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    1.508,95 kr.

    The ability of soil to sustain agricultural plant growth is referred to as soil fertility. A soil that is fertile has the ability to supply essential plant nutrients and water in appropriate amounts for the growth and reproduction of plants. It is also free of the toxic substances which could inhibit the growth of plants. A natural or synthetic material which supplies nutrients to plants which are essential for their growth is termed as a fertilizer. They generally provide macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in varying proportions. Fertilizers are broadly classified into single nutrient and multinutrient fertilizers. The topics included in this book on soil fertility and fertilizers are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. Different approaches, evaluations, methodologies and advanced studies on this field have been included in it. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

    1.318,95 kr.

    Plant biotechnology is a field of agricultural science that makes use of scientific tools and techniques for the purpose of modifying plants. Some of the techniques and tools used within this field are genetic engineering, molecular markers, vaccines, molecular diagnostics and tissue culture. One of its major sub-domains is crop biotechnology where a desired trait from one species of plant is added to an entirely different species. These desired characteristics include flavor, growth rate and resistance to diseases and pests. There are diverse modification techniques which are used in plant biotechnology such as mutagenesis, polyploidy, protoplast fusion, transgenics and genome editing. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to plant biotechnology. It aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of this field. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

    1.498,95 kr.

    The scientific study of plant diseases is known as plant pathology. Diseases in plants can be caused by varied plant pathogens as well as environmental conditions. Some pathogens are nematodes, bacteria, fungi, viruses, viroids, protozoa and oomycetes. Natural processes such as hail, snow, frost and drought are a few environmental conditions which can cause disorders in plants. Plant pathology is also concerned with the identification of pathogens, disease etiology, economic impact, plant disease resistance, plant disease epidemiology and disease cycles. It is also used to observe the effects of plant diseases on humans and animals as well as for the management of plant diseases. The topics included in this textbook on plant pathology are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. It will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

    1.468,95 kr.

    Soil science is the study of soil, including its formulation, classification and mapping. It examines the physical, biological, chemical and fertility properties of different types of soils available on the earth's surface. Soil science studies such properties concerning the use and management of soils. The two main branches of soil science are pedology and edaphology. Pedology deals with the formation, morphology, chemistry and classification of soil. Edaphology is concerned with the interaction of soil with living things, particularly plants. Some of the areas of study under this discipline include soil genesis, soil morphology, soil microbiology, soil mechanics and agricultural soil science. This textbook explores all the important aspects of soil science in the present day scenario. It elucidates new techniques and their applications in a multidisciplinary approach. The coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

    1.413,95 kr.

    The study of the ecological processes that are applied to agricultural production systems is known as agroecology. It is involved in the study of various agroecosystems. Agroecology explores the methods by which technology can be used in combination with social, natural and human assets. It also studies the diverse properties related to agroecosystems such as equitability, productivity, stability and sustainability. There are different approaches in this field, like inclusive agroecology, indigenous agroecology and agro-population ecology. It is closely related to the fields of organic agriculture and integrated farming. This textbook attempts to understand the multiple branches that fall under the discipline of agroecology and how such concepts have practical applications. It studies, analyses and upholds the pillars of this field and their utmost significance in modern times. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by this book.

    1.423,95 kr.

    Physical education aims to develop physical competence in students. It also aims to provide knowledge of movement and safety as well as the ability to use these skills for performing a wide range of activities connected to the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. Sports science refers to the discipline which studies the working of the human body during exercise as well as the effect of physical activity and sports upon health. It involves the use of tools from a range of disciplines such as physiology, sports psychology, anatomy and biomechanics. It also plays a vital role in improving the athletic performance of sportsmen. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of physical education and sport science which will be crucial for the progress of this field in the future. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. Those with an interest in these fields would find this book helpful.

    1.518,95 kr.

    Agriculture science is a biological field that is concerned with the practices and understanding of agriculture. It is an interdisciplinary subject which involves parts of natural, economic and social sciences. Agricultural science focuses on the research and development in the areas of plant pathology, horticulture, soil science, entomology, plant breeding and genetics, and production techniques such as irrigation management. It also deals with improving the quantity as well as the quality of agricultural productivity. Agricultural science also seeks to minimize the effects of pests such as weeds, insects and pathogens on the crop production system. This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of agricultural science. It is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the principles and practices in this area. This textbook is appropriate for those seeking detailed information about agricultural science.

    1.318,95 kr.

    The contamination and degradation of the biological and physical components of the environment to an extent where normal environmental processes are adversely affected is termed as environmental pollution. Some of its prominent causes are carbon dioxide emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, reduction in biodiversity and acid rain. Pollutants are naturally occurring substances which are present in excessive amounts or concentrations. The removal of contaminants or pollution from the environmental media such as groundwater, surface water and soil is termed as environmental remediation. There are numerous technologies which are used for remediation such as thermal desorption, excavation, solidification and stabilization, in situ oxidization, and soil vapor extraction. This book unravels the recent studies related to environmental pollution. Most of the topics introduced herein cover new techniques for the remediation of pollution. Researchers and students in this field will be assisted by this book.

    1.498,95 kr.

    The area of medicine related to the maintenance of health of all non-human animals and the treatment and prevention of diseases they are prone to, is known as veterinary science. It covers medicinal, clinical, scientific and technological aspects of animal diseases. Veterinary science has applications in diverse areas of livestock management and animal health. This book strives to provide a fair idea about this discipline and to help develop a better understanding of the latest advances within this field. It elucidates new techniques and their applications in a multidisciplinary manner. The various sub-fields of veterinary science along with technological progress that have future implications are glanced at in this book. It will prove immensely beneficial to professionals and students involved in this area at various levels.

    1.423,95 kr.

    Zoology is a branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom. This encompasses the study of structure, classification, embryology, habit and distribution of animals, whether extinct or living, and their interactions with their environment. Structural studies in zoology are approached from the domains of cell biology and anatomy. This enables the study of unicellular and multicellular organisms from the perspective of the structure and function of cells, organs and organ systems. Physiology studies how the different structures of a living organism function as a whole. The origin and descent of species, and their change over time is tackled in evolutionary biology. The grouping and categorization of organisms based on their genus or species allows ease of study and research and is known as scientific classification. It is considered an important aspect of zoology. This book discusses the fundamentals as well as modern approaches of zoology. It unravels the recent studies in this field. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to students and researchers in this field.

    1.478,95 kr.

    The study of acellular, unicellular and multicellular microorganisms is termed as microbiology. It has a number of significant sub-disciplines, which include parasitology, virology, bacteriology and mycology, among others. Culture, staining and microscopy are some traditional techniques of this field. Modern microbiology often relies on molecular biology tools like DNA sequence based identification for bacterial identification. Microbes can be used to produce biotechnologically significant enzymes such as reporter genes and Taq polymerase for use in molecular biology techniques and other genetic systems. Bacteria are useful in the industrial production of amino acids and for the synthesis of antibiotics. Symbiotic microbial communities help animal and human health by aiding digestion, suppressing pathogenic microbes and producing beneficial amino acids and vitamins. This book provides comprehensive insights into the field of microbiology. It traces the progress of this field and highlights some of its key advancements and applications. Students, researchers, experts and all associated with this field will benefit alike from this book.

    1.478,95 kr.

    Evolutionary biology studies the evolutionary processes of common descent, natural selection and speciation for an understanding of the rich biodiversity of life on Earth. Evolution is a unifying concept in biology. Some of the subfields of evolutionary biology are evolutionary ecology and evolutionary developmental biology. Due to a merge between applied sciences and biological sciences, other fields have emerged such as evolutionary robotics and engineering, economics and architecture. Research in evolutionary biology strives to develop an understanding of less understood natural processes such as the evolution of sexual reproduction, cooperation, ageing and evolvability, etc. Research further encompasses studies of molecular evolution, the genetic architecture of adaptation and the forces of genetic drift, sexual selection and biogeography. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the concepts and methods of evolutionary biology. It is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex advancements in this field. It aims to equip students and experts with the advanced topics and upcoming concepts in this area.

    1.433,95 kr.

    Any process that improves the quality of water and makes it acceptable for specific uses, such as drinking, irrigation, industrial water supply, etc. is termed as water treatment. It involves the removal of contaminants or the reduction in their concentration. The techniques and technologies used for water treatment vary according to use. Some of the processes used in the treatment of municipal drinking water include pre-chlorination, aeration, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection, etc. The principal methods of industrial wastewater treatment are cooling water treatment and boiler water treatment. Water supplied to domestic properties is treated via water softening or ion exchange. This book provides significant information of water treatment techniques and technologies to help develop a good understanding of the management of contaminated water. It is a collective contribution of a renowned group of international experts. It aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts alike.

    1.433,95 kr.

    Animal science studies the biology, health, production and management of animals, which are of economic interest to humans. It integrates the studies of genetics, animal physiology, reproduction and microbiology. There are different areas of focus in animal science, such as food and fiber production, breeding, animal agribusiness, nutrition, animal behavior and welfare, etc. The branch of medicine which is concerned with the management, treatment and prevention of animal diseases and injuries is known as veterinary medicine. Research in animal science and veterinary medicine transcends all species boundaries and also works at human-animal interfaces such as zoonotic diseases, food safety, ecosystem health, etc. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theories and principles in the field of animal sciences. The topics covered in this extensive book deal with the core aspects of the biology, health and rearing of animals. For all readers who are interested in animal sciences, the case studies included in this book will serve as an excellent guide to develop a comprehensive understanding.

    1.383,95 kr.

    Physical education is related to the training and maintenance of the human body through calisthenics and sports. It involves psychomotor learning, engagement in conventional games like badminton, football, basketball, etc. as well as upcoming sports like skateboarding and fencing. The basic aim of physical education exercises, fitness regimes and sports is to incorporate cardiovascular exercises, strength training and cross lateral movements. Stress-reduction techniques such as tai chi, yoga and deep breathing may also be a part of physical education. Physical fitness and partaking in regular sports and outdoor physical activities can significantly improve concentration, mental health and awareness and build a positive mindset. This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts and emerging trends in the fields of physical education, fitness and sports. It brings forth some of the most innovative concepts and elucidates the unexplored aspects of physical education. This book includes contributions of experts and scientists, which will provide innovative insights into this field.

    1.518,95 kr.

    Biochemistry is a vast field of study. It is primarily concerned with all the varied chemical processes related to living organisms. The in-depth study of biomolecules like proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, etc. is a major focus of this field. The understanding of these biomolecules facilitates the study of tissues, organs as well as the processes occurring within living cells. Biochemistry also delves into the processes of metabolism. It is the mechanism by which energy is harnessed by the cells via chemical reactions. This textbook provides comprehensive insights into the diverse areas of biochemistry. Different approaches, evaluations and methodologies have also been included herein. As this field is emerging at a rapid pace, the concepts of this book will help the readers understand the fundamental concepts and applications of this subject.

    1.498,95 kr.

    The study of the requirement of the essential nutrients in food for the maintenance of human health is dealt under the science of human nutrition. A good and balanced diet promotes human biological development. The major classes of nutrients are macronutrients and micronutrients. Fats, proteins and carbohydrates are macronutrients. They provide structural material and energy. Vitamins and minerals are needed in small amounts and called micronutrients. Some essential dietary minerals are magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, potassium, etc. This book provides comprehensive insights into the area of human nutrition. It aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of this field. For someone with an interest and eye for detail, this book covers the most significant topics in this discipline.

    1.518,95 kr.

    Pollution refers to the presence of contaminant and harmful agents in the environment. The severity of the harm caused by a pollutant depends on its chemical nature, concentration and persistence. Such pollutants can be man-made or natural. Anthropogenic contribution to pollution is particularly significant, especially due to combustion, construction, warfare and mining. Chemical plants, nuclear waste disposal, power plants, heavy industries, etc. release a huge amount of pollutants into the environment. Depending on the environment contaminated or the nature of the contaminant, pollution can be categorized into air, water, soil, noise, radioactive pollution, etc. The principal strategies for the prevention and control of pollution are reuse and recycle waste minimization and use of pollution control devices, besides others. This textbook provides comprehensive insights into the study of pollution. It is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts about the causes, prevention and control of pollution. It is an essential guide for both academicians and students who wish to pursue this discipline further.

    1.468,95 kr.

    The study of the negative effects of chemical substances on living organisms are studied under toxicology. The field also encompasses the diagnosis and treatment of exposures of organisms to toxins and toxicants, relationship of the dose with its effect as well as the factors influencing toxicity of the chemical agent. Adverse reactions generally depend on the route of exposure, dosage and factors of age, sex, health, species, etc. Toxicity experiments can be conducted in vivo, in vitro or in silico. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of toxicology. It elucidates new techniques of toxicology testing and their applications in a multidisciplinary approach. In this textbook, constant effort has been made to make the understanding of the difficult concepts of toxicology as easy and informative as possible, for the readers.

    1.468,95 kr.

    Wastewater treatment is a process through which wastewater is converted into usable form with minimal impact on the environment. The by-products generated from wastewater treatment plants like grit, sewage sludge and screenings, are also treated in the wastewater treatment plant. It involves various phase separation processes such as sedimentation and filtration, polishing, biochemical oxidation and chemical oxidation. Treatment of wastewater depends on the type of wastewater. Accordingly, wastewater treatment plants can be categorized as industrial wastewater, agricultural wastewater, sewage and leachate treatment plants. This book outlines the processes and applications of wastewater treatment in detail. It presents this complex subject in the most easy to understand language. This book attempts to assist those with a goal of delving into the field of wastewater treatment.

    1.418,95 kr.

    Hazardous wastes refer to substances that have a harmful or deteriorative effect on public health and the environment. This may be due to the toxicity, flammability, corrosivity, reactivity or radioactivity of the hazardous wastes. They can be recycled to produce new products, or destroyed by high temperature incineration or pyrolysis. Wastes can also be treated using cement based solidification and stabilization. Industrial wastes are any material rendered useless during an industrial process and may include chemical solvents, sludge, metals, pigments, paints and radioactive wastes. Such toxic wastes require specialized treatments. These can be classified under chemical waste, industrial solid waste, toxic waste and municipal solid waste. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of industrial and hazardous waste. It also elucidates the modern techniques of waste treatment and their applications. In this book, constant effort has been made to make the understanding of the difficult concepts of this field as easy and informative as possible, for the readers.

    1.418,95 kr.

    A gene is a sequence of DNA or RNA that codes for a molecule that has a unique function. During gene expression, the DNA is copied into RNA. The transmission of genes to the next generation is the basis of inheritance of phenotypic traits. The study of the structure and function of genes at the molecular level is approached from the discipline of molecular genetics, which is a branch of molecular biology. It explores the aspects of heredity, variation and mutation by studying chromosomes and gene expression. The understanding of gene amplification techniques, particularly polymerase chain reaction and molecular cloning, separation and detection of DNA and mRNA, etc. are vital to the understanding of the molecular biology of genes. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of this area of study. Some of the diverse topics covered herein address the significant aspects of molecular biology of the gene. In this book, constant effort has been made to make the understanding of the difficult concepts, as easy and informative as possible for the readers.

    1.418,95 kr.

    Physical education is an educational discipline related to the maintenance of human health through physical exercises. Such education emphasizes on psychomotor learning and is imparted to children between primary and secondary education. Physical education is important for the overall health and well-being of students. It encompasses a wide variety of physical activities such as hiking, bowling, Frisbee, regular sports and yoga as well as self-defense and martial arts. The curriculum is generally designed to provide exposure to aquatics, gymnastics, dance, rhythms, team sports, etc. Trainers and educators can use the technologies of heart rate monitors and pedometers to measure and set goals for fitness. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of physical education, which will be crucial for the holistic understanding of the subject matter. Different approaches, evaluations, methodologies and advanced studies in this discipline have been included herein. This book will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

    1.373,95 kr.

    Soil is a composition of organic matter, liquids, gases and minerals that together is conducive to the subsistence of life. Some of the common minerals in soil are calcite, quartz, mica, feldspar, etc. The role of soil is significant as a medium that supports and promotes plant growth and development, stores water and also acts as a habitat for organisms. It also acts as a modifier of the Earth's atmosphere. The soil undergoes a constant process of development in terms of various physical, biological and chemical processes, such as weathering and erosion. The study of the soil is approached from the two branches of pedology and edaphology. Edaphology investigates the influence of soil on living organisms, while pedology is concerned with the formation, classification and morphology of the soil. The properties of the soil, which are crucial for ecosystem services, include bulk density, texture, porosity, structure, temperature, consistency, etc. This textbook provides comprehensive insights into the study of soil. It is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts about the nature and properties of soil. It is an essential guide for both academicians and students who wish to pursue this discipline further.

    1.368,95 kr.

    Yoga is a set of spiritual, physical and mental practices. It originated in ancient India but is widely practiced throughout the world today. It is an orthodox school of philosophical tradition of Hindu society but has roots in Buddhism and Jainism as well, each of which differs from the other in its philosophical traditions, beliefs and practices. The most famous practices of yoga are Hatha yoga and Raja yoga. Regular practice of yoga is recommended for promoting relaxation, relieving stress and improving medical conditions. It can also act to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from schizophrenia, mental ailments and cancer. This textbook is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of yoga. It outlines the philosophical traditions and schools of yoga and their respective practices in detail. For all those who are interested in practicing yoga, this book can prove to be an essential guide.

    1.373,95 kr.

    Ecology is a branch of biology concerned with the study of interactions and interrelationships between organisms and their environment, as well as with other organisms. Ecosystems are vast systems of organisms, their communities, and the environmental factors that have an influence on these. Several processes control the flux of matter and energy through an environment, such as pedogenesis, nutrient cycling, primary production and niche construction. The study of ecology focuses on such processes, as well as ecological succession, distribution of organisms and biodiversity, among others. Ecosystems sustain life, regulate climate and produce economically crucial materials, such as biomass. The regulation of water filtration, erosion control, flood protection, global biogeochemical cycles, etc. is also sustained by the ecosystem. The book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of ecology. Some of the diverse topics covered in this book address the varied branches that fall under this category. It aims to serve as a resource guide for students and experts alike and contribute to the growth of the discipline.

    1.373,95 kr.

    The scientific study of marine organisms and marine life in marine habitats is approached from the domain of marine biology. Marine habitats include the sea, coral reefs, seagrass meadows, kelp forests, thermal vents, etc. Marine organisms range in size from microscopic zooplankton and phytoplankton to massive cetaceans. In diversity, these organisms occupy all niches of organization, such as plants and algae, fungi, vertebrates and invertebrates. Some of the sub-disciplines of marine biology are ichthyology, phycology and invertebrate zoology. This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts in the field of marine biology. The topics included herein are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

    1.323,95 kr.

    Aquaculture is the farming of molluscs, crustaceans, fish, algae and aquatic plants. It involves the cultivation of economically important species, creating interventions in the rearing process for enhanced production, besides regular feeding and stocking. Shrimp, oyster and fish farming, algaculture, mariculture and the cultivation of ornamental fish are some common forms of aquaculture. Aquaponics and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture are techniques that integrate aquatic plant and fish farming. This textbook is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex theories and principles of the aquaculture. It provides comprehensive insights into this field. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

    1.323,95 kr.

    The extraction of valuable geological materials and minerals from the earth is referred to as mining. These are extracted as ores from an orebody, vein, lode, reef, etc. which are then processed with mechanical and chemical means to recover metals, gemstones, limestone, coal, etc. The extraction of petroleum and natural gas is also encompassed within this field. The techniques used in mining fall under the broad classification of surface mining and underground or sub-surface mining. Heavy machinery is used in mining at various levels. This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts and methods in the field of mining. Different approaches, evaluations and methodologies have been included herein. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

    1.323,95 kr.

    Petroleum engineering is a field of engineering that is concerned with the production of crude oil or natural gas. The areas of formation evaluation, reservoir simulation, reservoir engineering, drilling, etc. are crucial to petroleum engineering. Reservoir engineering is a branch of petroleum engineering. It strives to solve the drainage problems that arise during the production of oil and gas reservoirs in order to achieve a high economic recovery. Numerical reservoir modeling, well testing, drilling, PVT analysis of fluids, etc. are central to reservoir engineering. The specializations in reservoir engineering are surveillance engineering and simulation modeling. This book presents the complex subject of petroleum reservoir engineering in the most comprehensible and easy to understand language. It is a valuable compilation of topics, ranging from the basic to the most complex theories and principles in this field. It is a complete source of knowledge on the present status of this important field.

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