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  • - 11 Steps to Keep Her Happy, Healthy, and Safe
    af Meg Meeker
    168,95 - 196,95 kr.

    Dr. Meeker has practical advice for moms and dads buttressed by years of experience counseling young women.

  • af Liz Truss
    353,95 kr.

    Can the West Be Saved? Liz Truss, the former Conservative prime minister of Great Britain, fears that’s an open question.During her ten years at the highest levels of the British government, she often found that she was the only conservative in the room. She witnessed, first-hand, the machinations of the global left, who would like nothing more than to impose corporate state–socialism on the world.Freedom is at risk, she warns, and the Conservative Party in Britain—and the Republican Party in the United States—urgently need to shape up and defend it.The problem? Conservatives have accepted too many of the left’s talking points, allowing the left to set the political agenda and capitulating whenever the left has sought to impose bigger government and curtail individual freedoms.The authoritarian excesses during the Covid-19 lockdowns should have been a stark warning. They were precursors of things to come if conservatives continue to waffle on principle and surrender on policy, thereby failing the electorate.In Ten Years to Save the West, Liz Truss reveals:Why socialism—despite its uninterrupted record of failure—remains popular, both with global elites and with the next generationThe clear and present danger of the ever-expanding "administrative state"Why we cannot ignore the threat of an aggressive ChinaWhy Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher should remain the guiding lights for conservatives on both sides of the AtlanticUrgent, detailed, and full of insights gleaned from the highest levels of politics, Liz Truss’s warning to the West cannot be ignored.

  • af Michael Knowles
    183,95 - 298,95 kr.

  • af Guillermo Gonzalez
    202,95 kr.

    Earth. The Final Frontier

  • af Mary Margaret Olohan
    288,95 kr.

    Trans activists are all about speaking up—unless you regret your “transition” and have made the journey back. If you question gender ideology, you’d better keep your mouth shut. But a compelling new book features multiple interviews with detransitioners and gives a voice to young people who were caught up in this damaging ideology. And their testimony—including from the lawsuits they have filed against the gender-affirming medical and therapeutic professionals who treated them—is unforgettable. "Gay Pride Month" every June has become an unquestioning celebration not just of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals, but also of Transitioning. Detransitioners' experience reveals that there's more complexity and pain involved in that category than most people will ever guess. The number of teens and pre-teens persuaded they were born with the wrong body has exploded. Goaded by a toxic online “community” and assisted by teachers, doctors, and even their own parents, they are promptly set on the path of puberty-blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gruesome “gender-affirming” surgeries. Media and activists insist that “transitioning” is the happy ending to these stories. But countless young people bear terrible emotional and physical scars. Adding to their anguish, the transgender community that once embraced them now wants to keep them quiet. Now one fearless reporter, Mary Margaret Olohan, shares their stories. Based on in-depth personal interviews, Detrans exposes the unconscionable abuse these detransitioners have endured—manipulative therapy sessions, mental and emotional anguish, botched surgeries, and attempts to construct phantom body parts. Their testimonies reveal a truth so disturbing that transgender activists will do anything to hide it.Detrans is indispensable evidence of the life-shattering power of gender ideology.

  • af Justin Hart
    328,95 kr.

    Data and marketing consultant and statistical sage to presidential candidates, governors, businesses, and the real powers-that-be, epidemiologists, Justin Hart catalogs in a terrifying-but-sprightly manner the folly and psychosis produced by the pandemic and diagnoses the societal destruction that the massive overresponse to the COVID virus has wreaked, as well as what can be done to stop the madness and bring the world back to a modicum of rationality.WORST. DISEASE. EVER. Someone broke America. In this nightmare, neighbors have turned into agoraphobes, teachers fear their students, children are muzzled, citizens are censored, dystopian fictions have become reality, and unelected officials are creating a biometric police state. Oh wait. It's not a nightmare. It's our daily lives! In truth, much of this insanity didn't start with the coronavirus pandemic (it was already latent in big government and big corporations) and it won't end there. COVID-19's greatest threat turned out to be . . . mental. All we had to fear was fear itselfand boy did some of us fear! The very idea of the virus weakened the immune system of America and revealed a decaying underbelly of confusion, panic, unease, and cowardice few of the strong ones suspected existed. What a horrible wake-up call! In a spate of anxious dread and gleeful power-grabbing, our health overlords threw away the pandemic response handbook and triedbeyond all reasonto protect, well, everyone. From massive over-testing to universal retail plexiglass to stay-at-home orders to stay-away-from-school orders to masking mandates to vaccine mandates to some of the worst restrictions on civil liberties in American history, this is an epic story that poses big questions about America's future as a free society. And the odd thing is, as Justin Hart shows, the actual disease was, as pandemics go, not that threatening; most people were at minimal risk. What is really scary is the total overreaction of half the country, many governments, that lost all sense of perspective. Hart offers a hopeful prescription on how we might face the madness down and claw our way back to sanity!

  • af Michelle Easton
    183,95 - 285,95 kr.

    An essential resource for any parent, educator, or citizen looking for help in raising a child with conservative values. MARK LEVIN Michelle's wisdom as a longtime activist, mom, and mentor to young women is needed now more than ever!' RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY, Fox News Contributor Raising a daughter is hard. Raising her to be a conservative can seem impossible. In a long career devoted to equipping the next generation of conservative women for leadership, Michelle Easton has worked with thousands of students and young professionals. Their backgrounds are as varied as America itself, but in each girl's life, something went right. How to Raise a Conservative Daughter is an invaluable guide to what works. It's foolish to pretend that the challenges aren't enormous. Toxic social media, radical indoctrination in schools, an entertainment industry that panders to our lowest cravingsthe cultural forces arrayed against your family are terrifying. But you are not helpless. Parents sometimes don't know what to do, and often they simply don't do what they know. It is possible, Easton shows, to nurture lasting values in your daughter. Her testedand sometimes counter-intuitivetechniques will strengthen your daughter's heart and mind. Ronald Reagan warned, ';Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.' And today, the tragically common lament of parents is, ';We dont know what happened, but one day we realized our daughter had rejected our most precious values.' There are no guarantees, but savvy, determined, and loving parents have more than a fighting chance of raising the wives, mothers, and leaders our country so desperately needs.

  • af David Horowitz
    287,95 kr.

    ';The Enemy Within is a book for all patriots who understand that our country is in a fight for its life.'MARK LEVIN America on the Brink A questionable election. The president of the United States illegally impeachedtwiceand silenced. The First Amendment hanging by a thread. The national heritage under attack. Mob violence. America is on the brink of becoming a one-party dictatorship. How did this happen? The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement Is Destroying America provides the answer. David Horowitz has been the bte noire of the Left for decades on account of his courageous revelations of their aims and tactics, and now he sounds the alarm: the barbarians are already inside the gates. Horowitz lays out how we have ended up in the worst national crisis since the Civil War. He details: *; The Left's embrace of Critical Race Theory and Cultural Marxismthe underpinnings of their totalitarian ideology *; The decades-long infiltration of our education system by ideologies hostile to America, our institutions, and our freedom *; Why the Obama administration marked a point of no return in the division of America into two irreconcilable political factions *; The Democrats' unprincipled campaign to destroy a duly elected U.S. president *; Their political exploitation of the coronavirus pandemic *; Their complicity in the riots of the summer of 2020, which left twenty-five dead, injured two thousand police officers, caused billions of dollars in property damage, and revealed the fragility of our civic order As Abraham Lincoln so presciently warned on the eve of America's last existential crisis, ';If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live for all time, or die by suicide.' In The Enemy Within, David Horowitz provides a spot-on assessment of the threat to the American Republic and points to an escape routewhile there's still time.

  • af Timothy Gordon
    318,95 kr.

    An examination of how Americas colleges have become an intellectual hell on Earth for anyone who wishes to think rationally and seek truth and wisdom, as well as a plan for how young citizens can claim and safeguard the learning and heritage to which they are entitled.From safe-spaces and trigger warnings, to grievance studies and neo-Marxist indoctrination, to sexual degeneracy and hook-up culture, to student loan indentured servitude, to useless degrees with no translatable real-world application, the modern-day American university now functions as the complete inversion of its original purpose. Rather than creating civically-minded, competent citizens and adults able to provide for themselves, their families, and their society, America's universities now function as institutional assembly lines for the production of the new 21st century global citizen-serf: atomized, infantilized, dependent, and pacified. This book provides the definitive diagnosis of what exactly happened to America's universities while giving the reader a blueprint for how young citizens, parents, and local communities alike can safeguard, escape, and begin resisting such pernicious indoctrination and illogical woke nonsense.

  • af Ted Cruz
    248,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Coonts
    298,95 kr.

    The new political thriller from bestselling author Stephen Coonts, author of Flight of the Intruder and Liberty's Last Stand.

  • af Dinesh D'Souza
    318,95 kr.

    Argues that the ideology of the Democratic left in the United States is virtually identical with fascism and discusses how the left has borrowed tactics of intimidation from the Nazis.

  • af Natsume Soseki
    183,95 kr.

    A "novelistic expression of the contrast between the Western ethical view of reality and the Eastern ethical view, [in which] an artist ... retreats to a country resort and becomes involved in a series of mysterious encounters with the owner's daughter"--Publisher marketing.

  • af Kurt Schlichter
    318,95 kr.

    Humor and polemics from one of Americas most quotable pundits. A call for renewal and a howl of laughter and derision at the woke mob that seeks to stand in the way of a great nations patriotic resurgence. Fans of Mark Levin, Matt Walsh, and Ben Shapiro will love it!In 1991, the smoldering ruins of Saddam Hussein's regime testified to America's unchallenged might. Having defeated one of the world's largest armies in a matter of days, the United States looked forward to a new century of peace and prosperity. Thirty years later, a ragtag Taliban chased us out of Afghanistan in a humiliating rout. At home, our cities are cesspools of homelessness and crime. The former land of opportunity seems to be in irreversible decline. How did we suffer such an unimaginable fall? And is our current impotence permanent? With his trademark wit, Kurt Schlichterwarrior, lawyer, and commentatormakes a compelling case that America's decline is not irreversible. No Pollyanna, he offers a sobering catalogue of the dangers ahead, from subjugation to China to the poverty of socialism. Even civil war. But Schlichter was among the U.S. forces that took down the tyrant of Iraq in 1991. Having seen American greatness in action and appreciating the virtues that produced it, he knows that decline is a choicea choice that we need not make. Sometimes mordant, often humorous, always incisive, Schlichter shows that our resilience is far from spent. American society is uniquely blessed with the ingredients of greatness. A pushback is coming. Schlichter offers no guarantees but something more importanthope.

  • af Benjamin Sledge
    216,95 kr.

    A former soldier awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart tells the story of overcoming the mental and physical wounds of war on a fifteen year odyssey that led him back to the very place where his nightmares beganand the only place redemption was possible.While serving a portion of his time under the Special Operations Command, Benjamin Sledge fought to keep his humanity amid the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan. But war never leaves its participants uscathed. In Where Cowards Go to Die, Sledge reveals an unflinchingly honest portrait of war that few dare to tell. Stationed on a small base on the border of Pakistan in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, the young warrior returned home shattered after embracing the barbarity he witnessed around him. Haunted by his experiences overseas, he began a 15 year odyssey wrestling with mental health, purpose, and faith, that eventually drove him to volunteer for another combat tour in the deadliest city of the Iraq WarRamadi. In his memoir, Sledge vividly captures the reality of the men and women who learn to fight without remorse, love each other without restraint, and suffer the high cost of returning to a country that no longer feels like home. ';In life or war, you'll die a coward by refusing to live and act selflessly. Or you can kill your inner cowardice for something greater to emerge. But either way, a coward dies.' -Benjamin Sledge

  • af Matt Walsh
    183,95 kr.

    Matt Walsh of The Daily Wire exposes the pitiful state of Christianity in America today, lays out the stakes for us, our families, and our eternal salvation, and invites us to a faith that’s a lot less easy and comfortable—but that’s more real and actually worth something.

  • af Andre Archie
    318,95 kr.

  • af Keith Kellogg
    218,95 kr.

    General Keith Kellogg saw it all. The only national security advisor to work side by side with both President Trump and Vice President Pence, he was their confidant as they made their most momentous decisions. No one knows better than he that the hysterical accusations of the administration's partisan detractors were unconnected to reality. Demolishing baseless caricatures of Donald Trump, General Kellogg provides one of the few reliable accounts of the administration from the earliest days of the 2016 campaign to the end of the president's term. Kellogg reveals: How Trump's ';America First' policies strengthened the nation after Obama's eight-year apology tour Why the president's tough approach to China workedand why future administrations must continue to take the China threat seriously How withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the strike on General Soleimani slowed the spread of radical Islamist terror Why Democrats' appeasement policies are courting disaster for America and the world The radicals attacking President Trump's legacy are sacrificing sound policy to politics. Kellogg's account is an urgently needed reminder that politics is ';war by other means.' Our enemies never forget that, and Americans forget it to their peril.

  • af John Henry Cardinal Newman
    283,95 kr.

    John Henry Newman (1801-1890) was one of the established masters of Victorian prose. This is a complete and unabridged edition of his famous defense of classical, liberal education. Now, with a new Introduction by Victorian scholar, bestselling novelist and Superintendent of the Virginia Military Institute Josiah Bunting, it is released to coincide with Bunting's AN EDUCATION FOR OUR TIME, making its republication a major event in the debate over higher education.

  • af Josh Hawley
    183,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • - America at the Point of No Return
    af Michael Anton
    146,95 kr.

    AMERICA AT THE POINT OF NO RETURN The next election is the most important one America has faced in more than a century. That's not campaign hype. America is divided as almost never beforewith contesting political factions regarding themselves not as rivals but as enemies. And the frightening thing is that, in large part, they're right. The Democratic Party has become the party of ';identity politics'and every one of those identities is defined against a unifying national heritage of patriotism, pride in America's past, and hope for a shared future. Offering only antagonism based on group identitywhether race, sex, or something elsethe Democrats look forward to imposing nationally what they have achieved in California: one-party rule in a lockdown nation, where the ruling class makes every decision and doles out benefits to favored groups. Against them is a divided Republican Party. Gravely misunderstanding the opposition, old-style Republicans still seek bipartisanship and accommodation, wrongly assuming that Democrats care about playing by the tiresome old rules laid down in the Constitution and other fundamental charters of American liberty. The new core of the Republican Party is the populists and nationalists, who are tired of losing. The party's only hope of victory, they are all that stand between the United States as we have traditionally understood it and a revolutionless dramatic in appearance but just as consequential as the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Michael Anton, the author of the most scathing, memorable, and quoted essay of the 2016 campaign season, ';The Flight 93 Election'which Rush Limbaugh called ';one of the greatest columns ever written'now explains in depth why the stakes have risen even higher. Ranging across every hot-button political topic of our timefrom immigration to nationalism to warand informed by a profound understanding of classical and American political philosophy, The Stakes will transform the way you view politics and America's future.

  • - Nationalism, Populism, and the Future of the West
    af R. R. Reno
    183,95 kr.

    Return of the Strong Gods, a thoughtful contribution to American political debate. It is incisively written and full of modern observations. Mr. Reno explains, better than any book I can remember, the present-day progressives paranoid fear of fascism and neurotic determination to ferret out racism where none exists. The Wall Street Journal After the staggering slaughter of back-to-back world wars, the West embraced the ideal of the ';open society.' The promise: By liberating ourselves from the old attachments to nation, clan, and religion that had fueled centuries of violence, we could build a prosperous world without borders, freed from dogmas and managed by experts. But the populism and nationalism that are upending politics in America and Europe are a sign that after three generations, the postwar consensus is breaking down. With compelling insight, R. R. Reno argues that we are witnessing the return of the ';strong gods'the powerful loyalties that bind men to their homeland and to one another. Reacting to the calamitous first half of the twentieth century, our political, cultural, and financial elites promoted open borders, open markets, and open minds. But this never-ending project of openness has hardened into a set of anti-dogmatic dogmas which destroy the social solidarity rooted in family, faith, and nation. While they worry about the return of fascism, our societies are dissolving. But man will not tolerate social dissolution indefinitely. He longs to be part of a ';we'the fruit of shared loveswhich gives his life meaning. The strong gods will return, Reno warns, in one form or another. Our task is to attend to those that, appealing to our reason as well as our hearts, inspire the best of our traditions. Otherwise, we shall invite the darker gods whose return our open society was intended to forestall.

  • - Life Isn't Safe, but It's Good
    af Everett Piper
    287,95 kr.

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