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Den nat, de dræbte vores naboer, hørte vi ikke noget som helst. Da familien Cutters naboer, familien Langley, bliver skudt ned i deres hus en varm augustnat, bliver familien Cutters verden vendt på hovedet. At voldelig død skulle komme så tæt på dem er chokerende not i forstaden til Promise Falls, men i det mindste kan familien Cutter trøste dem selv med tanken om, at lynet sandsynligvis ikke slår ned det samme sted to gange. Med mindre morderne selvfølgelig trådte ind i det forkerte hus… Til at starte med virkede ideen vanvittig – men hvert medlem af familien Cutter har en hemmelighed, de heller ville holde begravet. Hvad lå der på den gamle computer, Derek og hans ven Adam Langley havde fundet? Og hvor er den nu? Hvilket greb har en lokal professor og bedstsælgende forfatter i Ellen Cutter? Og hvad ved Jim Cutter om Fru Langley, som ikke engang hendes mand vidste? For at finde ud af, hvem der dræbte familien Langley, og hvorfor, må alles hemmeligheder komme frem i lyset. Men den endelige hemmelighed – den hemmelighed, der enten kan redde eller ødelægge dem alle – ligger et sted, hvor ingen ville tænke på at lede … „Linwood Barclay ved, hvordan man kaster almindelige personer ud i ualmindeligt farlige situationer … Læsere vil tonse igennem historien med glæde.“ - Publishers Weekly. „En bevægende og effektiv thriller.“ - Wall Street Journal Review „En spændingshistorie i et fantastisk hurtigt tempo.“ - Washington Post „En gribende læsning.“ - Booklist„Glat, åndeløs og ubarmhjertigt hurtig.“ - Daily Mirror
Nogle gange er det bedre ikke at vide besked … Fjortenårige Cynthia Bigge vågnede op en dag for at opdage, at hele hendes familie, mor, far, bror, var forsvundet. Ingen besked, intet spor, ingen hjemkomst. Nogensinde. Nu, femogtyve år senere vil hun opdage den forfærdelige sandhed. Cynthia er lykkeligt gift med en ung datter, en ny familie. Men historien om hendes gamle familie er ikke slut. En fremmed bil I nabolaget, telefonopkald, der ikke kan spores, ildevarslende gaver, nogen er vendt tilbage til hendes hjemby for at afslutte hvad de begyndte på for femogtyve år siden. Og ingens uskyld er garanteret, end ikke hendes egen. På det tidspunkt, Cynthia opdager hendes morders chokerende identitet vil det igen være for sent … selv til at sige farvel. „Du rejser dig ikke igen, før du har læst sidste side.“ - Michael Connelly„Fuldstændigt fængslende.“ - Tess Gerritsen„En fantastisk sidevender, der holder dig fast i spændingen.“ - Peter Robinson„Barclay lykkes med både at slå med gong-gongen og at servere tre medrivende, belønnende og, for det meste, sandsynlige retter, selvom du måske har brug for at tage en dyb indånding et sted inden kaffen.“ - GUARDIAN„En hurtig rutsjebane af en bog.“ - DAILY EXPRESS„Barclays underholdende uhyggelige fortælling...får så sandelig én til at blive ved med at vende sider.“ - THE TIMES„Hvor har Linwood Barclay været hele mit liv? Hans er den bedste thriller, jeg har læst i fem år. Da jeg først var 30 sider inde, kunne jeg vitterligt ikke lægge den fra mig. Skrivestilen er skarp; twist’ene er pludselige og fuldstændigt uventede.“ - Stephen King
Alldeles nyligen njöt Dirk Pitt av solen och värmen i Kalifornien, då ett brådskande samtal fick honom att överge Stilla havets ljumma bris och bege sig rakt in i Nordatlantens isande kyla.Ett fartyg som länge varit försvunnet har hittats fastfruset i ett isberg. Där görs en bisarr upptäckt – alla ombord är brända till oigenkännlighet. Fartygets ovärderliga last är dock borta, en last som skulle kunna rubba den känsliga maktbalansen i världen.Upptäckten för Dirk Pitt in i ett virrvarr av villospår som döljer ett nätverk bestående av världens tolv rikaste män. Tillsammans försöker dessa män genomföra en världsomspännande komplott där flera nationers existens står på spel.Också i verkligheten ägnar sig bestsellerförfattaren Clive Cussler åt äventyr, precis som Dirk Pitt, hjälten i hans böcker. “Jag vill gärna tro att det finns mycket av Dirk Pitt i mig”, säger han. Cussler driver organisationen NUMA, som letar efter förlista fartyg i världshaven. Hittills har man funnit mer än sextio skepp av historisk betydelse.Clive Cussler började sin författarbana på 70-talet. Sedan dess har hans böcker sålts i 72 länder i över 70 miljoner exemplar och översatts till 32 olika språk.
The twelfth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams.Against overwhelming odds they fought to tame a savage land, now they must fight to keep it.The struggle continues – a struggle to harness an alien wilderness, to lay the bold foundation for their dreams. But powers outside the Australians‘ control are threatening to put all they have accomplished in jeopardy.A new generation of Australians comes into its own, more newcomers arrive, and together, they all must battle to forge the glorious destiny that is rightfully theirs.
Fremtiden tegner sig lys for Abby DiMatteo.Hun er reservelæge på det ansete Bayside Hospital i Boston og har fået tilbudt en plads på transplantationsholdet. Men hun bryder sig ikke om den uskrevne regel, at læger altid skal støtte hinanden, lige meget hvad der foregår.Og snart bliver hun sat på en moralsk prøve: Hun „kidnapper“ et hjerte til sin patient, den fattige teenager Josh O‘Day, i stedet for at lade det gå til Nina Voss, hustru til en rig forretningsmand. Det falder hun i unåde på, men redder sin stilling ved hjælp af sin kæreste, kirurgen Mark Hodell. Da et nyt hjerte, som passer Nina, dukker op, opdager Abby, at journalerne, der følger med, er falske.Samtidig finder hun ud af, at tre kirurger fra transplantationsholdet er døde under mystiske omstændigheder. Og da hun dykker ned i baggrunden for dette, bliver hun selv udsat for mordforsøg…
Det vakthavande befälet på den amerikanska flygbasen trodde inte sina ögon. Planet som kom flygande rakt emot honom var en antik tysk Albatross från första världskriget! Men det fanns inget antikt över kulsprutorna som förvandlade de parkerade jetplanen till flammande skrothögar.Allt skulle ha varit förlorat om inte Dirk Pitt och Al Giordino just då hade kommit flygande i sin gamla Catalina. Och snart utkämpades världshistoriens underligaste luftstrid – en tysk dubbeldäckare från det första världskriget mot en flygbåt från det andra!Men detta var bara början på ett av de märkligaste och farligaste äventyr Dirk Pitt och hans följeslagare varit med om. Ett äventyr där några av huvudrollerna spelades av en förrymd krigsförbrytare, en vacker men opålitlig brunett – och en dödlig last i miljardklassen.Clive Cusslers liv och personlighet har många likheter med den äventyrlige hjälten i hans böcker – Dirk Pitt. Han har letat efter bortglömda guldgruvor i Amerikas öknar, dykt efter försvunna flygplan i Klippiga bergens sjöar och efter mytomspunna, försvunna skepp i världshaven. Dessutom är han en entusiastisk och kunnig samlare av veteranbilar och äger i dag sjuttiofem unika exemplar.Cussler bor omväxlande i Denver, Colorado och Paradise Valley, Arizona, där han skriver sina romaner, som ständigt finns på bestsellerlistorna i såväl USA som Europa.
Syvende bog i den spændende og dramatiske beretning om Australiens kolonisering – et land skabt af blod, passion og drømme.Omvæltningerne i den nye koloni er hyppige og radikale. En guvernør er for nylig blevet afsat. En oprørsregering er blevet tvunget til at trække sig tilbage, og en ny guvernør er ankommet til Australien.Vil det betyde forløsning for de frigivne fanger i eksilkolonien? Landet har brug for sine loyale kæmpere - og Jenny Hawley og hendes familie hører bestemt hjemme der på trods af deres fortid.Frem for alt har den nye guvernør brug for mænd af Andrew Hawleys og Justin Broomes kaliber for at kunne forvandle landet til en blomstrende, uafhængig nation.Vivian Stuart har udgivet mere end 70 bøger, som alle har fået fantastiske anmeldelser, og er blevet taget godt imod af læsere verden over. Australierne er en gribende slægtsroman om Jenny, hendes søn Justin, og de andre modige og brutale indbyggere, som skaber en tilværelse i det barske Australien.
The eleventh book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams.Against overwhelming odds they fought to tame a savage land, now they must fight to keep it.For three tumultuous generations they had struggled to harness an alien wilderness, to lay the bold foundation for their dreams. But now, just as a radiant future beckons, they are menaced by distant powers hungry to seize what they have so bitterly won.As the new generation comes into its own, some, like Lucy Van Buren, live drugged by lavish splendor. Others, like Michael Dean, carry on the invincible pioneer spirit. And still the newcomers arrive, burning with unbridled passions and dark desires. Men like Robert Willoughby, fleeing disgrace, headed for disaster … women like Alice Fairweather, willing to risk everything for a cause. Together, as lovers and enemies, they must battle to forge the glorious destiny that is rightfully theirs. Once outcasts, they are now The Colonists.
Den tionde boken i den spännande och dramatiska berättelsen om Australiens kolonisation - ett land av blod, passion och drömmar. Till det nya landet Australien kommer inte enbart engelsmän. En ung amerikanska, den enda överlevande efter ett skeppsbrott, hamnar också där. Hon står alldeles ensam i denna för henne så nya och fullkomligt främmande värld.Dit kommer också en amerikan som tjänat i den engelska hären mot Bonaparte. Han kommer frivilligt.I denna smältdegel ska alla skapa sig ett liv. Motgångarna är många, men framtiden är ändå förhoppningsfull …
The tenth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country built on blood, passion, and dreams.Not only Englishmen come to the new country of Australia.A young American, the only survivor of a shipwreck, has also ended up there. She stands alone in this new and completely foreign world.Another American, who served in the British army against Bonaparte, has arrived as well — voluntarily.In this melting pot, everyone must establish a life for themselves. The obstacles are many, but the future is still bright ...Rebels and outcasts, they fled halfway across the earth to settle the harsh Australian wastelands. Decades later — ennobled by love and strengthened by tragedy — they had transformed a wilderness into a fertile land. And themselves into The Australians.Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.The Australians series was her most ambitious venture. Originally envisaged as a series of six books, it was extended to many more by popular demand.“I thoroughly enjoyed the book and the fictional characters inserted into actual historical facts. Great way to learn about the establishment of early Australia.Anxiously waiting for the next book of the series to arrive!” ― Goodreads reviewer“I'm thoroughly enjoying this historical fiction series about Australia. I'm totally hooked on this series about the founding of Australia by the "dregs of society" in England, mostly around London at the time” ― Goodreads reviewer“Loved this book. So descriptive, was like a movie playing in my head” ― Goodreads reviewer
Den nionde boken i den spännande och dramatiska berättelsen om Australiens kolonisation - ett land av blod, passion och drömmar.Justin Broome, son till två av de mest legendariske fångarna i New South Wales, får verkligen erfara att duglighet och mod inte räcker långt mot fördomar.Bitterhet och besvikelse blandas med vardagsslit i hans liv, allt medan skeppslaster av olyckliga fångar och hoppfulla fria nybyggare fortsätter att anlända från ett krigstrött England.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. It seemed strange that a brilliant surgeon like Doctor Mary Courage should even consider being an assistant general practitioner in a small Yorkshire town. With her qualifications, she would easily have been welcomed anywhere. Yet the move — and Doctor Mark Bellamy — brought Mary the love and happiness denied her by her tragic past! Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Kathy Gregson was still a tomboy after a year at her finishing school in Paris. When she came out to India to join her family in the province where her father was Governor, she found it very difficult to accept the rigid protocol which was a part of life at the hill station.The social errors she committed, such as forgetting names and faces, were a great worry to her. Why couldn't she be more like her sister Harriet, seven years her senior, who always did and said the right thing? But when Kathy met tall, fair-haired Desmond Conroy at a polo game, she knew that she would have no trouble in remembering his name, or his face... and she also realised that Harriet knew Desmond much better than she admitted... Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. The Sepoy MutinyVisiting India, Emma Lindsay is caught up in the romantic whirl of her exotic surroundings. When she meets the dashing Capt. Hugh Richmond, he warns her to leave India right away. Torn between her attraction for this handsome officer, and his apparent cowardly concern, she determines to remain at all costs. But on the eve of Jawan Day ... the first destructive move is made, and Emma is soon trapped in a violent, blood-thirsty revolt!“… An excellent historical romance ... A powerful love story is set against an Indian background… Strongly recommended.” — James Dillon White, Trade News“The Indian Mutiny always makes good reading and ... Stuart does not fail. No wishy-washy plot with a veneer of historical fact, but a lusty, exciting story with no punches pulled.” — Books & Bookmen Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. A doctor comes to Wollaton Springs as locum — a young woman doctor, with blue eyes and corn-coloured hair. As might be expected, she is received with some suspicion by the inhabitants of the small Queensland township, but it falls to the lot of Phil Barton's young English jackaroo to be her first patient. When he is followed by his boss, events move swiftly … Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Doctor Sarah Hamilton had come to the little mid-west town of Granville to take over as locum to one of its best-loved doctors. But there were two strangers in Granville, one an ex-patient of Sarah's, the other a deranged and dangerous man. Were they, in fact, one and the same man? Was Sarah right to trust and believe in Steve Gresham, with his tragic past and uncertain future? And could she hold on to her professional loyalties where he was concerned? Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. From the brooding Scottish highlands… A Gothic novel – of romance and terror.Kate was the bride-to-be of a Scottish lord...And what a lord, thought pretty, vivacious Kate. Allan MacAllander was tall, dark, filled with charm and good humor, the thirty-third in a line of fierce Scottish chieftains that stretched back for centuries. Kate loved this fascinating man who would soon be her husband, just as she loved the strange, dark, yet primitively beautiful land beside the sea which would be their home.But soon several incidents became a bit too strange. There was Nairne, Allan's handsome yet enigmatic cousin, whose kindness to Kate hid intentions at which she could only guess. There was Mairi, the servant girl, whose impertinence quickly turned to seething hostility. There was the mysterious child-woman who fled into the brush whenever Kate approached her. And above all, there was the whispered secret of the MacAllanders: a generations-old curse of insanity.Then tragedy struck close to Kate's heart, and she knew suddenly that a nameless, murderous hate now threatened her own life… Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Samarinda Lazenby had had an eventful and exciting career.The first few years of her life had been spent in a Japanese internment camp, the middle years accompanying her father around the world, and her adult life training as a surgeon. When her father died it was hardly surprising that she accepted a post as Senior Surgical Officer on Random Island in the Pacific.And almost immediately 'Sami' was flung into a maelstrom of chaotic event. The island, in the grip of a typhoon, became inaccessible by normal transport and Sami – aware of their desperate medical needs – was forced to turn to the handsome but enigmatic Captain James Bruce for help ... Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Elizabeth Ogilvie sailed on the maiden voyage of the S.S Viking with rather mixed feelings. It was not that her job, as assistant purser, was likely to set her any problems; nor was she worried at having to keep secret the fact that she was virtually related to the Chairman of the shipping line, who was also on board — travelling incognito, for reasons of his own. What had been so upsetting for Elizabeth was to discover, at the last moment, that the Captain of the ship was to be Hugh Anson, with whom she had once been in love. But although Elizabeth did not know it, there were others on board with even bigger reasons for treating the Captain with hostility. Altogether it looked like being anything but a peaceful voyage! Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Linda let the letter fall from her handsThe truth came as a stunning blow and the full enormity of Charles’s sacrifice became clear.He had married her out of pity knowing that she had only a year to live and not, as she had foolishly believed, because he loved her.Scalding tears burned Linda’s closed eyelids. Charles must have given up the woman he loved in order to marry her.And if that were so, there was no point in fighting for her life.For without Charles’s love she had nothing to live for … Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. When Harriet went to Spencer's Hospital she had no professional regrets, but it would mean the renewal of her love affair with Randall Spencer; and after more than two years’ separation she had every reason to believe that Randall was a very different person from the man she had known. Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. It was hard on Deirdre that she should come to care for a man whom her dearly loved artist brother, Sean, hated so deeply and, as he believed, with such good cause. And Sean, too, had his troubles, loving a girl whose father disapproved of him.Their romances are linked with the fortunes of the Sheridan Stud in Berkshire, where hunter and steeplechasers are bred and schooled, and the book is full of the charm of fresh country air and springy turf. Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Ann Royston glanced back at the great, grey building that was St. Martha’s Hospital. Lights gleamed from it, bright against the gathering dusk of evening, and, in imagination, she saw beyond the walls and the windows, into the wards, the theatres, the laboratories ...And suddenly she was seeing it all through a mist of tears. Memories came flooding back; she remembered the years she had spent there as a student, with Michael Loder, and she remembered, as if it had been yesterday, her first meeting with his brother Nicholas ...“It’s rather a wonderful feeling, belonging to a place like Martha’s, isn't it?” Nurse Fitzgerald said. Her words found their echo in Ann’s heart. Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. It had seemed like an earthly paradiseOnly eleven months ago, Olivia Lessing remembered, she had considered her posting to the Garrison Hospital on Miljura Island a piece of good fortune.Now she recognized that the Japanese wartime base taken over by the British and Australians was a small, closed world where daily skirmishes with death heightened the personal conflicts.Or was the disillusion just because her own affair with Commander Hugh Falconer was at a complete standstill! Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. When Elizabeth Manners agreed to help take care of little Joey Randolph, she did so because she was sorry for the lonely, delicate little boy — but she certainly did not realise what a dangerous situation the child was in. It was a strange household in which she found herself.Joey’s father, Jason Randolph, was pleasant enough on the surface. but Elizabeth soon realised that he was living under a great strain. And what about Kelly, his personal assistant and chauffeur, who wasn’t like any chauffeur she had ever come across? Only when she found herself sharing Joey’s danger did Elizabeth begin to appreciate Kelly’s worth and to see him as something quite different from the arrogant. embittered man she had imagined him to be. Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Ann was unperturbed by old Doctor Aneas MacDiarmid's obvious disapproval. She prided herself on being sensible about such matters and would do her job despite any hostility she encountered.It was a shock to suddenly realize that her emotions were no longer under control – that she was falling in love with Doctor MacDiarmid's son! Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. For the first time in the long history of the Chisholms of Logan, headship of the family was to pass out of the direct line, and the proud Logan title belong to a young man who had been born and had lived all his life in Australia.Johnny Chisholm, last of the Logans, was a boundary rider on an Australian sheep station until he returned to the Highland home of his ancestors. It was, perhaps, to be expected that he found no welcome awaiting him when he came to claim his inheritance.There were, however, two women waiting for him: Elizabeth Anson, who had once refused to marry him, and his cousin Fiona, who from the start had bitterly resented his coming. Would either of them change her attitude? Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Though she disliked the surgeon in charge, Margaret Hay reluctantly agreed to nurse a private patient in Spain instead of holidaying there as she'd planned. She'd have been even more reluctant had she guessed the intrigue that lay ahead! Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Professionally speaking, Foster Ward was perfect. There it was, a model of neatness, beds and lockers beautifully tidy; there was the famous surgeon arriving to make his round, attended by his house surgeons of varying status and by eager but nervous students; there were the nurses, dutiful and efficient, ready to answer any questions he might ask. But beneath the decorous surface there surged many a strong emotion; love and ambition, professional and personal jealousy, fear and hope ... one way or another, the ward of a big hospital can provide them all. Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
INTRIGUE. TENSION. LOVE AFFAIRS:In The Historical Romance series, a set of stand-alone novels, Vivian Stuart builds her compelling narratives around the dramatic lives of sea captains, nurses, surgeons, and members of the aristocracy.Stuart takes us back to the societies of the 20th century, drawing on her own experience of places across Australia, India, East Asia, and the Middle East. Young Doctor Mason was dedicated, sympathetic, and a very good doctor. When Kate Cluny came to assist him in his practice she knew she was going to enjoy her work, even though, in off-duty moments, Joe Mason was cool and distant to her.And then one day Barbie Ryker walked into the surgery and asked to see Joe Mason again ... Barbie Ryker who was beautiful and clever, and who had broken Joe's heart once before. Kate didn't know just how Barbie was going to win Joe back again, but she knew the lovely, scheming woman was going to try ... Vivian Stuart was a British writer and during her writing career she had more than 70 books published in Australia, USA and the UK.Born in Berkshire in England, she spent most of her youth in Burma and India, and later lived in Hungary and Australia. At the age of thirty-five she began to write romantic fiction but soon devoted her attention to military and historical novels.
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