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Bøger udgivet af Precept Minstries International

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  • af Kay Arthur
    88,95 kr.

    Entendiendo los Dones Espirituales - by Kay Arthur and David and BJ Lawson - (6-week study) Los lectores de todas las edades encontraran nuevo estimulo para poner sus propios dones espirituales unicos a trabajar a traves de los conocimientos que adquieren en este estudio sin tarea de seis semanas. Al guiar a los lectores a traves de pasajes biblicos especificos de Romanos, 1 Corintios 12, Efesios y 1 Pedro 4, este estudio les ayudara a entender que tipo de dones espirituales le son otorgados a las diferentes personas, de donde vienen y a que proposito sirven. Adicionalmente a ser desafiados a hacer uso de sus dones personales, los cristianos obtendran una apreciacion mas profunda de las unicas y maravillosas maneras en que cada individuo contribuye a la vida de toda la iglesia. Understanding Spiritual Gifts - by Kay Arthur and David and BJ Lawson - (6 -week study) Readers of all ages will find fresh encouragement for putting their own unique spiritual gifts to work through the insights they gain in this six-week, no-homework study. By guiding readers through specific Bible passages in Romans, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians, and 1 Peter 4, this study helps them understand what type of spiritual gifts are given to various people, where those gifts come from, and what purpose they serve. In addition to being challenged to make use of their own personal gifts, Christians will gain a deeper appreciation of the unique and wonderful ways each individual contributes to the life of the whole church.

  • af Kay Arthur
    88,95 kr.

    Volviendo Tu Corazon Hacia Dios Descubre lo que realmente significa ser bendecido En el Sermon del Monte, Jesus identifico actitudes que traen el favor de Dios: Llorar por el pecado, demostrar mansedumbre, mostrar misericordia, cultivar la paz y mas. Algunas de estas frases se han vuelto tan familiares que hemos perdido el sentido de lo que significan. En este poderoso estudio, obtendras un fresco entendimiento de como seria alinear tu vida a las prioridades de Dios. Aqui descubriras por que la palabra bendicion significa caminar en la plenitud y satisfaccion de Dios, sin importar tus circunstancias. A medida que miras mas de cerca el significado detras de cada una de las Bienaventuranzas, veras como estas verdades pueden moldear tus decisiones cada dia - y llevarte mas de cerca al corazon de Dios. Turning Your Heart Towards God Discover What It Really Means to Be Blessed In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus identified attitudes that bring God's favor: weeping over sin, demonstrating meekness, showing mercy, nurturing peace, and more. Some of these phrases have become so familiar that we've lost sight of their meaning. In this powerful study, you will gain a fresh understanding of what it looks like to align your life with God's priorities. Here you will discover anew why the word blessed mean walking the fulness and satisfaction of God, no matter your circumstances. As you look closely at the meaning behind each of the Beatitudes, you will see how these truths can shape your choices every day--and bring you closer to the heart of God.

  • - Venciendo Al Enemigo / Spritual Warfare: Overcoming the Enemy (40 Minute Bible Studies)
    af Kay Arthur
    88,95 kr.

    Guerra Espiritual: Venciendo al Enemigo Estas preparado para la batalla? Sea que lo tengas en cuenta o no, vives en medio de un combate espiritual. Tu enemigo, el diablo, es peligroso, destructivo y esta determinado a evitar que sirvas efectivamente a Dios. Para poder defenderte contra sus ataques, necesitas saber como opera el enemigo. A traves de este estudio de seis semanas obtendras un conocimiento completo de las tacticas y maquinaciones del enemigo. A medida que descubres la verdad acerca de Satanas - incluyendo los limites de su poder - estaras equipado para permanecer firme contra sus ataques y desarrollar una estrategia para vivir diariamente en victoria. Spiritual Warfare: Overcoming the Enemy Are You Prepared For Battle? Whether you realize it or not, you live in the midst of spiritual combat. Your enemy, the devil, is dangerous, destructive, and determined to keep you from effectively serving God. In order to defend yourself against his attacks, you need to know how the enemy operates. Through this six-week study you will gain a thorough knowledge of the enemy's tactics and schemes. As you discover the truth about Satan-including the limits of his power-you will be equipped to stand firm against his attacks and to develop a strategy for living daily in victory.

  • af Kay Arthur
    98,95 kr.

    Anhelando el Corazon de Dios (1 y 2 Samuel, 1 Cronicas) La seccion de 1 Samuel es de 7 semanas; la seccion de 2 Samuel es de 6 semanas y ambos incorporan 1 Cronicas.) - por Kay Arthur y David Arthur - Durante la transicion de Israel de los jueces a los reyes, dos hombres aparecen. Uno siguio humildemente el corazon de Dios; el otro orgullosamente rechazo Su consejo. Mira como Dios protegio al hombre conforme a Su corazon. Aprende como confiar en El, cuando las circunstancias parecen estar en tu contra. Pasta blanda, 126 paginas. First Samuel section is 7 weeks; 2 Samuel section is 6 weeks, and they both incorporate 1 Chronicles.) -- by Kay Arthur with David Arthur -- During Israel's transition from judges to kings, two men appeared. One followed humbly after God's heart; the other proudly rejected His counsel. See how God protected the man after His own heart. Learn how to trust Him when the odds seem stacked against you. Softcover, 126 pages.

  • - New Inductive Study Series))
    af Kay Arthur
    98,95 kr.

    Lo que Aun Esta por Venir (Ezequiel) (13 weeks) - por Kay Arthur y Pete DeLacy - A medida que los lectores aprenden y practican los excitantes principios del Estudio Biblico Inductivo, descubriran por si mismos el significado y la importancia de las bien conocidas pero poco entendidas imagenes del libro de Ezequiel, incluyendo la rueda en la rueda, el valle de los huesos secos, y el centinela en la muralla. A medida que se vuelvan adeptos en observar el texto, interpretar su significado, y aplicarlo a sus vidas, seguiran la historia de Ezequiel desde el dolor de la caida de Jerusalen y el cautiverio babilonico hasta el inexpresable gozo al alabar en el tabernaculo celestial. What Is Yet to Come (Ezekiel) (13 weeks) - by Kay Arthur and Pete De Lacy As readers learn and practice the exciting principles of inductive Bible study, they will discover for themselves the meaning and relevance of well-known but seldom understood images from the book of Ezekiel, including the wheel in the wheel, the valley of dry bones, and the watchman on the wall. As they become adept at observing the text, interpreting its meaning, and applying it to their lives, they will follow the story of Ezekiel from the heartbreak of the fall of Jerusalem and the Babylonian captivity to the inexpressible joy of worship in the heavenly tabernacle. Softcover, Harvest House Publishers, 5 1/4 x 8," 126 pages

  • af Kay Arthur
    98,95 kr.

    Abriendo las Ventanas de Bendicion - Hageo / Zacarias / Malaquias Nos descorazonamos muy facilmente cuando Dios no nos responde de inmediato. El pueblo de Dios reacciono de esa manera cuando regresaban del exilio en Babilonia. Pero en medio de su desanimo, Dios envio a tres profetas para recordarles que eventualmente la bendicion viene de la obediencia. Renueva tu confianza en las promesas de Dios mientras eres desafiado a ir a niveles mas profundos de obediencia. Estudio de 13 semanas: Hageo-2 semanas; Zacarias-8 semanas; Malaquias-3 semanas. Seis dias de lecciones guiadas, 20 a 30 minutos de duracion, te ayudan y ensenan a como descubrir los preceptos, propositos y promesas de Dios por ti mismo. Las preguntas para la discusion en grupo o el estudio individual en el Septimo Dia junto con un comentario de cierre. Opening the Windows of Blessing - Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi We so easily lose heart when God doesn't answer us right away. God's people reacted that way as they returned from exile in Babylon. But in the midst of their discouragement, God sent three prophets to remind them that blessing eventually comes from obedience. Renew your confidence in God's promises as you are challenged to deeper levels of obedience. 13-week Study: Haggai-2 weeks; Zechariah-8 weeks; Malachi-3 weeks. Six days of guided lessons, 20 to 30 minutes long, help and teach you how to discover God's precepts, purposes and promises on your own. Questions for group discussion or individual study are provided on Day Seven along with closing commentary.

  • af Kay Arthur
    98,95 kr.

    El Llamado a Seguir a Jesus (Lucas) (13 semanas) - por Kay Arthur Has escuchado el llamado de Jesus a negarte a ti mismo, tomar tu cruz y seguirle? Sabes lo que significa responder al llamado? La historia cronologica de Lucas lo cuenta todo - quien era Jesus y como vivio. Aprende que significa seguir Su ejemplo. The Call to Follow Jesus (Luke) (13 weeks) - by Kay Arthur - Have you heard Jesus' call to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Him? Do you know what it means to answer that call? Luke's chronological history tells all -- who Jesus was and how He lived. Learn what it means to follow His example.

  • - Becoming God's Champion
    af Elizabeth a McAllister
    218,95 kr.

    Bible study is serious fun! The Discover 4 Yourself(R) Inductive Bible Studies for Kids help you find out for yourself what the Bible is all about - and give you exciting ways to do it! These hands-on books help teach the basic skills of Bible study for a lifetime of discovering God's Word. Go For The Gold! Join Max, Molly, Sam, and the rest of Team USA at a sports camp of summer games! As you train for each event and compete for gold, silver, and bronze medals, you'll discover the life-changing encouragement and instruction that the apostle Paul wrote to his young friend, Timothy. You will also find out: - how you can be a true champion for God - how you can pass the Gospel on to others, just like a baton in a relay race - how you can press on in tough times and finish strong to win the race God has provided everything you need to become His champion. You can win the gold for God! Compelling stories, engaging activities, and puzzles create a study ideal for Sunday school classes, homeschools, and independent study! NEW! Teacher Guides The Discover 4 Yourself(R) Teacher Guides have been developed by collegiate teacher educator, Elizabeth A. McAllister, Ed. D., and Janna Arndt for use by teachers in both classrooms and home school. The Teacher Guides provide invaluable tools to help you maximize the time you invest teaching a Discover 4 Yourself(R) Bible study. The Teacher's Guide will show you how to clearly, carefully, and sensitively lead your students through inductive Bible study, giving them a greater understanding of God and His ways coupled with practical ways to live out what they are learning. Teaching strategies are designed to enhance memory, creativity, and reasoning skills and to ignite young imaginations with the fun and rewards found only in studying God's Word. FEATURES include: - Teacher's Edition with answers to all exercises in student workbooks. - Creative ways to handle different learning abilities. - Memory enhancement: reading out loud, drawing pictures, creating and marking key words, and making charts, lists, and timelines. - Guided daily instructions including topic introductions and suggestions for: key word markings (symbols and colors), leading discussions, and playing games. - Weekly Quizzes and Final Exam. - Answer Keys for all student workbook questions, crossword puzzles, mazes, weekly quizzes, and final exam.

  • af Kay Arthur
    88,95 kr.

    Como Tomar Decisiones Que No Lamentaras? Como tomar decisiones de las que no te arrepentiras mas adelante? Puede que te preguntes como terminaste donde te encuentras, si tu vida hubiera sido mejor si hubieras tomado decisiones diferentes a lo largo del camino. O tal vez tu situacion actual es grandiosa, pero estas enfrentando algunas decisiones dificiles. Dios quiere ayudarte. Cada dia, tu y yo enfrentamos innumerables decisiones, algunas de las cuales tienen el potencial de cambiar el curso de nuestras vidas para siempre. Ciertos caminos abiertos a nosotros estan marcados con escollos o llevan a direcciones daninas. Y en algunas circunstancias la decision equivocada puede incluso traer la muerte. A donde vas por direccion? Que haces cuando enfrentas la tentacion? Como sabes que decision tomar? Este estudio responde esas preguntas explorando el rol de la Escritura y el Espiritu Santo en el proceso, asi como examina la toma de decisiones de personas como David, Josias, Eva y Jesus. Como resultado, oramos de que seas equipado para tomar decisiones que den gloria a Dios y paz a tu corazon. How to Make Choices You Won't Regret How to make choices now that you won't regret later. You may be wondering how you ended up where you are, whether your life would have been better if you had made different decisions along the way. Or maybe your current situation is great, but you're facing some difficult choices. God wants to help you. Every day you and I are faced with innumerable decisions, some of which have the potential to change the course of our lives forever. Certain avenues open to us are marked with hidden pitfalls or lead in harmful directions. And in some instances the wrong choice can even bring death. Where do you go for direction? What do you do when faced with temptation? How do you decide what choices to make? This study answers those questions by exploring the role of Scripture and the Holy Spirit in the process, as well as examining the decision-making of people such as David, Josiah, Eve, and Jesus. As a result, my friend, I pray you will be equipped to make choices that bring honor to God and peace to your heart. Kay Arthur

  • - Count It All Joy (Philippians)
    af Kay Arthur
    98,95 kr.

    Philippians - Count It All Joy - Precepts for Life Study Guide for the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur. (Covers whole book of Philippians.) Disappointment, pain, betrayal or the circumstances of daily life can rob you of your joy. Learn to bear all things and overcome through Christ who strengthens us. Learn how you can have all joy despite it all and rely on His promises through this letter from the Apostle Paul.

  • af Kay Arthur
    108,95 kr.

    El Plan Perfecto de Dios para la Profecia Biblica (Daniel) (13 semanas) Aunque no sabes lo que depara el manana, si sabes quien lo controla. Fortalece tu fe en este Dios firme a traves de Daniel. God's Blueprint for Bible Prophecy (Daniel) (13 weeks) Though you don't know what tomorrow holds, you do know who holds tomorrow. Strengthen your faith in a steadfast God through this study of Daniel.

  • - The King, His Kingdom, and Me (Matthew)
    af Kay Arthur
    108,95 kr.

    The Gospel of Matthew - The King, His Kingdom, and Me - Precepts for Life Study Guide for the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur. Matthew begins with Jesus' humble birth as son of David, son of Abraham and ends with His universal authority over heaven and earth, His commission to His followers to make and teach disciples of all nations, and His promise to be with them always, to the end of the age.

  • - Living for God's Glory
    af Kay Arthur
    88,95 kr.

    "Living for God's Glory" - Precepts for Life Study Guide for the radio / tv broadcast series by Kay Arthur. God commanded us to glorify Him in our bodies, which He purchased through the blood of His Son. Know God and return to His glory through this life-changing study.

  • - God's Certain Judgment (Jeremiah Part 2)
    af Kay Arthur
    108,95 kr.

    Jeremiah Part 2 - "God's Certain Judgment" - Precepts for Life Study Guide for the Radio/TV broadcast series by Kay Arthur. Before and during the Babylonian exile, the prophet Jeremiah warned God's people to repent and return. Although the people rejected the prophets and continued to disobey the Word of the Lord, God didn't reject His covenant. Study God's judgments as well as His promises of hope restoration - including a glimpse of the New Covenant.

  • af Kay Arthur
    98,95 kr.

    Victoria y No Derrota (Josue, Jueces, Rut) - (La seccion de Josue es de 4 semanas; la seccion de Jueces es de 8 semanas y la seccion de Rut es 1 semana) -por Kay Arthur - se fuerte y valiente para seguir a Dios en completa obediencia. - escogelo a El por encima de lo demas; clama a El cuando enfrentes a los enemigos; confia en El cuando todo parezca perdido. Aprende como escoger la victoria contra las abrumadoras posibilidades de estos ejemplos del Antiguo Testamento. Choosing Victory, Overcoming Defeat (Joshua, Judges, Ruth -- (Joshua section is 4 weeks; Judges section is 8 weeks; Ruth section is 1 week.) --- by Kay Arthur -- Be strong and courageous to follow God in complete obedience -- choose Him above all else; cry out to Him in the face of your enemies; trust Him when all seems lost. Learn how to choose victory in the Lord against overwhelming odds from these Old Testament examples. 5 1/4 x 8," 114 pages

  • - Return to Me (Jeremiah Part 1)
    af Kay Arthur
    108,95 kr.

    Jeremiah Part 1- "Return to Me" - Precepts for Life Study Guide for the Radio/TV broadcast series by Kay Arthur. In the days of Jeremiah, Israel's spiritual condition was much like our nation's today. God chose Jeremiah to call people to turn from sin and idolatry and return to Him. Facing unbelievable opposition, Jeremiah warned the people that God's holy wrath that would soon be poured out.

  • af Kay Arthur
    228,95 kr.

    Alguna vez abriste la Biblia y no supiste donde empezar o que hacer? Con 66 libros que comunican verdades historicas, teologicas y profeticas, no es de extranarse. Ya sea que eres un principiante o un veterano en el estudio de la Biblia, este nuevo libro rompera las barreras para encontrar las verdades de Dios a traves de Su Palabra Viva con: introducciones al trasfondo y proposito de cada libro; metodos probados de lectura, marcado y estudio de las Escrituras; mapas y cuadros de areas historicas y geograficas y "Temas para Pensar" para la aplicacion a la vida personal. Si tu o alguien mas que conoces esta buscando las riquezas del conocimiento de Dios pero se esta haciendo muy dificil, este es el libro para ti! Ever opened a Bible and not known where to go or what to do? With 66 books that communicate historical, theological, and prophetic truths, it's no wonder. Whether you're a beginning Bible student or a seasoned veteran, this new book will break down the barriers to encountering God through His Living Word with: Introductions to the setting and purpose of each book; Proven methods of reading, marking, and studying Scripture; Maps and charts of historic and geographic areas; and "Things to Think About" for personal life application. If you or someone you know is searching for the richness of the knowledge of God but having a hard time of it, this book is for you!

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