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Bøger udgivet af Springer Milan

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  • af Romano Borchiellini
    524,95 kr.

    Il presente volume raccoglie numerosi esercizi completamente risolti e commentati. I procedimenti di calcolo sono spiegati dettagliatamente, con richiami alla teoria di base ed alle equazioni che governano i principi della termodinamica. Gli argomenti trattati seguono i programmi dei corsi di Termodinamica Applicata e fanno riferimento a situazioni reali, riscontrabili nelle usuali applicazioni civili e industriali. Si è cercato quindi di evitare esercizi di argomentazione astratta, evidenziando come la termodinamica è applicata continuamente nelle attività di ogni giorno, ad esempio nei motori endotermici delle autovetture, nei frigoriferi, negli impianti di conversione dell'energia e di climatizzazione (riscaldamento e condizionamento dell'aria). L'approccio semplice ed intuitivo ed il modestissimo ricorso a tecniche matematiche rendono il libro fruibile con facilità da parte di tutti gli studenti universitari impegnati nello studio dei corsi di Termodinamica.

  • af Paolo Biscari
    589,95 kr.

    Questo testo, che giunge ora alla quarta edizione, e stato concepito principalmente per le necessita delle Scuole di Ingegneria, dove la Meccanica Razionale ha il duplice ruolo di introdurre sia alla modellizzazione fisico-matematica rigorosa che a specifiche applicazioni sviluppate poi in altri insegnamenti. La trattazione che qui proponiamo vuole presentare i concetti fondamentali mantenendo sempre l'attenzione rivolta alle applicazioni, a volte comuni ad altre discipline, in vista di sinergie didattiche favorite dalla presenza di corsi integrati. Abbiamo cercato di dare al libro una impostazione il piu possibile coerente con questa finalita, soprattutto in alcune sezioni tradizionalmente caratterizzate da una trattazione piu astratta: dai vincoli al Principio dei lavori virtuali, dal Principio di d'Alembert alla Meccanica Analitica.Abbiamo comunque mantenuto la tradizionale e, a nostro parere, irrinunciabile struttura ipotetico-deduttiva nello svolgimento delle argomentazioni, che fa ancora della Meccanica Razionale un disciplina formalmente rigorosa. Sono percio presenti dimostrazioni anche complesse, sia pure sempre motivate alla luce del contesto applicativo nel quale si vanno a collocare.Questa edizione e frutto di un ampio lavoro di riorganizzazione e rielaborazione rispetto alla precedente e contiene, oltre a numerosi nuovi esempi, miglioramenti nella presentazione dei concetti principali e nello svolgimento delle dimostrazioni, per renderle didatticamente piu efficaci.

  • af Giovanni Peccati & Murad S. Taqqu
    579,95 kr.

  • af Giulia Zamboni & Sofia Gourtsoyianni
    277,95 kr.

  • af Massimo Chessa & Alessandro Giamberti
    563,95 - 572,95 kr.

  • af A. Fortuna, L. Ferrante & P. Lunardi
    571,95 kr.

  • af Francis Hirsch, Marc Yor, Christophe Profeta & mfl.
    1.105,95 kr.

  • af G. Cinalli, C. Sainte-Rose & W. J. Maixner
    2.185,95 kr.

  • af Giulio A. Santoro & Giuseppe Di Falco
    2.368,95 kr.

  • af Catalina Oana Curceanu
    264,95 kr.

  • af Gianvito Martino & Luciano Adorini
    2.147,95 kr.

  • af Alfonso Barbarisi, Paolo Bechi, Paolo Innocenti, mfl.
    1.183,95 kr.

    The 20th century has finished, the century when surgery took huge steps forward thanks to progress in technology. Now we have entered the "century of biotechnologies", which will not only generate progress in surgery, but also lead to a real "cultural revolution" that will completely change approaches to solving different problems in medicine. The aim of this book is to bring surgeons closer to biotechnologies and to overcome the cultural gap dividing them from these new approaches. Biotechnologies are already proposed and used at different levels in surgical practice: in diagnostic technique, enabling practitioners to identify diseases at an early stage and follow their molecular modification over time; and in tissue engineering, where the use of "smart scaffolds" offers a possible answer to increasing demand for biocompatible tissues and organs in transplantation surgery. This volume focuses on the emerging field of stem cells, analyzing both their role as possible players in originating and perpetuating cancer ¿ "cancer stem cells" ¿ and, conversely, their extraordinary therapeutical potential. An additional section is dedicated to the evaluation and application of derived molecular factors that can enhance the physiological processes that are fundamentally important in surgery, such as hemostasis and wound healing. Surgeons have always been technologists, in the sense that since surgery began they have always needed technology, beginning with a scalpel and surgical instruments. They have always cooperated with technologists. However, in the new century, the first one of the millennium, a rapid increase in knowledge that is outside the realm of the surgeon¿s traditional technological training is imposing itself ¿ hence the aim of this book. It is now urgent to encourage surgeons to embrace this knowledge (biotechnology) with confidence. By its very nature, biotechnology is completely different from the technologies used so far, because it escapesthe senses of sight and touch, which up to now have been the essence of the surgeon¿s work. The cellular and molecular dimensions of biotechnologies are still far removed from most of the recent advances in modern surgical techniques. A common language between surgeons and biotechnologists will create further, revolutionary, progress in surgical sciences in the twenty-first century.

  • af Norberto Confalonieri & Sergio Romagnoli
    1.101,95 kr.

    Minimally invasive joint replacement has become one of the hottest topics in the orthopedic world. In the case of the knee, however, this concept has been widely misunderstood. All too frequently it is taken to mean keyhole surgery in which traditional components are implanted with a shorter surgical time. Such an approach in fact has few benefits and various possible dangers. In this book, international experts discuss truly minimally invasive knee reconstruction techniques that involve tissue-sparing surgery and small implants and permit preservation of both the anterior and the posterior cruciate ligament. These techniques have the key advantage of respecting the physiological joint biomechanics. They also entail minimal removal of bone tissue from the tibia and only a small skin incision that avoids damage to the extensor apparatus. All of the most innovative techniques used in uni- and bicompartmental knee reconstruction are covered in detail, including computer-assistedprocedures. Long-term results are reported, and pitfalls, highlighted. The reader will learn how, with careful selection of patients and rigorous surgical technique, compartmental reconstruction offers a valid alternative to total knee replacement.

  • af Massimo Fioranelli & Gaetano Frajese
    1.689,95 kr.

  • af Marco Bastoni
    200,95 kr.

  • af Luigia Romano & Antonio Pinto
    1.193,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Mussa
    1.457,95 kr.

  • af Valentina Ivancich
    464,95 kr.

  • af Emanuele Delucchi
    239,95 kr.

  • af Juan José Gomez Cadenas
    255,95 kr.

  • af Vincenzo Mandala
    1.098,95 kr.

    This is the first time a book about laparoscopy in emergency abdominal surgery has been published. Numerous articles have been published in specific surgical journals, but, until now, there has not been a book that collates all the aspects of this little-known field. The aim of this volume is to achieve a complete and easy presentation of all the implications associated with laparoscopy in emergency abdominal surgery. The book should be a manual that can be easily consulted by digestive, general, and specialized surgeons, especially in an emergency. The authors¿ contributions are founded on evidence-based medicine, which give the book scientific credibility, but this is coupled with their experience of daily practice, which adds an important complementary dimension to evidence-based medicine. This is balanced by an emphasis on clarity and accessibility, because the ultimate aim of the book is educational. We hope this book will be frequently consulted, in depth, not only by specialistpractitioners, but also by undergraduate students, new graduates and surgeons in training.

  • af E. Molinari, G. Parati & A. Compare
    2.185,95 - 2.378,95 kr.

  • af A. Quarteroni, A. Veneziani & L. Formaggia
    1.191,95 kr.

  • af Daniele Gasparri
    257,95 kr.

  • af Lorenzo Robbiano
    565,95 kr.

  • - Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques
    af Gustav K. Schulthess
    1.111,95 kr.

    Written by internationally renowned experts, this volume is a collection of chapters dealing with imaging diagnosis and interventional therapies in neuroradiology and diseases of the spine. The different topics are disease-oriented and encompass all the relevant imaging modalities including X-ray technology, nuclear medicine, ultrasound and magnetic resonance, as well as image-guided interventional techniques. It represents a unique experience for residents in radiology as well as for experienced radiologists wishing to be updated on the current state of the art.

  • - Proceedings of the Mediterranean Cardiology Meeting 2007 (Taormina May 20-22, 2007)
    af Michele M. Gulizia
    1.125,95 kr.

    Aim of the volume is to give an overview of the state of the art on the emerging cardiac pathologies such as acute coronary syndromes, atrial fibrillation, sudden death, heart failure, global cardiovascular prevention and syncope.The volume chapters, written by leading experts in these fields, offer the latest information about epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and novel treatments of these pathologies.Addressed to cardiologists, internists, first aid clinicians, practitioners, it will be very helpful also for residents, nurses and all health professionals involved in the management of cardiac pathologies.

  • - The Value of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Liver
    af Luigi Bolondi
    552,95 kr.

    In recent years, the imaging-based diagnosis of mass liver lesions has become increasingly complex due to the number and morphological variability of lesions that modern imaging techniques are currently able to display. If the sensitivity in detection has greatly increased, characterisation has remained difficult and represents a critical challenge for the clinician.The availability of blood-pool contrast agents for ultrasound (US), in particular second-generation US contrast agents based on perfluorocarbon- or sulfur-hexafluoride-filled microbubbles, and the development of contrast-specific software and technologies have opened up new perspectives both for the immediate characterisation of any mass lesion detected in the liver and for increasing the sensitivity of US in the detection of liver metastases.Taking into account the great impact of this new technology on clinical practice, the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) organised, in January 2004, in Rotterdam, a consensus meeting of experts in order to develop guidelines for the use of US contrast agents in the diagnosis of liver diseases . These guidelines, as well as discussions of further advances in the clinical application of contrast-enhanced harmonic US are presented in this book by an internationally renowned group of experts. The book represents provides an important starting point for clinical implementation of this new diagnostic procedure.

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