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  • af Neill
    223,95 kr.

    LeafGrief is a complex thing to experience. Since losing my husband, I've let it call the shots. It's been in control so long that I've almost forgotten what it feels like to have someone hold me tight at night or share a secret smile with.But a beautiful young model shows up at my lodge. He's eager to learn about the outdoors and experience life outside the city. The more we laugh and share secrets under the stars, the more he makes me want things that I've kept buried for too long.He's more than my first impression; he's intelligent, kind, eager, and fiercely protective. He's only supposed to be here for a month, but he's chipping at the walls around my heart.Now that I'm falling for him, I need to convince him to stay, but we're from two different worlds.Could a beauty like him be happy in the mountains with a bearded widower like me?SashaBeing a model assumes you're all looks and no brains. Well, I'm done playing the part of the pretty boy. The flirt. The easy target. No more cowing to the demands of others. It's time to figure out who I am and what I want from life.I'm heading to the mountains for a month to discover the kinder side of life-if there is such a thing. I want to heal my wounds and use the wilderness to search my soul for where I should go next.When I arrive at the lodge, the sexy lumberjack with the sad eyes immediately captures my attention. He's incredibly thoughtful, and he emboldens me to be me. With his encouragement, I'm doing things I never thought possible, like learning to fish... and catching feelings instead.We lead different lives, but even though I didn't come here looking for love, would he want a beautiful mess like me to stay?CW: mention of spousal death, off-page past sexual and emotional abuse

  • - Las adicciones que no son reconocidas como adicción.
    af Luz M Rivera
    318,95 kr.

    LA GÉNESIS DE LAS ADICCIONES DE LAS SENSACIONES EQUIVOCADAS DEL ALMAEs necesario llegar a la primera mención en la Biblia, donde tuvo lugar precisamente la ley de la primera mención, porque ahí encontrarás el panorama que aquello que ocurrió en el principio, y tener la perspectiva de la forma como ocurrirá hasta el final del tiempo. Si ves desde el principio, el modus operandis del reino de las tinieblas, notarás que ha estado tratando de convertir el alma en un alma adicta a sentires, emociones, sentimientos, deleites y placeres equivocados, podrás ver que toda la historia de la humanidad ha estado bajo ese ataque, también verás en la Biblia a personajes que no pudieron defenderse, siendo derribados bajo esa estrategia.La situación es que, si ese modus operandis estará hasta el final; el tiempo final que se describe en la Biblia ha llegado a la humanidad, no hoy, sino desde hace algún tiempo, de manera que hoy si puedo decir que estamos viviendo la última milla para acercarnos a la meta del supremo llamamiento que tenemos en Cristo Jesús.El Apóstol Pablo hace mención, de la primera mención, de cuando se manipuló por primera vez el alma para caer en las adicciones que tanto he estado repitiendo, pero lo hago porque considero que también servirá para que lo tengas debidamente identificado y que en cualquier momento puedas poner un alto a cualquier estrategia que las tinieblas lancen contra tu vida.2 Corintios 11:3 Pero temo que, así como la serpiente con su astucia engañó a Eva, vuestras mentes sean desviadas de la sencillez y pureza de la devoción a Cristo.Hay gente que se deleita en la pureza de Dios y otros que la aborrecen, así como unos aman la pureza, otros aman la impureza; así puedes ver cómo el Apóstol Pablo está señalando lo que sucedió en el principio como una advertencia a la Iglesia de Corinto porque ese modus operandis sigue en operación. LA PRIMERA MENCIÓNGénesis 3:4-6 Y la serpiente dijo a la mujer: Ciertamente no moriréis. 5 Pues Dios sabe que el día que de él comáis, serán abiertos vuestros ojos y seréis como Dios, conociendo el bien y el mal. 6 Cuando la mujer vio que el árbol era bueno para comer, y que era agradable a los ojos, y que el árbol era deseable para alcanzar sabiduría, tomó de su fruto y comió; y dio también a su marido que estaba con ella, y él comió.Lo que Dios había dicho a los primeros de la humanidad, era que habitaran y disfrutaran todo lo que había habilitado en lo que El llamó el Edén. Interesantemente la palabra Edén significa, deleite, placer, sentires, sensaciones; ese era el hábitat de ellos para deleitarse, para tener emociones saludables porque estaban, como decir, en la tierra que produce buenas sensaciones para disfrutar el placer de Dios. EL ALMA ADICTA ES ANHEDONICA El desbalance de los 4 químicos del cerebro producen efectos que, cuando hay demasiada concentración de estas sustancias o componentes químicos, te sientes energizado ya que los niveles moderados de dopamina te híper estimulan y el placer es mayor que el placer normal y la persona le presta demasiada atención a esa sobre estimulación y no logra separar lo que es normal y permitido con lo que es presión para llevar a romper la voluntad de Dios y convertirse en pecado. Dicho en otras palabras, al sufrir una sobrecarga de placer, no detecta el límite que debe respetar, entonces regresa a lo que ya le produce mucho placer, para tener otra sobredosis; un ejemplo que puedo citar es lo que produce la pornografía en una persona, no solamente se le manipula la dopamina, se sobrecarga y la persona entonces cae en un placer fuera de la voluntad de Dios.

  • af Rm Neill
    193,95 kr.

    BlazeWhoever says money can solve all your problems is a damn liar. It only creates unnecessary headaches and does nothing to erase bitter memories.Deep down, I'm still the same guy I've always been. No matter how many zeros are in my bank account. No matter how far I run, or how much richer I become. Where I came from will never change.I'm tired of pretending. It's why I've come back to my hometown. To the simple life, to clearing my mind and finding the balance that's always just out of reach.No suits, no city living, no cheats and liars, and definitely no complications.But the funny thing is, there's a situation I wasn't prepared for. The ranch hand on my best friend's farm with a shy smile and talented hands. River is easygoing, confident and carefree, my total opposite.Maybe an unexpected complication is exactly what I need to make things easy again.Maybe finding my way back to who I truly am is easier if I'm not alone.RiverI don't need much to be happy.I have my job at Broken Horn Ranch, my custom furniture building on the side, and a standing date to dinner with my dad every Friday night.Life doesn't need excitement or fancy adventures to be fulfilling. Things are completely good just the way they are. There's no sense toppling my perfectly balanced apple cart.But I wasn't expecting the tall, dark, and handsome man who arrived at the ranch on horseback and sent my comfortable, ordinary world spinning.Blaze is the boss's best friend and a part owner of the ranch. His brilliant smile masks his hidden troubles, and if I had a few pennies to spare for his thoughts, I'd spend every last one.Maybe I don't have everything I need after all.Maybe I need him.Blaze is the second book in The Broken Ranch series and can be read as a standalone. Expect to find two men in their forties remembering what it's like to be kids again while falling in love, a new hobby making spoons, an abundance of romantic gestures and a super swoony sleigh ride.

  • af Rm Neill
    218,95 kr.

    AlecAs an ex-cowboy who travelled the rodeo circuit, I was good at two things: roping and, after a bit of heartbreak, denying that I was looking for a man to warm my bed permanently.I left that scene and settled in working at the Broken Horn Ranch. I was still good at denying the loneliness that kept creeping in, but the animals on the ranch and my plants kept me company.And so did my best friend of three years, Zane.Since I was so good at denying things, there was no way in God's green acre I was going to tell my straight best friend that I'd fallen for him.Yep, I'd just live my life out with the violets on my windowsill and carry that torch to my grave.But sometimes things don't go as planned.ZaneWhen you're close to forty, you should have your life figured out; job, home... and your sexuality.I've never been one to follow the path of what's expected and it's hard to settle down when you don't feel the connection needed for warming up the cold winter nights. Except with Alec.After months of dealing with a tiny mid-life crisis, grappling with these newfound and unexpected feelings, I know I'm in love with my best friend.When a piece of his rodeo past shows up at the ranch, it's the motivation I need to openly claim the man who's lassoed my heart.I might not know exactly what I'm doing on this unfamiliar path...But for Alec, I want to walk it-together.Alec is the third and final book in The Broken Horn Ranch Series. Prepare for a trouble making raccoon, a peacock that can't be contained, big belt buckles at a cowboy auction and SO MANY CAMEOS. Demisexuality and high intimacy with the most patient man you'll ever meet can be found here. While it's made to stand alone, you may enjoy it more if you read the prior books first. Oh, and an epilogue that just might make you blush.

  • af Rm Neill
    193,95 kr.

    ColbyI never meant to fall in love with my stepbrother, but Dante cared for me in ways no one ever had before.Then, he vanished without a trace.For five years I've wondered how he could walk away so easily, leaving our hopes and dreams behind. I never thought I'd see Dante again, then my world is turned upside down when he reappears.I want to push him away, but I can't. Not when he tells me the truth behind his disappearance.Now, I'll do whatever it takes to help him right these wrongs... even if it costs me everything.DanteI did what I had to in order to protect my family.Never would I allow Colby to suffer if there was any way I could prevent it. He deserved the very best in life, even if that meant I had to leave to make that happen.But the five years of silence was too much. I need to see him and explain that I never stopped loving him, even if he already moved on. Yet when I find out the person I was protecting him from broke all their promises, I'm prepared to fight for the life I left behind.No way in hell am I walking away a second time.Welcome to the Broken Horn Ranch Series. This book contains a five year secret, llamas with needs, colourful ranch hands, two of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet and a romantic moment in a tiny tent.

  • af Teresa Eckmann
    393,95 kr.

    From his provincial origins in the small northern Mexico town of Múzquiz, Coahuila, to his meteoric rise in Manhattan's East Village art scene, to having achieved international standing at the time of his early death at forty-seven, Julio Galán was radically transgressive. The artist extended contemporary Mexican painting beyond the cultural criticism of Neo-Mexicanism (neomexicanismo), redefining Mexican identity as gender-expansive in his art. Galán combined gender-fluid imagery, his performative persona, queer self-representation, and cross-cultural visual and textual references to create large-scale, layered, dialogical visual puzzles. An artist ahead of his time, Galán's content and imagery is relevant to contemporary LGBTQ+ social movements.Replete with full-color reproductions of Galán's artwork and photographic material, Teresa Eckmann's book serves as the first English-language monograph on the artist's life and work. Anyone interested in art in Mexico and Latin America will find this book an indispensable addition to their library, and it will be a core book on the study of this artist for decades to come.

  • af Rm Neill
    223,95 kr.

    One is suffering through a fog of grief. The other crushing feelings of inadequacy.Fate knew they needed each other.DominicFor the longest time, I believed we get one shot at true love. A single person that sets our soul on fire. I had that with my wife until she died, then I was lost in a dark sea of grief. In need of companionship, I decided to adopt a dog.What I found at the shelter was so much more. Micha, the volunteer, is insanely cute and ridiculously funny. He awakens feelings within me I never knew existed. Is it possible I may get a second chance at real love?MichaLove just isn't in the cards for some people. And I'm among those unfortunate few destined to be alone. I trusted the wrong man with my heart once and had it shattered into a million pieces. I won't make that mistake twice. Instead, I pour every ounce of my energy into building my business and trying to convince myself I'm not lonely.But Dominic could be the one to tear down the walls I hide behind. He's the most handsome man I ever met and unbelievably kind. I know he experienced a horrible loss. Is that what's behind his attraction to me? Or has the connection between us led to his bisexual awakening?Twice in a Lifetime is the first book in the Sheltered Connections Series. This book involves themes of hurt/comfort, bisexual awakening, and an age gap. Swoon-worthy moments, laugh-out-loud humor, and scorching chemistry make up this 70k word story. Oh, and don't forget the cherry flavored icing.

  • af Rm Neill
    123,95 kr.

    The only thing better than church lady made food is a good joint and a better orgasm.What if all three are delivered by a sexy priest?I know demons are supposed to be terrifying and evil. Some might even say cruel and heartless.But the thing is, I don't like it.The constant scowling and the raining of fire on people, it really isn't good for my mental health. Give me fluffy bunnies and a good cuddle after a long day and I'm a happy guy.The problem is, I am a demon and I'm really freaking bad at it.When my dad sent me to earth for a week to learn from humans how easy it is to be horrible, it sounded like a crap trip to me.But I met a man there and he's not just any man. He's a priest, and he's as bad at his job as I am. We're gonna help each other out. He'll teach me how to be bad and I'll... ah, dammit.The only thing he's going to teach me is that I can fall in love with a human.What could be scarier than that? My Saintly Demon features a marshmallow demon and a jaded priest who make an unlikely pair in this thought provoking and steamy novella about a demon who just can't be bad and seeks comfort, and a priest who needs balance between his want for the forbidden and a desire to find acceptance for who he really is.

  • af Jack Loeffler
    213,95 kr.

    This volume "curates the evolving perspective of Jack Loeffler--itinerant wanderer, environmental warrior, storyteller, and story collector--whose true education began when he was marched into the Nevada desert one day at dawn to play 'The Stars and Stripes Forever' during an atomic bomb test a scant few miles away. Since that day in 1957, Jack's mission in life has been to record peoples of the borderlands and to bring 'indigenous mindedness' to the forefront of the conversation about our precarious environments and our decaying planet. [This] is a sweeping manifesto of Jack's core beliefs and long experience as a fierce (and funny) advocate for nature and nature-mindedness and against poisonous politics and policies"--

  • af R M Neill
    183,95 kr.

    One has no time for love.The other is desperately seeking acceptance.Only together can their hearts be made whole. Owen For the last seven years, I've been married to my job because it's easier than dealing with the angst that comes with relationships. I was only looking to grow my business, now I'm stuck dealing with a baker whose sunshine and lollipop outlook proves to be a monumental pain in my butt. Friends say I need to learn to have fun, and Parker could be the one to teach me. The more time I spend with him, the more I feel they may be right. Now, I want forever, but I don't know how to ask for it. Parker I was only looking for a place to start my career as a baker. Somehow, I ended up with a boss who is as hot as he is grumpy. I should be focusing on my baking, and build security based on my own success. Instead, Owen is fast becoming my sole focus. My longing for acceptance, to heal the scars from an abusive past, have led me to an impossible choice. Do I pursue my dream job... or dream man? Finding the Right Forever is the second book in the Sheltered Connections Series. This book involves themes of hurt/comfort, grumpy/sunshine, and a spandex elf suit. Laugh-out-loud humor, spur of the moment kitchen shenanigans and two men too stubborn to see what's in front of them make up this 72k word story. Ridiculously horrible singing is included.

  • - Escape the 9-5, Regain Your Freedom, and Live in Abundance
    af Mike Desormeaux
    158,95 kr.

    ★★★★★ "This is the best money I have spent on a real estate book in the past year, by far. No fluff - this is expert advice from a highly experienced investor...! - Jason Gordon Mike Desormeaux's WEALTH WON'T WAIT is your handbook to tried, true and proven financial wealth-building through investing in real estate. This book teaches proven, reliable, in the trenches real estate investing to help you escape the 9-5, regain your freedom, and live in abundance.For living more and working less, this book is the blueprint.'Wealth Won't Wait' is your ultimate guide to real estate investing, creating passive income for life, and how to find the right investment for YOU! You're only ONE decision away from CHANGING YOUR LIFE!Mike Desormeaux, one of the top investment Realtors in Canada, reveals true, practical strategies that will teach you: ◆ Why, More Now Than Ever, The System Is Rigged Against Us To Not Let Us Live In Abundance AND Taking Our Freedom - "never has the divide between the wealthy, middle class, and poor been as large as it is today. And the divide is growing. There are more middle-class people today who are moving towards poverty than are getting closer to being wealthy."◆ What Real Estate Investing Can Do For You, Your Family And Your Legacy. - Mike will share with you how he has helped many average, regular people become multi-millionaire real estate investors.◆ Why fewer Canadians are going to be property owners - "We are literally being robbed by the government and central banks without even noticing it. They are devaluing our savings and the money we work hard for with stimulus money. Holders and savers of money are getting left behind more than ever."◆ What Type Of Investment Property Is The Best Investment, Easiest To Buy, Manage And Produce The Most Cashflow - "Too many people dabble in investments for their financial future, and they pay an enormous price for it."◆ Marketing System For Good Tenants That Pay And Want To Stay◆ Increasing Your Income Through Proven Property Management Tools◆ Coming Up With The Money To Purchase◆ The Five Biggest Mistakes An Investor Can Make - Mike knows where a lot of the potholes are in the road of real estate investing, and he wants to share those with you so you don't have to discover them for yourself.◆ Single Family, Student Rentals, Second Suites, BRRRR Strategy, Multi Residential, Rent To Owns, Flips, Condos! - "Unless you intelligently get your money working for you, the cost of not doing this can be financial, emotional, or physical. Ultimately, it can cost you your freedom. Don't let inaction cost you!"◆ And growing your way to wealth and financial freedom! - "Unless you intelligently get your money working for you, the cost of not doing this can be financial, emotional, and physical. Ultimately, it can cost you your freedom. Don't let inaction cost you!"Get Wealth Won't Wait right now, and grow your way to wealth and financial freedom with real estate. What readers say: ★★★★★ "This was a fantastic resource to learn about the benefits of real estate investing and how it can be a vehicle to financial freedom!" - Yuki Yamanaka ★★★★★ "An essential resource for all real estate investors!" - Kevin H.★★★★★ "I feel I just read cheat codes to my financial future. Amazing work! Buy it now!." " - Mitchell Sagar

  • - Equipamiento Integritas.
    af Rivera & Luz M Rivera
    283,95 kr.

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