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  • af Jennifer Gardiner
    138,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af S. Claypool
    193,95 kr.

    "Kelsee the Hero" is a touching children's book by Sharyn Claypool, celebrating the courage and kindness of Kelsee, a girl in a wheelchair, who embarks on inspiring adventures. This heartwarming tale illustrates that heroes come in all forms, encouraging young readers to embrace differences and discover their inner strength.

  • af Vashti Kanahele
    171,95 kr.

    Embark on an extraordinary journey in Passports and Parasites-a captivating memoir that will whisk you away on a riveting, unfiltered, and raw adventure. Join Vashti as she navigates life overseas, from war-torn regions to exotic paradises like Curaçao. Experience the highs of adventure and the lows requiring resilience while confronting unexpected challenges, including uninvited visitors-parasites. Experience the challenges of fertility, joys of motherhood, and triumph over chronic illnesses like Lyme disease and Hashimoto's. As you delve into this extraordinary tale, find practical insights and ignite your own resilience. Your passport to inspiration awaits.

  • af Ray Love
    193,95 kr.

    Rufus the Raccoon is about a family who rescue a raccoon kit and adopt it as a pet. They have a great deal of fun with Rufus. When the raccoon gets too large for the family to handle, they find a home for it with a local night watchman.

  • af George Jaeggi
    178,95 kr.

    This book is dedicated to all of you reading my thoughts about my China experiences. I have met many people over my lifetime and each of them has given me some insight into what this world is all about and made me appreciate the title of the 1966 Clint Eastwood movie: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. I am grateful for the patience and understanding of all my family, my wife Kim, my daughter Christine and her family, my son Brian and his family, and my four grandsons, Henry, Mason, Charlie, and Jordan. I would like to thank all my friends who encouraged me to write this book, and I hope you will enjoy the awkward ways of my worldview.

  • af Uli Schell
    273,95 kr.

    How do you teach computers to learn from data?This hands-on introduction teaches the basics of machine learning with R, H2O and Keras using numerous examples. You will be able to select the appropriate approach and apply it to your own questions such as image classification or predictions.Since erroneous data can jeopardize learning success, special attention is paid to data preparation and analysis. For this purpose, R provides highly developed and scientifically sound analysis libraries, the functionality and application of which are shown.You will learn for which applications statistical methods such as regression, classification, factor, cluster and time series analysis are sufficient and when it is better to use neural networks such as e.g. B. CNNs or RNNs should work. The H20 framework and Keras are used here.Examples show how you can analyze stumbling blocks in the learning process or how to avoid them from the outset. You will also learn under what circumstances you can reuse the results of machine learning and how to do this.This book is a translation of "Maschinelles Lernen mit R", Carl Hanser Verlag, ISBN 978-3446471658

  • af Rosamaria Tapia C
    123,95 kr.

    La Antigüedad griega dejó lecciones imborrables a la Humanidad. Fortalezas y debilidades eran para los helenos, junto a otros referentes, objetos comunes de lección. Entre esas historias, o mitos como se les conoce, la figura de Aquiles alcanza proporciones particulares. En Aquiles se conjuga la antítesis que conforma al ser humano a la luz de muchas filosofías: barro y soplo divino. Hijo de una diosa y de un mortal, el héroe fue blindado por su madre, cuando esta lo sumergió ritualmente en la laguna Estigia, haciéndolo inmune a las armas de aquel tiempo. Sin embargo, el punto por el que sostenía al recién nacido, el pie, no fue alcanzado por el agua mística, lo que dio origen a un único punto débil que llegaría a ser su perdición. Hasta el presente, la estructura corporal de una persona, o las providencias que esta adopte con respecto a su conformación espiritual, son más o menos fuertes en igual proporción a la debilidad de su talón de Aquiles particular. Bien dicen los que saben de estas cosas: las historias que tienen al ser humano como eje suelen mantenerse vigentes, actuales, milenio tras milenio. Rosamaría Tapia recrea en esta novela el contexto de la historia de Aquiles, la moldea en la contemporaneidad y nos la muestra con una versión adaptada y calibrada de tal modo que pudiera convertirse en la propia rendición de cuentas existencial del lector. Es que, conscientes de nuestra dualidad mortal y divina, pero sujetos a pendular entre una y otra a lo largo de los breves días de nuestra existencia, ponemos el pecho a tantos retos, creyéndonos cubiertos por armaduras invulnerables, en tanto dejamos expuestos, porque no sabemos dónde radican, nuestros vitales puntos débiles. Narrada con la prosa intimista que ha integrado ya a su impronta como escritora, Rosamaría Tapia nos lleva en esta novela por escenarios impresionantes, no tanto por ser inusuales, sino por estar más cerca de nosotros de lo que podríamos siquiera sospechar. Pero lo hace en buena hora, cuando aún podemos mirarnos para encontrar dónde reside nuestro talón de Aquiles; y cubrirnos en consecuencia.

  • - Daca Eu Am Putut, Poti Si Tu!
    af Aurelia Grosu
    123,95 kr.

    Aurelia Grosu are o experienta didactica de peste 30 de ani in invatamantul primar si ajuta copiii cu dizabilitati. Insa aceasta identitate profesionala spune prea putin despre un om care si-a construit o remarcabila filosofie a vietii, in urma confruntarii cu situatii limita care de multe ori pareau insurmontabile. Cu o tenacitate si o perseverenta iesite din comun, Aurelia Grosu ne face martori la un veritabil exercitiu de credinta, prin care avem ocazia sa ne reintalnim cu propriul nostru potential nevalorificat. Ceea ce ne va surprinde si - in acelasi timp - ne va inspira de fiecare data este munca asidua si angajamentul mereu reinnoit care i-au permis autoarei sa faca pasul de la o experienta personala spre o atitudine cu adevarat luminoasa in fata vietii. "Esti mai puternic decat crezi" este o carte care motiveaza profund.

  • af Ana Maria Usurelu
    123,95 kr.

    Ana Maria Usurelu, fara a cadea in melodrama si previzibil, scrie o poveste despre doua subiecte inepuizabile - iubirea si sexul. In spatele unei istorii tragice de viata descoperim acele crize existentiale cu care ne confruntam cu totii, mai devreme sau mai tarziu: responsabilitate, libertate si alegere, existenta divinitatii, singuratate, timp si situatii limita. Dragostea isi pierde puterea in fata mortii si a suferintei. Exista povesti de iubire atat de triste, incat ai vrea sa inchizi ochii, ca sa nu mai doara, sa nu mai simti neputinta de a nu putea schimba cursul ei. Povestea te cucereste de la primele pagini, autoarea reusind sa creeze un sentiment de apropiere intre cititor si personaje, astfel incat, la un moment dat, uiti ca citesti o opera de fictiune si ai senzatia ca afli, de fapt, povestea unor prieteni. "Memoriile unui muritor" - un roman despre iubire, viata, moarte si lupta.

  • af Oana Mihai
    88,95 kr.

    Uneori gasim puterea sa spunem adio, alteori imploram iubirea sa revina in viata noastra, insa sentimentele nu dispar niciodata. Poeta Oana Mihai elogiaza iubirea in poemele sale, fie ca este vorba de amor sau de dragostea spirituala, de romantism sau de refugiu emotional. In acest volum al afectiunii sunt reunite intrebari care ne framanta permanent, raspunsuri sperate, dar si dorinte, regrete, amintiri in care, fiecare dintre noi, se regaseste.

  • - -
    af Parmena Zirina
    123,95 kr.

    "Cafea cu gheata te poarta pe nevazute prin vortexuri ametitoare, ce deschid inaintea cititorului, lumi paralele: cea a satului transilvanean, invaluit in aromele primelor lectii de viata, cea a unei lumi intortocheate, a iubirilor neintelese si consumate, mai mult sau mai putin, sub forma de salate grabite, pentru ca, mai apoi, incununarea unui succes literar sa deschida o ultima usa, direct catre sufletul autoarei, intr-un dialog simultan. [...] Nu stiu daca ar fi un condiment mai potrivit in fata drumului unei vieti, decat o cafea cu gheata. O alaturare desavarsita intre arome atat de diferite si puternice, un melanj siamez al unor simturi si idei, impletite pana la confundare, cu calea fiecarui om care si-a propus, macar o data, sa se ridice mai sus decat conditia sa. Asta este viata vazuta prin ochii Parmenei Zirina: o cafea cu gheata! Masura perfecta... echilibrul intre negrul intens al cafelei proaspat rasnite si doua cuburi care se topesc incet, sub intensitatea caldurii, cuburi ce nu sunt altceva decat doua principii, amestecandu-se unul intr-altul, intr-un ocean opac si totusi, plin de esenta, pana in strafundul venelor." - Clarisa Iordache

  • - -
    af Eli Bantu
    263,95 kr.

    "Cunoasterea este praful magic al cartilor" spuse Nasturica. Exact! Este vorba despre o aventura, o calatorie initiatica in care personajele principale, cu multa imaginatie, invata despre viata: civilizatii, arta, sport, traditii, stiinta, insa modul in care este realizata transmiterea infomatiei este altul decat cel traditional. De aici deosebirea fata de alte romane de aventuri. Astfel, ratonul Nasturica este un prieten care vine si impartaseste aceste "notiuni, experiente," dar intr-un alt mod. "Experientele" sunt imbracate intr-o avalansa de intamplari care atrag prin unicitate si umor. Evenimentele relatate, la care participa Nasturica, se desfasoara in realitate, in locatiile respective, cu o anumita periodicitate. Sunt atinse civilizatii si culturi care atrag prin diversitate si chiar unicitate; sunt aduse in prim plan notiuni pe care ar trebui sa le stie oricine (copil sau adult) ca parte a unei culturi generale de baza si, in egala masura, notiuni pe care, daca le detin, intra in centrul atentiei celorlalti. Afla, astfel, despre domenii dintre cele mai diverse: geografie (intreaga harta pe care o parcurge personajul principal si prietenii lui), istorie (civilizatii - americana, amerindiana, greaca, japoneza, scotiana - invata despre cavalerii templieri, despre mauri, imperiul bizantin etc.), sport (golf, rugby, hochei, fotbal american, lupte greco-romane, navigatie si aviatie, arte martiale, sah), arta si stiinta (muzica - jazz, rock, clasica, muzica bizantina - teatru si film, literatura, Nobel, dialecte si limbi straine - dialectul indienilor yakama, dialectul galez, limba greaca, spaniola, elemente de traditie japoneza si, bineinteles, limba engleza, limbajul semnelor), animale si pasari, dintre cele mai variate, comportamente umane, fenomene neobisnuite. "Usor! Si nu trebuie decat sa intrebi..." spuse Andrusca...

  • - O Experienta Mistica Plina de Lumina
    af Cristiana Dragomir
    83,95 kr.

    E stranie, dar de inteles asocierea dintre Camera Obscura si pantecul natal: chiar energia creata transmitea, prin senzatiile de confort amintite mai sus, sentimentul de a te afla intr-o etapa de transformare atat de puternica incat putea fi asociata cu o a doua nastere. Caci dincolo de starea de confort si protectie pe care o aveam stand in relaxare profunda in intuneric, in timp ce hrana si toate cele necesare imi erau daruite fara ca eu sa fac vreun efort (caci orice efort sau activitate ar fi fost inutile intr-un astfel de cadru), exista permanent senzatia de restructurare interioara, de deconstruire si reconstruire a tuturor aspectelor fiintei mele, ca si cum un burete venea sa stearga vechile tipare - de gandire, de lucru si chiar energetice - fiind apoi indemnata sa rescriu altele noi, in armonie cu noile energii si paradigme de pe planeta. Relatarea unei initieri in alimentatie pranica si tehnologia armonizarii biocampurilor energetice, cu Maestra Jasmuheen: 10 zile in Camera Obscura (intuneric perfect, similar pesterilor de meditatie ale misticilor din vechime). In meditatie, tacere si fara hrana fizica (exceptand sucuri de fructe sau legume, optional), perceptia asupra lumii si propriei fiinte se schimba dramatic, caci vocea interioara se face, in sfarsit auzita, iar starea noastra reala in sfarsit, cunoscuta. S-a demonstrat stiintific ca, in intuneric, glanda pineala secreta mai mult DMT - Molecula Spiritului - care faciliteaza stari modificate de constiinta si accesul la Sinele nostru Divin. Autoarea descrie procesul si experientele traite, cu sinceritate si bucurie, facilitand o calatorie in spatiul sacru al introspectiei, in descoperirea Maestrului Interior. O experienta unica, vindecatoare si plina de revelatii, ce dezvaluie o noua paradigma...

  • af Renato Gudino
    123,95 kr.

    Pana la urma asta inseamna iubirea: inchipuirile si pasiunile sale? Sau iubirea mai are si un alt inteles, ceva aflat dincolo de simturile noastre, ceva ce nu vrem sa vedem sau ne este ascuns? O tema umana despre care se vorbeste intruna, o nevoie a sufletului: iubirea si diversele forme sub care ni se arata. Povestile unor femei visand cu ochii deschisi sau ale unor barbati care aspira la chipuri reale sau imaginare de care sa se indragosteasca; acele povesti tulburatoare pe care le asteptam cu ardoare in viata noastra si, care, fie si numai pentru cateva clipe, sa ne invioreze sufletele, sa ne lumineze privirile si sa ne faca inimile sa tresalte iar si iar... "Delirul iubirii" (Cataplumes del Amor, 2008) - una dintre cele mai bune carti ale scriitorului sud-american Renato Gudino. Povestirile lui Gudino sunt adevarate exercitii de virtuozitate narativa si stilistica, pline de pasiune si erotism.

  • - Student Version
    af K J Sukhu
    263,95 kr.

    These 5 critical thinking assignments deliver non-linear problem based investigations geared towards the secondary school level. The assignments blend curriculum expectations with real world application. Case Study 1: Building a Balanced Society Students must create a political portfolio that juggles the health of the environment while maintaining a job force, a budget and negotiating votes. Case Study 2: The Pollution of Lake Okinawa Students investigate several corporations that are suspected of polluting a town's water supply. Students will use the given evidence to determine the culprit(s). Case Study 3: The Mysterious Seven of Drewersville Several mysterious deaths have occurred in a small town. Students must use DNA, blood samples, testimony and other pieces of evidence to figure out the identities of the murderer(s). Case Study 4: The Dolphin Hotel Murders Several mysterious deaths have occurred in a hotel during a catastrophic storm. Students must use DNA, blood samples, testimony and other pieces of evidence to figure out the identities of the victims and their murderer(s). Case Study 5: The Upper Crescent College Hockey Hazing Trial An incident has occurred and the suspected cause of the incident is bullying or a hazing ritual. The majority of the school's hockey team will be put on trial. Students must take the side of either the prosecution or defense team, go through the evidence in great detail and prove the innocence or guilt of the hockey players. All assignments have been classroom tested and a variety of these assignments can be used in Biological Science, General Science, Political, History, & Law courses. Assignments vary for students in Grades 8-12 or Forms 1-5.

    173,95 kr.

    Over a thousand aphorisms, maxims, and outstanding phrases about religion and God, about love, soul and boundless generosity of fate, the philosophy of happiness and simplicity of hatred, about time and space, joy and pain of victory and failure on the sublime ... about everything and about all in just one book.

  • af Amanda Joyce
    273,95 - 398,95 kr.

  • af Marcus Hurst
    173,95 kr.

    Find purpose in your suffering and make clarity of life's confusion. The Contentment Dilemma strives to provide a clear roadmap for understanding and addressing the chaos that many people are facing. If you desire lasting fulfillment, and to triumph over the challenges in life, this book was written for you. Have you been wondering if it is possible to know the truth about life's mysteries? The Contentment Dilemma will equip you with tools that will aid in taking control of your life and finding the hope and purpose you are looking for. In The Contentment Dilemma you will learn: Reasonable explanations of life's mysteries and purposes.Why confusion and suffering are so abundant.How adversity is actually a privilege.Steps for building a personal connection with the Creator of the universe.How to rise above sin's bondage, conquer defeat, and get a grip on your life.If you want to overcome adversity and find purpose in life, get a copy today. It has been testified that all people will locate valuable insight within this book's pages. One reviewer wrote, about The Contentment Dilemma, "...Every man and woman should read this book. After all, we all want to make the right decisions in life, don't we? I, therefore, recommend it to everyone, including underage readers capable of comprehension." -OmondiKen

  • af Israel Bouseman
    198,95 kr.

    Only HumanSome of us are wired a bit differently.Some are sensitives, hyperaware of both our physical senses and our empathic and intuitive senses.Some are seekers with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, driven to plumb the depths and scour the heights on our quest for Truth.Seekers and sensitives see the world differently. And because of this, we can feel isolated, surrounded by people who don't understand us, strangers in a strange land.We often deal with intense emotions, anxiety, scattered attention, and social awkwardness. To handle our sensitivity, we often numb out or withdraw. We feel the turbulence of the world so keenly that it can be overwhelming.If this sounds familiar, Only Human was written with you in mind. This is a step-by-step guide to help you transform your sensitivities into superpowers.The simple truth is that our sensitivity offers inspiration, emotional wisdom, and creative brilliance. Our unique perspectives can be a source of vitality, understanding, and joy.In this book, you'll learn how to:Release stress and anxietyFocus your senses and manage excess sensitivityProcess emotions in a healthy wayMake peace with yourself, inviting opportunity and healthy connectionFocus and clarify your mental space, improving learning and performanceUse your intuitive gifts for focused questions and guidanceAnd much more!Only Human: an Operating Manual for Seekers and Sensitives is actionable guidance to help you make peace with your mind, live from the heart, and become the artist of your own life.

  • af Aurel Dobre
    178,95 kr.

  • af Aurel Dobre
    168,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer L. Anderson & Tanner Lagasca
    408,95 kr.

  • af Anca Mizumschi
    183,95 kr.

  • af Corina Ozon
    178,95 kr.

  • af Laura Nureldin
    178,95 kr.

  • af Laura Nureldin
    178,95 kr.

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