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  • - Einleitung Zum Ipr
    af Gudrun Sturm
    1.883,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Internationales Eherecht)
    af Peter Mankowski
    7.278,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung des internationalen Eherechts berücksichtigt die aktuellen Entwicklungen zu Eheschließung, Verlöbnis, Ehewirkungen, Ehegüterrecht, Auflösung der Ehe und eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft. Dabei werden auch ganz konkrete Problemfälle thematisiert, so z.B. die Abgrenzung der Inlands- von der Auslandsscheidung für den Fall, dass der inländische Wohnsitz oder der gewöhnliche Inlandsaufenthalt einen Inlandsbezug herstellt und der (Erklärungs-)Akt, welcher die Ehe endgültig auflöst, im Ausland erfolgt. Unentbehrlich für Richter und Anwälte.

  • - (Hypothek, Grundschuld, Rentenschuld)
    af Hans Wolfsteiner
    5.498,95 - 6.098,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - Wirkungen Der Ehe Im Allgemeinen
    af Reinhard Voppel
    2.948,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Maklervertrag)
    af Andreas Bergmann
    2.563,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Mietrecht 2 - Miethöhe Und Beendigung Des Mietverhältnisses)
    af Jost Emmerich
    4.428,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung analysiert die aktuelle höchst- und instanzgerichtliche Rechtsprechung und entwickelt, soweit erforderlich, eigenständige Lösungen. Schwerpunkte bei den kündigungsrechtlichen Vorschriften bilden u.a. die Kündigung wegen Eigenbedarfs, die Anbietpflicht des Vermieters sowie das Vorkaufsrecht des Mieters bei der Umwandlung in Eigentumswohnungen. Die Änderungen durch das Gesetz zur Bereinigung des Rechts der Lebenspartner sind ebenfalls berücksichtigt.

  • - Beendigung Von Dienst- Und Arbeitsverhältnissen
    af Hartmut Oetker
    2.798,95 kr.

    Unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Rechtsprechung, aktueller Literatur und europäischer Rechtsentwicklung zur außerordentlichen Kündigung und zum Befristungsrecht wird in der Neubearbeitung 2019 der §§ 620-630 BGB die Beendigung des Dienstverhältnisses systematisch erläutert. U.a. wird die schwierige jüngst vom EuGH entschiedene Frage, anhand welcher Kriterien das staatliche Gericht das Verlangen nach loyalem Verhalten bewerten könne, oder etwa das Vorliegen von sehr langen Beschäftigungszeiten in Fällen der Sachgrundbefristungen eingehend erörtert.

  • - (Testament 2)
    af Wolfgang Reimann
    2.568,95 kr.

    Testamentsvollstreckungen haben in Deutschland bei den größer gewordenen, aber auch komplexeren Vermögen eine immer stärkere Bedeutung Gerade bei komplexen Nachlässen wird verstärkt Testamentsvollstreckung angeordnet. Diese birgt ein hohes Streitpotential, etwa bei der Kontrolle der Machtfülle des Testamentsvollstreckers, der Dauer der Testamentsvollstreckung, der möglichen Haftung des Testamentsvollstreckers und seiner Vergütung. Neu behandelt werden in diesem Kontext u.a. das Verhältnis zwischen Vollmacht und Testamentsvollstreckung und die Einbringung von Nachlassgrundbesitz durch den Testamentsvollstrecker in Personen- und Kapitalgesellschaften sowie die Funktionen des Testamentsvollstreckers bei Zugehörigkeit von Gesellschaften zum Nachlass. Internationale Testamentsvollstreckungen werden nach Inkrafttreten der EUErbVO noch stärkere Bedeutung erlangen, die Neubearbeitung enthält daher Länderberichte und Eventuallösungen für den Fall, dass die deutsche Testamentsvollstreckung im Ausland nicht anerkannt wird. Sie geht zudem ausführlich auf die schwierigen Rechtsfragen einer Testamentsvollstreckung, vor allem in Bezug auf die besonders neuralgischen Positionen, ein, um in einem wichtigen Bereich des Zivilrechts Rechtssicherheit schaffen zu helfen.

  • - (Vormundschaftsrecht)
    af Werner Bienwald
    5.367,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung des Vormundschaftsrechts berücksichtigt die jüngsten Änderungen, die das Recht der Personensorge durch das Gesetz zur Änderung des Vormundschafts- und Betreuungsrechts vom 29.06.2011 erfahren hat und greift außerdem die Vorschläge auf, die aus Wissenschaft und Praxis für die anstehende große Reform des Vormundschaftsrechts kommen. Die Bearbeitung zu den Vergütungsbestimmungen und zur Aufwandsentschädigung für Vormünder und Betreuer wurde zudem umfassend aktualisiert.

  • - (Schadensersatzrecht)
    af Gottfried Schiemann
    2.293,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Betriebsübergang, Zahlung Der Vergütung, Arbeitsschutz, Arbeitnehmerhaftung)
    af Georg Annuß
    2.978,95 kr.

    Die Neubearbeitung enthält mit der aktuellen Kommentierung des Betriebsübergangs, der in § 613a BGB geregelt ist, vorausschauende Lösungen zu einer der schwierigsten echten Arbeitsrechtsnormen innerhalb des BGB, u.a. mit eingehender Auseinandersetzung mit der aktuellen EuGH- und BAG-Rechtsprechung, die in der vorliegenden Neubearbeitung fundiert analysiert wird. Auf weitere wichtige Aspekte, wie die Bedeutung der Verzugskostenpauschale des § 288 Abs 5 BGB im Arbeitsverhältnis (in der Kommentierung des § 614 BGB), die Auswirkungen von Hausverboten für Arbeitnehmer durch Kunden des Arbeitgebers (s. § 615 BGB) oder die Haftungsbeschränkung bei Schädigung externer Betriebsmittelgeber eingegangen (s. § 619a BGB ) wird unter Berücksichtigung der neuesten Rechtsprechung fundiert eingegangen. In § 619a wurden überdies die Ausführungen zur Abdingbarkeit der Grundsätze beschränkter Arbeitnehmerhaftung ausgeweitet.

  • - (Internationales Vertragsrecht 2)
    af Peter Winkler Von Mohrenfels
    4.323,95 kr.

    Einen wichtigen Schwerpunkt der Neukommentierung bildet das IPR der Forderungsabtretung. Nachdem der EuGH klargestellt hat, dass Art. 14 Rom I-VO die Drittwirkungen der Zession nicht regelt, waren Lösungen nach dem insoweit fortgeltenden autonomen deutschen IPR zu entwickeln. Ferner wird der bereits vorliegende Kommissionsvorschlag von 2018 zur Regelung dieser Drittwirkungen auf EU-Ebene kritisch kommentiert. Besonders reichhaltig und innovativ war die Rechtsprechung in den letzten vier Jahren auf dem Gebiet des internationalen Vertragsverfahrensrechts. In diesen Abschnitt wurde mehr als 100 neue Entscheidungen des EuGH und von Obergerichten der Mitgliedstaaten eingearbeitet. Als Beispiel dafür diene nur die BGH-Entscheidung von 2019, mit der erstmals nach deutschem Recht Schadensersatz wegen Verletzung einer ausschließlichen Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung durch Klage vor einem derogierten ausländischen Gericht zugesprochen wurde. Darüber hinaus wird der umfangreiche neue Art. 46c EGBGB erstmals kommentiert, der IPR-Fragen zu Pauschalreisen und verbundenen Reiseleistungen behandelt.

  • - (Adoption)
    af Tobias Helms
    1.998,95 kr.

    Die umfassende Neubearbeitung 2019 berücksichtigt das seit der Vorauflage grundlegend veränderte gesetzliche Regelungsumfeld sowohl im materiellen Kindschaftsrecht als auch im Familienverfahrensrecht. Die neueste Rechtsprechung etwa zu den namensrechtlichen Folgen der Adoption, zum Einwilligungsrecht des privaten Samenspenders, zur Adoption nach Durchführung einer Leihmutterschaft sowie zu den Voraussetzungen einer Erwachsenenadoption wird detailliert erläutert. Aktuelle Entwicklungen im ausländischen Adoptionsrecht wurden berücksichtigt sowie die interdisziplinären Ausführungen insbesondere zum Kindeswohl vertieft.

  • af Werner Dürbeck
    2.898,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Elterliche Sorge 1 - Inhalt Und Inhaberschaft)
    af Lore Maria Peschel-Gutzeit
    3.753,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Rücktritt Und Widerruf)
    af Dagmar Kaiser
    4.793,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Erbverzicht, Erbschein, Erbschaftskauf)
    af Günther Schotten
    4.438,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Einleitung Zum Bgb Und Allgemeiner Teil 1)
    af Norbert Habermann
    3.353,95 kr.

    Bei der Kommentierung des § 12 BGB ist die zwischenzeitlich erschienene umfangreiche Rechtsprechung eingearbeitet worden, auch werden die neueren Entwicklungstendenzen im Bereich der Internetadressen (Domain-Namen) und das Namensrecht im Zeitalter der "social communities" dargestellt. - In der Kommentierung des Verschollenheitsgesetzes wird beim Todesbegriff auf die neueren Entwicklungen eingegangen, insbesondere durch das Transplantationsgesetz von 2007. Bei der Kriegsverschollenheit wird die aktuelle Entwicklung hinsichtlich der Verwendung des "Kriegsbegriffs" im Rahmen des Afghanistan-Einsatzes der Bundeswehr dargestellt. Weiterhin werden die gesetzlichen Änderungen durch das Personenstandsrechtsreformgesetz von 2007 berücksichtigt. Unter Einbeziehung der Entstehungsgeschichte setzt sich die Neuauflage kritisch mit aktueller Rechtsprechung zu §§ 13, 14 (zB zur Behandlung von Arbeitnehmern oder Existenzgründern als Verbraucher; Vermutung der Verbrauchereigenschaft bei natürlichen Personen) sowie mit europäischen Richt-linien und Tendenzen (z.B. von der Mindest- zur Vollharmonisierung) ausei-nander und vermittelt eine umfassende Darstellung des Verbraucher- und Unternehmerbegriffs. Die Darstellung wird durch eine rechtsvergleichende und eine kollisionsrechtliche Einführung (EGBGB, Rom I-VO) vervollständigt.

  • - (Eigentum 2 - Erwerb Und Verlust Des Eigentums)
    af Thomas Diehn
    4.423,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

  • - (Elterliche Sorge 3 - Umgangsrecht)
    af Michael Coester
    3.316,95 kr.

    Staudinger -A comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, offering an ideal combination of innovation and tradition! Tradition entails responsibility: since 1898 Staudinger has been associated with the German Civil Code and has shared in its development. Competent: Staudinger is a reliable source of practice-oriented, expert information on changes and developments in legislation, court rulings and literature. One step ahead: points of controversy or unsolved legal issues are systemically discussed in Staudinger and new, independent approaches to a solution are developed. The German Civil Code and more: in addition to the commentary of the Civil Code, the complete Staudinger offers a comprehensive commentary of important supplementary legislation, as well as detailed explanations of private international law. The German Civil Code and Europe: Staudinger consistently takes into account the influences and developments of European private Community law. Timesaving: thanks to systematic and alphabetical outlines and a detailed subject index, you can quickly find the information required. A team of experts at your side: 139 highly qualified commentators guarantee a high standard of competent information for use in theory and practice. Tried and tested: Staudinger is in daily use in renowned law offices, notary's offices and courts. Always up to date: the development of legislation and court rulings determines the publication dates of new volumes. Volumes are replaced as the need to update the content arises. Decide for yourself: use Staudinger just as it suits you, without any obligation to take all publications: either by purchasing single volumes, by taking out a partial subscription or a full subscription. No risk: test Staudinger for 2 weeks without any obligation and then decide if you want to buy. Online: available only at juris

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