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Featured on Rachel Maddow's Ultra Podcast.REPRINT EDITIONThis book presents the shocking findings from O. John Rogge's stunning investigation into the Nazi infiltration of the United States Congress. Rogge lays out in painstaking detail how the Nazi's usedAmerican taxpayer dollars to pump German propaganda across the country, in the hopes of keeping America out of World War II. Rogge documents the rampant anti-Semitism on stark display in the years leading up to WWII and lays out detailed evidence that members of Congress were in fact enemies of the people.This book presents the material in O. John Rogge's report of September 1946 to the Department of Justice, supplemented by items from the published volumes of a joint publication of our Department of State, the British Foreign Office, and the French government, Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Series C (1933- 1937), and Series D (1937-1945).
A. Το λευκό μανιτάρι είναι ένα βρώσιμο μανιτάρι που έχει δύο χρωματικές καταστάσεις ενώ το ανώριμο - λευκό και καφέ - και τα δύο έχουν διάφορα ονόματα. Όταν ωριμάσει, είναι γνωστό ως μανιτάρι Portobello. Το λευκό μανιτάρι είναι η ανώριμη και λευκή ποικιλία. Είναι το πιο συνηθισμένο και πιο ήπιο γευστικό από όλα τα είδη μανιταριών. B. Μανιτάρι Crimini γνωστό και ως μανιτάρι Cremino, ελβετικό καφέ μανιτάρι, ρωμαϊκό καφέ μανιτάρι, ιταλικό καφέ μανιτάρι, κλασικό καφέ μανιτάρι ή μανιτάρι καστανιάς. Τα Criminis είναι νεαρά μανιτάρια Portobello, που πωλούνται επίσης ως baby portobellos, και είναι απλώς πιο ώριμα μανιτάρια λευκού κουμπιού. C. Μανιτάρι Portobello Γνωστό και ως μανιτάρι αγρού, ή μανιτάρι με ανοιχτό καπάκι. Τα μανιτάρια Portobello έχουν πυκνή υφή και πλούσια γεύση. Στην Ιταλία, χρησιμοποιούνται σε σάλτσες και ζυμαρικά και αποτελούν εξαιρετικό υποκατάστατο κρέατος. Επίσης, αν θέλετε ένα υποκατάστατο ψωμιού ψωμιού, μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ακόμη και το επίπεδο καπάκι του μανιταριού. Είναι ιδανικά για ψήσιμο και γέμιση. D. Μανιτάρι Shiitake Γνωστό και ως Shitake, μαύρο δάσος, μαύρο χειμώνα, καφέ δρυς, κινέζικο μαύρο, μαύρο μανιτάρι, ανατολίτικο μαύρο, μανιτάρι του δάσους, χρυσή βελανιδιά, Donko. Τα Shiitake έχουν ελαφριά ξυλώδη γεύση και άρωμα, ενώ τα αποξηραμένα αντίστοιχα είναι πιο έντονα. Είναι αλμυρά και κρεατικά και μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την προετοιμασία πιάτων με κρέας και για την ενίσχυση σούπες και σάλτσες. Το Shiitake μπορεί να βρεθεί τόσο φρέσκο όσο και αποξηραμένο. E. Τα μανιτάρια στρείδια είναι μερικά από τα πιο συχνά καλλιεργούμενα βρώσιμα μανιτάρια στον κόσμο. Το μανιτάρι βασιλικής τρομπέτας είναι το μεγαλύτερο είδος στο γένος των μανιταριών στρειδιών. Είναι απλά στο μαγείρεμα και προσφέρουν μια λεπτή και γλυκιά γεύση. Χρησιμοποιούνται ειδικά σε τηγανητό ή σοτάρισμα επειδή είναι σταθερά λεπτά και έτσι μαγειρεύονται πιο ομοιόμορφα από άλλα μανιτάρια.
إعداد الوجبات هو السلاح السري لكل هؤلاء المشاهير الذين يتجولون في جميع أنحاء لوس أنجلوس، وهو ما يفعله العديد من كبار الطهاة الخاصين لإبقاء عملائهم على المسار الصحيح وسعيدين.إعداد الوجبات يجعل من السهل الحصول على وجبة طعام كاملة ومقسمة بشكل مثالي ومنخفضة السعرات الحرارية في متناول يدك في أي وقت. من خلال إعداد الوجبات في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع وتقسيم الوجبات إلى أجزاء مناسبة تمامًا يمكن التحكم في السعرات الحرارية فيها، يصبح من السهل أيضًا الحصول على ما تريد طبق البيبيمباب الكوري المُجهز مسبقًا في إحدى ليالي نهاية الأسبوع المزدحمة حيث يمكنك الحصول على نسخة مشتراة من المتجر ومليئة بالصوديوم أو نسخة سريعة عالية السعرات الحرارية.
הכנת הארוחה היא הנשק הסודי של כל אותם מפורסמים בכושר ללא מאמץ שמסתובבים ברחבי לוס אנג'לס - זה מה שרבים מהשפים הפרטיים המובילים עושים כדי לשמור על לקוחותיהם במסלול ומאושרים.הכנת הארוחה מקלה על ארוחה מלאה במנות, דלת קלוריות, בהישג יד בכל עת. על ידי הכנת ארוחה בסופי שבוע וחלוקת ארוחות למנות נכונות, מבוקרות קלוריות, קל באותה מידה לתפוס את קערת הביבימבאפ הקוריאנית המוכנה שלך בליל חול עמוס, כפי שקל לתפוס גרסה קנויה בחנות, עמוסת נתרן או גרסת טייק אאוט עתירת קלוריות.
Η προετοιμασία γευμάτων είναι το μυστικό όπλο όλων εκείνων των διασημοτήτων που ταιριάζουν αβίαστα στο Λος Άντζελες - αυτό κάνουν πολλοί από τους κορυφαίους ιδιωτικούς σεφ για να κρατούν τους πελάτες τους σε καλό δρόμο και ευτυχισμένους. Η προετοιμασία γευμάτων καθιστά εύκολο να έχετε ένα γεύμα ολικής τροφής σε τέλεια μερίδες, χαμηλών θερμίδων, πλήρες φαγητό ανά πάσα στιγμή. Προετοιμάζοντας γεύματα τα Σαββατοκύριακα και χωρίζοντας τα γεύματα σε σωστές, ελεγχόμενες θερμίδες μερίδες, είναι εξίσου εύκολο να πιάσετε το προετοιμασμένο κορεάτικο μπολ bibimbap σας μια πολυάσχολη βραδιά της εβδομάδας όπως είναι να πάρετε μια έκδοση που έχετε αγοράσει από το κατάστημα, με νάτριο ή έκδοση με πολλές θερμίδες.
Добро пожаловать в мир наслаждения и наслаждения, где богатый и насыщенный вкус капучино сочетается со сладкими ощущениями десертов. Если вы любитель кофе и сладкоежка, вы наткнулись на сокровищницу кулинарного творчества. В этой подборке мы собираемся познакомить вас со 100 изысканными способами придать волшебство капучино восхитительным десертам. Капучино с его гармоничным сочетанием эспрессо, взбитого молока и сливочной пены уже давно стал любимой классикой кофеен. Но что произойдет, когда этот любимый напиток встретится с царством десертов? Приготовьтесь удивляться. От сочных тортов до сливочного тирамису, от бархатных пудингов до нежной выпечки - мы изучили кулинарный ландшафт, чтобы предложить вам лучшие угощения, вдохновленные капучино. Являетесь ли вы опытным кондитером или домашним пекаремлюбителем, вы найдете здесь что-то, что удовлетворит ваши пристрастия и разбудит ваш творческий потенциал. Мы тщательно отобрали рецепты, удовлетворяющие широкому спектру вкусов и уровней мастерства, гарантируя, что каждый сможет испытать радость от приготовления этих райских деликатесов на своей кухне. Итак, включите кофемашину, отряхните пыль с фартука и отправляйтесь в это восхитительное путешествие. Каждый рецепт - это свидетельство сочетания кофе и десерта, симфония вкусов и текстур, которая заставит вас жаждать большего. Приготовьтесь приготовить эти райские десерты с капучино, которые обязательно станут звездами вашего кулинарного репертуара.
Приготовление еды - это секретное оружие всех тех знаменитостей, которые бродят по Лос-Анджелесу без особых усилий. Это то, что делают многие из лучших частных поваров, чтобы их клиенты не сбились с пути и были счастливы. Приготовление еды позволяет в любое время иметь под рукой идеально порционированный, низкокалорийный и цельный обед. Приготовив еду на выходных и разделив ее на правильные порции с контролируемой калорийностью, вы сможете так же легко взять с собой приготовленную миску корейского пибимпаба в напряженный будний вечер, как и купить купленную в магазине версию с высоким содержанием натрия или высококалорийная версия на вынос.
「完璧なオムレツの作り方をマスターしよう」へようこそ。この本は、多 用途で愛される料理、オムレツに特化した料理の冒険です。この料 理本では、すべての味覚を満足させる、よだれが出そうなオムレツを 作る無限の可能性を探求します。朝食愛好家でも、ブランチ愛好 家でも、あるいは単に手早く満足のいく食事を探している人でも、オ ムレツは完璧な選択肢です。古典的な組み合わせからユニークで革 新的なフレーバーまで、この料理本はあなたを卵の調理の楽しい旅へ と導き、あなたが自分のキッチンでマスターオムレツシェフになれるよう にサポートします。 これらのページには、幅広い材料、味、料理スタイルを紹介するため に注意深く作られた、オムレツのレシピの多様なコレクションが含まれ ています。各レシピは、材料の計量とともに明確な手順を提供するよ うに設計されており、オムレツを毎回美しく仕上げることができます。 初心者でも経験豊富なシェフでも、この料理本は創造力を発揮し、 さまざまな具材、スパイス、テクニックを試して、おいしいだけでなく美し いオムレツを作るきっかけを与えてくれます。 泡立て器を手に取り、フライパンを熱して、楽しいオムレツ作りの旅に 一緒に乗り出しましょう。素晴らしい風味、食感、そして無限の可能 性に満ちた朝食、ブランチ、またはその日の食事で家族や友人を感 動させる準備をしましょう。
מבוא פטריית כפתור לבן היא פטריית מאכל שיש לה שני מצבי צבע בעוד שהיא לא בשלה - לבן וחום - לשניהם יש שמות שונים. כשהיא בשלה, היא ידועה בשם פטריית פורטובלו. פטריית כפתורים לבנה היא הזן הבוסרי והלבן. זהו הטעם הנפוץ והעדין ביותר מבין כל סוגי הפטריות.פטריית קרימיני הידועה גם כפטריית קרמינו, פטריית חומה שוויצרית, פטריה חומה רומית, פטריה חומה איטלקית, פטרייה חומה קלאסית או פטריית ערמונים. Criminis הן פטריות פורטובלו צעירות, שנמכרות גם כבייבי פורטובלו, והן פשוט פטריות כפתורים לבנות בוגרות יותר.פטריית פורטובלו ידועה גם בשם פטריית שדה, או פטריית כובע פתוח. פטריות פורטובלו צפופות במרקם ובעלות טעם עשיר. באיטליה, הם משמשים ברטבים ופסטה ומהווים תחליף בשר נהדר. כמו כן, אם תרצו תחליף לחמניית לחם, תוכלו אפילו להשתמש במכסה השטוח של הפטרייה. הם מושלמים לצלייה ולמילוי.פטריית שיטאקי ידועה גם בשם שיטאקי, יער שחור, חורף שחור, אלון חום, שחור סיני, פטרייה שחורה, שחור מזרחי, פטריית יער, אלון זהוב, דונקו. לשיטאקי יש טעם וארומה עץ קלים, בעוד שעמיתיהם המיובשים עזים יותר. הם מלוחים ובשרניים וניתן להשתמש בהם לתוספת מנות בשריות ולשיפור מרקים ורטבים. ניתן למצוא שיטאקי גם טרי וגם מיובש.פטריות צדפות הן חלק מפטריות המאכל הנפוצות ביותר בעולם. פטריית החצוצרה המלך היא המין הגדול ביותר בסוג פטריות הצדפות. הם פשוטים לבישול ומציעים טעם עדין ומתוק. הם משמשים במיוחד בהקפצה או בהקפצה מכיוון שהם דקים באופן עקבי, ולכן יתבשלו בצורה שווה יותר מפטריות אחרות.פטריות אנוקי זמינות טריות או משומרות. מומחים ממליצים לצרוך דגימות אנוקי טריות עם כובעים מוצקים, לבנים ומבריק, ולא כאלו עם גבעולים רזים או חומים שעדיף להימנע מהם. הם טובים גולמיים והם נפוצים בבישול אסייתי. בגלל שהם פריכים, הם מחזיקים מעמד היטב במרקים ומשתלבים היטב בסלטים, אבל אפשר להשתמש בהם גם במנות אחרות.פטריות שנטרל הן כתומות, צהובות או לבנות, בשרניות וצורת חצוצרה. מכיוון שהם קשים לטיפוח, שנטרל מוצאים בדרך כלל מספוא בטבע. למינים מסוימים יש ריח פירותי, לאחרים ניחוח עצי יותר, אדמה, ואחרים יכולים אפילו להיחשב חריפים.
Over one eventful summer in the tranquil lakeside town of Summerville, two women uncover a shocking family secret and together begin an extraordinary journey towards healing and forgiveness.
In the last ever video clip of Joy Maddison - a perfect wife and mother - she smiles for the camera, then turns to the woods and sets off on her evening run.
This book will not just change your view of the world; it will offer a deep dive into unexplored corners of your consciousness. Opening these doors, you'll encounter the beauty and complexity of an entirely new universe you never even suspected existed.The book presents a wide range of new technologies of the future that have the potential to radically change our world. From new types of weapons for security to revolutionary discoveries in space exploration, including information on possible contact with other civilizations.It not only describes the transition to a new era for all living beings on Earth but also delves into the philosophical and ethical aspects of such a transition. The book touches upon issues of human development, its potential collapse, but also the inevitable drive for victory and progress.Inside, you'll find detailed descriptions of innovative technologies that could turn our understanding of the physical world upside down: from the rebirth of the universe to the use of new types of spacecraft for trips to other planets and stars. The book also explores new methods of human interaction with energy and offers radical ideas for creating a new civilization, which will become a hope for a better future for all of humanity.This is not just a book; it's a guide to the future, a source of inspiration, and possibly the key to the next stage of human evolution.
In the book, White Tern Photo Diaries, the author, an amateur photographer living in Honolulu, Hawaii, followed three white terns from the time that they were spotted as babies in neighborhood trees until the time that they fully fledged. The book includes 122 color photographs for your enjoyment
THE ACTION ROARS ALONG IN BOOK TEN OF THE ACCLAIMED BIKER SERIES BY MIKE BARON. When down-and-out Jerry Bushnell turns to Josh Pratt for help in unravelling the mysterious decade-old death of his brother, Josh accepts the challenge, despite harboring doubts about his chances of success. Delving deeper into the gripping investigation, Josh uncovers a simmering feud with roots tracing back to the Civil War-a dispute so saturated in hatred it continues to claim lives to this day.As Josh immerses himself in the case, a new layer of intrigue emerges when Jerry's nephew teeters on the brink of death after a dangerous encounter with fentanyl. Teaming up with a suburban mom and the widow of Jerry's brother, Josh vows to get to the bottom of this ominous drug crisis.But when his relentless pursuit of the truth leads him deep into the heart of Georgia's backwoods, Josh uncovers a sprawling cartel smuggling operation and meets the mysterious Levon Cade-an enigmatic veteran on his own mission to unearth the secrets behind the fentanyl ring that has tragically claimed the lives of his friends.Immerse yourself in this heart-pounding adventure as Josh Pratt races against time to solve a murder, unveil dark secrets, and bring justice to the fallen.
Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrongdoing there is a field. I will meet you there."-Rumi (13th century poet)What is the right thing to do for Ruby Calvert?Ruby lies in a coma following an accident, supported by the prayers and love of her family and friends. A diabolical plan threatens her future - perhaps her very life. Her father Barry wrestles with decisions about her health while her fiancé, Brian struggles with his own feelings: Ruby's future directly affects his, and that of his son.On top of their concern for Ruby, sisters Darcy and Grace deal with their own personal issues. Darcy's dream of becoming a veterinarian has been on hold for years, but is this the time to pursue it again? Was Grace's decision to have her and Jack's baby at home a wise one or is her health now also at risk? Even the youngest Calvert faces challenges as first love emerges just as she feels God's leading to confront a man behind bars.Book Three in the Yona Valley series continues the story of the Calvert family and their friends in the Yona Valley. Join them as they discover new ways in which God uses all things-good and bad-for his glory and for his purposes for their lives, helping them find...Peace in Yona Valley.
Pre-Algebra Simplified: The Ultimate 7th Grade Math GuideGrade 7 Pre-Algebra is a comprehensive educational resource meticulously designed to align with the 2024 test guidelines for 7th-grade mathematics. This book is an indispensable tool for students, educators, and parents alike, aiming to build a strong foundation in pre-algebraic concepts.Key Features: In-Depth Coverage of 7th Grade Math Topics: This guide delves into each topic with detailed explanations, ensuring students grasp fundamental concepts essential for excelling in 7th-grade math.Step-by-Step Instructions: The book is structured to provide clear, step-by-step guidance, making complex topics accessible and understandable for young learners.Aligned with 2024 Guidelines: The content is meticulously crafted to align with the latest guidelines, ensuring students are well-prepared for academic assessments.Interactive Online Course: A corresponding online course complements the book. This digital resource enhances learning through interactive elements, catering to diverse learning styles.QR Codes and Web Links: Each topic in the book is linked to an online lesson via QR codes and web links. These digital resources provide additional explanations, examples, and exercises.Comprehensive Video Lessons: The online component includes video lessons, offering visual and auditory learning opportunities to reinforce concepts covered in the book.Engaging Exercises and Worksheets: A variety of exercises and worksheets are available online, designed to test and reinforce students' understanding of each topic.Complete Answer Key: The book and the online resources include full answers for all questions and exercises, enabling students to check their work and understand their mistakes.User-Friendly Layout: The book's layout is designed for ease of use, with clear headings, well-organized content, and a logical progression of topics.Grade 7 Pre-Algebra is not just a textbook but a comprehensive learning tool. It offers a blend of traditional and digital learning resources, ensuring that each student can find a method that resonates with their learning style. With its adherence to the latest educational standards and inclusion of a multitude of learning aids, this book stands as an essential resource for mastering 7th-grade mathematics. Ideal for self-study and classroom usage!Visit www.EffortlessMath.com for Online Math Practice
Used anciently as medicine to boost immunity, improve memory, aid digestion, and enhance overall well-being, medicinal mushrooms hold extraordinary potential to improve the health of modern humans. Thousands of studies show that they are among nature's most potent remedies possessing novel compounds and properties to fight inflammation, balance blood sugar, enhance the gut microbiome, and optimize mental health. "Improving Human Health through the Healing Power of Medicinal Mushrooms" is your ultimate guide to integrating these remarkable remedies into your life. This groundbreaking book summarizes preclinical and clinical research, shares proper use, and reveals the safety of nineteen of the most celebrated medicinal mushrooms. Explore remarkable mushrooms like lion's mane, reishi, shiitake, and psilocybes. Included are simple protocols for more than fifty specific conditions, such as fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, depression, endometriosis, and more. You'll also discover complementary essential oils and dietary supplements that work in harmony with the recommended mushrooms. Armed with a melding of the ancient healing arts and modern science, you'll realize how to accelerate your healing, boost vitality, and elevate your quality of life through the healing power of medicinal mushrooms.
Join Lina and her dad on a heartwarming journey filled with love, laughter, and the taste of freshly squeezed lemons. In "Sqeezing Success," a charming children's book, discover the power of following your dreams.
Travel through Church history with a brief daily biography of the saint of the day, then face a daily challenge inspired by the saint's life and virtues. Motivating & informative, The Saint Challenge will be read over and over.
The inner child is crucial to us all. Therefore, may this book help all readers to better know and understand their and other people's inner child.
With the Betcha Didn't Know Craft and Activity book, color the pictures, create fun crafts, and participate in interactive activities while learning about 18 amazing African American women. You can also listen to the podcast episode about each extraordinary woman! Whether you are just learning or refreshing your memory, you're sure to fall in love with black history while using this book!
When the waters rose, first came the plagues, and then came the demons. After decades marked by catastrophe and death, when humanity had lost all hope in a future on this planet, then--finally--like the answer to eight billion prayers made corporeal, came the angels. But the mysteries of faith don't always shine when held up to the light, and not everything that comes from the sky is heaven-sent.Camila López is one of the Children, the offspring of the angels who battle back the tide of demons threatening to overrun Old Nueva York, and she has more than enough to worry about in her life when her ex who ended their relationship to become a priest comes back into the picture. Marcos Castillo is poised to be the next spiritual leader of the neighborhood she is responsible for keeping safe regardless of her objections, or his. Their clashes are as frequent as they are brutal, and challenge Camila's desire to keep the secrets that would uproot the new trajectory of his life, including the daughter they share that he has no idea exists.
Embrace the art of slowing down. This planner is not just about managing your time; it'sabout managing your life with intention and purpose. Each page is designed to guide yougently towards identifying what truly matters to you, and how to gracefully integrate thesepriorities into your daily routine. Let's transform the way you approach your days - lessrush, more significance, and a deeper connection to the essence of who you are.
Introduction (French/English Edition): Bienvenue dans le monde enchanteur de "La Curieuse Commotion des Vaches" - "The Curious Cow Commotion." Cette histoire délicieusement amusante célèbre la curiosité, la communauté, et un brin de chaos. Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure aux côtés de Mme Jenkins, dont la détermination à partager une surprise conduit à une calamité comique que personne n'aurait pu prévoir. Dans cette histoire réjouissante, vous découvrirez la magie qui peut naître lorsque les voisins se réunissent pour résoudre un problème bien particulier. Préparez-vous à une histoire qui vous fera rire, rêver et apprécier la joie que la curiosité peut apporter. Alors, tournez la page et que l'aventure commence ! Welcome to the enchanting world of "La Curieuse Commotion des Vaches" - "The Curious Cow Commotion." This delightfully amusing story celebrates curiosity, community, and a touch of chaos. Join us in this adventure with Mrs. Jenkins, whose determination to share a surprise leads to a comical calamity that no one could have expected. In this heartwarming story, you'll discover the magic that can happen when neighbors come together to solve a peculiar problem. Get ready for a tale that will make you giggle, wonder, and appreciate the joy that curiosity can bring. So, turn the page and let the adventure begin!
Ensaio Poético é o livro que abre a vasta obra poética do poeta Tulio Rodrigues "Ensaio Poético" é uma preciosa obra inaugural do poeta e jornalista Tulio Rodrigues. Originalmente publicado em 2009, este livro passou por uma revisão minuciosa, revelando-se uma pérola literária que reflete a influência cativante de poetas como Vinicius de Moraes e Florbela Espanca. Nas páginas de "Ensaio Poético", os versos são como pontes entre corações, explorando temas de amor e reflexão sobre a efemeridade da vida. Os poemas, incluindo "Conversando com a lua", "Como posso eu..." e "Só pra dizer eu te amo", capturam a essência das emoções com sensibilidade e graça. Além disso, este livro marca o início do autor na poesia clássica, com sonetos e sextilhas que ecoam a influência do talentoso poeta Luna Fernandes. "Ensaio Poético" é uma experiência literária que ilumina a mente e aquece o coração, convidando os leitores a mergulhar nas profundezas da poesia e da reflexão.
On veut tous connaître la paix du coeur mais on résiste à ce que la Vie met sur notre chemin. Et s'il y avait une autre façon d'envisager la Vie? Voici des suggestions pour apprendre à lâcher prise et être en paix.
Avery Rendon is weeks away from realizing her dream as a Commonwealth fighter pilot when planetary politics destroy her fledgling career before it begins. Grudgingly, she returns to her home planet of Asria, still hoping to break free of her royal family and the life of tedious policymaking they've planned for her. But Asria is still Asria, and after her almost-fiancé walks out on her, she's not sure things can get much worse.She's wrong. When the Haederan Empire invades Asria, intent on rebuilding their interstellar domain, Avery becomes a target. She also becomes something else-a reluctant and naïve Commonwealth intelligence operative. It's not long before she stumbles upon information that could change the course of the war, and suddenly she's on the run, pursued by the Haederan secret police and desperate to deliver critical information to the Commonwealth before it's too late.Swept up in something more dangerous than politics or flying, Avery begins to wonder if her destiny lies somewhere closer to home. If the shocking information she's discovered will have galaxy-wide consequences. And if she'll live to see the end of it all.
A hero in need of saving. A curse no kiss can break. The bargain that brings them together-and might bring down the kingdom. Nickolas Brigham was meant to marry a princess. Everyone said so. His mother, mostly, but it wasn't the time to quibble. If he doesn't marry a woman of station soon, he'll be tied to a fate worse than ruination. When he's dragged bodily into a compromising situation, his only choice is to accept the aid of the doe-eyed damsel he chances upon in his attempt at escape. But Jules is no meek maiden. She's clever and quick, and has terms of her own: Nickolas must vow to break her curse before the fae prince comes to collect his due. Yes, only that, and the minor feat of fooling the kingdom by faking their betrothal. Slow-burn and sweet kisses with properly stabby heroines-these regency inspired fantasy standalones are perfect for fans of Sorcery of Thorns and Half a Soul.
This escapism fantasy takes readers on an otherworldly cruise ship in search of a missing godlike Captain.
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