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  • af Muhamed B. Salih El Uthejmin
    297,95 kr.

    Shaykh (may Allah have mercy on him) describes his book with the words: "Of the blessings of the Sharia of Allah, the Almighty. it is taking care of justice by giving it a special importance... Justice is giving everyone what they deserve, neither exaggerating it nor diminishing it. We with the help of God xh.sh. we will try to clarify something about the rights, namely the most important obligations that a person has towards others" These rights are as follows:1. Obligations to Allah Almighty.2. Obligations towards the Messenger of God (peace be upon him)3. Obligations towards parents.4. Obligations towards children.5. Obligations to relatives.6. Obligation of spouses towards each other.7. Obligation to the neighbor.8. Obligation towards Muslims - in general.

  • af Muhammed Salih El Uthejmin
    307,95 kr.

    Shpjegimi i bazave të besimit është një libër i dobishëm, i cili bën fjalë për bazat dhe synimet e besimit Islam dhe për shtyllat e fesë Islame, siç janë: besimi në Allahun, në melekët e Tij, në të dërguarit e Tij, në Librat e Tij, në Ditën e Fundit dhe në kaderin (paracaktimin) e Allahut.

  • af Ibrahim B. Nasir En Nasir
    297,95 kr.

    Ky dokument është përgatitur për të sqaruar qëndrimin e sheriatit (legjislacionit) islam rreth çështjes më të përfolur në mesin e muslimanëve; çështjes së gruas, prej së cilës është sprovuar qytetërimi perëndimor, vesa e së cilës ka prekur disa shoqëri islame dhe logjikën e disa prej bijve të saj. Ky dokument përmban sqarimin e çështjes më të rëndësishme rreth gruas, si dhe çështje të tjera që kanë të bëjnë me të në aspektin e themelimit dhe mbrojtjes, gjë të cilën e kërkon natyra e kësaj etape. Ky sqarim është përpjekja e dhjetëra dijetarëve dhe mendimtarëve, në mënyrë që të arrinte në formën e dokumentit dhe përmbledhjes. ... "Jemi përpjekur në këtë dokument përmbledhës që të komentojmë e argumentojmë në mënyrë të shkurtër rreth këtyre pikave: - Pikënisjet bazë. - Bazat e sheriatit rreth të drejtave të gruas dhe detyrave të saj. - Largpamësi komentuese dhe arsyetuese të disa prej këtyre bazave. - Këshilla dhe kërkesa."

  • af Abu Zakareyye An-Nawawy
    412,95 kr.

    Një ndër enciklopeditë më të njohura të Hadithit. Ky libër do të jetë udhërrëfyes për secilin që ndi¬hmohet me të dhe shërbehet në kërkimin dhe veprimin e veprave të mira, si dhe do të jetë ndalesë prej të këqijave dhe katas¬trofave të ndryshme. Me pak fjalë ky libër është një ndër librat pa të cilat nuk duhet të mbetet shtëpia e myslimanit.

  • af Muhamed Salih
    307,95 kr.

    Qëndrueshmëria në fenë e Allahut është qëllimi themelor i çdo muslimani të sinqertë që dëshiron ta ndjekë rrugën e drejtë me vendosmëri e udhëzim. Në ditët e sotme nevoja e muslimanit për mjetet e qëndrueshmërisë është më e madhe sesa në kohën e gjeneratave të para të muslimanëve. Rrjedhimisht, përpjekja që kërkohet për ta jetësuar këtë është më e madhe, për shkak të prishjeve në kohën që po jetojmë, vëllezërve të paktë dhe dobësisë e numrit të vogël të përkrahësve. Në këtë libër pëmenden disa mjete të rëndësishme për të qenë i qëndrueshëm në fe.

  • af Naji Ibrahim Al Arfaj
    297,95 kr.

    Ky libër flet për mesazhin e vetëm me të cilin janë ngarkuar tërë pejgamberët dhe të dërguarit që nga koha e Ademit e deri te pejgamberi ynë, Muhamedi (sal-lAllahu alejhi ue sel-lem). Si dhe dallohet për shkak të vërtetimit të njëshmërisë së Allahut - monoteizmit përmes librave të krishterëve dhe jehudëve (Dhjata e vjetër dhe e re), të cilat i posedojnë tash para vetes.

  • af Seid El Kahtani
    317,95 kr.

    Mburoja e muslimanit është ndër librat më të njohur në mesin e muslimanëve. Në të janë përfshirë dhikri dhe lutjet që e ruajnë muslimanin nga shejtanët dhe xhinët dhe e forcojnë lidhjen e tij me Allahun. Në të gjenden shumica e lutjeve që i nevojiten muslimanit gjatë ditës dhe natës.

  • af Enes Goga
    307,95 kr.

    Ky është një libër që flet për kushtet e besimit, duke e argumentuar secilën prej tyre me argumente të shumta.Përpiqet të paraqesë kushtet e besimit në një metodë të lehtë dhe të mirësistemuar.

  • af Naxhi Ibrahim El Arfexhi
    307,95 kr.

    Ky libër ofron aspekte të ndriçuara dhe shembuj të përzgjedhur të bukurisë, gjithëpërfshirjes, thjeshtësisë, tolerancës, madhështisë dhe shkëlqimit të Islamit. Ndaj të ftoj ta lexosh këtë libër me sinqeritet, objektivizëm dhe mendje të hapur, me qëllim të zbardhjes së të vërtetës përkitazi me këtë fe madhështore.

  • af Fahd Yahya Al-Ammary
    307,95 kr.

    This book comprises less than 200 points; made it brief and easy to understand. I have tried to make it such that the fasting person can find out what he wants and needs to know from it easily. I have compiled the points based on the books of the Sunnah and their explanations, the statements of the Companions, the Followers (i.e. the generation after the Companions) and the four Imams: Abu Hanifah, Malik, ash-Shafi`I and Ahmad, their followers and other Imams of Islam and lights of guidance (may Allah have mercy on them and may He reward them with good on behalf of Islam and the Muslims). I have tried to select those opinions which are closest to the proofs according to the justifications of the verifying scholars, with the permission of Allah. Allah the Most High said: [And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger] [4:59].

  • af Naasir Bin Abdulkarim Al-Aql
    287,95 kr.

    ABOUT THE BOOK: This is a translation of the Arabic booklet entitled: Mujmal Usool Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa'ah fil-'Aqeedah [A Summary of the Fundamental Precepts of The People of the Sunnah and the Jamaa'ah With Regards Beliefs and Creed], written by Shaykh Naasir al-'Aql, may Allaah protect him. Since there were certain terms and concepts, which were difficult to render into sound English, I took recourse to brother Ali at-Tamimi's translation of the book, which appeared in al-Basheer magazine a number of years ago. [Al-Basheer magazine (March-April 1993CE; pp.8-20)]. May Allaah reward him with goodness and may He also reward those who aided in checking and editing this present translation. Indeed Allaah is the One Who hears and the One Who responds. Finally, all praise is for Allaah, Lord of the worlds; and may He extol and send the blessings of peace upon our master and leader (Sayyid), Muhammad; and upon his Family, Companions and all those who follow them upon goodness.

  • af Abu Abdullah
    297,95 kr.

    This books talking about the rights of non-Muslims in Islam and where 1-The tenets of the religion which ensure the general rights of non-Muslims in Islam. 2-he types of non-Muslim societies in an Islamic nation, and an introduction to general rights of non-Muslims in Islam. 3- The right of non-Muslims to preservation of their human dignity with discussion of historical precedents and textual evidence. 4- Islam gives members of other faiths the right to practice their faiths. A historical analysis of Islamic principle of 'No compulsion in religion.' 5-The right of non-Muslims to follow their own laws and are not under compulsion to follow Islamic Law. 6-Examples of Islamic justice towards non-Muslims and justice as a right. 7-Protection of life, property, and honor of non-Muslims under Islamic Law. 8-Receiving good treatment is the right of a non-Muslim under Islam, not just a matter of courtesy. 9-Poor and needy non-Muslims have the right to social security under Islamic Law. Examples from history where non-Muslims were provided from the public treasury. 10-The right of non-Muslims to be protected against outside aggression in return for paying jizya

  • af Awad Abdullah
    277,95 kr.

    WHAT ALLAH SAID IN THE QUR'AN ABOUT JESUS, SON OF MARY (PEACE BE UPON HIM) Allah's favor bestowed upon Jesus, son of Mary, as He made him and his mother one of the signs proving Allah's capability to do anything. She conceived and gave birth to him without a father. He spoke when he was still a baby in the cradle, and Allah displayed through him many signs. Allah Almighty said about him: The similitude of Jesus before Allah (in terms of Allah's ability, as He created him without a father) is like that of Adam, whom He created without a father and mother, but from dust, then said to him: Be, so he was. So, He who created Adam without a father and mother is capable to create Jesus without a father with greater reason.

  • af Sheikh Abdullah
    287,95 kr.

    1- Una mirada a lo que algunos eruditos cristianos sobresalientes dijeron respecto a la autenticidad de la Biblia. 2-Algunos ejemplos de las interpolaciones existentes en la Biblia, como lo mencionaron los eruditos cristianos. 3- Evidencias de las contradicciones descubiertas por eruditos cristianos en las narraciones de los presuntos autores del Nuevo Testamento. 4-Escrituras cristianas "corregidas" por cristianos ortodoxos. 5-Algunas nuevas traducciones de la Biblia han comenzado a mencionar las contradicciones y lo dudoso de los pasajes. 6-Más ejemplos de manipulación de la Biblia. 7-El papel de la Iglesia en ocultar y manipular la verdad.

  • af Fahd Ibn Hamad Al-Mubarak
    307,95 kr.

    There is pressing need today for an abridged and simplified book that presents Islam in its comprehensive sense, in terms of beliefs, acts of worship, dealings, ethics, and the like. It is to help the reader form a clear and complete idea about Islam, and it also serves as an initial reference for new Muslims to learn the rulings, ethics, commands, and prohibitions of this religion.

  • af K. Gency
    357,95 kr.

    Dystopian literature is a irritating kind of fiction which the authors use as a means to vent their fear and anxiety; at the same time they equally feel dutiful to make the public know what they feel as not being given due significance by the masses.

  • af Haitham Tal'at
    342,95 kr.

    This is the book Spiritual Atheism and its Danger to ¿Aq¿dah (Creed) and Reason. It deals with a serious issue that has indeed broadly penetrated Muslim countries-the lands of monotheism-which is the application of Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist pagan practices in their various forms under the names of: "energy therapy", "utilizing the law of attraction," "meditation and yoga," "the macrobiotic diet," "reiki therapy", "feng shui", "color therapy", "pyramid healing", "achieving harmony with cosmic energy," and other philosophies of East Asian religions.

  • af Suliman H. Al-But'he
    287,95 kr.

  • af A. B Philips
    317,95 kr.

  • af Shéij Muhámmad Salih Al-Munayyid
    297,95 kr.

  • af Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
    317,95 kr.

    It is the nature of this life that people will suffer from worries and stress, because this world is the place of disease, hardship and suffering. And also nature of this life that people have to put up with suffering and hardship for various reasons, as is indicated in the Qur'aan (interpretation of the meaning): "Verily, We have created man in toil." [al-Balad 90:4]. So people feel regret for what has happened in the past, anxious about what may happen in the future, and worried about what is going on in the present. In this book, described different kinds of worries and Islam's Treatment for dealing with Anxiety and Worry.

  • af Adel Ibn Ali Al-Shiddy
    307,95 kr.

    Ninguna reunión o encuentro podría ser más honorable que reunirse con el Profeta (las bendiciones y la paz sean con él). Y aunque sus compañeros (que Alá se complazca con ellos) tuvieron el honor de reunirse con él en este mundo y tomar parte de su enseñanza, instrucción y educación, Alá, en Su misericordia y generosidad, ha facilitado para nosotros también una forma de aprender su biografía, su Sunnah, su guía y las características de su personalidad, la cual tiene como característica excepcional su misericordia, benevolencia, nobleza, generosidad y moralidad.

  • af Muhammad Abdulraoof
    317,95 kr.

    Fasting is a great act of worship that Allaah The Almighty made one of the pillars of Islam and prescribed upon the Muslims - not for one day or a week, but for an entire month every year. It is the nature of the human soul to slacken and become bored and tired of striving, especially in the face of the temptations of life, the many pleasures of this world, and the deception of Satan. As a result, the soul becomes weak in performing obligatory duties and acts of worship; it gradually becomes less affected by them and benefits less from them. It is the wisdom and mercy of Allaah The Almighty that He has ordained for the soul all that strengthens its weakness, sharpens its determination, and increases its faith through the virtue He conferred on certain times and places. The seasons of virtue, for instance, include the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah, the 10th of Muharram, and Ramadhaan.

  • af Abdul-Azeez Bin Baaz
    317,95 kr.

    Indeed one of the greatest opportunities Allah ¿has given this ummah is the month of Ramadaan, in which He revealed His Book as a Guidance and Criterion, and has attributed to this month many merits not attributed to others. And from these opportunities is also the Taraaweeh, of which the Prophet ¿ said, "Whoever stands [in prayer] in Ramadaan with Eeman and hoping to attain reward from Allah, then all his previ-ous sins will be forgiven."

  • af Ayman Baha'addin Al Sarraj
    287,95 kr.

    This truth, which all people agree on, does not need any proof, because generally humankind agrees on the existence of the Creator who controls this universe. In fact, all people agree on the Creator's existence except few of them. Here are some of the evidences that prove the Creator's existence of this wide perfect universe.

  • af Sa'id 'Ali bin Wahaf Al-Qahtani
    297,95 kr.

    Este libro es una concisa explicación de lo que significa aferrarse al Corán y la Sunnah. This book is a concise explanation of what it means to cling to the Qur'an and Sunnah.

  • af Abû Ya´far At-Tahâui
    287,95 kr.

    Este libro explica la creencia de Ahlus-Sunnah ua Al Yamâh [Pueblo de la Sunnah y de la Comunidad] en el escuela de juristas en religión: Abu Hanifah An- Nu'mân bin Zâbit Al Kûfi, Abu Iûsuf Ia'qûb bin Ibrâhim Al Ansâri, y Abu 'Abudl-lah Muhammad bin Al Hasan Ash-Shaibâni, -que Allah esté complacido con todos ellos- y qué creer dentro de los fundamentos de la religión y el culto al Señor de la creación.] This book explanation of the belief of Ahlus-Sunnah ua Al Yamâh [People of the Sunnah and the Community] on the school of jurists in religion: Abu Hanifah An- Nu'mân bin Zâbit Al Kûfi, Abu Iûsuf Ia'qûb bin Ibrâhim Al Ansâri, and Abu 'Abudl-lah Muhammad bin Al Hasan Ash-Shaibâni, -may Allah be pleased with them all- and what believe within the fundamentals of religion and worship to the Lord of creation.]

  • af Shaikh Muhammad Ibn Saleh Al-Uthaimeen
    332,95 kr.

  • af T. Tsegaye
    372,95 kr.

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