╜╨╜╨╛, ╨╖╨░╨╝╨╡╤ç╨░╤é╨╡╨╗╤î╨╜╤ï╨╡ ╨╝╨░╤ü╤é╨╡╤Ç╨░ ╤à╤â╨┤╨╛╨╢╨╡╤ü╤é╨▓╨╡╨╜╨╜╨╛╨│╨╛ ╤ü╨╗╨╛╨▓╨░.╨¥╨╡╤ü╨║╨╛╨╗╤î╨║╨╛ ╨╛╤ü╨╜╨╛╨▓╨╜╤ï╤à ╤ü╨╡╤Ç╨╕╨╣ ╤Ç╨░╨▒╨╛╤é, ╨┐╤Ç╨╡╨┤╤ü╤é╨░╨▓╨╗╨╡╨╜╨╜╤ï╤à ╤Ç╨░╨╖╨╜╤ï╨╝╨╕ ╨░╨▓╤é╨╛╤Ç╨░╨╝╨╕, ╨╖╨░╨┤╨░╨╗╨╕ ╨╜╨░╤ü╤é╤Ç╨╛╨╡╨╜╨╕╨╡ ╤ì╤é╨╛╨╣ ╨║╨╜╨╕╨│╨╡:╤à╤â╨┤╨╛╨╢╨╡╤ü╤é╨▓╨╡╨╜╨╜╤ï╨╡ ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨╕╨╖╨▓╨╡╨┤╨╡╨╜╨╕╤Å ╨╛ ╨╢╨╕╨╖╨╜╨╕, ╤ü╤â╨┤╤î╨▒╨╡ ╨╕ ╤ç╤â╨▓╤ü╤é╨▓╨░╤à ╨║╨╛╨╜╨║╤Ç╨╡╤é╨╜╤ï╤à ╨╕╤ü╤é╨╛╤Ç╨╕╤ç╨╡╤ü╨║╨╕╤à ╨╗╨╕╤ç╨╜╨╛╤ü╤é╨╡╨╣;╨╕╤ü╤é╨╛╤Ç╨╕╨╕ ╨╛ ╤ü╨╡╨╝╤î╤Å╤à ╨╜╨░╤ê╨╕╤à ╨░╨▓╤é╨╛╤Ç╨╛╨▓, ╨║╨╛╤é╨╛╤Ç╤ï╨╡ ╤â╨╢╨╡ ╤à╨╛╤Ç╨╛╤ê╨╛ ╨╖╨╜╨░╨║╨╛╨╝╤ï ╨╜╨░╤ê╨╕╨╝ ╨┐╨╛╤ü╤é╨╛╤Å╨╜╨╜╤ï╨╝ ╤ç╨╕╤é╨░╤é╨╡╨╗╤Å╨╝;╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨╕╨╖╨▓╨╡╨┤╨╡╨╜╨╕╤Å ╨▓ ╤ü╤é╨╕╨╗╨╡ ╤ä╤ì╨╜╤é╨╡╨╖╨╕, ╨│╨┤╨╡ ╨░╨▓╤é╨╛╤Ç╨░╨╝╨╕ ╨▓╤ï╤Ç╨░╨╢╨░╨╡╤é╤ü╤Å ╤ü╨▓╨╛╨╣ ╨▓╨╖╨│╨╗╤Å╨┤ ╨╜╨░ ╨╜╤Ç╨░╨▓╤ü╤é╨▓╨╡╨╜╨╜╤ï╨╡ ╤å╨╡╨╜╨╜╨╛╤ü╤é╨╕, ╤ü╨╛╨▓╤Ç╨╡╨╝╨╡╨╜╨╜╨╛╨╡ ╨╛╨▒╤ë╨╡╤ü╤é╨▓╨╛ ╨╕ ╨┐╤Ç╨╛╨▒╨╗╨╡╨╝╤ï ╨╜╨░╤ê╨╡╨╣ ╤å╨╕╨▓╨╕╨╗╨╕╨╖╨░╤å╨╕╨╕;╤Ç╨░╤ü╤ü╨║╨░╨╖╤ï ╨╛ ╨▒╤Ç╨░╤é╤î╤Å╤à ╨╜╨░╤ê╨╕╤à ╨╝╨╡╨╜╤î╤ê╨╕╤à, ╨╛ ╤é╨╛╨╝, ╨║╨░╨║ ╨╕╤à ╤ç╤â╨▓╤ü╤é╨▓╨░, ╨╗╨╕╤ç╨╜╤ï╨╡ ╨║╨░╤ç╨╡╤ü╤é╨▓╨░, ╤å╨╡╨╜╨╜╨╛╤ü╤é╨╕ ╨┐╨╡╤Ç╨╡╨║╨╗╨╕╨║╨░╤Ä╤é╤ü╤Å ╤ü ╨╜╨░╤ê╨╕╨╝╨╕, ╤ç╨╡╨╗╨╛╨▓╨╡╤ç╨╡╤ü╨║╨╕╨╝╨╕, ╨░ ╨┐╨╛╤Ç╨╛╨╣ ╨╕ ╨┤╨░╨╢╨╡ ╨╗╤â╤ç╤ê╨╡ ╨╕╤à.╨¥╨░╨┤╨╡╨╡╨╝╤ü╤Å, ╤ç╤é╨╛ ╤Ç╨░╤ü╤ü╨║╨░╨╖╤ï ╨╕ ╨╛╤é╤Ç╤ï╨▓╨║╨╕ ╨╕╨╖ ╨║╨╜╨╕╨│ ╨╜╨░╤ê╨╕╤à ╨┐╤Ç╨╡╨║╤Ç╨░╤ü╨╜╤ï╤à ╨░╨▓╤é╨╛╤Ç╨╛╨▓ ╨▓╤ï╨╖╨╛╨▓╤â╤é ╨╕╨╜╤é╨╡╤Ç╨╡╤ü ╤â ╤ç╨╕╤é╨░╤é╨╡╨╗╨╡╨╣, ╨║╨╛╤é╨╛╤Ç╤ï╨╡ ╨╛╨▒╤Å╨╖╨░╤é╨╡╨╗╤î╨╜╨╛ ╨╖╨░╤à╨╛╤é╤Å╤é ╨┐╨╛╨╖╨╜╨░╨║╨╛╨╝╨╕╤é╤î╤ü╤Å ╤ü ╤é╨▓╨╛╤Ç╤ç╨╡╤ü╤é╨▓╨╛╨╝ ╤ì╤é╨╕╤à ╨┐╨╕╤ü╨░╤é╨╡╨╗╨╡╨╣ ╨┐╨╛╨▒╨╗╨╕╨╢╨╡.

  • af Bubaisha Arstynbekova
    343,95 kr.

  • af Mikhail Kunitskiy
    398,95 kr.

  • af Gulsifat Shakhidi
    219,94 kr.

  • - Eurasian Literary collection Thread( NIT )
    188,95 kr.

  • af Bayangali Alimzhanov
    302,95 kr.

  • af Abu - Sufyan
    183,95 kr.

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