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  • af John Bunyan
    104,95 kr.

    There is a dark side to light, you know. Evil wears many disguises. It always camouflages itself as other than it is; and, good men are deceived. The very nature of deception is that the deceived do not know that they are deceived. There is a dark side to light, you know. In the midst of the darkness - the children of light! The backdrop - spiritual warfare. This Christian Classic -- The Holy War -- is a book of spiritual warfare written by a man who was fully engaged, John Bunyan. He illumines the mind and challenges the spirit with stories of powerfully insightful symbolic battles that illustrate biblical truth. Through this powerful allegory, you will learn how to: (1) Build up your defenses and (2) prepare for war!Bunyan will illuminate your understanding and show you: · When your will is in line with Christ, you can accomplish anything· Spiritual attack is constant and can be deadly.· The enemy will stop at nothing to possess your soul.· Christ the Conqueror is on your side, and with His help, you have nothing to fear! Bunyan will illuminate your understanding and show you that, with Christ the Conqueror on your side, you have nothing to fear One of the Finest! Powerfully-Written! Profound!

  • af A. W. Tozer
    83,95 kr.

    Know this: The LORD is near, very near - and He hears your silent cry. He knows your desperation, your loneliness. He sees your tears, your heartbreak, your disappointment, your pain.The Christ made with human hands -- the Christ made of stone, of wood, or of plaster, that Christ is not real. That Christ cannot help you.The Christ, the Son of God, the Christ who is Very God of Very God, He is not only real but near, very near. He can and will help you. He weeps with your weeping - not because He is powerless, but because He knows and understands your situation, your circumstance, your anxieties and your fear -- better than you do. He understands you better than you understand yourself. So, learn to listen. Listen now. Listen for God's voice -- hear the language - and understand

  • af Thomas Watson
    113,95 kr.

  • af Arthur Washington Pink
    88,95 kr.

  • af Marie Grace
    208,95 kr.

    A federal agent, who is definitely a bossy lady, forces the mountain men to take her back down into the dangerous canyon to search for killers. A human trap is set, and these criminals are in for a painful surprise. How does this aggressive lady rope-climb straight up the side of a mountain with a broken ankle? Can Jake descend the rope with one arm in a cast? Teens are forced to work -- on the sheriff's terms. Confessions break out. A lonely, rich man meets the widow of a man who died with Sickle Cell Anemia and decides that the horrible truth about this devastating disease needs to be told , and he's just the one to do it. He claims this little family for himself as a gift from God, but how will she, and her two boys feel about his decision? This widow, Annabelle, is living in an old mobile home with floors so weak that someone will fall through at any moment. She has no water or electricity. He must do something to save them. How does a "hole-in-the-wall gang" rise above their mess? A trouble-making teen grows up with mountain justice. Mountain justice is always fair, but decisive.

  • af Anthony J Ritthaler
    188,95 kr.

    "Walking On The Water With Jesus" through powerful, passion-filled stories of faith and victory will show you how to experience Victory Over Self! Victory Over Sin! and Victory Over Satan! Victory Over Situations!God didn't create us to limp through life! Victory is the expectation God has for every believer. God has saved us to be over comers! Conquerors! Victors! This is our birthright as members of God's family!"Walking On The Water With Jesus" is not a Pollyanna-pie-in-the-sky notion - it is a wondrous, miraculous walk on the water - with Jesus. If you're missing the miraculous in your life - get this book! It will revolutionize your walk with Christ!

  • af Grace Brooks
    188,95 kr.

    The year? 1945. The Twins, three-year-old Martin and Martha Asquinn, leave their home in Aberystwyth, Wales. Their missionary father is leading the family to start a mission in Canada. The twins are happy and excited as the family settles in Forest Lake, Ontario. Their father preaches and teaches the Word of God. He stands before the people representing God. He stands before God representing the people. The church flourishes. The twins start school, make new friends and grow older -- then they become aware that the dark practice of witchcraft is very much alive -- lurking, hiding in the shadows of their idealized life. On the opposite end of the spectrum, at the forefront of the darkness, stands Conrad Cameron, a distant cousin of the twins. Surprisingly, Conrad, the evil high priest of witchcraft, is no older than nine, the same age as the twins' older brother, Ken. Christian author Grace Brooks enables readers of all ages to experience the reality of the spiritual conflict as the forces of good and evil clash. Open the pages of this book. As the conflict unfolds Grace Brooks will lead you to see as she leads the twins to learn that evil is real - not imaginary - and God has called Christians of all ages to "be steadfast and unmovable" as they "earnestly contend for the Faith!" You won't be disappointed

  • af Grace Brooks
    188,95 kr.

    Sherry leaves Ken. Ken walks away from the fame and glory he has sought so long to achieve, concluding that without Sherry, all his tomorrows will be empty.Bradan is broken when he receives the news that Ken is back in Forest Lake. Bradan doesn't know which way to turn until Jesus reaches down and gently steers him back onto the path he should travel and restores him to his former joy of fellowship with God. Martha has remained with Bradan. He hears from Ken that he joined the Provincial Police as Chief of Police. The hamlet they thought they had out grown is a fast growing community. And there's lots more!

  • af Earl A Eastham
    180,95 kr.

  • af Jacqueline James
    188,95 kr.

    I have humbly removed myself from this equation, Afterwards God blessed me beyond my expectations, God's presence has radiated through my words, Through my serenity they have been transferred, You will feel God's presence through page after page, The messages will deliver you with more brighter days, Through expression of poetry I tell a story, Through every step of the way I have given God His glory, God words will grant you with an over joyous sense of peace, Jacqueline James is a 5-star published author who specializes in poetry and children stories. She's a professional writer and charismatic poetess. One of Jacqueline best qualities is the way that she's able to compose life adversary's into a beautiful array of poetry,She brings each gesture alive through her authentic expressions.Jacqueline's ultimate goal is to bring her readers peace and harmony through diversity. If you would like to read other books by Jacqueline James please visit her website @ Peace _Passion _ Pleasure _ Image That !

  • af Augustine of Hippo
    78,95 kr.

  • af J. Wesley Harville
    188,95 kr.

  • af Anthony Ritthaler
    188,95 kr.

    The famous song writer John Newton wrote a wondrous song called Amazing Grace. This song has literally touched millions around the world. The words of this beautiful song seem to reach down deep within the hearts of saved and lost hearts alike and points them to the amazing grace of Almighty God. In this book prolific Christian Author Anthony Ritthaler shares some events in his life where God in his Sovereign mercy and love sheltered him when danger and even death threatened his life. "We serve a God of divine appointment and nothing happens by accident," writes Tony, "If you are alive right now there are reasons why and I hope this book opens your eyes to God's grace like never before. Without grace all of us are sinking ships."

  • af Grace Brooks
    208,95 kr.

    Summer vacation arrives for the children at Forest Lake Golden Ridge Baptist Church. Sihon is summoned to his billionaire uncle's estate. Sihon's single Dad also spends his summer at the summer residence on the shores of Georgian Bay.Sihon doesn't want to go. He's lived with Martin Asquinn and his family for the past eleven and a half years and is content with his life with Martin, his wife, and quintuplet girls.He does spend some time at his uncle's estate. Sihon quickly finds out his uncle thinks it's time for the boy to learn to love living in luxury. It's time for his nephew to prepare himself to inherit the huge amount of money due him. It's in his lineage through his uncle and father. Does Sihon eagerly agree with his uncle, or would he rather stay with the Christian faith and teachings he'd received during his living with the Asquinns?

  • af Marie Grace
    233,95 kr.

    In book three of the Mystery Mountain Saga Jake and Angela finally get married. Their wedding guests were astounded at the surprise wedding of a couple who had never even kissed - since kindergarten that is.A beautiful widow is struck by lightning. What will the man who claimed her do now, in view of her terrible disfigurement?Wiley's dedication to his God given family really comes to light as he goes into the old trailer totally engulfed in flames to save this widow.Wilson thinks all you need to get married is a Gift Certificate. How would you like your tween boys planning your wedding, especially when you didn't even know about it?What will a judge do when called "A cloudy unconscious person?"A young man turns 18 and gets his very first birthday cake.Two young people are caught 'sniffing' each other.An exciting youth program is started.A rough mountain man gets the opportunity of a lifetime. God at work?You are invited to visit Raincroft again; a town of about ten-thousand, and follow the lives, loves, adventures - and mis-adventures of the people you are becoming acquainted with in this sequel - MYSTERY MOUNTAIN (THREE).

  • af Marie Grace
    233,95 kr.

    This is the fourth book in Marie Grace's exciting, fast-moving action adventures of her Mystery Mountain Series, where simple, salt-of-the-earth people strive to do what needs to be done - according to God's terms. More stories come to light in the lives of the Woods People living on top of Judd Mountain.What will a family do when Cartel killers violently kidnap a young girl as a ransom for a family they are after that is in the Witness Protection Program? Will she die as the rusty chains holding her to a tree cut right into her flesh? What shows up on the MRI of a rape victim - as the reason she can't straighten her arm out? It's no laughing matter. An Amusement Park can help a new couple get acquainted? How? Can teens on the run return to society? But at the expense of losing their parents? How will the backward deputy handle this attacking woman he has to take care of? Where can he hide? How dare she follow him to a vacant apartment? Wow, that aggressive attorney doesn't even sleep - apparently… How could a father beat and molest his own little children? Marie's books, Thoughts Aplenty (Her outspoken words of wisdom), and Mystery Mountain (One), (Two), and (Three); and (Fourabout the importance of lining up with the Word of God in everyday life, and are available wherever fine Christian books are sold. Published By ParablesREMEMBER; The CROSS makes Grace possible!

  • af Bo Ambrose
    228,95 kr.

    This book is so much more than just another book about soul-winning or another "how-to-course" to mechanically share a few passages from Holy Scripture. "Start Fresh Evangelism" is not simply another book to guilt believers into sharing their faith. In reality it is a road map to help the reader s.t.a.r.t fresh with a renewed passion to share the life changing Gospel of Jesus Christ in a day when so few believers actually do and even fewer are equipped to share the most wonderful news ever given to humanity. Bo Ambrose has poured his life into this work because he has experienced the difference Jesus makes when we share the Gospel. Bo is not presenting a thesis or theoretical work on what might happen if we share Jesus. He is sharing from his own experience of personally winning countless souls to Jesus and witnessing the undeniable difference that Jesus makes in a life when a person comes by faith to the Cross of Calvary.As publishers, we are excited for you as you start this journey and make this commitment to "go forth and weeping, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him (Psalm 126:6). Thank you Bro. Bo for challenging all of us to walk in wisdom (Proverbs 11:30) and be obedient to the command and commission of our Lord to go across the street and around the world with the Good News that Jesus saves!

  • af Kathryn L Smith
    188,95 kr.

  • af Brian Peart
    148,95 kr.

  • af Kathryn L. Smith
    173,95 kr.

    God is calling us to meet Him on the Mountain, in a place where obedience and faith produce intimacy. The Lord is calling us to meet Him on mountains of faith like Caleb, and Elijah. He is calling us to just come away with Him and hear His voice. God longs for passionate fellowship with His children; He will meet us on the mountain if we will seek him. The drive to climb is not just man striving for God; it is an answer to the call. God calls out to the heart of man come, draw near to me-Meet me on the Mountain.

  • af Judy Glover Smith
    188,95 kr.

  • af Richard Cortez
    298,95 kr.

  • af Arthur W. Pink
    115,95 kr.

  • af Etienne Graves Jr.
    208,95 kr.

    Does God Keep secrets hidden in plain sight? Have you wondered why He is called the "Revealer of Secrets?" One of the most scandalous and best kept secrets is about the garden of Eden. Is the traditional fairytale about a snake, Adam, Eve, and the eating of an apple accurate? Or has the most unimaginable and incredible cover-up of all time bewitched the church? Did something sinister and diabolical take place in the garden? How does it relate to today's current events? When Moses, the author of Genesis, removed the veil from his face the people couldn't grasp what he disclosed. In this book the veil has been lifted and stripped away so that you will uncover what REALLY happened in Eden's Garden. Can you handle the truth? Never before have the mysteries of these pages been revealed. In this book of mind boggling revelation, Satan's angels and his tactics have been exposed. From the Illuminati and secret societies, to DNA and Antichrist; Eden's Garden is a vault full of untold secrets. The truth is stranger than fiction. More suspense-filled than any action flick. More thrilling than any drama film. Fasten your seat belts. Grab your popcorn and most importantly your Bible, and behold, "Unveiling Secrets from Eden's Garden.""EVEN TODAY WHEN PEOPLE READ ABOUT EDEN'S GARDEN THERE IS A VEIL OVER THEIR EYES." Paul of Tarsus

  • af Theresa Jeffers
    208,95 kr.

    This book is told from a child's perspective and looks at the varied emotions a child is feeling about being taken away from their parent(s) and placed into Foster Care.This story gives each child the freedom and permission to "FEEL" and to construct ways to deal with their feelings. Every child that is currently in Foster Care or has ever been in Foster Care will be able to relate to the feelings expressed in this simple yet informative book. The book includes pages for the child to be able to draw/write some of their feelings.The reasons children come into Foster Care are varied. (it is estimated that 443,000 were remanded to state custody in the United States (latest statistics available). Though the reasons are varied, the feelings these children are not. These children share the same feelings while in State Care. It is important for these children to know that they are not alone; others are and others have been where they are.Christian Author Theresa Jeffers has written this book along with an earlier book - I Had No Choice - to stress that life in Foster Care does not end their "Life Story." Where they are at this moment in life does not define who they are or who they will become later in life."Foster children need a voice...they need to be reassured that their journey is nothing to be ashamed was NOT their choice that placed them where they are!" - Theresa Jeffers

  • af Marie Grace
    233,95 kr.

  • af Anthony J Ritthaler
    208,95 kr.

  • af Kathryn L. Smith
    173,95 kr.

  • af Anthony J Ritthaler
    208,95 kr.

    Soaring with Eagles is, as implied by its sub-title, A Book Of Freedom, Strength and Power. Being a prolific author is a career for some; but not for Tony. Tony is a powerful, passion-filled contemporary believer who is driven to fulfill the call of Christ through writing. His God-anointed, Holy Spirit empowered stories of faith and victory will show you how to experience Victory Over Self! Victory Over Sin! and Victory Over Satan! Victory Over Situations! "Fly with the Lord in Power, Strength, and Glory and never allow Satan to write your life's story."God didn't create us to limp through life! Victory is the expectation God has for every believer. God has saved us to be over comers! Conquerors! Victors! This is our birthright as members of God's family!Soaring With Eagles - written in the style of Walking On The Water With Jesus: Book 1 and 2, is not a Pollyanna-pie-in-the-sky notion - it is a wondrous, miraculous read that will lead you to experience what it means to be Soaring with Eagles. If you're missing the miraculous in your life - get this book! It will revolutionize your walk with Christ! You won't be disappointed.Anthony "Tony" Ritthaler resides in Romulus, Michigan, with his wife, Erin, and their daughter Hope. They attend Hope Baptist Church in Huron Township. Tony is a prolific Christian author, Walking On The Water With Jesus: Book 1 and 2, A Devil From The Beginning and now, Soaring With Eagles. A second volume, Soaring With Eagles: Book 2 is slated for publication in 2017.

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