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  • af JJ Marsh
    160,95 kr.

    Eine vergessene Geschichte über Mut, Überzeugung und Liebe, die auf wahren Begebenheiten Beruht.1917: Europa steht an der Schwelle zu einem seismischen Wandel. Im Alpendorf St. Niklaus scheint der Krieg weit weg zu sein. Doch jeder führt einen persönlichen Kampf.Im Schatten der Berge hilft die 14-jährige Seraphine Mama bei der Bewirtschaftung des Bauernhofs, während Papa die Schweizer Grenzen verteidigt. Sie träumt davon, die Welt zu sehen. Nach dem Krieg. Ein junger Medizinstudent kommt ins Tal. Unter der Obhut eines örtlichen Arztes setzt er auf eine revolutionäre Idee. Er ist entschlossen, die Welt zu verändern. Nach dem Krieg. Dr. Bayard kann nicht bis nach dem Krieg warten. Am schönsten Ort der Welt leiden die Menschen noch immer an einer jahrhundertealten Krankheit. Bewaffnet mit einer These, zwei Säcken Salz und einem Maultier erklimmt Bayard den Berg, fest entschlossen, das winzige Dorf zu heilen. Die Wege zweier junger Menschen kreuzen sich unerwartet in turbulenten Zeiten - vor dem Hintergrund eines Landarztes und seinem Kampf gegen Aberglauben, Vorurteile und falschen Stolz. Das Salz dieser Erde handelt von einer Reise voller Tapferkeit, von gebrochenen Herzen, die ihrem Ruf folgen und von der Suche nach Liebe und Heilung im Angesicht einer ungewissen Zukunft."Sorgfältig recherchiert und wunderschön geschrieben, erzählt dieser faszinierende Roman die wenig bekannte Geschichte eines lebensverändernden medizinischen Durchbruchs während den Wirren des Ersten Weltkriegs." - Clare Flynn, Autorin von Die Perle von Penang"Eine eindringliche und herzzerreißende Geschichte über die Heilung einer der verheerendsten Krankheiten der Geschichte." - Liza Perrat, Autorin von The Bone Angel

  • af JJ Marsh
    148,95 kr.

    Based on true events, a forgotten story of courage, conviction and love. 1917: Europe is on the cusp of seismic change. In the Alpine village of St Niklaus, the war seems far away. Yet everyone is fighting a personal battle. In the shadow of a mountain, 14-year-old Seraphine helps Mama manage the farm while Papa defends Swiss borders. She dreams of seeing the world. After the war. A young medical graduate arrives in the valley. Under the patronage of a local doctor, he puts his faith in a revolutionary idea. He is determined to influence the world. After the war. Dr Bayard cannot wait until after the war. In the most beautiful place on earth, people still suffer from a centuries-old affliction. Armed with a theory, two sacks of salt and a mule, Bayard climbs a mountain, intent on treating one tiny village. The paths of two unlikely young people cross in turbulent times - against the backdrop of one country doctor's fight against folklore, prejudice and false pride. Salt of the Earth is a journey of bravery and broken hearts following their call. A quest for love and healing in the face of precarious destiny. "Meticulously researched and beautifully written, this fascinating novel tells the little-known story of a life-changing medical breakthrough in the tumultuous times of WWI." - Clare Flynn, author of The Pearl of Penang "A powerful and heart-breaking tale of a cure for one of history's most devastating ailments." Liza Perrat, author of The Bone Angel trilogy

  • af JJ Marsh
    183,95 kr.

    Sie zieht Ärger nicht einfach an. Sie sucht ihn.Beatrice Stubbs, die sich eine Auszeit von der Metropolitan Police genommen hat, denkt auf einer Reise durch Nordspanien über ihre Zukunft nach.Im Baskenland trifft sie auf eine alte Bekannte. Die schöne, eigensinnige Journalistin Ana Herrero ist einer Story auf der Spur.Beatrice, die das Abenteuer wittert, bietet ihr Fachwissen an. Die beiden Frauen stoßen auf eine geheimnisvolle Welt des Scheins. Vermisste Personen, gewalttätige Einschüchterungen und Betrug im großen Stil passen überhaupt nicht zum Klischee der auf Hochglanz polierten Weinregion.Doch ihre Ermittlungen sind gefährlich, und bald stecken die beiden bis zum Hals in Korruption, Erpressung und Rioja.Wer Martin Walker, DL Sayers und Louise Penny mag, wird Fehltritt lieben.Jedes Buch der Beatrice-Stubbs-Reihe kann für sich allein gelesen werden.Rezensionen der englischen Originalversion:"Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie sie das macht, aber ich habe wirklich das Gefühl, dass die Szenen und Figuren zum Leben erwachen."5* Bewertung auf Amazon DE"Ein weiteres Juwel in dieser ausgezeichneten Reihe."5* Bewertung auf Amazon US"Ich würde mir wirklich wünschen, dass diese Serie ewig weitergeht."5* Bewertung auf Amazon UK"Wie ein guter Wein, der mit dem Alter immer besser wird ..."5* Bewertung auf Amazon UK

  • af JJ Marsh
    183,95 kr.

    London 2012. Eine portugiesische Putzfrau unter einer Eisenbahnbrücke. Zwei Schulmädchen am Ufer eines Kanals. Eine französische Studentin an einer Bushaltestelle. Alle Opfer desselben Wiederholungstäters.Der Strolch muss gestoppt werden, bevor Entblößung in Übergriff ausartet. Aber wie fängt man jemanden, der sich in der Londoner U-Bahn herumtreibt und nicht mehr als einen Schatten hinterlässt?Beatrice Stubbs schließt sich mit der British Transport Police zusammen, um dem Triebtäter eine Falle zu stellen. Doch die Kooperation ist spannungsgeladen, der Erfolgsdruck lastet schwer. Hinzu kommt privater Ärger: Unbekannte versuchen mit allen Mitteln, ihre Ferienschnappschüsse zu zerstören. Was war ihr an jenem abgelegenen Strand in Wales ungewollt vor die Linse geraten? Ihr Lebenspartner und ihr Nachbar beschließen, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen. Aber Amateurdetektive und professionelle Kriminelle sind eine gefährliche Mischung ...Von den einsamen Stränden Pembrokeshires zu den dunklen Unterführungen Londons bis hin zu den abgelegenen Landstrichen Irlands, Rohmaterial konfrontiert Beatrice mit den dunklen Seiten der menschlichen Natur.Beatrice Stubbs - Kriminalinspektorin, Metaphernmixerin und hartnäckige Überlebenskünstlerin. Die britische Krimiserie, die den Spagat zwischen Ernst und Leichtigkeit wagt und sowohl unterhalten als auch zum Nachdenken anregen will.

  • af JJ Marsh
    148,95 kr.

    If a snake can shed its skin, why can't a woman?Olivia Jones specialises in running from trouble and she's had a whole lot of practice. Only one thing could force her out of the shadows: fear.Her family is in danger. Somewhere in Southeast Asia hides a man with the power to call off her pursuers. If she can find him, if he forgives her, she might learn what has happened to her sister.From Hong Kong to Macau, the most densely populated city on earth, she must track a tiger. By day, she follows his footprints. By night, she uses old skills, playing the casinos while avoiding the gambling mafia. A cynical opportunist, she trusts neither friend nor enemy. Loyalty is a luxury she cannot afford.Prey becomes predator. But who is hunting the hunter?From Chinese gambling dens to Yorkshire moors to private London clubs, Olivia's survival depends on slaying all her dragons.

  • af JJ Marsh
    113,95 kr.

    It takes a villageBeatrice travels to Barcelona with Will and Adrian for an Easter city/beach break. Surrealism, a triathlon and city streets prove exhausting. The trio decamp to Sitges for rest and relaxation. Beatrice makes a friend who invites her to a cultural event. When the spectacle goes tragically wrong, an ex-detective cannot forget what she saw. Against her will, old habits drag Beatrice into an enquiry. Soon she is trawling the fishing village of Sirenes, searching for the saboteur. Local people mistrust good intentions from an outsider. The trail leads her along the coast, in the footsteps of Salvador Dalí, to the Roman ruins of Tarragona and down the depths of a well. Only by gathering an unruly band of warriors can she hope to behead the monster.It takes an army to defeat a dragon. "I'm in love with Beatrice!" - David Hahn

  • af JJ Marsh
    148,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    148,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    113,95 kr.

    188,95 kr.

  • af Marsh JJ Marsh
    158,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    113,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    278,95 kr.

    British crime fiction where characters become people and place is part of the story.For lovers of intelligent crime fiction, three more heart-racing European adventures in one boxset.Beatrice Stubbs of Scotland Yard: detective inspector, metaphor mixer and stubborn survivor.Battling crime by day and her own demons by night, the question is always the same.Justice or the law?"If you've not yet read Beatrice Stubbs, I envy you. What a treat you have in store." Cold Pressed: "Two things people fear the most? Change and death."Santorini. Turquoise seas, ancient ruins and beautiful sunsets. And a woman thrown from a cliff. The violent death shocks fellow passengers of the Empress Louise, a grand cruise liner packed with British tourists. DI Beatrice Stubbs flies to Greece to assist. When another lady is killed in her cabin, terror spreads like contagion. Murder is aboard and someone has Beatrice in his sights. Revenge is a dish best served cold. Human Rites: "Judgement is in the eye of the beholder."Adrian Harvey has a stalker. Someone is stealing his post, vandalising his shop and making allegations to the police. And who is that nun? When DI Beatrice Stubbs is dispatched to Germany to investigate art theft, Adrian seizes the chance to flee the city. Yet the stalker is still on his heels. Adrian runs from danger to the remote island of Sylt. But danger follows and Adrian has run too far. Bad Apples: "Some people are just rotten to the core."A police conference in Portugal is hardly a dangerous assignment, so Beatrice Stubbs invites family and friends for a holiday. It should be the perfect work-life balance. Until one of her colleagues is murdered. An eclectic alliance of international detectives forms to find the assassin. But are they really on the same side? Meanwhile, tensions rise at the holiday villa. A clash of egos sours the atmosphere and when a five-year-old child disappears, their idyll turns hellish. Trust can be a fatal mistake.If you enjoy Alexander McCall Smith, Jacqueline Winspear and David Hewson, you'll love Boxset Two.Please note the paperback boxset is an omnibus edition, i.e. three novels in one big fat fabulous book

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

    British crime fiction where characters become people and place is part of the story.A half truth is a whole lie.Ecco, the world-famous Michelin-starred restaurant in Naples, has a problem. A chef is dead and there's a spy in the kitchen, selling their secrets to competitors. What they need is a food-loving detective to go undercover. Isabella Lopez knows just the person.Over Holy Week in Italy, Beatrice Stubbs takes on her first paid job as a private investigator, accompanied by family and friends. Posing as a wannabe pastry chef, her job is to hook the worm out of the apple.Meanwhile, her men folk explore the city, the volcano and the ruins of Pompeii, followed by a man in a black beret. Who or what does he want?At the restaurant, kitchen staff are scared and mistrustful, the head chef is explosive and Beatrice's culinary skills lack finesse. The pressure is on. She sets a trap for the mole before anyone else gets killed.The Neapolitan family network and business links grow increasingly tangled, dragging in everyone Beatrice loves. This catch is bigger than she thought and she can't handle it alone.Has PI Stubbs bitten off more than she can chew?Each book works as a stand-alone novel.If you enjoy Andrea Camilleri, Peter Grainger and Donna Leon, you'll love Honey Trap."A thrilling new direction for Beatrice Stubbs amidst the chaos, beauty and gastronomy of historical Naples."- Liza Perrat, author of The Bone Angel Series"I thoroughly enjoyed Jill Marsh's presentation of a hot and flustered Beatrice Stubbs amidst Italian pots, pans and flans, who at the flick of a whisk, manages to regain her cool and resolve a tricky Neapolitan intrigue and murder." - Janys Hyde, owner at Creative Retreats, Italy

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

    British crime fiction where characters become people and place is part of the story.Love is a driving passion.So is hate.December in a small Devonshire village is the perfect time for a Yuletide fête, a wedding or a murder.Now retired, Beatrice Stubbs is busy with wedding preparations. Not for herself - co-habiting with Matthew is as far as she's prepared to commit - but Adrian and Will are getting married. She's Chief Bridesmaid and the theme is Narnia.When a local celebrity dies in suspicious circumstances, Matthew encourages Beatrice to do a little private investigating. Her enquiries turn up more than predicted and she discovers her nearest and dearest are capable of deceit.A snowstorm hits the village and Beatrice chases a lead, throwing everyone's plans into disarray and threatening lives. Ancient forests conceal a complex web of connections and loyalties, false reputations and poison.Each book works as a stand-alone novel.If you enjoy PD James, LJ Ross and Agatha Christie, you'll love Snow Angel. "A classic village murder mystery, packed with comforts and crimes at Christmas with rural traditions at its heart" - Debbie Young, author of The Sophie Sayers Mysteries.

  • af JJ Marsh
    287,95 kr.

    Truth is a wild beast.Approach with patience and zeal, else it eludes you.Beatrice has developed a delicate nose for lies. It gets the old hound into trouble all the time - with criminals, Scotland Yard politics and even her friends.Battling crime by day and her own demons by night, the question remains: justice or the law?Behind Closed Doors sees Beatrice seconded to Switzerland. Wealthy, powerful men are committing suicide. Or are they? When the same DNA is found at each scene, DI Stubbs suspects someone is dispensing a personal retribution. Beneath the chocolate and charm, Zurich hides many secrets.In Raw Material, Beatrice is divided. Hunting a sex offender on London Underground while trying to investigate illegal activity on a Welsh beach stretches her to her limits. Her partner and neighbour decide to assist. But amateur detectives and professional criminals make a bad mix.Time for a sabbatical in Tread Softly. A gourmet trip to the north of Spain is exactly what DI Stubbs needs. Until she meets an old acquaintance who lures her into an investigation. Beatrice is up to her neck in missing persons, murder, corruption and Rioja. If you enjoy Kate Atkinson, Patricia Highsmith and Sue Grafton, you'll love Boxset One.Please note the paperback boxset is an omnibus edition, i.e. three novels in one big fat fabulous bookThe Beatrice Stubbs Series, recommended by:The Bookseller (Editor's Choice), Guardian Readers' Recommend, Bookmuse Award, Libris Reviews, Judging Covers, Book Reviews Plus and more"If you've never encountered Beatrice, you have the most almighty thrill coming." - The Bagster, Amazon

  • af JJ Marsh
    128,95 kr.

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

    British crime fiction where characters become people and place is part of the story."You don't attract trouble. You go looking for it."On a sabbatical from the Metropolitan Police, Beatrice Stubbs is considering her future while touring Northern Spain.In the Basque County, she encounters a distant acquaintance. Beautiful, bloody-minded journalist Ana Herrero is onto a story.Beatrice, scenting adventure, offers her expertise. The two women are sucked into a mystery of missing persons, violent threats, mutilated bodies and industrial-scale fraud. They are out of their depth. With no official authority and unsure who to trust, they find themselves up to their necks in corruption, blackmail and Rioja.Beatrice calls for the cavalry. The boys are back, and this time, it's a matter of taste. But when her instincts prove fallible, Beatrice discovers that justice is a matter of interpretation.Each book works as a stand-alone novel.If you enjoy Martin Walker, DL Sayers and Louise Penny, you'll love Tread Softly. "The novel oozes atmosphere and JJ Marsh captures the sights, sounds and richness of Spain in all its glory. I literally salivated as I read the descriptions of food and wine. JJ Marsh is an extremely talented author and this is a wonderful novel." - Sheila Bugler, author of Hunting Shadows"There are moments of farce and irony, there are scenes of friendship, tenderness and total exasperation - and underlying it all a story of corruption, brutality, manipulation and oppression with all the elements you'd expect to find in a good thriller, including a truly chilling villain." - Lorna Fergusson, FictionFire"Read this and you'll be desperate for a seat on a Vitoria balcony with a glass of white Rioja, a plate of pinxtos and the next Beatrice Stubbs to accompany them." - Annemarie Neary, author of Siren

  • af JJ Marsh
    143,95 kr.

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