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  • af Alice Fischer
    208,95 kr.

    "How to Score: Proven Football Tips for Mastering the Offense" by famous author Alice Fischer takes you deep into the heart of football skill. This complete guide shows you a playbook of tactical genius, skill development tips, and leadership advice that will help you improve your offense and score more goals on the field.In the fast-paced world of football, understanding the offense is key to success. Alice Fischer's well-written book gives you the winning strategies you need to get through the complicated rules of offense. This guide has a lot of useful information for both players and fans, with a focus on the newest and best methods.The book covers a wide range of popular football keywords, so readers will always be on top of how the game is changing. Fischer covers a lot of ground. He goes into great detail about everything from player roles and offensive plays to strategic planning, adaptability, and leadership. Trending football ideas are effortlessly woven into the story, making sure that readers get a full picture of the modern offensive game."How to Score" gives you useful advice based on real-life examples, whether you're an experienced player looking to improve your skills or a guide looking for new ways to teach. The focus on always getting better, practicing, and being dedicated is in line with the newest ideas in sports psychology. It creates a path for success for both individuals and teams.Fischer's book isn't just full of theoretical ideas; it also goes into detail about how to make good offensive game plans, improve passing skills, and take advantage of defense weaknesses. The content is carefully linked to popular topics being talked about in football forums, on social media, and among coaches. This makes it a must-see for anyone looking for the newest and best offensive strategies.The game of football changes over time, and so does "How to Score." This book keeps up with the latest trends in the sport and gives readers the tools they need to stay ahead in the game, use popular strategies, and master the attacking plays that help teams score. Alice Fischer's book "How to Score" will help you learn football and take your game to a whole new level.

  • af Niklas Berg
    183,95 kr.

    Niklas Berg's "Mastering the Entrepreneurial Mindset: Fostering Success from Within" is a life-changing book that shows you how to be successful in the ever-changing world of business. Berg goes into great detail in this interesting book about the basic ideas that can help anyone develop an attitude that not only helps them deal with problems but also leads to long-term success.The first part of the book talks about what an entrepreneurial attitude is. This sets the stage for a journey of growth and self-discovery. Berg does a great job of talking about how mindset affects business, focusing on how it affects making decisions, being resilient, and being able to use setbacks as stepping stones.This book stands out because it covers a wide range of topics related to work and personal growth. Berg gives readers a plan for how to understand the entrepreneurial attitude and then use it in different parts of their lives. Each chapter, on topics like developing a growth attitude and redefining failure, is full of useful information that you can use right away.Berg goes into detail about the most important traits of great entrepreneurs, giving readers a look at the traits that make people do well in business. He shows through real-life examples and useful tips that being resilient and flexible are not just traits but also important skills that can be learned to achieve long-term success.People who read this will learn how to get back up stronger after failing and how to use setbacks as chances. Berg stresses how important it is to have a clear vision for your business journey, set clear goals that you can reach, and make a plan for how to get there.The book also talks about the important link between being creative and starting your own business. Berg explains how to develop a creative mindset, use new ideas in business plans, and make the most of networks to find growth and chances.The world of business is always changing and unpredictable. "Mastering the Entrepreneurial Mindset" gives readers the tools they need to feel confident as they manage this terrain. The book is a guide for people who want to be successful and leave a lasting effect. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn the entrepreneurial mindset and create success from within. Niklas Berg's ideas can change your life and your career.

  • af Astrid Jensen
    168,95 kr.

    'The Story of Google and the Future of Information Search' is an interesting book that tells the story of the tech giant that changed the way we search for information online. Famous author Astrid Jensen takes you on an exciting journey through the history of Google, looking at the new ideas that Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of the world's most important search engine, came up with.This smart book carefully follows the development of Google's search engines, showing how they have changed the way people find information. From the groundbreaking PageRank algorithm to the smart business choices that made Google the leader, Jensen reveals the company's unmatched success secrets.But Jensen doesn't just write about the past; he also gives an interesting look into the future of information search. The author guides the reader through the new world of personalized, voice-activated, and visually immersive search experiences in a world dominated by technology progress, artificial intelligence, and the mobile revolution.Jensen talks about the bigger effects of Google's new ideas, like its work in AI, machine learning, and quantum computing, while keeping an eye on the latest trends in the industry. The book is more than just a typical look at Google. It also looks ahead to the future of how technology and information search are changing together."The Story of Google and the Future of Information Search" is a complete and interesting story that will interest tech fans, digital marketers, and people who are just interested in the future. People who want to know about the past, present, and future of how we access and use knowledge in the digital age should read this book.The combination of Jensen's expert storytelling and the hottest keywords in technology and information retrieval makes this book not only informative but also perfectly in line with current conversations about Google, making it relevant and appealing in the rapidly changing world of digital innovation.

  • af Emil Kowalski
    183,95 kr.

    If you want to learn more about cutting edge quantum technology, read "The Revolution in Quantum Technology: How Game-Changing Tools Are Altering Our World." The author of this new book, Emil Kowalski, looks at how quantum technology will change our quickly changing digital world.Find out what quantum computing is all about. In this type of computing, quantum bits (qubits) are used instead of regular bits. This lets many computers work together to solve hard problems very quickly. Learn about the power of quantum communication, which changes how we share private information in a world that is becoming more and more connected by creating safe, unhackable lines of communication.Kowalski goes into detail about the rules of quantum mechanics, which makes the difference between conventional and quantum computing very clear. As the digital world goes through a paradigm shift, it's important to understand these key ideas in order to find your way around the quantum world.Learn more about the interesting world of quantum bits (qubits) and superposition, where quantum objects can be in more than one state at the same time. Kowalski takes the mystery out of the idea of superposition and the different ways it could be used. This helps the reader understand how complicated quantum systems work.Take a trip into the world of entanglement, where quantum objects become linked and can change each other's states even when they are far apart. Kowalski explains the part that entanglement plays in quantum computing, which opens up new ways to communicate and do computations.Learn about quantum gates and circuits, which are the building blocks of quantum programs. The author explains how these quantum structures will lead to huge improvements in computer power and the ability to solve problems.As the story goes on, Kowalski talks about quantum algorithms and how they might affect many areas, from security to solving optimization problems. Look at how we're about to change the way we solve hard problems and look at data in the quantum age."The Revolution in Quantum Technology" also explains the wide range of uses that can be improved by quantum technology, such as safe communication networks and better imaging methods. Find out how quantum technology is going to change fields like business, healthcare, and telecommunications.In a world where privacy and security are very important, this book looks at the flaws in traditional cryptography and presents the idea of quantum key distribution (QKD). Learn how quantum encryption, which can't be broken, makes sure that information is sent safely in a time when online threats are growing.This important and insightful book is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how quantum technology could change the world. Learn all about how these game-changing tools are changing our world by diving into the quantum revolution with Emil Kowalski.

  • af Henrik Gustavsson
    183,95 kr.

    In the inspiring book "Strategies for Women to Achieve Leadership Roles and Serve as Inspiration," Henrik Gustavsson lays out a complete plan for women who want to rise to leadership positions and become role models in their fields. This book has a lot of useful information and up-to-date methods for dealing with the problems women face at work. It also shows how to get past those problems and become a successful leader.Gustavsson looks at the history of women in leadership positions, breaking down social norms and showing how gender roles have changed over time. It focuses on breaking down stereotypes and looking at gender biases in leadership. It also gives useful ways to fight and get past these deeply rooted problems. Case studies of successful women who didn't conform to gender norms give readers real-life ideas from women who broke through glass ceilings.This book goes beyond academic frameworks and gives women real-world advice on how to deal with and get past gender bias in the workplace. By teaching readers how to develop a growth mindset and boost their confidence, Gustavsson gives them the tools they need to handle the tricky world of professional advancement.The book also talks about the business world, showing the problems women face and giving useful advice on how to network and find a guide. Gustavsson looks at how to negotiate to move up in your job, using real-life examples of women who overcame problems at work to become leaders.In addition to giving people strategies, the guide stresses how important diversity and inclusion are for the growth of society as a whole. Gustavsson talks about successful diversity and inclusion programs that inspire readers to be real as leaders and develop their own unique styles.Gustavsson uses quotes from successful women to show how important mentorship and sponsorship are for job advancement. She also stresses the importance of mentors and sponsors in maintaining professional relationships. At the end of the book, the business case for diversity and inclusion is talked about, along with examples of groups that have done good work with these issues."Strategies for Women to Achieve Leadership Roles and Serve as Inspiration" is a useful and inspiring book that is full of popular search terms like "women in leadership," "gender equality," "diversity and inclusion," and "professional empowerment." Because of Gustavsson's insights, this book is a must-read for companies that want to create diverse and welcoming workplaces and for women who want to become leaders.

  • af Vlad
    168,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with "Strategies for a Post-Pandemic World in the Field of Mental Health," a groundbreaking guide authored by a leading expert in the field. In the wake of global challenges, this timely book presents cutting-edge strategies to navigate the evolving landscape of mental health in our post-pandemic reality.Discover evidence-based approaches that empower individuals to thrive in the face of uncertainty and cultivate resilience in their mental well-being. From remote therapy innovations to mindfulness techniques tailored for the contemporary era, this book explores the most effective interventions to address the unique challenges posed by the pandemic's aftermath.Uncover the latest research on mental health trends, including the surge in teletherapy utilization and the integration of technology in mental health care. With insightful analyses of societal shifts and their impact on mental health, the author provides actionable insights for practitioners, policymakers, and individuals seeking to enhance their psychological resilience.Explore practical tools and coping mechanisms designed to alleviate stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns prevalent in the post-pandemic world. Whether you're a mental health professional adapting to new paradigms or an individual striving for personal growth, this book equips you with the essential knowledge and strategies to navigate the complexities of our evolving mental health landscape.Don't miss this essential guide that encapsulates the most trending keywords in mental health for a post-pandemic world - resilience, teletherapy, mindfulness, and innovation - offering a roadmap to a healthier, more adaptive future.

  • af Andrej Petrovi¿
    168,95 kr.

    In "The Bottom Line Blueprint: How to Make a Business Profitable," Andrej Petrovi¿ gives businesses all the information they need to become successful businesses that make money. This book is a must-read for entrepreneurs, business owners, and leaders who want to improve their long-term success and financial health. It is full of useful tips and ideas that can be put into action.Unlock the keys to long-term profits with a plan made for the difficulties of today's constantly changing business world. Popular words like "operational efficiency," "financial literacy," "innovation," and "customer-centric" are used throughout the book without any problems. This shows that the author understands the importance of using all-around business strategies in today's world.The first part of the blueprint talks about how important it is to build a strong base by having a clear goal, vision, and set of values. Strategies like in-depth market research, target audience analysis, and competitive intelligence are all linked. Readers will also learn basic financial concepts that make planning, financial statements, and cash flow management easier to understand.The author goes beyond abstract ideas and gives useful advice on how to learn more about money and make better decisions. People who read this book will learn how to get around the complicated issues of operating efficiency and find ways to simplify tasks, cut costs, and make the most of available resources.One of the best things about the book is that it talks about how marketing can help bring in more money and make a business more profitable. The plan includes everything from old-fashioned marketing methods to cutting-edge digital strategies. It also includes content strategies, customer relationship management, and digital marketing.Real-life case studies show how businesses have successfully followed the blueprint's principles, giving readers real-life examples of how operations have been improved. The author also goes into the psychology of sales and bargaining, which can help you make more money and sell more things.The blueprint talks about how important creativity is for staying ahead in a business world that is changing quickly. It is shown how to create a mindset of innovation within an organization. This helps companies stay ahead in a market that is always changing.One of the main ideas is how to deal with change and follow market trends in order to keep making money. This helps readers create a customer-centered mindset. There are steps in the book that can be used right away to build strong relationships with customers, make them loyal, and use customer comments to make things better all the time.The Bottom Line Blueprint doesn't just talk about ideas; it also shows how to use technology in real life to make things more efficient and cut costs. The book shows how technology can be used to get a better return on investment (ROI). It does this through automation and data-driven marketing.Through strategic planning, risk management, and the value of building a strong sales team, the blueprint shows readers how to achieve long-term growth without losing money. At the end of the guide, the author talks about the psychology of sales and bargaining. This makes sure that businesses are ready to do well in a market that is always changing."The Bottom Line Blueprint" is your road map to financial success, whether you're an experienced businessperson or a new business owner. It combines trendy strategies with tried-and-true principles to give you a complete plan for making any business truly successful.

  • af Lucia Santoro
    183,95 kr.

    "Influence Unleashed: How to Make Your Social Media Presence Strong" is the most important book you need to learn how to use digital influence in the fast-paced world of social media. This book, written by the experienced expert Lucia Santoro, is a complete guide that gives people and companies the tools they need to not only survive but also thrive in the constantly changing world of social media."Influence Unleashed" is the ultimate guide to building a strong and influential social media presence in a world where being seen online is the same thing as being successful. This book gives you tried-and-true methods and useful information to make your mark in the digital world, whether you want to be an influencer, an entrepreneur, or a worker who wants to improve your personal brand.Lucia Santoro is a pioneer in the field of social media impact. In this book, she distills her years of experience and knowledge into an interesting story that reveals how to build a strong and lasting online presence. Each part is a treasure trove of information meant to help you become successful on social media. It covers everything from finding your target audience and creating your personal brand to using the newest social media analytics tools and following the latest trends.Learn how to use pictures and videos to tell stories, how to understand the different types of people who might be interested in your content, and how to get the most out of working with influential people in your area. It's not just about ideas; "Influence Unleashed" also tells you how to engage your audience in a real way, get more likes, comments, and shares, and react to comments and messages in a good way.Diversifying your income streams, looking into sponsored content and affiliate marketing, and making the most of your e-commerce channels on social media sites are all things you can do to stay ahead of the pack. It's not just about short-term gains; the book also talks about how to make deep, long-lasting relationships with your audience."Influence Unleashed" by Lucia Santoro is a lively guide that gets to the heart of what it takes to do well in the constantly changing world of social media. This book is your guide to navigating the digital world, claiming your influence, and making your social media presence not just strong but truly powerful. It is full of real-life examples, case studies, and tips that you can use right away. This is the guide you've been waiting for to get the most out of your online impact, no matter how much experience you have with social media.

  • af Isabella Rossi
    168,95 kr.

    "Minimalist Bliss: Simplifying Your Home for Style and Serenity" by Isabella Rossi will help you understand how mindful living can change your life. Rossi skillfully combines useful information with aesthetic knowledge in this modern book to help you create a home that is simple, stylish, and peaceful.Explore the growing movement of minimalism, a way of life that is becoming more popular in 2023, as the author shows you how to clean out and organize every room for a reason. Explore the newest trends in interior design that value clear lines, neutral colors, and well-thought-out furniture choices. These styles will help you make places that feel calm and balanced.With terms like "minimalism," "home organization," and "interior design trends," this book caters to the growing interest in living spaces that are simple and good for your health. Discover how to evaluate your present living space, adopt a minimalist mindset, and bust some myths about this way of life. Rossi gives useful advice on how to clean up every room, deal with emotional ties to things, and choose furniture that serves a purpose-all important parts of the current trend toward a simpler and more stylish home.If you want to live a more intentional and peaceful life, join the minimalist trend. "Minimalist Bliss" is a complete guide to making a home that radiates style, peace, and the joy of intentional living, whether you're an experienced minimalist or just starting to learn about the idea.

  • af Ana Vukovi¿
    183,95 kr.

    "Submerge yourself in the complex web of digital dynamics with Ana Vukovi¿'s "Society and Social Media: Effects, Current Trends, and Prospects." This book will make you think about how the relationship between people and technology is always changing. In this interesting work, Vukovi¿ breaks down the many ways that social media affects our lives, looking at its effects, current trends, and predictions for the future.In a time when connectivity is key, Vukovi¿ looks at how social media has changed the way people talk to each other, showing how language, expression, and face-to-face exchanges have changed. Through interesting case studies, the author shows how communication is changing and gives useful information about how people engage online.Vukovi¿ doesn't just look at the surface; she digs deeper and looks at how social media affects people's minds. This book takes readers on a trip through the complicated world of self-presentation online. They will learn how it affects personal identity, self-esteem, and how one's identity is formed in the digital age as a whole.This book does more than just examine; it also predicts. Vukovi¿ breaks down the newest social media trends by looking at new platforms, the power of influencers, and how algorithms affect how people consume content. With an eye on the future, the author explores the uncharted territory of online activism, breaking down how it has affected social and political groups and giving strong examples of how it has worked in the past.'Society and Social Media' is a current look at the pros and cons of staying in touch through social media as the digital world changes. Vukovi¿ talks about the tricky mix between the pros and cons of staying connected and gives advice on how to get around the tricky world of digital relationships.There is no detail left out as the author carefully looks into the effects of social media on mental health, including how it affects stress, anxiety, and the strange rise in harassment. This book is a lighthouse because it gives readers ideas for improving their mental health in the digital age."Society and Social Media" is more than just a look at the present; it's also a plan for the future. While keeping a close eye on privacy issues, data breaches, and government monitoring, Vukovi¿ gives a thorough look at the problems that the digital age has brought about. People who read this will learn how to keep their personal information safe online and what might happen if there is a data breach.Anyone who wants to get a deep understanding of how society and social media work together should read this book. An important book for understanding the complicated digital world of today is "Society and Social Media: Effects, Current Trends, and Prospects" by Ana Vukovi¿. It is full of useful information.

  • af Helena Lopez
    193,95 kr.

    Discover how government has changed over time in "The Changing Face of Modern Government: A Political Science Perspective," a groundbreaking book that looks into the most important problems affecting politics today. The well-known political scientist Helena Lopez wrote this in-depth look at modern government that gives readers a new way to understand and manage its complicated workings.In a world where technology changes quickly, political paradigms shift, and people all over the world are linked, Lopez takes readers on a journey through the main ideas that shape modern politics. Each chapter gives useful information about the different problems and chances that governments around the world face, such as protecting the environment, making healthcare policies, changing the way schools work, and involving different groups in making decisions.This book is unique because it focuses on how political science ideas and real-life government work together. Lopez skillfully combines historical views, comparative analyses, and case studies to give a complete picture of how political theories have shaped and still shape the ways that modern governments are set up and run.The words "sustainability," "innovation," and "global governance" are becoming more popular, so this book is very useful at this time. Lopez takes a critical look at how technology has changed the way the government works, what e-government projects mean, and what problems and chances globalization brings.People who read this will really understand how classical and modern political ideas can help us deal with the problems of the 21st century. Lopez goes beyond theory and shows how these frameworks are used in modern government structures. This gives policymakers, scholars, and anyone else who wants to understand how governance is changing a road plan.Lopez looks at how governments react to changes in society, focusing on issues like inclusion, stakeholder engagement, and the role of social movements. He uses examples from the past and present to show the problems and successes of these reactions. The book also talks about how government systems might change in the future, taking into account technological progress, environmental problems, and the role of political science in figuring out how to move forward."The Changing Face of Modern Government" is more than just a book; it's a useful and important guide for people who want to understand, participate in, and change the future of politics. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in how political science and the constantly changing nature of modern government interact. Lopez's knowledge and insightful analysis make it so.

  • af Katarina Andersson
    158,95 kr.

    "Tech-Wise Parenting: Balancing Screen Time and Outdoor Adventures for Modern Kids" by Katarina Andersson is a really cool book for parents today. In a world full of computers, this book will help you find your way around the digital world on purpose. Discover new ways to help your child grow in all areas by finding the right balance between screen time and time spent outside.Check out hot topics like digital literacy, age-appropriate rules, and the effects of social media, all of which are expertly combined into useful information. Learn how to create a tech-savvy home culture that will help your family do well in the digital age.Stay ahead with expert tips on how to negotiate screen time agreements, how to plan age-appropriate outdoor adventures, and how to get past common obstacles that get in the way of play and exploring. This book has everything parents need to know to understand and embrace the good things about technology in education and entertainment while also minimizing the risks that come with too much computer time.There is more to Tech-Wise Parenting than just a book. There is a movement toward more mindful and focused parenting in the digital age. As you start this life-changing journey, make sure you have the latest trends, tried-and-true methods, and a group of people who can help you. Join Katarina Andersson on her goal to change the way we parent in the modern world and give your tech-savvy kids a happy and healthy future.

  • af Enzo Esposito
    168,95 kr.

    "Beyond the Pitch: Looking at How Football Affects Cultures Around the World" by Enzo Esposito is a powerful look at how football affects cultures all over the world. This fascinating book takes you on an exciting trip through the complex web of cultures that football has affected, showing how football has a huge effect on people all over the world.Enzo Esposito goes deep into the heart of football culture, from the pulsating beats of Brazilian samba to the passionate chants that fill European arenas. He finds the connections that connect people all over the world. This book shows the deep links between football and the many cultures it affects, going beyond the scoreboard and the field.Explore the history of football as you read through the pages, seeing how it has changed over time from a sport played by ancient nations to a worldwide spectacle today. Esposito successfully weaves together stories from the past and the present, highlighting football's role as a force for social change, a source of shared identity, and a language that brings people together.This book is an interesting look at how football can shape both individual and group identities, creating a sense of belonging that goes beyond countries. Esposito looks at countries where football is a big part of national identity through in-depth case studies. These give us a look into the cultural differences that make each footballing nation special.The story goes on to talk about how media and technology affect football, how the business works, and how changing fan groups change the sport. Esposito guides the reader through the complicated ways that football affects gender roles, class structures, and neighborhood bonds, always keeping an eye on the good and bad effects on society."Beyond the Pitch" is a must-read for anyone interested in history, culture, or the complex relationship between sports and society. This book is more than just about football; it gives a full picture of how football is a part of our global cultural character. In this interesting journey with Enzo Esposito, football is used as a lens to look at the many cultures that claim the world's most famous sport as their own.

  • af Lucas DuPont
    193,95 kr.

    The groundbreaking book "Schools' Inclusive Learning Spaces Promote Diversity and Equity" by the famous author Lucas Dupont will change the way you think about education. This important and timely book looks at how inclusive learning settings will shape the future of education. In a world where fairness and diversity are very important, Dupont looks into the most important strategies and actions that can help schools become models of acceptance.This book shows how to make learning places that are truly welcoming for everyone, from promoting a culture of respect to including different points of view in the lessons. Author Lucas Dupont is a leader in his field. He uses study results, real-life case studies, and useful advice to help teachers, administrators, and policymakers make schools more diverse and fair.This book is a great resource for anyone wanting to learn about and use inclusive practices in schools. It has a lot of the most popular keywords in it, like "inclusivity," "diversity," and "equity." Whether you're a teacher who wants to make the classroom a helpful place to learn or a policymaker who wants to shape the future of education, this book gives you the tools and information you need to make things better.Discover how inclusive learning spaces can help raise a generation of caring, world-aware people. Books like "Schools' Inclusive Learning Spaces Promote Diversity and Equity" are more than just books; they're a plan for changing education and making society respect and celebrate diversity.

  • af Camilla Olsen
    208,95 kr.

    In "American History Through the Ages: Stars, Stripes, and Advancement," you can dive into the rich weave of American history. This fascinating book covers important events, famous people, and the eternal march of progress. Camilla Olsen, the author, skillfully weaves a story that unfolds like a vivid tableau. She does this by combining thorough study with the skill of a storyteller to bring the past to life.This all-encompassing trip starts with the founding of the country and gives a close look at the lives of the Founding Fathers and the innovative ideas they brought to the U.S. Constitution. Olsen carefully leads readers through the chaos of the American Revolution, giving them nuanced views on the events that shaped a new country.The story builds up like a movie scene, showing how the Declaration of Independence changed the world and how the United States came to be. In this book, Olsen talks about the difficulties the early leaders had in setting up a new government and finding the right mix for a new democracy.As the country moves westward, readers go on an exciting journey through the American border, from the Oregon Trail to the California Gold Rush. Olsen explores the idea of "Manifest Destiny" and how it affected the growth of territory, capturing the spirit of a country looking for its goals.The book doesn't shy away from the complicated parts of American history. It talks about the wars with Native Americans and the big effects of moving west. Olsen gives a detailed view of the reasons behind the Civil War, revealing the complex web of events that gathered to this important point in American history.Olsen carefully looks at important fights and turning points in the Civil War, taking readers to the battlefield and giving them new insights into Abraham Lincoln's leadership and the Emancipation Proclamation. It brings the wake of the war and the difficulties of Reconstruction to life, giving a full picture of how hard it was for the country to heal and rebuild.The story moves into the 20th century and talks about the effects of technical progress on American society as cities grow and factories become more common. From the Progressive Era to the difficulties of the Great Depression, Olsen shows how changes in society have shaped the country as a whole.This well-researched and interesting book is more than just a history lesson; it's a trip through time that gives readers a front-row seat to the drama of America's growth. "American History Through the Ages: Stars, Stripes, and Advancement" is a must-read for history buffs, teachers, and anyone else who wants to learn more about the factors that have made the US the diverse and changing country it is now.

  • af Sebastian Muller
    193,95 kr.

    Give yourself power on your journey with "The Fearless Femme," a new book that will help every woman in the modern world find her own power. This empowering handbook, written by Sebastian Müller, is a thorough look at tactics, stories, and tools that can help women deal with the challenges of modern life.In a world where empowering women is both necessary and a new act, "The Fearless Femme" shines a light on the many ways that women can be empowered. In her writing, Müller digs into the past to show how movements for women's empowerment have changed the position of women today. From the feminist movement to the problems women face today, the book tells a story that connects the past and the present and gives readers a deep understanding of the path women have taken.Look into the many sides of the idea of strength, from the political and personal to the social and economic. Sebastian Müller breaks down the problems women face today and gives them useful information and ideas for how to get around them. As a call to action, the book tells women to accept their unique strengths, fight against societal norms, and break free from their limitations.The movie "The Fearless Femme" shows how confidence building is important for both personal growth and social change. It does this by focusing on the natural connection between empowerment and self-esteem. Müller shows readers strong women who have become role models through interesting case studies. She does this to show that courage is not just a trait but a way of thinking that can be developed.This book takes social stereotypes head-on, looking at how they affect women's lives and giving them ways to fight back and break free from these limits. It looks at how media and cultural norms affect how women see themselves and gives useful advice on how to deal with and fight outside influences.Focusing on leadership, Müller talks about how important it is for women to take on leadership roles, find and improve their leadership skills, and fight for gender equality at work. The book also talks about becoming financially independent. It gives advice on planning, making investments, and breaking the taboo of talking about money.It's not just a book; "The Fearless Femme" is a movement. It makes women want to break the rules, use their power, and make a way for a future where being brave is normal. Sebastian Müller's guide shows how strong and tough women can be by giving them the tools they need to face the modern world with purpose and confidence.

  • af Adrian Mikkelsen
    208,95 kr.

    "How Google Has Changed Society in the Age of Algorithms" by Adrian Mikkelsen looks at the big changes that the tech giant has caused in society. This interesting book looks at how Google has changed over time and how that has affected society in a world where algorithms are everywhere.Find out the amazing story of how Google grew from a revolutionary search engine to a tech giant. Adrian Mikkelsen gives readers an interesting look into the groundbreaking PageRank algorithm and shows how it changed the way people around the world access and use information. This book tells the story of how Google has changed the digital world by expanding into new areas of technology, such as artificial intelligence and data-driven decision-making.As algorithms become more important in our lives, Mikkelsen shows how technology and culture interact in complex ways. Join conversations about making information more accessible to everyone, using algorithms to make decisions in schools, and the moral issues that come up when it comes to data privacy. The book talks about the pros and cons of Google's data collecting methods, giving readers useful information about how privacy works in the digital age.Mikkelsen also looks at how algorithms affect societies through media, journalism, and public debate. The book talks about how computers shape stories and cultural trends, from how people read the news to how they feel about things. Find out what problems traditional media outlets are having and what might happen to the media business if algorithms are hacked.Mikkelsen looks closely at the possible flaws built into algorithms and the effects they have, with a focus on the moral aspects of living in an algorithmic society. The book guides readers through discussions of the moral issues raised by Google's information monopoly. It does this by giving a thought-provoking look at how algorithms affect social structures and rules.In "How Google Has Changed Society in the Age of Algorithms," Adrian Mikkelsen gives a thorough look at how Google has changed our lives. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about how technology, algorithms, and the changes in society that define our digital age are all connected.

  • af Antonov Ivanov
    193,95 kr.

    "Finding the Links Between Culture, Politics, and Society in the United States" by Antonov Ivanov looks at the complicated web of links that shape American life. This groundbreaking book goes into great detail about how culture, politics, and society all work together to create the complex interactions that make up the American experience.In a time of culture changes, political changes, and societal evolution, Ivanov expertly navigates the complexities, giving readers a full look at how the United States is made up of many interconnected parts. This book deals with some of the most important problems we face right now by looking at how cultural factors affect politics and how social norms are connected to political choices.Some of the main ideas are how cultural stories shape political discourse, how societal rules affect political structures, and how cultural stories shape political identity. Ivanov does a great job of looking at how political power affects cultural expression. He shows how governments shape cultural policies and how cultural creation in turn shapes political landscapes.The book also talks about modern issues like how globalization has changed American culture, how the media shapes cultural stories, and how cultural and social groups are changing over time. Ivanov gives readers a full picture of the forces that have shaped the United States and will continue to shape its future by looking at the historical background of cultural, political, and social interactions.This interesting book doesn't just look at the past and present; it also helps you understand how American culture, politics, and society are changing. With an eye on the future, Ivanov points out what this means for ongoing study and encourages both scholars and readers to learn more about how American life is changing all the time."Finding the Links Between Culture, Politics, and Society in the United States" is a great book that will help you understand more about the things that affect our country. As social, political, and cultural factors continue to interact, Ivanov's work is an important resource for comprehending the complex web of links that create the American experience in the present day.

  • af Freya Schmidt
    183,95 kr.

    "Learning Adventures: Using Play to Inspire a Lifelong Appetite for Knowledge" by Freya Schmidt will change the way you learn. Schmidt breaks new ground in this groundbreaking study that shows how play can be used to spark and support a lifelong love of learning.Explore the world of practical learning, where play is the key to getting a deep understanding of many topics. Schmidt skillfully combines the newest research with real-life success stories and useful tips to make a guide for parents and teachers who want to change the way kids learn.Find out about the many social and educational benefits of including play in the school day. "Learning Adventures" shows how a playful approach to learning can help kids grow in all areas, from their imagination and critical thinking to their social and emotional skills.More than just talking about the ideas behind play-based learning, this book gives parents and teachers real-life examples of how to use these ideas. Find out how to create learning spaces that make people curious, and look into how technology can be used to make learning spaces that are active and fun."Learning Adventures" is a must-read for anyone who wants to change the way we learn by combining the fun of play with the desire to learn. Schmidt's work is a great example of how modern education is changing things so that play can spark a lasting interest in learning. Take part in the adventure right now and change the way people learn for generations to come.

  • af Simona
    183,95 kr.

    Start a new way of cooking with "Food Revolution: Eating in a way that is good for you and the environment." Simona, the author of this groundbreaking book, looks at how personal health and environmental sustainability are connected. She reveals the keys to a mindful and healthy food change.Find out how powerful it is to make choices that are good for you as Simona talks about the secret health and environmental costs of conventional food production. This book will show you the way to a better, more environmentally friendly life, from the effects of industrial farming to how important it is to read food labels.Simona gives readers the power to make decisions about their own health and the health of the world by teaching them about the health benefits of a plant-based diet. Discover useful tips for making smart selections at the grocery store and farmers' markets, and learn more about how a plant-based diet can help your health and the world.Simona's book has everything a person looking to change their diet to fit in with the food revolution needs. It has delicious and healthy plant-based meals and busts some common myths about plant-based eating. This book isn't just about trends; it takes a more complete look at things and focuses on what's best for people and the planet in the long run.Join the Food Revolution right now to take care of your health and the world. One bite at a time, Simona's wise and important book is your ticket to a healthier, more sustainable future.

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