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  • af Kapoor Shveta
    367,95 kr.

    In the past, the main goal of business organizations was to make money. Now, business is seen as a social institution that is an important part of the social system. People are changing the way they used to think about business. It's not enough to hire people, make money, and pay taxes anymore. Companies are now expected to do the right thing, be responsible, and help society as a whole (Brown, 2001). Business is only possible because of society, and society is only possible because of business (Davis and Frederick, 1985). So, there is a two-way link between business and society. Cannon (1994) says that a business should make money, supply a market, create jobs, come up with new ideas, and make enough extra money to keep doing what it does and get better at it while also helping to keep the community it works in together. Society is expected to make a place where businesses can grow and thrive, allowing investors to make money and making sure that those who have a stake in the business can enjoy the benefits of their involvement without worrying about being treated unfairly. Organizations are part of society, and what they make is also accepted by society. They have responsibilities to the rest of society as citizens. Business can also be seen as a steward of society's resources, such as people, raw materials, services, and infrastructure. Businesses need help from society to turn raw materials into goods that can make money, and society also buys the goods that businesses make.

  • af Senbaganathan S
    367,95 kr.

    Organizational climate is a characteristic of a group's internal environment that lasts for a long time, as seen and felt by its members. This quality can be described in terms of specific dimensions or traits, and it affects how people act and how well they do their jobs. It is the sum of all the interesting and interconnected internal qualities that have a big effect on how motivated members are. The culture of an organisation changes slowly and steadily over a long time.

  • af Saranya As
    367,95 kr.

    INTRODUCTION. Stress has become a major topic of study in workplaces because it affects both the health of the organization and the health of each person in it in so many ways. There are many ideas and explanations for the word "stress" that don't work. But most people agree that stress is caused by the way a person interacts with their surroundings. So, a study of stress should look at appraisal and coping, which are two important processes that work together. Stressors and how they affect a person's physical, mental, and behavioural health are looked at during the appraisal process (STRAIN). People's responses to stress are all part of the process of coping. So, employers, organizations, and society as a whole would be better off if they knew more about how stress works.

  • af Sharma Surinder
    377,95 kr.

    In this study, researchers tried to find out what alumni, faculty, and working managers think about the quality of management education in Punjab, what factors affect it, and how to make it better. Change is a constant and unavoidable part of life. Business, which is an important part of our economy, is no different. Changes in transportation, communication, automation, energy resources, and the separation of management and capital have had a big impact on how businesses are set up and how they work. In the end, business was a big part of the Industrial Revolution, which changed the world in huge ways. The struggle for markets, colonies, investment areas, control of raw materials, exploitation of labour, and control of trade routes for business was not only one of the main reasons for the two world wars, but it also helped make the gap between the countries astronomically bigger. On the eve of the Industrial Revolution, the per capita income of the most developed country was 2.8 times that of the least developed country. This number had almost quadrupled by 1913, when it was 10.4 times. By the end of World War I, it was 18 times (Chandler, 1983; Karpilovsky et al. 1996; Seligman, 1999, Adelman, 2004).

  • af Bhadoria Vandana
    337,95 kr.

    India has had insurance for a very long time. Manu (Manusmrithi), Yagnavalkya (Dharmasastra), and Kautilya all write about it in their books ( Arthasastra ). The writings talk about gathering resources that could be shared when disasters like fires, floods, epidemics, and famine happen. This is likely where insurance as we know it today began. Ancient Indian history has kept track of the first signs of insurance in the form of marine trade loans and carriers' contracts. With a lot of help from other places, especially England, India's insurance has changed over time.

  • af Mohammed Ali
    327,95 kr.

    The World Wide Web has become a promising place for electronic commerce, and thousands of "dot-com" and "brick and mortar" companies have set up commercial websites to do business over the Internet (Lightner, 2004; Duffy and Dale, 2002; O'Connor and O'Keefe, 1997). Web Commerce, Analysis, and Research Literature is the topic of Chapter 1.Hence The use of websites can help with supply chain operations in general and procurement in particular (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2004). Today, most transactions done on the Internet are between businesses (Chakraborty et ah, 2002).Commercial websites have been seen as a form of advertising for a long time, and traditional models of advertising have been used to figure out how they work (Karson and Fisher, 2005).Chapter 2 goes into detail about how the research method was used to study the proposed problem.Chapter 3: Using websites to make e-business better: factor analysis, cluster analysis, and chi-square analysis. In this chapter, we did a Factor Analysis to find out how many common factors are needed and enough to explain the correlations between a set of variables. Cluster Analysis is used to find out if respondents have different ideas, and its basic assumptions are its variables.Chapter 4: Using Variance Analysis to Test the Significance of Better E-Business (ANOVA).So, an ANOVA analysis is done to find out how the sample means of the data are spread out. One of the main goals of this chapter is to show how to use Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to make websites better. We used ANOVA on things like gender, age, job status, income, and education level to learn more.Chapter 5 comes to the conclusion that E-business companies should build websites that people can trust by using security when doing business. The specification is based on both theoretical and real-world sources that identified important parts of retail websites, such as the types of information presented, the levels of functionality offered, and the degree to which they meet customers' needs.

  • af P. Kallu
    317,95 kr.

    The most interesting thing about the Indian economy is that the rural sector is the most important. The success of the rural sector depends mostly on the success of agriculture and agribusiness. One of the goals of the Five Year Plan is to help the rural sector grow. This can be done if agriculture and related industries are given more attention. "Former is the Father of Universe," said a few posts in Indie.

  • af Dharini D
    392,95 kr.

    INTRODUCTION: Banks are a very important part of how the economy grows and changes. It is the key to the success of every business and industry. But competition is getting tougher every day, and banks have to think about their customers like any other business. Banking is a very important business, but right now, the bank needs to focus on how happy its customers are and how well its products work. The bank needs to come up with new products and services to keep its customers. So, the study is based on how happy both customers and workers are at commercial banks. India has two main kinds of banks. Commercial banks and cooperative banks are also split into four main groups: public sector banks, private sector banks, regional rural banks, and foreign banks. In the last 30 years, banking services have become too competitive, and the way banks use technology and how happy their customers are have both changed. This study looks at the main areas of customer satisfaction and the level of satisfaction of both customers and workers in the banking industry of Ahmedabad city.

  • af Anand Swati
    347,95 kr.

    The first part of this chapter talks about how important banks have been to the Indian economy in the past. The article then talks about the history of the Internet, its basic structure and topology, the growth of Internet banking in India, the products and services it offers, and how it's helping. What are they? How the Internet and CBS are making Indian banks do business differently,What is the study's goal, its hypothesis, its reason for being done, and its scope?Because of competition and the fact that technology and ways of life are always changing, banks no longer look the same. Today, banks are looking for new ways to offer their services and make them stand out. Businesses and regular people no longer want to wait in line at banks or on the phone for even the most basic services. They want and expect to be able to use their money to do business anywhere and at any time. Since the number of computers is growing every year, banks are finding that the best way to meet their customers' needs is to deliver services electronically.

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