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    318,95 kr.

    would not be writing this now, if it weren't for the gentle nudging of Ken Warren andFaye Calhoun, encouraging me to finish what I started almost 30 years ago. Faye - Charley hadto take away some paint cans and brushes...someone else will have to paint the Sistine Chapel,but the dang door is finally painted! Thank you for seeing my potential, and for encouraging meand keeping after me all these years. And if not for TK Li, I would never have been engaged inhelping people with prenatal alcohol exposure. He and Tatiana organized a meeting of a few keyfetal alcohol syndrome investigators at Indiana back in 2002. TK had to "encourage" some ofthem to share their data ahead of time, to demonstrate the power of pooling data, and theCollaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (CIFASD) was born. Then despiteTatiana's objections to TK that she knew nothing about 3D cameras, the next thing I knew, I wastaking 3D images of kids as part of CIFASD, meeting them in person, interacting with them, andseeing their struggles. The desire to help these kids was born, and I hope to be able to continuewith this work for many years to come. TK has been a mentor to me for the small things as well("what do all those digits in your p-value really tell you?"). He always asked me questions asthough I was an acclaimed statistician, and talked to me in the same way that he talked to aDepartment Chair or the University President. He is a perfect example of someone who gaverespect but also commanded it by simple virtue of his words and actions.There have been many people who sacrificed their time and resources to help me growacademically. I especially thank you David Kareken, for welcoming me into your lab as one ofyour own. You undertook the responsibility to personally teach me about imaging, methods, dataprocessing, data analyses, respecting participants, and being a thorough researcher overall.Despite Mario's help and enthusiasm, I didn't have the passion for that area of research (Iapologize), and while I miss the daily shots of hilarious Davidisms, I'm glad I still get to enjoythem once in a while through the ARC. There are many other people who given their time to helpme both personally and academically - Sean O'Connor, Marty Plawecki, Ben Boukai, ArpanaAgrawal, Danielle Dick, Jessica Salvatore... You have helped define me academically in additionto improving me as a person. I'm extremely grateful to you for caring about me.

  • af Kelda Earleen
    348,95 kr.

    Muscle dysmorphia (MD) is observed as a strong drive to increase muscularity anddecrease body fat, and appears to be based on beliefs regarding one's muscularity, regardlessof actual muscle size and definition. The current scientific literature on MD is inconclusiveon several vital questions regarding the characteristics, categorisation, and prevalence of MD.The overall purpose of the research was to investigate whether MD should be included as anew disorder in a classification system for mental disorders, and to improve the understandingand awareness of the rates and symptoms of MD, BDD, and eating disorders. Two studieswere designed in this project to address five of these questions.The first study aimed to: (a) examine inter-rater reliability of the proposed MD criteria, (b)investigate if MD represented a syndrome of co-occurring symptoms, and (c) investigate thecorrelation between the proposed MD criteria and the Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale(MASS) in a non-clinical population of adult male weight lifters in Australia. Adult males (N= 48) who were currently participating in weight lifting were assessed using the MASS and aone-on-one interview. Results of the assessments by two registered psychologists indicatedlow inter-rater reliability (¿ = .39; p ¿ .05). A Binomial test revealed that MD represented asyndrome of frequently co-occurring symptoms: there was a significant probability (> .70) ofa participant with one diagnostic symptom of MD (criteria B1 or C) to exhibit anothersymptom (criterion A) of the disorder. Point-biserial correlation indicated that the proposedMD criteria, excluding criterion B2, were significantly correlated with the total score of theMASS and its subscales, excluding Muscle Satisfaction.The second study aimed to: (a) determine the prevalence of, and factors contributing to,MD symptoms, body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) symptoms, and eating disorders symptoms;and (b) provide a comprehensive comparison of symptoms of MD, BDD, and eating disordersin a non-clinical population of adult male weight lifters in Australia. Adult males (N = 648,Mage = 29.5, SD = 10.1) who were currently participating in weight lifting completed an onlinesurvey consisting of the background questionnaire, the MASS, the Body DysmorphicDisorder Questionnaire, and the 26-item Eating Attitudes Test.

    318,95 kr.

    Posttraumatic social interactions are among the most robust predictors of posttraumaticstress disorder (PTSD) following trauma, but social interactions have been widelydefined and quantified in the literature. This study explored whether negative socialinteractions were more strongly associated with PTSD symptoms than positiveinteractions among adults recently exposed to a traumatic event, as well as factors thatmoderate these associations. Participants (N = 149) were assessed by the clinicianadministeredPTSD scale and completed self-reported measures of social interactions anddisclosure style. Only negative social interactions, specifically general societaldisapproval and disapproval from family and friends, emerged as significant predictorsof PTSD severity in a multiple regression analysis. Sex, trauma type, and dysfunctionaldisclosure style did not moderate relationships between negative social interactions andPTSD severity. Findings imply that negative social interactions may be more integral totrauma recovery than positive ones. Clinical implications are discussed.

    348,95 kr.

    The development of an Eating Disorder is a process that leaves many professionals,family members, friends, and sufferers perplexed. Typically emerging in late adolescence, Eating Disorders appear to stem from a multitude of risk factors in the childhood and adolescent years. But what exactly are the risk factors? When and how best should risk factors be addressed? The comprehensive Eating Disorder prevention program entitled Nourishing Self for Teens described herein, includes a substantial follow-up period, themes of media literacy, stress and trauma coping, interpersonal skills, body acceptance, and self-reflection. This book found that early intervention, especially around age 14 in the form of an interactive closed-group would likely be positively impactful in preventing Eating Disorders.

    348,95 kr.

    Australian teachers are required to implement reasonable adjustments toensure access to the curriculum for all students with disability, including those with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Students with DLD and their teachers are faced with significant challenges to achieving successful participation, access, and academic progress in the school context as language is the currency for learning and socialising. DLD is a common and persistent disorder, yet complex and hidden. Knowledge of DLD is an essential link in the knowledge chain necessary for teachers to implement appropriate adjustments. This project aims to understand what Australian teachers know about students with DLD using survey methodology. This research finds a mismatch between participants' self-rated and actual knowledge of DLD (n=262). Most participants also had difficulty interpreting students' presenting characteristics and selecting appropriate adjustments in classroom-based scenario tasks. Teacher years of experience, training exposure, and speech pathology support were positively associated with self-rated knowledge, but not identification accuracy.

  • af Jacob Michael
    338,95 kr.

    The purpose of this study was to analyse the Executive Summaries of assurance andadvisory reports submitted by Professional Service Firms (PSF) as evidence to the Australian 2018-2019 Royal Commission into the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. The 32 Word and PowerPoint documents in this dataset were reviews by PSFs of large corporations' financial controls, policies and procedures and are often relied on by regulators and stakeholders to ensure the integrity and reliability of financial institutions. Following CGA principles, a variety of research methods were employed to investigate this hard to access but influential discourse community, including genre analysis, multimodal analysis and interviews. Results indicated that the Executive Summaries are a pliable and hybrid genre, made up of mainly optional stages which are sequenced in a variety of patterns to meet the writers' surface and private purposes. Their writers collaborate with their clients to write the reports, although the tenor of the documents is impersonal and objective. Visual semiotics are used, particularly in the PowerPoint documents, howeverlanguage is the main meaning making resource. These results were taken as evidence of thevalue of CGA in helping to investigate the discursive practices of an opaque but essential professional community.

  • af Jacob Michael
    328,95 kr.

    Applying vector autoregression (VAR) techniques, this paper investigates the effects of monetary policy on financial stability in the United Sates, using monthly data for 1990-2014. Alternative indicators of monetary policy are used to assess the dynamic responses of a key set of financial stability variables. By building upon a disaggregation made in the literature, the financial stability transmission channels of monetary policy are also analysed.This study finds that the net effect of monetary policy on financial stability is rather small. Weak evidence is found for the hypothesis that monetary expansions contribute to financial vulnerabilities; or conversely, that monetary contractions reduce vulnerabilities. However, evidence is found that suggests monetary contractions deteriorate financial conditions as well. In addition, the effects of monetary policy on financial stability are found not to be uniform across transmission channels. In particular, little evidence was found for a financial instability channel in asset markets, while the shadow banking sector displayed the most significant evidence. Overall, these results lend support to a policy framework where monetary policy primarily targets price stability and macroprudential policies target financial stability

    338,95 kr.

    This Book aims to measure firm-level labour productivity and technical efficiency using differenttechniques such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). Itthen analyses the factors that drive firm technical efficiency or productivity, especially the interrelationshipbetween firm efficiency/productivity, corruption, government assistance, innovation,and gender. The study focuses on Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises(MSMEs), which are considered a lifeblood of economies. This thesis consists of three studiesthat make use of two different datasets of MSMEs. The first two studies use biennial survey dataof manufacturing MSMEs in Vietnam covering four waves between 2009 and 2015. This dataresulted from collaboration between Danish and Vietnamese agencies. The third study utilisesWorld Bank cross-country data for manufacturing MSMEs in Vietnam, Indonesia, and thePhilippines in 2009 and 2015.The first study investigates the inter-relationship between corruption, government assistance andfirm efficiency for MSMEs in Vietnam. The study treats corruption, government assistance, andfirm efficiency as endogenous variables in order to control for feedback effects between them.There exist only a small number of firm-level studies on corruption and firm efficiency. Inaddition, this study investigates the role played by government assistance in this relationship.Two contending hypotheses are tested in the analysis. The first suggests that corruption enhancesfirm efficiency by helping to "grease-the-wheels". Under this hypothesis corruption aidsefficiency by overcoming bureaucratic obstacles. The second hypothesis, referred to as "sandthe-wheels", suggests that corruption reduces efficiency. The study finds a strong nexus betweenfirm efficiency, bribery, and government assistance. The effect of bribing on firm efficiency issignificantly positive, supporting the "grease-the-wheels" hypothesis. The study also finds thatgovernment assistance is effective in improving firm efficiency

    318,95 kr.

    Over the past 20 years, there have been significant changes in Australia's approach to cybersecurity policy. While information security had been a concern for Defence and industryacross the late 20th century, the 2000 Defence White Paper was the first policy to addresscyber crime as an issue for national security. Since 2000, cyber capability has taken a leadingrole, with both offensive and defensive cyber capability at the forefront of Australia's longtermdefence planning.Drawing on an analysis of Australia's publicly available Federal Government policies, thisthesis argues that between 2000 and 2019 there has been a major shift in discourses aroundcyber security, from that of a policing framework, to a national security framework.Furthermore, this thesis argues that these discourses actively shape law enforcementresponses to cyber threats across both industry and government. This is demonstrated througha comparative analysis of two case studies, the Joint Banking and Finance SectorInvestigations Team of 2004 and the Joint Cyber Security Centre initiative of 2018.

    338,95 kr.

    Before the introduction of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders (DSM-5), published in 2013, the diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stressdisorder (PTSD) were under specific inquiry prior to its publication (American PsychiatricAssociation [APA], 2000; APA, 2013; van der Kolk, 2005). The current diagnosis of PTSD inthe DSM-5 addressed many of the concerns raised by the DSM-IV TR; still, problems remain,particularly in regard to the diagnosis for children and adolescents (APA, 2000; APA, 2013;Gold, Marx, Soler-Baillo, & Sloan, 2005; Kerig & Bennett, 2012; Pynoos et al., 2009;Scheeringa, Myers, Putnam & Zeanah, 2012). Specifically, many stressful childhood experiencesmay not qualify as traumatic in the DSM-5, and thus, erroneous diagnoses or under-diagnosismay result. Evidence-based trauma exposure measures are keyed to the DSM and may underidentifyevents that youth may consider traumatic; thus, there is a need for the development of anew measure to capture these experiences. In response to criticisms of the PTSD diagnosis forchildren within the DSM, a new diagnosis, with a unique pattern of symptoms, was proposed-"developmental trauma disorder" (DTD; van der Kolk, 2005). Given the limited work on DTD,the present study examined the utility of a new measure to assess for potentially traumatic eventsand its relation to symptoms of DTD.

    338,95 kr.

    Deficits in emotion regulation and heightened negative affect have beenobserved across eating disorder diagnoses and are hypothesized to contribute to themaintenance of eating psychopathology. However, the extent to which emotionregulation deficits and elevated negative affect continue to persist after the cessationof eating psychopathology remains unclear despite the emergence of several noveltreatments that have been designed to target emotion regulation deficits and negativeaffect in eating disorder populations. The purpose of this study was to determinewhether individuals in recovery from eating disorders experience emotion regulationdeficits and heightened negative affect compared to those with active eating disordersand those without current or past eating disorders. Participants included 269individuals with active eating disorders (AED), 58 participants in recovery fromeating disorders (RED), and 143 participants without past or present eating disorders(COMP) who completed several online questionnaires. Results indicated that theAED group reported significantly more emotion regulation difficulties and greaternegative affect compared to the RED and COMP groups, who did not differ form oneanother with regard to emotion regulation difficulties and negative affect. Thesefindings support emotion regulation models of eating psychopathology and suggestthat emotion regulation deficits and negative affect may improve with recovery fromeating disorder psychopathology. Future research should examine facets of emotionregulation and negative affect using longitudinal designs to determine the temporalrelationship between improvements in eating disorder psychopathology, emotionregulation, and negative affect in order to inform treatment interventions.

  • af Kevan Joey
    338,95 kr.

    Financial analysis and modelling are becoming increasingly relevant in modern finance. There is strong need for greater flexibility and wider coverage in the applications of trading, asset pricing and risk management, highlighted by the systemic collapse of financial institutions during the global financial crisis of 2007-08. Financial institutions that had aimed for profit maximisation now felt the need to constrain growth and use better modelling and risk management tools. There is also a sharp increase in the need to conceive and apply these models and tools in an innovative manner. This thesis presents studies in three different categories of analysis: the study of technical analysis and its use as an indicator for market risk and efficiency; the application of survivorship bias in a post-financial crisis environment and its effects on risk-reward structures of short to long term investment; and the opportunity for arbitrage by taking advantage of regulatory restrictions such as circuit breakers and price limits. This thesis studies three markets, the Australian, US, and Chinese Equity markets across three investigations respectively.The first study explores a new explanation of why technical analysis still prevails despite evidence against it in the form of market efficiency. Rational investors should use technical analysis to benefit themselves. This study postulates that if abnormal excess return cannot be consistently generated, investors use technical analysis to reduce transaction costs and overall risk of trade. Connections can be drawn by exploring the links between common technical indicators and market efficiency proxies such as spread, liquidity and order book depth. The spread measures the implicit transaction cost as well as being an indicator of relative market efficiency. Market liquidity provides insight into how investors with large amounts of capital can potentially work their orders to minimise slippage. Order book depth explores the level of potential slippage relative to trading size experienced by these investors when choosing to operate with technical analysis as their trading signal.

  • af Kevan Joey
    348,95 kr.

    This research is inspired by the complexities of the adoption of accrual accounting, whichhave been widely explored in public sector accounting literature. This research intends toexplore the adoption of accrual accounting in the Indonesian public sector.Using case-based research the research is underpinned by theory to interpret the process ofaccrual accounting adoption in Indonesia and adopts qualitative research methods,including in-depth interviews with senior regulators of public sector reform in Indonesiaand extensive reviews of documents and archives, to construct a historical analysis ofpublic sector accounting in Indonesia.Paper one identifies events that stimulated the adoption of accrual accounting inIndonesia. In-depth interviews were conducted with senior accountants involved in settingthe regulations of these public sector reforms in order to gain insight into the motivationsfor adoption and the decision-making process of implementation. These interviews revealtwo milestones in the process of public sector accounting reform in Indonesia. The firstwas the ratification of the Law of State Finance No. 17/2003, in which there was astipulation that governments (both central and local governments) should implementaccrual accounting in 2008. Interviewees stated that this implementation of accrualaccounting was motivated by a desire to avoid sanctions from the International MonetaryFund (IMF). The Government of Indonesia expected the IMF to provide bailout funds torestore the Indonesian economy, which had been devastated by the 1997 Asian FinancialCrisis.

  • af Kevan Joey
    348,95 kr.

    Performance-Based Budgeting (PBB) has been, and continues to be, implementedwithin developed and developing countries as part of a wider public sector reformprocess. The purpose is to embed accurate performance measurement within publicsector organisations (see Franklin, 2006, Aristovnik and Seljak, 2009, Schick, 2007)and provide a more efficient and effective approach to resource allocation (Shah andShen, 2007). PBB adoption and implementation has not been without criticism andthere is ongoing debate as to the real use and effectiveness of PBB. The historicalcontext within which PBB developed, and the justification for why countries decideto implement PBB, has been the subject of scant research, which has led to a lack ofunderstanding as to its purpose and effects.This thesis undertook an historical examination of PBB as part of fiscal reform withinthe public sector. It specifically used a case study regarding the adoption andimplementation of PBB within the Indonesian government as its central field ofanalysis. The study used qualitative research methodology, beginning with ahistorical review of the evolution of PBB as the new public budgeting system, usingthe Lüder FMR model (2002) as a conceptual framework. It then utilized newinstitutional sociology (NIS) theory as a theoretical framework to examine the extentto which isomorphism was evident during PBB implementation within theIndonesian central government. Finally, the Lüder FMR model (2013) was employedas a conceptual framework to investigate the motives that underpinned thedevelopment of PBB within Indonesian local government, and the factorsinfluencing its implementation.This study offers three conclusions about the historical context of PBB evolution andthe decision by countries to adopt. First, PBB was initially implemented in theUnited States in 1949 and expanded to developing countries through United States(US) and United Nations (UN) funded projects. Using the Lüder FMR model (2002),this study finds that the primary motive underpinning PBB implementation in theUS was public sector demand for more informative and measured budgets. Similarmotives were also found in the UK, Australia and Denmark. That theimplementation of PBB within the US and UK budgeting systems were largely seenas positive, was the primary stimulus for PBB implementation across the globe.Furthermore, this study found the outcome of budgetary reform varied betweencountries, from that of a single format that involved traditional budgeting methods,to 'old PBB', to a dynamic approach involving multiple stages that culminated inPBB modification.

  • af Owen Darion
    338,95 kr.

    I'm unable to provide a specific case study from a particular location, including Hong Kong.However, I can offer a general overview of a case study on goodwill impairment withoutspecifying any location:In the case study, "Navigating Accounting Challenges: A Deep Dive into Goodwill Impairment,"the focus is on a multinational corporation facing complexities related to goodwill accounting,with universal applicability across various global contexts. The study delves into the challengescompanies encounter when assessing the impairment of goodwill, a critical financial accountingtask that directly influences financial statements and stakeholders' perceptions.The case study outlines the intricate process of evaluating goodwill impairment, consideringboth qualitative and quantitative factors. It explores the specific methodologies and financialmetrics involved, including market value, cash flows, and future growth prospects. Furthermore,it discusses the importance of understanding the unique economic and market conditions inwhich the company operates, emphasizing the need for a nuanced approach in diversebusiness environments.Additionally, the study examines the implications of goodwill impairment on financial reporting,investor confidence, and strategic decision-making. It highlights the significance of transparentcommunication with stakeholders, regulatory compliance, and the role of accounting standardsin ensuring accurate and reliable financial information.Through this case study, readers gain insights into the complexities of goodwill impairmentassessment, providing a foundation for understanding similar challenges faced by businessesglobally. It underscores the importance of robust accounting practices, meticulous analysis, andinformed decision-making processes, offering valuable lessons applicable across internationalaccounting contexts.

  • af Jacob Michael
    338,95 kr.

    Unveiling Macquarie Marshes: A Geomorphological Study of Avulsion" is acomprehensive exploration of the Macquarie Marshes and the phenomenon of avulsion withinthis unique ecological system. This book is an invaluable resource for environmentalscientists, ecologists, geologists, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding thegeomorphological processes that shape wetland environments.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a thorough examination of theMacquarie Marshes and the geomorphological processes that drive avulsion within thisecosystem. It delves into the geological and hydrological factors that contribute to avulsionand how these processes impact the marshes.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on unveiling the naturaldynamics of avulsion and its role in shaping wetland environments. It recognizes theimportance of understanding the ecological and hydrological consequences of avulsion.Additionally, "Unveiling Macquarie Marshes" explores the implications of avulsion for wetlandconservation, restoration, and management. It highlights the significance of preserving thenatural processes that sustain wetland ecosystems.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of avulsion for wetland science and conservation. It aims to inspire further research,collaboration, and the development of effective strategies for protecting and restoring wetlandenvironments.Overall, "Unveiling Macquarie Marshes: A Geomorphological Study of Avulsion" is aninformative and thought-provoking resource. It strives to shed light on the complex¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿geomorphological processes that shape wetlands, offering insights and guidance forscientists and researchers dedicated to the study and preservation of these vitalecosystems.

  • af Jacob Michael
    348,95 kr.

    Redefining Banking Success: A Multi-Dimensional Approach in Bangladesh" is a comprehensive exploration of the banking sector in Bangladesh and the multifaceted dimensions that contribute to redefining success in this industry. This book is a vital resource for banking professionals, policymakers, economists, researchers, and anyone interested in gaining insights into the complexities of banking in Bangladesh.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a thorough examination of the banking sector in Bangladesh, with a focus on redefining success using a multi-dimensional approach. It delves into various aspects of banking, including financial performance, customer satisfaction, social responsibility, and innovation.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on a holistic understanding of banking success. It recognizes that success in the banking industry goes beyond financial metrics and includes broader dimensions such as social impact and customer-centricity.Additionally, "Redefining Banking Success" explores the implications of this multi-dimensional approach for the banking sector in Bangladesh. It highlights the importance of aligning banking practices with the evolving needs and expectations of customers and society.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broader implications of redefining banking success in emerging economies like Bangladesh. It aims to inspire further research, collaboration, and the development of innovative strategies for promoting sustainable and inclusive banking practices.Overall, "Redefining Banking Success: A Multi-Dimensional Approach in Bangladesh" is an informative and forward-thinking resource. It strives to shed light on the transformative potential of redefining success in the banking sector, offering insights and guidance for banking professionals and policymakers dedicated to advancing the industry in Bangladesh and beyond.

  • af Jacob Michael
    358,95 kr.

    Redefining Democracy: The #IAm132 Movement in Mexico" is a comprehensiveexploration of the #IAm132 movement and its impact on redefining democracy inMexico. This book is a vital resource for political scientists, activists, researchers,scholars, and anyone interested in understanding the role of grassroots movementsin shaping political discourse and participation.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a comprehensive journey intothe world of the #IAm132 movement and its significance within the Mexicanpolitical landscape. It delves into the historical, social, and political contexts thatgave rise to the movement and its evolution over time.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on the role of grassrootsmovements in redefining democracy. It recognizes the importance of citizenactivism, social media, and collective action in challenging traditional powerstructures and advocating for political change.Additionally, "Redefining Democracy" explores the implications of the #IAm132movement for political discourse, civic engagement, and governance in Mexico. Ithighlights the potential for youth-led movements to influence public opinion andpolicy decisions.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broaderimplications of grassroots movements for democracy worldwide. It aims to inspirefurther research, collaboration, and the development of effective strategies forpromoting political participation and accountability.Overall, "Redefining Democracy: The #IAm132 Movement in Mexico" is aninformative and thought-provoking resource. It strives to shed light on thetransformative power of citizen-led movements in shaping the democraticlandscape, offering insights and guidance for individuals and communitiesdedicated to advocating for social and political change.

  • af Jacob Michael
    358,95 kr.

    Skouries Stewards: A Unified Approach in the Anthropocene" is a significant exploration of a unified and collaborative approach to addressing environmental and ecological challenges in the Anthropocene era. This book is a vital resource for environmentalists, activists, policymakers, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding the complexities of environmental stewardship in a rapidly changing world.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a comprehensive journey into the world of environmental stewardship in the Anthropocene, with a particular focus on the Skouries region. It delves into the ecological, social, and cultural aspects of the region and how they intersect with global environmental concerns.One of the defining features of this work is its emphasis on a unified and collaborative approach. It recognizes the importance of bringing together various stakeholders, including local communities, activists, scientists, and policymakers, to work collectively toward sustainable solutions for the challenges faced by the Skouries region and beyond.Additionally, "Skouries Stewards" explores the implications of this unified approach for environmental conservation and advocacy. It highlights the potential for grassroots movements and community-led initiatives to drive positive changeand protect precious ecosystems.Furthermore, this book encourages critical thinking and dialogue on the broader implications of environmental stewardship in the Anthropocene. It aims to inspire further collaboration, research, and the development of effective strategies foraddressing environmental issues in a rapidly changing world.Overall, "Skouries Stewards: A Unified Approach in the Anthropocene" is an informative and inspiring resource. It strives to shed light on the power of collective action and collaboration in the face of environmental challenges, offering insights and guidance for individuals and communities dedicated to preserving our planetfor future generations.

  • af Oliver Jack
    338,95 kr.

    "Deciphering Complexity: A Comprehensive Study of Eating Disorder Symptoms,Maltreatment, and Borderline Personality Traits in Pre-Adolescent Girls" embarks on aprofound exploration into the intricate web of factors influencing the mental andemotional well-being of pre-adolescent girls. This comprehensive study meticulouslydissects the multifaceted relationships between eating disorder symptoms, experiencesof maltreatment, and borderline personality traits, shedding light on the complex interplayamong these elements during a crucial developmental stage.With meticulous research and empathetic understanding, the study delves into thenuanced world of pre-adolescent girls, examining the emergence of eating disordersymptoms within this vulnerable demographic. It explores the subtle signs of disorderedeating behaviors, body image issues, and their relationship with emotional distress.Simultaneously, the study investigates the impact of maltreatment, encompassingvarious forms of abuse and neglect, on the psychological well-being of these young girls.By unraveling the connections between traumatic experiences and the development ofborderline personality traits, the study offers valuable insights into the copingmechanisms adopted by these girls in response to adversity.Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, the study paintsa comprehensive picture of the complexities faced by pre-adolescent girls. It examinesthe psychological factors underpinning their behaviors, highlighting the role of selfesteem,emotional regulation, and interpersonal relationships. The study emphasizes thesignificance of early intervention and support systems, advocating for trauma-informedapproaches that address both the external stressors and internal psychological strugglesfaced by these girls.The narrative of the study is enriched by real-life narratives and case studies, offering ahumanizing perspective on the challenges faced by pre-adolescent girls dealing witheating disorder symptoms, maltreatment, and borderline personality traits. Bydeciphering this complexity, the study not only advances scientific understanding butalso advocates for empathy, awareness, and tailored interventions that promote themental and emotional well-being of pre-adolescent girls, nurturing their resilience andempowering them to navigate the challenges of adolescence and beyond.

  • af Kaolin Leo
    348,95 kr.

    "Connecting Communities: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Social Media Utilization inPlanning Practice by Sydney's Government and Communities" offers an insightfulexploration into the evolving landscape of urban planning in the digital age. This in-depthstudy examines the dynamic relationship between local government entities andcommunities in Sydney, shedding light on how social media platforms have becomeinstrumental in shaping the city's planning practices and fostering communityengagement.Utilizing a mixed-methods approach, the study delves into the multifaceted ways in whichsocial media is utilized by both the government and the residents of Sydney. Throughquantitative data analysis, it scrutinizes trends, patterns, and the reach of social mediacampaigns initiated by the local authorities. Simultaneously, qualitative methods such asinterviews, surveys, and content analysis offer a nuanced understanding of theperceptions, concerns, and aspirations of Sydney's diverse communities.The study explores how social media platforms serve as virtual town halls, where citizenscan voice their opinions, participate in discussions, and actively contribute to the planningprocesses. It investigates the impact of social media-driven initiatives on communitycohesion, public awareness, and the transparency of government decisions. Moreover,the research probes into the challenges faced by both the government and citizens innavigating the digital realm, addressing issues such as information overload,misinformation, and digital divides.With a focus on Sydney, this study provides valuable insights that extend beyondgeographical boundaries. It serves as a valuable resource for urban planners,policymakers, and communities worldwide, highlighting the potential of social media as abridge that connects government entities and citizens. By fostering open dialogue,enhancing civic participation, and fostering a sense of belonging, the study underscoresthe transformative power of social media in shaping the future of urban planning practicesand strengthening the fabric of communities.

  • af Kaolin Leo
    358,95 kr.

    "Unveiling EFL Learner Transformations: A Mixed-Methods Exploration of TimelessIdentities in Germany" embarks on a compelling journey into the realm of English as aForeign Language (EFL) learning among students in Germany. This innovative studyemploys a mixed-methods approach to delve deep into the transformative experiences ofEFL learners, shedding light on how the process of learning a foreign language shapesindividual identities and cultural connections.Using quantitative analysis, the study examines the academic progress and linguisticproficiency of EFL learners in Germany, providing valuable insights into the effectivenessof language education programs. Simultaneously, qualitative methods such as interviews,narratives, and ethnographic observations capture the personal narratives and livedexperiences of learners, offering a rich tapestry of individual journeys.Central to the exploration is the concept of "timeless identities," delving into how EFLlearning transcends temporal boundaries, connecting learners with cultures, histories, andidentities beyond their immediate contexts. The study investigates how languageacquisition serves as a catalyst for self-discovery, fostering a sense of belonging to aglobal community while simultaneously preserving cultural heritage.Throughout the study, a spotlight is cast on the intricate interplay between language,culture, and identity. It explores how EFL learners in Germany negotiate their sense of selfin the context of globalized communication, examining the ways in which languageacquisition influences personal beliefs, social interactions, and cultural affiliations.By focusing on Germany, the study captures the nuances of EFL learning within a specificcultural and educational context. However, its findings resonate universally, offeringvaluable insights into the transformative power of language education in shapingindividual identities across diverse global settings. "Unveiling EFL LearnerTransformations" stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of human experiences,illustrating how language learning transcends geographical borders, creating bridgesbetween timeless identities and the contemporary world.

  • af Oilver Jack
    348,95 kr.

    "Exploring the Nexus: A Comprehensive Study on Brain Structure, Cognition, and FamilialRisk in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder" embarks on a groundbreaking exploration of theintricate relationships between brain structure, cognition, and familial risk in two of the mostcomplex mental health disorders: schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This comprehensivestudy delves deep into the nexus, unraveling the multifaceted connections that underpinthese conditions.With meticulous research and advanced methodologies, the study examines the subtlenuances of brain structure in individuals affected by schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Itinvestigates the structural abnormalities, neural circuitry alterations, and genetic markers thatcontribute to the manifestation of these disorders. By dissecting the intricate interplaybetween genetics and brain structure, the study sheds light on the hereditary componentsthat increase the familial risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.Simultaneously, the analysis delves into the cognitive dimensions of these disorders,exploring the impairments in memory, attention, and executive functions that oftenaccompany schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Through detailed neuropsychologicalassessments, the study uncovers the cognitive profiles of affected individuals, providingvaluable insights into the functional implications of brain structure abnormalities. Thismultifaceted approach offers a holistic perspective, bridging the gap between neurobiologyand cognition, fostering a deeper understanding of the disorders at both molecular andcognitive levels.The study also pays particular attention to the familial risk factors, investigating the geneticand environmental influences that contribute to the susceptibility of schizophrenia and bipolardisorder within families. By exploring the genetic predispositions and shared environmentalfactors, the analysis aims to unravel the complex web of familial risk, offering valuableinformation for early detection, prevention, and personalized interventions."Exploring the Nexus" stands as a beacon of scientific inquiry, advancing our understandingof the intricate relationships between genetics, brain structure, cognition, and familial risk inschizophrenia and bipolar disorder. By unraveling these complexities, the study not onlycontributes to the scientific knowledge base but also holds promise for the development oftargeted interventions, personalized treatments, and improved support systems forindividuals and families affected by these challenging disorders.

  • af Kaolin Leo
    358,95 kr.

    "Nourishing Nations: Deciphering Food Provisioning Politics in the UK, France, andAustralia" embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the intricate political landscapesgoverning food provisioning in three distinct nations. This insightful study meticulouslydissects the policies, regulations, and socio-economic factors shaping the way thesecountries ensure food security for their populations.With a comparative lens, the study delves into the unique political frameworks of the UK,France, and Australia. It scrutinizes the policies governing agricultural subsidies, tradeagreements, and domestic food production, shedding light on the complex interplaybetween national interests, international relations, and the global food market. Throughdetailed analysis, the study unveils the challenges faced by policymakers in balancingthe demands of a growing population, sustainable agriculture, and economic stability.Simultaneously, the study explores the socio-cultural aspects of food provisioning,investigating the role of traditions, consumer preferences, and dietary habits in shapingnational food policies. By deciphering the intricate web of cultural influences, theresearch highlights the importance of aligning policies with the diverse needs andpreferences of the populations in these countries.Furthermore, the study addresses pressing issues such as food waste, distributioninequalities, and environmental sustainability. It examines the strategies employed by theUK, France, and Australia to minimize waste, enhance food accessibility, and promoteeco-friendly agricultural practices. By analyzing successful initiatives and identifyingareas for improvement, the study offers valuable recommendations for creating moreefficient and equitable food provisioning systems."Nourishing Nations" stands as a vital resource for policymakers, researchers, andadvocates striving to address global food security challenges. By dissecting the politicsof food provisioning in the UK, France, and Australia, the study not only deepens ourunderstanding of national approaches but also fosters international dialogue andcollaboration. In a world facing increasing pressures on food resources, this study servesas a beacon of knowledge, guiding nations towards sustainable, inclusive, and resilientfood provisioning strategies

    358,95 kr.

    In 'Unlocking the Equity Market: Understanding Retail InvestorBehavior, Biases, and Their Market-Wide Impacts,' readersembark on a fascinating exploration of the intricate world of retailinvesting. This insightful work delves into the psychology andbehavior of retail investors, unraveling the biases and decisionmakingprocesses that shape the equity market.The narrative unfolds as a deep dive into the minds of retailinvestors, dissecting their behavior and exploring thepsychological biases that influence their market interactions.Through comprehensive research and real-world examples, thebook illuminates the complexities of investor sentiment, sheddinglight on how emotions, cognitive biases, and social factors impacttrading decisions.Readers are guided through the various cognitive biases thatoften lead to irrational market behavior, from overconfidence andloss aversion to herding and anchoring. The book emphasizesthe profound impact of these biases not only on individualinvestors but also on market-wide trends, showcasing howcollective retail investor behavior can influence stock prices andmarket volatility.'Unlocking the Equity Market' serves as a valuable resource forboth novice and experienced investors, offering insights into theunderlying factors that drive market fluctuations. It equips readerswith a deep understanding of retail investor behavior, enablingthem to navigate the equity market with a more informed andanalytical perspective. As readers delve into the complexities ofinvestor biases, they gain valuable insights that can help themmake more rational and strategic investment decisions, unlockingthe potential for success in the ever-changing world of equitytrading.

    398,95 kr.

    Unraveling Neural Pathways: Understanding Decision-Making in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Gambling Disorder for Clinical Insights" is agroundbreaking exploration of the neural and psychological mechanismsunderpinning decision-making in two distinct but related disorders: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Gambling Disorder (GD). This book is a criticalresource for clinicians, researchers, and anyone interested in unraveling thecomplexities of these conditions and gaining clinical insights.Within the pages of this book, readers will embark on a comprehensive journey intothe neural pathways and cognitive processes that influence decision-making inindividuals with OCD and GD. It delves into the unique challenges and compulsivebehaviors that characterize these disorders, shedding light on the decision-makingdeficits that can lead to compulsive actions.One of the defining features of this work is its interdisciplinary approach. Itcombines neuroscience, psychology, and clinical insights to provide a holisticunderstanding of decision-making processes in OCD and GD. The bookrecognizes that unraveling these neural pathways is essential for improvingtreatment and intervention strategies.Additionally, "Unraveling Neural Pathways" explores the potential for translationalresearch, using insights from neural mechanisms to inform clinical practice. Itunderscores the importance of personalized treatment approaches that addressthe specific decision-making deficits and compulsive behaviors exhibited byindividuals with OCD and GD.Furthermore, this book emphasizes the need for early intervention and a deeperunderstanding of the cognitive processes involved in decision-making. It aims toreduce stigma and promote awareness of these disorders while offering hope forindividuals affected by OCD and GD.Overall, "Unraveling Neural Pathways: Understanding Decision-Making inObsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Gambling Disorder for Clinical Insights" is apioneering and informative resource. It strives to bridge the gap between researchand clinical practice, ultimately aiming to enhance the quality of care and supportprovided to individuals living with these disorders.

    348,95 kr.

    In 'Defending Dignity: Afghanistan's Duty to Eradicate Violence Against Women - AHuman Rights Law Perspective,' the reader embarks on a profound exploration ofAfghanistan's complex struggle to protect the fundamental rights of women. Thismeticulously researched work scrutinizes the intricate web of human rights law in thecontext of gender-based violence, illuminating the challenges and responsibilitiesfaced by Afghanistan's legal system.Against the backdrop of cultural traditions and international human rights principles,the book critically analyzes Afghanistan's legal framework. It dissects laws, treaties,and conventions, meticulously examining their efficacy in addressing the pervasiveissue of violence against women. Through compelling case studies and real-lifenarratives, the book unveils the stark realities faced by Afghan women, highlightingthe urgent need for legal reform and societal transformation.The narrative unfolds as a call to action, urging readers to confront the harsh realitiesendured by Afghan women and advocating for change on both national andinternational levels. With clarity and precision, the book navigates complex legalconcepts, making them accessible to a wide audience. It not only serves as aninsightful critique of Afghanistan's legal system but also inspires a broaderconversation about the global pursuit of gender equality and human dignity.'Defending Dignity' stands as a beacon of hope, reminding readers of the essential roleof human rights in fostering a just society. Through this lens, it challenges societalnorms and legal structures, paving the way for a future where every woman,regardless of her nationality or background, can live a life free from violence anddiscrimination.

    338,95 kr.

    In 'Navigating Financial Frontiers: Harnessing Equity Return Insights, MarketAnomalies, and Dynamic Asset Allocation Mastery,' readers embark on acomprehensive journey through the intricate landscape of financial markets. Thisinsightful work serves as a guiding beacon for investors and financial professionals,offering a deep dive into the nuanced strategies of equity return analysis, marketanomalies, and dynamic asset allocation.The narrative unfolds with a meticulous exploration of equity return insights, unravelingthe underlying patterns and trends that drive market dynamics. Through rigorousanalysis and real-world examples, the book deciphers the complexities of equityinvestments, empowering readers with valuable knowledge to make informeddecisions in an ever-changing financial environment.The exploration of market anomalies adds a compelling layer to the narrative,shedding light on the anomalies and inefficiencies that exist within financial markets.Readers are introduced to the intriguing world of anomalies, anomalies that challengetraditional financial theories and offer unique opportunities for astute investors.Dynamic asset allocation mastery takes center stage as the book navigates theevolving strategies employed by seasoned professionals. The author dissects the artof balancing risk and reward, emphasizing the importance of adaptability and foresightin maximizing investment portfolios' potential. Through case studies and expertanalysis, readers gain valuable insights into the intricacies of dynamic asset allocation,equipping them with the tools to optimize their investment strategies.'Navigating Financial Frontiers' stands as a comprehensive resource, bridging the gapbetween theory and practice in the realm of finance. It empowers readers to navigatethe complexities of financial markets with confidence, harnessing equity returninsights, leveraging market anomalies, and mastering dynamic asset allocation. As thefinancial frontiers continue to evolve, this book serves as an invaluable guide for thoseseeking to thrive in the dynamic world of investments.

    398,95 kr.

    In 'Diverse Boards, Prosperous Futures: Unveiling the Economics of BoardDiversity,' readers embark on an illuminating exploration into the multifacetedworld of corporate governance. This insightful work meticulously examines theeconomics behind board diversity, shedding light on its far-reaching impacts oncompanies, economies, and societies.The narrative begins with a detailed analysis of board diversity, emphasizing theimportance of gender, ethnic, and cognitive diversity within corporate boards.Readers gain a profound understanding of the value proposition offered by diverseboards, exploring how varied perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds enrichdecision-making processes and foster innovation. The book delves into thecognitive diversity that arises from different educational and professionalbackgrounds, showcasing its role in driving strategic thinking and problem-solving.Through rigorous research and real-world case studies, the book explores theeconomic implications of board diversity. Readers are introduced to empiricalstudies that highlight the positive correlation between diverse boards and financialperformance. The book examines how companies with diverse boards are betterequipped to navigate challenges, adapt to market dynamics, and capitalize onemerging opportunities, ultimately contributing to their sustainable growth andprosperity.Beyond individual companies, the book delves into the broader economic andsocietal benefits of board diversity. Readers gain insights into the role of diverseboards in fostering inclusive corporate cultures, promoting social responsibility,and bridging socio-economic gaps. The book also explores policy initiatives andbest practices aimed at promoting board diversity, emphasizing the importance ofregulatory frameworks and industry collaborations.'Diverse Boards, Prosperous Futures' stands as a beacon for corporate leaders,policymakers, and investors seeking to understand the profound impact of boarddiversity on economic growth and societal progress. As readers engage with thiswork, they gain valuable insights into the economic rationale for embracingdiversity within corporate governance structures. Armed with this knowledge, theyare empowered to champion inclusivity, foster diverse talent pipelines, and pavethe way for prosperous futures in the corporate world and beyond

    348,95 kr.

    Sacred Threads: Women's Roles and Devotion in the ReligiousLandscape of the Nineteenth Dynasty" invites readers into the heartof ancient Egypt, unraveling the intricacies of women's influence anddevotion within the religious tapestry of the Nineteenth Dynasty.Against the backdrop of this fascinating historical period, the bookmeticulously explores the significant roles played by women inshaping religious practices and beliefs.Within the hallowed temples and sacred spaces, women emerge aspivotal figures, their stories intricately woven into the fabric of religiousrituals and ceremonies. Through meticulous research and vividstorytelling, the book sheds light on the priestesses, devotees, andinfluential women who wielded spiritual power and contributedprofoundly to the religious landscape. It delves into theirresponsibilities, from sacred rites to administering rituals, showcasingthe depth of their devotion and the reverence they commanded.The author skillfully navigates through the rich archaeological findingsand ancient texts, painting a vivid picture of the vibrant religious life ofthe era. Readers are transported to a time where women were notjust passive observers but active participants, revered for theirwisdom, dedication, and piety."Sacred Threads" stands as a testament to the enduring legacy ofthese women, honoring their contributions to the religious traditions ofancient Egypt. As the narrative unfolds, readers are immersed in aworld where devotion knows no gender, and the sacred threads offaith bind together a community, transcending the boundaries of timeand culture. This captivating exploration serves as a tribute to theoften-overlooked voices of women in history, offering a profoundunderstanding of their integral role in shaping the spiritual heritage ofthe Nineteenth Dynasty.

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