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  • af Bhikkhu Bodhi
    107,95 kr.

    First published as a BPS Pariyatti edition in 2000.

  • af Ian Hetherington
    197,95 kr.

    Quel chemin suivre à présent ? Tels des tornades, des changements très violents bouleversent notre époque. Ils font et défont les destins, testent nos limites. Où trouver refuge dans le tumulte ? Le monde ne va pas s'arrêter pour nous laisser descendre en marche, alors que faire et quel chemin prendre ? Doit-on plier ou se briser ? La pratique de Vipassana nous permet d'expérimenter le changement, en le comprenant totalement, à chaque instant de notre vie quotidienne.>Le livre est composé de trois parties: Partie A: Vipassana - Méditer sur le changement . Cette partie porte un regard sur l'impact du changement sur nos vies quotidiennes, ce qu'est Vipassana et ce qui se passe lors d'un cours de dix jours. Partie B: Vipassana - Changer le quotidien . Cette partie décrit les différentes manières dont les individus et les organisations appliquent l'enseignement au quotidien, chez eux, avec des amis et dans des cadres aussi divers que l'éducation, les affaires et l'administration, les réformes sociales et la santé.Les annexes fournissent des informations pour ceux qui désirent en savoir plus sur Vipassana et sur les modalités à effectuer pour se rendre à un cours.

  • af S N Goenka
    122,95 kr.

    I över 40 års tid undervisade S.N. Goenka (1924-2013) i Vipassanameditation, enligt de instruktioner han fått av sin lärare, Sayagyi U Ba Khin (1899-1971). Även efter S.N. Goenkas död deltar varje år hundratusentals människor i meditationskurser enligt den levande tradition han representerar. Satipaṭṭhāna sutta anses av många vara Buddhas viktigaste föredrag om meditation. I denna bok ges Goenkajis tolkning av detta föredrag, baserat på undervisningen på den 7-dagarskurs i Satipaṭṭhāna sutta som ges varje år på Vipassanacenter runtom i varlden. Denna bok bör med fördel läsas tillsammans med häftet Maha-satipaṭṭhāna sutta, som innehåller själva föredraget på pälispråket som talades av Buddha, med en fullständig översättning till svenska. Häftet är kursmaterial på 7-dagars- kursen i Satipaṭṭhāna sutta.

  • af S. Dhammika
    192,95 kr.

    "What was the Buddha like as a human being? How did he relate to others? With great care and an eye for detail, Venerable Dhammika pieces together the life events we can 'read' from very early texts. The result is a truly authoritative biography. It shows that as a man, as well as a teacher, the historical Buddha was remarkable indeed. The chapter headings are refreshingly original: a day in the life of, his humour, his debating style, his background. I really enjoyed thinking about Gotama Buddha simply as a person - and clearly an extraordinary one, as Ven. Dhammika shows us. I recommend this book to anyone who would like a down-to-earth, accurate and readable appraisal of the founder of this great world religion, seen through modern eyes. -Sarah Shaw Oxford, March, 2021"--

  • af William Peiris
    252,95 kr.

    These Pariyatti Edition collected volumes of the renowned Wheel Publications (Wheel Series) deals with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. Volume 11 contains numbers 152 to166 of the renowned Wheel Publications, originally published as small booklets, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. The titles are: WH 152 / 154: A Buddhist Catechism by Subhadra bhikshu (Friedrich Zimmerman)WH 155 / 158: Anguttara Nikaya, translated by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu BodhiWH 159/ 161: Edwin Arnold by William PeirisWH162/ 164: Facets of Buddhist Thought by K. N. JayatillekeWH 165/ 166: The Buddhits Doctrine of Nibbana by Parawahera Vajiranana and Francis Story

  • af Nyanaponika Thera
    242,95 kr.

    Collected Wheel Publications Volume XII Pariyatti Edition.This book contains eight of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching.WH 167/ 169 Rebirth Explained by V.F. GuaratnaWH 170: Mudita by Nyaniponika Thera, Natasha Jackson, C.F Knight, and L.R. OatesWH171/ 174: The Requisites of Enlightenment by Venerable Ledi SayadawWH 175/ 176: Ethics in Buddhist Perspective by K. N. JayatillekeWH 177: The Girimanda Sutta, by Bhikkhu NanamoliWH 178: The Significance of Vesak by K.N. JayatillekeWH 179: The Psychologicial Aspect of Buddhism by Piyadassi TheraWH180/ 181: Gods and the Universe by Francis Story

  • af Michelle Décary
    262,95 kr.

    Esta traducción al español de Along the Path (3ra Edición) está llena de información práctica einspiradora para los meditadores que planean visitar los lugares sagrados donde el Buda y sus discípulosvivieron y enseñaron en India y Nepal. En esta guía única, los lectores descubrirán una rica antología dehistorias relacionadas con cada uno de los sitios, así como mapas útiles, creativas obras de arte ynarraciones espirituales de viajeros experimentados. Cada entrada del sitio incluye informaciónprivilegiada y consejos con descripciones detalladas de transporte, alojamiento y cocina local;excursiones y actividades sugeridas en los alrededores y aspectos destacados de los centros demeditación Vipassana establecidos, más adecuados para acomodar a los meditadores visitantes. Estatercera edición ha sido actualizada y revisada para presentar lugares de peregrinación "fuera de locomún" en toda la India, centros de Vipassana recién construidos e historias adicionales del canon de>- Los contenidos incluyen: - Descripciones detalladas de cada uno de los sitios, incluida información privilegiada sobre qué ver yconsejos sobre transporte, alojamiento y gastronomía local.- Excursiones y actividades sugeridas en las cercanías de sitios antiguos y modernos.- Destaca los centros de meditación Vipassana establecidos que son los más adecuados para acomodara los meditadores visitantes.- Incluye una sección detallada sobre viajes para ayudar a los meditadores a prepararse para undespegue seguro desde casa y cultivar la sensibilidad cultural.- El compañero esencial para todos los meditadores que visitan la India y Nepal.

  • af Amadeo Solé-Leris
    152,95 kr.

    The pragmatic nature of the Buddha's teaching makes it perennially relevant to all times, and perhaps especially useful for coping with the difficulties of the present age. Leaving aside metaphysical and theological considerations, the Buddha's teaching focuses on what each person can do here and now to overcome the roots of suffering.The heart of this teaching is meditation, which aims at two goals: the calming down of the restless mind and the arousing of insight into the true nature of existence. The present widely acclaimed book explains the methods of Buddhist meditation in a concise yet complete account according to the oldest Buddhist tradition, that based on the Pali Canon. The aim of the book is essentially practical. While providing all the information necessary to proper understanding, the stress is on the need for practice and personal commitment. This work will both instruct the beginner and inspire the experienced meditator."An excellent reference book ...Will appeal to beginners and non-beginners alike, and will meet the need for a more readable publication in this complex field of spiritual activity."-Buddhist Studies Review

  • af Paul R. Fleischman
    93,95 kr.

    Após os atentados terroristas do 11 de setembro em 2001, eu me peguei refletindo sobre a não violência, suas contribuições, seus limites e seu lugar nos ensinamentos do Buda. Também me surpreendi ao ouvir muitos dos meus conhecidos confundindo, nos ensinamentos do Buda, não violência com pacifismo. Ao confundirem essa diferença, eles acabam rejeitando a não violência de uma forma desesperadamente ingênua e inadvertidamente destrutiva, ou abraçando grupos politizados do pacifismo que imaginam, incorretamente, ser o que o Buda ensinou.

  • af V. F. Gunaratne, John D. Ireland & I. B. Horner
    257,95 kr.

    This book contains numbers 101 to 115 of the renowned Wheel Publications, originally published as small booklets, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. The titles are: WH 101 The Greater Discourse on the Elephant-Footprint Simile by Nyanaponika Thera, WH 102 & 103 Buddhist Reflections on Death by V. F. Gunaratne, WH 104 Early Buddhism and the Taking of Life by I. B. Horner, WH 105 & 106 The Four Nutriments of Life by Nyanaponika Thera, WH 107 - 109 Saṃyutta Nikáya by John D. Ireland, WH 110 Raṭṭhapāla Sutta by Ñāṇamoli Thera, WH 111 Buddhism and Comparative Religion by Prof. Dr. Helmuth von Glasenapp, WH 112 The Buddha's Last Bequest A Translation from the Chinese Tipiṭaka, WH 113 & 114 Buddhist Commentarial Literature by L. R. Goonesekere, WH 115 Lives of the Disciples - I by Dr. Hellmuth Hecker.

  • af Bhikkhu Bodhi
    157,95 kr.

    "The Buddha traces the entire progress of a disciple from the first step on the path to the attainment of Nibbana in this second sutta of the Sutta Pitaka, one of the most elevating of the Buddha's discourses. On a full-moon night in Autumn, in reply to a question asked by King Ajatasattu of Magadha, the Buddha expounds the visible fruits of the Buddhist monk's life, sketching the progress of the disciple. "...the Samannaphala Sutta sounds a triumphant and lyrical proclamation of the fruitfulness of the course of spiritual training founded upon right view. It is the Buddha's announcement to the world that the life of renunciation he adopted for himself and opened up to humanity by founding the sangha brings immediately visible benefits in each of its stages. It is 'good in the beginning' through the bliss of blamelessness that comes with the purification of conduct; 'good in the middle' in yielding an exalted joy and bliss through the seclusion of the mind from the sensual hindrances; and 'good in the end' because it culminates in the highest wisdom and peace by transcending all mundane bonds." (From the translator's Preface) The work is not only a great spiritual classic, but also a literary gem distinguished by its beauty of poetic imagery"--

  • af V. F. Gunaratna
    247,95 kr.

    >This book contains numbers 132 to151 of the renowned Wheel Publications, originally published as small booklets, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. The titles are: WH 132 / 134: Touching the Essence by Bhikkhu DhammapalaWH 135: The Message of the Saints by V.F. GunaratnaWH 136: The Problem with Sin by P.M. RaoWH 137 / 138: The Buddhist Wheel Symbol by T.B. KarunaratneWH 139: Prayer and Worship by Francis StoryWH 141 / 143: Survival and Karma in Buddhist Perspective by K.N. JayatillekeWH 144 / 146: Schopenhauer and Buddhism by Bhikkhu NanajivakoWH 147 / 149: The Wheel of Birth and Death by Bhikkhu KhantipaloWH 150 / 151: Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Hinduism by Lal Mani Joshi

  • af T. W. Rhys Davids, Nyanaponika Thera & Douglas Burns
    247,95 kr.

  • af Ledi Sayadaw
    107,95 kr.

    In this treatise, noted Burmese scholar and monk Ledi Sayadaw explains the bodhipakkiya dhamma: the 37 requisites of enlightenment. The requisites are comprised of the four foundations of mindfulness, four right efforts, four bases of success, five controlling faculties, five mental powers, seven factors of enlightenment, and the eight factors of the Noble Eightfold Path. This book is valuable to those interested in understanding the Buddha's teaching at a deeper level, while providing the inspiration to continue walking step by step on the path. (Note: This title was previously published under ISBN 9781938754371. Due to technical issues a new ISBN had to be assigned. Rest assured that both versions of this title are exactly the same.)

  • af Acariya Buddharakkhita
    77,95 kr.

    The Pāli word mettā is a multi-significant term meaning loving kindness, friendliness, goodwill, benevolence, fellowship, amity, concord, inoffensiveness and non-violence. The Pāli commentators define mettā as the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others (parahita-parasukha-karana). Essentially mettā is an altruistic attitude of love and friendliness as distinguished from mere amiability based on self-interest. Through mettā one refuses to be offensive and renounces bitterness, resentment and animosity of every kind, developing instead a mind of friendliness, accommodativeness and benevolence which seeks the well-being and happiness of others. True mettā is devoid of self-interest. It evokes within a warm-hearted feeling of fellowship, sympathy and love, which grows boundless with practice and overcomes all social, religious, racial, political and economic barriers. Mettā is indeed a universal, unselfish and all-embracing love. Mettā makes one a pure font of well-being and safety for others. Just as a mother gives her own life to protect her child, so mettā only gives and never wants anything in return. To promote one's own interest is a primordial motivation of human nature. When this urge is transformed into the desire to promote the interest and happiness of others, not only is the basic urge of self-happiness of others, not only is the basic urge of self-seeking overcome, but the mind becomes universal by identifying its own interest with the interest of all. By making this change one also promotes one's own well-being in the best possible manner. Mettā is the protective and immensely patient attitude of a mother who forbears all difficulties for the sake of her child and ever protects it despite its misbehaviour. Metta is also the attitude of a friend who wants to give one the best to further one's well-being. If these qualities of mettā are sufficiently cultivated through mettā-bhāvanā-the meditation on universal love-the result is the acquisition of a tremendous inner power which preserves, protects and heals both oneself and others.Apart from its higher implications, today mettā is a pragmatic necessity. In a world menaced by all kinds of destructiveness, mettā in deed, word and thought is the only constructive means to bring concord, peace and mutual understanding. Indeed, mettā is the supreme means, for it forms the fundamental tenet of all the higher religions as well as the basis for all benevolent activities intended to promote human well-being.The present booklet aims at exploring various facets of mettā both in theory and in practice. The examination of the doctrinal and ethical side of mettā will proceed through a study of the popular Karanīya Mettā Sutta, the Buddha's "Hymn of Universal Love". In connection with this theme we will also look at several other short texts dealing with mettā. The explanation of mettā-bhāvanā, the meditation on universal love, will give the practical directions for developing this type of contemplation as set forth in the main meditation texts of the Theravāda Buddhist tradition, the Visuddhimagga, the Vimuttimagga and the Patisambhidamagga.

  • af H. R. Perera
    257,95 kr.

    This book contains numbers 90 to 100 of the renowned Wheel Publications, originally published as small booklets, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching.WH090/092 Life of Sariputta - Nyanaponika TheraWH093 Vaisakha Offering - J.J. JonesWH094 Truth of Anatta - G.P. MalalasekeraWH095/097 Sixty Songs of Milarepa - C.C. ChangWH098/099 Apannaka Sutta, Cula Malunkya Sutta, Upali Sutta - Narada and Mahinda TheraWH100 Buddhism in Sri Lanka - H.R. Perera

  • af Pariyatti Publishing
    237,95 kr.

    Collected Bodhi Leaves Publications Volume I (includes Bodhi Leaves 31-60) This book contains 30 of the Bodhi Leaves Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching.BL31: Meditation - First Steps to Control of the Senses P.M. RaoBL32: The Threefold Division of the Noble Eightfold Path Piyadassi TheraBL33: Extinction Without Remainder Buddhadasa BhikkhuBL34: Protection through Satipatthana Nyanaponika TheraBL35: The Four Cankers (Asava) T.H. PereraBL36: Renunciation T. PrinceBL37: The Preparatory path John D. IrelandBL38: The Advantages of Merit Bhikkhu KhantipaloBL39: The Supreme Conquerer Francis StoryBL40: Right Understanding Bhikkhu SilabhadraBL41: Application of Dhamma Siri BuddhasukhBL42: Buddhism: A Method of Mind Training Leaornard BullenBL43: The Relevance of Buddhism the in Modern World Princess Poon Pismai DiskulBL44: Three Mental Faculties and Guarding the Doors of the Senses Dr. Elizabeth AshbyBL45: This Self Business and Other Essays M. O'C. Walshe/ Natasha jackson/ Dr. Elizabeth AshbyBL46: The Way to Happiness H.L.B. EllegalaBL47: Woman in Ancient India C.C. WeerasingheBL48: Buddhist Observances and Practices Piyadassi TheraBL49: Samsara and The Way of Dispassion Francis StoryBL50: Buddhist Ideas in English PoetryBL51: Meditation: The Inward Journey John Andrew StoreyBL52: Mindfulness - An All-Time Necessity C.C. Knight and Reg McAuliffeBL53: Why Buddhism? Why Theravada? Theravada, Mahayana, Hinayana M.O'C. WalsheBL54: Rebirth John Andrew StoreyBL55: The Scientific Approach to Buddhim and the Appeal of Buddhism Francis StoryBL56: Three Buddhist Tales various authorsBL57: The Story of the Mahinda, Sanghamitta and the Sri Maha-Bodhi Piyadassi TheraBL58: An Actual Religion Bhikkhu SilacaraBL59: Buddhist Lay Ethics Francis StoryBL60: Mindfulness and Awareness Nanavira Thera(Note: This title was previously published under ISBN 9781681720760. Due to technical issues a new ISBN had to be assigned. Rest assured that both versions of this title are exactly the same.)

  • af Maung Htin Aung
    127,95 kr.

  • af Bhikkhu Bodhi & Erich Fromm
    197,95 kr.

  • af Paul Dahlke
    237,95 kr.

    This Pariyatti Edition contains numbers 76 to 89 of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching.WH076 The Threefold Refuge - Nyanaponika TheraWH077/078 Essays and Poems - Paul DahlkeWH079 Kandaraka Sutta; Potaliya Sutta - Narada and Mahinda TheraWH080/081 Dialogues On The Dhamma - Francis StoryWH082 Discourse Collection - John D. IrelandWH083/084 With Robes and Bowl - Bhikkhu KhantipaloWH085/086 Buddhism in Thailand, Its Past And Present - Karuna KusalasayaWH087 Greater Discourse on Voidness - Nyanamoli TheraWH088/089 Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology - Douglas M. Burns, MD

  • af O. H. de a. Wijesekera
    257,95 kr.

    This book contains numbers 47 to 60 of the renowned Wheel Publications, originally published as small booklets, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha's teaching. The titles are: WH 47 Buddhism and the God-Idea, WH 48/49 The Discourse on the Snake Simile, WH 50 Knowledge and Conduct, WH 51 Taming the Mind, WH 52/53 Pathways of Buddhist Thought, WH 54 The Mirror of the Dhamma, WH 55 The Five Precepts, WH 56 Ordination in Theravada Buddhism, WH 57/58 A Discourse to Knowers of Veda, WH 59 Stories of Old, and WH 60 The Satipatthana Sutta and Its Application to Modern Life.

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