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  • af Aristotle
    163,95 kr.

    An in-depth analysis of Greek tragedy that details the transition from page to stage. In Aristotle¿s The Poetics, the philosopher discusses the art of poetry and its impact on the masses. He breaks down the most popular genres and their creative structure, giving insight into their purpose and ultimate appeal.

  • af Aristophanes
    63,95 - 163,95 kr.

    An honest and irreverent look at the power dynamics between men and women. Lysistrata and Other Plays by Aristophanes, highlights the ongoing struggle for control within a patriarchal society. Dissatisfied with traditional rules of engagement, one woman seeks to topple the status quo, disarming men where they least suspect it.

  • af Alexander Pope
    73,95 - 163,95 kr.

    Transposing English aristocratic society onto the world of the gods, Alexander Pope¿s The Rape of the Lock is the story of a grave offence against the natural order of the universe: the theft of a lock of hair.

  • af Alexander Hamilton
    59,95 - 163,95 kr.

    Embroiled in a political scandal involving misused funds intended as back pay for Revolutionary War veterans, Alexander Hamilton was forced to save his political career by confessing to a year-long affair with Maria Reynolds, a young married woman from Philadelphia. The Reynolds Pamphlet is an essay by Alexander Hamilton.

  • af Aeschylus
    163,95 kr.

    The titian Prometheus, the daughters of Danaus, a conquered king, and rivaled brothers are the protagonists of this eclectic collection of tragedies. Prometheus Bound and Other Plays is a collection from the work of Aeschylus, and features four plays, The Suppliants, The Persians, Seven Against Thebes, and Prometheus Bound. With stories of forced marriages, a defeated empire, a cursed family, and a titian that pays dearly for his advocacy for humans, Prometheus Bound and Other Plays depicts tales of downfall. History may be told about victors, but these four tragedies hold the stories of the disenfranchised and the defeated.

  • af William Still
    317,95 - 508,95 kr.

    Hiding by day, running by night, living off prayers and will, thousands of slaves had to risk all they had in order to achieve what others are given at birth¿freedom. The Underground Railroad is an intimate view of the experiences, heartaches, and triumphs of those who used the system. Told by the father of the system himself, The Underground Railroad is a collection of records kept by author William Still. Using narratives, letters, facts and first-hand accounts all witnessed by Still, The Underground Railroad tells the stories of hundreds of those who escaped slavery, offering readers a close and historically accurate look into the lives of slaves fighting for refuge.

  • af Henry De Vere Stacpoole
    98,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Two cousins are stranded on a remote island in the South Pacific. Their only hope is the ship¿s galley cook, the lone crewman to survive of the shipwreck. The gregarious Paddy teaches Dick and Emmeline the necessary skills to thrive in a hostile environment, forming them into capable young adults. The Blue Lagoon is a novel by Henry De Vere Stacpoole.

  • af Walter Francis White
    113,95 - 153,95 kr.

    Despite being a medical professional and a veteran of the First World War, Dr. Kenneth Harper finds it difficult to overcome the deep inequities of life in the American South. Determined to open a clinic in his native Georgia, he encounters opposition from neighbors and the Ku Klux Klan. The Fire in the Flint is a novel by Walter Francis White.

  • af Thomas Peckett Prest
    327,95 - 528,95 kr.

    Sweeney Todd runs a barber shop on London¿s Fleet Street. Secretly, Todd murders his patrons, turning them over to his accomplice who uses their flesh to make her popular meat pies. When a sailor goes missing, his friends follow a trail of clues that ends at Todd¿s door. Sweeney Todd: The Barber of Fleet Street is an influential penny dreadful novel.

  • af Rachel Field
    148,95 - 181,95 kr.

  • af Will Durant
    181,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Friedrich Nietzsche
    155,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Jessie Redmon Fauset
    155,95 - 221,95 kr.

  • af Vincent van Gogh
    173,95 - 263,95 kr.

  • af James Weldon Johnson
    135,95 kr.

  • af Langston Hughes
    181,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Lawrence Posey
    168,95 - 258,95 kr.

    "He was a poet of the first order, a humorist, a philosopher, a man of affairs. He achieved fame as an English-Indian dialect writer and journalist. He was the leading man of the Creeks and the one great man produced by the Confederacy known as the Five Civilized Tribes."Published posthumously in 1910, The Poems of Lawrence Alexander Posey is both a collection of poetry and a short memoir by one of the late nineteenth century's leading Native American voices, Alexander Posey. Born near Eufaula, Posey was the eldest of twelve children who were raised within the Creek Nation but incorporated into European culture. Being fluent in the Muscogee language, Posey would be encouraged by his father to learn English, ultimately leading to his love of the written word and his exposure to the Indian Journal where he would go on to submit his poetry. Professionally typeset with a beautifully designed cover, this edition of The Poems of Alexander Lawrence Posey is a classic of Native American literature reimagined for the modern reader.

  • af Laozi
    96,95 kr.

    The Tao and Its Characteristics by Lao Tzu is at least 2300 years old and remains one of the world's most prominent, popular and valued books of philosophy and the proper conduct of life.

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    175,95 kr.

    On Christmas Eve, Mary Silberhaus receives a beautiful nutcracker from her eccentric godfather Drosselmayer who turns out to be magical. Watching as he comes to life to defeat the Mouse King, Mary is swept away in an adventure of whimsy and romance. Part translation and part retelling, Alexandre Dumas¿s The History of a Nutcracker is an imaginative look into a little girl¿s fantasy.

  • af Anna Alice Chapin and Glen MacDonough
    201,95 kr.

  • af Wallace Thurman
    143,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Alexander Payne Murray & Will W. Allen
    168,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Scott Walter
    308,95 kr.

    When William Lovel meets Isabella Wardour, the two share an immediate connection, but Lovel must prove himself worthy of Isabella's love. Deemed as one of the author's favorites of his work, The Antiquary by Sir Walter Scott continues his famed Waverly series, and depicts a touching 18th century tale of forbidden love.

  • af D H Lawrence
    328,95 kr.

    D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love follows sisters Ursula and Gudrun as they navigate the social conventions of womanhood while trying to find love. With complex protagonists and compelling themes, this dramatic sequel to The Rainbow proves to be as provocative as its predecessor.

  • af Andrew Lang
    128,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af William Butler Yeats
    163,95 kr.

    At their humble, rural home, a poor family gathers whatever they can find to make dinner. A terrible famine has Ireland in its grip, and strange occurrences and beings are widely reported. When the Countess Cathleen arrives on their doorstep, the family mocks her, unaware of what is to come. The Countess Cathleen is a verse drama by W.B. Yeats.

  • af William Butler Yeats
    163,95 kr.

    "Surely thine hour has come, thy great wind blows, / Far off, most secret, and inviolate Rose?" These poems and stories circulate around the rose as a symbol of love, faith, and transformation. Blending tradition and invention, myth and modernity, The Secret Rose explores the influence of Christianity on Celtic Ireland while dramatizing the tenets of Rosicrucianism.

  • af Wilkie Collins
    163,95 kr.

    During the French Revolution, a group of prisoners is given the chance for one last night with friends and family before their execution by guillotine. While most of the men revel in the opportunity, even discussing at length the sensation of being beheaded, one prisoner, Duprat, remains silent. Nine O' Clock is a mystery novel by Wilkie Collins.

  • af Washington Irving
    163,95 kr.

    New in an allegedly haunted town, and already the target of the local hero, Brom Bones, Ichabod Crane must overcome his own superstitions and awkward nature to compete for the love of Katrina Van Tressel. Set in the spooky countryside of Sleepy Hollow, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a gothic tale about an odd man named Ichabod Crane. Ichabod's presence in town is mostly unassuming until he sets his eye on Katrina Van Tressel, the town's most eligible bachelorette. Now an enemy of Brom Bones, the local hero, Ichabod must brave the man's jealousy and his own superstitions about the town's spooky history in order to win the love and attention of Katrina Van Tressel.

  • af Washington Irving
    163,95 kr.

    When an unmotivated, care-free man drinks and parties with strangers in the mountains, he falls asleep, waking up twenty years later in post-revolution America. Set in New York both before and after the American Revolution, Washington Irving's classic tale Rip Van Winkle explores a symbolic and surreal narrative of change and happiness.

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