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  • af Jim Young
    197,95 kr.

    What is the most important ingredient for living a long and happy life? The Harvard Study of Adult Development-the longest-running study of human happiness-has identified the essential habits for achieving that goal. The most important practice? Intimacy.In Expansive Intimacy: How "e;Tough Guys"e; Defeat Burnout, Jim Young explores the rules of masculinity that force men into a false choice: either face shame by embracing their inner desires for meaningful connection, or invite burnout by following the harsh rules that require men to shun emotions and emphasize achievement. With both levity and gravity, Jim walks us through his years-long journey through burnout, along with stories and lessons of how other men have boldly escaped burnout by embracing a new way to be tough-through Expansive Intimacy.Jim Young is a former corporate leader, an executive coach, a keynote speaker, and a professional comedian. You can learn more about his work at

  • af Stephen Ford
    182,95 kr.

    "e;Be yourself; you finally have the opportunity."e;Keith has spent his life pretending to be something that he is not; straight. But after meeting Toby, his first boyfriend, and falling head-over-heels, he finds the strength and courage to step out of the closest and live his truth with pride. For months, everything seems perfect. Until Toby pulls the rug out from below his feet and Keith stumbles through a web of secrets and lies that leave him standing on shaky ground and questioning everything about the man he thought was the love of his life, and his own judgment. Problems of Our Own, by Stephen Ford, is a story that touches upon the real-life struggles of those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community and the highs and lows of falling in love. Readers will join Keith on his journey as he deals with issues revolving around mental health, relationships, homophobia, and trauma. Problems of Our Own is Keith's story, but it speaks to the experiences and lives of millions within the LGBTQ+ community who struggle with these same issues and need to know that they are not alone.

  • af Jennifer Hale
    307,95 kr.

    Grieving doesn't mean you must be consumed by grief. If you're looking for unique ways to cope with the loss of a spouse, parent, child, family member or close friend, Have a Good Mourning is the book for you. You'll discover transformational ways to mourn as you avoid the perpetual darkness that sometimes follows grief and heal even as you keep your loved one's memory alive.In Have a Good Mourning, you'll hear the tales of others whose journeys inspired change, hope and joy including:How Kinja Dixon, a self-made millionaire and of Re-Creationism, meaningfully reconnected with his late mother.How Big Apple marketer Jennifer Morilla turned her loss into a gift-bringing desperately needed clean water filters and a sense of caring to underdeveloped communities abroad.And how Michael Tesalona, a web guru and Ted Talk speaker, feels his sister's presence wherever he goes.Most of all, Have a Good Mourning illustrates how mourning with joy can give you a newfound purpose and bolster your life forever.

  • af Mo Asebiomo
    172,95 kr.

    It's My Pleasure challenges what it means to have sex-positive attitudes in a country with a history and current reality of white supremacy. In her debut book, Asebiomo traces the myths and misinformation of sex positivity back to racism, homophobia, transphobia, white settler colonialism and capitalism.i It deconstructs myths like:You must be having sex to be sex positive.Talking about sex with young people will encourage them to be sexually active.Pleasure should be a luxury.Intended as a tool to examine the harmful beliefs we have about sex and how these beliefs are in service of oppressive systems, It's My Pleasure includes the real experiences of sexuality educators, university professors, psychologists, sex workers, sexual health advocates and social justice organizers. This book urges readers to reflect on their own sex education while also guiding them in reimagining their own paths towards freedom and liberation.

  • af Jon-Erik Jardine
    167,95 kr.

  • af Eric Fan
    212,95 kr.

  • af Tom Weirich
    197,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af S. F. Armstrong
    212,95 kr.

  • af Brian Asingia
    162,95 kr.

    Did you know that cashless and contactless transactions increased by over 30% during 2020-2021? More than a third of consumers report that they never use cash to make purchases. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technologies improve, their effects on society include shifting how people all over the world buy and sell goods and services. However, the seemingly simple shift to automation and digitization raises complex ethical questions of how consumers will be affected. In this book, author Brian Asingia explores how technology and ethics will coexist in an increasingly cashless future, considering questions such as:How will more than 1.7 billion "e;unbanked"e; consumers adapt to a cashless society?What are the benefits and challenges of going cashless, and how can an ethical cashless society address challenges?How does the anonymity of cryptocurrency level the playing field for consumers of different socioeconomic backgrounds?How can tech creators ensure that AI is as unbiased as possible?In Cashless Society 101: A Practical (Values to Action) Guide to Ethical Leadership and Inclusive Innovation, author Brian Asingia takes an in-depth look at these critical issues, and explores how an increasingly cashless world may transform our global society.ABOUT THE AUTHOR, ASINGIAAfter beginning his career on Wall Street, Brian Asingia branched out to work in the intersection between technology, finance, business, and the arts. He has consulted for startups, governments, diplomats, educational institutions, and programs. Asingia is now the CEO and co-founder of the DreamGalaxy Platform, an innovation studio that trains, advises, and funds ethical entrepreneurial leaders to launch, grow, and scale inclusive innovations. Always fascinated by modern ethics and the idea of a cashless society, Asingia turned his attention to writing. He was inspired to pen Cashless Society 101: A Practical (Values to Action) Guide to Ethical Leadership and Inclusive Innovation to inspire and engage the next generation of ethical entrepreneurial leaders around the world.

  • af Paul Thallner
    212,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Matt Swain
    152,95 kr.

    Matt Swain thought he had won at life. After joining a major corporate firm at just 18, he stood on the rooftop overlooking London thinking he had everything he could possibly want. The fast car, extravagant lifestyle, wash of approval. He was winning the race. But Matt's dream quickly turned into a nightmare. What followed was a dramatic journey of mental health struggles, major setbacks, feeling completely lost, isolated and confused until he eventually hit rock-bottom. It was those deepest, darkest moments that led him to discover his real truth. A truth that led him down a new path full of meaning, purpose and fulfilment. Matt recognized that a hidden force, deep inside, had been driving him throughout all of his life choices. Choices that made him unhappy. It was the dangerous, powerful drive to be what everyone else wanted him to be that nearly cost him who he really was.Breaking Free deconstructs the idea of societal success by taking the reader on a journey of self-discovery while uncovering new-age wisdom. Are you ready to escape who others thought you were meant to be and become who you truly are?

  • af Jenna Caldwell
    162,95 - 352,95 kr.

  • af Sade Bamimore
    159,95 kr.

    Los incendios forestales, las inundaciones, la injusticia social y las crisis de salud publica proliferan en todo el mundo. La sostenibilidad reconoce que los desafios que enfrenta el mundo hoy en dia estan conectados sistemicamente. La sostenibilidad puede ser una herramienta poderosa para catalizarsoluciones para un futuro resiliente, regenerativo, justo y equitativo. Sin embargo, debe haber un cambio en los sistemas actuales del mundo para integrar la sostenibilidad en toda la sociedad. Replanteacion de sistemas para un futuro sostenible proporciona una perspectiva critica sobre el nexo entre la teoria y la praxis para una comprension mas profunda del pensamiento sistemico y el liderazgo en sostenibilidad.En su libro, la autora Sade Bamimore lo desafia a pensar analiticamente sobre la naturaleza intrinseca de la sostenibilidad y la psicologia detras de la accion sostenible. Escuchara a los pioneros de la sostenibilidad y aprendera lo que se necesita para ser un lider de sostenibilidad. Al hacerlo, puedeembarcarse en un viaje de autodescubrimiento sobre como su propio yo ecologico puede impulsarlo hacia la accion de sostenibilidad y el liderazgo de servicio.

  • af Renzo A. Reyes
    159,95 kr.

    We are often our own worst critics-but what happens when society and its inhabitants are the bigger critics? We get told that we can't. When we hear that enough, we believe that we can't. Unlike most self-help works, Renzo Reyes' Do It Anyway: Realizing Your Worth in a World That Makes You Feel Inadequate doesn't ask us to ignore the critical voices around us, but rather to acknowledge them, accept them, and still push forward anyway.Do It Anyway is the self-help book for the people most often overlooked by self-help. Applying well-researched psychological principles interwoven with personal stories and first-hand interviews, Reyes helps us answer our most vexing questions:Why is it that no matter what I do, I don't ever feel like I'm enough?How do I muffle the voices of my worst critics?How can I take on bold challenges against my deepest fears?Read Do It Anyway to discover how to regain control over your mind, spirit, and future-in a world that desperately tries to keep it from you.

  • af Anjana Sreedhar
    317,95 kr.

    Myth: People from marginalized backgrounds have poorer health outcomes because of poor decision-making.Through extensive research and interviews, Health Care of a Thousand Slights, Connecting Legacy to Access to Healthcare debunks this myth, demonstrating that the historical legacy of discriminatory policies and culture has had an enduring impact on healthcare access and outcomes among marginalized communities. Readers will understand the importance of improving the quality of life for Americans of color, female-identifying Americans, and LGBTQ+ Americans, among others.Inside this book you will learn: How the legacies of policies such as forced relocation, slavery and segregation, and xenophobic immigration impact healthcare access.How women across all socioeconomic levels experience disparities in healthcare.How movements for civil rights, policy and technology are being leveraged as vehicles for change.Readers will recognize not only the links between history and present day with respect to healthcare access and outcomes, but will also understand the solutions that exist to mitigate health disparities.

  • af Precious McKoy
    194,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Emily Her
    182,95 kr.

    You are holding an intimately personal art project. Please treat this, the world, and yourself with care when interacting. 100% of people on this Earth are human. Though this may sound obvious, why do we not treat ourselves as such? In Everything I Leave Behind For You, author Emily Her offers a raw, uncut, and vulnerable reflection into the thoughts and conversations of a lifetime ravaged by mental disorders. Intersections of self-awareness, mental health and doubtful hope untangle the knots. Her's personal and intimate writing encourages everyone to reflect internally, granting the space to find ourselves. How do we understand our places in a complicated world if we never explore the depths of our own human experiences? Through Emily's words, we learn that we are all a little bit lost.Everything I Leave Behind For You is an open conversation from someone who spends too much time in their head. Her dedicates herself to making this world a better place through vulnerability - it is a letter to each of us: the burnt out working professional, the over-pressured student, the concerned parents. This book is a hopeful yet fragile attempt to sit down and untangle the noise. An attempt with heroic hope. And perhaps, the honest attempt is all we need.

  • af Johnny Savage
    182,95 kr.

    What goes through someone's mind when they're immersed in the open ocean, hypothermic, and either going to drown or be eaten alive by sharks? How does one have the will to survive a mariner's worst nightmare of being lost at sea?In Lost in the Stream: The Miraculous Story of Two Fisherman Lost at Sea you'll be privy to the kind of excruciating choices that mean life or death. With wreckage of the Anhinga floating all around them, Eric Bingham (captain) and Johnny Savage (mate) struggled to survive in the middle of the Gulf Stream after a colossal rogue wave sank their sportfishing vessel. It took decades for Johnny to come to terms with the fact the still voice inside him and people who'd already heard the story were right: "e;Johnny, you need to write a book."e;The Anhinga had vanished so quickly there hadn't been time for a distress call, life raft, or emergency beacon. They were microscopic specks, in peril, lost to the power of the restless waves. So how did two fisherman with survival chances close to zero endure being at the mercy of the mighty sea?

  • af Ramona Cedeno
    159,95 kr.

  • af Mikel Mangold
    171,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Satish Shenoy
    194,95 kr.

  • af Ellie McAfee
    159,95 kr.

  • af Marlon Rodriguez
    159,95 kr.

    "e;Where we're from, you hear about war, but never about the people. You never hear about the ones you just stop seeing, the kids who never went to school again, the people who gave up. We're looking for people like you who have a good heart and the courage to do what's right, so that together, we can build our own community that anyone around the world can come to. A city that's made for the people."e; Everyone is welcome in Eita's Kihn. Established as a safe haven for those who do not belong in other parts of the world, humans and humanoids alike seek refuge inside of its walls. But soon even the residents of Eita's Kihn cannot ignore the strange occurrences around them: thoughtless beasts coordinating attacks, the High Spirit of Death offering allegiances with humans, and long-forgotten monsters coming back to life.On top of all of that, two of Eita's Kihn's three founders are missing. It is up to Ymir, the remaining founder and a four-armed giant, to find them. Will peace be restored to Eita's Kihn? Or will Ymir's world crumble before her very eyes?

  • af Dasom Lee
    194,95 kr.

    I Wish You Knew - A Novel celebrates the flawed normalcy of two individuals who reunite under serendipitous circumstances. After more than a decade of separation, two childhood best friends cross paths in the most humorous way. The healing potential of human connection and empathy is then unveiled.Filled with a labyrinth of plot twists and a bit of luck, author Dasom Lee explores the healing power of love over grief. "e;Don't forget, but live in the present."e; sings throughout the story. Learn, alongside Jenny and Anthony, the importance of maturity when battling darkness and how we heal when we can cope with and see the beauty in our pain.Dasom Lee's young adult romance explores how grief can overshadow happiness. It shows how family can interfere with love and the true meaning of friendship. Readers will relate to the young characters; the vibrant buzz of city life; and how to overcome the past to live in the present.

  • af Marlene McConnell
    171,95 kr.

    When you feel like you're trapped in a dark cave with only despair to guide you, remember that you need to find the light.In Marlene McConnell's Ray of Light, we learn that, even in our darkest moments, we are not alone. Research provides us with the knowledge that many people around the world have experienced at least one traumatic event in their lives. It could be a person sitting next to us on the train, a co-worker in our office, a loved one, or even you holding this book that seeks light in the darkness. With this book, you will discover powerful healing journeys that will provide a deeper perspective on how to find your own path to recovery. McConnell brings a fresh new energy and perspective on healing, recovery, and the journey back to self. She shows us her journey of the choice to step out of trauma into joy and inner peace. She engages us to be the light and find the light in the darkness, so the cave of life can be filled with torchlights to guide us.

  • af Katarvia Taylor
    159,95 kr.

  • af Harrison Holcomb
    159,95 kr.

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