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  • - A Coursebook
    af A. J. Medland
    560,95 kr.

    Many books already exist on computer-aided design and manufacture most of which are dedicated to describing the complexities of mathematical modelling and its application to industrial problems.

  • af V. Begg
    783,95 kr.

    The importance of CAD to electronics technology Computer-aided design (CAD) is one way of coping with the problem of how to design and build very complex systems. Designers of CAD systems are concerned with formalizing and automating as much of the design task as possible.

  • - Volume II: Semantic Issues
    1.670,95 kr.

    This collection of papers stems originally from a conference on Property Theory, Type Theory and Semantics held in Amherst on March 13-16 1986. Two of the papers in the present collection (van Benthem in volume 1 and Chierchia in volume II) were not actually read at the conference.

  • - Volume I: Foundational Issues
    1.665,95 kr.

    ThiscollectionofpapersstemsoriginallyfromaconferenceonProperty Theory,TypeTheoryandSemanticsheldinAmherstonMarch13-16 1986.The conference brought together logicians,philosophers, com­ puter scientists and linguists who had been working on these issues (often in isolation from one another).Ourintent wastoboostdebate and exchange of ideas on these fundamental issuesat a time ofrapid changeinsemanticsandcognitivescience. The paperspublished in thiswork have evolved substantially since their original presentation at the conference. Given their scope, we thought it convenient to divide the work into two volumes.The first deals primarily withlogicaland philosophical foundations, the second with more empirical semantic issues.Whilethere isa common set of issuestyingthetwovolumestogether, theyareboth self-containedand canbereadindependentlyofoneanother. Twoofthepapersinthepresentcollection(vanBentheminvolume Iand ChierchiainvolumeII)werenotactuallyread attheconference. They are nevertheless included here for their direct relevance to the topicsofthevolumes. Regrettably, some of the papers that were presented (Feferman, Klein,and Plotkin) could not be included in the presentwork due to timingproblems. Wenevertheless thank theauthorsfortheircontribu­ tionintermsofideasandparticipationinthedebate. The conference had a group of invited discussants whichincluded Emmon Bach,JanetFodor,Erhard Hinrichs, Angelika Kratzer, Fred Landman, Richard Larson,Godehard Link, Chris Menzel,Uwe Mon­ nich,andCarlPollard.Wethankthemall(alongwiththeotherpartici­ pants)fortheirstimulatingandlivelypresence.

    737,95 kr.

    In the case of b the first two features get the value +, the third (nasal) gets the value -. bilabial: + voiced: + I nasal: - [Feature matrix for b.] In syntax features are used, for example, to distinguish different noun classes. Besides a matrix representation one frequently fmds a graph representation for feature value pairs.

  • af Etc.
    799,95 kr.

    This monograph grew out of research at Xerox PARC and the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) during the first year of CSLI's existence.

  • - Anthropological Perspectives on the Treatment and Maltreatment of Children
    2.222,95 kr.

    The terrible power and significance attributed to maternal behavior (in particular) is a commonsense perception based on the observation that the human infant (specialized as it is for prematurity and prolonged dependency) simply cannot survive for very long without considerable maternal love and care.

  • af M.K. Jenyon
    2.628,95 kr.

  • - Volume 3
    2.865,95 kr.

  • - Biochemistry and Inherited Metabolic Disease
    1.611,95 kr.

  • - Proceedings of a Symposium held on June 13th, 1979
    849,95 kr.

    Dr W J Jenkins In 1977 when the Sheffield Transfusion Centre took delivery of the first GROUPAMATIC blood grouping machine in the UK it was equipped with a sample identification system involving complicated and expensive disposable punched cards.

  • - A Study in policy formation and policy
    af Richard T. Griffiths
    802,95 kr.

    On 26 September 1936, deep in the night, the Dutch cabinet took the decision to cut the guilder's link with gold and to devalue its currency.

    802,95 kr.

    I: Introduction.- I. Expansion and Reaction: Some Reflections on a Symposium and a Theme.- II: Prologue.- 2. The Expansion of Europe and the ¿Longue Dur?e¿.- III: Expansion and Reaction in Asia.- 3. Was there an Indian Reaction? Western Expansion in Indian Perspective.- 4. ¿Western Expansion and Chinese Reaction¿ ¿ A Theme Reconsidered.- 5. Dutch ¿Expansion¿ and Indonesian Reactions: Some Dilemmas of Modern Colonial Rule (1900¿1942).- IV: Expansion and Reaction in Africa.- 6. French Action and Indigenous Reactions in the Maghrib, 1880¿1914.- 7. French Expansion and Local Reactions in Black Africa in the Time of Imperialism (1880¿1914).- 8. European Imperialism and Indigenous Reactions in British West Africa, 1880¿1914.- V: Epilogue.- 9. European Expansion and the Civilization of Modernity.- Notes on the contributors.

  • - Untersuchungen zu Gestaltung und Funktion des Geistlichen im Erzahlwerk Theodor Fontanes
    af Hans. Ester
    802,95 kr.

    1m zehnten Buch des zweiten Teils von 'Dichtung und Wahrheit' berichtet Goethe, wie Herder wahrend ihres Aufenthaltes im ElsaB den 'Landpriester von Wakefield'! vorgelesen habe. Die Bekanntschaft mit dem Werk Gold­ smiths veranlaBt Goethe zu folgender Betrachtung: Ein protestantischer Landgeistlicher ist vielleicht der schonste Gegenstand einer modernen IdyIle; er erscheint, wie Melchisedek, als Priester und Konig in einer Person. An den unschuldigsten Zustand, der sich auf Erden denken liiBt, an den des Ackermanns, ist er meistens durch gleiche Beschiiftigung sowie durch gleiche Familienverhiiltnisse gekniipft; er ist Vater, Hausherr, Landmann und so voll­ kommen ein GIied der Gemeine. Auf diesem reinen, schonen, irdischen Grunde rubt sein hoherer Beruf; ihm ist iibergeben, die Menschen ins Leben zu fUhren, fUr ihre geistige Erziehung zu sorgen, sie bei allen Hauptepochen ihres Daseins zu segnen, sie zu belehren, zu kriiftigen, Zll trosten, und wenn der Trost fUr die Gegenwart nicht ausreicht, die Hoffnung einer gliicklicheren Zukunft heranzurufen und Zll verbiirgen. Denke man sich einen solchen Mann, met rein menschIichen Gesinnungen, stark genug, urn unter keinen Umstiinden davon zu weichen, und schon dadurch iiber die Menge erhaben, von der man Reinheit und Festigkeit nicht erwarten kann; gebe man ihm die zu seinem Amte notigen Kenntnisse sowie eine heitere gleiche Tiitigkeit, welche sogar leidenschaftIich ist, indem sie keinen Augen­ bIick versiiumt das Gute zu wirken - und man wird ihn wohl ausgestattet haben.

  • af W.J. Oomens
    849,95 kr.

    The first main part starts with a discussion of the general notions underlying the theory of the development of demand for new consumer durable goods and next describes the many models known from the literature, using these general notions.

  • - Proceedings of the symposium Utrecht, the Netherlands, 9 May 1974
    af J. P. W. Houtman
    849,95 kr.

    In the last few years the interest in the behavior and possible function of trace elements in biological systems has strongly increased.

  • af G. van Randwijk & A.P.G. Kieboom
    786,95 kr.

    Numerous examples are known of the application of catalyzed hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis reactions in synthetic organic chemistry.

  • af P.J.L.M. Peters
    849,95 kr.

    4.733,95 kr.

    The theme of this meeting was Research in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion to reflect the advances made in research, development, demonstration and com mercialisation since the Fundamentals meeting in 1982.

  • af A. Holding
    1.603,95 kr.

    When in 1 980 I wrote the foreword to The Art of Roya//cing I wished my friend Audrey Holding every success for her book; I hope to go one stage further and expand the ideas and techniques formulated in The Art of Royal Icing.

  • af N.D. Barnes & N.R.C. Roberton
    1.611,95 kr.

    When asked by students of medicine to name a reliable, readable and adequately comprehensive text book of clinical paediatrics we have, in the past, been forced to recommend the least unsatisfactory among the large number of not quite good enough books on the market.

  • - Technology Requirements-Present and Future Proceedings of the ROV '86 Conference organized by the Marine Technology Society, the Society for Underwater Technology and the Association of Offshore Diving Contractors and held in Aberdeen, UK,24-26 June 1986
    af Roger Chapman & Robert L. Wernli Sr.
    2.062,95 kr.

    Proceedings of the ROV '86 Conference organised by the Marine Technology Society, the Society for Underwater Technology and the Association of Offshore Diving Contractors, and held in Aberdeen, UK, June 24-26, 1986

  • - Edited Proceedings of a Symposium, sponsored jointly by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), and held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 5-9 September, 19
    af International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
    2.833,95 kr.

    Elsewhere commenting on the possibility I attended an informal (as in my defence package were items on landslips, clima I then thought) meeting at Newcastle University in 1980 tology, cluster analysis applied to business development to discuss the subject of Seabed Mechanics.

    5.159,95 kr.

    The papers contained herein were presented at the Third International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS/3) held at Paisley College of Technology, Paisley, Scotland, in September 1985.

  • - Proceedings of the North European Margin Symposium (NEMS '83), organized by the Norwegian Petroleum Society and held at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in Trondheim 9-11 May, 1983
    af A. M. Spencer
    2.000,95 kr.

    Complete Proceedings of the Symposium organised by the Norwegian Petroleum Society and held at Trondheim, Norway in 1983

  • af D.R. Karsa, P.J. Donnelly & J.M. Goode
    2.194,95 kr.

    Existing surfactants directories tend to focus on product identification by tradename, producer or chemical type, enabling the user only to identify product equivalents and surfactant suppliers.

  • af Ietswaart
    455,95 kr.

    Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 6. Nomina dubia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 7. Species excludenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 8. Index of collections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 9. Index of taxonomic names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 SUMMARY The present study deals with the systematics and taxonomy of the genus Origanum (Labiatae, Saturejeae). As this difficult genus was never before monographed, a revisional study was much needed. The data presented are mainly based on the study of herbarium specimens and in some cases of living ones. The picture was completed, as far as possible, with data from various literature sources. A short survey is given of the taxonomic history of Origanum, which goes back as far as Linnaeus, and shows that genus and species concepts of various authors have much differed. A morphological outline of Origanum is given, from which it can be concluded that most generic characters are rather variable. Origanum is characterized in the following ways. Medium sized, subshrubby Labiatae, rich in volatile oils, with subsessile, ovate, glandular punctate leaves and paniculate inflorescences; few flo­ wered verticillasters arranged in (dense) spikes with distinct, often coloured, bracts; calyces variable: 5-toothed, subregular or 2-lipped or I-lipped, with developed or reduced teeth; corollas 2-lipped, sometimes saccate or flattened.

  • - How to Buy Diamonds, Pearls, Precious and Other Popular Gems with Confidence and Knowledge
    af Antoinette Matlins
    849,95 kr.

    We have taken the opportunity of this softcover edition to update the price guides for diamonds and colored gemstones and, in light of the increase in both the popularity and price of pearls, to add a price guide for them in the "Guide to Popular Gems and Their Prices."

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