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  • af Tony Pearce
    187,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Sapienza
    162,95 kr.

  • af Maria Kneas
    142,95 kr.

    Surprising events have been happening in America, and things in which we used to trust no longer seem to be reliable. How can we find security, peace, and joy under such circumstances?Only God has enough love, power, and faithfulness to be our Defense, our Rescuer, and our Refuge. He is the solid Rock on which we can safely stand (Psalm 62:5-7). Everything else is only "sinking sand." It promises safety for a while, but sooner or later it fails us. How can the believer apply these Scriptural principles to everyday life? Strength for Tough Times contains practical lessons that were learned the hard way-in the furnace of affliction. That is where we discover how much we can trust God. The author knows something about affliction, because she watched her husband die, and she herself is a cancer survivor. She can testify that God is faithful. He loves us, and He promises to bring good out of everything that happens to those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

  • af Berit Kjos
    177,95 kr.

    "Expanded and Updated from original title Your Child and the New Age; published by Victor Books in 1990."

  • af Roger Oakland
    177,95 kr.

    Roger Oakland heads to university with the morals and values of his Christian parents intact. When he enters school, he believes in God as a Creator, but soon exchanges this for Darwinian evolution. After graduation, he begins teaching biology (with an emphasis on evolution) at the same university. Challenged one day by a young Christian student, Roger mocks the whole idea of Creation and God.Through a series of painful circumstances, including the death of a baby son, he begins searching for answers to life - until one day he has a dramatic experience when hit with the realization that God created everything. Becoming a creationist and later a committed born-again Christian, Roger's life is radically changed, and he is filled with a passion to tell others about God. Little does he know at the time that he will travel throughout the world to share his message. Through his research, he finds a connection between evolution and the New Age. He discovers that multitudes of people are rejecting the idea of a Creator God and replacing it with an impersonal panentheistic "God." Much to his alarm, Roger learns that New Age concepts, such as this evolutionary "God," are being absorbed into mainstream Christianity.As time progresses, Roger realizes that the Christian church is heading down a dangerous road of apostasy. He comes head to head with Christian leaders whom he learns are guiding believers toward a one-world religion via the Roman Catholic church through mysticism and the emerging church. The cost of telling the truth and warning the church is high for Roger Oakland. Within his own denomination, Calvary Chapel, he begins to see signs of spiritual deception. He works tirelessly to teach and warn about the coming apostasy. Eventually, he realizes that both he and his message are being rejected by leaders of the movement that he tried to support for so many years.From the wheat fields of Saskatchewan to the classrooms of evolutionary humanism, to a fallen USSR to poverty-stricken villages in Myanmar, Roger shares his message to over 130 countries. This apologetics biography will inspire you to give all for the sake of Christ and His Gospel.Topics This Book Addresses: Biblical creation versus Darwinian evolutionRussia's openness to the Gospel after the fall of the USSRA plan by the Catholic church to absorb ProtestantismThe connection between evolution and the New AgeHow the Christian church is being lured into a one-world religion that is prophesied in the BibleContrasting the Light of the World to the darkness of this ageThe role mysticism is playing in end times deceptionHow Christian leaders are ignoring the study of Bible prophecy Questions this book answers: What is real science? Is Darwinian theory scientific?Is spiritual deception talked about in the Bible?What is the Catholic Eucharistic Evangelization plan?What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?What is the essential ingredient for true revival?Are signs-and-wonders revivals like the Toronto Blessing biblical?Why do many Christian pastors and leaders avoid talking about spiritual deception? Does the Bible mandate Christians to warn against spiritual deceptio

  • af Nanci Desgerlaise
    162,95 kr.

    Many Christians see no problem combining the beliefs and practices of Native American Spirituality with their view of Christianity. But Nanci Des Gerlaise knows differently. Raised on a Métis settlement with fifteen brothers and sisters, Nanci's childhood and young adult life was riddled with terrors that come with being the daughter and granddaughter of medicine men. Muddy Waters tells the story of this Cree Native American woman, who after years of struggle, oppression, and spiritual darkness found light and truth in the One who offered her freedom. But Muddy Waters is not just a biography. It delves deeply into the framework of Native Spirituality. While Native American Christians are looking for a great spiritual awakening within the First Nations/Native American groups-by incorporating Native Spirituality practices into their Christianity-right under their noses, a massive worldwide deception is swiftly surging forward. Partly in overcompensation for very real injustices committed against Native Americans, Native Spirituality has become politically correct inasmuch as traditional biblical Christianity is on a fast track to becoming politically incorrect. Sadly, in the process, the Gospel, which is "the power of God unto salvation" (Romans 1:16) is being pushed aside, as if it were to blame-leaving countless numbers of people-both Native American and non-Native-without the sure hope that only comes through knowing Jesus Christ.

  • af John Foxe
    162,95 kr.

    Lighthouse Trails is pleased to present our own edition of this essential classic. This softbound edition is illustrated with many drawings from the original book and other sources and is filled with the stories of saints who have gone before us who "overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death" (Revelation 12:11).

  • af Georgi Vins
    167,95 kr.

    A Soviet government tried to extinguish God's Truth by placing its messengers in bonds. But the light of God's Word and its hope of salvation could not be destroyed even in the darkest prison camp.Georgi Vins, a Baptist pastor living in the U.S.S.R., was 37-years-old the first time he was imprisoned for his faith in a Soviet prison camp. He left behind his wife, his children, and his church. Over the course of thirteen years, Pastor Vins spent a total of eight years in the gulags.But in the pages of this book, you won't read about a man who felt sorry for himself or who wallowed in the misery of his sufferings. Rather, you will hear the true stories of believers whose faith in Jesus Christ took preeminence in their lives and who allowed nothing, not even a Communist government, to take away their faith and their hope.Threaded through The Gospel in Bonds is an intricately woven theme of love for God's Word and faith in the Gospel, even in the midst of severe punishment and deprivation.The pages of this book will give you insight into the mind of a man uniquely used by God and encourage you to an ever-closer walk with the Savior, Jesus Christ!

  • af Carolyn A. Greene
    162,95 kr.

  • af Roger Oakland
    177,95 kr.

    Es el movimiento de la iglesia emergente solamente otra moda pasajera, un enfoque contemporneo de la iglesia, o una inconformidad de la gente joven buscando respuestas? En realidad, es algo mucho ms extenso que todo esto, y est influyendo de manera significante en el Cristianismo actual. Basado sobre el misticismo antiguo de siglos pasados, este movimiento es poderoso pero altamente engaoso, tomando su empuje de prcticas y experiencias que son ajenas al Cristianismo bblico. El camino de la iglesia emergente la lleva a abrazar una perspectiva de inter-espiritualidad que tiene un profundo significado proftico. En realidad, es una nueva manera de ser Cristiano, y busca todas las formas posibles para introducir una nueva Reforma. Sin duda, impactar a todas las iglesias del mundo occidental y an ms all de ellas. Detrs de esta nueva clase de iglesia hay una estrategia cuidadosamente diseada por el prncipe de este mundo, el enemigo de nuestras almas, para verdaderamente deshacer y despedazar la fe de millonesy el resultado ser nada menos que la fe desechada.

  • af Kevin Reeves
    172,95 kr.

    A deeply personal account of a young mans spiritual plunge into a religious movement marked by bizarre manifestations false prophecies and esoteric revelations.

  • af Ray Yungen
    162,95 kr.

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