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Bøger udgivet af New in Chess

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  • af Evgeny Bareev & Ilya Levitov
    325,95 kr.

  • af Nick Maatman
    225,95 kr.

  • af Jeremy Silman
    298,95 kr.

    Sie spielen schon lange und leidenschaftlich gern Schach? Oder Sie wagen die ersten Schritte auf dem Schachbrett? Dann studieren Sie dieses Buch gründlich. Als Anfänger erspart es Ihnen unnötige Umwege zum richtigen Schachverständnis! Als erfahrener Amateur wird sich Ihr Blick auf die 64 Felder womöglich fundamental verändern!Denn viele Amateure verfangen sich leider schon frühzeitig in falschen Denkmustern, welche sie dann oft ein ganzes Schachleben lang begleiten. Wer aus dieser Sackgasse nicht hinausfindet, erleidet stets nur herbe Niederlagen und schmerzhafte Rückschläge. Dann hilft es auch wenig, wahllos Bücher zu studieren oder Unterricht zu nehmen. Vielmehr müssen die Weichen des strategischen Denkens neu gestellt werden.Auf den richtigen Weg führt Sie der Autor mit seiner Theorie von den "Störungen des Gleichgewichts", die zwar gering an Zahl, jedoch überraschend allgegenwärtig sind. Geleitet von dieser Theorie erlernen Sie, wie man im Mittelspiel einen plausiblen Plan entwickelt und konsequent verfolgt. Währenddessen bleibt Silman stets ein strenger Lehrmeister, der sich gelegentlich selbst mit harscher Kritik nicht zurückhält, der jedoch auch nie müde wird zu rekapitulieren, was seinen Schülern nicht auf Anhieb gelingen mag. Immer wieder üben Sie das Erkennen vorhandener Störungen, der wichtigsten Grundlage des konzeptionellen Schachspielens, bis Sie allmählich von einem gewöhnlichen Amateur oder Klubspieler zu einem starken Turnierspieler reifen.Der Internationale Meister Jeremy Silman ist ein Schachlehrer von Weltklasse und zugleich Autor und erfolgreicher Spieler. Er gewann das American Open, das National Open und das U.S. Open. Die englischsprachige Originalausgabe von Schach, aber richtig! (The Amateur's Mind) ist eines der meistgekauften Schachbücher der Gegenwart.

  • af Willy Hendriks
    295,95 kr.

  • af Helgi Olafsson
    213,95 kr.

  • af Gudmundur Thorarinsson
    229,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Dirk Jan Ten Geuzendam
    163,95 kr.

    New in Chess has 8 issues a year with more than 800 pages of the very best in chess: on-the-spot tournament reports, columns, both serious and hilarious, in-depth interviews, chess opening surprises, chess history that comes to life, endgames and studies, chess anecdotes and curiosities, great pictures and drawings, an honest GM opinion on the latest chess books, exclusive columns.

  • af Alexey Bezgodov
    308,95 kr.

    In many 1.d4 openings, Black has trouble getting his bishop on c8 into play. Former Russian Chess Champion Alexey Bezgodov presents a radical solution to this nagging problem; liberate your bishop right away and put it on f5 on the second move! Play 2...Bf5! against either 2.c4 or 2.Nf3 will surprise your opponent and is also a great way to support your development, because the bishop takes control of the important square e4. If White does not immediately take decisive action, then within a move or two he can relinquish any hopes on an opening advantage. Alexey Bezgodov has found some great antidotes to White's most dangerous reactions in sharp and attractive lines. To test your understanding of his system he has included more than 100 exercises. After studying the fresh ideas and the clear explanations presented in The Liberated Bishop Defence chess players of almost every strength will enjoy the flexibility of a surprising, effective and universal weapon against 1.d4.

  • af Victor Bologan
    278,95 kr.

  • af Vincent Moret
    233,95 kr.

    Every chess player needs to decide which openings he or she is going to play. But where do you start? The risk of drowning in the turbulent sea of chess opening theory is only too real for beginning amateurs. After the success of his volume for White, experienced French chess trainer Vincent Moret now provides a complete, ready-to-go chess opening repertoire for Black. It consists of a sound set of lines that do not outdate rapidly, do not require memorization and are easy to digest for beginners and post-beginners.

  • af Joel Benjamin
    245,95 kr.

    Winner of the CJA 2019 Best Instructional Book Award Finding strong moves does not simply depend on how much you know about chess. In fact, greater knowledge often makes choosing a move more complex because it increases the number of directions your mind can take. His many years as a chess trainer have taught grandmaster Joel Benjamin how fundamental failings in their thought process cause his students to make mistakes. Pointing out the moves his students missed was just half the job. He needed to explain why they didn't arrive at the right move. This book teaches how you can improve the structure and effectiveness of your thinking when sitting at the board. How to look for the right things. Joel Benjamin concentrates on a wide array practical issues that players frequently have to deal with. By applying a grandmaster's train of thought club players will more often arrive at strong moves and substantially improve their game.

  • af Konstantin Sakaev
    255,95 kr.

    The Complete Manual of Positional Chess, probably the most thorough grounding in the history of teaching chess, was recently created for chess teachers at the DYSS, the special sports school for young talents in Russia. Konstantin Sakaev and Konstantin Landa present a complete set of instructions and tips for trainers and self-improvers. The reader will learn not only how to enhance fundamental knowledge and technical skills, but also how to work on physical and psychological conditioning. The book is full of basic and advanced tools to improve in a wide array of areas, like handling different pawn structures, exploiting weaknesses in the opponent's position, attacking the enemy king, detecting dynamics and tactical motifs, finding resources for defence and counterattack in precarious positions and, last but not least restricting the role the chess computer plays in our life.

  • af Davorin Kuljasevic
    225,95 kr.

  • af Steve Giddins
    225,95 kr.

  • af Herman Grooten
    305,95 kr.

  • af Christof Sielecki
    305,95 kr.

  • af Abhimanyu Mishra
    225,95 kr.

  • af Ruslan Ponomariov
    175,95 kr.

    The Ukrainian chess community is helping Ukraine in the war against Russia. The chess genius Vasyl Ivanchuk is giving online simuls to raise funds. European champion and Olympic gold medal winner Natalia Zhukova is working as a politician in Odessa. And FIDE World Champion Ruslan Ponomariov coordinated this wonderful collection of chess games from Ukrainian players, published by New In Chess. All games were nominated and annotated by the players themselves. The proceeds of this book will support Ukrainian charities. The book also covers the three legendary Olympic victories by Ukraine, in 2004 and 2010 for the men's team and 2006 for the women's team. Oleg Romanishin remembers his training match against Mikhail Tal. And Jan Timman has a look at his favourite Ukrainian study composers. With contributions by Vasyl Ivanchuk, Ruslan Ponomariov, Anna and Mariya Muzychuk, Anton Korobov, Vladimir Tukmakov, Pavel Eljanov, Andrei Volokitin, and many, many others. Michael Prusikin presents the prerequisites and the rules for a King attack in a lucid and attractive manner. In 15 thematic chapters he teaches you how to assess the nature of the position, identify the appropriate offensive patterns, find the preliminary moves and conduct your attack in a clear and effective way. Battering rams, obstructive sacrifices, pawn storms, striking at the castled position, sacrificing a knight on f5, Prusikin demonstrates the most important patterns of attack with lots of clear and well chosen examples. Next, Prusikin tests your newly acquired insights and your attacking intuition with exercises covering all the themes and motifs. You will find that studying Attacking Strategies for Club Players is both entertaining and rewarding.

  • af Joel Benjamin
    265,95 kr.

    For nearly fifty years grandmasters and amateurs alike have been making their annual pilgrimage to the World Open. Legendary organizer Bill Goichberg created the model of this iconic event in American chess: large entry fees, large prizes, and no-frills. Every year around the 4th of July, Philadelphia is the scene of countless epic battles at the board. Joel Benjamin and Harold Scott examined hundreds of games and conducted a series of interviews with what they call the Heroes of the World Open, players who won the tournament on multiple occasions. What they wanted to investigate was: why have some players been so consistent in their efforts, always battling for the top prizes? Benjamin and Scott discovered that many different paths were taken on the road to victory, but that the Heroes definitely had one common factor: their fighting spirit!The authors present the history of the World Open from its humble beginnings to the juggernaut it has become today. There are many entertaining stories and scandals that the reader will enjoy. This rich book holds a fantastic collection of the very best games that were crucial in deciding the outcome of the tournament as well as a selection of exciting tactics. Winning the World Open is as entertaining as it is instructive. Not only the many thousands of players that participated will find it an irresistible read.

  • af Jesus de la Villa
    313,95 kr.

    If you are aware of endgame patterns, you spot key moves quicker, analyse and calculate better, avoid making errors and memorize what you have studied more fully. Most of the patterns Jesus de la Villa presents in this new book are from the phase of the game just before a theoretical endgame turns up. Knowing these practical endgame fundamentals will enable you to fully reap the benefits of what you learned in De la Villa's widely acclaimed classic 100 Endgames You Must Know. Studying patterns only makes sense if you are going to encounter them frequently. De la Villa presents those that have the greatest practical importance and explains and illustrates them with carefully selected examples. To show the patterns as clearly as possible, he mainly concentrates on positions in which both sides have just one piece. Presenting positions withmore pieces risks blurring the picture and making motifs less straightforward. The fact that players think in patterns has an important side-effect: their endgame errors tend to repeat themselves. That's why De la Villa has not just included examples from games of elite GM's but also of amateurs. Errors are always instructive and working with this book will seriously reduce the number of typical mistakes you are prone to make. The many practical exercises that De la Villa has selected will help you improve and retain what you have learned. Erwich repeats the themes of his previous book, focusing on exercises in which the key move is less obvious. He also introduces new, more sophisticated tactical weapons. They are geared towards the reality of the advanced club player (Elo 1800 - 2300): it is not enough to spot simple combinations, at this level you must be able to resist your reflexes and look deeper. In variations that look forcing you will always search for that deadly Zwischenzug. Quiet moves in general should be your new best friends. In short: an advanced club player should expect the unexpected. One of the celebrated elements of Erwich's previous book, which is neglected in other books on tactics, is back: defence! You will also learn how to defend against tactics, as well as how to use tactical weapons when you are under heavy pressure. This is a complete and structured course, and not just a collection of freewheeling puzzles. Erwich starts every chapter with an instructive explanation of the tactical concept at hand and has carefully selected the most didactically productive exercises. Peter Giannatos selected 738 exercises based on ten years of experience with thousands of pupils at the prize-winning Charlotte Chess Center. All problems are clean, without unnecessary fluff that detracts from their instructive value. The Workbook has ample room for writing down the solutions to the exercises. This is helpful for both students and coaches, who can assign homework from the book without having to worry about being unable to review the solutions. And writing down the correct chess moves will greatly accelerate your learning process. Everyone's First Chess Workbook offers you a treasure trove of chess knowledge and more than enough lessons to keep you busy for a year!

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