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Bøger udgivet af Transnational Press London

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  • af Arvind Upadhyay, Celine Vadam & Vikas (Bristol Business School University of the West of England Frenchay Campus Bristol UK) Kumar
    413,95 - 663,95 kr.

  • af Ibrahim Sirkeci, P&#305, Jeffrey H Cohen & mfl.
    368,95 - 668,95 kr.

  • - Skilled Eu Migrants in Britain
    af Bradley Saunders
    278,95 - 608,95 kr.

  • af Ibrahim Sirkeci, Betul Dilara Eker & Ali Ca Lar
    368,95 - 668,95 kr.

  • af Fethiye Tilbe & Yusuf Topaloglu
    598,95 kr.

  • af Demet &#350 & enba&#351
    598,95 kr.

  • af Gábor Rekettye & Jonathan Liu
    543,95 kr.

    PRICING The New Frontier by Gábor REKETTYE and Jonathan LIU underlines the importance of pricing and price management is growing all over the world, primarily due to the turbulent economic situation, accelerating technological development, the saturation of markets and the globalization of competition. All these trends affect the achievement of company objectives, place prices, pricing and price management in a context that differs greatly from what has been known before. At a time when almost continuous change is disrupting nearly all industries and the internet is putting ever more power in the hands of the customer, a book that treats pricing with substance and foresight is a welcome addition to the market. - John R. Schermerhorn, Jr., O'Bleness Professor Emeritus, Ohio University, United States

  • af Liliana Lyra Jubilut
    428,95 kr.

    Refugees and their protection have started to be a part of daily conversation in recent years. New flows from Africa to Europe, new crisis in Asia and in the Americas, and record numbers since the Second World War, for instance, have paved the way for news reports in the media, political discourses on the topic and debates on how to actually protect these persons. In a world scenario of increasingly (i) closed borders, (ii) association of migration to security issues, (iii) lack of political will to ascertain human rights and (iv) disregard for migration as a right in se, the challenges on and for refugees' protection have been progressing; as have the need for international protection of persons fleeing well-founded fear of persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership to a social group, i.e. refugees. Regional approaches and national practices gain relevance, especially if they can be seen as good practices, even if not without flaws.

  • - a transnational company for a transnational clientele
    af Ibrahim Sirkeci & Anett Condick-Brough
    208,95 kr.

    This case study looks at the development of a money transfer company in a dynamic and fast changing market. Transnational nature of the business as well as profiles of customers are emphasised. Ria Money Transfer is part of the Euronet, US based parent company. Aspiring to become the most progressive company in the sector, Ria deals with customers with backgrounds from all over the world. This is also reflected in the work force of the company. Operating in distinct environments, businesses are not only concerned with a multicultural body of customers, agents and clients but also multiple economic, political, technological environments with a large number of small and big competitors. This case study alludes to the questions about the key drivers of success for a transnational company with such complex web of markets, consumers, clients and competitors. Company information, direct quotes from representatives and media are used to illustrate aspects of the business and markets.

  • af Olgu Karan
    793,95 kr.

    Economic Survival Strategies of Turkish Migrants in London by Olgu KARAN is about economic survival in the Turkish and Kurdish communities of North London with some interesting comparisons to the longer established Turkish Cypriot community. It is to be welcomed that the study spans macro and micro levels. Also to be welcomed is that it eschews the idea that identity and culture is fixed and unchanging, providing some fascinating and important examples to the contrary, and that it moves beyond essentially culturalist approaches to entrepreneurship and even more so, mainstream individualist ones. Dr Karan noticed that two ethnic communities in conflictual relationships with each other in home country (Turkey) are marshalling collective resources in a very cooperative way across ethnic boundaries and forming small business ventures and thus contributing to the empowerment and upgrading of their households and communities.

  • af Sibel Turan & Nergiz OEzkural Koero_lu
    793,95 kr.

    Sibel Turan and Nergiz Ozkural Koroglu in this edited volume brings together a collection of essays on international relations and security perspectives. Uluslararas_ _li_kilerdeki güvenlik kuramlar_ konjonktürel de_i_imlerle birlikte sürekli geli_mekte ve zenginle_mektedir. Teorik yakla__mlarla ilgili güncel tart__malar, disiplinin daha iyi anla__labilmesi için önem arz ederken güvenlik yakla__mlar_n_n ve alg_lamalar_n_n de_i_iminin de hesaba kat_larak bu yakla__mlar_n ortaya konulmas_ ve vaka analizleri üzerinden uygulamas_ önemlidir. Günümüzde "güvenlik" kavram_ uluslararas_ ili_kiler disiplini içerisinde çevre veya toplumsal güvenlik ya da cinsiyet gibi farkl_ güvenlik boyutlar_ ile analiz edilmeye ba_lanm__t_r. Bu kitab_n temel hedeflerinden bir tanesi farkl_ bak__ aç_lar_n_ yans_tan kuramsal çerçevelerle "güvenlik" kavram_na bakabilmektir.

  • af Ibrahim Sirkeci, Fethiye Tilbe & Mehtap Erdogan
    473,95 kr.

    The Migration Conference 2017 hosted by Harokopio University, Athens from 23 to 26 August. The 5th conference in our series, the 2017 Conference was probably the largest scholarly gathering on migration with a global scope. Human mobility, border management, integration and security, diversity and minorities as well as spatial patterns, identity and economic implications have dominated the public agenda and gave an extra impetus for the study of movers and non-movers over the last decade or so. Throughout the program of the Migration Conference you will find various key thematic areas are covered in about 400 presentations by about 400 colleagues coming from all around the world from Australia to Canada, China to Mexico, South Africa to Finland. We are also proud to bring you opportunities to meet with some of the leading scholars in the field. Our line of keynote speakers include Saskia Sassen, Oded Stark, Giuseppe Sciortino, Neli Esipova, and Yüksel Pazarkaya.

  • af P&#305, nar Yazgan & Fethiye Tilbe
    473,95 kr.

    Viyana'daki 4. Türk Göç Konferans¿nda titiz bir hakem sürecinin ard¿ndan 72 oturum 2 workshoptan olu¿an bir konferans program¿ olu¿turulmu¿tur. 350 sözlü sunum 400 yazar taraf¿ndan dünyan¿n çe¿itli ülkelerden kat¿l¿mla gerçekle¿tirilmi¿tir. 4. Türk Göç Konferans¿nda sunulan seçme bildiri metinlerinin bir k¿sm¿ revize edilerek ve geni¿letilerek çe¿itli ulusal ve uluslararas¿ dergi ve kitaplarda yay¿nland¿. Bu derlemede sizlere konferansta sunulan bildirilerden bir seçki daha sunuyoruz. Bu bildiri derlemesi göç alan¿nda temel alanlar çerçevesinde dört bölümden olu¿maktad¿r. ¿lk bölüm de Göç, Ekonomi ve Sosyal Politika, ikinci bölümde Göç, Kimlik Ve Diaspora, üçüncü bölümde Kentle¿me, Siyaset ve Göç Politikalar¿ ve dördüncü bölüm ise Tarih, Sanat ve Göç bäl¿¿¿ alt¿nda çe¿itli çal¿¿malar yeralmaktad¿r. Umuyoruz ki bu çal¿¿malar da Türkçe göç yaz¿n¿n¿n geli¿mesine mütevazi bir katk¿ olacakt¿r.

  • af Ibrahim Sirkeci, Anett Condick-Brough & Fethiye Tilbe
    308,95 kr.

    The Turkish Migration Conference 2016 is the fourth event in this series, we are proud to organise and host at the University of Vienna, Austria. Perhaps given the growing number of participants and variety in scope of research and debates included at the Conference, it is now an established quality venue fostering scholarship in Turkish Migration Studies. Over the last five years, we have seen over 1000 abstracts submitted to the conference and year on year the number of accepted presentations grew. This year, the conference accommodates over 350 presentations by hundreds of academics from all around the World. The Migration Conference attracting such a healthy number of academics is a good indicator of the success and means the conference serving its purpose and offer a good opportunity for scholarly exchange and networking. Main speakers include Jeffrey Cohen, Ibrahim Sirkeci, Philip Martin, Gudrun Biffl, Karen Phalet, Samim Akgönül, and Katharine Sarikakis.

  • af Ibrahim Sirkeci & Barbara Pusch
    663,95 kr.

    TURKISH MIGRATION POLICY, edited by Ibrahim Sirkeci and Barbara Pusch, aims to shed light on changes in migration policy, determinants beneath these changes, and practical implications for movers and non-movers in Turkey. Nevertheless, one should note that Turkey has only recently faced mass immigration and the number of foreign born has more than doubled in less than five years. Such sudden change in population composition warrants policy adjustments and reviews. Policy shift from "exporting excess labour" in the 1960s and 1970s to immigrant integration today is a drastic but necessary one. Nevertheless, Turkish migration policy is still far from settled as several chapters in this book point out. Despite the exemplary humanitarian engagement in admitting Syrians, Turkey is still at the bottom of the league table of favourable integration policies with an overall score of 25 out of 100. Turkish migration policy is likely to be adjusted further in response to the continuing immigration.

  • af Abulfez Suleymanov, Pelin Sonmez & Fatma Demirbas Unver
    663,95 kr.

    ULUSLARARASI GÖÇ VE ÇOCUKLAR - INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND CHILDREN edited by Abulfez Süleymanov, Pelin Sönmez,Fatma Demirba

  • af Pinar Yazgan & M Murat Yucesahin
    608,95 kr.

    Sections of the book: Introduction: Revisiting Gender in the Context of Migration edited by P_nar Yazgan and M. Murat Yüce_ahin Chapter Two: Deconstructing Gender-Migration Relationship: Performativity and Representation by M. Murat Yüce_ahin Chapter Three: Gendered Pathways: Central Asian Migration through the Lens of Embodiment by Natalia Zotova Chapter Four: For Love or for Papers? Sham Marriages among Turkish (Potential) Migrants and Gender Implications by I__k Kulu-Glasgow, Monika Smit and Roel Jennissen Chapter Five: Undocumented Migrant Women in Turkey: Legislation, Labour and Sexual Exploitation by Emel Co_kun Chapter Six: Family Perspective in Migration: A Qualitative Analysis on Turkish Families in Italy by Gül _nce Beqo Chapter Seven: Marriage and Divorce in the Context of Gender and Social Capital: The Case of Turkish Migrants in Germany by Sevim Atila Demir and P_nar Yazgan Chapter Eight: Effects of Refugee Crisis on Gender Policies: Studies on EU and Turkey by Pelin Sönmez

  • af Ali Tilbe & Sonel Bosnali
    423,95 kr.

    GÖÇ ÜZER¿NE YAZIN VE KÜLTÜR ¿NCELEMELER¿, AL¿ T¿LBE & SONEL BOSNALI taraf¿ndan yay¿na haz¿rland¿. Göç bireyin veya toplulu¿un kendi karar¿yla gerçekle¿tirildi¿i için, bir bak¿ma, gönüllü göç olarak nitelenebilir. Ancak baz¿ durumlarda, birey veya toplulu¿un bulundu¿u yeri terk edip bäka bir yerde yäam¿n¿ sürdürmesi zorunlululu¿u bir siyasal yapt¿r¿m olarak dayat¿labilir. Zorunlu göç olarak adland¿r¿lan bu durumlardan ilki, "sürgün" (¿ng. exile) olarak betimlenen, "ceza olarak belli bir yerin d¿¿¿nda veya belli bir yerde oturtulan kimsedir". Bu denli insanla özde¿le¿mi¿, insan yäam¿n¿n her boyutunu ilgilendiren bu önemli olgunun, kültürel ve özellikle de yaz¿nsal aç¿dan incelenmesi, göç olgusunu daha iyi anlamam¿z aç¿s¿ndan büyük önem tä¿maktad¿r. Bu derlemede göç olgusu ekseninde bir dizi yaz¿n inceleme çal¿¿mas¿n¿ okurlarla bulu¿turuyoruz.

  • af Ibrahim Sirkeci, Guven Eker & Ali Tilbe
    668,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the 3rd Turkish Migration Conference (TMC). TMC 2015 was hosted by Charles University Prague, Czech Republic from 25 to 27 June 2015. The TMC 2015 was the third event in the series that we were proud to organise and host at Charles University Prague. This selection of papers presented at the conference are only a small portion of contributions. Many other papers are included in edited books and submitted to refereed journals in due course. There were a total of about 146 papers by over 200 authors presented in 40 parallel sessions and three plenary sessions at Jinonice Campus of Charles University Prague. About a f¿fth of the sessions at the conference were in Turkish language although the main language was English. Therefore some of the proceedings are in Turkish too. The keynote speakers included Douglas Massey of Princeton University, Caroline Brettell of Southern Methodist University, and Nedim Gürsel of CNRS.

    663,95 kr.

    CONTENT: Family and demography in Turkish mobility - Yüce¿ahin, Milewski, Sirkeci, Rolls; Union formation of Turkish migrant descendants in Western Europe - Milewski and Huschek; Turkish marriage ritual Kint and Klooster; Transnational care practices of older Turkish women in Sweden - Naldemirci; Who takes part in a cross sectional survey on health care service utilisation among Turkish and German nationals in Germany? - Zier and Letzel; Turkish-language ability of children of immigrants in Germany - Biedinger, Becker and Klein; 'Making the balance: to stay or not to stay?' Highly educated Turkish migrants - Kulu-Glasgow; A focus on Turkish students in Germany - Tlatlik and Knerr; Identity formation of young second and third generation Turkish-origin migrants in Vienna and their attitude towards integration in Austrian society - Richtermoc; Career mobility of second generation Turkish women in Germany- Hartmann; How highly skilled labour migrants deal with flexibility? - Sunata

    358,95 kr.

    CONTENT: Family and demography in Turkish mobility - Yüce¿ahin, Milewski, Sirkeci, Rolls; Union formation of Turkish migrant descendants in Western Europe - Milewski and Huschek; Turkish marriage ritual Kint and Klooster; Transnational care practices of older Turkish women in Sweden - Naldemirci; Who takes part in a cross sectional survey on health care service utilisation among Turkish and German nationals in Germany? - Zier and Letzel; Turkish-language ability of children of immigrants in Germany - Biedinger, Becker and Klein; 'Making the balance: to stay or not to stay?' Highly educated Turkish migrants - Kulu-Glasgow; A focus on Turkish students in Germany - Tlatlik and Knerr; Identity formation of young second and third generation Turkish-origin migrants in Vienna and their attitude towards integration in Austrian society - Richtermoc; Career mobility of second generation Turkish women in Germany- Hartmann; How highly skilled labour migrants deal with flexibility? - Sunata

    863,95 kr.

    Bölüm 1: Göç ve Uyum Süreci: Sosyal Psikolojik Bir De¿erlendirme - ¿eker; Bölüm 2: Göçmenlerde Sosyo-Psikolojik Entegrasyon Analizi - Türker ve Y¿ld¿z; Bölüm 3: Entegrasyon/Uyum: Kavramsal ve Yap¿sal Bir Analiz - Çälar ve Onay; Bölüm 4: Türkiye'de Kamu Yönetiminde Uyum - ¿eker; Bölüm 5: Göç, Kente Bäl¿l¿k ve Bireycilik-Toplulukçuluk - Göregenli ve Karaku¿; Bölüm 6: Latin Göçmenler, Ayr¿mc¿l¿k ve Uyum - Cohen ve Chavez; Bölüm 7: ¿ngiltere'de Göçmenlerin Uyumu ve ¿¿gücü Piyasas¿ - Sirkeci ve Aç¿k; Bölüm 8: Göçmenlerin ¿talya'da Entegrasyonu - Salomoni; Bölüm 9: Türkiye'de Göçün Farkl¿ Tipleri ve Yönetim - Karaman; Bölüm 10: Türkiye'de Almanlar ve Almanc¿lar - Zeynelo¿lu ve Sirkeci; Bölüm 11: Göçmen ya da Yerli Olmaya ¿li¿kin Alg¿lar: Selçuk'la Çift-kültürlü Özde¿im Süreci - Umuro¿lu, Göregenli, Karaku¿; Bölüm 12: Türkiye'de Yerle¿ik Yabanc¿lar: Avrupa Birli¿i Emeklilerin Güne¿i Aray¿¿¿ - Bahar; Bölüm 13: Yerle¿ik Yabanc¿lar¿n Toplumla Bütünle¿me Arac¿ Olarak Dan¿¿ma Meclisleri ve Kent Konseyleri - Yontar

    543,95 kr.

    Bölüm 1: Göç ve Uyum Süreci: Sosyal Psikolojik Bir De¿erlendirme - ¿eker; Bölüm 2: Göçmenlerde Sosyo-Psikolojik Entegrasyon Analizi - Türker ve Y¿ld¿z; Bölüm 3: Entegrasyon/Uyum: Kavramsal ve Yap¿sal Bir Analiz - Çälar ve Onay; Bölüm 4: Türkiye'de Kamu Yönetiminde Uyum - ¿eker; Bölüm 5: Göç, Kente Bäl¿l¿k ve Bireycilik-Toplulukçuluk - Göregenli ve Karaku¿; Bölüm 6: Latin Göçmenler, Ayr¿mc¿l¿k ve Uyum - Cohen ve Chavez; Bölüm 7: ¿ngiltere'de Göçmenlerin Uyumu ve ¿¿gücü Piyasas¿ - Sirkeci ve Aç¿k; Bölüm 8: Göçmenlerin ¿talya'da Entegrasyonu - Salomoni; Bölüm 9: Türkiye'de Göçün Farkl¿ Tipleri ve Yönetim - Karaman; Bölüm 10: Türkiye'de Almanlar ve Almanc¿lar - Zeynelo¿lu ve Sirkeci; Bölüm 11: Göçmen ya da Yerli Olmaya ¿li¿kin Alg¿lar: Selçuk'la Çift-kültürlü Özde¿im Süreci - Umuro¿lu, Göregenli, Karaku¿; Bölüm 12: Türkiye'de Yerle¿ik Yabanc¿lar: Avrupa Birli¿i Emeklilerin Güne¿i Aray¿¿¿ - Bahar; Bölüm 13: Yerle¿ik Yabanc¿lar¿n Toplumla Bütünle¿me Arac¿ Olarak Dan¿¿ma Meclisleri ve Kent Konseyleri - Yontar

    718,95 kr.

    POLITICS AND LAW IN TURKISH MIGRATION - Edited by Ibrahim Sirkeci, Do

    368,95 kr.

    POLITICS AND LAW IN TURKISH MIGRATION - Edited by Ibrahim Sirkeci, Döa Elçin, and Güven ¿eker - Increasingly more scholars and analysts argue that migration controls are deemed to fail simply because of the dynamic nature of human mobility. Nevertheless, migration remains to be a hot topic on political agenda as well as a key area of legislation. Turkey has recently implemented some serious structural changes through a new law of migration and creation of a specialist central general directorate responsible for handling almost anything and everything about migrants and foreigners in the country. On the other hand, politics and political participation of the Turks abroad is part and parcel of the integration debates strongly shaping the mainstream politics of immigration countries in Europe and beyond. This book offers a number of research accounts investigating the political participation and integration, new legislations, and implications of policy and law on migration practices.

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