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  • af Vladarg Delsat
    177,95 kr.

    Люди не догадываются, какой ценой ангелы достигают непогрешимости. Катрин - ангел с неангельским характером. Она борется против догм, несоблюдение которых карается болью. И за свое непослушание отправлена в школу-интернат, которая славится своей жестокостью... Теперь Катрин предстоит сделать выбор отдать крылья или стать пешкой в жестокой игре зла с множеством обличий. Но сможет ли она отыскать то, что дороже крыльев? Испытайте новые эмоции, вступите в борьбу со злом, называющим себя добром с этой книгой

  • af Allen Nissanth
    128,95 kr.

    This abstract delves into the multifaceted role of vitamin D in human health, exploring its impact beyond traditional views of bone health. From its synthesis in the skin under sunlight to its crucial involvement in calcium metabolism, this essential vitamin proves to be a linchpin for overall well-being. The abstract navigates through recent research, shedding light on vitamin D's influence on the immune system, cardiovascular health, and mood regulation. It unravels the intricate interplay between genetics, lifestyle, and vitamin D levels, emphasizing the need for personalized approaches to supplementation. As we dissect the evolving landscape of vitamin D research, this abstract serves as a compass, guiding readers through the intricate web of benefits associated with this sunshine vitamin.

  • af Francisco Angulo de Lafuente
    173,95 kr.

    Выходит долгожданное новое произведение признанного автора Франсиско Ангуло, который мастерским пером переносит нас в неспокойную Испанию 1930-х годов со своим увлекательным романом о юной летчице-истребителе Валентине Смирновой. Дочь аргентинки и русского, Валентина выросла в суровой сибирской степи, где закалила неукротимый дух и жажду свободы. После смерти матери ее воспитывает дед Станислав, с которым она делит тяжелый крестьянский труд и долгие лыжные походы, пробуждающие любовь к природе. Однако вторжение пьяницы-отца разрушает ее мечты о самореализации, забрав насильно в Москву. Там ее обручают со зловещим Константиновичем Поповмкаровым, влиятельным членом компартии и намного старше ее. Валентина попадает под власть злобной свекрови Людмилы, "вороны". В отчаянии она пытается утопиться в Барселоне, но ее спасает красавец лейтенант Мауро Сильвано, между которыми вспыхивает мгновенная связь. Преодолев множество препятствий, Валентине удается избежать навязанного брака и осуществить мечту стать летчицей-истребителем Красной Армии, отважно пилотируя Поликарпов в Испанской гражданской войне. Опасно путешествуя, она также воссоединяется со своим любимым дедом в Сибири. Тем временем Мауро продвигается в военной иерархии, возглавляя секретное подразделение в Пиренеях. Встреча этих предназначенных друг другу возлюбленных кажется неизбежной, пока военный водоворот охватывает Европу. Демонстрируя блестящее владение повествованием, Франсиско Ангуло доказывает зрелость своего творчества. Его электризующая проза затрагивает вечные темы - любви, храбрости, стремления к свободе, одновременно тонко проникая во внутренний мир запоминающихся персонажей. Сложная психология главной героини - одно из главных достоинств романа. Валентина призвана стать одной из самых незабываемых героинь новейшей испанской литературы. Еще одно достижение автора - способность воссоздать бурную историческую эпоху с поразительным реализмом и детализацией. Гражданская война оживает на этих страницах, увлекая читателя с первой до последней. Итак, Командир Валентина Смирнова - очередной шедевр Ангу

  • af Antonio Carlos Pinto
    449,95 kr.

    У розгортанні простору-часу між безоднями червоточин і сузір'ями, переплетеними квантовими сингулярностями, проявляється зоряний мультивсесвіт розвинених розумів. Експоненціальне розширення фрактальних реальностей, де космічні кораблі стають вирішальними вузловими точками трансцендентної подорожі, переплітаючись у квантових суперпозиціях, які резонують, як гравітаційні хвилі в небесних просторах.Під егідою Небесної Аврори Zephyr Astra налаштована як когнітивний вектор, що керує складними нитками існування. Портали - це пороги свідомості, тріщини в тканині простору-часу, які нагадують чорні діри в тканині космосу.У кожному вимірі гравітація можливостей визначається мінливими законами когнітивної фізики. Zephyr стикається не лише з тривимірними викликами, а й із фрактальними вибухами потенціалу, які проявляються як наднові зірки розуміння.Це безпрецедентна одіссея, дослідження для розуміння в космосі сидеричної складності. Небо стає абстракцією для тих, хто розшифровує загадки континууму. Небесне полярне сяйво - це квінтесенція астрономічних досліджень, а Всесвіт - нескінченність нового розуміння, де світло поширюється, як утворюються зірки.

  • af Sofia Meri
    189,95 kr.


  • af Aaron Abilene
    208,95 kr.

    An organized crime family must fight for their lives when rivals go to war over their turf.

  • af Ramzi Fakhoury
    163,95 kr.

    رواية اسرار المخطوطة الذهبية التي تكشف اسرار خطيرة تم التكتم عليها لعقود طويلة *******في الماضي السحيق وفي تلك البقعة المجهولة من العالم التي تم بها التكوينالبشري ، واطلق عليها اسم جنة عدن في حقبة ما قبل الاخلاء والتجديد (الطوفان) كانت المعرفة في اوجها افضت الى بناء حضارة انسانية تنويرية قائمة على الحقيقة المطلقة ولم يكن لعالم الغيبيات وما يحمله من غموض واساطير خرافية اي وجود بالفكر البشري بل كانت كل اسرار الحياة والكون والوجود ككل واضحة وجلية ومعلنة للجميع لكن قد يمنح الوصف الفلسفي لهذه البقعة المجهولة قيمة ادبية راقية لإيصال فكرة بعينها الى المتلقي ، لكنه في اغلب الاحيان ينحرف عن هدفه ليس لعلة فيه بل لعلة بالمتلقي بسبب مرور الزمن وابتعاد الاجيال اللاحقة عن حقبة التكوين البشري الغنية بالمعرفة والحقيقة المطلقة ، فتتحول تلك الفلسفة بقيمتها الادبية الراقية بنظر المتلقي بسبب عدم فهم حقيقتها الى خرافات غامضة تخلق ذلك العالم المبهم من الغيبيات الغير مدركة ، من هنا ولد علم الاساطير (المثولوجيا) فتنحدر بالفكر البشري الذي مال إلى الايمان بها الى جب مظلم يولد نقصا داخليا يفضي الى انهيار القيم الانسانية وانحطاط اخلاقي وجهل يغيب العقل والمنطق ويقود البشرية الى صراعات عبثية دموية لا تنتهي

  • af Sofia Meri
    196,95 kr.

    Θέλετε ένα Βιβλίο Εσωτερικού Σχεδιασμού να περιβάλλει τον εαυτό σας με έναν αναζωογονητικό σχεδιασμό που πυροδοτεί έμπνευση, ευτυχία και χαρά;Θα αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στον διαδικτυακό μου οδηγό εικαστικών με εκπληκτικό σχεδιασμό Moodboards και παραδείγματα εσωτερικής διακόσμησης για κάθε δωμάτιο του σπιτιού σαςΣε αυτό το βιβλίο εσωτερικής διακόσμησης, θα ανακαλύψετε Η επιστήμη πίσω από τη διακόσμηση εσωτερικών χώρων για ένα χαρούμενο σπίτι (ντεκόρ ντοπαμίνης)Πώς μπορείτε να επιλέξετε χρωματικές παλέτες που τονώνουν τη διάθεσηΗ τέχνη της ενσωμάτωσης φυσικών υφών που απολαμβάνουνΠώς μπορείτε να επιμεληθείτε συνεκτικά δωμάτια γεμάτα αγαπημένα αντικείμεναΗ επιστήμη πίσω από τη δημιουργία χαρούμενων καταφυγίων που αντικατοπτρίζουν τη μοναδική σας ουσία

  • af Sherri Ramona
    153,95 kr.

    In a world filled with countless beauty products, many of us find ourselves yearning for something more, something truly authentic and in harmony with nature. Our skin, the largest organ of our body, deserves the best care that nature has to offer. It craves the pure and nourishing touch of natural ingredients, unburdened by harsh chemicals and artificial additives. And that's exactly what is book will help you achieve... This book invites you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-care, and self-love through the art of crafting your very own therapeutic skin care products. This comprehensive guide is your gateway to understanding the science of your skin, discovering your unique skin type, and learning to address common skin issues using nothing but the finest natural ingredients. From soothing cleansers to nourishing masks, and hydrating serums to eco-friendly sustainable practices, each chapter is an invitation to embrace the transformative potential of nature's gifts. What you stand to gain by getting this book Discover the Power of Natural Ingredients: This comprehensive guide is your passport to the world of therapeutic skincare using the finest, all-natural ingredients. Unleash the incredible benefits of herbs, essential oils, and other organic elements to heal, rejuvenate, and pamper your skin. These remedies have been used for centuries and are time-tested for a reason - they work! Achieve Radiant Results: The step-by-step instructions and carefully curated recipes in this book will empower you to create luxurious skincare products at home. From soothing facial masks to invigorating scrubs and nourishing serums, you'll have everything you need to elevate your skincare routine. Get ready to see visible improvements in your skin tone, texture, and overall complexion. Save Money: Say goodbye to the never-ending cycle of buying expensive skincare products. With "A DIY Guide to Therapeutic Skin Care Natural Recipes," you'll save money while still enjoying premium-quality skincare. You'll be amazed at how affordable and effective these homemade alternatives can be. Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle: We believe in the holistic approach to skincare. Our book goes beyond the surface, educating you on the wellness aspects of skincare. Learn how to align your skincare routine with a healthy lifestyle, and watch as your skin transforms from the inside out.

  • af Michelle Dickey
    228,95 kr.

    The Breaking the Trauma Bond to the World (BTBW) Magazine is a great way to help you break that dependency on external validation, unlearn the indoctrination of impatience, and more to level up your trauma healing and spiritual growth post-abuse. All survivors of narcissistic abuse who are serious about healing and letting go of their traumas will benefit greatly from this go-to resource that will educate them about how to stop watching water boil, learn to choose their battles wisely and learn about what the trauma bond to the world is that leads to being trauma bonded to abusers. We eventually learn to get control of ourselves and stop letting the evildoers, aka narcissists, get under our skin. The magazine is just over 20 pages of awesome tips and insights for trauma healing and spiritual growth. Once we learn to stop letting the evildoers bother us, we master the art of emotional regulation and nothing in this crazy world will steal our happiness and peace ever again.

  • af Narendra Trivedi
    233,95 kr.

    રહસ્યની સમીપે નવલિકા નરેન્દ્ર ત્રિવેદી દ્વારા લખવામાં આવી છે. જેની અંદર કુલ 12 કથાઓનો સમાવેશ લેખક દ્વારા કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. દરેક કથાની અંદર એકથી એક જાસુસ અને શૌર્યતાની કથાઓનો સમાવેશ લેખક દ્વારા કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. જેમાં અલગ અલગ પ્રકારના રહસ્યોને ઉજાગર કરવાનું કામ અને રહસ્યો ઉપરથી ઉઠતો પડદો નવલિકાને વધુ રસપ્રદ બનાવે છે.

  • af Eric Alagan
    143,95 kr.

    American Legal Eagle in SingaporeA light-hearted take on a serious and potentially controversial issue. The courts routinely impose gag orders on victims of sexual offence. Should the courts also grant the same anonymity to persons charged with sex-related crimes until that person is found guilty.-Blue MaidenDuring the days of the British Raj, many women of India - girls, wives, and mothers - were heroines. Ordinary women, yet courageous and resourceful, who were found throughout the Empire. Blue Maiden is a composite of the challenges faced and surmounted by many such forgotten souls.-Veda Vyasa, author of MahabharataVeda Vyasa fathered two sons with the two widows of his dead brother to ensure the continuance of the Kuru patriarchal lineage. His sons fathered the five Pandavas and one hundred Kauravas. Veda Vyasa subsequently chronicled his family saga, the epic Mahabharata.-Ashwatthama the ImmortalAshwatthama, another supporting character in Mahabharata is one of the Eight Immortals. How did he become an immortal? Was it a blessing or a bane?-The MasseurWe often read of women from poor countries forced into abhorrent jobs. Most times, these women have families to support. What if the roles were reversed? The Masseur is a short story of wealthy, powerful women abusing vulnerable young men. A story set in Singapore (yet could also be in any other country). Go behind the glitzy skyline and get a literal taste of the seedier side of life in this global city-state that boasts one of the highest number of millionaires per capita in the world.-Nouveau RicheThe story of one man's idea of success, no matter what other so-called high-flyers might think.-Brown Lives MatterPoignant short story of a silent victim of racism who endured society's judgement and emerged a better person, without the need for rancour or revenge.

  • af Lainey Davis
    158,95 - 188,95 kr.

  • af Kelly Sippell
    98,95 kr.

    The second volume in one of the most useful vocabulary series you'll find! To speak a new language, you need vocabulary. You need words, phrases, key sentences, and idioms. To speak a language really well, you need a lot of vocabulary, and you need to know the different meanings for the vocabulary. One of the most difficult parts of English is a special vocabulary group called phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs have two or three words. The first word is usually a very common one-syllable verb like take, come, put, or go. The second part is usually a preposition or adverb like off, up, in, or away. These parts together have a new meaning. You can know the meaning of take and the meaning of off, but take off has a different meaning. The goal of this book is to help you learn the most frequent phrasal verb with their most important meetings. Instead of long vocabulary lists, each lesson in this book teaches you only three phrasal verbs, with meanings and many useful examples. There are also many short exercises for you to practice the phrasal verbs in a very direct way. They can be completed in a day, a week, or as much time as you need.

  • af J C Murphey
    183,95 - 258,95 kr.

  • af Rafiq Khan
    142,95 kr.

    8歳から17歳のプレティーン、ティーンエイジャーの男女が、公私ともに成功するために必要なライフスキルを身につけるための実用的なガイドです。コミュニケーションや問題解決のスキルから、時間管理、自己啓発、社会性や情緒の発達、キャリアや専門性の向上、安全や緊急時の備え、チームワーク、金融リテラシーまで、思春期や青年期の困難を乗り越えるために必要なスキルや知識を包括的に解説しています。本書は、思春期や青年期に必要とされるスキルと知識を総合的に解説しています。魅力的なエクササイズ、実世界の例、実用的なヒントにより、プレティーンやティーンエイジャーの男女は、自信をつけ、目標を設定し、それを達成するために必要なスキルを身につける方法を学ぶことができます。ライフスキルの重要性について学び始めたばかりのプレティーンやティーンエイジャーのお子さんにも、スキルを次のレベルに引き上げたい方にも、『Essential Life Skills for Youth』は、お子さんの可能性を最大限に引き出すのに欠かせないリソースとなるでしょう。独自のバリュー・プロポジション1. 包括的なガイド。個人生活や仕事での成功に必要な重要なトピックを幅広く取り上げています。2. 実践的なアドバイス。専門家のガイダンスと実践的なアドバイスにより、プレティーンやティーンエイジャーが、プライベートと仕事の両方で成功するために必要なスキルと知識を簡単に身につけることができます。3. 魅力的な演習問題。楽しくて魅力的なエクササイズで、読者は楽しみながらライフスキルの必要性を学び、実社会で応用するために必要な自信を身につけることができます。4. 実例を紹介 実際の事例をもとに、目標達成に必要なスキルと知識を身につけられるよう、読者を刺激します。

  • af Kianna Alexander
    113,95 kr.

    For Black womxn, the pursuit of pleasure is an act of resistance. In these short tales of sapphic sexiness, the focus is on the enjoyment found in the company of a skilled, considerate lover. Consent is a constant, kink is King, and ecstasy is the expectation. Join these sistahs on a journey of sexual discovery that will lead them to form their very own IDEAL ARRANGEMENTS. DOWN FOR THREE: Maya's job in the world of corporate finance often leaves her spread thin and stressed out. Lucky for her, she has the best possible stress relief on call at all times: Talia, her high school classmate. A particularly brutal Friday has her sending up the smoke signal for Talia's special brand of comfort, and Talia answers the call with the prompt attention Maya has come to expect. What she didn't expect was for Talia to tag in her bestie, Dez, for an erotic assist.Auto mechanic and body shop owner Talia is used to getting her hands dirty when the job calls for it. When she finds out that Maya needs her, she's quick to leave her coveralls and wrenches behind, intent on putting in work of a different kind. An idea pops into her head, and she follows through, hoping Maya will appreciate her initiative.And when Maya opens her door to find two strong, masc presenting women ready to fulfill her every desire, she makes a choice she never thought she would: to be DOWN FOR THREE. THREE DAY WEEKEND: Rae's passion for food is about to take her from the kitchen of a local hotel to the ownership of her own eatery on wheels. A quick stop at a coffee shop one fateful night leads her to discover something truly delicious: Jericka, a tall, confident, fine ass stud with a mind for technology and an undeniable appeal.Jericka's work in the digital world is laid-back and flexible, just the way she likes it. Years of experience have placed her in a position to spend her time as she sees fit, and she uses that to her advantage wherever she can. Running into the gorgeous, thick as cold molasses Rae on one of her evening beverage stops proves a welcome surprise, and she isn't about to pass up the opportunity to get to know the sexy chef.Their conversation is so good they are still chatting when the shop closes down. As they stand outside the establishment, Jericka extends an invitation for Rae to join her for a night of passion, no strings attached. The typically staid, responsible Rae throws caution to the wind, and surrenders to Jericka's spell... for an entire THREE DAY WEEKEND. THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM: Estelle was never one to admit defeat. Whether in her work as an intellectual property attorney or in her private life, she's been known to possess a stubbornness and fire few can withstand. Still, even a firebrand has her weaknesses...and nothing has ever left Estelle as undone as her personal trainer-slash-occasional fuck buddy.Twice in the past three months, Dez has answered the call from her long-standing client to put her through her paces... outside the confines of the gym. Now, the roles are reversed, and the craving for Estelle's buttery soft skin lands Dez on her doorstep in the pouring rain. After everything they've shared, and Estelle's continued insistence at keeping her at arm's length, Dez hopes that this night will prove that in winning a place in Estelle's life, the THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM.

  • af Black Hare Press
    208,95 kr.

    Christmas tales of darkness and horror to fill your stockings this holiday season. What horrors lie in wait on this special night? What macabre monstrosities might manifest? What evil lurks in every rooftop display? Terrifying Christmas tales never told before. The Carolers by A.L. KingChristmas Hack by Alice LamLast Christmas by C.L. WilliamsA Carol by Cecelia Hopkins-DrewerFlashing Christmas Lights by Charlotte O'FarrellChristmas Forest by Cindar HarrellAdvent by Cindy O'QuinnMerry Christmas, Mummy by D.M. BurdettAdeste Fideles by David BowmoreThe Fire Before Christmas by Dawn DeBraalO Christmas Tree by Derek DunnComing to Town by Eddie D. MooreNext Christmas Eve by G. Allen WilbanksOne Santa, Two Santas by Gabriella BalcomA Very Naughty Boy by Hari NavarroIt's That Time of Year by Helen PowerHave Yourself A Happy Little Deathwish by J.B. WocoskiDeep in the Grotto by Jason HoldenA Bequest to the December Saint by Jefferson RetallackThe Wish by Joel R. HuntNo Comfort and Joy by Kelly A. HarmonGhoul Crematorium by Mark MackeySins of the Snow by Matthew M. MontelioneNorth Pole by Michael BallettiA Thoughtful Gift by Michael D. DavisI'll be Home by N.M. BrownBloody Red Tinsel by Neen CohenThe Tree of Souls by Nerisha KemrajSilent Night by Nicole LittleThe Perfect Gift by Paula R.C. ReadmanSins & Needles by Peter J. FooteForeword by Raven Corinn CarlukRudolph the Avenger by S. GeppEat the Damn Candy Cane by Sam M. PhillipsAll I Haunt for Christmas by Shawn M. KlimekThe Greatest Gift of All by Shelly JarvisWeihnachten by Stephen HerczegGoing For the Gold by Stuart ConoverHolly Day's Last Christmas by Sue Marie St. LeeThe Lies We Tell Ourselves by Terri A. ArnoldDear Santa by Terry MillerBeelzebub by Umair MirxaThe Good List by Wondra VanianJust Another Dead Dolly by Zoey Xolton

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    148,95 kr.

    "The Burns Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Burns Management" is a comprehensive guide offering invaluable insights into understanding, treating, and recovering from burns. Exploring the anatomy of the skin, degrees of burns, and immediate response protocols, this book equips readers with essential knowledge. From psychological impacts to first aid and medical interventions, it covers every aspect of burn care. Delving into holistic approaches, it explores the role of mind-body techniques, herbal remedies, aromatherapy, and more in the recovery process. The customizable management plan section assists readers in tailoring their approach, focusing on assessment, goal-setting, and balancing medical and holistic care. Navigational tools for healthcare systems, advocacy, and support are provided, ensuring readers can access specialized care and financial assistance. Special considerations for vulnerable populations, nutritional guidance, emotional healing strategies, and advancements in burns treatment make this book a comprehensive resource for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals alike.

    163,95 kr.

    تدور أحداث الرواية حول الكاتب الشهير سامي الريان، الذي يجد نفسه متورطًا في جريمة قتل غامضة. يصبح سامي هدفًا للشرطة ووسائل الإعلام، ويجد نفسه في سباق مع الزمن لإثبات براءته وكشف الحقيقة. يكتشف سامي أن الجريمة المرتكبة لها صلة برواية كتبها سابقًا، وتتوالى الأحداث المشوقة والمثيرة مع كشف الغموض والأسرار المخفية.تتميز رواية "الكاتب مطلوب حيا" بأسلوب سلس وقوة سرد، حيث تأسر القارئ من أول صفحة وتحمله إلى عالم موازٍ مليء بالمفاجآت والتوقعات المتغيرة. تقدم الكاتبة أماني مسعودي شخصيات معقدة وعميقة، تتراوح بين الأبطال الصلبة والأشرار الغامضين، مما يزيد من تشويق القصة ويثير فضول القارئ لمعرفة نهاية اللغز.علاوة على ذلك، تتناول الرواية قضايا اجتماعية هامة، مثل العدالة والفساد والحقيقة، وتطرح تساؤلات حول الإبداع الفني وتأثيره على الواقع. تستخدم الكاتبة أماني مسعودي اللغة ببراعة لإيصال رسالتها وتصوير الأحداث والمشاعر بطريقة تجعل القارئ يعيش القصة بكل تفاصيلها.لا شك أن رواية "الكاتب مطلوب حيا" تعد إضافة قوية لعالم الأدب العربي المعاصر. تجمع بين الغموض والإثارة والتشويق، وتأخذنا في رحلة مثيرة لاستكشاف الحقائق ورؤية العالم من منظور مختلف. إنها رواية تستحق القراءة لمحبي الأدب البوليسي والقصص المشوقة، وستبقى حبكة القصة وشخصياتها اللافتة فيذاكرة القارئ لفترة طويلة بعد إنهاء الرواية.في الختام، رواية "الكاتب مطلوب حيا" تعكس موهبة الكاتبة التونسية أماني مسعودي وقدرتها على خلق قصة مشوقة تجذب وتثير اللافتة. إنها رواية تجمع بين التشويق والغموض والأبعاد الاجتماعية، وستأخذ القارئ في رحلة مثيرة وممتعة عبر صفحاتها. إذا كنت من محبي الأدب البوليسي والروايات المشوقة، فإن "الكاتب مطلوب حيا" ستكون خيارًا مثاليًا لك للاستمتاع بتجربة قراءة مثيرة ومميزة.

  • af Shakila Jawaid
    88,95 kr.

    Breshna is a young girl in Afghanistan. Because her family is poor, she has to help her mother with work to earn money, although what she really longs to do is go to school. One day, she is offered the chance to attend a private school with a scholarship. Will her life finally change for the better? The story of Breshna brings readers into a world they might know little about. Written by an Afghan author and illustrated with photos from contemporary Afghanistan, this story will challenge you to understand a culture and circumstances that might be very different from your own. What will you do with this new awareness? Written at an intermediate level, this book includes pre-reading vocabulary, cultural information, and discussion questions to prepare you to read the story of Breshna. A post-reading note from the translator and discussion/writing questions help you process the ideas and information.

  • af Saskia Lane
    83,95 kr.

    THIS HOT VIRGIN IS AN UP AND COMING CONCERT PIANIST. SHE DOESN'T NEED ROUGH LESSONS FROM AN ALPHA MALE MUSIC MASTER, ESPECIALLY IF HE'S THE DEVIL INCARNATE AND HIS TWISTED DOMINANCE STEMS FROM PARANORMAL POWERS AND HE WANTS TO TURN HIS INNOCENT PUPIL INTO A DEMON LOVER'S SLUT.Constantia is a virtuouso pianist. Young, beautiful and attractive, she has the world at her feet. But even an up-and-coming performer needs a teacher and when the celebrated maestro Maxim Steinhammer agrees to take her on as a pupil Constantia's success seems assured. Rumors that Maxim has sold his soul to the devil in return for his awesome technique are surely mere PR hype. Whisperings that Maxim's prowess at the keyboard has an occult source are surely just make believe. But Constantia soon finds herself falling for the steamy seduction of a supernatural stud. The Devil fancies a hot, horny teen to satisfy his paranormal lust and soon the innocent Constantia is the demon lover's helpless whore.Hot, with a plot. 15,000 words.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    128,95 kr.

    "Lymphedema Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide" is your comprehensive resource for understanding and managing lymphedema, a condition that affects countless individuals worldwide. In Chapter 1, we take a holistic approach to patient well-being, introducing the concept of lymphedema, its types, prevalence, and risk factors, all within a biopsychosocial framework. You'll also discover how to navigate this book to make the most of its valuable insights.Chapter 2 provides a deep dive into the lymphatic system, exploring its intricate anatomy, circulation, lymph nodes, and the composition of lymphatic fluid. This knowledge lays the foundation for understanding the interplay between the lymphatic system and other body systems, as discussed in Chapter 3. This chapter also covers early symptom recognition, diagnostic tests, staging, and the importance of early intervention.Traditional treatment approaches are examined in Chapter 4, encompassing compression therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, complete decongestive therapy, surgical interventions, and medications. Chapter 5 shifts focus to holistic approaches to lymphedema, including nutrition and diet modifications, exercise, mind-body techniques, alternative therapies, and psychological support.Chapter 6 is dedicated to prevention and risk reduction, highlighting risk factors, self-care practices, exercise guidelines, maintaining a healthy weight, and preventing infections and injuries. In Chapter 7, readers will discover strategies for living with lymphedema, self-care routines, swelling and discomfort management, skin care, fashion tips, and the importance of support networks and resources.Emotional well-being is central to Chapter 8, addressing the emotional challenges of lymphedema, coping strategies, supportive therapies, building resilience, and celebrating personal strengths. Chapter 9 shares stories of hope and inspiration, including patient success stories, healthcare team perspectives, community support, and motivating quotes. The book concludes in Chapter 10 with key takeaways, guidance for continuing the lymphedema journey, words of encouragement, and additional resources."Lymphedema Demystified" is a valuable companion for individuals living with lymphedema, their families, and anyone seeking to understand and support those affected by this condition.

  • af Lisa Lee Curtis
    298,95 kr.

    You may know who this actor is, and yes, you may really love this musician. Or, hey, >But do you know about their contributions to civil rights causes? Or to science? Or what they've overcome just to survive in a world that saw them as lesser because of>Did you know that one of today's greatest activists started her political activities>Or that one of the great singer-songwriters of our time overcame a near-fatal encounter>Did you know that this television chef not only served in the United States Navy but also>Join me in discovering more about women you may have already heard of and manymore that you might not have.

  • af Dhruba Jyoti Bora
    353,95 kr.

    Since time immemorial, nature has inspired humans to find ways to treat different ail- ments. With advancements in time and technology, human civilization has encountered new diseases and has even found ways to deal with them. During the development of a new drug, pre-clinical studies occur in mammals on the onset of in-vivo studies. Here effort has been made to include in-silico studies of drugs (transdermal drugs only) before experimentation on any live animal. In thiswe briefly introduce the idea of transdermal drug delivery along with its advantages over other drug delivery methods, concept of skin impedance and electrical models of skin. The usual methods of drug administrations are oral intake and hypodermic injection. However, in the history of medical science, it has been observed that people have applied substances on the skin for therapeutic effects from ancient days. These substances were naturally occurring or locally available drugs derived from nature. However, with the advancement in time and development of medical science, various drug formulations have been developed to treat local indications. This method of drug administration through intact skin is known as transdermal drug delivery (TDD). Oral drug delivery involved hepatic first-pass effect, where drugs are metabolized pre- maturely by the liver. This also involves gastrointestinal degradation of drugs, proteins, peptides and hormones by the stomach acids.

  • af Grishma Pandya
    397,95 kr.

    મારા પ્રિય વાચક મિત્રો, નમસ્કાર!હું ગ્રીષ્મા પંડ્યા,આપ સર્વેએ મારી અનુભૂતિ, અવિરત કૃતિઓનો રસાસ્વાદ માણ્યો જ છે. આપે આપેલા બોહળા પ્રતિસાદને લીધે હવે આપ સર્વ સમક્ષ અચાનક, કે જે મારી નવલિકા છે તે રજૂ કરવા જઈ રહી છું તેથી મને ગર્વની લાગણી થાય છે. પ્રથમથી જ આપ સૌનો આભાર પ્રગટ કરી લઉં છું. હવે થોડું 'અચાનક' વિશે જોઈએ. મારી આ રચના એક નવલિકા સ્વરૂપે છે. ખૂબ ઓછા પાત્રોની આસપાસ મારી આ વાર્તા વીંટળાયેલી રહે છે. આ કાલ્પનિક વાર્તાની કથાવસ્તુમાં, વાર્તાની મુખ્ય નાયિકા લોપા પોતાની આસપાસ ગોઠવાયેલા સંબંધો કેવી રીતે જાળવે છે, સાચવે છે, કદી કળથી ને કદી બળથી અચાનક આવી પડેલી મુશ્કેલીઓનો તે કેવી રીતે સામનો કરે છે અને પોતાના જીવનમાં આવેલી મુશ્કેલી હોવા છતાં સ્વજનોનો સાથ, સહકાર, પ્રેમ, લાગણી એ કેવી રીતે પામે છે? ક્યારેક રોષ તો ક્યારેક દોષ, ક્યારેક લાગણી અને માગણીમાં અટવાતી લોપા આખરે પોતાનું જીવન સામાન્ય બનાવી શકશે? પોતાની અંતરંગ સખી રાવી શું તેને મદદ કરી શકશે? બંને સખીઓના લાગતા ભિન્ન જીવન શું એકબીજા સાથે જ વણાયા છે? બંને સખીઓ વિભિન્ન રીતે પોતપોતાના જીવનનો ખાલીપો દૂર કરી શકશે? આ સઘળું જ 'અચાનક'ના વાંચન પછી આપ સર્વે મિત્રોને જાણવા મળશે. આ વાંચ્યા પછી હર હંમેશની જેમ આપના તરફથી મળતા અભિપ્રાય અને પ્રતિભાવ તો આવકાર્ય છે જ. અસ્તુ! મારી નવલિકા નું નામ અચાનક શા માટે?અચાનક આવી પડેલા ઝંઝાવાતમાંથી પસાર થવું. અચાનક ફૂટેલી હૈયાની લાગણીઓથી સહજ રહેવું . અચાનક તૂટેલા સપનાઓને ફરીથી જોડવાના પ્રયાસમાં રહેવું. અચાનક ધોમ ધગતા તાપમા કોઈનો શીતળ છાંયડો બનવું. અચાનક સુરજથી અંજાયેલી આંખને શાતા આપતો પૂનમનો ચાંદલિયો બનવુ. અચાનક વિટંબણાથી વીંટળાયેલી જિંદગીને શાંત અને સરળ બનાવવી.

  • af Debbie Iancu-Haddad
    183,95 kr.

    How do you go on when you've lived past your expiration date? It's time to rebuild. But sometimes the hardest thing is living with the results of your choices.>Life doesn't wait for us to heal as it forces us to participate in a race against time, across a dying planet, chased by unimaginably powerful forces, with no resources except each other. There is only one hope.To return home, even if home isn't what we remember.

  • af Vincent Zandri
    208,95 kr.

    Hollywood is just another word for Hell on Earth! When Dick Moonlight PI and his professional impersonator sidekick, Fat Elvis, uncover the head of a decapitated, long blond-haired woman under the floorboards of an under-construction luxury home, they come into contact with a husband-and-wife construction team who also fancy themselves Hollywood filmmakers. Only, it turns out that the filmmakers aren't interested in making romcoms, but instead, snuff films. With Fat Elvis the perfect candidate for a starring role in their new film, Moonlight is hired by the police to go undercover and expose the snuff film operation which, it turns out, is also partly financed by Mexican drug cartel gang members. The stakes and the body count in this hard-boiled thriller are higher than a box office smash hit, and far more deadly. For fans of Joe R. Landsdale, Michael Connelly, Ace Atkins, Robert B. Parker, and more, New York Times and USA Today bestselling ITW Thriller and PWA Shamus Award-winning author Vincent Zandri delivers another novel in the gritty, fast-paced Dick Moonlight PI series that promises to keep you up all night. Grab your thriller copy now!!!

  • af Matti Charlton
    258,95 - 313,95 kr.

  • af Juman Al Rihani
    81,95 - 82,95 kr.

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