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  • af Napoleon Hill
    233,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of Think and Grow Rich and The Law of Success comes a master class in individual achievement. Learn how to implement the success system responsible for the remarkable accomplishments of America's greatest entrepreneurs, innovators, and leaders. After dedicating over 20 years of his life to studying the success secrets of more than 500 of America's most prosperous individuals, Napoleon Hill organized his findings into the world's first practical philosophy of human achievement. The 17 core principles form the Science of Personal Achievement and are presented here for your study and implementation. Use the techniques in this book to develop mastery over your thoughts so that you can enjoy "wealth" in its broadest sense--financial, spiritual, mental, and material. Discover the building blocks of success, such as: The 12 great riches of lifeThe 7 factors that contribute to Definiteness of PurposeThe 8 fundamentals for building faithThe 7 rules for accurate thinkingAnd much moreThe greatest achievements of humankind began as the material of thought. With the insights from Hill's extensive research, you will be able to establish mental habits that lead to financial security, health, and the peace of mind necessary for happiness.

  • af Jim Rohn
    218,95 kr.

    Is your success journey stalled even though you're going through the motions and taking the steps that should enable you to accomplish your goals? Success on both a personal and professional level is not something that can be achieved merely through actions and habits; it requires an unshakable character. Jim Rohn's Unshakable: Building Your Indestructible Foundation for Personal and Professional Success provides you with the principles and techniques necessary to fashion a character that attracts success. With over forty years of studying human behavior, Rohn shares wisdom that uncovers your inner resources, pressing you forward to your best self so you can reach your goals at home, in business, and in all avenues of activity. Rohn's captivating insights will enable you to easily understand and want to implement the principles presented to excel in every endeavor. The twelve qualities that are the bedrock of an unshakable character leading to personal and professional success are thoroughly presented--and in ways that only Rohn can deliver and has delivered to people worldwide in his well-received self-development seminars. With these twelve qualities as the basis of an unshakable character, you can quickly build an infrastructure to support the pleasurable lifestyle you really want. Sculpt your life in such a way that you'll exceed your greatest expectations of what is possible when you become Unshakable.

  • af Jim Rohn
    198,95 kr.

    EL ARTE DE LA VIDA EXCEPCIONAL >Las excepcionales soluciones personales y empresariales de Jim Rohn culminan en este libro poderoso, a la vez que sencillo y directo, El arte de la vida excepcional. Sus más de treinta años de estudio del comportamiento humano y sus seminarios de desarrollo personal que gozaron de gran aceptación a nivel mundial resultaron en esta guía sobre cómo transformar ideas en acciones positivas para hacer que cada sueño se haga realidad. Las perspectivas y estrategias inspiradoras colocan a los lectores en la vía rápida para aprovechar el poder de la ambición personal y la motivación innatas para alcanzar los niveles más altos de éxito. Una docena de capítulos enfocados, concisos y prácticos cubren temas tales como: Cinco habilidades esencialesCómo desarrollar tu filosofía personalCómo establecer tus metasCómo diseñar tu futuroCómo vivir de manera singularCómo comenzar tu mejor vida ahora mismo.El arte de la vida excepcional ofrece una abundancia de preguntas energizantes que incitarán a los lectores a desarraigar las rutinas y los hábitos que posiblemente estén impidiéndoles disfrutar del estilo de vida que desean. . El autor recalca: "El mayor valor en la vida no es lo que obtienes--el mayor valor en la vida es en lo que te conviertes". Historias personales y a veces humorísticas demuestran que esa afirmación es correcta, al compartirse lecciones y ejemplos que instarán a los lectores a ser más valiosos--en el hogar, en el lugar de trabajo, como padres, y en todo emprendimiento. Todo lector que internalice y actúe en base a las ideas compartidas en El arte de la vida excepcional satisfará su apetito de tener riqueza y felicidad para toda la vida. Jim Rohn's exceptional personal and business solutions culminate in this powerful yet simple and direct book, The Art of Exceptional Living. His more than thirty years of studying human behavior and presenting well-received self-development seminars worldwide resulted in this guidebook on turning ideas into positive action to make every dream a reality. Inspirational insights and strategies place readers on the fast track to harnessing the power of personal ambition and innate motivation to achieve the highest levels of success. A dozen focused, concise, and practical chapters cover topics such as: Five Essential AbilitiesDeveloping Your Personal PhilosophyGoal SettingDesigning Your FutureLiving UniquelyHow to Start Your Better Life TodayThroughout The Art of Exceptional Living are energizing questions that will incite readers to uproot routines and habits that may be preventing them from enjoying the lifestyle they desire. The author stresses: "The greatest value in life is not what you get--the greatest value in life is what you become." Personal and sometimes humorous stories prove that statement correct, as lessons and examples are shared that will prompt readers to become more valuable--at home, in the workplace, as a parent, and in every endeavor. Every reader who internalizes and acts on the ideas shared in The Art of Exceptional Living will satisfy their lifelong appetite for both wealth and happiness.

  • af Zig Ziglar
    233,95 kr.

    Zig Ziglar. The name alone is synonymous with decades of sharing his personal wisdom, integrity, and successful life strategies--impacting worldwide audiences. This book is filled with Zig's principles for successful living--simple yet effective approaches that can make all the difference between living a mediocre life or a life filled with excitement and fulfillment. You can put his practical suggestions to work immediately to increase your happiness, hone your efficiency, and become a more confident and energized person, ready to take on all challenges. One of the most widely read and listened to motivators in the United States, Zig's enthusiasm, understanding, and ability to communicate with people of all ages have influenced an estimated quarter of a billion individuals through his well-received and best-selling books. The insights in this Treasury of Life Lessons will compel you to learn the skills to become the person you want to be and maintain a meaningful lifestyle. Zig's bottom line truism known worldwide is as accurate today as it was years ago: You can get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar's positive advice about real-world successes reveal conclusively that the strategies in this book work! You will learn exactly how to receive the rewards, the dreams, and the desires you've always wanted. Setting goals works. With Zig as your teacher, you can achieve each goal you set for yourself. Success in every area of your life is worth the time and effort. The winning formula? - Commit to being the best you can be. - Discover and develop what you already have. >Whether you are experiencing Zig Ziglar for the first time or even if you have followed him for years, you will be amazed at the wealth of knowledge and common-sense wisdom offered on page after page throughout Zig Ziglar's Treasury of Life Lessons

  • af Jim Stovall
    178,95 kr.

    Jim Stovall, author of the award-winning book-turned-film The Ultimate Gift, and Greg S. Reid, author of the international bestseller Three Feet from Gold, bring you a powerful story about the importance of taking action on your dreams to fulfill your potential. Alex Best thought he was on the surefire path to success--until, that is, he loses everything: his girlfriend, his dream job, his home, and, progressively, his sight. His initial reaction is to blame everyone else for his "bad luck," but a timely meeting with an old friend and mentor transforms his perspective... "You are your own greatest know what you need; go take action." Looking for a fresh start, Alex sells his material possessions and embarks on a yearlong trip around the world. What begins as an attempt to see the sights he'd always wanted to while he still could becomes a life-changing journey of self-discovery. As he encounters new guides in each place he visits, he receives lessons about how to realize meaningful success. The greatest among these is that he needs to take ownership of his circumstances, recognize and seize opportunities, abandon excuses and fears, and combine initiative with perseverance to create and sustain positive change in his life. The wisdom Alex gleans is available to you in this book: Stop letting ego, apathy, and fear limit your trajectory in life. Do away with the excuses that other people are responsible for your failures. Own your power and potential to build a life and legacy of success. Leave your mark on the earth by finding and living out your greatest purpose. The most beautiful sight is the masterpiece of your life that is uncovered once you remove the debris that is keeping it hidden. Join Alex on the trip of a lifetime: with Passport to Success, you, too, can expose your greatness and enjoy the fruits of living with enthusiasm and intentionality.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    178,95 kr.

    Your formula to build a strong sense of self-worth so that you can better recognize opportunity, take action on your dreams, and enhance your resilience. A lack of self-confidence is one of the greatest maladies of today's world, one that is responsible for the rampant helplessness, lack of self-control, aimlessness, procrastination, and despair that characterize modern society. But as the venerable steel magnate Andrew Carnegie emphasized to Hill, "Confidence is a state of mind, necessary to succeed, and the starting point of developing self-confidence is definiteness of purpose." The time for self-doubt and self-criticism is over. Your faith in yourself and your abilities determines whether you fail or succeed. Napoleon Hill's Self-Confidence Formula enables you to boost your self-confidence through the application of Hill's strategies for controlling your thoughts. By implementing these principles, you will not only be able to operate at a higher plane of thought and action--attracting more opportunities, gaining influence, and strengthening relationships--but you will also be able to instill this critical quality in others. Napoleon Hill's Self-Confidence Formula gives you the keys to success and fulfillment by equipping you to: unlearn fears, insecurities, and limitations acquired in childhood and adolescencecondition your mind to believe in the certainty of your successtake bold, confident action on your definite chief aimconquer your inferiority complex through the mastermind principlebuild the self-reliance and self-esteem of today's youth You are now on the journey to confident, purposeful living. As you implement Hill's principles, you will cultivate a state of mind primed to accept the abundance reserved for you.

  • af Howard Partridge
    268,95 kr.

    In this book, you will learn... > Understanding why you are in business will help you enjoy your business more and will help you build the right kind of business. How to stop being a slave to Your Business by Transforming it into a Predictable, Profitable, Turnkey Operation. Learn the 5 vital components of a system, why you are overwhelmed with your business, and how to streamline it so it runs like a well-oiled machine. The Proven Secrets of Record Sales and Profits. All of business is about relationships. You will learn the only 3 ways to increase sales, how to truly set yourself apart, the fastest growth tool on the planet, the biggest marketing mistake of all, and how to build a large network of supporters. In The 5 Secrets of a Phenomenal Business, the 5 "secrets" are the key areas of building your business. If any one of them is suffering, the business suffers. The stronger these key areas are the better results you get in your business. Understanding what these secrets are and how to apply them is key to a phenomenal business. The #1 Reason Small Businesses Do not Grow (and what to do about it). Thousands of small business owners around readily agree on the reason they do not grow or do as well as they "could" do. They also agree on the solution. Overcome this challenge and you will be on your way to phenomenal success!

  • af Napoleon Hill
    188,95 kr.

    "An official publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation."--Page 1 of cover,

  • af Napoleon Hill
    193,95 kr.

    Hill relata historias de Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford y otros millonarios de su generaciâon para ilustrar sus principios. Este libro te enseänarâa los secretos que te pueden traer una fortuna. Te mostrarâa no solo quâe hacer sino câomo hacerlo.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    163,95 kr.

    Este cuaderno de trabajo se ha diseñado como un complemento del libro de desarrollo personal de mayor venta de todos los tiempos - la obra clásica de Napoleon Hill, Piense y Hágase Rico, publicado en 1937. Este cuaderno de trabajo estimulará tu mente y tus sueños y tu deseo de lograr, avanzar más allá de donde te encuentras ahora en tus recursos financieros, relaciones significativas y aspiraciones profesionales. Basado en trece principios o pasos probados y prácticos, tendrás las herramientas y el estímulo para avanzar en a vida - el cielo es el límite. Y todo comienza con cómo piensas.

  • af Jim Rohn
    183,95 kr.

    From America's leading authority on success comes a book that will help you redefine ambition so that you can use your drive to serve others while creating the fulfilling life you desire. In The Power of Ambition, Jim Rohn debunks the myths and misconceptions about ambition that cause it to hinder, rather than fuel, personal achievement. Genuine ambition is not a self-serving impulse. Quite the opposite--it empowers us to better our lives and the lives of those around us. Rohn details six revolutionary strategies for cultivating legitimate ambition and harnessing it to transform what is going on within and around you. "Motivation can come from anywhere, but ambition is only drawn from within. Access your inner drive to achieve all the things you've been working for." --Jim Rohn Ambition is as much a mindset as it is a lifestyle. As Rohn defines it: "True ambition is disciplined, eager desire." The Power of Ambition will help you live with intention every moment so that you can enjoy the change you envision for your life. You'll learn: How to build the framework for an ambitious lifeHow to leverage the power of creativity to stay focused on your goalsThe five criteria for developing persistenceThe seven qualities that promote resilienceThe keys to effective networkingAnd more!Ambition is the most authentic form of self-expression--begin channeling its power today so that you can live with passion and purpose.

  • af Shawn Doyle
    168,95 kr.

    Do you have a business? Do you want to start a business? Do you work for a business? Then this book should be the "cannot miss" book for you to read this year. In Jumpstart Your Business, you will learn the key tips, tools and techniques for igniting your entrepreneurial spirit as you run your business on a day-to-day basis.This book is written by two people who have combined experience of over 60 years working for and in their own businesses. They will share with you ten key elements that they believe can help a business owner get and stay motivated.In the book they share with you: The critical importance of having a mission and a vision statement Learning about a missing ingredient in many businesses - a business plan How to adjust your thinking and believe in yourself and your idea Building your support network and deciding who can help or hurt you The secrets to setting goals and holding yourself accountable Being a continuous learner and where to find those resources Getting and staying motivated through adversity and tough timesStarting and running a business is not easy, but you can succeed and exceed even your own expectations. So- get ready to have the business you have always dreamed about - it's time to Jumpstart Your Business!

  • af Howard Partridge
    193,95 kr.

    How Living by Faith in Business Leads to Phenomenal Success! The Monday Morning Christian helps believers understand how living out their faith in business every day of the week instead of just on Sunday, not only helps them respond to the trials and tribulations in the rough and tumble business world, but also how leading God's way leads to a success that outshines what a person can do on their own. Many Christian's feel like they can only display their faith at church. Becoming a "Monday Morning Christian" instead of only a "Sunday Morning" one will unleash your potential to achieve phenomenal performance. In this book, Howard Partridge will teach you how to: Understand Your Identity so you can live out of your position instead of your conditionLead others in to a relationship with God instead of a religion about GodHave the success in business God wants you to have.Respond to the challenges of business life God's way, instead of the world's wayFind God's purpose for your life, and your businessHave a tremendous impact in the marketplace today and foreverBecoming a consistent Monday Morning Christian will help you live out the purpose God has for you, so you can realize your full potential, not just in business, but also in life!

  • af Karen Allen
    173,95 kr.

    Let go of negative thoughts, renew your perspective, and create a strong, healthy mindset. Whether you have encountered tragedy or have been worn down over time from experiences that have left you feeling overwhelmed, fearful, angry, or sad, this is your invitation to recognize that You are NOT defined by what's happened to you. You are defined by what you do. You hold the power to shape your reality when you consciously choose your responses to what life throws your way. In her groundbreaking book, Karen Allen shares her highly acclaimed Stop & Shift system, a mental strength training exercise that will help you trade your default state of negativity and discontent for a resilient mindset grounded in purpose and passion. By practicing this mindset conditioning technique, you will be able to own your choices and navigate life's ups and downs--in the moment--with empathy and intentionality. You will make better decisions that are not driven by your emotions or ego, but instead shaped by quality thoughts. As you retrain your brain to respond productively to challenges, loss, chaos, and the everyday annoyances that erode your composure and steal your joy, you will overcome stress, self-doubt, and anxiety and break free from dwelling on the past and neglecting your needs. With dynamic exercises, action items, and journaling opportunities, you'll learn to Silence Thoughts On Purpose so that you can cultivate a mindset that is Strong, Healthy, Intentional, Focused, and Transformed. If you're ready to let go of everything that's holding you back from living a better life, this is your moment to Stop & Shift.

  • af Benjamin Franklin
    168,95 kr.

    Read the book that has defined the American spirit as rooted in a drive for self-improvement and inspired millions to live according to the practical values of hard work and thrift. Everyone knows Benjamin Franklin's famous adages like "Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise" and "Never leave that till to-morrow, which you can do to-day." These famous maxims derive from a 1758 essay, originally published as a preface to Poor Richard's Almanack, that has since become one of the most widely circulated economic texts in history--appearing in over 1,100 versions and translated into over 26 languages before 1850 alone. An author, inventor, scientist, politician, and leading Founding Father, Franklin wrote the definitive text on the pragmatic path to prosperity that the average individual could follow. Well known for its simplicity and practicality, Benjamin Franklin's Way to Wealth is America's first, and likely most accessible, book on personal finance. In it, "Father Abraham" delivers a sermon to an audience that is a collection of Poor Richard's best advice and aphorisms on life and work. Learn the timeless lessons responsible for the greatness of the American nation and its capitalistic systems. Frugality, work ethic, education, and community-mindedness--these are the commonsense principles that have inspired countless millions to improve themselves by taking responsibility for their future. Now you too can enjoy them as you apply their insight to better manage your finances, habits, and relationships. This new edition includes bonus content on "31 Quick Tips to Make Money, Get Out of Debt, and Achieve Early Retirement" inspired by Franklin's financial treatise. Discover how Franklin's lessons can be quickly and easily applied to modern scenarios in a 31-day plan for financial peace through effective time and money management.

  • af Courtney Clark
    178,95 kr.

    How do you get the life you want when things aren't going your way? When things go sideways, most people make one of two mistakes: they either give up on their dreams or they NEVER give up on their dreams, even when those dreams aren't serving them. You can change your plans and still reach your goals. Scratch that. You HAVE to change your plans to reach your goals. That's the real work of resilience. Resilience isn't superhuman internal strength. It's not toxic positivity. It's not sucking it up to stick it out. True resilience is letting go of the "old way of doing things" and rewriting a script for success that gives you the fastest and best path from where you are to where you're going. Backed by data-driven research, ReVisionary Thinking offers concrete strategies for blazing a new path to achieve your goal when the goalposts move on you. You will learn to acquire resilience through adaptive thinking, a three-part process involving flexibility, creativity, and openness to possibility. Specific principles covered include: How to mourn your path without sacrificing your goalWhy your gut instinct fails you in unfamiliar situations--and how to counter itHow to create space for more and better choicesThe benefits of using storytelling to solve problemsAnd much more!Success is not determined by how good you plan is (or was), but rather by how willing you are to design a new one when you need to. You may not have chosen where you are, but you get a choice in what comes next. The success of your vision lies in the ReVision.

  • af Steve Miller
    178,95 kr.

    Improvement is not innovation...and innovation is essential if your aim is to survive in today's business environment. Stealing Genius lays the foundation for a dramatic, and long-overdue, shift in 21st-century strategic marketing and branding. Most executives and decision-makers are now focused on improving what they already have. They want better versions of the products and services they know about or understand. However, fixating on improvement in today's world is a dangerous path--one that ultimately leads to commoditization and irrelevance. Targeting your time, attention, and resources on innovation, by contrast, means identifying something that does not exist right now in any form--something that will create a powerful, uncopyable experience for your target customer. In order to be successful both today and in the future, you need to separate yourself from the competition by practicing the breakthrough principle of Adaptive Innovation--what Steve Miller calls Stealing Genius(TM). How? By delivering an experience that the competition either cannot or will not attempt to copy. This is literally impossible if you stick to what is already familiar to you, because whatever is familiar to you and your customers is likely to be familiar to your competition. You must create a new experience that is unique to you and that fosters a powerful emotional attachment with your target customer. Featuring dozens of real-life case studies from a wide range of industries, Stealing Genius outlines Miller's proven six-step process for creating an uncopyable experience. You'll learn how to: Do more than think outside the box--you'll build a new box completelyIdentify your "Moose," the distinctive customer/client profile for which you are huntingLeverage insight from daily experience, personal heroes, and organizations outside your industry to better serve your customersFlip the competition by doing the exact opposite of what those in your industry are currently doingMaximize your strategic innovation by bringing in a Stealing Genius(TM) facilitatorIf you are trying to anticipate the crowd's movement, you might as well be following the crowd. Create a truly original brand experience and start pioneering in your industry by implementing the game-changing process of Stealing Genius(TM).

  • af George S. Clason
    263,95 kr.

    The complete original text of the timeless parables that have taught millions how to achieve financial success--now available in this beautiful collector's edition. Anyone can build wealth and create the life they envision for themselves if they enlarge their financial understanding. As George S. Clason said, "Our acts can be no wiser than our thoughts. Our thinking can be no wiser than our understanding." A successful entrepreneur, Clason translated his knowledge of sound financial principles into parables set in ancient Babylon. More relevant today than ever before, these tales provide straightforward lessons in the laws that govern the building of wealth. Clason's dynamic storytelling will transport you into the Babylonian empire at its apex, where the basic principles of personal finance were born. There you'll discover why some individuals amass riches while others become slaves to their impulses. Taken together, the parables serve as a guide to acquiring, protecting, and growing wealth. Commonsense principles detailed include: Saving a percentage of every paycheckLiving within your meansIncreasing your capacity for earningMinimizing risk in financial investmentsSecuring an income streamAttracting good luck by conquering procrastinationDeveloping a strong work ethic Opportunity comes to those who are prepared to embrace it. Now is your chance to unearth gems of wisdom from the ruins of ancient Babylon and chart your own path to financial independence.

  • af Rachael Doyle
    178,95 kr.

    Are you organized? Would you like to be more organized at work? Do you feel frustrated when you are not able to find what it is that you're looking for? Do you feel like you waste a great deal of time searching for things that you need to have at your fingertips? Do you spend more time looking for a contact phone number then the actual call will take? Or are you still looking for the project file for a meeting even after the meeting has started? If this is you, then this book is your lifeline to getting and staying organized at work. In this entertaining, thoughtful, and easy-to-read book, author and business expert Rachael Doyle will show you simple and easy tips and tools to help organize your work life. All of her life, people have noticed that Rachael is a highly organized person, and have always asked her what "her secrets" were to her organization skills. Rachael says "there really is no secret, it is just setting up the right systems and processes in your daily work life to make organizing simple and easy. After that, once you have these systems in place, then it is easy to stay organized each day." As Ben Franklin once said "a place for everything, everything in its place." In this book, she will share with you simple tips for organizing your desk and your files, for organizing your technology, and for increasing the efficiency of your meetings. You will also learn how to make business travel smoother and seemingly effortless. Rachael will also show you how to organize your time and your goals in order to be more effective and less frustrated, and able to live life to the fullest. This book is not about how to be perfect, or doing a wholesale personality change, it is just about giving you the right tools and systems in order to be more effective. As Andrew Mellon once said "being organized isn't about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person; it's about living the way you want to live but better." Once your life at work is more organized, you will feel more fulfilled, happier and more in control of your day to day activities.

  • af Russell Conwell
    138,95 kr.

    The riches you are searching for may already be well within your reach. Wealth is all around you, and it is most accessible to you exactly where you are now. Today's the day to discover your own acres of diamonds. Before he founded Temple University, Russell Conwell travelled the world and delivered his life changing speech "Acres of Diamonds" to thousands of people who were ready to prosper. Now, almost 100 years after his death, the timeless lesson of "Acres of Diamonds" lives on in this reproduction of the speech brought to life from a rare, original pamphlet Russell Conwell handed out in the 1900's. Conwell was inspired to write the speech after he traveled along the Tigris and Euphrates with a guide who shared the story of Ali Hafed. Hafed was a farmer who sold his land and left his home to find riches. Obsessed with wealth, the farmer died in poverty. However, the man he sold his farm to discovered that the land was filled with diamonds and he became a millionaire! With this book you can change your mindset to see that Opportunities are all around you.

  • af Earl Nightingale
    193,95 kr.

    Known as the "Dean of Personal Development," Earl Nightingale broadcast his radio programs for more than three decades on over 1,000 radio stations in twelve countries around the world, making him one of the most listened-to broadcasters in history. An inductee into both the Radio Hall of Fame and the International Speakers Hall of Fame and a winner of the prestigious Golden Gavel Award, he dedicated his life to helping others achieve personal success, co-founding Nightingale-Conant, a world leader in personal development. Combining his personal insight with wisdom from the greatest minds in history--from the ancient Greek philosophers to contemporary thought leaders--he provides original and creative commentaries on life and the ways of successful living. Now, for the first time ever, Nightingale's audio program The Direct Line is being offered in a beautifully packaged print edition. This book offers a practical guide designed to help you find real and lasting success in your career, relationships, and finances. The messages shared in it will help you begin the most exciting and rewarding journey on earth--your journey of self-discovery and personal fulfillment. In this life-changing book, you'll discover the importance of: Identifying and understanding your talents and abilitiesLearning from and overcoming failureCreative thinkingPersonal growth through knowledgeCharacter buildingLiving in balanceAnd much more! Just as the success or failure of any business depends on its management, so the success or failure of a person depends on the way he or she manages himself or herself. The Direct Line will show you how to take control of your life and find happiness and contentment from the journey of striving toward your goals and cultivating a meaningful existence.

  • af Stovall Jim Stovall & Schneider Kevin
    178,95 kr.

    The comprehensive guide to starting and growing your dream business. In this groundbreaking book, bestselling author Jim Stovall shares the practical wisdom gained from his forty-year career as an award-winning entrepreneur alongside the time-tested strategies compiled by Dr. Kevin Schneider through his experience as the Director of the Stovall Center for Entrepreneurship at Oral Roberts University. Few books have offered both pragmatic, real-world examples and proven academic principles, as readers will find in The Art of Entrepreneurship. Transform your natural aptitudes, interests, and resources into a lucrative business as you discover: The key characteristics of an entrepreneur--and whether you possess them.Myths and misconceptions about entrepreneurship--it's not a get-rich-quick scheme, nor is it simply for people who want to work less and not have a boss.How to get started as an entrepreneur--keeping your current job as you turn your side hustle or creative idea into an empire.Why some entrepreneurs succeed when others struggle--it's not about trading time for money; it's about creating a money machine.The values of entrepreneurship--first and foremost, service rendered to other people.The path of entrepreneurship from start to finish--learning when to pull the trigger and when to pull the plug.How to build the dream entrepreneur team that will support you in your journey.Entrepreneurship is both a science and an art. This book teaches both dimensions--the hard skills and the soft skills, the action steps and the mindset--so that you can seize the opportunities for entrepreneurship in your midst and turn your business idea into a successful start-up that adds value to you, your family, your community, and the larger world.

  • af Van Hooser Phillip Van Hooser
    178,95 kr.

    This is your practical, step-by-step guide to selling ideas, building influence, and growing opportunities in the most effective manner possible. What causes decision-makers to really listen to what you have to say? It can be very frustrating when the gatekeepers to your personal and professional success seem disinterested in your thoughts and suggestions. You can't assume that good ideas will yield positive results, nor that a strong desire will enable you to surmount all obstacles and objections. You have to understand the decision-making process--the psychology behind why people say "yes" to some propositions and not others--and use this information to motivate the right people to take action. In this book, you will learn how to earn the right to be heard, as well as how to use your newfound influence to get more of what you want. Communication, persuasion, and negotiation do not have to be mysterious processes--all you have to do is package your ideas in a way that ensures key players will not only respond favorably to your advice, but seek it out in the future. Earning the Right to Be Heard offers the time-tested information, tools, and techniques for mastering the art of building influence, including how to: captivate your audience and set the stage for communication successdemonstrate your credibility and competenceanticipate, and prepare compelling responses to, the questions all decision-makers must have answeredinspire action by convincing others to adopt your perspectivemaximize your impact through follow-up and results analysis Let Earning the Right to Be Heard help you discover the sweet spot of strategic communication so that you can gain respect and authority, attract more professional opportunities, and become a decision-maker yourself.

  • af Napoleon Hill Foundation & Stovall Jim Stovall
    292,95 kr.

    Discover the success secrets of individuals who have transformed their lives by internalizing and applying Napoleon Hill's achievement philosophy. Have you ever read a book by an author and it immediately changed you--your outlook on life, your relationships, your personal initiative, and your ability to withstand adversity? That is the common experience of those who have read the books of Napoleon Hill, especially his seminal Think and Grow Rich. This book collects the stories of real people whose lives have been altered by the work and wisdom of Napoleon Hill. With very few exceptions, none of the people included in this book ever met Hill directly, but they entered into a timeless mentorship or mastermind relationship with him through his many publications. When you read this book, you will gain insight into how real people translate Hill's philosophy of success into actions that forever alter the course of their lives. From multi-millionaires to teachers, counselors to humanitarians, the individuals who share Hill's impact on their lives prove that Hill's success system is more than a theory; it is a powerful program of achievement with enduring real-world application. Assembled by synthesizing the collective knowledge of hundreds of the most prosperous people of his era--including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and many others--Hill's Science of Success provides practical steps for building financial, mental, and spiritual wealth. Similarly, the people who submitted "Dear Napoleon" letters for this book do not express their theoretical understanding of Hill's principles; rather, they candidly share their real-life experiences with the power of Napoleon Hill's philosophy of success. Take a journey into the trials and celebrations, failures and successes, of the individuals featured in this book, and acquire a clear sense of how you can apply Hill's success concepts to great effect.

  • af Hill Napoleon Hill
    163,95 kr.

    Napoleon Hill's The Language of Thought is your guide to understanding, generating, and directing more powerful thoughts so that you can live and work with more intention, joy, and success. The single most powerful tool available to human beings is not money, physical strength, influence, or a network; it is the mind. Our thoughts determine our outcomes in life, as well as our ability to enjoy the journey. In order to harness our thoughts to create material success, we do not require any personal advantage such as wealth, connections, or education. We simply need to utilize the mental resources already within our possession by cultivating a thorough understanding of the workings of the mind and the manner in which thoughts may be transformed into their physical counterparts. In order to create positive change in our lives, we must learn to speak the language of thought, which has its own unique formula. This book contains Napoleon Hill's best lessons on the components that make up the language of thought, as well as easy-to-follow, modernized instructions on how to leverage these elements to generate more powerful thoughts. In particular, you will discover how to: Magnetize your thought impulses with desireRefine your thoughts with definiteness of purposeControl and direct your emotions to productive endsSupport your goals with a compelling network of motivesCreate positive thought habits through concentration and repetitionProtect your mind from negative external influencesThe more you practice the principles outlined in this book, the more fluency you will gain in the language of thought. As your facility for this language develops, you will experience greater control over your thoughts and emotions, which will enable you to enjoy more success in the pursuit of your definite major purpose. There are no limitations to the mind conditioned for achievement. Are you ready to write your success story with more powerful language? "You will attract to you...the very things, or the very station in life, that you create in your thoughts." --Napoleon Hill

  • af Stovall Jim Stovall
    168,95 kr.

    Bestselling author Jim Stovall's latest offering and first title of his Homecoming Historical Series, One Season of Hope, is a rare combination of tear-jerking emotion, powerful wisdom, and inspiring hope. Written in Stovall's signature easy and economical style, the story is told through the perspective of Glen Fullerton, "a man for the last forty-two years in the Truman High universe, simply known as Coach." Welcome to the Friday night lights of Harry S. Truman High School football stadium. Coach knows the roller-coaster ride of a high school football season better than anyone. But this season is different than any he has experienced in all his years of coaching. It is one of life-changing suspense and gripping lessons in the value of humanity. Regular, reflective "conversations" with the late President Truman give guidance, mined from the coach's love and study of history, to help him through the most challenging season of his long and storied career at Truman High--a season that he will forever remember as One Season of Hope. Greetings From the Author: > Other book titles anticipated in this series include: The Will to Win-- >Making Your Mark-- >Top of the Hill-- >The Making of a King-- >The Building of a Dynasty-- > Each of these book titles and others to follow will appeal to my existing audiences including businesspeople, success-oriented readers, the faith-based community, public and private schools, and readers around the world who love inspirational novels as well as a relevant historical perspective. I look forward to exploring the possibilities with you. Jim Stovall

  • af Shawn Doyle
    168,95 kr.

    Are you a leader? Would like to be a better leader? Would you like to be a leader in the future? Then this book is for you. In this book Shawn Doyle will show you the tools tips and techniques for becoming the kind of leader that other people want to follow. Jumpstart Your Leadership will share with you the 10 key principles of leveraging your leadership.Mission and visionStrategic planningHiringCommunicationMotivationRewardAccountabilityDevelopmentStorytellingAuthenticityIn addition to covering all of these topics, each section of the book includes a "work it" section at the end of the chapter which encourages the leader to turn the concepts that they learned into action. This section allows people in a leadership role to create a plan for acting on the information that they just learned. This book simply and powerfully captures the key elements for being a truly effective and impactful leader in any environment. For the past 23 years Shawn Doyle has traveled the country as a speaker and trainer teaching leadership development programs to corporate America. As a result of this experience Shawn engineered a comprehensive leadership development program. This book is a summary of that program. Many leaders have commented that these concepts are life changing. Some clients include Pfizer, Comcast, Charter Media, IBM, Kraft, Microsoft, The Marines, The Ladders, and Los Alamos National Defense Laboratory.

  • af Hill Napoleon Hill
    228,95 kr.

    El histórico libro del Dr. Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich no restringe el concepto de riqueza a parámetros tan estrechos como la fortuna y la fama. Tienes derecho a ser rico y mereces ser rico en todos los sentidos, personal y espiritualmente, así como económicamente. Esta idea aparentemente simple generó una filosofía sobre la riqueza y el éxito que ha permeado a todas las generaciones desde sus inicios. Your Right to Be Rich recopila transcripciones de los discursos más importantes e importantes de Napoleon Hill. Disponible en el pasado solo como ediciones de audio y fragmentos de fragmentos de sonido, las transcripciones de estos discursos se presentarán impresas por primera vez aquí.

  • af Napoleon Hill
    128,95 kr.

    Now you can quickly and effectively study and put into practice the greatest personal development program of all time. In only ten minutes a day, you can begin to implement the success principles that have made more millionaires and top influencers than any other achievement philosophy. Fame? Fortune? Impactful service? More meaningful relationships? You can have anything that you want in life when you discover the secret contained in Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. Originally published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich helped end the Great Depression with its 13 steps to amass riches. It holds the keys to financial independence, harmonious relationships, power, happiness, fulfillment, and peace of mind. All forms of wealth can be yours if you are willing to pay the price...and that is, to THINK--to enlarge your mind, take control of your thoughts, and leverage the power of the vast mental resources available to you in order to translate your greatest desires into their material equivalent. As Hill said, "There is no point in having such a great potential for achievement unless you do something to convert it into an actuality." Think and Grow Rich in Ten Minutes a Day extracts the key principles, instructions, and stories from Hill's original, unedited masterpiece and provides updated, relevant examples--in modernized, easily accessible language--so that all readers, regardless of how busy they are, can benefit from the timeless wisdom found in Hill's book. Action items added to the original text will help readers expertly apply each chapter's lessons. Your master-key to success is already in your hands! Let this book show you how to use it efficiently and effectively to unlock the storehouses of riches that are within your reach. Harness the power of thought to distinguish yourself like you never imagined possible...for "anything the mind can believe, it can achieve!"

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