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Bøger udgivet af LID Publishing

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  • - Managing people and organizations in turbulent times
    af Lukas Michel
    196,95 kr.

    This book offers an exciting visual-thinking approach to help managers, leaders and entrepreneurs think through their options and find a way that best meets the needs of their businesses.

  • - How Advance Data Collection and Analysis Underpins Winning Strategies
    af Erik Elgersma
    196,95 - 245,95 kr.

    The essential tools for analysing data in today's data-driven economy.

  • - El imperio que hereda Ana Botín
    af Adrian Tschoegl
    278,95 kr.

    La concentración bancaria, común en todos los países, en busca de economías de escala y posiciones de dominio, podría explicar parte del crecimiento del Banco Santander. Pero el enorme salto cuantitativo frente al BBVA, el otro gran banco español, tiene unas causas específicas: la combinación de excelentes equipos de profesionales bancarios que se han incorporado recientemente, la identificación voluntaria de los empleados con un estilo personal que se ejemplifica con el uso de la corbata roja -el yugo rojo- y la propia personalidad de su máximo dirigente, Emilio Botín, que aunaba una impresionante ambición y tenacidad con un estilo de negociación y de gestión frío e implacable. Sólo dos profesores de la Wharton Business School, desde la lejanía y la independencia que da una prestigiosa universidad americana, podían atreverse a penetrar con objetividad y profundidad en esta apasionante aventura. Mauro F. Guillén y Adrian Tschoegl explican el nacimiento del banquín de provincias y la toma del control por la familia Botín, aunque analizan con más profundidad los años recientes: la expansión latinoamericana, la compra del Abbey, la apuesta por parte de los activos del ABN AMRO y el reemplazo del motor de toda esta explosión. A este recorrido suman el fallecimiento repentino de Emilio Botín y los retos que tiene al frente su hija Ana como heredera de un imperio que, a buen seguro, seguirá trabajando por superarse y navegar por nuevos desafíos.

  • af Juan Mateo
    223,95 kr.

    El argumento no es un libro, es un regalo de Juan Mateo sembrado de sentimientos y convicciones. Escrito con el corazón y repasado con la razón, nos invita a reflexionar. A través de los siete cuentos que recorren sus páginas «uno sale de su lectura con más luz en la mirada, más esperanza en el alma y más fe en la vida, bañado en el convencimiento de que esta, a veces tan difícil, a veces tan maravillosa, vale mucho la pena», tal y como prologa Álex Rovira.Sus páginas no pretenden ser una lección impuesta o un consejo universal sino una brújula que marque el camino en el que tanto el punto de partida como el destino te lleve al territorio de ser la mejor versión de ti, en lo profesional y en lo personal, y de tu felicidad. «Podemos soportar muchas cosas, incluso la muerte de quien amamos, pero me parece imposible vivir sin soportar quienes somos para nosotros mismos y para quienes queremos. Mi deseo es que al finalizar la lectura te haya llegado al corazón porque, si algo importa en nuestra vida, es lo que queda en nuestros corazones ya que eso define, en gran medida, nuestra felicidad», dice Juan Mateo.

  • af Ignacio Álvarez De Mon
    223,95 kr.

    De ti depende parte de la idea de que cada uno es dueño de su vida, teniendo siempre en cuenta los factores externos que se escapan de nuestras manos. Ignacio Álvarez de Mon subraya que «cada persona, dentro de su círculo de influencia puede marcar la diferencia con su actuación. Cada individuo es libre hasta un cierto punto, y por tanto responsable del mejor o peor uso de su libertad». Con esta obra, Álvarez de Mon nos enseña que somos dueños de nuestro destino centrándose en cinco temas que desgrana a través de las vivencias de personas similares a las que nos rodean en nuestro día a día.

  • af Fred Senn
    278,95 kr.

    Esta nueva edición de Exprime la idea es un homenaje póstumo a Pat Fallon, fundador junto a Fred Senn de la reconocida agencia publicitaria Fallon Worldwide. «Pat ha sido un visionario de nuestro sector, con métodos y resultados probados a nivel mundial; fue capaz de expandir su agencia por medio mundo y será recordado como uno de los grandes de la publicidad mundial. Este libro, sin duda, es prueba de todo ello. Léelo despacio, disfrútalo, aprende y saca tus propias conclusiones, porque no hay talento que se permita no cuestionar ni una sola idea. Ni siquiera las de este libro», tal y como dice Fernando Ocaña, prologuista y presidente no ejecutivo de Tapsa/Y&R.A través de casi 30 campañas de clientes tan prestigiosos como Amazon, BMW, Citybank, Rolling Stone, EDS, Holiday Inn, Lee Jeans, Miller, Nestlé, Skoda o Subway, descubrirás los errores y aciertos cometidos por estas marcas a la hora de querer posicionarse en el mercado a través de la publicidad así como a saber identificar la idea esencial y cómo sacarle el jugo para lograr multiplicar el valor de la creatividad.«La creatividad motiva», mantienen Fallon y Senn, y ellos no piensan en la publicidad (no al menos de forma exclusiva): para ellos la creatividad es una herramienta, ese punto de apoyo para mover el mundo, que es capaz de cambiar las cosas.

  • af Chris Budd
    118,95 kr.

    One of the biggest enemies of our general wellbeing is stress; and one of the biggest causes of stress is concern about money. This book provides a simple and practical guide to planning your daily and long-term finances by understanding your objectives and motivations. In doing so, it offers respite from the anxiety and stress caused by money problems. The author, an experienced financial adviser, argues that the key to financial wellbeing is to "know thyself" in order to allow decisions to be made, and to ensure those decisions are the rights ones for you. This is underpinned by having control of your daily finances, the ability to cope with a financial shock, to be able to have options in life, to have identifiable goals and a clear path to achieve them, and to ensure clarity and security for those we leave behind.

  • af Kevin Duncan
    118,95 kr.

  • af Anthony Tasgal
    118,95 kr.

  • af Herb Nold
    196,95 kr.

    Evidence suggests that only about 10% of start-ups and 30% of entrepreneurs make it beyond 5 years. Methods for control and leadership in the start-up or early growth stages are wildly different from those needed to successfully manage a complex organization consisting of multiple departments, divisions, product lines, or geographic spread. To succeed, business leaders should be aware of which stage their organization is in, the characteristics of the current stage, and the characteristics of the next stage. This book explores various common patterns of management styles and then offers transition strategies to help managers to succeed in the digital economy. The authors guide leaders to prepare for these transitions by laying the foundations or infrastructure needed to prevent a crisis that inhibits further growth. They also provide leaders with a greater understanding of the growth framework, which will help leaders to manage better the development of their companies.

  • af Mark Powell
    173,95 kr.

    The connected world offers the potential for radical new business insights gleaned from previously unimaginable volumes of data. But business has got bogged down in the process of collecting and storing that data; money has been wasted on data lakes in which many IT departments have drowned without being able to deliver useful insights to business leaders. Big data has new and exciting answers to offer, but business leaders must first decide what questions it would like to see answered. Data may be the new oil, but to date we have only built oil depots. This book analyses the new, Fourth Wave of business transformation, which will build the refineries that turn data into useful products. Business has started from 'data up' and needs to start again from 'value down', going back to the drivers of real business value and deciding what insights would help realize that value. Only then can we begin to interrogate data with purpose.

  • af Rosie Duncan
    118,95 kr.

    The early part of your career can be tough. You have to work out what type of work will suit you best, navigate how your company works, do well at your job and deal with tough times. This book is designed to walk you through important decision-making processes, to act as a helpful support when things get tough and to help with those big decisions to keep you on the right path in your early career phase. The book starts with values and principles - understanding what those are and their foundational importance to your career. It moves on to the game plan - setting goals, keeping motivated - and the need for one to get anywhere. There is also valuable advice on how to cope with and overcome rejection, failures and other tough situations. Moreover, promotion is a key aim for most people at the early stage of their career, and the author provides guidance on the best way to achieve that.

  • af Magnus Lindkvist
    118,95 kr.

    "The future" plays a dominant role in everybody's lives. But for many, it is a blur and mystery, a wall of fog in which we struggle to see beyond what is immediately in front of us. By leading futurist Magnus Lindkvist, this book provides the means and tools to plan for and navigate a path into the long term to your advantage. Anyone who wants to have a better, more inspiring life in the future has to plan for it - to future-proof it. In this powerful little book, Lindkvist presents a set of practical and easy-to-apply tools that will help you to create a mindset and path for tomorrow.

  • af Nicole Soames
    118,95 kr.

    Emotional Intelligence Book

  • af Michael Stanford
    173,95 kr.

    Leadership Transition .

  • af Michel de Kemmeter
    223,95 kr.

    More than ever before, a new philosophy of life is required in this world. A concrete perspective to build the New World. Whoever manipulates - in politics, economy, finance, in business or even in families or couples - the invitation today is for everyone to regain sovereignty. That sovereignty is the foundation of the New World. It's clear to most people that not much in this world will change with the existing leadership. Quite simply, the people in charge do not want to shift in a coordinated way. Therefore, catastrophic collapses and scenarios are before us: social collapse, environmental destruction, multiple economic crises, conflicts. We need to take matters into our own hands. We need new ways, new roles, new philosophies. We need new ways to live our lives and to create the changes we want to see. We need to identify and clarify the challenges. We need guidelines, processes and outcomes. We need a manifesto.

  • af Kevin Duncan
    148,95 kr.

    The 10th Anniversary edition of this bestselling guide to visual communication

  • af Jennifer Sundberg
    126,95 kr.

    Businesses need to be smart to succeed, but it's not enough to make yourself smarter as the leader or to fill the company with smart people. Businesses full of smart people (and led by them) make stupid decisions all the time. Instead, in today's rapidly changing, uncertain world you need to design your business itself to be intelligent, to harness the collective abilities of its people by systematically addressing critical thinking, communication and focus. The real lesson from Amazon, Google and the like - that enables them to keep winning year after year - is that they do business intelligently. Business is complex, which is why it requires a deep, practical intelligence to survive, let alone thrive. This book shows why businesses that act smartest, and display an organizational capacity for critical thinking, underpinned with clear and effective communication, allowing them to develop razor-sharp focus, are the ones that really stand out and achieve sustained success.

  • af James Woodcock
    278,95 kr.

    To know who you are is the perennial question of leadership. A leader will never understand the world and their role within it, until they understand where they are looking from. Such a leader will inevitably not lead but be led. This important book explores the paradox of self-reference that lies at the heart of leadership - ie, the story of ego. It examines the assumptions that have shaped the conventional view of leadership and offers a radical new paradigm and way to lead. The author explores the important role that ego plays within individual leaders. It looks at how ego has emerged as a new "meta ego" - the coordinated, collective expression of ego that is polarizing our world today. And through a new leadership manifesto (a set of 8 conscious imperatives that offer a new vision for transcending the ego), the author provides a pathway for leaders to rethink today's conventions and what great leadership really means.

  • af Lowell Sheppard
    126,95 kr.

    Lowell Sheppard had a life-long dream: to buy a sailboat, live on it, learn how to sail, and then cross the Pacific Ocean...solo and by the time he was 70. When he finally announced that he was going to do just that, he was at the ripe age of 64...because he "dared to dream". Based on Lowell's own experience, this book provides important insights on to how to redesign your life, awaken dormant dreams, create audacious goals, and take high-stake risks to achieve them. It examines the anatomy of a dream and shares a four-step (DARE) program to realize high-stake dreams. Lowell has learned from both success and failure, but most of all, he has learned the benefits of pure grit and tenacity. This book will not only inspire the reader to have the courage to reach for the sky but also equip them with the tools to navigate into a better future.

  • af Chris Budd
    156,95 kr.

    How to become happier and more fulfilled with your money.

  • af Max Landsberg
    166,95 kr.

    How to live and work in flow - effortlessly, engagingly and productively - through the ancient principles of Daoism.

  • af Kevin Duncan
    118,95 - 148,95 kr.

  • af Sally-Anne Airey
    143,95 kr.

    A guide for C-level executives, directors, founders, community leaders, thought leaders or leaders in transition, in today's rapid changing business environment.

  • af Matthew Butler-Adams
    126,95 kr.

    An insider's guide to succeeding as a professional in today's corporate world.

  • af Jeremy Brown
    126,95 kr.

    In this book, readers are invited to join his team of revolutionary creators, outliers, misfits and rebels to better understand the future and develop breakthrough strategies for your business.

  • af Michael Farmer
    183,95 kr.

    A fast-paced account of how an advertising agency managed to overcome tough market conditions.

  • af Jianing Yu
    196,95 kr.

    The future is the metaverse - how this new technology will change our lives.

  • af Magnus Lindkvist
    118,95 kr.

    How to get back on the right path after suffering a crisis or setback

  • af Kevin Duncan
    100,95 kr.

    Wherever you work, the chances are you have fallen under the poisonous spell of business bullshit and jargon. Help is at hand with this handy dictionary, aptly described as "the world's most comprehensive" of the top 2,000 business jargon and nonsensical terms that have infected us all.

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