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  • af Brianna Tate
    113,95 kr.

    The truth according to Brianna Tate is a poetic story of love lost and found. It's about friends that said they would be there forever, but ran away as soon as the wind blew, like dust on a dirt road. It's about the heartache of loosing your first love, and the courage of letting another in. Only the truth, speaks to the heart. Enjoy the ride.

  • af Shunda White
    488,95 kr.

    There is no better way to start your day than with a word from the Lord. A New Day: A Daily Dose of Jesus Sprinkles gives you that and more. This beautiful, full color, table top display ready book, is a gift you would want to keep out for everyone to enjoy.

  • af Mary Mason Foote
    248,95 kr.

  • af Empress Em Sharon Yisrael
    368,95 kr.

    This is the story of those descendant from slavery, the exiled Hebrew's story. It tells what has happened to us while being scattered worldwide, while exiled from our homeland. It reveals what was stolen from us, who we are, why we fell, and our near future exodus. If we don't know who we are, then we won't know where we are going. Our heavenly Father has planned a phenomenal redemption from the curses/punishment over our lives. We have an awesome date with destiny! This book is named Trees of Righteousness, Isa. 61:3, because we are Zion, "The Hidden Ones" hidden in plain sight. This is all spiritual. Daddy God says, it's not by power, nor by might, but by my spirit says the Lord, Zechariah 4:6. You don't have to work for it, and you certainly cannot purchase it. It comes to his children by faith and because Daddy God loves us and desires to gives us the best. Daddy God will give us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that we may be called 'Trees of Righteousness'; the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.The book has over 125 full color images!

  • af Diane "Broken-Arrow" Leeward
    188,95 kr.

  • af Don McCain
    308,95 kr.

  • af Steven W. Edwards
    198,95 kr.

    I pray that this book leads someone to Christ. If only one person gets saved after reading this book it will be well worth the effort. If God can use someone like me to carry his word to the lost he can use anyone of you. You can never get too far in the world that God cannot get you out. When it comes to you, God will get your attention one way or the other. I ran from God a long time. One day I was driving and my brakes went out. I literally hit the church I was running from. I don't run from God anymore. My pastor, Truman Carter, brings God's word and I write it down and pass it out wherever I go. If people won't go to church I'll bring the church to them. So just sit back, and let God work as you are reading this book. There are almost a hundred different messages in here. If you can find just one that helps you find Jesus our job is done. I hope this helps you grow closer to the Lord. I want to thank God for giving me a chance to bring his word. I hope you have as much joy reading this as we did working on it. Pastor Truman Carter and Steven Wayne Edwards working for God the only way we know how!

  • af The Poetry Society Of Tennessee
    128,95 kr.

  • af Shell Moore
    318,95 kr.

    Come let me share some personal experiences hoping that you all might explore this supernatural journey with me with a spiritual insight allowing the holy spirit to guide you (1 Cor. 2:14). But the natural man received not the things of the spirit of God: for the are foolishness unto him.From a child strange events happened in my life. I would have what I thought was dreams seeing people and describing them to mom. She would tell me who they were. However, from a very small child I could see into the future. I describe events and places. This was just the beginning of what would make me a powerful woman of God dedicated to the service of the Lord.

  • af Latasha Morrow
    198,95 kr.

    People in today society make it so hard for people to seek help. We as God's Children must start to help our fellow brothers and sisters. Instead of talking about them, lift them up, and let them know they are loved no matter what they're going through. Abuse is abuse no matter what type of abuse someone is going through. Abuse is another leading cause of death, but people look over it every day. People that are being abused are screaming out so loud, but silently because they are afraid of the verbal abuse they will receive once they reveal their hurt. Just think about it, they're already going through physical abuse they then have to deal with verbal abuse. Once you verbally abuse a person that's already broken and hurt, you're no better than the person that caused the physical abuse to them. After the physical and verbal abuse comes the mental abuse. The victim beats themselves up with their thoughts, pain, and shame of feeling like the people in this world are against them. Stop talking about people and pray for them. Make them comfortable in knowing that they have a support system that will help them in their time of need. There is too much gossip and not enough positive uplifting. You have to be careful of the ones that finds joy in other people's pain. To be honest, hurt people Hurt people because they don't know how to handle their own problems. If you know anybody that is going through any sort of abuse drop to your needs and pray for them before you offer your help. After you pray for them let God use you IF he wants you to be the person to help. We all are guilty of laughing and talking about somebody, but it's not too late to change and start being a prayer warrior for folks that are going through. Some people really fear leaving an abusive relationship. Some people just don't know their own worth. Some think it's okay to live like that. Some people watch their loved ones go through things like that, and they think it's okay. Whatever the reason that keeps them from leaving an abusive relationship don't let your words cause them more pain. Don't block that door for them to ask for help. Prayer changes things be a prayer warrior for them.

  • af Mercedes Farmer
    148,95 kr.

    I wasn't sure how I wanted to present this book of poems to my readers. I searched non-stop working within myself to come up with ideas for this book. One night I was sitting at home and an idea hit me; "Why don't I write a letter to my younger self?" "What age? I wasn't sure. My first thought was to write a letter to my ten year old self. Then I thought, "maybe to my seven year old self." Finally around midnight one night, I decided on my five year old self. This age I remember vividly; as I look back over my life, I realize that this age was the age when things started to unravel for me. What I hope that people take away from this book of poems is healing. We all have gone through trails in this thing called life (if you haven't-keep living) but we all have power to overcome whatever it is. Admitting that there are stumbling blocks that occur on our way to our destiny, can be the thing that helps carry us to our destiny. I hope this book helps some young girl or boy, who thinks it's too late, love themselves more than the hate they may feel for someone else; for love conquers hate.

  • af Melinda Marie Moore-Johnson
    163,95 kr.

  • af Cedric Doss
    198,95 - 318,95 kr.

  • af Jessica Spraggins
    208,95 kr.

  • af Dianne Walker
    208,95 kr.

  • af Rogers Michelle Rogers
    238,95 kr.

  • af Lameka Barganier Gregory
    128,95 kr.

  • af Angela D Bell
    398,95 kr.

  • af Nicole D Mangum
    143,95 kr.

  • af Joe Edd Morris
    278,95 - 383,95 kr.

  • - An Odyssey of Enchantment
    af Harris-Philpott Vandean Harris-Philpott
    380,95 kr.

    Odyssey is defined as a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience, hence my whirlwind of a life. Not the kind of whirlwind that leaves things scattered beyond recognition, but the kind of whirlwind that picks you up and places you in the right place at the right time. My life has been one synchronicity, guided by my deceased mother and ancestors. I found myself in the land of my great, great, great grand father who came to America as a free black man, not enslaved. This book does not claim to prove or disprove any written religious or historical dogma of any kind. Its only objective rather, is to record what I was told, by my elders, the history of our family and to record my own life's journey. My only reason for conducting the small amounts of historical research was due to my desire to verify dates and the timelines of events that I was told occurred; those that might have coincided with my great-grandfather's arrival in America and how they might have affected the decisions he made during his lifetime--decisions that would eventually impact those of us who came later. Once I was satisfied that these timelines and dates did indeed match, I had no doubt that the stories passed on to me happened just as they were told.

  • af William Hill
    243,95 kr.

  • af Tammie Tubbs
    143,95 kr.

    Bullying has become an epidemic. Years ago there was a rhyme kids used to say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt them." No words don't break bones, but they do break hearts. Words are very powerful and our children need to understand that. The right words can change every situation for the better or for the worst. Positive words create a better world. Tammie Tubbs, former school teacher turned TV personality and entrepreneur, understands the problems children face growing up, especially in the classroom. Helping a child find and see their worth and value has become an important part of her platform. Tammie knows firsthand the words that children say about themselves and to each other and how they can be cruel, having a lifelong affect well into adulthood. "You Are Not What They Say You Are!" is filled with positive affirmations your children will love repeating and believing.

  • af King Saul Real Negus
    218,95 kr.

  • af Brenda Wheaton Diffin
    198,95 kr.

  • - My Journey!
    af Linda Raleigh Lane
    183,95 kr.

  • af Michelle Rogers
    188,95 kr.

  • - Through Multilateral Ecumenical Unity
    af Dr Jeffery A Gladney
    223,95 kr.

  • af Bert Robinson
    208,95 kr.

    Redemption is the act of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. When you look back over your life and think of the countless times, redemption was needed. The smallest and simplest events can be a part of your personal redemption story. I need you to think for a moment. Just for a moment, I am asking you to stop and put the book down. Now the book is down, I need you to open your heart, mind, body, and soul. I know you see it; I know you can feel it, I know you can smell it, and is your heart jumping with excitement? Well, I know mine is beating faster and faster with the excitement of my redemption journey. Ask yourself, how many times, I had to redeem myself? Throughout this book, I will walk you through my journey of Redemption. This journey took me to many dark places in my life, relationships, parenthood, communities, and as a man. Also, make sure while reading this book, and I cover a different section of my life. You take a moment and reflect on your personal experiences. I would like you to relate to my stories, which might be or might not be your own experience, but this book will help you or someone else. I cannot say I will be in chapter one or chapter, but I know this book will grab you and make you think about certain things. So, when you did ask yourself, how can I redeem myself from a past lifestyle, career, as a person, relationship, and a parent? I want you to know it is never too late for your redemption story.

  • af Johnson Michael Johnson
    268,95 kr.

    Proverb 7 tells us about the seductive woman, with persuasive words she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk." Jezebel, the one mentioned in the book of Revelation is a mystery that needs to be revealed. Revelations tells us You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. Who is this woman that still infiltrates our church today? She is the woman who performs many gifts, signs, and wonders under the guise of prophet gifting, all while performing such miracle, signs, and wonders by sorcery and manipulation. This is how this story begins. A family in need of spiritual counseling entrust themselves unknowingly into the care of one such Jezebel. A husband newly called into the ministry desires to heal his family, by seeking spiritual counseling. This counseling started off being of great benefit. His wife was excited and so was he about their marriage being saved. Counseling started off virtually then turned into a live face to face visit. This is when things go wrong, terribly wrong. A powerful demonic manipulation began to take its root into this loving husband. How can a person be good and bad at the same time? How can a "woman of God" come seducing under the guise of helping? What would it take for him to loosen himself from her grips? Only, a praying wife and father!

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