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  • af Taichuan Tongs
    143,95 kr.

    Like all trees have roots in the ground, we have found that all numbers in the Bible have roots as well, based on so-called "fish number," 153, recorded in the last chapter of John. In fact, the number 153 is both a surface number in the Bible and a numerical root for 1/3 of all other numbers. This book reports how we discovered all the numerical roots, nine in total, for all natural numbers from 1 to infinity. The meanings of numbers 1 to 24 are discussed. The coupling of these newly discovered nine numerical roots with their corresponding nine basic natural numbers are also explored in this short and little book. Based on these nine roots of all numbers in the Bible, a new concept, "family of numbers," is proposed and demonstrated for its use in grouping and connecting all spiritual truths in the Bible. The most important of all, existence of nine numerical roots provides the ultimate proof that the whole universe is under a purpose driven change - a change for all creations to turn to its originator and creator whose number and root are 1 with no shadow of change.

  • - 海外精準版
    af &#21033, &#20197, &#29790, mfl.
    273,95 kr.

    18世紀與牛頓齊名的科學家、哲學家和神學家瑞登堡,所寫的18本鉅著中最受關注和歡迎的是《天堂與地獄》。其中所描繪的天堂與地獄,以及死後靈界的真相,能幫助我們將深奧難懂的靈性世界與我們朝夕相處的現實生活緊密聯繫起來。 看過這本書後,你會發現,靈界不再是小說裏描寫的事物,而是與我們的人生息息相關。其關乎人來自哪裏,又要歸向哪裏的重大課題。因爲我們所生活的三維空間限制了人的靈性,以致常常因肉體的慾望而拒絕人靈魂的屬性。 本書對靈界的描繪,是以一個科學家的嚴謹思維,哲學家的深邃架構,神學家的靈魂出體,融合了歷史文化深厚的積澱,開啓了人類思維的新覺醒。一代又一代的傑出人物,都因此受到巨大的影響,不勝枚舉。作者對靈性世界的揭示, 對人性深處的深刻剖析,條理清晰,令人信服,不覺得陌生和遙遠。 您閱讀本書時,將經歷一段神奇的靈界之旅,宛如親臨其境一般。另外,因着本書全新並寬廣的視野,您自己裏面許多糾纏着的心結也會被打開,有柳暗花明又一村的清新。而且,很多現實生活中的困惑和憂慮,也會因閱讀此書的緣故 或者被徹底驅散,或者其病根被顯露。 您需要知道的是,人單單有此生此世會遺憾終生。令人振奮人心的是,在此之外還有更加美妙絕倫的靈性世界。本書爲此所提供的答案,將會使您不斷地拍案叫絕,發人深省。

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