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  • af Dixie Lastname Subject2change
    363,95 - 478,95 kr.

  • af Lilith R Whyte
    338,95 kr.

    Silent Too Long is a compelling and informative book that aims to empower, motivate, and transform broken lives from seemingly hopeless situations by sharing a powerful testimony. Through the transparency of this healthcare provider who shares a devastating and major setback in her life, she seeks to intercede, comfort, inspire, and resuscitate all those who have lost all hope. She shares three tools to accomplish this goal: transparency; forgiveness; and unconditional (agape) love. These tools are dependent on knowing the God of all hope - Jehovah Rapha (our Restorer).

  • af Konrad Quincy Lewis
    208,95 kr.

    Have you ever felt that things could be different? Have you ever wondered why politicians and rulers seem to always make decisions that create more conflict, pain and suffering on the planet and never actually try to help anyone but themselves? Journey into a world of international government conspiracies and supernatural espionage that spans the immortal life of a vampire born in the Congo and raised in the cruel Caribbean slave system as he overcomes impossible odds to fulfill his destiny and restore peace to the earth.

  • af Bryant Burroughs
    78,95 kr.

    Where Do My Words Go is poetry as prayer, perhaps even faith. The words and sentences of ordinary language rarely fail us in making sense of life and expressing our thoughts to others, yet they often prove inadequate in describing the very things most dear to us, those things that well up from beauty and love, wonder and hope, suffering and loss. In those moments, we turn to poetry as a higher language by which we give solidity to that which we sense, but cannot fully describe. This is the reality that animates Bryant Burroughs as he describes "Things I hope are true."

  • af Anfernee Parker
    193,95 kr.

    Lies, deceit, and destruction divided the nation for decades. Back in 2080, the citizens had enough. A war to restore the country's honor took place. The new regime led by Chancellor Prumpt made any form of lying illegal. Now if anyone is caught lying, they are called in for questioning and killed on the spot if found guilty. Any citizen can report someone if they suspect them of lying. Present day: 2129Roger Aimes is a 28-year old mine worker living through the brutal system. All he can hope to do is live another day. Trying to change the country for everyone he's lost and the love of his life, Marela will certainly get him killed. Danny Eurig, a slick talking business mogul will do whatever it takes to remove the Chancellor from office. How will they ever manage to find trustworthy allies in a nation where making new connections equals increasing your chances of getting killed.

  • af Babajide Agunbiade
    348,95 kr.

    For countless individuals, corporate life has become synonymous with the 9-to-5 daily grind. Day after day, they find themselves confined within the rigid boundaries of office hours, adhering to strict schedules and limited autonomy. The conventional corporate environment often stifles creativity and restrains individuals from exploring their full potential. The predictable routine of a 9-to-5 job can quickly become suffocating, trapping individuals in a cycle of monotony and unfulfillment. Many people yearn for something with a greater sense of purpose and the freedom to pursue their passions beyond the confines of a traditional job. It is precisely this desire for more that ignites the flame of corporate entrepreneurship. The limitations of a single income source have become increasingly apparent in a rapidly evolving economy. The traditional notion of relying solely on a paycheck from a 9-to-5 job is no longer a guarantee of financial stability or security. The ever-changing landscape of industries and the rise of automation and artificial intelligence have rendered certain job roles obsolete, leaving individuals vulnerable to sudden job loss or economic downturns. To thrive in the modern era, individuals must embrace the concept of multiple income streams. Rather than relying solely on a single employer, corporate entrepreneurs understand the importance of diversifying their sources of income. By doing so, they safeguard themselves against unexpected setbacks and create opportunities for exponential growth and financial abundance.

  • af Terry J Rowan
    243,95 kr.

    Embark on a captivating journey through the heart and soul of the United States with "A FOUNDATIONAL BORN, U.S. AMERICAN." In this groundbreaking book, we delve deep into the roots of Black American history, offering a comprehensive exploration of the triumphs, challenges, and enduring spirit that have shaped the Black American experience.

  • af Wes Young
    248,95 kr.

    One Story, Building gives a comical and compelling look at how stories shape us and make us.

  • af Markieji
    213,95 kr.

    "LuV MachinZ Collection #1" introduces a collection of delightful and mysterious characters to inspire humans with the power of love. These unique, fantastical characters symbolize different aspects of love, such as compassion, mystery, desire, joy, wisdom, change, and hope. It's a thoughtful and fun gift for anyone who wants to explore and share the power and diversity of love. Written and illustrated by digital artist and filmmaker Markieji, this 79-page collection is a bold new approach to AI art infusion and design for artistic creation and storytelling. "LuV MachinZ" represents a magical journey through the power of love and includes a personal and heartfelt introduction by the author, who shares how mythology and symbology have influenced his work. The "LuV MachinZ" images are charming, whimsical, and thought-provoking symbols that embody the essence of universal and unconditional love. The text and images encourage readers to explore the powerful force of universal love, beginning with themselves.

  • af Jack Cameron
    188,95 kr.

    Who's dead? Who did it? Where's the money?Jason Brinkman's career at a big Los Angeles law firm is over because he refused to sleep with his senior partner. He's moved to sleepy Sea Cliff on California's Central Coast to begin again. He has a struggling solo law practice and a promising romance. When kids discover a body in a storm drain, his new life begins to unravel.Kirkus Reviews: A lawyer leaves Los Angeles for life in a small town but finds it full of thieves, murderers, and too many women in this mystery. Chain-smoking Jason Brinkman, in his mid-30s and once a highly paid associate at an LA law firm, struggles financially after moving to Sea Cliff on the coast. Unknown to him, it's a town nearly everyone is dying to get out of, at least one of them literally. An abundance of intriguing characters doing really bad things moves Cameron's engaging story quickly to the finish line.... Writing can be first rate.... A cesspool of miscreants floods a strong tale of conscience and crime. Kirkus' verdict: Get it!Storeybook Reviews: This mystery has many twists and turns that kept me wondering what could possibly happen next .... The book is peppered with a variety of characters from the despicable to the endearing, but mostly on the former end of the scale. However, all of these characters make the book flow and add dimension to the story line. Plus, it gives you a lot of suspects!

  • af Dongju Ma
    171,95 kr.

    "The father's revenge begins after losing his daughter to a sexual crime."「피해자」(The Victim) is a Korean-style crime novel that has received rave reviews from Korean readers. And it's a story about the pain, anger, and despair of victims of violent crimes."[Exclusive Report] Serial killings occur throughout Seoul. All victims are identified as male with past sexual offenses. Police are investigating the murders as hate crimes targeting sex offenders."If such an article were reported today, what kind of reaction would people show? Would they mourn their deaths, or would they mock and rejoice in the notion that those who died got what they deserved? Seeing the praise and support poured out for a YouTuber who recently disclosed the identity of a rape and attempted murder suspect in Korea, it seems that the average person has little interest in the rights of criminals. However, on the other hand, there is a significant number of people who argue that even the rights of these criminals should be protected. But can the scholars and wise men, who argue for the protection of the rights of criminals who have annihilated the rights of their victims, maintain the same argument if they or their family members become victims of violent crimes? Could they still say the same if their own family were murdered, sexually assaulted, or tormented?In a civilized society based on the rule of law, private sanctions (such as revenge or retaliation) by victims against criminals are treated as criminal acts themselves. In Korea, even a victim pushed to the brink of life-threatening danger and defending themselves with their fists can fail to be recognized as acting in self-defense and instead be punished for mutual assault, which has become a subject of social controversy. Furthermore, if a victim publicly declares, 'I have been victimized by so-and-so, ' they can be prosecuted for defaming the criminal's honor. The Korean judicial system excessively protects the rights of criminals, to the extent that police cannot subdue a knife-wielding criminal with a gun but must plead, 'Please, put down the knife.'「피해자」(The Victim) is a work that provokes much thought about the rights of victims, the rights of criminals, and private retribution. Starting with the protagonist's monologue, 'Can I really kill people?' the story introduces a subject never before explored in Korean literature-the serial killings of sex offenders. The protagonist loses his only daughter and wife to a sexual crime. Subsequently, he falls into a state of despair and reclusion. He even contemplates suicide. However, he changes his mind and decides to embark on a path of vengeance. He then proceeds to serially kill sex offenders.「피해자」(The Victim) was written in simple and easy sentences. There are no scenes that stimulate the reader's peripheral nerves, such as suffocating suspense, thrill, and shocking twist, but large and small dramatic elements such as events, conflicts between characters, and inner conflicts appear every chapter. Therefore, I keep turning the page because I am curious about the next content. The artist's storytelling skills, which deal with the speed of storytelling through adjusting the length of sentences, paragraphs, and chapters, are also shown. In addition, careful descriptions of the spatial background, the appearance, behavior, and psychology of the characters add to the literary fun.

    241,95 kr.

    بين يديك الآن الرّواية التي جعلت من "جان كريستوف غرانجي" نجمًا عالميًا في صنف التشويق، حتّى أنّها تحوّلت إلى فيلم سينمائي شهير من إخراج "ماتيو كاسوفيتز" وبطولة "جون رينو" و"فينسون كاسّيل"، وإلى سلسلة تلفزية. يجد محافظ الشرطة "بيير نيمانز" نفسه في مدينة جامعية نائية وسط سلسلة من جرائم القتل المروّعة، بينما يُجري الملازم العربي الشاب كريم عبدوف تحقيقًا حول جماعة سرّيّة تسعى لطمس ماضي طفل غامض.ما يجهله الرّجلان هو أن تقاطع قضيّتيهما سيقودهما إلى منبع الأنهار القرمزيّة وأنّ هول الحقيقة يتجاوز أفظع كوابيسهما

    183,95 kr.

    فكّر جيّدا قبل أن تفتح هذا الكتاب.. فهو سيبتلعك حتما. فقد أعدّت الكاتبة شِراكا مميتة لشخصيات قصصها.. وستكون أنت البطل في كل مرّة. ستخضع لتجارب غريبة، وتسافر إلى عوالم رقميّة أشدّ غرابة، ثم تكتشف أنك دمية في يد مجهولين يحاولون التحكّم بمصيرك.. نحن الآن في عالم آخر، عالم يقع بين الواقع المعاصر والمستقبل البعيد، هناك حيث تحوّل البشر إلى بضاعة، حيث أحكمت التكنولوجيا قبضتها على العالم وصار الخيط بين التسلية والجريمة رفيعا. لا يجب أن نستغرب إن تحوّلت إحدى هذه القصص يوما إلى حلقة من حلقات السلسلة الشهيرة "المرآة السوداء" (بلاك ميرور)، فهي تستحق مكانها هناك عن جدارة. إذا أردت المغامرة، لك ذلك، لكنّنا لا نضمن عودتك سالما. اِفتح الصفحة الأولى وتذكّر أنّك ربّما تصير بدورك.. مشروع وهم!

    185,95 kr.

    انتصبتُ واقفا فالتقت عيناي بعينيك في خطّ أفقيّ واحد. بين شفتيك وشفتيّ مسافة طابور نمل قصير. شعرك الملوّن الفوّاح يتطاير بالريح فيغطّي صدغي المتوتّر. عيناك تحفران حجر الأعماق، وشفتاك تذيعان دبيب النمل في جسدي، وشعرُك الذي يداعبُ وجهي يرفع الرمح المنتكس على منصّة الإقلاع. تجتمع الشهوة الغاضبة في حلقي حروفا شوكيّة دمويّة، وتقذفها حنجرتي في وجهك على مهل شبقيّ ساديّ.ترتعش الشفتان من الألم المفاجئ، تفترّان عن ابتسامة صفراء تكشف لي الدرّ الأبيض. أشتهي أن أعضّ الأسنان حتّى أكسرها، أن ألتفّ حول فروك الأبيض كأنّي ثعبان عملاق وأعتصرك حتّى الموت، أشتهي أن أنفجر تحت معطفك حمما بركانيّة أذيب القباب والمآذن والأبراج المشيّدة والأسوار المحروسة والجنان المزروعة بالعشب الأسود.

  • af Giselle Escaño
    218,95 kr.

    El cuidado integral de la salud ha sido un tema de gran interés en los últimos años. La alimentación y la salud física, se han manipulado a tal grado que, entre tanta información discrepante y ofertada como la verdadera, se ha levantado una polvareda de confusión. Al final, los más beneficiados son aquellos que juegan con la esperanza y el bienestar de las personas con tal de conseguir quien consuma sus productos; y los ampliamente perjudicados, quienes llevan estas recomendaciones a la práctica y no consiguen los resultados prometidos después de haber invertido numerosos recursos.En este libro la doctora Giselle Escaño aborda los grandes mitos que giran en torno a la alimentación y un estilo de vida sano, y además ofrece soluciones reales para que puedas conseguir vivir sanamente escuchando las reglas de tu cuerpo. Su idea fundamental es que cada paciente necesita un plan alimenticio y un régimen de trabajo distintos, que no pueden ser traspasados a ningún otro, dado que cada organismo es único y sus requerimientos también.Sobre esta premisa y durante años de práctica médica ha construido el Método Gi, para ayudar a sus pacientes a alcanzar un buen estado de salud con un abordaje personalizado, a la vez que desarrollan importantes competencias emocionales, pues más que libras menos o de más, hay toda una lucha mental que se lleva a cabo.Di adiós a las falsas promesas y las dietas milagrosas y da la bienvenida a un estilo de vida feliz y saludable aplicando el Método Gi.

  • af José Alfredo Guerrero
    308,95 kr.

    A finales de los años noventa el gobierno dominicano comenzó a pagar deuda administrativa entregando a los acreedores bonos por el valor nominal auditado de sus expedientes. Los intereses trimestrales los pagaba puntualmente y se estableció que a vencimiento el capital se aceptaría para pagar obligaciones tributarias. Con esos bonos más otras emisiones similares se fue creando el mercado secundario de valores públicos del 2000 al 2004. En ese período se dan las primeras dos emisiones de bonos soberanos y se avanza en la conformación de la Dirección General de Crédito Público. Los efectos de la quiebra de bancos múltiples provocaron que se renegociaran los bonos soberanos y que el gobierno iniciara las reformas económicas que le permitieran volver a emitir valores. Así lo hizo y pasó de estar expresamente prohibido invertir ahorro previsional en títulos de Hacienda a recibir en subastas de bonos internos una demanda cuatro veces más alta que la oferta anunciada. En los mercados internacionales logró ir colocando cada vez mayores montos a plazos más largas, tasas menores y hasta emitir bonos en pesos dominicanos. La oposición política veía en este éxito un anatema, criticaba que era insostenible, que estaba en esquema Ponzi y que había que volver a los acreedores multilaterales con préstamos vinculados a obras de inversión pública. Pero en el poder ha dado continuidad a la emisión de valores para financiar el déficit y las amortizaciones de cada presupuesto. Ahora la oposición le toma prestado los discursos insensatos contra la deuda o señala con razón el aumento de la carga del pago de intereses. Este libro recoge los artículos de opinión del autor publicados en desde el 2010 sobre el origen y debates de la deuda pública, los participantes del mercado de valores y tópicos como educación financiera bursátil, ahorro previsional, la intención de golpe de estado a las administradoras de fondos de pensiones y la devolución del 30% de los fondos a los cotizantes.

    263,95 kr.

    "Upholding the Vows" is a thought-provoking work born from the author's deep concern about the prevalence of divorce and a fervent belief that divorce should never be regarded as a viable option within the context of marriage. Rooted in the wisdom of renowned figures like Dr. Gary Chapman and Pastor Jimmy Evans, this book offers practical wisdom and profound insights aimed at fortifying and rejuvenating marriages.It encourages readers to cherish their marital commitments, prioritise their relationships, and embrace the rewarding journey of building a fulfilling and enduring marriage

  • af O E Kay
    198,95 kr.

    Prepare to embark on a transformative literary odyssey with GENERATION WHY'S PERDITION REDEMPTIVE VERSES by the insightful O.E.K. In this bold and incisive work, he fearlessly dives into the heart of our contemporary dilemmas, challenging entrenched beliefs and sparking essential conversations.Through prosaic thought impulses O.E.K. dissects the multifaceted issues that define the gamut of Black and White Consciousness and the realities in the modern era, from societal disparities to political injustices, from lopsided race relations to the dialectics of neocolonialism, from the struggles of the African continent in the global milieu to the failures of leadership. With unflinching honesty, the author examines the roots of our predicaments and, in doing so, charts a course toward redemption for and by Generation WHY.This book is not just an expose; it's a call to action, which implores us all to question the status quo, to reflect deeply on our collective responsibilities, and to envision a brighter, more equitable future. GENERATION WHY'S PERDITION REDEMPTIVE VERSES is a powerful testament to the potential for change, offering profound insights that will resonate with readers from all walks of life.

  • af Monique S Walker
    238,95 kr.

    FOSTER'S CAPE(R) Questions & Answers Series gives students the tools to practise and refine their exam techniques over time. It is an ideal revision aid to assist students through their CAPE(R) Exams. The books under this series come in both Multiple-Choice Questions and Answers and Essay Questions and Answers. They provide full coverage of the CAPE(R) syllabuses clearly and logically. In preparing this book, a lot of consideration was given to the needs of the students, the content of the CAPE(R) Tourism Unit 1 syllabus and the types of questions asked on the exam. Practice ensures that students are well-prepared when it comes to multiple-choice questions. It is through consistent practice that they will do well. This book offers them practice in reading and following instructions, practice in pacing themselves, and most importantly, practice in answering the types of multiple-choice questions that will be asked on the exam. Key features of this book include: a Diagnostic Test that mirrors the actual CAPE(R) Tourism Unit 1 - Paper 01;a Mock Examination at the end of the book;up to 400 multiple-choice questions that cover the entire CAPE(R) Tourism Unit 1 syllabus (the equivalent of 9 Practice exams);the division of the multiple-choice questions into modules;multiple-choice questions in all topic areas;an answer key for the Diagnostic Test, Mock Examination and the questions in each module;explanations for answers for the Diagnostic Test, Mock Examination and the questions in each module;a student-friendly and easy-to-use approach to preparing for exams;complete coverage of the CAPE(R) Tourism Unit 1 syllabus;a detailed bibliography for further reading; anda 3-Week Exam Plan.

  • af Charlotte E English
    148,95 - 338,95 kr.

    178,95 kr.

    "Mein Kampf holds an undeniable place in history as theautobiography of Adolf Hitler. The book's title translates"My Struggle" in English, and it serves as both an account ofHitler's carly life and political views, as well as a manifestooutlining his vision for Germany.Adolf Hitler wrote "Mein Kampf during his imprisonmentfollowing the failed Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. During his timein prison, Hitler believed he could use the book to promote hisideas and gain public support. "Mein Kampf was intended tobe a persuasive tool to rally followers, unite various factions ofthe Nazi Party, and win over potential sympathizers to hisuse. It also aimed to establish Hitler as the leader of the Nazi movement.In the book, Hitler expounds on his racist beliefs, anti-Semiticviews, disdain for demnocracy, and his desire for territorialexpansion. The book laid the groundwork for the Nazi party'spropaganda and ideology, shaping the trajectory of Germanhistory and leading to the atrocities committed during WorldWar II."Mein Kampf" remains a chilling testament to the power ofpropaganda, the danger of extremist ideologies, and theimportance of learning from history to prevent such tragediesfrom recurring in the future.

  • af Lisa Bosch
    168,95 kr.

    Wholesome, tragic, sweet. An academia novel that sets you thinking. On a hot summer day, Benjamin and Lillian meet. They become best friends and grow up together. It's the sort of friendship where they wouldn't be able to live without the other.>Will everything ever be the same again? And will the answers be found?

  • af Frida Castelli
    298,95 kr.

    La storia d'amore a distanza che appassiona centinaia di migliaia di persone su Instagram dal 2016, si presenta ora in un nuovo grande formato coerente con le dimensioni originali delle opere dell'artista che ha aperto nuovi orizzonti nell'erotismo illustrato, grazie a una dolce prospettiva romantica capace di fare breccia in ogni parte del mondo. "Frida Castelli è solo una tra gli otto miliardi di persone sulla Terra. Vive e lavora a Milano e ha una vita come tante.Un giorno, tra le infinite combinazioni possibili, incontra un uomo di cui non ci ha mai svelato il nome e da quel momento il suo passato perde qualunque importanza: esistono solo il presente del tempo insieme e il futuro atteso.Le loro vite sono lontane: a unirle sono le camere d'albergo. La vita di Frida diventa un contare i minuti, le ore, i giorni, un misurare le distanze per attraversare gli elementi: acqua, aria e terra si possono percorrere con ogni mezzo per incontrarsi di nuovo.Ciò che avviene nel frattempo è solitudine martellante che rischia di annullare la sua persona.Carta e matite, colori e pennelli sublimano l'attesa, neutralizzano lo spazio e il tempo della separazione. La quotidianità diventa pura concentrazione, dialogo interiore, pienezza che nutre e allontana dal baratro.Una volta al giorno, tutti i giorni, l'arte nata all'improvviso rievoca la perfezione dell'amore vissuto e le possibilità di quello anelato, nutrendosi di impeti e cura, di passione e perseveranza, di dettagli e di assoluto.Per sempre, fin quando durerà". The long-distance love story that has been captivating hundreds of thousands on Instagram since 2016 now presents itself in a new large format, consistent with the original dimensions of the artist's works. Opening new horizons in illustrated erotica, Frida achieves this through a sweet and romantic perspective capable of making an impact worldwide. "Frida Castelli is just one among the eight billion people on Earth. Living and working in Milan, she leads a life like many others.One day, among the infinite possible combinations, she meets a man whose name she has never revealed, and from that moment, her past loses any significance; only the present of their time together and the anticipated future exist.Their lives are distant; hotel rooms connect them. Frida's life becomes a counting of minutes, hours, days - a measuring of distances to traverse the elements: water, air, and land, all navigated by any means to reunite.Meanwhile, the relentless solitude threatens to erase her being.Paper and pencils, colors and brushes elevate the wait, neutralizing the space and time of separation. Everyday life becomes pure concentration, inner dialogue, a fullness that nourishes and distances from the abyss.Once a day, every day, the art born suddenly recalls the perfection of lived love and the possibilities of the longed-for one, fueled by impulses and care, passion and perseverance, details, and the absolute.Forever, for as long as it will last."

  • af Frida Castelli
    298,95 kr.

    La storia d'amore a distanza che appassiona centinaia di migliaia di persone su Instagram dal 2016, si presenta ora in un nuovo grande formato coerente con le dimensioni originali delle opere dell'artista che ha aperto nuovi orizzonti nell'erotismo illustrato, grazie a una dolce prospettiva romantica capace di fare breccia in ogni parte del mondo. "Frida Castelli è solo una tra gli otto miliardi di persone sulla Terra. Vive e lavora a Milano e ha una vita come tante.Un giorno, tra le infinite combinazioni possibili, incontra un uomo di cui non ci ha mai svelato il nome e da quel momento il suo passato perde qualunque importanza: esistono solo il presente del tempo insieme e il futuro atteso.Le loro vite sono lontane: a unirle sono le camere d'albergo. La vita di Frida diventa un contare i minuti, le ore, i giorni, un misurare le distanze per attraversare gli elementi: acqua, aria e terra si possono percorrere con ogni mezzo per incontrarsi di nuovo.Ciò che avviene nel frattempo è solitudine martellante che rischia di annullare la sua persona.Carta e matite, colori e pennelli sublimano l'attesa, neutralizzano lo spazio e il tempo della separazione. La quotidianità diventa pura concentrazione, dialogo interiore, pienezza che nutre e allontana dal baratro.Una volta al giorno, tutti i giorni, l'arte nata all'improvviso rievoca la perfezione dell'amore vissuto e le possibilità di quello anelato, nutrendosi di impeti e cura, di passione e perseveranza, di dettagli e di assoluto.Per sempre, fin quando durerà". The long-distance love story that has been captivating hundreds of thousands on Instagram since 2016 now presents itself in a new large format, consistent with the original dimensions of the artist's works. Opening new horizons in illustrated erotica, Frida achieves this through a sweet and romantic perspective capable of making an impact worldwide. "Frida Castelli is just one among the eight billion people on Earth. Living and working in Milan, she leads a life like many others.One day, among the infinite possible combinations, she meets a man whose name she has never revealed, and from that moment, her past loses any significance; only the present of their time together and the anticipated future exist.Their lives are distant; hotel rooms connect them. Frida's life becomes a counting of minutes, hours, days - a measuring of distances to traverse the elements: water, air, and land, all navigated by any means to reunite.Meanwhile, the relentless solitude threatens to erase her being.Paper and pencils, colors and brushes elevate the wait, neutralizing the space and time of separation. Everyday life becomes pure concentration, inner dialogue, a fullness that nourishes and distances from the abyss.Once a day, every day, the art born suddenly recalls the perfection of lived love and the possibilities of the longed-for one, fueled by impulses and care, passion and perseverance, details, and the absolute.Forever, for as long as it will last."

    173,95 kr.

    Scopri l'incantevole mondo di Draghetto, il piccolo drago dal cuore grande quanto la sua immaginazione. In un prato dove la magia si intreccia con la realtà, Draghetto gioca e sogna, circondato dalla bellezza di una natura che lo sorprende ad ogni soffio di vento. Ma la storia prende una svolta inaspettata; Draghetto scopre che la forza delle emozioni può essere grande quanto il fuoco che sputa e che il coraggio sta nell'affrontarle con gentilezza e saggezza. "Draghetto Sputafuoco si arrabbia" è più di una storia: è un viaggio attraverso le sfumature dell'affetto e dell'amicizia, che insegna ai più piccoli il potere della calma e della creatività nel superare gli ostacoli. E per i piccoli artisti che amano dare colore alle parole, questo libro racchiude 20 pagine da colorare, ognuna pronta a prendere vita sotto la punta dei loro pennarelli. Porta a casa la magia e l'arte con Draghetto, una storia da leggere e da dipingere, pagina dopo pagina.

  • af Kico Alba García de Dios
    153,95 kr.

    La obra narra la historia de las Alexas, un equipo de personas que trabajan intentando responder a las preguntas que formulan todos los usuarios a los altavoces que tienen en sus hogares, haciéndoles creer que son dispositivos inteligentes.Alexa, ¿quién es Marie Curie?.Alexa, ¿quién pintó el Guernica?.Alexa, ¿cuál es el área del círculo?.Alexa, ¿cómo se dice "te quiero" en francés?.Su misión consiste en responder, lo más rápido posible y sin equivocarse, a un sinfín de preguntas que llegan de todas las partes del mundo y a la vez, dando lugar a situaciones terriblemente divertidas.Pero la rutina se detiene cuando Carlos, que tiene quince años y habla con su altavoz todas las noches, se enamora de Annie, la Alexa que le responde; y que termina descubriendo que el joven sufre bullying por parte de sus compañeros de clase, y que no quiere volver al instituto.Annie quiere animarle y ayudarle a encontrar nuevos amigos, pero no puede. La norma es clara: salvo para responder preguntas, ¡no deben ponerse en contacto con los usuarios bajo ningún concepto!

  • af Sri Joydip
    81,95 kr.

    Subhadip Bilingual Edition: Exploring Bengal's Bhakti Literature and CultureDescription: Discover the spiritual tapestry of Bengal through the enchanting pages of "Subhadip Bilingual Edition: Exploring Bengal's Bhakti Literature and Culture." Immerse yourself in the profound legacy of devotion that has enriched this culturally rich region for centuries.Key Features: Bengal's Bhakti Heritage: Delve into the heart of Bengal's spiritual history, a land where devotion to the divine has flourished for generations. This bilingual edition explores the roots and evolution of the Bhakti movement in Bengal, with rich historical and cultural insights.Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: Meet the luminous figure who ignited the flame of devotion in Bengal, Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Uncover his life, teachings, and the enduring impact of his ecstatic devotion to Lord Krishna.Spiritual Wisdom: This edition presents a treasure trove of spiritual wisdom, drawn from the timeless teachings of Sri Chaitanya and his followers. Learn about the power of the Hare Krishna mantra, the practice of sankirtan, and the universal love that transcends all boundaries.Bilingual Bliss: Enjoy the unique advantage of a bilingual edition, featuring both Bengali and English text. This allows readers of diverse backgrounds to connect with the profound teachings and poetry of Bengal's Bhakti saints.Vibrant Art and Illustrations: Feast your eyes on beautiful illustrations and artwork that vividly depict the life, philosophy, and devotional fervor of Sri Chaitanya and his followers.Songs and Poems: Dive into the soul-stirring verses, songs, and poems penned by Bengal's Bhakti poets. Let their heartfelt expressions of love and devotion uplift your spirit.Cultural Legacy: Explore how the Bhakti movement has shaped Bengal's cultural and artistic heritage. From music and dance to literature and festivals, discover how devotion has left an indelible mark on this region.Perfect for Collectors and Seekers: Whether you're a collector of spiritual literature, a seeker of divine wisdom, or simply curious about Bengal's Bhakti tradition, this bilingual edition is an invaluable addition to your library.Celebrate the timeless spirit of devotion and enlightenment that flows through the heart of Bengal. "Subhadip Bilingual Edition: Exploring Bengal's Bhakti Literature and Culture" is your passport to a journey of spiritual discovery. Embrace the teachings of love, devotion, and universal brotherhood that continue to resonate in the land of Bengal.

  • af Steve Waite
    198,95 kr.

    A PRACTICAL MANUAL FOR PROFESSIONALS, UNDERSTANDABLE BY BEGINNERS[ INTRODUCTIONThis work is published to offer the general public some knowledge of which they are either thoroughly ignorant or, more commonly, they misunderstand, but also to make the work of Psychics and Mystics easier.Occultism is a positive science because it is based on experiments. The Alchemists of the Middle Ages, many of whom paid with their lives for their investigation or were considered sorcerers or madmen, sought to achieve the transmutation of matter, laying the foundations for today's science that can do it, and no one disputes it.Occult sciences explore the vast field of both the visible and invisible world, which are rich in mysteries, and work to discover the link between them; with each discovery, they restore the reference points as connecting links so that the occultist can intervene between cause and effect.Therefore, occultism is not the denial of science but science in its most comprehensive form, which includes within its limits the absolute and the infinite.Occultism teaches the inseparable interdependence between phenomena and events, cause and effect. But the occultist has the freedom to choose the path they will follow. Predestination is presented as a general framework in which we move. There are always development opportunities, and we can help events unfold according to our wishes.The three keys with which the coherence of cause and effect is deciphered are the following: Synchronicity, Correspondence, and Coordination. The place and date of a human's birth define their identity more than their form or name. The where and when -an idea is born or a task is started- shapes its dynamics.>[SYMBOLS ON THE ALTARAbout the Triad.Three is the first non-composite number and, according to Iamblichus, the leader of the return of the past. The Triad is not the sum of one and two (therefore non-composite).While the Dyad contains the first two manifested elements in Nature (Motion and Life), the Triad is the manifestation of the Monad in Creation.Theon observes that the Triad with the Monad and the Dyad creates by composition the number six, which is the first perfect number, and Aristotle calls three a law based on which everything is ordered. With the Triad, the World exists, argues Hermes Trismegistus.>About the Tetrad.The Pythagoreans called the first Tetrad of numbers "Tetraktys" because they were created by the composition of the Ten, which numerologically returns to the source, the Monad, from which everything begins.The Tetrad is considered to include all the development of spirit manifestation down to the physical realm and return to cause.Tetraktys is the source of eternal nature, as included in the Pythagorean oath. Iamblichus describes the existence within nature as a result of the Tetrad, saying that it is the creator and cause of all things.Triangular numbers, with the formula [N (N]1)] /2, are derived from Tetraktys.Hierocles mentions that the first solid shape (pyramid) is in the Tetrad because the point corresponds to the Unit, the straight line to the Dyad, the surface (triangle) to the Triad, and the solid corresponds to the Tetrad. By the Tetrad the tetrahedron is formed, of which the Triad produces the base, the Dyad the edge, and the Monad the vertex.The Tetrad is the result of the creative act of the Triad. This dynamic manifestation ...]

  • af Ceyanna Dent
    213,95 kr.

    don't forget to breathe. is a collection of poems tethered to reflection-encouraging prompts, designed to be consumed slowly by the reader.A benevolent measure of vulnerability and humility, don't forget to breathe. hopes to provide the space and nudgings needed for the reader to go on a journey of self-reflection while simultaneously serving as restorative balance for the author's own Ma'at. don't forget to breathe. focuses on remembering the power of the breath, particularly when activated in word form. Each reflection prompt encourages a healthy dose of curiosity to inspire open-mindedness, build self-trust, and connect the reader with their own gifts.Enjoy, but above all, don't forget to breathe.

  • af Stéphane Debove
    148,95 kr.

    Des recherches scientifiques pour découvrir des gènes de l'intelligence ou des gènes de l'homosexualité . La possibilité que l'agressivité ou l'infidélité soient génétiques, dans la nature humaine . Que l'on puisse justifier ses mauvais comportements par un c'est pas ma faute, c'est la faute à mes gènes . Que les hommes et les femmes aient des cerveaux différents. Que nos vies soient en partie déterminées par nos gènes. Tout cela vous fait peur ?Moi pas.Laissez-moi vous expliquer pourquoi.

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