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  • af Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
    178,95 kr.

    "It's nearly impossible to write poetry that holds the human desire for joy and the insistent agitations of protest at the same time, but Lena Khalaf Tuffaha's gorgeous and wide-ranging new collection Something About Living does just that. Her poems interweave Palestine's historic suffering, the challenges of living in this world full of violence and ill will, and the gentle delights we embrace to survive that violence. Khalaf Tuffaha's elegant poems sing the fractured songs of Diaspora while remaining clear-eyed to the cause of the fracturing: the multinational hubris of colonialism and greed. This collection is her witness to our collective unraveling, vowel by vowel, syllable by syllable. "Let the plural be a return of us" the speaker of "On the Thirtieth Friday We Consider Plurals" says and this plurality is our tenuous humanity and the deep need to hang on to kindness in our communities. In these poems Khalaf Tuffaha reminds us that love isn't an idea; it is a radical act. Especially for those who, like this poet, travel through the world vigilantly, but steadfastly remain heart first. -Adrian Matejka, author of Somebody Else Sold the World"--

  • af Emilia Phillips
    178,95 kr.

    "Nonbinary Bird of Paradise shakes its tail feathers, reveling in a body that cannot be contained in gender binaries. Its opening sequence re-imagines the Judeo-Christian Eve as a queer person who, instead of eating of the proverbial forbidden fruit, conjures a femme lover: "God made man / in his own image, / so they say. / So I made a beloved / in mine," she says. Eve's power triggers a jealous God to manipulate Adam toward behaviors of toxic masculinity and to exile the two humans from the Garden of Eden. This retelling, accompanied by other retellings of classical and biblical narratives, indicts the ways in which religion and myth have created and buttressed compulsory heterosexuality. Elsewhere in the collection, Phillips delights in the autobiography of their imagination, the rendering of self after self after self. "Would you stay // & watch me," Phillips asks in the titular poem, wondering if the beloved will deem them desirable, even though they are masculine without being a man, "even / though / I have no blue velvet / skirt or ruby-raw / throat?""--

  • af Shannon French
    158,95 kr.

    The mission of The International Journal of Ethical Leadership is to spread awareness of the fact that every worthwhile human endeavor requires the application and embodiment of ethical leadership to succeed, endure, and produce positive outcomes for present and future generations. The journal's aim is to expand the transdisciplinary, international conversation that is ongoing around the question of what ethical leadership requires. Our hope is that with each issue of this journal, contributors are able to highlight a range of perspectives on ethical leadership in theory and action around the globe. Our intention is not to endorse particular opinions, but to host a trusted forum for readers to explore a diversity of views. Our intention is not to endorse particular opinions, but to host a trusted forum for readers to explore a diversity of views. IJEL is broad in scope, accepting submissions from academic, professional, and lay perspectives.

  • af Steve McClain
    258,95 kr.

    "The Music of My Life: Finding My Way After My Mother's MS Diagnosis follows the life of Steve McClain after his mother is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis early in his childhood. He recounts the story of his mother's life growing up in Northeast Ohio and her struggles with single parenthood and a devastating, chronic illness, at a time when there was very little to no treatment. This work began as a way to tell the story of Steve's mother, but it is as much her story as it is his own journey as caregiver, son, musician, and MS patient"--

  • af Jerry Austin
    208,95 kr.

    True Tales from the Campaign Trail finds Democratic and Republican political consultants putting aside their differences to offer entertaining and honest insights into the art of the political campaign. The variety of funny foibles and lessons learned makes for an engaging celebration of the democratic process and the campaign trail.True Tales from the Campaign Trail, Volume 3 is a compilation of great campaign anecdotes from experienced political consultants, Democratic and Republican, and other great storytellers. Many of the stories are funny. Many of the stories give you a behind-the-scenes view of what happens in campaigns when the camera is off and the reporters have put down their laptops, and all of these stories are stories that only an insider could tell. Anyone with any curiosity about how political campaigns are run and won will enjoy this book.Contributors: Jerry Austin, Corey Busch, Terry Casey, Bill Cohen, James Crounse, Mike Curtin, Tom Diemer, Bill Fletcher, Les Francis, Joe Hallet, David Heller, Bill Hershey, Bob Leonard, Lee Leonard, Joanne Limbach, Bob Ney, Ike McLeese, Tim Miller, Lincoln Mitchell, Bob Mulholland, Phil Noble, John Polidori, Sandy Theis, Mark Siegel, Katherine Rogers, Steve Rosenthal, Mary Anne Sharkey, Hank Sheinkopf, William Sweeney, Don Sweitzer, Paul Tipps, Gerry Tyson, Jim Underwood, Mark Weaver, David Yepsen, Abe Zaidan, and John Zogby.

  • af Emily Corwin
    178,95 kr.

    Marble Orchard explores physical and psychic pain through ekphrastic poems (in response to film and to paintings), crowd-sourced writing from overheard conversations, and formal pieces that use the vessels of traditional poetic forms.

  • af Anne Barngrover
    178,95 kr.

    "Everwhen is an anxious, verdant poetry collection that is preoccupied with a chthonic era-when the secrets of long ago catch up to now, and when the past, present, and future collapse into what's long been identified by indigenous cultures and early naturalists as Uncreation or Deep Time. Driven by the voice of the betrayed Roman goddess Ceres, these poems consider what it is like to live out of time, to suffer unnamed illnesses of the female body, to love and grieve at the end of the world, and to even find hope and joy in "the way an apocalypse can mean/ to reveal.""--

  • af Carrie Oeding
    178,95 kr.

    "What does it mean to make something to share publicly when you are unsure of your own presence? If I Could Give You a Line cultivates the strangeness of presence in motherhood when the self is hyper-aware of its erasure. The collection explores its obsession with the physicality of visual art, down to the line, asserting and creating a voice that longs to be as present as a waver in the line of an Agnes Martin painting. A line that pulls you in to see the hand that made it. For Oeding's speakers, to look at art as mothers gives them permission to make it. Through humor, provocation, and uncertainty, this associative work builds momentary worlds of looking and connecting. The voice in these poems are confident in their performance and gesture to the reader to participate in their world-building, using materials like toddler garbage, preliterate scribbles, boiled green beans, James Turrell's skies, Cara Delevingne's eyebrows, and Yayoi Kusama's mirrors"--

  • af Jenny Sadre-Orafai
    178,95 kr.

    How do you map grief? Dear Outsiders explores how we are part of and stranger to our environments and to our families and how identities form by where and who we come from. Told through two siblings' perspectives of the loss of their parents, the book is a map of isolation, longing, and what it means to be deserted and alive.

  • af Leslie Harrison
    207,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Matthew Guenette
    178,95 kr.

    "Doom Scroll explores an anxious domesticity. These prose poems hedge toward moments of levity-a Joy Division song, a meal at Denny's, underwear draped over a fence "like a lurid dreamcatcher" -as a pandemic lockdown, busted politics, and other existential dreads loom in the margins"--

  • af Heathen
    168,95 kr.

  • af Aimee Seu
    168,95 kr.

  • af Heather Green
    168,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Moore
    168,95 kr.

  • af Caryl Pagel
    153,95 kr.

    In Free Clean Fill Dirt, Pagel dwells in the anti-ordinary ordinary strata of Midwestern mythologies, emergencies, landscapes, and crises. Using a blend of ecopoetic, visual, and archival modes, Free Clean Fill Dirt is a collection of poems making intimacy of deep time and vanitas of vision.

  • af Mark Auburn
    528,95 kr.

    "Hail We Akron! gathers memories, impressions, and opinions of alumni, friends, stakeholders, and donors about Akron's hometown college since its achievement of state status, the third phase of its transformation from Buchtel College and the municipal university. A celebratory collection rather than a chronicle, it gives voice to those who worked and studied here, to the sports fans and concertgoers, the taxpayers and the angels, the employers of graduates and the vendors of goods and services. Instead of the authority of a single narrative, it offers the range of a panorama and the variety of a collage. It is a grassroots report"--

  • af Annah Browning
    168,95 kr.

    "Annah Browning's poetry collection Witch Doctrine is a gothic instruction manual for how to exist in a heartbreaking world. Through a series of spell poems and a cast of haunting personas-including a sentient house, a mentoring witch, and a housekeeping ghost-Browning leads the reader in dark and slyly humorous mediations on mortality, loss, feminist power, and survival: "you'll take / another branch for the fire / and you will make it.""--

  • af Brittany Cavallaro
    168,95 kr.

    "Unhistorical draws on historical narrative, confessional poetry, and detective fiction to tell the story of a contemporary romantic relationship that begins in Scotland and falls apart in America, as the narrator finds herself in the role of spectator to her partner's genius. Many of these poems draw from the elegiac tradition, following a speaker who is, at turns, tourist in and historian of a landscape that is foreign to them. The middle section of this manuscript, entitled 'The Resurrectionists,' follows an alternate version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Holmes and Watson as they journey to solve a mystery in Scotland while grappling with their own anguished friendship"

  • af Leslie Harrison
    158,95 kr.

  • af Brittany Cavallaro
    158,95 kr.

  • af Oliver de la Paz
    158,95 kr.

  • af Gary S. Williams
    528,95 kr.

    A speech made by the Mingo warrior Logan in 1774 has long been cited as an example of Native American eloquence, but it has been unclear how and to whom Logan's Lament was first given. This book shows conclusively that John Gibson was the sole witness to and translator of this oration.

  • af John Whitworth Kropf
    258,95 kr.

    "This is the story of the crayon. Following the Civil War, three entrepreneurial families took their innovative ideas for school chalk from the kitchen stove and transformed them into the American Crayon Company. Color Capital of the World tells this story through the eyes of one of the founding family's descendants, tracing the cycle of build, boom, and bust. Readers will come away feeling a greater appreciation of the human story behind the crayon and the Ohio town that produced more crayons and paints than anywhere in the world"--

  • af Walter Delbridge
    208,95 kr.

    The story of a gifted artist and his relationship to the world, a relationship that was severed by schizophrenia, and how in grappling with that diagnosis, he himself became his great life work. A compelling foray into the life and work of African American poet philosopher Walter K. Delbridge.

  • af Emily Corwin
    168,95 kr.

    "Emily Corwin's sensorium is a gurlesque party, is lush and anxious and blossoming with rot. In her second collection, Corwin investigates the textures of physical and psychic pain-the celluloid of classic horror films, greasy computer screens and text messages, ballrooms and hallways and pig blood, surgical instruments, lipsticks, medication, teenage romance and demons. Sensorium considers the beauty in body horror, the viscera boiling under a pretty crust"--

  • af David Baker
    228,95 kr.

    This book is intended to round out the picture of American psychology's past, adding the history of psychological practice to the story of psychological science. Written by two well-recognized authorities in the field, this book covers the profession and practice of psychology in America from the late nineteenth century to the present.

  • af Oliver de la Paz
    158,95 kr.

  • af Brian Brodeur
    158,95 kr.

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