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  • - 25 TIPS for Caregivers: ...And More Confessions from a Caregiver
    af Lisa Cerasoli
    98,95 kr.

    BONUS TIP #26When all else fails, feel free to use our secret weapon: BETTY. Betty is the make believe woman we blamed for everything.... Lost hearing aids, missing money, stale coffee: Betty.Excerpt from...40/40 VisionIn November of 2013, I brought Jazz and my mom to a caregiver conference. In the midst of my ready-made speech, Jazz raised her hand.And so I called on her."Mom! Mom, tell everyone how fun grandma's funeral was!" Jazz just put the "fun" in funeral. I had to stop and think. My gram never had a driver's license. She barely left the house, even when she was healthy. She spent the last six years dying from a broken heart and Alzheimer's disease. And yet my gram, somehow, made forty new friends that were half her age during that time too. And they all came to say goodbye. If she were here, she wouldn't have known any of them. But they knew her.They were laughing, crying, retelling stories, singing her favorite song: "Let's Make Believe That We're Happy." They were having fun.I was in awe. It made me think maybe our caregiving fiasco wasn't a fiasco at all. Maybe, just maybe, we got a few things right. You should have seen this wake; it was standing room only. And, damn, was it fun.Excerpt from...The Dread Zone...Full-time caregivers don't enter a dread zone as part of their daily routine. Their tactic is adapting to a world that doesn't appear to have a beginning or end, so they adjust by staying even keeled-managing high energy, low energy, no energy, emergency, insomnia, exhaustion, hysteria. Months of full-time caregiving can feel like one long day. But it's not the sort of thing that is "dreaded," like winter, or taxes, or getting a colonoscopy. There's no emotional buildup in full-time caregiving to produce a feeling of daily dread, like with part-time caregiving. They both have their challenges. There are a lot of incredible people in the world who aren't capable of this job at all. I commend anybody who's been mastering the art of compassion, patience, tolerance, swallowing tears, and biting their tongue by being a caregiver at all, even if it's visiting "Dad" for just an hour a day. Let's not compete for most hours logged. The key to effective caregiving isn't about the big picture; it's captured in the tiny moments.Excerpt from....What Now? Life after Caregiving I woke up this morning easy enough. But as I crept down the stairs to make Jazz breakfast, I turned and yelled in a whispery voice, "Be quiet when you come down, sweetheart! We don't want to wake G.G.!" As soon as the words escaped my lips, it was as if the biggest bully on the playground had punched me in the gut. I grabbed my stomach with one hand, the wall with the other because I thought I was going to puke. When that feeling passed, I nice big jolt of "crazy" hit. And then after that, I waited and waited without moving an inch. I was waiting for the big blow, for Jazz to yell back, "Mom, you silly head! G.G.'s dead!" There was nothing but silence, which meant Jazz must not have heard me. She's like my conscious; she'd never let something like that slide. I concluded she wasn't paying attention. Thank God. Anyway, that's how I started day four of my new life without G.G. I was ending it by reading to Jazz with tears streaming ferociously down my cheeks, speckling her book, wrinkling its pages. "Mama, Mama? Are you okay?" she asked."I'm okay, babe. I just miss G.G."And then Jazz went to the window, looked up into the black night, and said, "She's right there. When you miss her, just look for the brightest star in the sky and wave. And you won't miss her anymore."

  • af Frank Mitchell
    173,95 kr.

    Honorable MentionGeneral FictionFlorida Book FestivalAnkara, Nov 5th 1979 (TPI). Two days ago, terrorists attacked an engineering survey party preparing topographical maps for the future hydroelectric dam on the Aras River between the Republic of Iran and the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan. A senior Russian engineer, an Iranian engineering officer, and a junior officer were killed by the terrorists. Surviving were an American and a Turkish engineer. After dark, there was a gun battle at the nearby construction camp. The construction workers drove off a larger unit of radical Islamists revolutionaries causing heavy casualties among the pasdaran.

  • - Ritual to Romance
    af Terry Stanfill
    173,95 kr.

    Praise for Terry Stanfill: Realms of Gold: Ritual to Romance is sheer alchemy. Terry Stanfill cleverly masterminds dialing back the time machine in magical, potent ways to reveal a vast fabric of history seamlessly reaching into the depths of the Celtic past. Under her pen, the past revived informs the present in the form of a star-crossed love ignited by a compelling quest, from Puglia to Burgundy, with the famed Vix krater at its vortex. The novel is a masterful tapestry of human aspirations and enterprises, of science and intuition, revealing the author's profound understanding of the past and her visionary re-crafting of it that leads to the story's romantic-and historically surprising--revelation. Historian, archaeologist, and antiquarian extraordinaire, Stanfill's latest novel powerfully evokes living legends from their newly discovered historical sites. --Erik T. Haskell, professor of French Studies & Humanities, Scripps College, Claremont University Center Terry Stanfill has wonderfully crafted Realms of Gold into a research-oriented mystery romance. A page-turner hard to put down.--Georgianna Erskine, Pasadena, California Few of us know South Italy as Terry Stanfill does; and her love of this wonderful land shines through every page of her quietly astonishing novel. What a story she tells--threading its way through mythology, ancient history and archaeology in Italy and France and England. Almost a romance, almost a thriller yet not quite either, it possesses a unique character of its own. I loved it. --John Julius Norwich, author of A History of the Normans in South Italy and Sicily

  • - A Collection of Essays on Buddhism
    af Andrew Furst
    118,95 kr.

    "Personal experience has proven that my body has to do nothing short of screaming to get my attention. In my mid-thirties I was working sixty plus hours per week. I loved the opportunity, I wanted the money, but then came the back spasms.... And that was the alarm that I needed. The lightening had struck. It was time for change." Andrew Furst W e s t e r n L i g h t s BUDDHISM is an ancient eastern tradition steeped in the culture of India, China, Tibet, Thailand, Korea, and Japan. It's still acquiring its form and voice in the west. For Americans to benefit from its wisdom, it needs to find a place in our hearts and minds. Western Lights is a collection of essays from the viewpoint of a Western Buddhist teacher. It speaks about Eastern concepts like karma, hope, attachment, and amptiness from a personal perspective and in terms familiar to Americans. They're grounded in subject matter familiar to Americans like politics, science, psychology, heaven, and nature. I hope to help the reader find a personal connection to this ancient tradition and discover what it has to say about the challenges of contemporary life. INTRODUCTION This collection of short essays was gleaned from my first foray into writing- blogging for the Buddhist Meditation Group at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reading. To those looking for insight on the path to writing a book, this was my route. In many ways, this book is a selfish venture. It has allowed me to see how everything and everyone are the Buddha teaching me. Writing has also allowed me to see my mind, mostly its cluttered nature, and to both adore it and strive to discipline it. The blog has steered most recently onto the themes of naturalness, rhythms, and insights available in everyday life. I've strived to dust off the dry academic and culturally oriental tenets of this precious 2,500-year-`old religion and bring it to life. I've tried to do this by putting it through the agitator of the frenetic beat of western life and the wringer of the western reductionist mind. The attempt is to take the familiar and spin it on its head in the hopes that I lure you, shake up your world view, and leave you with a little to chew on. 1 What is the Single Most IMPORTANT Teaching? I had the opportunity to speak with students at Middlesex Community College in Bedford Massachusetts. I was invited by the professor to speak to a class on world art and literature about Buddhism. There were several delightfully engaged students. One of them posed the following question: Could you expand upon how Pure Land Buddhism differs from other schools? And what is its single most important teaching? Answer: Pure Land Buddhism rests on three pillars: FAITH, VOWS, PRACTICE. A Short Meditation Meditation is the unification of body, breath, and mind. During this brief session I encourage you to leave everything else behind. Let's start with the body. Find a comfortable sitting posture or even lie down. You want to be able to relax all the big muscles in your body. Close your eyes or keep them open as you feel most comfortable. Spend a minute to reacquaint yourself with all your parts. Take a deep inhale in and with a slightly exaggerated exhale, release all the muscles of your body. Sink. Let all of your flesh literally hang off of your bones. For the next five breaths allow this sense of relaxation to deepen, letting go a little more with each exhale. Nowwe'llsynchronizethebreathandthemind.Youcanchoosetochant silently or out loud (I recommend out loud - think Gregorian Chant). Either way start with a deep inhale. On the exhale, chant Namo Amitofo slowly for the length of the breath. Inhale again, and exhale Namo Amitofo. If your chanting aloud, use a deep low tone. Feel the vibration from your throat and heart. Allow it to expand up and down your spinal column. If you're chanting silently, allow the words to permeate through your entire body.

  • af Gary Wenkle Smith
    173,95 kr.

    WHERE WOULD WE BEGIN TO FIND JUSTICE?Follow the continuing high-profile legal battles of Rex McKinley and his investigator Eddie Logan. This time they take on a case involving the brother of a member of the Blood Oath Motorcycle Club, Billy West. Billy and a co-defendant are accused of murdering the brother of a local Danbrier County Sheriff's detective.Esteemed legal duo Patrick Moynihan and Tommy Krumholz (The Last Midnight) are called in to assist Rex in this murder/conspiracy thriller. Rick Turner, the highly skilled prosecutor proves to be a cunning opponent as the trial proceeds and secrets are exposed. This legal battle is presented in intimate detail. The gutsy and gritty courtroom drama will leave the reader with an understanding of the true experience of a criminal judicial proceeding.

  • - My Adventures at Sea
    af Captain John De Silva
    118,95 kr.

    From collision to mutiny and murder, Marine Captain John De Silva's TROUBLED WATERS sets down with searing honesty the highs and lows of the professional seafarer's life. The land is but a temporary haven in which relationships are made, but the blue sea is where unforgettable events occur and memories are relived. This captivating memoir explores the sheer optimism we human beings have been endowed with to meet the adversities of life head on. From plagues of cockroaches, engine failures, duplicity and deceit, to Reema, the Guajarati girl who gets pregnant and is subsequently abandoned by her Muslim boyfriend and forced into a lifetime of prostitution, the book explores human life and our relationship with the divine that allows us to steer a steady course through chaos as we head toward a peaceful anchor.This is the story of a voyage that Captain John de Silva undertakes with all its attendant vicissitudes and death-defying miseries. Yet throughout he never loses his faith in the Lord; never loses that optimism we human beings have been endowed with to balance out fear and despair.Captain De Silva's odyssey begins in January, 2006, when he assumes command of the ship Cape Agulhas with its Myanmar crew. In his voyage around the coast of Africa, almost everything that can go wrong does. From a seasick cook who can't cook, officials who demand bribes at every port, and a silent but murderous crew who never obey an order without first having a lengthy conclave among themselves, the Captain faces one test after another--trusting in his faith in God to find his way through.If you're wondering what a lifetime at sea might be like, you won't want to miss this book.To learn more about the book: http: //

  • af Michael R Simpson
    173,95 kr.

    Mike was trapped in Crazyland-that's a term he'd coined for that place between marriage and divorce. He was spending too much time at the bars, in the beds of strange women, on "spring break" in Mexico...and in his own head. This thirty-six-year-old yuppie was every kind of messed up. And it wasn't like he didn't know it. He was smart-an engineer running his own company, a father of two and he had been married for over ten years. Then one day he "blinked" and went from blending in beautifully in blissful suburbia to becoming the mayor of Crazyland. (Yes, the vote was unanimous.) Somewhere in between watching news stories of regular guys stopping crime with their bare hands and his small, teenage cousin using Brazilian Jiu-jitsu to dominate him in a "friendly" grappling match in front of his kids, Mike decided it was time to fight his way out...of Crazyland. Within a week he had signed up at the nearest Brazilian Jiu-jitsu studio. Unknown to Mike at the time, it was run by a BJJ legend. On the mats of this dojo, Mike began enduring ass whippings like never before. But a metamorphosis of mind, body, and soul had started to occur as well. He discovered that Brazilian Jiu-jitsu wasn't just a sport, it was a club, a religion, a therapy session...and the people in it were his new family. "...Looking down at the splay of bruises decorating my body as if Jackson Pollock had gone apeshit with scads of paint and a dozen brushes made me aware of one, simple fact: I could never quit or stop practicing jiu-jitsu. I couldn't go through this twice." Apparently a few good BRUISES were exactly what he'd been looking for. *Crazyland is a place where anyone going through a divorce must pass. There are no exceptions. If you are getting divorced, your passport will get stamped in Crazyland; it is the law. You cannot reroute your trip to avoid this stop no matter how sane you attempt to be. My advice: get in and get the fuck out. The longer you stay, the less chance you have of ever leaving. Evidence that you might be residing in Crazyland may include, but is not limited to: Over indulgence in alcohol and/or drugs. Over indulgence in sex. Men could have accidental encounters with fat chicks while wearing skinny jeans. Middle-aged women might have their ass crack peeking out from between a pair of low-rise jeans and a crop top; it happens. Tattoos appear out of nowhere. Jumping out of, or off of, any fast moving object indicates that you're in Crazyland. And...traveling to Mexico for spring break in your thirties-which is where we are in this story-is a red flag that you're there. You might even be the honorary mayor at that point. "In these brief moments of sparring, I find something inside of me possessing a superiority, not over man, but over mind and matter, over my own mind and physical body. That is the reason I am here challenging myself, that is what I am seeking to gain: dominance over my own manly limitations, so that I may grow above myself in the face of a challenge. And whether the outcome is win or lose, maybe it'll lead me to the warrior within." Excerpt from the Prologue by Matthias Meister

  • af Thomas J Mitchell
    153,95 kr.

    LIGHT & SHADOW is a heart-warming, rib-tickling, and inspirational collection of poetry. No one can read these pages of versified profundity without being the wiser for it. Mitchell's ability to see and describe life with breathtaking clarity is counterpoised by a spiritual dimension that causes the spine to tingle from the inner knowing that rises when in the embrace of purity and truth. If beautifully crafted words bring you sheer joy, you will find Thomas J. Mitchell is a entertaining ringmaster--a master wordsmith, bringer of joy extraordinaire. In his own words, "The magic occurs when poetry conveys what I think of as a 'spiritual jolt, ' expressing moments of greater truth which, to all intents and purposes, reside above the power of prose alone." Truths imparted in this way tend to remain clear and vibrant in the memory and can be recalled at any time. Thus, poetry can be a carrier wave for those magical moments of realization that resonate in the deepest parts of our psyche, restoring and refreshing the spirit. "My hope is that some of my poetry will create new insights for you when you least expect it; perhaps while driving or going about your daily chores. "And for all the lofty thoughts that I attempted to express in some of my cosmic and philosophical offerings, I do hope that my humorous poems bring you back to earth and make you laugh, or at least smile, when you recognize similar people and situations that inspired me to put pen to paper. "In short, in this collection I have attempted to provide both light and shadow, to bridge the gap between humor and esoterica, and if my poetry amuses and inspires it will have served its purpose."

  • af Robin Johns Grant
    153,95 kr.

    When Jeanine finally connects with film star Jamie Newkirk, the object of her obsession, will it be a dream come true? Or will she be pulled into his family's nightmare of secrets, control, and death? At age ten, preacher's daughter Jeanine fell in love with young movie star Jamie Newkirk and the character he played--Danny Summer. Jeanine believed God Himself promised Jamie would be part of her life--that he would rescue her from boring rural Georgia. But eleven years later, she's graduating college and about to settle into the dreary nine-to-five life with no word from Jamie or God. And then Jamie bursts into her life in an amazing way. There are plans to resurrect the Summer series of books and movies, and Jeanine is right in the middle of it all. Jamie seems to be falling for her, just as she'd dreamed. And yet... She never expected all the dark undercurrents. Jamie is hiding out in Georgia following the suspicious death of his former girlfriend. And isn't it odd that he found his mother dead of a supposed suicide in that same house two years before, and that both women had the same strangely-shaped burn on their bodies? And who knew there would be so many sinister characters involved in Jamie's life, and in the Summer series? There's his young co-star, Charlie--the Summer author died in an unexplained fire at his house. And Jamie's stepfather, Elliott, and uncle Richard seem to be in a vicious competition for control of the Summer series and of Jamie's life. Jamie is obviously hiding things--about his family, about the deaths of his mother and girlfriend. The media and the public have declared him guilty. Jeanine longs to prove his innocence. Unless she can, Jamie's dark secrets may shatter her dreams, her faith--and her life. Even when we mortals don't understand, God's plan is unfolding around us. Summer's Winter is an incredible mystery that teaches us to believe in that divine plan for our lives. The twists and turns in Summer's Winter kept me reading into the night...I couldn't wait to reach the end! Robin Johns Grant's Summer's Winter is a heartwarming read in which good and evil collide. I loved it! --Nancy Grace, HLN host and author of The Eleventh Victim and Death on the D-List Part murder mystery, part Hollywood dream-world and part thought-provoking Southern lit, Summer's Winter takes the reader on a romantic ride, filled with movie-star moments that plummet into hair-raising hairpin twists and turns. Jeanine and Jamie's relationship crackles with sparring, spirituality and suspense, leading to an ending worthy of your favorite Hollywood finale.--Elizabeth Musser, author of The Swan House and The Sweetest Thing

  • af Misti D Mosteller
    173,95 kr.

    NEW, Fully REVISED and EDITED: The Fat Rules. There's even a new cover! This memoir is a MAY 1, 2015 Story Merchant Book Release. Reviews PRIOR to 01MAY2015 are on the OLD Version. We hope you enjoy the book! "Smart, witty, funny, painful, honest, brutal, forgiving. Truly amazing and left me wanting more!" "This was laugh-out-loud funny and relatable. I felt like I was reading my best friend's diary." -Amazon Five Star Reviews Maddy Quinn survived being a fat kid and a fat adolescent, but being fat in her twenties is too much. Maddy is a smart, funny, chunky monkey living in a world of skinnies with only an XXL sweater set to keep her safe. Living at home, Maddy attends a nearby university where she majors in Political Science and Not Being Noticed. Her mother would return her to the womb for safekeeping if only there was room for a 266 1/2 lb. adult, and her grandmother has never met an emotion that couldn't be suffocated with mashed potatoes or chicken fried steak. Despite the over-love of a nutty family and the support of good, but skinny friends, waddling around campus is getting harder. In an effort to keep daily humiliations to a minimum, Maddy lives by rules she's developed to hide in plain sight. Fat Rule #2 Never run in front of other humans, even if being chased by a mass-murdering maniac. Better to die with honor than let that jelly jiggle! But when her birthday turns into Celebration Humiliation, Maddy's best friend, Sam, gives her a dose of tough love that would put an elephant down, setting Maddy on a life-changing course that includes Richard Simmons and a date with a college guy, or two. Part memoir, part wishful thinking, The Fat Rules is a laugh-out-loud ride on the crazy train with genuine, heart-breaking insight into the emotional pain of being overweight. If you've ever struggled with weight issues, finding your place in the world, or incapacitating insecurity, Maddy Quinn is right there with you.

  • af Andrea Aguillard
    173,95 kr.

    Second generation Italian-American Lisa Greco is about to receive the reward she's worked her head off for--but she's not sure it's what she wants anymore. When she's offered her boss's position at a prestigious New York publishing firm--a position she's worked her career toward--she asks for time off instead. Because it suddenly hits her: this is it. No more vacations, no more dreams of doing her own writing. And as for her love life, so much for fantasies. She can scratch that right off the bucket list. She's been judged ready to assume great responsibility over others, but it's come at a great cost: she hasn't been responsible to herself. She's always postponed exploring her creativity, and discovering her Neapolitan origins. So she throws the dice, and goes to Naples. Only, her Greek-Italian heritage is not what she expected. It's much, much more--and her exploration of the enchanting city is only enhanced by a mysterious Japanese-Italian professor of mathematics and itinerant tenor who's in search of his own roots. This leads her to do something she's never done before. She takes his hand as he leads her into the darkest recesses of the ancient excavations that reveal the key to both their identities.

  • af Jerry Amernic
    173,95 kr.

    David Marr, archaeologist and world authority on the Romans, has spent his life studying the Holy Land with all its violence and unrest that go back to the time of the scriptures. While teaching in Jerusalem, he makes the most dramatic discovery of his life just off the shore of the Dead Sea near the site of the ancient monastic settlement at Qumran. It is something that could have huge repercussions with the potential to turn the world on its side. David first whet his appetite as a student when he played a crucial role in the 1947 discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. His later adventures with the Holy Grail and Holy Shroud brought him to the forefront of the maelstrom that develops whenever science confronts religion. The backdrop to these experiences was always war - Israel's War of Independence in 1948, the Six Day War in 1967, the Yom Kippur war in 1973. Throughout it all, he has carved a career of widespread renown, but has seen so much evidence of man's brutality to man that he is spiritually disillusioned. As he begins to unearth clues about what he has found, he and those closest to him - his Jewish-American wife Gita, the brilliant Egyptian pathologist Jamil Hassad, and his Israeli research assistant Robbie Schueftan - all find themselves in danger. Now David the scientist, whose life has always been ruled by logic and reason, isn't certain about anything and he won't rest until he finds the truth.

  • - The Rise
    af James Pierre
    198,95 kr.

    "A gangbuster of a novel! A historical monument for the ages!"-Ironworks Publishing Co.Fleeing a murder charge in his native homeland of Palermo, Sicily, in Italy, young CarloGambino finds refuge in the United States of America. It is the Roaring Twenties, and NewYork is a melting pot of decadence and excess. As well as unprecedented violence. TheVolstead Act creates a new and booming black market for booze, one which gangsters of alldenominations seek to control. While Jewish and Irish gangsters carve out a nominal nichefor themselves in the liquor trade, the dominant players remain the Italian-American Mafia, also known as La Cosa Nostra.Carlo joins a Cosa Nostra crew run by his cousins, the Castellanos, who in turn work for arising Mafia upstart by the name of Charles "Lucky" Luciano. Carlo's business smarts increasethe crew's earnings substantially, garnering the attention of Lucky Luciano, who promotesCarlo, and takes the younger Gambino under his wing. But soon, Luciano, Gambino, and theirentire outfit find themselves in the middle of a brutal gang war between Salvatore Maranzanoand Joseph "Joe the Boss" Masseria, the current kingpins of the New York Mafia underworld.The bloody skirmish-dubbed the Castellammarese War-litters the streets of New York withdead bodies. Carlo must use all of his cunning, not only to stay alive, but also to go on theoffensive, as he helps Luciano devise a plan that will dethrone both Maranzano and Masseria, thereby putting an end to the Castellammarese War.But no sooner is this goal accomplished, than Carlo finds himself in another predicament.When Luciano is exiled back to Italy by the U.S. Government, a power vacuum is created inthe New York Mafia, one which forces Carlo to pit his wits against the likes of such stalwartmobsters as Albert "The Lord High Executioner" Anastasia, as well as the bloodthirsty VitoGenovese. Counted out by the rest of the mob due to his meek and silent nature, Gambinomust put his Machiavellian prowess on display, as he looks to rise to the top of the Cosa Nostrahierarchy, while also navigating the uncharted territories of newfound love and fatherhood.Gambino The Rise will hook readers from the first page to the very last, and its violent, colorful cast of characters will continue to enthrall the imagination of readers long after thebook has been put down. Strap in for this bumpy and brutal ride through America's Age ofProhibition, where gangsters roamed free and lived by their own code of honor-and blood.All in the pursuit of the American Dream!"Fashionably murderous; a dangerous, yet delightful, read. Had trouble putting this onedown!"-The Why We Wear It Podc

  • af Ian Bull
    173,95 kr.

    The Picture Kills (A Hollywood Thriller-Book 1 of The Quintana Adventures)When you're covered in mud, running from men with guns, and stuck in small spaces with very little clothing on, it's amazing what you can learn about a person.Steven Quintana was once a top Army Ranger reconnaissance photographer until he made a fatal mistake on a mission. A boy was killed, and Steven's military career was cut short-all because of a photo he took.Now he works as a paparazzo in Hollywood where his photos can't hurt anybody, the money is easy, and he can forget the past.But when mega movie star Julia Travers is kidnapped, Steven discovers the kidnappers used photos he took to cover up the crime. Realizing that he's still harming people with his camera, he swears to fix his mistake, Rambo-style.But-life or death situation or not-the last person Julia wants coming to her rescue is the paparazzo whose photos got her into trouble in the first place.THE PICTURE KILLS is a fun, fresh, sexy, snappy, fast-paced thriller that starts in celebrity-obsessed Hollywood and climaxes in the exotic and remote cays of the Bahamas.Interview with the AuthorQ - Why are you writing The Quintana Adventures?A - I write what I love to read - page-turners that I can't put down. I like thrillers with a dynamite premise, great characters, and an action-packed rollercoaster plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I also love stories with two protagonists, a man and a woman, who must work together to overcome obstacles. I also love international stories that transport the reader to amazing places around the world. The Quintana Adventures is my way of putting all of that into one series. Steven Quintana is a kick-ass Army Ranger Reconnaissance Photographer. Julia Travers is a beautiful, talented movie star with a razor wit and a quick mind. They couldn't be more different. I then toss them into wild situations where they encounter crazy characters, and they must work together to survive. It also makes for a rocky relationship.SIX PASSENGERS, FIVE PARACHUTES is the sequel to THE PICTURE KILLS, but you can read the series in any order.Q - Why the Hollywood angle?A - Because I know it. My career has been a healthy mix of success and struggle, and I have worked with the famous, the infamous, and the bottom-feeders. My mental filing cabinet is full of experiences that I now use to write my stories.Q - Why the California angle?A - California has everything - the ocean, beaches, mountains, deserts, farmland, small towns and vibrant cities. Families that have been here for generations live alongside immigrants from around the world. I've lived in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and in the smaller towns of Cazadero and Lemoore. I've worked with rice farmers in Butte County, marijuana growers in Mendocino County, and Navy families in Kings County. I want to put all of this into my books.

  • af Atchity Vincent Atchity
    153,95 kr.

  • - Daddy Holding Me
    af Kenneth Atchity
    204,95 kr.

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