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Bøger udgivet af Metropol Verlag

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  • af Oumar Diallo
    248,95 kr.

    Around 1900, Berlin briefly sat at the center of German colonial imperialism. After World War I, the colonial revisionist movement formed here to reclaim the "stolen" German colonial empire overseas. Today, the local global history of the (post-)colonial metropolis of Berlin has largely been forgotten. This city guide, which focuses on the Mitte district of central Berlin, presents a selection of significant colonial historical sites of remembrance. It aims to stimulate a critical examination of Germany's colonial past and to contribute to a cosmopolitan and inclusive culture of remembrance.

  • af Stefanie Schu¿ler-Springorum
    170,95 kr.

    Das Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung ist ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Antisemitismus-, Vorurteils- und Minderheitenforschung und will dieses disziplinär breite Spektrum bündeln. Es ist deshalb fächerübergreifend und international vergleichend ausgerichtet.

  • af Ulrich Mählert
    153,95 kr.

    "Aufarbeitung. Die DDR in der Erinnerungskultur" ist ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des wiedervereinigten Deutschlands. Der Begleitband zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung wirft Schlaglichter auf die Auseinandersetzung mit der kommunistischen Diktatur und der deutschen Teilung seit 1989. Das Buch präsentiert 110 Fotos und Dokumente sowie prägnante Texte in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Verfasser sind die Historiker Ulrich Mählert & Stefan Wolle, die die Ausstellung für die Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED Diktatur konzipiert haben. QR-Codes mit Links zu kurzen Filmdokumenten verleihen dem Buch eine multimediale Dimension."Aufarbeitung. Coming to Terms with the Communist Past in Germany" is a contribution to the history of reunited Germany. The book accompanying the exhibition of the same name sheds light on the efforts since 1989 to reckon with the communist dictatorship and German division. The book presents 110 photos and documents as well as concise texts in German and English. The authors are the historians Ulrich Mählert & Stefan Wolle, who designed the exhibition for the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist Dictatorship in Germany. QR codes with links to short film documents give the book a multimedia dimension.

  • af Jonathan Zisook
    268,95 kr.

    Inviting a conceptual reconsideration of centre and periphery in the study of National Socialist camps and killing sites, this volume puts forth novel scholarly analyses of the history and memory of the Holocaust and World War II. The book is organised thematically into three interrelated sections that engage innovative methodological approaches to the history of this period, perpetrator studies, and post-war memorial practices. Employing a fluid and interpretive understanding of centre and periphery, the authors offer timely interventions into the use of visual sources and archival materials, explore perpetration and collaboration as transnational and political categories, and examine contested legacies of the Holocaust, and post-war commemorative practices, pedagogy and memorialisation.

  • af Peter Klein
    153,95 kr.

    On January 20, 1942, a meeting lasting one and a half hours took place in a villa at Wannsee. The only item on the agenda was the organization of the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question". In fact, it was about a deportation and mass murder project with enormous dimensions, about which representatives of the security authorities and the ministries of the "Third Reich" discussed with each other.The historian Peter Klein, a profound expert on the subject, gives a dense overview of the development that led to this conference and of the contents that were discussed there. He shows the significance of this coordination meeting and how its aftermath unfolded. Facsimiles of key documents on the "Wannsee Conference" - including the minutes of the proceedings - make it possible to reconstruct the events from the fi les of the authorities involved and to grasp the specific character of this administrative murder of millions.

  • af Kazerne Dossin
    228,95 kr.

    Thousands of messages and images come to us every day. They flood us through various channels, such as social media, television, and the printed press. But do these messages and images always tell the truth? Fake news and fake images invariably sneak in - sometimes they are innocent mistakes (misinformation), sometimes they are extremely dangerous because they are deliberately misleading (disinformation). Propaganda, stereotypes and conspiracy theories transmit disinformation and fake news. One reason why fake news and fake images are so dangerous is that people often do not know how to spot the lies being presented as truth, the fake being presented as reality... Stereotypical ideas and conspiracy theories about Jews, Roma, migrants, LGBTQIA+ people, and other groups poison society. But these false notions are not new. During the Second World War, for example, antisemitic propaganda was highly effective in using stereotypes and conspiracy mongering to create a false image of Jewish people. The Nazis and their collaborators used this propaganda to facilitate a genocide of unprecedented proportions. #FakeImages exposes how such a false image was, and still is, created. Arthur Langerman, a Belgian survivor of the Holocaust, has been collecting antisemitic drawings, posters and objects for over 60 years. His collection is a response to the horrors of the Nazi attempt to annihilate Jewish people and communities. The collection seeks to illuminate one of the deadly ways in which lies facilitated the Holocaust. Mr. Langerman's collection forms the basis for the historical part of the #FakeImages exhibition and catalogue. #FakeImages presents antisemitic images from across the centuries, with a strong focus on propaganda before and during the Second World War, and its impact on the Holocaust. #FakeImages also highlights the mechanisms of manipulation that continue to have a major impact on contemporary ideas and on society. The exhibition and catalogue show how to identify and dismantle contemporary fake images, and why this matters for everyone.

  • af Astrid Ley, Maria Ciesielska & Esther Cuerda-Galindo
    193,95 kr.

    The volume contains the papers of several (medical) historians and medics from Europe and Israel on Nazi medical crimes in Poland. They are based on presentations at the conference "Building Memory - Building Resilience" 2018 in Warsaw and Lublin which focused on the question of how prospective physicians and other healthcare employees can gain professionally relevant knowledge from Nazi era medical transgressions even today, more than 75 years after the end of the war.Also included were an introductory overview by Robert Traba on the culture of remembrance in Poland concerningWorld War II and the Holocaust and a personal account by Zofia Karlowicz-Perzynska about her grandfather Juliusz Zweibaum.

  • af Margot Blank
    268,95 kr.

    Am 22. Juni 1941 überfiel das Deutsche Reich die Sowjetunion. Bis Kriegsende nahm die Wehrmacht etwa 5,7 Millionen Angehörige der Roten Armee gefangen. Mehr als drei Millionen von ihnen kamen in deutschem Gewahrsam ums Leben. Obwohl sie damit eine der größten Opfergruppen deutscher Massenverbrechen sind, wird bis heute kaum an sie erinnert. Der Katalog dokumentiert die gleichnamige Wanderausstellung, die einem breiten Publikum die Geschichte der sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen nahebringen möchte. Essays bieten darüber hinaus vertiefende Einblicke in einzelne Themen.The German Reich attacked the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941. By the end of the war the German Army made prisoners of about 5.7 million Red Army soldiers. More than three million of them perished in German custody. Although they are one of the largest categories of victims of German mass crimes, they are hardly commemorated to this day. The catalogue documents the traveling exhibition of the same name, which aims to bring the history of the Soviet prisoners of war closer to a broad public. Essays also offer in-depth insights into individual topics.

  • af Herbert Diercks
    228,95 kr.

    Das "Stadthaus" in der Hamburger Innenstadt war bis Juli 1943 Sitz des Polizeipräsidiums sowie zentraler Befehlsstellen der Schutzpolizei, der Kriminalpolizei und der Geheimen Staatspolizei. Vom Stadthaus aus organisierte die Polizei im Nationalsozialismus die Verfolgung vieler Zehntausend Menschen in Norddeutschland.Dieser von der Stiftung Hamburger Gedenkstätten und Lernorte zur Erinnerung an die Opfer der NS-Verbrechen herausgegebene Katalog dokumentiert die 2020 am "Geschichtsort Stadthaus" eröffneten Ausstellungen zur Hamburger Polizei im Nationalsozialismus und zur Geschichte des Gebäudekomplexes.The 'Stadthaus' located in Hamburg's inner city was, until July 1943, the seat of the police headquarters and the central command posts of the Schutzpolizei (protection police), the criminal investigation department, and the secret state police (Gestapo). It was from the Stadthaus that, during the National Socialist era, the police organised the persecution of tens of thousands of people in northern Germany.This catalogue published by the Foundation of Hamburg Memorials and Learning Centres Commemorating the Victimsof Nazi Crimes documents the exhibitions on the Hamburg police force during the Nazi era and the history of the building complex itself that were inaugurated at the Stadthaus Remembrance Site in 2020.

  • af Günter Morsch
    218,95 kr.

    Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp 1936-1945

  • af Günter Morsch
    248,95 kr.

    Sachsenhausen. The 'concentration camp by the "Reich" capital'

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