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  • af Pauline Endres De Oliveira
    737,95 kr.

    The book provides a comprehensive legal assessment of four different types of safe pathways to protection in the EU: the asylum visa, resettlement, ad hoc humanitarian admission and sponsorship programs. It investigates the effects these pathways can have on the asylum paradox, that is the paradoxical interplay in current EU asylum policy between the granting of territorial protection on the one hand and the prevention of access to territory on the other.Based on the assumption, that the asylum paradox is the result of a conflict of responsibility principles, the book develops an analytical tool, a responsibility framework, for the analysis and assessment. Overall, the book identifies normative differences, depending on the specific pathway and its details of implementation.

  • af Larissa Bahmer
    1.023,95 kr.

    Das öffentliche Recht und seine Wissenschaft interagieren auf vielfältige Weise mit anderen Rechtsbereichen - seien es Normen anderen Ursprungs oder solche, die innerstaatlich typischerweise anderen Bereichen zugeordnet werden - sowie Erkenntnissen anderer Disziplinen. Erst der Blick auf diese Interaktionen ermöglicht es, das öffentliche Recht und seine Wissenschaft in einem größeren Kontext zu sehen. Die Beiträge des Tagungsbandes analysieren Recht auf allen Ebenen, nutzen interdisziplinäre oder rechtsvergleichende Methoden und untersuchen die Interaktionen des Öffentlichen Rechts eingebettet in konkrete Fragestellungen um Demokratie, Lebensgrundlagen, Klimagerechtigkeit und feministische Rechtswissenschaft.Mit Beiträgen vonAnna Berry | Valentina Chiofalo | Dr. Talya Deibel | Jan Dönges | Steliyana Doseva | Dr. Emma M. Dunne | Dr. Rico David Neugärtner, LL.M. (Cornell) | Elisabeth Faltinat | Dr. Jennifer Grafe, LL.M. (Münster) | Lilli Hasche | Johannes Klamet, B.Sc. | Irina Lehner, MLaw, LL.M. (KCL) | Leo Müller | Dr. Linda Nell | Nussaïbah B. Raja | Dr. Tilman Reinhardt | Dr. Paula Rhein-Fischer, LL.B/Maîtrise | Emma Sammet | Jan Schillmöller | Marcus Schnetter | Julian Seidl | Silvia Steininger, LL.M. (Amsterdam), M.A | Paul P. Stewens | Johannes Thierer | Dr. Felix Würkert

  • af Claudia Lohrenscheit
    318,95 kr.

    Historically and to the present day, social work has been closely intertwined with social movements, both as allies and in opposition to them. This engagement finds its expression in conventions (human rights), cooperation (world conferences) and coalitions (NGOs).This textbook offers an insight into the connections between social movements and social work from an international perspective, teaching their historical and theoretical foundations and illustrating them in a practical way with case studies from around the world. It aims to bring the perspectives of a 'global social work profession and discipline', and thus the international and political dimensions of social work, back to the forefront of the discipline.

  • af Nicola Cobelli
    558,95 kr.

    In conclusion, the world of M&A in the healthcare industry is a complex and ever-evolving landscape, where the intersection of business strategy and patient care holds profound implications for stakeholders across all levels. The journey the authors have embarked upon in this book has been one of exploration, analysis, and reflection, shedding light on the multifaceted challenges and opportunities inherent in this dynamic sector.

  • af Moritz Hennemann
    658,95 kr.

    The new Data Act is not only the centrepiece of the new EU data regulation, but probably also the most complex piece within the mosaic created by the EU Data Strategy. The regulation establishes b2b and b2c data access rights, stipulates rules for 'fair' data contracts, and tackles b2g data access in exceptional circumstances. The new rules are especially directed at IoT devices, smart contracts, and cloud services. The work offers an introduction to the new rules. Genealogy, structure, and practical consequences of the new Act are laid down - nonetheless with regard to the existing legal framework (e. g. data protection law). The authors' research is dedicated to European and International Information and Data Law.Dr. Gordian Konstantin Ebner | Prof. Dr. Moritz Hennemann, M.Jur. (Oxon.) | Benedikt Karsten | Gregor Lienemann, LL.M. (Reading) | Marie Wienroeder

  • af Reinhard Heinisch
    1.023,95 kr.

    While the surge of populism in the West has attracted considerable public attention, countries often considered to be on Europe's 'periphery' have largely escaped both scholarly and general interest. Political developments in Armenia, Albania, Bosnia, Georgia, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia are poorly understood politically and often opaque to non-specialists. Yet the societies, economies, politics and the aspirations of the people in these countries remain closely intertwined with the rest of Europe and its development. From the perspectives of scholars from the region, this book offers an informed assessment of the role, causes and political consequences of populism in areas that are important but often ignored parts of the European political landscape. With contributions byAshot Aleksanyan | Nane Aleksanyan | Aneta Cekikj | Simon Clarke | Ruben Elamiryan | Reinhard Heinisch | Despot Kovacevic | Klaudia Koxha | David Matsaberidze | SlaviSa Orlovic | Maja Savic-Bojanic | Avdi Smajljaj | Daniel Smilov | Ruzha Smilova | Nemanja Stankov

  • af Angelos Kornilakis
    958,95 kr.

    The work deals with Digital Commons. These are a case of the new organizational forms developed in the realm of digital economy and fall under the notion of "Network Enterprise", substituting the classical hierarchical forms of firms with horizontal cooperation between independent agents.They are hybrid forms of organization, which reject both markets and hierarchies, as the two mainstream organizational modes of conventional economics. They are based on individual autonomy combined with egalitarian cooperative mechanisms, trying to reap the best of the organizational structure of firms without sacrificing individual autonomy.

  • af Markus P. Beham
    338,95 kr.

    From the 1972 Stockholm Declaration to the European Union's Green Deal, the principles of international environmental law have successfully permeated the multilateral discourse. They are also woven into a large patchwork of international treaties, binding the international community and requiring their implementation at the domestic level. This materials collection provides an edited compilation of international and European environmental law documents. Alongside the fundamentals as well as the procedural and liability frameworks, it includes a selection of the most relevant sectoral treaties relating to air, ozone, climate, freshwater, oceans, biodiversity, and hazardous substances.

  • af Dominik Brodowski
    508,95 kr.

    Indem die Rechtswissenschaft das Recht vorandenkt, kann sie am zivilisatorischen Fortschritt mit und durch Recht mitwirken. Dieser Sammelband reflektiert über diese These, die für Prof. Dr. h.c. Heike Jung eine Art Bekenntnischarakter hat, und wirft hierzu Schlaglichter auf herausgehobene Bereiche, in denen sich eine gewichtige Rolle der Rechtswissenschaft bei der Weiterentwicklung des Rechts aufdrängt: Die "tour d'horizon" reicht dabei vom Völkerstrafrecht über die die Rechtswissenschaft als Akteur der Rechtsentwicklung im Bereich der Digitalisierung bis hin zur Rolle der Strafrechtswissenschaft bei der Begrenzung und Bewältigung des menschengemachten Klimawandels.Mit Beiträgen vonProf. Dr. Joxerramon Bengoetxea | Prof. Dr. Michael Bohlander | Prof. Dr. Dominik Brodowski, LL.M. (UPenn) | Prof. Dr. Thomas Elholm | Prof. Dr. Maximilian Herberger | Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heike Jung | Prof. Dr. Karl-Ludwig Kunz | Dr. Anke Morsch | Prof. Dr. Kathrin Nitschmann | Prof. Dr. Carl-Friedrich Stuckenberg,LL.M. (Harvard) | Prof. Dr. Julien Walther

  • af Irene Domenici
    1.853,95 kr.

    Introducing ethically controversial (bio)technologies into the public healthcare system inevitably provokes societal and legal conflict. While it is often argued that these choices ought to comply with moral standards, the consideration of ethical and religious concerns raises a serious problem of legitimacy. By adopting the position that the state must act in an ethically neutral manner this book provides a critical legal analysis of the relationship between ethics and law and its implications for the public healthcare system. The ensuing examination combines a comparative, legal-constitutional perspective with the investigation of two case studies: preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT).

  • af Martin Große Hüttmann
    508,95 kr.

    Die Herausforderungen für das Regieren in Europa und insb. in der EU und in ihren Mitgliedstaaten werden nicht geringer; im Gegenteil, Entwicklungen wie die Finanz- bzw. Schuldenkrise, der Austritt Großbritanniens aus der EU, die COVID-19-Pandemie, starke anti-europäische Tendenzen in einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten oder der Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine waren 2003, dem Jahr der Veröffentlichung der ersten Festschrift für Professor Rudolf Hrbek, kaum denk- und vorstellbar. Die Autorinnen und Autoren nehmen sehr unterschiedliche Perspektiven ein, wenn sie der Frage nachgehen, wie die Europäische Union mit den jüngsten Herausforderungen umgeht und welche Lehren sie daraus zieht.

  • af Thorsten Faas
    1.853,95 kr.

    Der Band ist dem Verhältnis von Informationen, Wahlen und Demokratie gewidmet. Deutschland, aber auch andere Länder in den Blick nehmend, widmen sich die Autor:innen vor allem den Bürger:innen, ihren Einstellungen, Interessen und Wahlentscheidungen. Auch die Rolle von Kontexten wird beleuchtet, insbesondere von Informationskontexten: Wie und mit wem sprechen Menschen über Politik, wie informieren sie sich über neue und alte Medien, welche Rollen spielen intermediäre Instanzen?Mit Beiträgen vonO. Appiah | K. Armingeon | Paul A. Beck | T. Bräuninger | P. Darius | M. Debus | B. Ebbinghaus | S. Ellerbrock | W. Eveland | Th. Faas | S. Huber | M. Jiménez-Buedo | R. Johnston | S. Kleinman | H.-D. Klingemann | K.-R. Korte | P. Kraft | M. Krewel | S. Liebig | J. Long | O. Lup | L. Morales | M. Neuman | F. Pappi | J. Partheymüller | M. Peffley | L. Ramiro | A. Roemmele | R. Rohrschneider | S. Roßteutscher | A. Schäfer | C. Schnaudt | J. van Deth | K. Voltmer | S. Walter | K. Weissenbach | B. Weßels | C. Wolf | A. Wolsing

  • af Oscar W. Gabriel
    578,95 kr.

    Emotions have always been considered an important element of political communication. Recent research has demonstrated the significance of emotions in individual information-processing and political judgements. Used strategically, emotions thus become an instrument for influencing people. Based on content analyses of TV news and political talk shows in Germany, this book analyses with which emotions television portrays politicians and which techniques are used to trigger emotions in viewers. Using experiments, it investigates how portraying emotional politicians can affect political attitudes against the background of the theory of emotional contagion.

  • af Stefan Hansen
    1.148,95 kr.

    The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine represents a Zeitenwende - a turning point - in German foreign and security policy, which requires a complete redefinition of Germany's role within the future European security order. Through contributions by renowned experts, this anthology provides information on the causes, developments and foreseeable consequences of the Russian war of aggression. This open access book will appeal to scholars, decision-makers, students, and anyone interested in international politics, conflict studies, and military-strategic dimensions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

  • af Melanie Goergmaier
    1.088,95 kr.

    TTIP is not "dead". The author demonstrates why many of the TTIP negotiating content is more relevant today than ever before in connection with the ongoing EU-US trade negotiations that have been picking up new speed. From the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to the Trump administration's trade war, this book examines the transatlantic trade relationship between the European Union and the United States and the political implications on both sides of the Atlantic. This book also provides policy recommendations for both sides on how to move forward based on the analysis. An outlook for trade in the 21st century is provided drawing on trade history between the two entities over the years up until the current 2023 trends.

  • af Hans Jörg Schrötter
    318,95 kr.

    Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Europäischem Rat und Europarat? Wo liegen die Ursachen für die zahlreichen Krisen, die Europa gemeistert - oder noch vor sich - hat? In seiner 4., überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage erklärt das Buch, wie unser neues Europa funktioniert, welche ungeahnten Freiheiten und Chancen es uns bietet - und warum es mitunter nicht funktioniert. Anschaulich analysiert der Autor das gesamte Spektrum aktueller Themen - von den Turbulenzen um den Euro, die Flüchtlingspolitik, den Brexit und Fridays for Future bis hin zum "Green Deal" und dem Angriffskrieg Russlands auf die Ukraine.Europa ist kein Elite-Projekt. Dieses bewährte, leicht lesbare Taschenlexikon lädt Einsteiger wie Europa-Kenner gleichermaßen ein, mitzumachen, zu kritisieren und zu diskutieren. Europa ist zugegeben unperfekt, aber es ist das Erstaunlichste, was wir auf unserem Kontinent in den letzten Jahrhunderten auf die Beine gestellt haben.

  • af Stefania Knecht-Turkanik
    1.148,95 kr.

    Despite peacebuilding efforts between Ukraine and Poland, the author shows that the conflict between the two nations, with its violent zenith in the 20th century, remains unresolved. Looking at Andrei Sheptyts'kyi, Ukrainian Greek Catholic metropolitan between 1901 and 1944, as well as the insights from conducting qualitative research with contemporary representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the author argues that Sheptyts'kyi must be considered a peacebuilder, and that, following his example, representatives of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church are uniquely situated to be peacebuilders in the Polish-Ukrainian conflict. Lastly, the author suggests several avenues for future peacebuilding.

  • af Marius Müller
    1.023,95 kr.

    The 2008 financial crisis brought the far-reaching influence of credit ratings on capital markets into focus and confirmed doubts about the quality of ratings published by rat-ing agencies. In the context of regulatory efforts to limit the influence of ratings, Marius Müller addresses the question to what extent investment funds are obliged to sell bonds that no longer comply with investment guidelines following a rating downgrade. Results of a statistical analysis of 200 European and U.S. fund prospectuses are evaluated in the light of regulatory objectives. Subsequently, a structural proposal for the formulation of investment guidelines is developed, accounting for the protection of investor interests and market functioning.

  • af Sigrid Ruby
    1.088,95 kr.

    Sicherheit wurde in der Frühen Neuzeit sehr viel umfassender verstanden als heute. In der historischen Epoche war Sicherheit ganz eng mit gesellschaftlicher Ordnung und Stabilität verknüpft. Die heteronormative Geschlechterordnung spielte dabei eine zentrale Rolle und wurde wesentlich über die Hierarchie und Arbeitsteilung im Haus legitimiert. Die 13 Beiträge aus Geschichte, Kunstgeschichte, Literaturwissenschaft, Philosophie und Theologie untersuchen die Entstehung und Ausformung dieser Zusammenhänge. Das gemeinsame Interesse gilt Texten, Bildern und Praktiken, die im Zeitalter der Renaissance eine Wissensordnung und visuelle Kultur von Sicherheit ausprägten, die bis heute nachwirkt und auch im aktuellen "gender security gap" greifbar wird.Mit Beiträgen vonMatthias Adrian | Anna Katharina Becker | Elisabetta Cau | John Egle | Joseph Freedman | Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat | Margareth Lanzinger | Sigrid Ruby | Raffaella Sarti | Daniel Schläppi | Inken Schmidt-Voges | Tina Terrahe | Christian Uhde

  • af Peter Neumann
    1.023,95 kr.

    Dieser Sammelband präsentiert die Ergebnisse der Wissenschaftstagung des Deutschen Instituts für Sachunmittelbare Demokratie in Dresden. Die Ergebnisse der seit 2008 stattfindenden Konferenz des DISUD werden in den "Studien zur Sachunmittelbaren Demokratie (StSD)" veröffentlicht.Der 6. Tagungsband (StSD Bd. 16) setzt den begonnenen Dialog zur Sachunmittelbaren Demokratie in den Ländern Mittel- und Osteuropas fort. Das erste Kapitel erfasst die Erkenntnisse zur Praxis der sachdirekten Demokratie im Baltikum (Lettland, Estland und Litauen) sowie in Russland, Bulgarien und Ungarn. Im zweiten Kapitel stehen die Diskussion um die Sachunmittelbare Demokratie und die Praxiserfahrungen mit der Sachunmittelbaren Demokratie in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz im Fokus. Mit Beiträgen vonMartin Belov | Gebhard Geiger | Antje Himmelreich | Thomas Hoffmann | Olaf Jandura | Björn Klein | Herbert Küpper | Christian Mertens | Thomas Milic | Peter Neumann | Werner Pleschberger | Christopher Schmidt | Evren Somer

  • af Julia Plessing
    508,95 kr.

    This book challenges assumptions prevalent among development experts that participatory forums and mechanisms enhance democracy in a highly unequal setting. These assumptions ignore the pernicious ways in which social and economic status and political standing differentiate citizenship. The book develops a counter-narrative from below, starting from the manifold ways in which people engage with the state in a South African township and the structures of power they encounter. By doing so, it reveals that political participation, as imagined in the Global North, is a privilege not only of individuals but also of societies, and (re-)discovers a profound epistemological gap between elite assumptions and the perspectives of the governed.

  • af Peter G. Kirchschlaeger
    218,95 kr.

    Ethical decision-making challenges us every day - be it in our private or professional lives, be it on an organizational or institutional level, be it in a political or economic context. The textbook encourages ethical decision-making with ease and argumentative elegance - in the following 4 steps (SAMBA):1. See and understand the reality2. Analyze the reality from a Moral Standpoint3. Be the ethical judge!4. Act accordingly!Peter G. Kirchschlaeger is Full Professor of Theological Ethics and Director of the Institute of Social Ethics ISE of the University of Lucerne as well as Visiting Professor at the Chair of Neuroinformatics and Neural Systems at ETH Zurich and at the ETH AI Center. Previously, he was a Visiting Fellow at Yale University.

  • af Trung Nguyen
    1.283,95 kr.

    This book offers a detailed analysis of judicial activism in international adjudication using the WTO Appellate Body and the European Court of Justice as the comparative subjects. It will discuss the negative and positive aspects of judicial activism by incorporating sociological elements in its doctrinal approach. The objective of the book is not only to provide a scientific understanding of judicial activism in international adjudication but also the means of international courts and tribunals to engage in judicial activism and other considerations operating inside and outside the courtrooms.

  • af Joachim Dolezik
    413,95 kr.

    When it comes to the question of the legal significance of the so called bellum iustum doctrine, i.e. the idea of a just war, international lawyers start to feel uneasy. A large part of contemporary legal scholarship maintains the opinion that this doctrine was never part of international law. However, the subject remains controversial. The work in hand casts a new light on the longstanding bellum iustum - bellum legale controversy while taking into account the more recent narrative turn in international law with particular consideration of its implications on international legal theory. It is shown that any categorical denial of the just war doctrine in international law is flawed from the outset, since law is value-related.

  • af Michal Bobek
    2.308,95 kr.

    The central question of Transition 2.0 is this: what (and how) may a new government do to re-establish constitutional democracy, as well as repair membership within the European Union, without breaching the European rule of law? This volume demonstrates that EU law and international commitments impose constraints but also offer tools and assistance for facilitating the way back after rule of law and democratic backsliding. The various contributions explore the constitutional, legal, and social framework of 'Transition 2.0'.With contributions byMatej Avbelj | Michal Bobek | Adam Bodnar | Armin von Bogdandy | Dario Castiglione | Pawel Filipek | Diego García-Sayán | Christophe Hillion | Sara Iglesias Sánchez | András Jakab | Maryhen Jiménez | David Kosar | Zdenek Kühn | Angelika Nußberger | Jirí Pribán | Kim Lane Scheppele | Werner Schroeder | Katarína sipulová | Pál Sonnevend | Luke Dimitrios Spieker | Maciej Taborowski | Miroslaw Wyrzykowski

  • af Gian Ege
    683,95 kr.

    Doping in sports is a salient issue often discussed in the news, especially during major events such as the Olympics. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the appropriate legal response. Because of the international nature of sport, there is great need for an in-depth comparative assessment and harmonized legal frameworks.The chapters included in this volume address doping related questions which were discussed at the Joint Workshop on Legal Response to Doping organized by the University of Zurich and the University of Kyoto. In the workshop, experts in the field of doping and sports law came together to analyze the existing antidoping regulations and laws with the objective to identify strengths and shortcomings of the current legal framework.

  • af Suzana Alpsancar
    423,95 kr.

    Mit dem Schwerpunktthema "Faktor Mensch" will das Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 2023 zum einen die vielfältigen Ausprägungen des Mangels im technischen Bereich (und insbesondere bei den "neuen" Technologien) untersuchen: Wie modellieren, kompensieren oder parodieren Maschinenwelten, Benutzeroberflächen, Implementierungsstrategien oder gar ganze großtechnische Ökosysteme "den" Menschen - mithin "ihre" Version von uns selbst? Wie diskriminiert Technik? Wie bildet sie? In welchem Maß kann sie den Menschen "reduzieren"? Zum anderen gilt es, einen neuen Blick darauf zu werfen, was "Menschsein" in diesem Kontext eigentlich bedeutet, und die Anthropologie als Teil von Techniktheorien und Technikdiskursen neu zu beleuchten. Technikkritik muss also auch als Kritik am Menschen verstanden werden.Mit Beiträgen vonFabian Anicker | Petra Gehring | Axel Gelfert | Martina Heßler | Andreas Kaminski | Ruth Karl | Katerina Krtilova | Joachim Landkammer | Kevin Liggieri | Felix Maschewski | Nicola Mößner | Anna-Verena Nosthoff | Felix Reda | Jean-Paul Sartre | Björn Schembera | Stefan Schöberlein | Marcel Siegler | Florian Sprenger | Martin Warnke

  • af Uwe Backes
    318,95 kr.

    This textbook provides a systematic, comprehensive and historically embedded introduction to the formation, functioning and development conditions of today's non-democratic regimes. It disseminates the results of international autocracy research, familiarises readers with its concepts and methods, provides information about the most important types of autocracy and illuminates the conditions for their stability. System transformations are also examined from the perspective of autocratic regimes. The book integrates approaches, findings and perspectives from different research traditions and aims to encourage an interdisciplinary view. The author works at the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies at the University of Dresden.

  • af Gerhard Robbers
    468,95 kr.

  • af Manuel Frohlich
    653,95 kr.

    Sprache und Politik stehen in einem konstitutiven Zusammenhang: Sprache ist Voraussetzung, Medium und Resultat von Politik. Die Untersuchung dieses Verhältnisses braucht einen auch interdisziplinären Blick auf Grundlagen, Manifestationen und Kontexte von Sprache und Politik, denen sich dieser Band mit unterschiedlichen Perspektiven widmet. Die Studien und Beispiele stammen dabei aus allen Bereichen der Politikwissenschaft, von der politischen Theorie über die Regierungslehre bis hin zu den Internationalen Beziehungen und sind verbunden mit Wissensbeständen aus der Linguistik, Phonetik und Literaturwissenschaft. Die Beiträge repräsentieren dabei sowohl die Relevanz als auch unterschiedliche Perspektiven zur Erforschung des Zusammenhangs von Sprache und Politik.Mit Beiträgen vonDaniel Beck | Angelika Braun | Manuel Fröhlich | Marta Kozlowska | Laura Panne | Michael Roseneck | Gabi Schlag | Johannes Schmoldt | Alexander Spencer | David Teiner | Martin Wengeler | Julia Zhorzel | Alexandra Zierold

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