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  • af Sara Sfaqssi
    207,95 kr.

    I always loved poetry. The art of using words in such an accurate manner, so beautifully, it is like painting a picture. I do not yet consider this book to be poetry. It is not a professionally written book by someone who knows what they are doing. By no means. This is a book written by someone who could not possibly be more inexperienced when it comes to writing. Nonetheless, I believe this book can offer something far more important and fascinating than professionalism. I consider this book to be true, relatable, and vulnerable. Maybe this short collection of thoughts, poems, and pieces of advice can make you smile or think about all kinds of things.

  • af Kris Callisto
    207,95 kr.

    Justice and Peace - those are the principles Jeremiah is fighting for. As the tech assistant in the background of the great hero "Black Vulture", he is doing his part in keeping the city safe.Albeit working with a hero isn't always as pleasant as one would think.For example, as one day he finds himself kidnapped by their nemesis Malou - a notorious villain known for not hesitatingto hurt someone for the sake of reaching their own goals.So, what do they need Jeremiah for?And why do their paths keep crossing?

  • af Ines Latzko
    207,95 kr.

    This is the book I wish someone had given me before I started my corporate career in my twenties. Everything from outsmarting Outlook, networking in the hallway to empathising with colleagues is in these pages. Enjoy the mildly irritating but absolutely manageable adventure of entering the corporate world. Never take it too seriously. You'll get there, I promise!

  • af Anna Kefala
    207,95 kr.

    Die Göttin Athena und Ares stritten sich um die Kunst des Krieges, als sich im Handgemenge ein Kristall sich von Athenas Medaillon löst, auf die Erde fiel und zerbarst. Die Göttin war wütend und verlangte von Ares ihn wieder zurückzuholen, doch der Gott der Grausamkeit weigerte sich. Ein Mensch solle dies tun und zu einem der Götter bringen und dessen Kriegskunst erlenen. So versahen sie die Splitter mit Magie und warteten. Katerina jedoch befand sich auf einer gefährlichen Reise einen alten Freund davon abzuhalten, sich den dunklen Spielen Ares zu beugen und in den Wahnsinn zu gleiten.

  • af Julia Dahm
    207,95 kr.

    Visiting my grandparents for the summer was supposed to be fun. The best summer of my life.But that was scratched off the list the second I learned who my new coworker was. Grumpy, idiotic and childish, Adam is literally unnerving and robbing me of peace in my life. But there is no way around him. He's everywhere. And with my grandma set on bettering things between us, I have no other choice than to accept his presence. Not if I actually want to save what I hold dear to my heart. But after spending more and more shifts with him, after revealing truths and growing to be content around him, the store of my Grandparents might not be the only thing on the brink of safety. My feelings might just be too. And just maybe, all along, there was some invisible string, tying me to him, and him to me.

  • af Moana E. Kamp
    207,95 kr.

    Ich bin meine eigene Medizin, und ich bin mein eigenes Gift.Ich allein habe die Möglichkeit, mein Leben zu verändern. Und wenn mir das bewusst wird, kommen auch hunderttausend Fragen mit diesem Bewusstsein. Und dann beginnt die Suche. Die Suche nach der Lösung. Die Suche nach dem Heilmittel, der Medizin. Ich entscheide, was meine Medizin ist.Ich bin der Beweis, dass ich am Leben bin.

  • af Nana Rice
    207,95 kr.

    "Maybe we'll run into each other again." He added before he left.But Neo could only watch him leave, having missed his chance to talk to him more.It was only a brief encounter, yet it changed Neo's life entirely but what made matters even more confusing, it was also the start of a long one-sided love without any chance of meeting that special someone ever again. Or perhaps fate had other plans?

  • af Amar Begic
    207,95 kr.

    The director got himself in a pretty pickle. Two women at the refugee camp he oversees entered into conflict and it's his job to untangle the situation. But his neurotic condition paired with an anticipation of death hinders him quite heftily to follow up with his tasks as a director.

  • af M. Gashi
    207,95 kr.

    Diese Sammlung ist für alle, die auf der Suche nach Worten sind.Begleitet wird das Buch von der Frage, was es mit einem macht, zu bemerken, dass man doch Bedürfnisse und Gefühle hat.Kp. 1: Whose Idea Was Love?Kp. 2: I don't wanna hate myselfKp. 3: Family, Friends & SocietyKp. 4: Ernüchterung

  • af Silica Mel
    207,95 kr.

    Wenn ihre ältere Schwester stirbt, erfährt eine junge Frau von den verborgenen Gedanken der Person, die sie zu kennen glaubte und versteht, dass Menschen einander oft missverstehen und man nie aufhören sollte, miteinander zu kommunizieren.

  • af Johanna Posch
    207,95 kr.

    Der Klimawandel hat die Menschheit an den Rand der Existenz gedrängt. Konflikte, Kriege, Nahrungsmittelengpässe und Stromausfälle prägen den Alltag. Ein schwer bewachtes Forschungsinstitut kämpft als das letzte Bollwerk erbittert gegen das Ende. Als ein schwerer Hagelsturm aufzieht, der alles zu vernichten droht, entdeckt Dr. Ava Ortega etwas Seltsames. Eine kleine unscheinbare Mücke hängt bewegungslos vor ihr in der Luft und es scheint, als wäre die Zeit für einen kurzen Moment stehen geblieben. Immer unerklärlicher werden die Phänomene am Institut und Ava hegt einen schrecklichen Verdacht. Ein Lauf gegen die Zeit beginnt, denn das Überleben der Menschheit hängt am seidenen Faden.

  • af Ela Gümüs
    207,95 kr.

    Wenn im Dunkeln nichts erkennbar ist und das einzige was Licht geben kann, bloß von mir selbst ausgeht. Dann weiß ich, ich bin auf dem Weg, der zu mir gehört. Ich lerne das mein Leben bei mir beginnt und ich die Fäden ziehe. Ansonsten lande ich wieder verknotet, wo ich nicht sein möchte. Ich muss das Ruder meines Leben selbst in die Hand nehmen, mich selbst in eine friedenbringende Richtung aufmachen, nur so erhelle ich meinen noch unersichtlichen Weg.Ich höre der stillen Stimme meines Herzens zu und richte mein Herz aus, wie ein Kompass. Sobald ich erleuchte, so erleuchtet der Weg. Ich bin ich gewiss, Menschen kommen zum strahlenden Licht, wie Motten. Also wähle ich weise die Gefährten meines Weges und bleibe aufrecht, beständig gehend in die Richtung, wo die stachellosen Rosen meines Herzens erblühen.Ein Buch bestehend aus Gefühl und Gewissen.

  • af Ronja Lethabo
    207,95 kr.

    If life has taught me one thing, it is to trust. Trust in the timing. Trust that things will fall into place, they always do. Trust in yourself. In your heart. In your light. In the things you burn for. Trust that you are so much more capable and worthy than what your limiting beliefs may tell you. Remember that you are not your thoughts. You don't have to believe everything you think. Trust that even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. How I know all this? Cause I've lived through it.I invite you to go on a journey with me. A journey through the pages of my life. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. From the most challenging of times, to the most unbelievable resolutions.Ready?Buckle up, we're going on a ride.

  • af Viktoria Tinhof
    207,95 kr.

    Welcome traveller!My name is Viktoria and I will be your captain today.The prospects for our journey are good. We will see beaches, mountains and driveways. But be warned, dear passanger, you may see things you don't want, things that are hard to bear. Trust me, I built this ship and travelled acrossed the seas with it.But if you are brave enough then come closer. Until you can sink into the ink.I will lead you through the storms I've already defeated as best as I can. However, I can only take you so far. Don't miss your final destination.So if you are ready, hurry up.The ship leaves every minute.

  • af Sky Valentine
    207,95 kr.

    A collection of stories, poems and tales from this realm and way beyond. Magic breaks a torn country into a new age, a boisterous god finds new meaning, two warriors experience solace under the stars and legends of long forgotten heroes spin a vibrant mixture of dark and light.

  • af James Frankel
    207,95 kr.

    Nuada gave the most important performance of his life, yet the audience barely reacted at all. Nuada continued to strum away on his instruments five strings, feeling their every vibration jolt through his body, the tension and resolution of the notes calming his mind. They were all wrong. The notes he played were all wrong, ever so slightly misplaced within the melody's rhythm, just a touch out of tune, and that's not even considering the clearly wrong notes that he played. The many people of high status in attendance understood this keenly, yet held back their disdain.

  • af Veronika Lange
    207,95 kr.

    Over the span of a week, Rosemary Jenkins encounters people dealing with various forms of loss, mirroring her own sorrow from the passing of her husband two years before.This story explores the complexity of life and death, and how the two are linked. It emphasizes the solace one can find in companionship when we choose to open our hearts and the intriguing ways our paths can intertwine without ever truly crossing.

  • af Samira X. Abt
    207,95 kr.

    Penelope Young meets him in an unexpected moment. Hayden Moore, who sooner or later would play an important role in her future. But when Penelope receives a phone call from Hayden's brother, her life immediately changes. A sudden stroke of fate causes her whole life to change. But at some point, she has to face the truth. Since Hayden would have wanted that. Hayden, who always saw her potential and the great woman she would eventually become someday.

  • af Julia Mückstein
    207,95 kr.

    When Libby grows up she swears to herself to never pick up a drink to not end up like her Dad, but when she is seventeen she finds herself living the same life she hated her father for having. Maybe she is her father's daughter after all.

  • af Aggi Silver
    207,95 kr.

    A collection of poems, lyrics and stories about love, anger, shame and chaos, or in other words: the perspective of a young women trying to make sense of the world she lives in.

  • af Lara Joy
    207,95 kr.

    England, 1985Delilah - steht auf GreaseJoe - steht auf HardrockZwei junge Menschen, die auf den ersten Blick unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. Doch mit der Zeit merken die beiden, dass sie vielleicht doch mehr verbindet, als es ihnen bislang klar war.

  • af Lilian Fuchs
    207,95 kr.

    I keep waiting for your departure when it might actually be your arrival. Having moved in with a stranger but living with a conversant friend, I have grown to like and envy you. When you disappeared, your absence became your presence, slowly unfolding within my heart.

  • af Noemi Ogbu
    207,95 kr.

    "Meine Welt fiel zusammen, und der Einzige, der mich retten konnte, warst du." Antoine de la Fayette, 19. Jahrhundert. Ein noch unerfahrener junger Mann, stammend aus einer reichen Adelsfamilie, macht sich eines Tages auf die Reise nach Paris, denn er erhielt eine Aufgabe: den Mörder, der es auf eine ebenso reiche Familie abgesehen hat, ausfindig zu machen.Das ist seine Geschichte, wie er durch diese Aufgabe auf jemanden traf, der sein Leben eines Tages gänzlich verändern sollte.

  • af your Sacrifice Sincerely
    207,95 kr.

    Do you claim to be alive by the criteria of existence or do you merely breathe? "Frame of Mind: Ennui" opens doors to discourses on the perception of reality, the idea of interweaving threads of life and, primarily, the myriad thalassic layers of the ocean of our very own consciousness.

  • af Katharina Lakomy
    207,95 kr.

    A small collection of poems...For everyone who wants to enjoy life, but does not have it as easy sometimes.For young adults with confusingly beautiful lives.For people, who do not have it figured out.For daydreamers.

  • af Evelin Kesler
    207,95 kr.

    I will love your soul in every bodyIn the olden days it was a custom to never say her name, to never even mention her existence in any way. Because whenever someone did, great misfortunes would plague the land and its people. There was one person who said her name without fear, without anger, without disgust. Will that person stay by her side, or will she leave her like many others have?Even if her name was never to be spoken again and her tales never to be told, she would still prevail the test of time.For the one who will still be here when we are all gone and forgotten, is Venida Osmund, and this is her one true tale.

  • af Yuna Neko
    207,95 kr.

    In 17 Haikus durch das 21. Jahrhundert Die Berlinerin Yuna Neko begegnet in ihren Zwanzigern so einigen schrägen Gestalten. Ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen und typische Erscheinungen der Zeit fasst sie gekonnt in siebzehn Haikus zusammen.

  • af S. R. Kaito
    207,95 kr.

    In this book, the author takes you on a mesmerizing journey through the unfathomable expanses of his imagination. Sudden flashes of inspiration in everyday life became these ten stories. Every story introduces you to fresh characters, surreal situations, and unforeseen twists that will completely fascinate you.

  • af Lara Slavka
    207,95 kr.

    "Echoes of Adolescence" is a heartfelt exploration of a young mind. Inspired by art, nature and the beauty of existence it offers the reader a small glimpse into a world captured uniquely through the author's eyes.It is a brief voyage into the depths of girlhood, with all of its dreams and horrors.

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