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Bøger udgivet af Power Press

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  • - The Profound and Timeless Classic of Universal Wisdom
    af Wu Wei
    198,95 - 466,95 kr.

  • - New Revised Edition
    af Wu Wei
    268,95 kr.

  • - Syv indsigter, der ruster dig til tovtrækkeriet mellem arbejdsliv og familieliv
    af Lisbeth Odgaard Madsen
    258,95 kr.

    Har du altid haft viljen og magten til at realisere dig selv på jobbet– og stod du så pludselig med et barn på armen og havde svært vedat få enderne ude og hjemme til at mødes? Hvis du kan svare ”ja” pådette spørgsmål, er denne bog skrevet til dig.Som mor til et eller flere børn kan det være lidt af et tovtrækkeri atfå hverdagen til at hænge sammen – ikke mindst fordi vi kvinder i detnye årtusinde må tilpasse os nogle nye omstændigheder, som tidligeregenerationer ikke har skullet forholde sig til.For at være den bedste mor og medarbejder er det en fordel at fåindblik i, hvad det egentlig er for forventninger, du selv og dine omgivelserhar til dig. Det får du i denne bog, der giver dig syv værdifuldeindsigter, som gør dig klogere på, hvorfor ambitiøse mødre harså travlt, og hvad du kan gøre for at realisere dit eget potentiale somambitiøs mor.”Lisbeth Odgaard Madsen giver et vigtigt overblik over, hvad ambitiøsemødre som jeg selv skal være bevidste om, hvis vi vil kunnetrykke den af i både vores professionelle og private liv. Samtidig udfordrerhun de normer og uskrevne regler, vi møder i vores hverdag,og hun klæder os endda på til selv at tage udfordringen op.”Lisbeth Østergaard, Journalist og TV-vært

  • - Surviving Domestic Violence, with a Special Reference to Abuse in Indian Marriages
    af Anisha Durve
    263,95 kr.

    For any survivor of domestic violence who has asked herself "How did this happen to me?" this groundbreaking book provides the answers. The 5 sequential stages that systematically create an abuser are outlined along with the 9 progressive steps a woman must undergo to surrender her power and become conditioned to accept violence. The psychology of abuse is simplified here for victims and their family members to identify the signs of various types of abuse at each of the 5 stages in the newly revised cycle of violence. How community inadvertently plays a role in enabling the abuser provides insight into how the network of therapists, advocates, medial caregivers, legal representatives, and law enforcement can better support and facilitate a victim's process to ultimately break free. The dynamics of abuse within the subset of the Indian Hindu community are explored to shed light on the ramification of cultural biases and the history of the domestic violence movement within the larger South Asian community. The author also shares her own gripping personal story as a survivor of a 7 year abusive marriage and the riveting accounts of other Indian women in their journey to find freedom and overcome the cultural taboo of divorce. This empowering book helps to inspire all victims...freedom is around the corner. Every woman possesses the power to be free. Please refer to the website for additional information and resources.

  • - A Holistic Approach to Total Recovery
    af Chris Prentiss
    173,95 kr.

  • af Chris Prentiss
    125,95 - 163,95 kr.

  • af Anne-Marie Barbier
    183,95 kr.

    Conversations with God, Book 2 Guidebook in FRENCH, written and translated by Anne-Marie Barbier. Endorsed by Conversations with God NY Times multi-book best selling author Neale Donald Walsch

  • af Linda Lee Ratto & Dr Robin L Wood
    253,95 kr.

  • af David L Cunningham & Linda Lee Ratto EdM
    148,95 kr.

  • af Linda Lee Ratto & Dawn Dallaire
    148,95 kr.

  • af David L Cunningham & Linda Lee Ratto
    123,95 kr.

  • - Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams
    af Chris (Chris Prentiss) Prentiss
    163,95 kr.

    Explains the author's 14 principles and targeted action steps for building a loving, long-lasting relationship.

  • - Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
    af Chris Prentiss
    198,95 kr.

  • - Getting Clear Direction from the Ancient Book of Wisdom
    af Wu Wei
    174,95 kr.

    "Getting clear direction from the ancient book of wisdom" --Cover.

  • - Guidance from the Book of Answers Practical Insights for Creating a Life of Success and Good Fortune
    af Wu Wei
    143,95 kr.

    In this invaluable companion guide to the universal wisdom and guidance of the I Ching, Wu Wei has extracted the I Ching's deepest wisdom in the form of simple yet profound sayings that the greatest Chinese sages have preserved for thousands of years because of their inestimable worth. To these sayings, Wu Wei has added his enlightened comments to help us apply the empowering and practical wisdom of the I Ching to obtain the wonderful gifts we all seek: prosperity, peace, love, and happiness. Each saying is accompanied by a delightful Chinese ink drawing done in the Zen style by the author.

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