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  • - Mit Superfood Smoothies Zum Abnehmen Und Fur Eine Gesunde Ernahrung (Die Smoothie Monatskur - Zum Koerper Entgiften)
    af David Zimmer
    222,95 kr.

  • - Smoothie Rezepte Zum Schnellen Abnehmen, Entgiften & Entschlacken (Die Ultimativen Smoothie Rezepte Fur Den Taglichen Vitaminkick)
    af Heike Busch
    222,95 kr.

    Smoothies schmecken nicht nur super lecker, sondern tun dem körper gutes und steigern dadurch die lebensqualität. Für alle, die schnell ein paar pfunde abnehmen möchten, sind grüne smoothies eine gesunde und zugleich erfrischende möglichkeit, den körper zu entschlacken. Außerdem helfen smoothies dabei, den körper zu entwässern, sodass dem gesund abnehmen nichts mehr im wege steht. Was du mit diesem buch erhältst:. Du erfährst was superfood¿s sind. Wie man mit superfood smoothies entgiftet und leicht abnimmt. Power-, gemüse- und frucht-smoothies. Nährwertangaben. Zusätzliche kurze info welche vitamine und welche wirkung enthalten sind. Welche wirkung ein säure-basen-haushalt hat. Mehr lebensenergie. Mehr gesundheit. Positive ausstrahlung. Einen schöneren gesünderen körper. Kinderleichte rezepte für absolute anfängerLow-carb smoothies sind ein muss für jeden, der sich leicht und gesund ernähren will. Sie unterstützen sie beim abnehmen und sind, richtig zubereitet, auch echt lecker! Man kann smoothies als wahre wunderwaffen bezeichnen, denn sie helfen gegen heißhungerattacken und stärken das immunsystem nachweislich. Besonders zum frühstück eignen sich die superdrinks, im gegensatz zu kohlenhydratlastigen lebensmitteln wie brot, cornflakes und co.

  • - Einfach Lecker Energie Tanken Und Gesund Durch Den Tag (Leckere, Nahrstoffreiche Smoothies Fur Einfaches Abnehmen)
    af Torsten Pabst
    222,95 kr.

  • - Gesunde Smoothie Und Shake Rezepte Fur Die Keto Diat Mit Wenig Kohlenhydraten (Gesunde Smoothie Und Shake Rezepte Fur Die Keto Diat)
    af Torsten Adler
    222,95 kr.

  • - Leckere Und Gesunde Smoothie Und Blast Rezepte (Leckere Smoothie Rezepte Zum Abnehmen, Inklusive Grune Smoothies Rezepte)
    af Dirk Lowe
    222,95 kr.

  • - Tasty and Easy to Follow Recipes to Grill Your Favourite Foods (How to Prepare Easy and Flavorful Grilled Recipes)
    af Nadia Brunson
    222,95 kr.

    This book includes multiple recipes that cater to a wide range of palates. It further provides you with tips and instructions that can help you become an experienced griller as you prepare healthy, delicious, and simple recipes. Grilling is actually a really great cooking method because you can cook both meat and vegetables. As such, this book will ultimately enhance your cooking skills and elevate them to a whole new level. You also see more different types of recipes such as:ΓÇó                  Squash recipesΓÇó                  Eggplant recipesΓÇó                  Grilling pizza cookbookΓÇó                  Mashed potato cookbookΓÇó                  Grilling vegetables recipeΓÇó                  Italian grill cookbookΓÇó                  Vegetarian grilling cookbookDo you want to have a ton of recipes at your fingertips to always have delicious, easy and healthy dishes to grilling indoors or air frying perfection?The ninja foodi grill is a fabulous appliance, it allows you to quickly and effortlessly cook any food. You can make the most of all of its features, including the ability to enjoy dishes with a true bbq flavor all year round.

  • - Healthy and Delicious Recipes for You to Enjoy After Weight Loss Surgery (Healthy Cookbook After Gastric Sleeve Surgery for Weight Loss)
    af Candida Warfel
    222,95 kr.

    You''re tired of dieting yo-yo and are able to permanently reach weight loss. And the best thing about that is, you deserve it. You deserve to feel more energized, to feel lighter, and with more ease to go about even the easiest things of your life. You deserve, most importantly, to be healthier. You deserve to enjoy the benefits of a healthy body and mind, whether it is breathing better, putting any drugs behind, or receiving enhanced test results from your doctor''s office.  In the pages of gastric sleeve bariatric cookbook you will find: ΓÇó                  How to approach gastric surgery and its benefits ΓÇó                  How to start an effective diet after surgery ΓÇó                  Some days meal prep plan to change your eating habits in an healthier (but tasty!) Way ΓÇó                  Over gastric recipes for broths, smoothies, soups, salads and more  After bariatric surgery, your meal portions are much smaller. Your new diet helps you progress with weight loss in a nutritionally sound manner to reach your health goals. Eating a variety of foods will help you obtain adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals. To help increase the variety in your diet, the bariatric surgery program is offering a selection of recipes for you to enjoy. Many of our recipes were shared by individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery.

  • - Useful Tips to Enjoy Your Favourite Foods After Gastric Sleeve Surgery (The Comprehensive Guide With Simple and Nourishing Recipes)
    af Kara Elliott
    222,95 kr.

    Most people desire to live a long life in a healthy body that functions to its fullest. The healthier we are, the more freedoms we enjoy. Waking up and going for a jog before work, being alert during afternoon meetings, and going to dinner with friends at night. Maintaining a proper weight and being healthy allows us to live an active lifestyle and look good doing it. Obesity can prevent us from many of the activities we need to enjoy life abundantly. This book will explain all the uncertainties and will cover the following topics in particular:ΓÇó                  What is bariatric surgeryΓÇó                  Why do doctors recommend this operationΓÇó                  Key aspects to be considered before the operationΓÇó                  What are all the benefits of the operationΓÇó                  The best way to manage the months following the operationΓÇó                  Delicious gastric sleeve recipes for a complete food plan to follow after the operationAfter bariatric surgery, your meal portions are much smaller. Your new diet helps you progress with weight loss in a nutritionally sound manner to reach your health goals. Eating a variety of foods will help you obtain adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals. To help increase the variety in your diet, the bariatric surgery program is offering a selection of recipes for you to enjoy. Many of our recipes were shared by individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery.

  • - The Complete Guide With Delicious Meals to Enjoy Your Weight Loss Diet (Easy Meal Plans, effortless and Delicious Recipes)
    af Terry Slater
    222,95 kr.

    The gastric sleeve bariatric cookbook for begginners easy meal plans,effortless and delicious recipes to enjoy favourite foods before and after weight-loss surgery bariatric surgery is an operation that by making improvements to your digestive system, helps you lose weight. Some forms of bariatric surgery make the stomach smaller, allowing you to eat and drink all at once, helping you feel full faster.  Here''s what you''ll learn from the gastric sleeve bariatric cookbook: ΓÇó                  A detailed guide on how to eat, pre-op, and post op.ΓÇó                  A lovely selection of recipes that work great as pre-op meals.ΓÇó                  Recipes to satiate the seafood and meat lover in you.ΓÇó                  Amazing vegetarian recipes for the health conscious vegetarian.ΓÇó                  Some of the best desserts you will ever have in your whole life, and lots more!Gastric sleeve bariatric cookbook contains recipes and ideas for people who have gone through weight loss surgery. These include proven meals that have worked for thousands of people just like you. These methods are backed up countless testimonials, all which will arm you with a mindset primed for success and keeping the weight off.

  • - The Complete Bariatric Diet Guide With Easy and Healthy Recipes (Tasty and Instant Recipes, With Small Protein-packed Meals)
    af Jason Seiler
    222,95 kr.

    It can be very difficult to lose weight, you have tried many different diets without getting satisfactory results. Unfortunately, anyone who has this problem and doesn''t follow the right information is guaranteed to fail.The gastric sleeve cookbook is much more than just a cookbook, it ranges from food lists to meticulous dietary advice that will guide you from pre-post-bariatric surgery. Even before the surgery. In this book, you will find:ΓÇó                  Recipes for the three basic meals and moreΓÇó                  Liquid and soft food diet recipesΓÇó                  What to order when eating outΓÇó                  Explanations on each phase of the gastric sleeve phase dietΓÇó                  Which foods should be consumed in limited quantities The gastric sleeve bariatric cookbook for begginners easy meal plans,effortless and delicious recipes to enjoy favourite foods before and after weight-loss surgery bariatric surgery is an operation that by making improvements to your digestive system, helps you lose weight. Some forms of bariatric surgery make the stomach smaller, allowing you to eat and drink all at once, helping you feel full faster. The small intestine, the portion of the body that consumes calories and nutrients from foods and liquids, is often modified by other bariatric surgeries

  • - Making More Memories in Your Kitchen With Grilled Steak Cookbook! (An Inspiring Bbq and Grilling Cookbook for You)
    af Robert Parker
    222,95 kr.

    They are not just less oily, but also easy and fast to prepare as well. I prefer to marinate the meat overnight in the freezer and take it out in the morning to a cool compartment before going to work. Then to the microwave oven as soon as i arrive home. Bacon, chicken wings and chicken thighs are my favorite among the grilled dishes. Whenever i have more free time in the weekend, i prepare more time-consuming dishes like grilled ribs or quails. You also see more different types of recipes such as:ΓÇó                  Kabob recipesΓÇó                  Grilled fish recipesΓÇó                  Fajita recipesΓÇó                  Vegetarian bbq cookbookΓÇó                  Ground beef recipesΓÇó                  Charcoal grill cookbookΓÇó                  Chicken wing recipes A good marinade is the important ingredient to achieve that good taste and flavor. Try the asian style by marinating using five spices, not only the dish will be attractive, but it''s the quickest and delicious way. For european style dishes, the sauce will be a bit different and complicated. You can buy this sauce in the market, but i choose to make it myself because it will be tastier and eye-catching. I feel that the sauce out there in the market would not be suited to our taste.

  • - A Bbq and Grilling Cookbook for Your Gathering (Best Grilled Steak Cookbook for Dummies)
    af Charlotte Delarosa
    222,95 kr.

    Discover the barbecue beef traditions in various regions that recreate traditional meals, with tips from expert pitmasters. Love a challenge? Smoking is arranged here based on difficulty level so that you can gradually build your grilling skills. Regardless of the beef''s source, it''s slow-cooked over low heat and added with flavors using smoke from flaming wood. Feel free to change the beef types, as well as its sauce and side dishes. You can even make do without the last two. However, these three things must always remain beef. You also see more different types of recipes such as:ΓÇó                  Kabob cookbookΓÇó                  Korean barbecue recipeΓÇó                  Ground beef recipesΓÇó                  Vegetarian bbq cookbookΓÇó                  Grilled chicken recipesΓÇó                  Pork chops recipeΓÇó                  Grilled pizza cookbook We curated the appetizer recipes carefully in hopes of making it simpler for you to organize the best party ever. The recipes here contain simple stuff that can be eaten by the handful, a bite that won''t be out of place in an elegant party, and a dip that enhances the flavor of celery sticks. Or, for easy serving and cleanup, you can choose to just prepare in bowls. Either way, we can surely help you!

  • - Best-ever Bbq and Grilling Cookbook for Beginners (A Bbq and Grilling Cookbook for Effortless Meals)
    af Larry Jarvis
    222,95 kr.

    Forget complicated recipes with difficult instructions that lead to disappointing meals. This cookbook is full of easy, delicious grilling recipes with pictures that explain everything you need to know about grilling -from choosing the best cuts of meat to cooking via direct or indirect heat. You also see more different types of recipes such as:ΓÇó                  Kabob recipesΓÇó                  Pork chop recipesΓÇó                  Vegetarian bbq cookbookΓÇó                  Fajita recipesΓÇó                  Chicken wing recipesΓÇó                  Grilled cheese cookbookΓÇó                  Lamb cookbook This is a guide where you will learn how to make succulent dishes in a short time and in a simple way. Meat, grilled vegetables, fish, did i already tell you that you are in the right place?Grilling can be a pleasant activity that can be undertaken in your backyard with friends and family. It''s a comfortable way to enjoy your food in an outdoor setting where kids can play sports and adults may socialize while enjoying good food and beer, beer and beer. In other words, everyone can join in and have a good time.

  • - Learn How to Identify and Deal With Different Types of Difficult People (Easy Tips for Dealing With Difficult People)
    af John Turner
    197,95 kr.

    Difficult people exist at work too and that is likely to be the place where they really get under you skin and make life hard. You spend most of your day at work entitled to work without difficult, bitter, envious,frustrated, angry coworkers who want to make you the same. When you are finished reading this book you will know how to:ΓÇó                  Deal with rejectionΓÇó                  Stop an argument before it has a chance to startΓÇó                  Not be a doormatΓÇó                  Set boundariesΓÇó                  Communicate in an intelligent and empowering wayΓÇó                  Deal with negative peopleΓÇó                  Get out of harm''s wayΓÇó                  Put an end to being abusedΓÇó                  Decide what issues are important to address and which ones you should let go ofΓÇó                  And much moreDealing with difficult people and saving your sanity is more than a collection of practical pointers. It''s the friend you can lean on and trust to help you deal and heal. Easy-to-read and down-to-earth, dealing with difficult people and saving your sanity is filled with real-life experiences, survival tools, and insightful tips to help you make real change.

  • - Effective Tips to Deal With Stubborn People (How to Deal With Nasty Customers and Demanding Bosses)
    af Yvette Rouse
    222,95 kr.

    We try coping with difficult people and we also try managing difficult people. We try working with difficult people and some days it works out while on other days it doesn''t work out.One thing we sometimes don''t remember is that no matter how difficult people can be that they are still people. Something is causing them to be difficult and sometimes those reasons are pretty simple and sometimes they are so powerful we want to reach out to them. Here is a preview of what you''ll learn...ΓÇó                  Different types of difficult people at workΓÇó                  How to handle each type of difficult peopleΓÇó                  How to handle difficult people with grace and firmnessΓÇó                  How to deal with difficult managersΓÇó                  How to deal with people in a positive wayΓÇó                  Much, much more! Have you ever been stressed out at work because of the difficult people around you? Dealing with difficult people - be it a co-worker or manager - can give additional stress to your daily life and can make you unhappy and affect your work performance. Now, it is time to learn some skills and strategies to effectively deal with them and handle even the most difficult of co-worker.

  • - Powerful Tactics for Dealing With Difficult People (Expert Tactics for Dealing With Difficult People)
    af Janet Schorr
    222,95 kr.

    If you work with such people, you have to act. You may not notice their negative behaviour much but it certainly will grind you down with time. You need inside information, how to deal with these difficult people. You need to get inside their minds, find out what they are about and shield yourself from the negativity they emit. Here is a preview of what you''ll learn... ΓÇó                  An overview of why certain people are so difficult to deal withΓÇó                  Some classifications of difficult personality types to deal withΓÇó                  Strategies to diffuse heated situationsΓÇó                  Dealing with difficult people specific to co-worker situationsΓÇó                  Dealing with a difficult bossΓÇó                  ...and much more! People can''t drive you crazy if you don''t give them the key. You need to take the final steps of building a life and personality above the negativities of other people. You don''t need to give up your happiness to actually get people on your side. The authority creation strategies will also give you an insight on dealing with people you can''t stand.

  • - Learn How to Effectively Communicate and End Conflict With Difficult People (The Ultimate Guide to Getting Along With Everyone)
    af Christine Hale
    197,95 kr.

    Do you want to know how to handle the difficult person in your life? Have you ever wondered why some people just drive you crazy and what you can do about it? Would you like to learn strategies to deal with difficult people and control yourself in conflict? How to deal with difficult people teaches you about common difficult personalities. Then it gives you strategies for how to handle each of these personality types, whether in your family or at work. Here''s a preview of what you will learn in this book, "how to deal with difficult people"ΓÇó                  Let''s define difficult peopleΓÇó                  How to deal with difficult people at workΓÇó                  How to deal with difficult people at homeΓÇó                  How to deal with difficult people in publicΓÇó                  How to handle conflicts, disagreements and argumentsΓÇó                  How to deal with stressful situations Feeling frustrated with other people is natural, because not one person has the same opinion as the other person. There is sure to be a variation in opinion as there is variation in fingerprints. The problem arises when this difference in opinion causes actual unpleasantness in life. Frustration, anger, hurt, unhappiness and maybe something worse can occur when you are faced with difficult people.

  • - How to Recognize, Analyze, Approach, and Deal With Difficult People (Learn How to Communicate Effectively With Difficult People)
    af James Miller
    212,95 kr.

    Have you ever tried to move with someone or try to connect but the person seem to be difficult in getting along with? Or you have a boss at work or a superior in you working place that makes work time uneasy and life difficult for you at times? Or perhaps you have a friend that all most all of the time there is always communication break or misunderstandings and after you''ve tried all your best, nothing seems to change? Here is a preview of what you''ll learn...ΓÇó                  Identify the difficultyΓÇó                  Identify with the difficult personΓÇó                  Find a common thread and sew if up!ΓÇó                  Kill the difficult person with kindnessΓÇó                  Confront the difficult person and use "i" statementsΓÇó                  Find a way to communicate or work togetherΓÇó                  (insert bullet point)ΓÇó                  And so much, much more!The truth is, if you have always wanted to figure out ways to get along with those difficult people, you''re not alone. Most people lack an effective strategy to learn what getting along with those strong personalities really takes. This book provides you with proven strategies to help you understand exactly how different personalities think, and exactly what you need to know to diffuse difficult situations and become known as the person that everyone can get along with!

  • - Control the Situation! Overcome Your Annoying and Frustrating Coworkers (Strategies to Deal With People You Can't Stand)
    af Hugh Griffin
    192,95 kr.

    You''re about to discover exactly what is involved in becoming someone that everyone can get along with. In your life, especially while at work, you will come across personalities that are often difficult to deal with. This can cause a lot of headache for you and the people around you. In some cases it can even affect your health. Additionally, you will learn...┬╖       How to deal with irrational people┬╖       Phrases to use against impossible people┬╖       Coping with difficult people┬╖       Curbing emotional abuse┬╖       Saying no without hesitation┬╖       Managing difficult relationship┬╖       Handling people you can''t stand┬╖       Getting people invested in you Have you ever been so angry at some people because they are being so difficult? Are they one of your colleagues at work? Are they someone you live with? No matter who they are, even if they are just some random people in public, this book will help you how to communicate effectively with them and how to handle conflicts, arguments and disagreements the smart way.

  • af Stephen Holst
    222,95 kr.

  • af Caitlyn Carr
    222,95 kr.

  • af Renee Graves
    222,95 kr.

  • - Easy Steps to Master Mind Mapping Techniques (Using Mind Maps for Product Development)
    af Anthony Maldonado
    222,95 kr.

  • - The Ultimate Tarot Reading Guide for Beginners (How to Survive as a Tarot Reader)
    af Kimberly Seifert
    222,95 kr.

  • - Easy to Follow Layouts for Tarot Readers of All Levels (A Made Easy Guide for Beginners to Learn Psychic Tarot Reading)
    af Christopher Kelly
    222,95 kr.

  • - How to Master the Art of Dark Persuasion and Covert Manipulation (Practice Mind Hacking With Manipulation Techniques)
    af Lorraine Boone
    222,95 kr.

  • - Preventive Techniques for Managing Being Manipulated (Learn How to Decode People Personalities by Knowing Body Language)
    af Douglas Hecht
    222,95 kr.

  • - Learn How to Analyze & Read People Using Body Language Analysis (Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence and Building Your Skills in Nlp)
    af Sandra Brown
    222,95 kr.

  • - Quick and Easy Stir-fry Recipes Every Foodie Should Know (Low Cholesterol Whole Foods Recipes Full of Antioxidants)
    af Jane Duffy
    222,95 kr.

  • - Beginner's Guide to Using Tea Detox Diet to Boost Metabolism (The Ultimate Guide on the Tea Cleanse)
    af Robert Homer
    222,95 kr.

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