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  • - Захватывающие приключения улыбчивого бе
    af Pan Kladnik
    121,95 kr.

    Счастливое путешествие - серия книг для детей и их родителей Приглашаем вас в "Счастливое путешествие" - самый первый лаповодитель по удивительной природе разных стран. В этом путеводителе Счастливчик - настоящий пёсик - научит ваших детей любоваться и уважать природу, беречь и защищать всех животных. Он также расскажет им о бесконечном круговороте жизни. Присоединившись к Счастливчику в его путешествии, ваши дети узнают о лесах, деревьях и цветах, реках, морях, озерах и болотах, пещерах, горах и природных памятниках. Они узнают о временах года, познакомятся с другими собаками и животными, детьми и взрослыми и, самое главное, узнают о дружбе и любви. Серия книг, которую будут покупать бабушки и дедушки - чтобы научить своих детей - правильно учить своих внуков. НАШИ ЦЕЛИ 1. Воссоединить детей и родителей с природой 2. Привлечь детей к активному отдыху на природе 3. Научить их сдержанности и пониманию важности защиты природы, познакомить их с разнообразием мира и развить наблюдательность. 4. Заработать много денег ) - для поддержки наших международных акций по уборке (это то, чем мы занимаемся, взгляните на наш сайт и поддержке приютов для животных. Это было единственным условием Счастливчика, прежде чем он согласился позировать для наших книг. Мы дали ему слово. И печеньку ) АВТОРЫ Эта серия книг выпущена "Хранителями Земли", международным движением по защите природы. Авторы в основном принадлежат к семейству Кладник из Словении. Три мальчика, девочка и песик, все любители активного отдыха. Богдан (отец) - фотограф и писатель, автор более 90 книг и основатель "Хранителей". Пан (старший сын) - писатель и соавтор первых двух официальных книг о знаменитом храме Шаолинь в Китае. Жан (младший сын) - дизайнер и компьютерный волшебник & Ника (наш друг) - писатель и опытный эксперт по животным. И Счастливчик, белая швейцарская овчарка, наш мохнатый брат и лучший друг... и наш босс.

  • af Kayon Watson
    133,95 kr.

    Este libro es para los creyentes cristianos que desean una comprensión y un entendimiento más profundos de la tercera persona en el cuerpo de la Divinidad (El Espíritu Santo). Creo que este libro cambiará su forma de pensar y cultivará su espíritu para conocer y comprender el papel y el propósito del Espíritu Santo en su vida; no se verá a sí mismo como antes, y tampoco verá al Espíritu de Dios como antes. La voluntad del Señor es que todos sus hijos estén provistos del conocimiento de su persona para que puedan elevarse con el poder del Espíritu Santo por encima de cualquier circunstancia que intente desviar su propósito divino. Dentro de las páginas de este libro, algunas revelaciones agitarán su espíritu y le harán profundizar en las cosas que son de Dios. Ruego que para cuando termine de leer este libro el Espíritu Santo ilumine su mente y le haga ser un poderoso ganador de almas y un influencer de Dios a través de esta tierra con poderosas señales, maravillas y milagros. Deje que surja el ADN de Dios en usted y que muera toda naturaleza carnal para el avance del reino de Dios en la Tierra. Que Dios ilumine su entendimiento y aumente su capacidad espiritual mientras lee.

  • af Roi Shternin
    178,95 kr.

    The Little Handbook of Patient Communication is a guide for healthcare professionals on how to communicate effectively with their patients. It covers key themes such as storytelling, empathy, education, and resiliency. The book provides a toolkit of best practices and strategies to help healthcare professionals empower their patients and improve their health outcomes.

  • af Evelyn Samuel
    283,95 kr.

    English Book 1 teaches new learners the basics of the English language. Book 1 introduces the student to simple words. Each word is next to its picture. Simple tasks are used to test, recall and use of the word.

  • af Evelyn Samuel
    148,95 kr.

    The Tempest is created in a unique style with detailed explanations next to the original text. Characters, themes, language, writing styles, typical exam questions explored in a super super easy way for students to achieve top grades. Excellent reviews by both students and strong recommendation by parents.

  • af Nell Puetter
    293,95 kr.

    Do you yearn for an unshakeable sense of calmness and unwavering confidence? It's a universal desire, but let's be honest - if it were as simple as making a choice, you'd have achieved it long ago.As an award-winning Self-Leadership Trainer and Coach, I've crossed paths with numerous leaders, creatives, and entrepreneurs who outwardly appeared poised and accomplished, yet battled inner doubts and fears that threatened to unveil their vulnerabilities. Strangely, the more they pretended, the deeper their insecurity grew.This book is your guide to embracing true, authentic "Calmfidence" that flows effortlessly from within. Say goodbye to tiresome affirmations, false pretences, and endless analysis. Instead, discover a holistic, sustainable approach that delves deeper.I invite you to nurture a healthy relationship with every aspect of yourself, harnessing the innate power of maintaining calmness and confidence. Unearth the secret of self-trust and learn how to integrate it into your daily life.Like a resilient plant pushing through concrete, this Blueprint aims to thrive amidst mental clutter and inner turmoil. Explore techniques to access and activate trust in your Core Self while addressing the interferences that hinder your progress.This approach revolves around embracing your entire inner world, fostering unity and harmony within. You can't erase your shadows, but you can gently illuminate them, transforming them into allies with grace and ease. By accepting and healing every facet of yourself, you'll cultivate innate self-trust. Why is this essential? Because living with innate self-trust transforms everything - from your relationships to your career.As a result, you'll discover yourself centred, clear, and brimming with inner Calmfidence. You'll prioritise what truly resonates with your Core Self, channeling your energy into meaningful experiences aligned with your purpose.My deepest wish is to assist you in unleashing the most authentic, joyful, and successful version of yourself - the Captain of your life!Calmfidence, that elusive treasure, is within your reach. Within these pages, you'll embark on the journey to unlock the limitless potential within you.To your innermost Calmfidence, Inside Out!Nell Puetter

  • af Gov V Taylor El Minister Khnum
    373,95 kr.

  • af Jeremy Tompkins
    198,95 kr.

    Open competition between textbook publishers was to begin in 1960 in Canada's most populated province, Ontario. Decisions made here impact English students cross-country. Unbeknownst to authors, publishers and teachers, government also created a covert censorship process. Hundreds of textbooks majority approved by paid subject expert panels were then rejected by the education bureaucracy. Publishers were sent fraudulent rejection letters.

  • af &#24396, &#29983 & Mison C
    125,95 kr.

    即使是在最黑暗的時刻,也要握緊希望。信念是我們唯一的救贖。 When the darkest time comes, please hold tide to the hope. Faith is our only salvation. [中英雙語 Chinese & English]

  • af Kiana Frederick
    98,95 kr.

    This book tells the story of Maya, a little black girl with big dreams. Maya loves to dance and dreams of performing on a stage, inspiring others with her talent. One day, she meets a wise old tree who encourages her to believe in herself and trust her heart. With newfound courage, Maya practices tirelessly and catches the attention of a famous dance crew who invites her to join them. Her story spreads far and wide, inspiring other little black girls to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams. Maya's journey teaches the importance of determination, self-belief, and the power to inspire others. The book encourages young black girls to dream big, knowing that they are capable of achieving greatness and making a positive impact in the world.

  • af Brandon J. J. Board
    293,95 kr.

    "Petrichor - The Divine Scent" is not just a captivating anthology of poetry and artwork, but a comprehensive educational journey into the intricate world of poetic forms. This book offers both a sensory voyage and a fascinating study of 24 unique poetic styles, each showcasing the deep bond between smell, memory, emotion, and imagination. Our journey is divided into seven thematic sections, each revolving around a distinct scent-related concept: 'Petrichor,' 'Piquant,' 'Cloy,' 'Sillage,' 'Fetid,' 'Nascent,' and 'Redolent.' Each of these sections is home to seven individual poems, each one showcasing a different poetic form, ranging from sonnets and limericks to free verse and beyond. This offers an enlightening exploration of each form's structure, origin, and application, intensifying the reader's understanding and appreciation of poetic craft. To amplify the sensory immersion, every poem is paired with a piece of carefully curated artwork, forming a harmonious blend of linguistic mastery and visual allure. Step into the world of 'Petrichor,' where the nostalgic scent of earth after rain comes alive through a diverse tapestry of poetic forms. Delve into the 'Piquant' realm of spices, where an assortment of poetic styles spark a dance of intensity and warmth. Navigate the 'Cloy' of sweetness and deception, wander through the 'Sillage' of past experiences, brave the 'Fetid' odors of malice and decay, rejoice in the 'Nascent' fragrance of fresh beginnings, and bask in the 'Redolent' aroma of love and remembrance, all the while encountering a myriad of poetic styles. "Petrichor - The Divine Scent" offers more than a collection of poetry and art; it's an immersive, instructive journey through the universe of scents and verse, promising to resonate with readers long after the final page is turned.

  • af Evelyn Samuel
    158,95 kr.

    An Inspector Calls is created in a unique style with detailed explanations next to the original text. Characters, themes, language, writing styles, typical exam questions explored in a super super easy way for students to achieve top grades. Excellent reviews by both students and strong recommendation by parents.

  • af Evelyn Samuel
    188,95 kr.

    Hamlet is created in a unique style with detailed explanations next to the original text. Characters, themes, language, writing styles, typical exam questions explored in a super super easy way for students to achieve top grades. Excellent reviews by both students and strong recommendation by parents.

  • af Evelyn Samuel
    183,95 kr.

    A Midsummer Night's Dream is created in a unique style with detailed explanations next to the original text. Characters, themes, language, writing styles, typical exam questions explored in a super super easy way for students to achieve top grades. Excellent reviews by both students and strong recommendation by parents.

  • af J. S. Parker
    328,95 kr.

    Following two brutal years of torture and confinement in Bedlam's asylum for the insane, Jack Thorne has escaped his captors and has fled to Victorian era Gotham City.Upon his arrival, a new string of Ripper style murders commence...ones Jack himself has no earthly knowledge of.Back in his homeland, a rookie British cop is put on the now cold case. The very infamous one stemming from the canonical Whitechapel butcherings of 1888.Soon the detective teams up with a beautiful American jounalist who is working abroad, and, upon news of the new series of serial murders in Gotham, they catch the Ripper's trail.Ultimately, in the face of his many demons, Jack must race against time to prove his innocence...or find his hidden truths more sinister than they seem.

  • af Grete Stars
    128,95 kr.

    Este libro Oráculo será una ayuda inestimable para estos tiempos inciertos. Déjate guiar por la sabiduría del Cosmos, la magia y tu intuición.El poder está dentro de nosotros, solo hay que saber escuchar. Este libro mágico te mostrará las respuestas para no desviarte de tu camino. Un camino sabio y lleno de luz.Formula una pregunta en tu interior y pide al libro que te ilumine. Su consejo y sabiduría te sorprenderán y a la vez, te harán sentir que tú ya todo lo sabías. Libro, magia, Universo y mente, todos están unidos, todos saben las respuestas. Bienvenido a una vida sabia y plena.Inspirado en la sabiduría milenaria del I-ching y de la numerología.Formula una pregunta en tu interior y escoge al azar una página del libro: la respuesta se te mostrará.

  • af Evelyn Samuel
    163,95 kr.

    Othello is created in a unique style with detailed explanations next to the original text. Characters, themes, language, writing styles, typical exam questions explored in a super super easy way for students to achieve top grades. Excellent reviews by both students and strong recommendation by parents.

  • af Evelyn Samuel
    173,95 kr.

    Romeo and Juliet is created in a unique style with detailed explanations next to the original text. Characters, themes, language, writing styles, typical exam questions explored in a super super easy way for students to achieve top grades. Excellent reviews by both students and strong recommendation by parents.

  • af Evelyn Samuel
    168,95 kr.

    A Christmas Carol is created in a unique style with detailed explanations next to the original text. Characters, themes, language, writing styles, typical exam questions explored in a super super easy way for students to achieve top grades. Excellent reviews by both students and strong recommendation by parents.

  • af Green Roots
    188,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in the world of vegetable gardening with our comprehensive guide, "Fruit and Veggies 101 - Vegetable Companion Planting". This guide opens a new dimension in home gardening that emphasizes the harmonious growth of vegetables together. In this guide, you will discover the beneficial pairings of the most common garden vegetables and learn how to apply them in your own garden. It's not just about planting seeds and hoping for the best; it's about understanding the relationships between different vegetables and using that knowledge to create a thriving, chemical-free garden. This guide is infused with practical and easy-to-understand techniques that bring the concept of companion planting to life - while serving as a handy reference that can be turned to at any point during your gardening journey. All it takes is effective planning, wise plant selection, and basic upkeep to flourish as a gardener. The list of timeless and invaluable resources from this guide is immeasurable, so here are some key takeaways you'll discover in "Fruit and Veggies 101 - Vegetable Companion Planting" The science behind companion planting, providing evidence-based insights on why certain plant combinations work better than others - while proving an understanding of how plants interact with and influence each other, allowing you to make informed decisions about what to plant together for optimal growth. In-depth context on the various techniques specific to companion planting such as crop rotation, intercropping, and succession planting, while understanding how these methods can be used to maximize the benefits of your companion vegetable garden. Discover and understand how different vegetables have unique growth habits, soil preferences, and compatibility with other plants, while ensuring your garden's conditions from soil quality to watering schedules are optimal for your chosen plants. Discover how to maximize your garden space, by understanding the different gardening types as well as strategical placement of your plants for mutual benefits, while establishing a planting schedule for continuous harvest. Understand the concept of natural pest and disease control - how strategic plant placement can create a balanced ecosystem that naturally deters pests and attracts beneficial insects to create a healthier garden environment. "Fruit and Veggies 101 - Vegetable Companion Planting" isn't just a gardening book; it's a transformative guide that will shift and teach you how to cultivate home grown organic vegetables in a manner that is beneficial to your garden, health, and desired vegetables. By understanding and applying the principles of companion planting, you'll be able to create a rich and thriving vegetable garden. Whether you're an experienced gardener looking to refine your techniques or a novice excited to cultivate your first vegetable plot, " Fruit and Veggies 101 - Vegetable Companion Planting " is an invaluable resource that will aid you on your gardening journey. So, begin your journey today!

  • af Timothy Rose
    163,95 kr.

  • af Lifted Atlas
    313,95 kr.

    Ascending: A Guide to Personal Evolution is a 133 page guide teaching you how to rewire the mind and find higher purpose. If you are someone with goals and ambition but feels stuck or is unsure of where to start, this is for you.If you feel lost or under pressure due to the wide array of obstacles and distractions we often face in society, this book is for you. With the correct steps taken and appliance of specific knowledge and practice, you will access drastic levels of success, fulfillment, and evolution. Includes introduction and breakdown into the 5 Major Components of Personal Evolution + Guided Exercises, Optimization Strategies + Personal Blueprint Template. This tool can be used as a roadmap or guide towards success and growth. In other words, use this to understand, identify, and cultivate your ultimate vision in life.

  • af Frank O'Cain
    368,95 kr.

  • af Green Roots
    163,95 kr.

  • af Gary Smith
    198,95 kr.

  • af Edwin Brightwater
    98,95 kr.

    Can a child win against a world gone evil?A mysterious vote. A rural town under siege. An old slaughterhouse ready for the unspeakable. And one nine-year-old girl who risks everything to stand against evil.When her small town must enforce the result of a mysterious referendum, Mei-lin Johnson's life is turned upside down. The town is blockaded by foreign soldiers, there are government spies in her school, and no-one's allowed to talk about it. Although she's just nine years old, Mei-lin is sure that something terrible will happen. And she's right-though the barbarity will take a gruesome form wildly beyond even her darkest fears.The life of her beloved companion Anna Katz, an elderly war veteran living with Mei-lin's family, is at stake. Now the young girl must decide whether to risk everything against a strange, invisible, all-powerful enemy. What happens when a feisty nine-year-old girl takes on a world that's gone evil?This horror-suspense novella by Edwin Brightwater is set in rural New Zealand during an alternate version of the 1980s. Tensely paced in gripping prose, its characters must confront hard issues of personal courage, morality, and abuse of power-with a stunning ending whose final twist you won't see coming!Get your copy now!

  • af Dimitri Gilles
    148,95 kr.

    "La Aventura Nocturna de la Curiosa Fatima" es un relato de exploración, imaginación y diversión. Fatima, una niña inquisitiva y aventurera, es invitada a una pijamada en casa de su amiga Juliet. En medio de la noche, un extraño ruido en el ático despierta su curiosidad. Ignorando el consejo de sus padres de respetar la privacidad de los demás, Fatima decide investigar el origen del sonido. Lo que sigue es una aventura que dura toda la noche, donde Fatima descubre tesoros olvidados, una pintura inacabada, viejos cómics, ropa vintage y una caja de zapatos llena de recuerdos. En lugar de causar travesuras, ella añade encanto al ático, termina la pintura, escribe en el libro de cuentos e incluso realiza un espectáculo de títeres para sí misma. Al final, Fatima se queda dormida en el ático, sus sueños llenos de las historias que descubrió y creó.

  • af Dimitri Gilles
    118,95 kr.

    Dive into the thrilling adventure of two brave brothers, Benny and Kako, as they embark on a journey to explore a mysterious forest near their village. In "Benny and Kako's The Forest of Fate", the bond of brotherhood is put to the test as they traverse treacherous terrains, face the harsh winter weather, and encounter various wild animals, all in the heart of a cold winter forest. Lost and afraid in the deep, dark woods, the brothers find themselves surrounded by eerie sounds that fill the chilly night. Their courage wavers under the oppressive darkness and the lurking danger around them. Yet, in their darkest hour, a mysterious figure emerges, providing them with much-needed guidance, food, and warmth.

  • af Edwin Brightwater
    218,95 kr.

    When evil comes calling, it's time to show some sass.A gay man warring with his true nature. A body-swapping demon feasting on society's weakest souls. And an East Asian megacity whose sassy heroes are the last, best hope in the struggle against evil.Kino Lim is young, Singaporean, and gay. Repulsed by his sexuality, he joins a fundamentalist church, hoping to pray away the gay-but the congregation's perverted pastor betrays Kino to a soul-devouring demon. Known as Samon, the demon loathes queers, and he can't wait to consume Kino's failing soul.Samon's demonic powers include slowing time and disappearing his enemies into thin air. He's got a horde of living zombies at his command. All but invincible, Samon murders everyone who gets in his way, and it won't be long until he tracks down Kino in the outskirts of Taipei.Kino's last, best hope is a motley bunch of sassy fighters: his boy-next-door Taiwanese roommate, a trigger-happy lesbian cop, one crazy rideshare driver with fists even faster than her mouth, and a cleaning lady who moonlights as a witch. With the help of a blind woman time-traveling from the future and a mystical force that lives beneath Taipei, will this band of spunky warriors find a way to defeat all-powerful evil?Set in buzzing Taipei, "To Kill A Demon" is a fast-paced tale of gothic horror that races forward to a twisty, jaw-dropping finale. Its lush prose and powerful themes-sexuality, identity, courage and solidarity, the power of love, family, and friendship-will stay with the reader long after turning the last page.If you're a fan of horror or dark fantasy by grandmasters like Stephen King, Shirley Jackson, or Neil Gaiman, you're going to love "To Kill A Demon." And if you enjoy queer horror and David and Goliath underdog stories full of sass, this book is for you!Scroll up and grab your copy now!

  • af Jeffrey Neil Kippel
    163,95 kr.

    "An excellent, bizarre, intelligent and hilarious piece of work." - Michael Evan, SciFi Literary Publicist & Podcast Host"It's adventurous, fun, surprising and I couldn't put it down!" - Joel Mandelbaum, #1 Best Selling AuthorDive into the craziest sci-fi adventure this side of the Milky Way!Hop aboard your spaceship and join Serbinand the intergalactic adventurer as he explores all of the weird, wacky, and downright absurd things the universe has to offer. From out-of-this-world cuisine to colorful characters, alien adversaries, and outlandish adventures close to home, readers will be invited to join a larger-than-life comedy saga that flirts with the bizarre, the sublime, and the head-scratching-ly ridiculous!When Serbinand and Jime miraculously switch bodies, they embark on a side-splitting and strangely heartwarming saga that shares a profound message about resilience, friendship, discovery, and the surprising value of experiencing new perspectives (all while giving you a good chuckle along the way!)From snack-themed adventures to sticky situations on planet Earth and all across the galaxy, this book strikes the perfect mix of anything-goes hilarity and crazy imagination. As a must-read for fans of classics like Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Monty Python, Futurama, and Rick and Morty, book one of The Ridiculous is a hilarious novel that reads like one giant comedy skit.So grab your copy today!

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