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Bøger udgivet af Steiner Franz Verlag

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  • af Greg Woolf
    1.147,95 kr.

    Ancient religion is traditionally understood in terms of myths, rituals and institutions, as transmitted in ancient texts. The studies gathered here focus instead on the lived experience of ancient cult and the places in which that experience was formed. They build on recent explorations of Lived Ancient Religion and also on new approaches to Material Ancient Religion. All ancient societies constructed elaborate sanctuaries. Their architecture and the collective rituals that took place there shaped collective experiences. Through case studies drawn from Ancient Egypt, the Greek World and the Roman Empire these themes are explored and elaborated. Together they indicate new ways of approaching ancient religious experience, collective and individual.

  • af Fiona Fritz
    517,95 kr.

    The 'Gesta et Passio' is a Latin hagiographic text written around 1112 by Ælnoth of Canterbury about the Danish king Cnut who was killed in 1086 and later venerated as St Cnut.Due to its textual complexity Ælnoth's work has been considered heterogeneous and strangely structured. With her study Fiona Fritz aims to show that this complexity reflects the systematic multifunctionality of the text and that the text's construction afforded Ælnoth the opportunity to express his perception of contemporaneous ecclesiastical and secular political matters. Relevant textual functions include the construction of Cnut as a royal saint, propagating the cult of St Cnut, furthering ecclesiastical interests, presenting an ideology of kingship, and enhancing the legitimacy of the ruling dynasty.The analysis of the text considers both the historical context of its production and various textual moves and strategies employed by the author. Over and above the results attained in relation to the 'Gesta et Passio' as an individual text, the present study can be taken as a general exploration of methods for the analysis of the potential of hagiographical texts for various functions and for multifunctionality.

  • af Christoph Begass
    547,95 kr.

    Experts of ancient sport have long treated "money" and "honor" as opposites. Up to the 1970s, the idea of Greek gentlemen's sport prevailed. It is one of the most exciting challenges for sport historians to overcome this opposition and to develop a concept that integrates the economic and symbolic motivations of ancient athletes. From the very beginning, economic aspects played a role in Greek sport, and honor remained important until the end of ancient athletics. But despite these continuities there are obvious developments in favor of economic factors: Cash prizes grew in importance since the Hellenistic period, and symbolical honors awarded to victorious athletes by their hometowns were transformed into financial ones. The studies collected in this volume aim at exploring the relationship of money and honor with regard to athletes, festivals and poleis.

  • af Johannes Breuer
    442,95 kr.

    What is the role of religious aspects in legitimizing or delegitimizing violence? The articles of this volume provide an important contribution to this crucial social and scholarly debate. Analysing a broad spectrum of case studies from antiquity, they focus on religious justifications or evaluations of recommended, performed, or forbidden acts of violence - regardless of the question of their historicity. Not only late antiquity and Christianity are considered, but also pre-Christian Greek and Roman civilizations, Judaism, literary myth, and atheism. The case studies cover the period from the fifth century BCE to the fifth century CE and a broad geographical scope extending from Gaul to Israel and Egypt. This volume offers new insights into a highly topical issue.

  • af Francois Duchesneau
    517,95 kr.

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) launched a new science dedicated to the theory of force. His "dynamics" is an important episode in the history of the scientific revolution. Its starting point has been a particular theory of the combination of motions placed within the framework of a mechanistic natural philosophy. Its turning point was Leibniz's discovery in 1678 of a new principle later known as principle of conservation of live force, which he proposed in 1686 as replacement for Descartes' principle of conservation of quantity of motion. In Dynamica de potentia (1689-90), Specimen dynamicum (1695), Essay de dynamique (ca. 1700), and various pieces of correspondence, Leibniz applied his creative methodology, fostered original scientific models and hypotheses, and refined demonstrative arguments in support of his theory. As a result, the dynamics would comprise the conceptual and architectonic fundamental elements for a revised "system of nature". Our endeavor has been to unveil the genesis and explain the makeup of this Leibnizian scientific and philosophical achievement.

  • af Annelies Lannoy
    612,95 kr.

    This volume examines the way the Belgian historian of religions Franz Cumont (1868-1947) and his contemporaries conceived of early Christianity's relation to the ancient mystery cults. As the comparative study of religion rose to academic prominence in late 19th century Europe, this question provoked fiery debates, fuelling methodological, ideological, and religious divides between scholars of different scientific and personal backgrounds. Cumont was a worldwide authority in the scientific study of the religions orientales, but he expressed his opinion on their relation to Christianity only ambiguously. Yet, his publications deeply impacted the debates of his time because of the numerous similarities they revealed between Christian and pagan traditions. Written by specialists from various academic disciplines (e.g., history of religions, theology, New Testament studies), this collection of papers offers a much-needed study of how Cumont and other leading 19th century scholars discussed this theme. It also offers critical reflections on what is left of their ideas in present-day research on this most fascinating subject matter in the study of ancient religion.

  • af Marian Helm
    1.087,95 kr.

    Warfare was a common occurrence in the Ancient World, and the Roman Republic was no exception in this regard. Rome was exceptionally successful in its military endeavours, which led to the conquest of the Italian Peninsula and the historically unique creation of a Mediterranean empire. The origins and motifs for this were complex and many-faceted, but there can be little doubt that the material rewards of military aggression played a central role in driving and maintaining annual warfare. Scholarship tends to interpret spoils in the context of a positive-sum game that allowed for the diffusion of social problems and the stabilisation of the Roman political system through the distribution of surplus resources. However, spoils regularly caused unrest and dissatisfaction, which suggests a more complex impact on Roman politics and society. This volume therefore investigates the socio-political, economic, and cultural impacts of spoils on the city of Rome and Roman Italy in order to gain a better understanding of the crucial role that externally acquired resources played in the context of Roman Republican expansion in the Mediterranean.

  • af Henning Börm
    672,95 kr.

    The civil wars of the first century BCE disrupted Roman society, which in turn was a major cause of the destabilisation of the political system. While this has of course long been recognised, the cultural dimension of the disintegration of the res publica demands equal attention. The present volume aims for an analysis of the more implicit, yet fundamental effects which the increasingly militarised conflict had on Roman society, starting with the assumption that the radical dynamics and intrinsic brutality constituted a completely new experience for contemporaries. To solve this problem, Romans of the late Republican period devised multiple strategies for coping with the phenomenon of civil war. While some turned to narrative patterns deployed by the Greeks who had been accustomed to civil conflict for centuries, the bella civilia also influenced many other aspects of cultural life. The latent fear of permanent civil strife thus became a source of innovation on multiple levels which (re-)shaped Roman collective imaginary. The resulting structures and developments constituted a highly elaborate and comprehensive "culture of civil war".

  • af Patrick Sanger
    932,95 kr.

    Söldner und Berufssoldaten wurden bislang fast ausschließlich aus militärhistorischer Sicht und aus der Perspektive der griechischen Polis thematisiert. Demgegenüber liegt den hier versammelten Beiträgen ein auf breiter Quellenbasis stehender komparativer, rechts- sowie sozial- und kulturhistorischer Ansatz zugrunde. Die Soldaten selbst geraten als Personen und Akteure in ihrem jeweiligen politischen und sozialen Umfeld in den Blick. Gerade in den letzten Jahren wurden einige neue Inschriften und Papyri publiziert, die nun als korrektives Gegengewicht zur literarischen Überlieferung herangezogen werden können, um die bis heute präsenten Stereotype infrage zu stellen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren entwickeln neue Perspektiven auf der Grundlage von drei großen Themenkomplexen, die sich der Frage nach der Dichotomie zwischen Bürgersoldat und Söldner sowie verschiedenen Aspekten widmen, die Söldner in ihrer Eigenschaft als Einwohner und Mitbürger sowie als soziale Individuen und Gemeinschaften betreffen.

  • af Milinda Hoo
    967,95 kr.

  • af Attilio Mastrocinque
    1.237,95 kr.

    An international team of scholars from different academic disciplines address some of the most important issues, texts, and objects in the study of ancient magic. The volume is divided into three primary sections. The first part offers new approaches to some of the major theoretical and methodological questions in the study of ancient magic. Most importantly, the authors offer a defense of the term "magic" as a scholarly rubric in the study of antiquity. The contributors to the second part provide novel interpretations of some of the most significant defixiones, amulets, recipes and rituals from the ancient world. The essays also engage with questions of gender, materiality, visuality, and scribal practice. The final section examines the transmission of magical practice, both in antiquity and in later periods. Accordingly, the chapters in this final section allow scholars to approach the study of magic over the longue durée. By placing into dialogue the interests, concerns, and methods of scholars from diverse academic fields, this volume provides an interdisciplinary perspective to the study of premodern magic.

  • af Rolf Dubs
    557,95 kr.

    Rolf Dubs geht in diesem Standardwerk auf alle Bereiche der Führung einer Schule ein. Es richtet sich an Mitglieder von Schulbehörden und der Schulaufsicht, angehende und aktive Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter sowie Studierende, die sich für Fragen des Schulmanagements interessieren. Dubs passt das St. Galler Management-Modell an die Bedürfnisse von Schulen an und bietet auf dieser Grundlage eine vernetzte Darstellung aller Bereiche der Führung von zentral geleiteten und teilautonomen Schulen. In 18 Kapiteln behandelt er diejenigen Aspekte der Führung einer Schule, die für Schulleitungspersonen im Schulalltag bedeutsam sind: Von der Organisation über Mitarbeiterführung und Personalmanagement bis hin zum Qualitätsmanagement. Aktuelle Fragen und ihre Bedeutung innerhalb des Management-Modells werden ebenso behandelt wie die theoretischen Grundlagen und Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung. Abgerundet werden die Kapitel durch Folgerungen für die Praxis und Checklisten.

  • af Dieter Euler
    582,95 kr.

    Wie kann Forschung in den Dienst einer innovativen didaktischen Praxis gestellt werden? Dieser Band diskutiert mit "Design-Based Research" (DBR) eine Forschungskonzeption, die hierzu neue Antworten vorschlägt. Grundlegend für DBR ist das Ziel, die Entwicklung innovativer Lösungen für praktische Bildungsprobleme mit der Gewinnung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse zu verzahnen. Als Ausgangspunkt der Forschung wird daher nicht gefragt, ob eine bestehende Praxis wirksam ist, sondern wie ein angestrebtes Bildungsziel in einem gegebenen Kontext durch eine schrittweise zu verfeinernde Innovation am besten erreicht werden könnte. So geht es nicht nur um die Untersuchung von bereits bestehenden Wirklichkeiten, sondern zudem um die Entwicklung von zukünftigen Möglichkeiten.DBR entstand als Reaktion auf die Kritik an der mangelnden praktischen Anwendung von Befunden aus der empirisch-analytischen Lehr-Lernforschung. DBR nimmt diese Kritik auf und versucht sie konstruktiv zu wenden. Obwohl sich viele der forschungstheoretischen Vorschläge auf Vorläufer stützen, lässt sich DBR aktuell noch nicht durch ein einheitliches Regelwerk kennzeichnen - es ist vielmehr ein "Paradigma in Entwicklung".Dieser Band reflektiert den Stand der Diskussionen um DBR, systematisiert sie und schafft insbesondere für die Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik neue Grundlagen für die Umsetzung in der Forschungspraxis.

  • af Johannes Dillinger
    275,95 kr.

    In zahlreichen Hexenprozessen standen Kinder im Mittelpunkt - als Angeklagte und als Zeugen der Anklage. Kinder wurden wegen Hexerei hingerichtet oder brachten selbst Erwachsene in Hexereiverdacht. Johannes Dillinger erklärt, wie Hexenprozesse mit Kindern im Zentrum entstanden und welche Rolle sie während der großen Hexenjagden spielten. Ausführlich geht er auf Fallbeispiele aus ganz verschiedenen Regionen ein. In Hexenprozessen traten Schulkinder, Pfarrerssöhne und Mädchen 'aus bestem Hause' ebenso auf wie vernachlässigte Waisen, Straßenkinder und minderjährige Kriminelle.Die Schilderung all ihrer Fälle fördert Details zu Tage, die heute grotesk anmuten. Dillinger ordnet die Geschichten in den historischen Kontext ein: Für ihn stehen die Kinder an der Schnittstelle von Erziehung und Magie. Ihre Geschichten zeigen die Wandlungen im Verhältnis von Kindern, Eltern und Schule. Zugleich fügen sie sich ein in eine umfassende Weltsicht, für die die Wirksamkeit von Zauber, die Existenz des Teufels und vieler Geister selbstverständlich war.

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