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Bøger udgivet af Institute of Competition Law

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  • - A Practioner's Guide
    af Nathalie Jalabert-Doury
    1.780,95 kr.

    In this second edition of the acclaimed "Competition Inspections in 21 Jurisdictions", Nathalie Jalabert- Doury brings together distinguished practitioners from around the world to provide an in-depth analysis of the legal and practical aspects of competition inspections across 25 major jurisdictions. Each country chapter comprises a series of questions and answers outlining the legal basis and scope of powers under relevant local legislation, the key stages of a dawn raid, the rights and obligations of a company subject to an inspection, and the prospects of judicial review. Illuminated by the expertise of the authors, the chapters outline steps which should be taken to ensure that a company facing an inspection may respond in an efficient manner while minimising legal risk. The book is a necessary and essential guide for both in-house and outside counsel to ensure that an effective internal response strategy is put in place before being confronted with an inspection. The jurisdictions in this new edition include Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, the European Union, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Caledonia, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Admitted to the Paris Bar, Nathalie Jalabert Doury is head of the Mayer Brown Antitrust & Competition practice in France and is a co-leader of the Firm's European Antitrust Practice.

  • af Wouter P. J. Wils
    1.768,95 kr.

    EU antitrust enforcement has been radically transformed in the past thirty years. Following the decentralisation brought about by Regulation 1/2003, the European Commission now shares the public enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU with the competition authorities of the EU Member States. Public enforcement has furthermore changed through the use of leniency, settlements and prioritisation. Private antitrust enforcement, in particular in the form of follow-on actions for damages in cartel cases, has significantly increased, raising delicate questions as to the optimal balance and interaction between public and private enforcement. Increased antitrust enforcement has also brought renewed attention to the procedural rights of defendants and third parties in public antitrust enforcement, and the compatibility of the existing enforcement system and practices with the European Convention on Human Rights and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Blending legal and economic analysis, and drawing on decades of practical experience, this book analyses in detail the main questions of law and policy raised by this historical transformation of EU antitrust enforcement and by its current state.

  • af Isabelle Van Damme
    1.873,95 kr.

    "The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation" is a pioneering manual authored by legal experts Andreas Reindl and Isabelle Van Damme. This essential guide, the first of its kind, is tailored for legal practitioners, offering a thorough exploration of the tools and mechanisms embedded within this novel European regulatory framework. The authors meticulously dissect the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation, providing practical insights, relevant case studies, and actionable strategies. From foundational concepts to practical implementation, this guide empowers legal professionals with a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape. Designed as an indispensable resource, "The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation" equips lawyers, in-house counsel, policymakers, and scholars with the knowledge and expertise necessary to navigate the intricate dimensions of foreign subsidies within the European regulatory framework.

  • af Jean-Pierre Martinez
    168,95 kr.

    Un couple d'astronautes est en route pour Mars en vue d'y établir une colonie, et de jeter les bases d'une nouvelle Humanité... plus humaniste. Suite à un mystérieux accident, ce périple dans l'espace tourne au voyage dans le temps... Entre un futur apocalyptique et un passé portant les germes des catastrophes à venir, il peut être tentant de vouloir réécrire l'Histoire... et pourquoi pas la Bible ! Né en 1955 à Auvers-sur-Oise, Jean-Pierre Martinez monte d'abord sur les planches comme batteur dans divers groupes de rock, avant de devenir sémiologue publicitaire. Il est ensuite scénariste pour la télévision et revient à la scène en tant que dramaturge. Il a écrit une centaine de scénarios pour le petit écran et plus de cent comédies pour le théâtre dont certaines sont déjà des classiques (Vendredi 13 ou Strip Poker). Il est aujourd'hui l'un des auteurs contemporains les plus joués en France et dans les pays francophones. Par ailleurs, plusieurs de ses pièces, traduites en espagnol et en anglais, sont régulièrement à l'affiche aux États-Unis et en Amérique Latine.

  • af Julien Lezare
    143,95 kr.

    La seule chose qui m'étonne encore, c'est que le monde soit là le matin, que nous ayons ajouté un jour à la survie de notre espèce. Le roman s'ouvre peu avant septembre 2017.Quelques attentats nationalistes secouent la France, motivés par la vengeance contre les attentats jihadistes.David Kepler est jardinier.L'un de ses voisins le harcèle de manière absurde, et l'entraine dans une spirale un peu ridicule, un peu chaotique.Son errance se télescope avec celle d'un pays qui ne se comprend plus.Dans ce tableau flou et furieux, l'amour ou l'affection se maintiennent, les humains n'étant jamais vraiment monstrueux. Note de l'auteur: ce roman ne fait évidemment l'apologie de rien, sinon du calme et de l'intelligence. Il est né d'une inquiétude plutôt partagée, celle de voir un pays somme toute admirable cesser de l'être.

  • af François Brunet
    1.048,95 kr.

    Antitrust litigation has become extremely complex and not all jurisdictions have adopted the same rules. The Compendium of Antitrust Damages Actions was developed to bring clarity and guidance in an area of law that is in constant evolution. It aims to profile the legal regime related to antitrust damages actions in a variety of important jurisdictions by providing an overview of the key legal principles - organized around 9 topics and completed in some jurisdictions by an additional section highlighting key issues. With references to nearly 350 court cases, the Compendium is a unique tool for all economic actors - antitrust experts and non-experts alike - and was designed to address the concerns of both multinational companies and SMEs that may be exposed to, or already involved in, antitrust litigation. It provides details on the method of calculating damages in numerous jurisdictions as well as the amount of damages awarded, to increase companies' understanding and awareness of the issue. Courts will be able to see what courts in other jurisdictions have decided on a given issue, which may contribute to a greater consistency and, within the European Union, to enhance integration. This compendium is also intended to support competition authorities by giving them a general view on the consequences of their decisions. By providing decision-makers with a comparative overview of the issues most frequently arising in private antitrust litigation in key jurisdictions, we hope to help them navigate through a new, fast-changing legal environment. Further details on the leading cases across various economic sectors and industries, as well as salient facts and insights on these important judgments, can be read in the e-Competitions Bulletin.

  • af Gew Reports & Analyses Team
    228,95 kr.

    "The French Resistance Against Nazi Occupation" is a profound exploration of the resilience and determination exhibited by the French Resistance during World War II. It emphasises the significant role the Resistance played in the broader context of global liberation movements and draws parallels with other struggles for sovereignty and self-determination, such as the Palestinian Resistance against Israeli occupation. The Resistance, led by General de Gaulle, was marked by its inclusiveness, as it did not label any ideology as "extremist" and united various groups, including communists and socialists, against the common enemy: the Nazi occupation.The book portrays the French Resistance as symbolising a nation's collective will to resist oppression, uphold freedom, and protect human dignity. It highlights individual heroism and the collective effort to pursue liberty and justice. Charles de Gaulle's leadership was pivotal, and the emergence of the Maquis and various guerrilla movements further intensified the resistance efforts.Key strategies of the Resistance included espionage, covert communication, and sabotage, disrupting the enemy and fostering camaraderie and determination among the public. The impact of the French Resistance transcended national borders and served as an inspiration and blueprint for other occupied nations and liberation movements worldwide.The Resistance's path was fraught with peril, with members facing significant personal sacrifices and enduring the suffering of their compatriots. Women played a crucial role, challenging societal norms and significantly contributing to the cause. The Resistance also utilised literature, art, and underground press as tools of defiance and inspiration against tyranny.The legacy of the French Resistance endures through memorials, commemorations, and the preservation of stories, serving as a reminder of the unyielding spirit and will of those who stood against oppression. The lessons of the French Resistance remain relevant, offering education and insights into contemporary challenges and oppressions._____The main contributions of this book: "The French Resistance Against Nazi Occupation" highlights several main contributions of the French Resistance during World War II: 1. Intelligence and sabotage: The French Resistance was instrumental in gathering and distributing intelligence to the Allies, sabotaging German operations, and disrupting the Nazi war machine.2. Inclusiveness and diversity: The French Resistance demonstrated that the fight for freedom belongs to every citizen, regardless of social status or circumstance. Men, women, and children from various backgrounds played vital roles in the struggle, defying occupation forces through acts of sabotage, disseminating underground publications, and sheltering Allied soldiers.3. Ethical dilemmas and moral courage: The French Resistance faced numerous ethical dilemmas, such as collaborating, betraying fellow fighters under torture, or sacrificing oneself for others. Despite these challenges, resistance fighters demonstrated remarkable moral courage, risking their lives to protect their comrades.4. Facilitating the Allies' advance: The French Resistance played a significant role in the Allies' rapid advance through France following the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. They provided military intelligence on German defences and executed sabotage acts on electrical power grids, transport facilities, and telecommunications networks.5. Political and moral importance: The French Resistance's work was politically and morally important to France during and after the German occupation. Their actions contrasted with the collaborationism of the Vichy regime, and their efforts contributed to the eventual liberation of France.

  • af George G. Gordon
    2.098,95 kr.

    In an era of unprecedented innovation in life sciences, where breakthroughs in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and healthcare are shaping global health and economies, "Pharmaceutical Antitrust: An Analysis of US and EU Law" is an indispensable guide. Edited by Mélanie Thill-Tayara and George Gordon, esteemed experts in antitrust law, this book offers a comprehensive examination of how competition laws are applied in the life sciences sector in the United States and the European Union. The book provides in-depth analysis of and practical insights regarding the effect of the complex interplay of IP, regulatory frameworks, and competition principles on issues related to marketing authorizations, exclusivities, patent acquisition and enforcement, mergers and acquisitions, collaboration agreements, pricing strategies, and distribution arrangements. Each chapter provides invaluable insights into the intricacies of antitrust, international cooperation among antitrust authorities, and the analysis of market dynamics within the pharmaceutical arena. This book is an indispensable companion for legal professionals, academics, regulators, and executives operating in the complex world of pharmaceuticals and antitrust law.

  • af Gönenç Gu¿rkaynak
    2.148,95 kr.

    In his new book, Professor Gönenç Gürkaynak dissects the complex relationship between competition and innovation, and attempts to optimize intervention in merger control, advocating for a case-by-case analysis under certain principles explored in the book. He powerfully challenges presumptions in merger control, based on his analysis of 80 merger control decisions in three major jurisdictions, and exhaustive research on academic literature.

  • af Jean-Pierre Martinez
    118,95 kr.

    En el vestíbulo de un edificio, entre los buzones y el código de acceso, extraños personajes se cruzan sin siempre entenderse... Jean-Pierre Martinez es autor teatral y guionista francés de origen español. Nacido en 1955 en Auvers-sur-Oise, sube al escenario primero como baterista en diversos grupos de rock, antes de hacerse semiólogo para la publicidad. Luego trabaja como guionista para la televisión, y vuelve al teatro como autor. Ha escrito más de 60 guiones para distintas series de la televisión francesa, y 108 comedias para el teatro. Actualmente es uno de los autores contemporáneos más representados en Francia, y varias de sus obras han sido ya traducidas en español y en ingles.

  • af Jean-Pierre Martinez
    118,95 kr.

    Si la vejez es un naufragio, la vida puede ser comparada con un crucero en el Titanic. Algunos se relajan en tumbonas en la cubierta, mientras que otros reman en la bodega. Pero todos terminarán siendo alimento para los peces. Así que mientras se espera el inevitable encuentro con un iceberg, para aquellos que puedan hacerlo, al son de la orquesta, es mejor hacer sonar los cubitos de hielo en su vaso. Una comedia fuertemente teñida de humor negro. La primera sitcom metafísica cuya acción se desarrolla en una residencia de ancianos medicalizada.Jean-Pierre Martinez es autor teatral y guionista francés de origen español. Nacido en 1955 en Auvers-sur-Oise, sube al escenario primero como baterista en diversos grupos de rock, antes de hacerse semiólogo para la publicidad. Luego trabaja como guionista para la televisión, y vuelve al teatro como autor. Ha escrito más de 60 guiones para distintas series de la televisión francesa, y 108 comedias para el teatro. Actualmente es uno de los autores contemporáneos más representados en Francia, y varias de sus obras han sido ya traducidas en español y en ingles.

  • af Jean-Pierre Martinez
    118,95 kr.

    Desde hace años, Federica y Alejandro han estado esperando poder adoptar un niño. Hoy es el gran día. La inspectora está a punto de llegar a su casa para evaluar la solidez de su relación, la seriedad de su proyecto de adopción y las condiciones de acogida del niño. Pero, ¡catástrofe!, Alejandro no está en la cita, lo que podría ponerlo todo en duda. Federica tendrá que encontrar una manera de manejar esta situación delicada, a la que se suma un problema de fontanería inesperado. A menos que la llegada del fontanero proporcione parte de la solución...Jean-Pierre Martinez es autor teatral y guionista francés de origen español. Nacido en 1955 en Auvers-sur-Oise, sube al escenario primero como baterista en diversos grupos de rock, antes de hacerse semiólogo para la publicidad. Luego trabaja como guionista para la televisión, y vuelve al teatro como autor. Ha escrito más de 60 guiones para distintas series de la televisión francesa, y 108 comedias para el teatro. Actualmente es uno de los autores contemporáneos más representados en Francia, y varias de sus obras han sido ya traducidas en español y en ingles.

  • af Jean-Pierre Martinez
    118,95 kr.

    En un bistró ubicado frente a un hospital y dirigido por un peculiar dueño, se cruzan los destinos de hombres y mujeres en busca de un corazón disponible. Ya sea para un trasplante o algo más si hay afinidad...Jean-Pierre Martinez es autor teatral y guionista francés de origen español. Nacido en 1955 en Auvers-sur-Oise, sube al escenario primero como baterista en diversos grupos de rock, antes de hacerse semiólogo para la publicidad. Luego trabaja como guionista para la televisión, y vuelve al teatro como autor. Ha escrito más de 60 guiones para distintas series de la televisión francesa, y 108 comedias para el teatro. Actualmente es uno de los autores contemporáneos más representados en Francia, y varias de sus obras han sido ya traducidas en español y en ingles.

  • af Jean-Pierre Martinez
    118,95 kr.

    Han pasado siete años desde el cierre de todos los teatros debido a la crisis sanitaria. Tres actores presuntos llegan al escenario para un casting. A menos que sea una lectura pública. O incluso el estreno del espectáculo... El problema es que no tienen el texto de la obra. El autor todavía no la ha escrito. Tendrán que improvisar... Jean-Pierre Martinez es autor teatral y guionista francés de origen español. Nacido en 1955 en Auvers-sur-Oise, sube al escenario primero como baterista en diversos grupos de rock, antes de hacerse semiólogo para la publicidad. Luego trabaja como guionista para la televisión, y vuelve al teatro como autor. Ha escrito más de 60 guiones para distintas series de la televisión francesa, y 108 comedias para el teatro. Actualmente es uno de los autores contemporáneos más representados en Francia, y varias de sus obras han sido ya traducidas en español y en ingles.

  • af Nicolas Courcier
    278,95 kr.

    The Legend of Final Fantasy IX deals with the creation of this episode, sharing a lot of fun trivias. The scenario is also decrypted, as well as the mythological inspirations. For its return to heroic fantasy, the game is dressed as a magical theatrical play, including many colorful characters. The book dives into the influence of classical authors and History on the game, and unrevealed its last secrets. By Nicolas Courcier, Mehdi El Kanafi, Raphael Lucas and Fabien Mellado

  • af William E. Kovacic
    598,95 kr.

    In this insightful collection of interviews helmed by Professor William E. Kovacic, current and former leaders of competition authorities from diverse nations share their journeys, visions, and invaluable advice. These candid dialogues offer a rare glimpse into the minds of those who have navigated the intricate realm of competition regulation. Their experiences, distilled into practical counsel, provide essential guidance for successors and aspiring competition professionals. Discover the strategies that have shaped competition policy worldwide and gain a nuanced understanding of the challenges these leaders have faced. "Great Antitrust Enforcers - Lessons from Regulators" is a priceless asset for all those intrigued by the operations and inner workings of competition authorities, extending its reach beyond those embarking on or curious about a career in this field.

  • af Nicolas Deneschau
    358,95 kr.

    "How far would I go for love? This profound question drives the visceral storytelling of The Last of Us. Love is the central theme for people like us. We find it in literature, cinema, TV series, the most extravagant reality shows and, in this case, video games. After disrupting the adventure game formula with the acclaimed Uncharted series, Naughty Dog changed its recipe in 2013 with The Last of Us, embracing the post-apocalyptic genre. Seven years later, The Last of Us Part II offered a more radical and divisive experience, but still focused on people, their motivations and their flaws. With the book Decoding The Last of Us: The Remnants of Humanity, author Nicolas Deneschau invites us to grasp all the complexity behind the design of these titles, as well as the meticulousness of their authors and development teams. He analyses the many ways The Last of Us can be read and considers the important role the diptych played in the transformation of the blockbuster video game.

  • af Nicolas Deneschau
    358,95 kr.

    In movies, defining a 'classic' means judging the quality of a director, the acting of the actors or the value of a script. But when it comes to video games, which are inextricably linked to technological evolution, it is not so easy to predict which games will age well and stand the test of time. Uncharted has the feel of a classic grand adventure, with thrilling action and great dialogue. One thing is certain: few video game series have earned that label. Mixing a form inherited from the Hollywood pulp classics with great writing made the saga instantly enjoyable, thrilling and exciting. In addition to discovering the secrets of the creation of each title in the saga, you'll also be able to immerse yourself in its universe and discover its historical inspirations. A way to create your own adventure.

  • af Emmanuel Combe
    288,95 kr.

    Competition is an intriguing and worrisome concept, sometimes perceived as a healthy emulation and sometimes as a form of Darwinism. Economic analysis provides a useful and rigorous guide to overcoming these oversimplified views by showing that competition is a mechanism for eliminating unjustified rents. This book presents the two main economic visions of competition (competition as a state versus as a process), but also its microeconomic and macroeconomic effects (notably on productivity and employment), the obstacles to its effectiveness, and the policies for opening up and regulating competition.

  • af Jean-Marc Becquet
    238,95 kr.

  • af Friso Bostoen
    843,95 kr.

    Online platforms play a crucial role in today's economy by serving as intermediaries between consumers and suppliers. The economics governing their business model pushes them to first pursue growth over profits and later integrate vertically-a dynamic that has resulted in expansive digital ecosystems. The platforms orchestrating these ecosystems can have an incentive and ability to exclude suppliers ('intra-platform exclusion'). Article 102 TFEU targets such conduct, in particular through the figure of 'leveraging', but the economic and technological complexity of platforms has befuddled traditional legal analysis.This book presents an in-depth study of the abuse of dominance in the platform economy. It starts by studying platform business strategy and then systematically analyzes how different forms of leveraging abuse (tying, refusal to supply, margin squeeze, discrimination) should be reinterpreted in the platform economy. The book also recognizes the procompetitive role of platforms and suggests safeguarding it by duly considering justifications. Finally, the book surveys ex ante measures targeted at platforms such as non-discrimination rules, portability and interoperability measures, forced access, and break-up.The book was awarded the 2022 Concurrences Ph.D. Award in Law.

  • af Xue Bai
    1.028,95 kr.

    In her thesis, Xue Bai realizes an in-depth study examining the challenges China faces in its endeavor to maintain a level playing field when state-owned enterprises (SOEs) actively compete in the market. The study examines various rounds of SOE reform in China and highlights the nature of SOEs and their close linkages with their government owners and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This book observes that the market presence of Chinese SOEs has increased after several rounds of reform and argues that now is a good time for China to reconsider just how to level the playing field is between SOEs and non-SOEs. It is important because, in the absence of a competitively neutral environment, SOEs can reduce allocative efficiency by relying on their government ownership-generated advantages to take business from more efficient firms in the market. The comparative study in Australia shows that the presence of SOEs in the market does not necessarily cause competitive neutrality concerns if the anti-competitive conduct of SOEs is successfully scrutinised by the competition law and there are competitive neutrality rules in place to maintain a level playing field between SOEs and non-SOEs in the market. This book, therefore, investigates the effectiveness of China's current competition law and policy framework in ensuring a fair playing field, especially with a substantial number of SOEs active in the competitive market. The author demonstrates while the existing competition legislation in China (the Anti-Monopoly Law) has been applied to Chinese SOEs, competition enforcement faces additional challenges when dealing with SOEs. China currently does not have specific instruments in place to preserve a level playing field between SOEs and non-SOEs. While policy instructions, like the Fair Competition Review System (FCRS), can address regulatory concerns of SOEs to some extent, the author argues that more needs to be done to address the lack of a level playing field between SOEs and non-SOEs in China. The book provides general policy recommendations on how to implement a competitive neutrality policy in China that takes into account its unique economic and political structure. This book is an essential reading for scholars and practitioners of competition law and policy in China, as well as those interested in these issues internationally. This comprehensive study offers valuable insights into how China can promote fair competition between SOEs and private enterprises, thereby fostering long-term economic efficiency and social development. The book was awarded the Concurrences Ph.D. Award in Law.

  • af Jean-Pierre Martinez
    128,95 kr.

    La saison commence mal pour Romain et Fanny, qui viennent d'ouvrir aux Saintes Maries de la Mer un hôtel baptisé Les Flamants Roses: en raison d'une grève entraînant une pénurie de carburant, les annulations tombent en cascade. Il va falloir convaincre les quelques naufragés de la route ayant échoué dans leur hôtel de prolonger leur séjour, et si possible attirer d'autres touristes pour sauver l'établissement de la faillite. Heureusement, la Camargue et les Camarguais ne manquent pas de charmes. Et la réceptionniste a plus d'un sortilège dans son sac... Une comédie en forme d'hommage irrévérencieux à la mythique Camargue.Une comédie pour 12 comédiens et comédiennes.

  • af Tim Eicke
    2.038,95 kr.

    This multi-jurisdictional guide explores the framework and practice in relation to judicial review of competition cases across leading jurisdictions. In a comparative study composed of seventeen essays, current and former judges, alongside notable academics and enforcers, provide global perspectives on universally relevant issues. Topics addressed include questions of fundamental rights and due process, as well competition-specific concerns regarding merger review, monopolization, inspection decisions, fine-setting by the European Commission, and State aid in tax-related matters, among others. Edited by two eminent voices from the bench, the collection fills an important gap in the literature, and constitutes essential reading for all concerned with the rule of law in the competition area. The jurisdictions covered include Australia, China, the European Union, France, Germany, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.

  • af Muriel Chagny
    1.063,95 kr.

    Le Dictionnaire de droit de la concurrence est le premier dictionnaire consacré au droit français et européen de la concurrence dans toute sa diversité et son étendue. Rédigé par des experts de la matière, universitaires et praticiens, ce Dictionnaire constitue un outil précieux pour comprendre l'ensemble du domaine du droit, de l'économie et de la politique de la concurrence. Au travers des 215 définitions de cette première édition, le lecteur pourra se familiariser avec les grands concepts qui font la richesse du droit de la concurrence. Résolument pratique, l'organisation de chaque définition permet plusieurs niveaux de lectures, rendant l'ouvrage accessible tant aux initiés qu'aux néophytes souhaitant découvrir les particularités de ce droit. Sous la direction de Muriel Chagny, Professeur ä l'Universite¿ de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, et Emmanuel Combe, Professeur ä l'Universite¿ Paris I Panthe¿on-Sorbonne.

  • af Laurence Idot
    828,95 - 833,95 kr.

  • af Laurence Idot
    833,95 kr.

    Ce premier ouvrage de la seconde édition des Grands arrêts du droit de la concurrence est consacré au droit des pratiques anticoncurrentielles et, plus particulièrement, aux règles de fond applicables en la matière. Après avoir traité de l'applicabilité de ces règles, l'ouvrage se concentre sur leur application en matière d'ententes (article 101 TFUE) et de position dominante (article 102 TFUE). Ce recueil réunit près d'une centaine de commentaires d'arrêts européens et nationaux rédigés par les auteurs contribuant à la revue Concurrences, sur une période qui s'étend de 2004 à 2022. Ce précieux outil s'adresse tant aux étudiants et universitaires qu'aux praticiens du droit de la concurrence.

  • af Benedict Bleicher
    2.928,95 kr.

  • af Zolta¿n Marosi
    2.543,95 kr.

  • af Christophe Lemaire
    1.733,95 kr.

    La carrie¿re de Mme le Professeur Laurence Idot appelle un hommage. Sa pense¿e a mu¿ri le droit de la concurrence, tant par ses e¿crits que ses enseignements ou son activite¿ ä l'Autorite¿ de la concurrence. Aucun de ses anciens colle¿gues ou e¿tudiants n'est reste¿ insensible ä sa finesse d'esprit et sa personnalite¿ exceptionnelle. L'impact de sa pense¿e, de son enseignement et de ses consultations justifie que, dans la plus pure tradition universitaire, des Me¿langes lui soient de¿die¿s.The¿oricienne confronte¿e ä la re¿alite¿ des dossiers, Laurence Idot a marque¿ la recherche par son analyse fine et habile des interactions entre le droit de la concurrence, le droit de l'Union europe¿enne, et le droit de l'arbitrage et le droit international. A l'heure du de¿veloppement des recours ä l'arbitrage international et de la croissance du droit europe¿en de la concurrence, ses e¿crits et sa compre¿hension du droit conservent leur actualite¿.L'originalite¿ du parcours du Professeur Idot tient aux chemins qu'elle a trace¿s dans des droits en de¿veloppement : le droit europe¿en d'un cöte¿, le droit de la concurrence de l'autre - auxquels elle a chacun consacre¿ une revue. Les destins de Concurrence et Europe sont de¿sormais entreme¿le¿s.Me¿langes re¿alise¿s ä l'initiative de Christophe Lemaire et Francesco Martucci.

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