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  • af Andrew Mullins
    328,95 kr.

  • af Steve Lawrence
    188,95 kr.

    Inspiring and equipping good men to become great Steve Lawrence, Aussie Rules Premiership player with the Hawthorn Football Club, Director of Australia's largest ever event, World Youth Day 2008, and father of six, addresses the questions below and other vital questions facing men today. Drawing from compelling anecdotes of his life as a footballer, seasoned world traveller, and enthusiastic educator, as well as his adolescent experience in a broken family, Steve humorously and intelligently weaves inspiring stories of heroism and hope that help men to discover their mission and purpose in life.CHALLENGING MEN TO EXPLORE KEY LIFE QUESTIONS! ¿ What is the Purpose of my Life?¿ How do I Achieve Success?¿ What Kind of Man Do I Want to Become?¿ Do I Have What it Takes to Make an Enduring Impact?-----------------------------------------------------------"There is nothing like this, anywhere! This is a road map, a handbook, and an instruction manual for great manhood. A book from a giant of a man, for Giant Men."Robert FalzonAuthor, "The Father Factor" and "Raising Fathers""This wonderful little book is full of traditional wisdom, drawing on Scripture, the writings of the saints and personal experience. Beautifully written and deeply personal, these letters on virtue underscore the importance of aiming for greatness as a man - so very needed today when authentic masculinity is so often misunderstood and sidelined. Highly recommended!"Dr Paul MorrisseyPresident, Campion College, Australia"An awesome book! A refreshingly honest presentation of what it means to be a man of God. Steve Lawrence wonderfully balances Sacred Scripture with practical, real-world advice. This wonderful book is an invaluable resource for all Catholics who care about the intellectual, physical, and spiritual development of the next generation of men."Deacon Harold Burke-SiversAuthor, "Building a Civilization of Love: A Catholic Response to Racism""If you want to be strengthened as a husband, father, son, brother, and - most importantly - as an apprentice of Jesus, you need to read this book.Dan DonaldsonVice President, Catholic Men's Leadership Alliance

  • af Robert M Haddad
    433,95 kr.

    Apologetics is the art of providing a reasoned explanation, or defence, for one's position or beliefs to critics or inquirers. For Christians, one of the original calls to engage in apologetics was made by St Peter the Apostle, who exhorted believers to "Always be prepared to make a defence to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you" ,adding further that we should do the same "with gentleness and reverence"(1Pet. 3:15).It was an apologetics closely allied to evangelisation. Apologetics has always had a place in the life of the Church. Many great Church Fathers, Doctors and Saints throughout history engaged in apologetics to defend Catholic teaching against challenges and attacks stemming from all quarters. Figures such as Sts Athanasius, Jerome and Augustine of Hippo initially come to mind. The English-speaking world has produced many fine apologists, including St John Henry Cardinal Newman, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Hilaire Belloc, G. K. Chesterton, Frank Sheed, Frs Rumble and Carty, etc. Some of these were converts to Catholicism, some cradle Catholics. All, whether lay or clerical, loved the Catholic faith, knew its truthfulness and desired to share it with others. Their writings combined Scripture, reason, personal testimony, wit, and a bit of pugilistic flair. However, from the 1960s onwards interest in apologetics declined significantly. For many, it had become outdated, unfashionable and irrelevant. Arguing over religious beliefs was either bad manners, offensive, or both. It now seemed best to keep one's religious beliefs to oneself, for "your truth is as good as mine. "Apologetics would substantially disappear from the Catholic academy, the seminary and school curricula. Despite its decline, apologetics would eventually make a comeback, at least in part. It was never eschewed by Vatican II(Lumen Gentium10and 11,Dignitatis Humanae14,Apostolicam Actuositatem6) nor by post-Conciliar Popes. Pope St John Paul II would provide the 'magna carta' for a 'new apologetics', which in essence was a return to the Scripture injunction of St Peter:"... we need a new apologetic, geared to the needs of today, which keeps in mind that our task is not just to win arguments but to win souls, to engage not in ideological bickering but to vindicate and promote the Gospel...This new apologetic will also need to breathe a spirit of humanity, that compassionate humility which understands people's anxieti

  • af George C Manassa
    233,95 kr.

    The Art of Practical Catholicism series will aid the faithful to take practical measures to live the faith, which in turn will aid you in achieving your personal salvation and that of those around you. This series will take you into your everyday life, in and outside the life of the Church, to help you implement your faith in our modern world.

  • af Robert M Haddad & Bernard Toutounji
    187,95 kr.

    Foreword:I have now lived long enough to witness many changes in the Church and in the world. The sexual revolution is certainly one event that has brought about many changes. It initially promised greater freedom and happiness, only to leave us with much less of both. We need to rediscover the tried and true certainties of the Gospel if we want to be authentically free and happy. However, in today's social and political climate this is very difficult. The Church's gospel of life and love, as beautiful as it is, struggles to be heard above the noise and sirens of the alternative 'gospel' of license and promiscuity. Chastity, fidelity, abstinence are words not often heard in today's world. Pope St John Paul II left us many great legacies, most particularly his teaching on love and sexuality, commonly known as Theology of the Body. While affirming traditional teachings, St John Paul II 're-packaged' Church teaching in a positive light, extolling the beauty and wonder of the human body and sexuality, highlighting their true meaning and purpose. Every effort must be made to proclaim Theology of the Body to today's young people. Many attempts to present Theology of the Body to the world have already been successful, most notably the establishment of the John Paul Institute for Marriage and the Family in many countries, including Australia. The book The Family and Human Life is another step to address an important need. Written for younger people, it seeks to provide a solid introduction to the Church's teaching on critical matters relating to human happiness, including marriage, children, family, as well as the Church's response to the developing areas of reproductive technology and ethics of life and death. I am particularly pleased to see numerous quotations from the writings of modern-day Popes, including St John Paul II and Benedict XVI. I wish to thank the authors, Robert Haddad and Bernard Toutounji, for their work in this project and hope that The Family and Human Life enjoys widespread circulation and success. + George Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney, April 2011

  • af Robert M Haddad
    248,95 kr.

    The principal Creeds of the Catholic Church are the Apostles', Athanasian, Nicene, Pius IV's and the Credo of the People of God. In this book, Robert Haddad unpacks the twelve articles of the Apostles' Creed, which is regarded by scholars as the most ancient of these creeds, being traceable in its various parts to the second century AD.

  • af Robert M Haddad
    248,95 kr.

  • af Robert M Haddad
    248,95 kr.

    This book is designed to study the earliest history of the Church with a particular view to discovering that it was Catholic from the very beginnings. In studying early Church history it is best to examine the Fathers of the Church and their writings.

  • af Robert M Haddad
    248,95 kr.

    This work is a basic introduction designed to study the earliest history of the Church with a particular view to discovering those outstanding events and persons who laid the foundations of Christendom.

  • af Robert M Haddad
    259,95 kr.

  • - My Story of Abortion, Addiction & Conversion
    af Shawna Arnold
    248,95 kr.

  • af George Manassa
    123,95 kr.

  • af George Manassa
    198,95 kr.

    The Art of Practical Catholicism will aid the faithful to take practical measures to live the faith, which in turn will aid you in achieving your personal salvation and that of those around you. This book will take you into your everyday life, in and outside the life of the Church, to help you implement your faith in our modern world.

  • - A Tale of Dysmas
    af Robert Smith
    298,95 kr.

  • af Costandi Bastoli
    293,95 kr.

    This book gives very beautiful and accurate theological descriptions of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the other key elements of the CCR, Catholic Charismatic Renewal...but they are not dry-as-dust descriptions. They are the author's lived experiences and the source of his very joyful Christianity. He has not divorced theology from his quest for holiness, and his fruitful witness to holiness.

  • af Raymond de Souza Km
    248,95 kr.

    Before his schism from Rome and Reign of Terror, Henry VIII was an accomplished theologian and staunch defender of the Catholic Faith. As king of England, he authored 'Defence of the Seven Sacraments', a book deliberately aimed against Martin Luther and his errors. He defended papal primacy. He fought for all seven sacraments. This masterpiece of Catholic Apologetics earned him the title of 'Defender of the Faith' from Leo X.This New Millennium Edition has been edited by international apologist and EWTN host Raymond de Souza, as a contribution to facilitate the re-unification of the baptized in 'one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism' (Eph 4:5) in the one Church of Christ, the pillar and mainstay of the Truth (1 Cor. 3:15). It is dedicated to Our Lady of Walsingham. 'Defence of the Seven Sacraments' raises the standard of Catholic orthodoxy and helps refute the various forms of false ecumenism which gathers all creeds together into one people, instead of all peoples in one Creed."I hope I have made clear how rashly [Luther] calumniates the Church, and how impertinent, how impious, and how absurd he is against the holy Fathers; against Scriptures; against the public faith of the Church; against the consent of so many ages and people; even against common sense itself." Excerpt from 'From the Author' written by Henry VIII

  • af Charbel Raish
    168,95 kr.

  • - Equipping Your Child for Life
    af Mullins Andrew
    188,95 kr.

    Parenting for Character is a practical manual to help parents develop in their children sound judgement, responsibility, self-control, integrity, perseverance, courage and resilience.

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