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The Book is a thrilling - albeit incomplete - life story, elegantly written. Starting from the author's elementary school days at his birth place, Winneba, where he obtained a distinction certificate at the Standard 7 school leaving Examinations, the Book takes the reader through the author's sojourn at Mfantsipim Secondary School where he became Senior Prefect in his final year through Achimota College, where he became President of the Students' Christian Movement (SCM), through Exeter College Oxford University where he served as President of the West African Students' Union (WASU) through his years as a Labour officer in Ghana, his training as a pioneer career diplomat followed by a two year stint as Head of Chancery in the Ghana High Commission in London up to his appointment as Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations where he created history by becoming the First Black African to assume the Presidency of the UN General Assembly. A discerning factor in this historical account is obviously the author's natural leadership endowment which was manifested again later in his accession to the lay Presidency of the Methodist Church of Ghana (not recorded in the Book).The greater part of the Book gives an exciting and insightful bird's eye view of the author's exertions at the UN during his tenure as Ambassador and Permanent Representative on such then burning issues as decolonisation, the Congo Crisis, Apartheid in South Africa, Cuban Missile Crisis, Arab-Israeli Conflict and the UN Financial Crisis of 1964 which nearly paralysed the Organisation.These are all issues of historical interest particularly for research students in international affairs.The Book ends with the author's post UN appointment as Foreign Minister of Ghana, his later incarceration and subsequent release which enabled him to proceed to London to complete his law studies. Altogether a very interesting and instructive personal history which makes compelling and absorbing reading.
This book is a compendium containing chapters based on various papers and lectures on Ghanaian law delivered by the author. Its content deals with a wide range of topics expected to be of interest, not only to Ghanaian lawyers, but also to lawyers in general and other persons interested in the legal process in developing countries. The topics include the legal system and legal education in Ghana; the Judiciary; Human rights and Good governance; and Business law. The variety of topics treated means that the book can be regarded almost as a mini Reader on Ghanaian law.
Mujer resiliente busca transmitir la dicha y la valentía que implica ser mujer. Las modas, los estereotipos, las reglas que se nos han impuestos por siglos; el miedo a enfrentarnos a un mundo que cada vez nos exige más. La lucha por ser una buena madre, trabajadora, esposa, estudiante, hija, y aún así, querer lucir encantadora, bella y con una sonrisa radiante, ser una mejor versión.Este libro es un abrazo para que puedas perderte entre letras y reencontrarte con tu alma, con tu espirítu libre, para que al leer cada poema sientas cómo se renuevan los compartimientos de tu corazón y como la esperanza comienza a abarcarlo todo.Mujer resiliente pretende que sepas encontrarte entre líneas, sanar en cada verso y volver a creer en ti siempre, todas las veces que sean necesarias. ¿Te animas a leerlo?
La vida raramente sale como la planificamos, y mucho menos cuando se trata del corazón. Esta es la historia de Alfonsina, un relato sobre lo importante que es quererse a uno mismo, contar con el apoyo de los amigos y darle siempre otra oportunidad al amor. Alfonsina vive en Grecia junto a sus padres y su hermana, lleva una vida normal hasta que un día uno de sus amigos sufre un accidente que los afecta a todos. Frente a la adversidad, podemos hundirnos en el pozo de la tristeza o, mejor, intentar aprender de lo sucedido. ¿Por qué me está pasando esto?, se pregunta Alfonsina, y con los años comprende que todo sucede por algo: El tiempo cura las heridas y mis heridas me hacen la que soy hoy. Amor estelar. Nuestro universo es la primera entrega de una saga romántica que acompaña el crecimiento de Alfonsina y Bautista, pasando por triángulos amorosos, las primeras experiencias sexuales, miedos, celos, frustración, enojo, y todos esos sentimientos que nos acompañan a lo largo de la vida. Es la historia de la búsqueda del amor, ¡una montaña rusa de emociones!, y el lector se enamorará de los protagonistas desde las primeras páginas.
Neste excepcional livro, Annaka Harris, autora best-seller do New York Times, guia-nos através das definições evolutivas, filosofias e descobertas científicas que sondam a nossa limitada noção da consciência. Onde reside, e o que lhe dá origem? Poderá ser uma ilusão, ou uma propriedade universal de toda a matéria?Ao tentarmos compreender a consciência temos de encontrar a melhor forma de a definir e, na era da inteligência artificial, quem ou o que a poderia possuir. Damos como certa a nossa experiência de estar no mundo. Porém, a própria existência da consciência levanta questões profundas: Por que razão, no universo, qualquer conjunto de matéria pode ser consciente? Como poderemos analisar este facto? E porque deveremos fazê-lo?"Consciência" não apenas questiona, mas também oferece insights claros e acessíveis. Annaka Harris guia os leitores por teorias científicas e filosóficas, desvendando o mistério por trás da experiência consciente. Com uma linguagem acessível, o livro é uma jornada esclarecedora para todos, desde os iniciantes até os estudiosos da mente.Uma meditação notável sobre o EU, o livre arbítrio e experiência pessoal de uma extraordinária investigadora. Consciência, editado pela primeira vez em Português, oferece desafiantes argumentos que ressoam e alteram a nossa perceção sobre o que é estar consciente - permitindo-nos livremente, se o conseguirmos, pensar sobre este mistério.Prepare-se para ser surpreendido.
¿Cómo comenzó esta historia? Y para responder la pregunta, me debo remontar a mis recuerdos y al retroceder puedo reconstruir dos etapas en mi vida. El fin de una de ellas y el comienzo de la otra. Recuerdo que en mi primera vida (me refiero a cómo era yo antes de ser El GRINGO) uno de los tantos días de un invierno frío, charlaba con una amiga (Silvia G), sobre la vida, el pasado, presente y futuro. También conversábamos sobre el destino. Yo intentaba explicarle que el destino no existía, que Dios tampoco (ya que yo era un seguidor de la teoría de la evolución) y que nosotros éramos el resultado de años, siglos y milenios de un proceso evolutivo. Que no existía ningún creador, ni nada por el estilo. Hasta que un día me desafió y me obligó a que conociera a una mujer muy especial, cuyo nombre era y es Mónica (la gran bruja blanca). Según ella los grandes empresarios de zona Norte solían visitarla, para saber cómo irían sus negocios. Yo me burlé y me reí varios minutos cuando la escuché, pero ella insistió tanto que decidí ir. Sólo fui porque quería demostrarle que esta mujer era una embustera, y que sólo les sacaba el dinero a los empresarios diciéndoles lo que ellos querían escuchar. Evidentemente debía ser una mujer muy inteligente, ya que no era fácil engañar a varios empresarios de la zona. Entonces decidí ir para reírme de la situación. Llegué con mi auto importado a su casa, la cual era muy sencilla y simple. Cuando entré tomó mis manos y me dio la bienvenida. Tocó suavemente mis labios con su mano para indicarme que no debía pronunciar ni una sola palabra, sólo hablaría ella. Cosa que me desconcertó bastante ya que yo creía que ella iba a armar una historia con las pocas palabras que yo diría durante la sesión, y además yo estaba preparado para engañarla. Pero en cambio no me dejó abrir la boca. Simplemente comenzó a hablar. Y lo primero que me dijo fue: --Hace mucho que no viene aquí una persona como tú. -¿Por qué?- pregunté yo curioso. --Nos es común recibir a una persona que vivirá dos vidas en una. Pronto terminará tu primera vida y comenzarás a transitar una nueva-- exclamó ella con una gran sonrisa entre sus labios. Yo no estaba sorprendido por lo que escuchaba porque no entendía bien qué quería decir, y tampoco me importaba mucho. Volvió a mirarme a los ojos y me dijo: --Perderás todo lo que tienes actualmente, tu trabajo, tus bienes, tus cosas materiales más preciadas como autos, motos y lo peor es que perderás al gran amor de tu vida, ya que ella encontrará otro amor rápidamente cuando te deje. Tus hijos se alejarán de ti, pero no te preocupes ya que sólo será por un tiempo. Ellos dejarán que te cures, que vuelvas a nacer y luego volverán a tu lado para nunca más separarse. Pero la transición entre las dos vidas será muy dura, y hay muchas personas que no logran resistirlo y mueren en el proceso. Pero tú serás fuerte y lograrás superarlo. Además debes estar preparado ya que te perseguirán injustamente y te tratarán como a un delincuente. Aunque tú y las personas que te quieren siempre sabrán en el fondo de sus corazones que eres inocente. Esta injusta persecución comenzará cuando tus amigos más cercanos te traicionen, luego comenzará tu calvario. Ahora disfruta estos pocos días que te quedan de tu vieja vida y disfruta de tu mujer que tanto amas, ya que dentro de pocos días no volverás a tenerla entre tus brazos nunca más......
Like in all areas of life, entrepreneurship is a path that requires tenacity, dexterity and a set of character traits for success to be achieved. The difference between success and failure in entrepreneurship is that extra "UMPH" that is required to go above average. In this book, drawing from personal experiences and from the lives of a number of entrepreneurs, I have analysed 50 useful "UMPH" that you need to develop if you wish to succeed as an entrepreneur.
"Becoming a Marketing Ninja: A-Z Guide to Fast Track Your Marketing Career for Newbies" is a comprehensive roadmap designed to empower aspiring marketers with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the dynamic world of marketing. In this book, you will learn about the tools and concepts needed to market your business in today's world - -Creating a Marketing Mix and Brand Identity for your business-Finding your target market and attracting new customers-Tips on marketing strategies and digital content creation-Crafting a Unique Selling Proposition-Insider tips for developing great customer relationships-Scaling up your business and achieving your growth goals-Several real-world examples for all of the above... and much more.----------------------------------------------------About the AuthorN. Kannan (or NK as he is affectionately known) is a seasoned marketing professional with over four decades of marketing and leadership experience at the helm of Sales, Marketing, and Operations teams, primarily at M/s Larsen and Toubro.He has been passionate about sales and marketing since early in his career and worked with customers from a diverse range of industries like refineries, fertilizers, oil & gas, cement, steel, sugar, and power. He has consistently demonstrated the ability to develop robust sales and marketing strategies and possesses a unique talent for helping businesses scale up and secure key projects. After retiring from corporate life in 2022, Kannan is now sharing his wealth of experience with MSMEs as a Manufacturers 3X Growth Consultant, reflecting his commitment to nurturing the growth of the business ecosystem.
★ Do you want to be always phisically independent and enjoy your golden years with your family? ★★ Do you want to feel better and younger every day, reducing pain, improving balance, flexibility and mobility? ★★ Do you want a solution to keep fit from your home, without going to the gym? ★The biggest challenge to older adults can often be their physical and mental health.In the first case - physical health - you have to deal with the loss of mobility and flexibility, with pain related to osteoporosis, arthritis and pathologies of the elderly, which in the worst case can lead to immobility and loss of independence.Also mental health problems are common among seniors and may include isolation, affective and anxiety disorders, memory loss, dementia, and psychosis.Fortunately, the solution exists: you can take care of your health right away with a safe and low-impact activity like chair yoga for seniors and this book is the best way to achieve your goal without any risk.In Chair yoga for seniors you will find: an introduction: you will discover the history of chair yoga and all the benefits for your physical and mental health;a list of all the eldery problems that you will reduce or resolve with a regular practice of chair yoga;breathing techniques (pranayama): they will help you to achieve the best connection between your mind and your body and will enhance the effects of the yoga exercises;warm up exercises: they are the best way to prepare you to the yoga practice;beginner and intermediate poses, with step-by-step instructions and beautiful and realistic drawings made by a professional illustrator: you will have no doubt, because you will be guided in the best way through your yoga practice;our dedicated beginner and intermediate programms: following them, you will achieve your goals in few weeks of practice.... and a special bonus for you: the possibility to receive anti-inflammatory recipes for your well-being, to complete your yoga practice!★ After only few weeks of practice, you will improve the quality of your life and your physical, mental and emotional well-being: you will improve your mobility, your flexibility, your endurance, your strength; you will improve the efficiency of your brain, and your sleep quality. All the eldery problems will decrease and a new you will be born. ★What are you waiting for? Start now, practice regurarly chair yoga for two weeks and feel the difference!
Dracula comes across a dog trapped in a beartrap. He's feeling lonely so he rescues the dog and takes care of it, only to find himself holding a naked woman as the moon goes down before the sun rises.
Lulda es un mundo tranquilo cuya gente trabaja la tierra o el mar. Sus eruditos estudian la naturaleza, y lentamente descubren los secretos para mejorar una tecnología que apenas va más allá del acero, la bóveda de crucería y la fuerza animal. Todos ignorantes de los secretos escondidos entre las estrellas, desconocedores de que han sido observados, y ahora deben afrontar un reto que va más allá de su comprensión.
No romance pulp 'Uma Parte de Mim', a prosa de Giannicola Nicoletti acaricia a escuridão e a perversão, destacando as complexidades dos desejos proibidos e das ações implacáveis.Estamos em Seul, em um cenário dominado pela riqueza e pelo luxo mais desenfreados. Haru, um rico e poderoso herdeiro com um fetiche por pés femininos, guarda um macabro quarto secreto em sua suntuosa cobertura. Lá, as extremidades inferiores de suas vítimas se tornam troféus mórbidos, objetos de adoração tocados, cheirados e usados para satisfazer impulsos sexuais insaciáveis.A trama toma um rumo ainda mais perturbador quando o protagonista conhece o dono do pé perfeito, aquele que ele procurou durante toda a sua vida. No coração da cidade, em meio a sombras de enormes arranha-céus, drogas e sangue, esse encontro casual desencadeia um turbilhão de emoções sombrias e impulsos perturbadores.
Japan, 1625A new Drum Master has risen, and soon the nation will fall to the curse of Izanagi. Answering the call of his kotsuzumi, dead warriors abandon their peace to once again roam the land of the living, swinging rusty blades and chattering rotten teeth at his behest.Japan's last hope lies in the hands of the nine warriors gathered by the young daimyō of Owari. To reach Onijima, where the source of the curse's power awaits, the Nine will not only have to face swarms of undead samurai and waves of shinobi mercenaries but even more dangerous to their mission, their inner demons.Against the undead, the Nine only have two choices, fighting as one or becoming them.
Avec ce carnet, je vous invite à un voyage transformatif, créatif et introspectif, à la rencontre de vous-même, et de votre vraie place. Il sera transformatif parce qu'en prenant conscience de certaines choses, vous ne serez peut-être plus la même personne, après ce voyage. Et il sera créatif, d'abord parce que nous allons créer, écrire, peindre, dessiner, coller, et ensuite parce que vous allez pouvoir vous créer une nouvelle réalité.>La métaphore du bateau est un outil de psychologie positive développé par Hugo Alberts. Le but de cet outil (métaphorique et donc poétique) est de faire un point sur les différentes facettes de l'existence, qu'elles soient internes ou externes, et de comprendre que naviguer en étant conscient d'être le capitaine de sa vie et de son âme, comme le dit le poète William Henley, est essentiel. Cela permet de faire le point sur son existence actuelle, mais aussi sur ses aspirations et ses rêves. Il s'agit donc un magnifique outil de découverte, d'introspection, mais aussi de manifestation, et de création de ce que nous voulons que soit notre vie. Dans ce manuel, dans lequel vous trouverez à la fois du texte explicatif et de l'espace pour vous exprimer et faire les exercices proposés, nous allons, grâce à des exercices d'écriture et à des activité créatives, explorer un à un tous les aspects de la métaphore du bateau telle qu'elle est pratiquée par la psychologie positive, auxquels nous ajouterons deux éléments. Pour commencer, vous allez donc imaginer que vous êtes un bateau, et que votre expérience de navigation dépend de plusieurs paramètres. Prêts à embarquer ? Alors, largons les amarres !
Une série de disparitions étranges, violentes et soudaines se multiplient dans tout l'Hexagone, défiant les efforts de la police pour les résoudre. Une unité fantôme d'Interpol prend en charge chaque affaire individuellement, mais il devient rapidement évident que le ou les responsable(s) possède(nt) non seulement un modus operandi distinctif, mais aussi une longueur d'avance sur les enquêteurs. Tueur en série ? Secte ? Fanatiques sataniques ? C'est à vous de le découvrir aux côtés de l'agent Philippe Hucarde et de son adjoint Nicolas. Plongez dans ce polar psychologique qui vous fera tourner la tête mais que l'auteur vous déconseille de lire ! Une histoire dérangeante signée G. Abby STALE.
In this short treatise, the author attempts to analyze the process by which a particular disease has become, for a fairly long period of time, the sole concern of the country. He tries to understand why the disease and its representation have invaded all the fields of power in France but also in many other countries.President Macron's speech on March 16, 2020, can be seen as the manifesto of a new page in our history.How to explain the sudden political centrality of this epidemic? What happened to make the executive branch, weakened by the crises affecting most sectors of society, seize all powers, including medical power, thus calling into question the sacrosanct principle of the "separation of powers", without raising any notable protests?Finally, how can we understand that the economy has been greatly slowed down and the population confined? That the dead have been left without burial? That the pillars of classical morality collapsed for a moment? That cultural activity was stopped? That cinemas, restaurants, theaters, opera houses...were closed?Everything shows that through this unprecedented crisis, a new regime is being put in place, which the author describes as "biocracy", an immense revolution by which we pass from the "government of men" to the "management of the living".Sidney TOUATILawyer, essayist, playwright; publications: A hauteur de femme (theater); Le lys entre les chardons (novel); De la IVème République au néo-féodalisme; La face cachée de l'Affaire Tapie; de Voltaire à Badinter; as well as numerous articles.
The Sarah Roberts Series Vol. 34-36 - Three novels in one collection! The Disappearance (Sarah Roberts Book Thirty-Four)Sarah Roberts has gone missing on a cold, snowy evening in northern Ontario. When the snowstorm clears, a search party begins the arduous job of trekking through the wintry Canadian forests in search of her car.They find her vehicle in a deep ditch, hidden from the road and covered in snow. The passenger door is open, there's blood on the steering wheel, and there are signs that someone was dragged from the car.Frustrated and panicked, Parkman, Aaron, and Alex band together to hunt for Sarah before she dies in the minus temperatures of a freezing Canadian winter.When the authorities call to say they've found the body of a female who matches Sarah's description, they're confused. How could Vivian allow Sarah to die? Could it really be Sarah Roberts's body?Determined to find answers and save Sarah-they refuse to believe she's dead-the three men begin a hunt through cottage country, breaking every law possible to get answers.The Whole Truth (Sarah Roberts Book Thirty-Five) Sarah Roberts heads to a small town up north to deliver messages from her sister and then head back home.But when do things ever go as planned?Working on limited information, Sarah threatens a man who turns out to be a corrupt judge, gets entangled with abusive parents, and then interrupts an extortion bid-all in a day's work.But when Sarah gets arrested and brought before the very judge she threatened, she's locked away and may not make her next court date-or even make it through the night.>Alex (Sarah Roberts Book Thirty-Six)A missing person. A family tragedy. Buried secrets.Alex's past has come back to torment him.The risk factor is too high to involve anyone with what he must do, so he leaves quietly without a word to anyone. He couldn't live with himself if one of Sarah's people got hurt on his account. Even so, Sarah and Aaron decide to look for him.What made him into the man he is today is stuck in the past, and it's a horrifying revelation that even Aaron didn't know about. That history never went away-Alex just chose to ignore it-but he can't ignore it any longer. Too many people depend on him, too many lives.With Alex off alone and Sarah searching for him, she stumbles upon a disturbing secret that rocks her world. One that will change Alex forever-as it once did in the past. But this time, he may not recover if he can get out of this predicament alive.Here's what readers are saying about the Sarah Roberts Series; ★★★★★ - "This is a great series! I love it, and you should definitely read it! Each Sarah Roberts story gets more intriguing and more intense! I feel as if I know all the main characters personally, and I can't wait for the next thriller! Keep writing, Jonas Saul! Your fans await!"★★★★★ - "Jonas Saul is one of the most talented writers of our time."★★★★★ - "First book I read by Jonas Saul. One of the best books I have ever read."★★★★★ - "Amazing! I've been looking forward to starting this series for a while, and let me tell you, it does not disappoint! Absolutely filled to the brim with action, suspense, and thrills."★★★★★ - "I love Jonas Saul - my new favorite author."
This is the second book in the Student Veteran's Experience with Higher Education series. This book focuses on the importance of support during your academic journey. Your support system is not just by blood, although family is important, it is also the relationships built from employment, church, academic and student organizations- many of which result in life-long friendships. The author's research into availability of support for PTSD is personal and informative. He shares new stories and literature with the hope that other student-veterans will read his story and be encouraged about their decision to move forward in their academic life. He also hopes that educators discover what it is like to be a student-veteran and can facilitate success in their classroom. There are unique challenges for student-veterans in the academic world, but through good times and bad, this story demonstrates that it is all worth it. Peppi helped a lot, too!
This is a collection of Burtoniana: letters, reminiscences, diary entries, mentions and fugitive pieces, by or about Sir Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890). For an overview of the life and work of Burton, with complete facsimiles of all of his books and articles, see http: //burtoniana.org. Although there are many biographies of Burton, none is completely satisfactory, and primary sources are badly needed. To date there have only been two brief collections of correspondence: an unpublished M.A. thesis by Donald Young, written in 1979, and a selection of documents about the Nile controversy from the collection of Quentin Keynes, edited by Donald Young and Quentin Keynes, published in a limited edition in 1999. This is not because of a lack of material.While Isabel Burton burned in stages-partly in Trieste, partly in London-almost all of her husband's correspondence, along with his diaries and a number of his manuscripts, she could not burn the letters he had sent to other people. Therefore the letters we now have contain hardly any received by Burton himself, apart from scattered instances where he pasted letters he received into copies of books in his library, or collated them for use in ongoing projects, like the Book of the Sword, which survived Isabel's moral scrutiny. From references in the letters which do survive, it is obvious that Isabel burnt a vast correspondence, of which the extant portion is just a small sample. Even so, there are still enough letters from Burton to fill multiple volumes. The mania for collecting Burtoniana has meant that a lot of the known correspondence is now secreted away in private collections-the auction catalogues are full of examples at ransom-like prices. Occasionally this material finds its way into archives where it can be accessed, such as the Huntington Library, where the Edwards Metcalfe collection was deposited; the British Library, where the Quentin Keynes Collection of manuscripts is now available for use; the National Library of Scotland, where the Grant papers, which contain several letters to and from John Hanning Speke and C. P. Rigby, are held; Durham University, where the Wylde family papers, which contain a trove of letters from Burton to William Henry Wylde, have been deposited; and the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office, where the Arundell papers, which contain the residue of the items that Isabel had custody of and did not burn or have burnt, reside. The scope here is considerably broader than traditional collections of letters, as it includes other documents, and relevant mentions of Burton and his concerns in correspondence between third parties. In this spirit, there is an extensive selection of correspondence between John Hanning Speke, C. P. Rigby, J. A. Grant and others, as well as a large tranche of correspondence by Isabel. Most of the material here has never been published before, or has appeared in fragmented form only, often garbled by transcription errors. Commentary is supplied where necessary to explain obscurities and identify references. A Register is also provided in Volume 3 with more details on the principal figures referred to.
Lina is so excited about her first day of first grade! She can't wait to meet her new teacher and new friends. Because of her different textured hair, she realizes that she is the only one in her class whose hair is a different texture. When she gets back home, she tells her mother about her day at school. Her mother gives her words of encouragement. Lina is inspired by her mother's words and teaches her classmates about her hair and being different. This story will motivate and empower readers to treat each other's differences with respect.This adorable picture book is a great way to teach children to respect each other's differences and helps children understand the importance of being kind.Kids learn how to respect differences.Teach kindness towards others.A cute and well-written story.High-quality, colorful illustrations.Perfect for preschool and kindergarten, elementary school.It's the perfect gift book for boys and girls, ages 4-8, from preschool to elementary school. It helps parents, grandparents, teachers, teach the importance of being kind and respectful to each other's differences.Add this children's book to your cart and enjoy!
Unveil the secrets to a life brimming with vitality, strength, and mobility, regardless of age. Ageless Agility: Build Your Mobility, Strength, and Vitality with Lifelong Health Strategies is your comprehensive guide to embracing a lifestyle that defies the conventional boundaries of aging. With a blend of scientific insights and practical wisdom, this book offers a transformative approach to maintaining physical health, nutritional balance, and holistic well-being.Embark on a journey through the intricacies of aging, learning the science behind it and the strategies to manage it. Discover the critical role of mobility in lifelong fitness, delve into strength building techniques suitable for all ages, and explore the significance of flexibility, core stability, and cardiovascular health in preserving your youthful essence.This book is not just about physical fitness; it's a holistic exploration of mental and emotional wellness. Understand the mental-physical connection, the importance of brain health, and the benefits of mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga, and Tai Chi.Nutrition takes center stage with comprehensive guides on eating for longevity, hydration, decoding diets, and the truths about supplements. Learn about superfoods, functional training, and the balance of hormones as you age.Ageless Agility extends beyond the individual, highlighting the importance of social connections, pursuing passions, and integrating fitness into everyday life. From creating a home fitness sanctuary to joining a fitness community, this book covers it all.Real-life case studies of those who found fitness later in life, along with practical tips for navigating changes during menopause, andropause, and beyond, offer inspiration and guidance.Ageless Agility is not just a book; it's a blueprint for a life of health, happiness, and longevity. Embrace this timeless dance of life and rewrite your aging story.What You Will Learn from This Book: Strategies for Enhancing Physical Health: Learn how to improve mobility, strength, and overall fitness through age-appropriate exercises and routines.Nutrition and Holistic Well-being: Gain insights into nutritional choices and diets that promote longevity and vitality, including the role of superfoods and supplements.Mental and Physical Connection: Discover the importance of mental health in maintaining physical fitness, including brain health and stress management techniques.Lifestyle and Habit Formation: Understand how daily habits, social connections, and hobbies contribute to a more agile and healthy life as you age.Comprehensive Approach to Aging: Explore various aspects of aging, from understanding the science of aging to practical tips for skin care, gut health, and managing chronic diseases.Who This Book Is For: Individuals Seeking Long-Term Health: Anyone interested in maintaining or improving their physical health and fitness over the long term, regardless of their current age.People Navigating Aging Changes: Those who are experiencing or preparing for the changes that come with aging, such as menopause, andropause, or changes in metabolism.Fitness Enthusiasts at Any Age: Individuals of all ages who are looking to incorporate new and effective fitness strategies into their routine.Holistic Health Advocates: Readers who are interested in a comprehensive approach to well-being, including the role of mental health, nutrition, and alternative therapies in aging well.Caregivers and Health Professionals: Caregivers, family members, and health professionals who support aging individuals and are looking for insights and strategies to aid in promoting longevity and vitality.
This Axolotl is no accident! Join Axel Axolotl at his violin lesson where he learns about sharps, flats & naturals which are all called accidentals! He'll learn how to write and play them and you can too with The Accidental Axolotl-Violin from veteran music educator "ViolinJudy" Mrs. Judy Naillon. With books in the Very Fun Violin Library you'll "learn to love music & love to learn music!"This book includesexercisesworksheetspieces to show off your new knowledgefun puzzlesengaging contentan excellent addition to engage your violin learner!
Roger Vaughn must discover the true story behind the legend of Lavinia Fisher, the first female serial killer executed in South Carolina. "At the hanging, Lavinia Fisher's last words to the minister and the gathered audience were, 'Cease! I will have none of it. Save your words for others who want them. But if you have a message for the devil, give it to me; I'll carry it.' And with that, she leapt off the platform, hanging herself and stealing the privilege from the executioner. A lot of people say it was those words that doomed her. God wanted to pardon her, but she refused it, and the devil didn't want to hear her message." Two weeks after he and his friends escape the haunted Charleston Gaol, Roger Vaughn has his first client: the ghost of John Fisher. He tasks Roger with finding his wife before the Jack Ketch - the gaol's ghostly executioner - does.>Get your copy of Message for the Devil today and find out!
When you enter a marriage, it is with the idea that 'until death do us part.' Can you imagine, not only finding out that you're being cheated on, but having to deal with the horrific encounter in dealing with a warlock? Well, this experience birthed this powerful book you are about to read. This book was written as part memoir and part practical guide. It shares the personal experiences of being a husband with a dream of always having a beautiful family to having the life-shattering journey of being a divorcee in church. It dives into the author's personal shortcomings and powerful lessons that you can learn to avoid making in your marriage and help you make better decisions when choosing a lifetime partner. Filled with biblical principles and faith-filled stories and strategies, this book will definitely empower you to regain your joy after infidelity, reclaim your happiness and renew your mind regarding having a successful marriage.
This book was birth out of a myriad of experiences and challenges faced. It highlights some of the many highs and lows; some during the childhood stage as well as the adult stage. It highlights that through perseverance, hard work, resilience and help from the Almighty, we can be victorious. The essence is helping someone to realize that with the right attitude, the right mindset and, most importantly, relying on the Almighty, you will navigate whatever obstacles life throws at you. It is also a reminder that the experiences experienced are designed to prepare you to unleash the greatness that lies deep within.
Have you ever found yourself in a season of waiting? Have you ever wondered where God is in all that you are going through? Have you ever been faced with crisis after crisis, and it just seems like there is no ending to all that you are going through? Have you found yourself asking, "Lord, when?" The process can sometimes be hard and lonely, especially when you have been waiting on your breakthrough for a long time. This can cause us to become impatient and give up on our purpose in our waiting season. This book is written to bring hope and encouragement to those who are going through the darkest season of their lives, feeling discouraged. It may seem like there is no end to what you are experiencing, and breakthrough is not forthcoming. This book consists of practical strategies that will help you embrace and endure your season of waiting, trust God, develop your faith and patience muscles, and learn to stay encouraged, hopeful and motivated despite how long you have been waiting. Remember, God can work all things out for your good and use your mess as a message to impact lives. Don't sit in your state of despair and feel sorry for yourself. Quit the pity party. There is greatness inside of you. Rise and shine. Your time has come. Don't waste your pain. Be prepared for where God is about to take you.
In the grip of the Great Depression, one young girl struggles to survive and, along the way, become the woman she needs to be.Dorothy-Jane's, Dot to her friends, simple life is upended by the unexpected death of her mother. A senior in high school, Dot finds her dreams being put on hold as she must now care for her younger brother, Anthony. Instead of enjoying the luxuries of childhood, Dot spends her days working at the local diner under the protective watch of her godfather, Sherriff Wilford.Through her job, Dot is exposed to the wider world, whether from stories of passersby or scouring the newspapers left behind after a meal. Delbert, the love of her life, stands by her side through the worst of it, even if he isn't as bright as Dot.Together, they must overcome their hardships and find any way to survive in what will be one of the worst periods of life in the United States. Tales of Lake Tillery: My Friends Call Me Dot is an intimate glimpse into the ordinary life of a small town in the heart of North Carolina.
Hey kids! Have you ever wondered what a BEAR might say? Find out now with I am a Bear.Inside this book you will discover: Fascinating facts about bear life and behaviorWild bear photos in vibrant colorFun quotes from the bears themselvesWhether it's a gift for a young nature enthusiast, a birthday surprise, or a spontaneous present, this book is a perfect addition to nurture a lifelong appreciation for the wonders of the animal kingdom and the joy of learning.
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