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  • af Mauricio Joseph
    198,95 kr.

    Typically, dietary regimens tend to impose restrictions, demand substantial time and attention, and induce hunger, thereby rendering them arduous to adhere to. Hence, we decided to discontinue our efforts shortly thereafter due to our inability to attain the desired objectives."Intermittent Fasting or The Fast Diet" is a comprehensive and enlightening compendium that delves into the transformative potential of intermittent fasting for the purposes of weight reduction and enhancement of overall well-being. This publication offers a meticulously researched methodology for intermittent fasting, equipping readers with the essential information and resources needed to seamlessly integrate this potent dietary tactic into their daily routines.This authoritative reference delves into the physiological mechanisms underpinning intermittent fasting, elucidating its capacity to optimize metabolic health, enhance fat oxidation, regulate glycemic control, and augment cognitive performance. In addition, the book delves into the examination of intermittent fasting's capacity to mitigate inflammation, enhance immune response, and foster longevity, thus offering a comprehensive viewpoint on the diverse range of health advantages linked to this particular dietary approach.

  • af Murray Clarkson
    208,95 kr.

    Do not be concerned if you lack prior experience; rest assured that you will acquire the necessary skills to overcome your fears and, most importantly, become thoroughly equipped to disseminate your brand globally and establish your own valuable asset.Are you fatigued from enduring extended working hours resulting in insufficient remuneration? Do you envision the prospect of owning a business that operates autonomously, affording you the opportunity to generate passive revenue whilst indulging in greater personal freedom and flexibility? If this is indeed the case, affiliate marketing could potentially serve as an ideal remedy for your situation.This is not to imply that one cannot generate income through affiliate marketing. You have the ability and determination to accomplish this. However, it is crucial to note that the methodologies employed significantly diverge, necessitating an adaptation of your approach towards constructing a prosperous, enduring affiliate campaign that rests upon modernized, innovative strategies.

  • af Maurice Broadbent
    188,95 kr.

    This publication furnishes readers with a multitude of suggestions, tactics, and comprehensive plans essential for commencing their venture in the realm of online affiliate marketing. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the essential skills and knowledge that are indispensable for success in the field of affiliate marketing. It furthermore imparts a comprehensive understanding of the procedure involved in becoming an affiliate marketer and achieving triumph in one's internet marketing venture.Prior to embarking on the journey of establishing your own business, it is imperative to gain an understanding of how to cultivate a suitable mindset and formulate an optimal business model. Does that sound hard? You will be astounded by the apparent simplicity. By perusing this literary work, you shall be shielded from committing any erroneous actions.This book is an indispensable reference for individuals, regardless of their level of expertise, who aspire to flourish in the realm of affiliate marketing. Empowered by practical insights, tried-and-tested methodologies, and concrete illustrations provided by accomplished affiliate marketers, you will acquire the expertise and assurance to elevate your business to new heights.

  • af Everette Hensley
    208,95 kr.

    Are you fatigued by the continual experimentation with popular diets, yielding no visible outcomes and experiencing recurrent setbacks in weight management? Would you be interested in achieving weight loss while simultaneously experiencing heightened levels of energy, minimizing the likelihood of developing severe medical conditions, and enhancing longevity through the activation of your body's innate physiological mechanisms?Utilizing the most recent scholarly findings and innovative perspectives, this literary work deconstructs the fundamental principles and advantages of intermittent fasting with utmost clarity and ease of comprehension. Commencing with a preliminary elucidation of the concept, the book presents a systematic guide for enacting diverse intermittent fasting methodologies, guaranteeing that readers can customize their fasting strategy according to their specific requirements and objectives.By providing readers with practical strategies, comprehensive meal plans, and delectable recipes, "Intermittent Fasting or The Fast Diet" empowers individuals with the necessary tools to effectively adopt and sustain an intermittent fasting routine. Through the examination of prevalent concerns and the dispelling of misconceptions surrounding fasting, this literary work offers solace and direction to individuals who are unfamiliar with this transformative method.

  • af Bernardo Hutchinson
    188,95 kr.

    Unearth novel culinary ideas that can be employed to enrich your intermittent fasting regimen.It is widely acknowledged that maintaining a intermittent fasting regimen can present considerable challenges on occasion. It is imperative to obtain an adequate amount of sustenance for sustained daily activities, and these culinary preparations are specifically tailored to promote prolonged satiety. For individuals who are embarking on this particular way of life for the first time, this book presents an assortment of alternatives that can enhance your overall experience, in addition to providing concise contextual information and factual details.The issue of the weight loss program has been a longstanding concern due to its impact on our physical appearance, which significantly influences our self-assurance and self-esteem. In years prior, I lacked self-assurance and abstained from engaging in conflicts to a significant degree, primarily due to my body weight. I made the conscious decision to alter my appearance and undertook the endeavor of familiarizing myself with techniques for weight management. However, I am pleased to inform you that this book possesses a comprehensive compilation of knowledge essential for achieving significant weight loss. In a manner similar to how I personally cultivated self-motivation to attain an ideal physique, you too possess the potential to accomplish this goal. Allow me to present an alternative weight loss program that might not have garnered widespread recognition yet: the concept of 'intermittent fasting'.Intermittent fasting pertains to dietary practices characterized by abstaining from food consumption or severely restricting caloric intake over an extended duration. This health and fitness diet plan has gained immense popularity. Intermittent fasting is readily embraced and yields the dual benefits of enhancing physical fitness and promoting a sensation of youthful vitality. It further enhances longevity by augmenting your energy levels. It aids in promoting safe and effective weight loss, specifically targeting abdominal fat.

  • af Fernando Dudley
    243,95 kr.

    Have you endeavored to refrain from smoking, only to subsequently discover yourself resuming the habit? Through this program, you will soon have the opportunity to acquire a well-established and effective approach to permanently eliminate your smoking dependency. This literature will equip you with highly effective techniques that will assist you in relinquishing your smoking habit.It is an irrefutable fact that smoking has a severe impact on the human body. The persistent consumption of cigarettes has the potential to detrimentally impact almost all bodily organs.Subsequently, the publication guides the reader through the preparatory phase by presenting guidance on establishing a cessation date and making arrangements for the shift. You will gain an understanding of the advantages of cessation, acquire techniques for sustaining determination, and receive guidance on identifying the appropriate method for discontinuing the habit.Ceasing the current engagement is merely the preamble to a greater undertaking. The literary text additionally presents guidelines for managing impulses and obstacles, and attaining sustainable abstinence from smoking. Valuable insights into alternative coping mechanisms for effectively managing triggers and preventing relapse, along with expert advice on seeking support and fostering a robust and wholesome lifestyle, will be provided.

  • af Timothy Nichols
    243,95 kr.

    Whilst there has been a general downward trend in cigarette consumption in recent times, there remain individuals who persist in the act of lighting and smoking tobacco products. The underlying cause for this behavior might be attributed to the individual's addictive tendencies. This publication endeavors to provide readers with an enhanced insight into the perils of cigarette smoking, while also furnishing them with a meticulously designed roadmap to break free from their nicotine addiction and embrace a wholesome lifestyle.The book initially delves extensively into the psychology of addiction, facilitating comprehension of the fundamental elements that contribute to smoking and the appropriate measures to manage them. An exploration of typical stimuli that engender smoking behavior will be provided, along with techniques for recognizing and addressing addiction prior to endeavoring cessation.Have you endeavored to cease nicotine consumption, solely to discover yourself constantly reverting to smoking? Are you fatigued from experiencing feelings of ill health and reneging on commitments to loved ones? Adopt a perspective of constructive learning and view the previous instances of cessation efforts as experimental endeavors. It is not a matter of personal blame that you engage in smoking behavior. Nicotine exhibits a formidable addictive potential, however, it is possible to overcome this predicament. The glorious prospect of leading a life as a non-smoker awaits you, just a step away.

  • af Riccardo Cappelli
    223,95 kr.

    Saluti! Si prega di accettare questa ultima edizione del libro di cucina dietetico Sirtfood scritto da Albert Simon. Scoprirai informazioni complete sui benefici di questo regime alimentare. L'autore ha fornito principi e raccomandazioni essenziali per garantire risultati ottimali. È imperativo evitare di perdere tempo e iniziare ad adottare prontamente il tuo nuovo stile di vita.Ti interesserebbe imparare a preparare ricette seguendo i principi della dieta delle sirtuine? Ti piacerebbe acquisire conoscenze su come trarre piacere dai tuoi pasti ottenendo contemporaneamente una rapida combustione dei grassi? Il Sirtfood Diet Cookbook fornisce una guida completa sulla preparazione di pasti nutrienti in modo efficace nel tempo. Sirtfoods are a newly identified category of common plant-based foods that incorporate sirtuin activators, profoundly stimulating the 'skinny gene' pathways within the body. These pathways are analogous to those that are frequently triggered by periods of fasting and physical exertion, thereby facilitating lipid utilization, muscle development, and enhanced overall well-being.

  • af Simone Di Curcio
    223,95 kr.

    Quando si cerca di perdere peso, tutti gli individui aspirano ad accertarsi di poter compiere l'impresa in modo salubre gustando piatti deliziosi. Si può desiderare di ridurre il loro peso di dieci o cento libbre, tuttavia, è della massima importanza non rinunciare al consumo delle loro prelibatezze preferite. Evita di provare un senso di esclusione durante le interazioni sociali con i tuoi coetanei. Tuttavia, un aspetto cruciale che ci tieni a verificare è l'efficacia del tuo regime alimentare.Purtroppo, con il prevalenteL'utilizzo di ricette con Sirtfoods risale a diversi millenni. Nel corso di migliaia di anni, queste tecniche hanno guadagnato una popolarità diffusa grazie alla loro efficacia nell'aumentare la resistenza, aiutare nella riduzione del peso corporeo e promuovere il benessere fisico generale.La nostra aspirazione collettiva è quella di raggiungere un peso che ci dia una disposizione sicura, ci permetta di vivere la giornata senza problemi, assicuri un benessere fisico e mentale ottimale e riduca il rischio di contrarre le malattie prevalenti che affliggono la società. Tuttavia, questo obiettivo pone sfide maggiori di quanto ci aspettassimo. Numerosi individui alla fine si rendono conto che il loro peso supera gli standard desiderati, causando un calo della sicurezza di sé e della percezione di sé. È possibile che uno non sia soddisfatto del proprio aspetto fisico guardandosi allo specchio, oppure il peso aggiunto possa rappresentare una sfida per mantenere uno stile di vita attivo o acquistare un abbigliamento adatto. Oltre ai suddetti motivi che sono abbastanza convincenti per lottare per la perdita di peso, va notato che portare un peso in eccesso può rendere un individuo più suscettibile a condizioni come il diabete di tipo II e disturbi cardiovascolari, oltre ad aumentare la probabilità di sviluppare il cancro . Non sorprende che vi sia una ricerca prevalente di un mezzo per ottenere la perdita di peso tra un numero significativo di individui.

  • af Samuele Randazzo
    183,95 kr.

    Purtroppo, comprendere la metodologia per ridurre il peso può rivelarsi sconcertante. Ogni anno emergono numerose tendenze alimentari, che rendono arduo vagliare la copiosa letteratura scientifica relativa alla nutrizione. Di conseguenza, questo fenomeno intrappola numerose persone nello sconforto, spingendole a sperimentare piani dietetici sbagliati o ad abbandonare completamente i loro sforzi.Storicamente utilizzate dagli atleti olimpici dell'antica Grecia, le ricette sirtfood stanno attualmente vivendo un'impennata di popolarità, riflettendo la tendenza prevalente verso il benessere. Al giorno d'oggi, grazie all'emergere di Internet, è possibile imbattersi comodamente in un vasto assortimento di ricette relative al sirtfood.Sono arrivato con l'intenzione di infondervi speranza. È nelle tue capacità liberarti da questo modello di smarrimento e disperazione, raggiungendo contemporaneamente un peso corporeo più sano e diminuendo la tua suscettibilità ai disturbi prevalenti e pericolosi. Non c'è bisogno di cedere alla frustrazione dopo aver cercato di comprendere concetti scientifici contorti. All'interno dei contenuti di questo pezzo letterario, ti guiderò attraverso gli aspetti scientifici in maniera inestricabilmente legata.

  • af Christophe Spencer
    243,95 kr.

    It is evident that you have made the conscientious choice to cease smoking. Congratulations on your successful endeavor! For many individuals, the inherent sense of unease and fear linked to terminating the habit of smoking acts as a deterrent to achieving full cessation. Fortunately, a plethora of alternatives have surfaced over the past three decades, aiding individuals who have resolved to curb their deleterious smoking propensity. Multiple alternatives are available to provide assistance to individuals who smoke. Acquiring knowledge about these alternatives is imperative for a smoker who wishes to secure a spot in the smoke-free area.Have you grown weary of your habit as a tobacco user? Would you be inclined to completely eliminate the habit and pursue a healthier lifestyle? Kindly direct your attention to the comprehensive publication titled 'Guide to Smoking Cessation'.This exhaustive manual is replete with professional insights and pragmatic suggestions to assist you in overcoming your smoking addiction and maintaining a smoke-free lifestyle indefinitely. This book represents an ideal resource for individuals seeking to quit smoking, as it concentrates on enhancing comprehension of addiction, preparing to cease usage, and identifying efficacious cessation strategies.This literary work offers amiable and constructive encouragement essential to aid you on your path towards freedom from tobacco consumption. By perusing this literature, you will efficaciously embark on a significant journey towards quitting smoking and overcoming nicotine dependence. Each individual's expedition is distinct, and yours is exceptional.

  • af Alejandro Puerto
    208,95 kr.

    En este libro aprenderá técnicas de gestión del tiempo. Descubrirá cómo establecer objetivos SMART, ordenar tareas según su importancia, prepararse con anticipación y asignar tareas. También se te enseñarán algunos trucos y recursos, como la matriz de Eisenhower y la técnica Pomodoro, para que puedas aplicar estas ideas en tu propia vida.Descubre estrategias efectivas para optimizar tu tiempo, aumentar la productividad y lograr un equilibrio saludable entre el trabajo, el ocio y la vida personal con "Gestión del tiempo", una guía completa y práctica.Kingsley Peters es un hábil escritor que puede atraer a los lectores con artículos informativos y cautivadores. La escritura de Kingsley es apasionada, curiosa, perspicaz y cautivadora, y aborda una amplia gama de temas.

  • af Alejandro Thompson
    223,95 kr.

    Practice makes lucid dreaming easier. With more confidence, lucid dreams have additional uses beyond entertainment. In dreams, you can conduct scientific experiments and make important discoveries like Einstein. You can develop practical abilities while sleeping. By engaging with the forces in your subconscious, you can alleviate long-standing trauma. The possibilities are endless!Prepare to explore a real and secure alternate reality within your own mind. A place where you can fulfill your heart's desires while appearing to be asleep. Learning the ways to enter this realm enables you to visit and control it. Learn to initiate lucid dreaming and feel positive upon waking by reading this book. The dream patterns you experience result from the science behind them when you close your eyes.Dreams of Awakening aims to teach people how to use lucid dreaming for psychological and spiritual growth, despite presenting various methods to make our sleeping years more productive. For those seeking to awaken in their dreams and waking lives, this book is for you.

  • af Xabier Trujillo
    208,95 kr.

    Haga de este libro su aliado en el viaje hacia una vida más productiva, gratificante y equilibrada. Con sus técnicas comprobadas y consejos prácticos, estará listo para enfrentar cualquier desafío y cosechar los beneficios de una gestión eficaz del tiempo.Este libro ofrece consejos útiles para los estudiantes sobre cómo administrar eficientemente su tiempo para que puedan lograr más en menos tiempo. Los estudiantes con frecuencia tienen dificultades para administrar su tiempo entre las exigencias de la educación, las actividades extracurriculares y la vida social. Este libro ofrece consejos perspicaces y tácticas prácticas para ayudar a los estudiantes a establecer prioridades y lograr sus objetivos.

  • af Anselmo Echevarria
    208,95 kr.

    Tanto si es estudiante, profesional o alguien que busca un estilo de vida más equilibrado, "Gestión del tiempo" es la guía definitiva para desbloquear todo su potencial y lograr el éxito en todas las áreas de su vida.Cualquiera que quiera dominar la gestión del tiempo y aumentar la productividad debe leer El plan de productividad: Dominar la gestión del tiempo para profesionales ocupados. Este libro es para todos, incluidos ejecutivos, profesionales y estudiantes.Este libro ofrece a los directores ejecutivos y profesionales con limitaciones de tiempo una guía útil sobre la gestión del tiempo y la mejora de la productividad. Con frecuencia, los ejecutivos tienen dificultades para mantenerse al día con su carga de trabajo debido a las presiones de las reuniones, el trabajo y los plazos. Este libro ofrece consejos perspicaces y tácticas prácticas para ayudar a los directores ejecutivos a establecer prioridades y lograr sus objetivos.

  • af Modesto Contreras
    223,95 kr.

    Being aware within your dreams is called lucid dreaming. Charlie Morley learned lucid dreaming as a teenager and received instruction from both Eastern and Western specialists.We underestimate the potential of lucid dreaming despite having aspirations. Lucid dreaming is when you're aware that you're dreaming and can control your dreams. Lucid dreaming provides you with access and control over parts of your subconscious mind, thoughts, and memories that remain concealed when you are awake.Dreams of Awakening explores lucid dreaming in Western and Tibetan Buddhist contexts. It explores both lucid dreaming practices and the new technique called Mindfulness of Dream and Sleep, which the author helped create.

  • af Leopoldo Scott
    218,95 kr.

    Finding your soul mate is the theme of this book. It includes straightforward practice activities that were created by wonderful coaches and experts and function miraculously. It also features Hanieh's personal narrative along with numerous instances on how every step may transform a person's life and lead them closer to finding their love.The newlywed couple went to the beach to watch the sunset and were instantly attracted to each other. The husband embraced her with a kiss and promised to never abandon her. The attraction was beyond the thoughts of having each other together forever.Many people spend a great deal of time and energy searching for their perfect partner, which can become a source of frustration, anxiety, and depression. This book is designed to help you find your soulmate by adjusting your own perspective, identifying what you want out of a partner, and being proactive in your search. It also provides valuable insight into which dating sites work best, and how to select the one that is best suited to your needs. Finally, it teaches you how to court and keep that special someone so you won't have to go through this process again.

  • af Maurizio Di Domenico
    188,95 kr.

    Usa l'approccio che ha precedentemente aiutato l'autore e migliaia di altre persone a superare la loro battaglia con l'eccesso di peso per ottenere risultati sostenibili. Puoi perdere peso con la dieta SIRT senza il monitoraggio delle calorie o la bilancia in modo divertente e salutare.La dieta alimentare Sirt si basa sull'integrazione di una gamma di "cibi meravigliosi" che attivano le sirtuine nella tua dieta per attivare i tuoi geni brucia grassi e costruzione muscolare! E la grande notizia è che questi alimenti super stimolanti includono: vino rosso, cacao, olio d'oliva, rucola, cioccolato fondente, spinaci, fragole e molto altro!La dieta Sirtfood ha eserciti di sostenitori ed è destinata a sopraffare il mondo del regime alimentare. È l'unica dieta che, invece di limitarsi a raccomandare di ridurre sostanzialmente il consumo di calorie, ti incoraggia a includere determinati alimenti. Tra le inclusioni ci sono alcuni dei nostri pasti preferiti, come il cioccolato!

  • af Teodoro de Martino
    218,95 kr.

    Questi geni sono sirtuine, note per essere regolatori super-metabolici che controllano la nostra capacità di bruciare i grassi, l'umore e i percorsi che regolano la longevità. In realtà, con la Dieta Sirt, puoi dimagrire senza privazioni di alcun genere. Cibo fresco, genuino, facilmente reperibile e perfetto per il nostro palato, che, in combinazione con altri ingredienti, dà origine a piatti prelibati.Le ricette Sirtfood, storicamente utilizzate dagli atleti olimpici greci migliaia di anni fa, sono ora più apprezzate che mai a causa della tendenza in espansione per una vita sana. Al giorno d'oggi, grazie a Internet, è semplice individuare una gamma di ricette sirtfood.I piatti generalmente approvati, consigliati ed esaminati da molti esperti di salute, nutrizionisti e medici al giorno d'oggi sono indicati come ricette sirtfood. Queste ricette, che hanno benefici per la salute unici, sono create con ingredienti completamente naturali.

  • af Cesarino Maggioni
    188,95 kr.

    Quando inizi la dieta Sirt, perderai peso rapidamente poiché stai mangiando pasti ricchi di nutrienti, consumando meno calorie e, naturalmente, alcuni alimenti ad alto contenuto di proteine ??sirtuine. Questa nuova strategia è nota per innescare il "gene magro" di una persona, che sono percorsi fisiologici che normalmente sono attivati ??solo dal digiuno e dall'esercizio fisico.Questa sana alimentazione si basa principalmente sull'introduzione nella nostra alimentazione quotidiana dei Sirtfoods, tipologia di alimenti particolarmente ricchi di questi particolari nutrienti in grado di attivare classi simili di geni della magrezza attraverso il digiuno.Le ricette Sirtfood sono utilizzate da migliaia di anni. Sono diventati popolari nel corso dei millenni perché sono uno dei migliori trucchi per aumentare la resistenza, facilitare la perdita di peso e mantenere il corpo in perfetta forma.

  • af Manual Peters
    218,95 kr.

  • af Rolando Mullen
    188,95 kr.

  • af Thurman Christensen
    218,95 kr.

  • af Edmundo Fitzgerald
    218,95 kr.

    Being a local bookworm, my response when my neighbor invited me to her top-secret event was natural. I was filled with delight and enthusiasm to the moon. Books were involved, and I was finally accepted for who I was.But as soon as she discovers she must choose between the Principal's daughter and Bree, the most popular student at her new school, the glamour of Los Angeles begins to haunt her-or does it?

  • af Russel Ritter
    218,95 kr.

    Bitcoin is a decentralized and distributed software that converts electricity and processing power into accurate records, making it the first successful form of Digital Money.It's a brand-new asset class called cryptocurrency. It is therefore understandable why it appears confusing and complex to potential investors like you. To develop your money in the realm of cryptocurrencies, fortunately, you don't need to have hundreds of millions of spare fiat or access to top-secret information. There will be more opportunities as cryptocurrencies gain popularity. That does not, however, imply that every cryptocurrency will succeed. For this reason, having the right information is essential to making sure you know what you're investing in and how to maximize your profits.The history of cryptocurrencies, the technology that underpins them, and the advantages and disadvantages of investing in them are all covered in this book. In addition, you'll learn how to manage risk and assess investment opportunities, as well as how to safeguard your investments and yourself against fraud and scams.

  • af Broderick Santana
    198,95 kr.

    You have undoubtedly heard about the incredible returns on real estate investment. But the reality is that getting started in this industry may be challenging, especially if you're fresh. There are simply so many sources available that it might be challenging to determine which ones will be effective for you.This self-help business book is brimming with insightful tips and useful guidance on how to create a successful Airbnb portfolio from scratch from a distance. Find inspiration and motivation from real-life success stories and case studies of Airbnb businesses while learning insider tips and methods for improving your small business, overcoming typical difficulties, and maintaining a cash flow.This book outlines quantitative approaches to estimate fair market value of stocks, using case studies from the Indian equity market. It attempts to translate business fundamentals and expectations into numbers, translating them into mathematics.

  • af Nathaniel Rowland
    218,95 kr.

    This book teaches you how to become a successful investor and reach financial independence in seven easy steps. It helps you make sensible choices and take calculated risks, and the more information you possess, the better your odds are of success. Start now!Would you like to use assets you don't own to generate a sizable passive income?Do you believe it will be challenging and you will only end up losing money?Would you like to understand sound principles that enable you to eliminate risks and begin making money right now with step-by-step guidance?The Teenager's Modern Guide to Investing in the Stock Market is a guide for teens looking to build wealth, make smart financial decisions, and secure their future. It covers the basics of stock market investing, including socially responsible investing, cryptocurrency, and robo-advisors. It also explores how to use investments to support companies that align with values and promote sustainability.

  • af Benedict Fernandez
    208,95 kr.

    Learn how investing in cryptocurrencies and its derivative products may transform your life and how Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are altering the global economy.The goal is to demystify the world of digital currencies and show all of their possibilities.You will learn everything you need to know in this book to dispel any residual questions you may have about what cryptocurrency is and why you should care about it. Additionally, you will discover several of the key Bitcoin alternatives and why you could want to keep an eye on them. Additionally, you will discover practical methods for allocating your hard-earned money in ways that will maximize its positive impact.The Bitcoin Connection provides a thorough introduction to the blockchain and bitcoin industries. We examine the background, workings, and prospects of this ground-breaking new technology in this eBook. This book is a vital resource for comprehending the world of Bitcoin and the blockchain revolution, regardless of whether you are an experienced cryptocurrency investor or a curious newbie.

  • af Samual Deleon
    218,95 kr.

    "Crypto Book for Beginners" is a comprehensive guide written in plain language, accessible to anyone interested in cryptocurrency, regardless of technical background.Cryptocurrencies, however, are a concept whose time has come. Because of this, no central bank has the courage to outright forbid them today. The genie has been let out of the bottle, with the virtual currency that started this revolution, bitcoin, now valued at $1 trillion and many other virtual currencies at billions.The cryptocurrency Bitcoin and the blockchain technology that powers it are at the center of a financial industry upheaval unlike anything that has occurred in generations. The emergence of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has upended the established financial order and created new opportunities in the financial sector and elsewhere.

  • af Antonia Mendoza
    218,95 kr.

    You can find all the advice you need to launch your real estate investing portfolio successfully in Commercial Real Estate for Rookies. It will simplify things for you so that getting started in this industry will be as simple as pie.increase & Scale Your Halal Investment Portfolio offers Muslims who wish to watch their funds increase while adhering to Islamic law a one-of-a-kind investing path from a team of Oxford-educated Islamic finance gurus. The difference between halal and haram financial items will be made clear to you, along with other things like how to design different types of portfolios and important tax-saving tips.

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