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Bøger udgivet af University of Ottawa Press

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  • af Ashley Chen
    162,95 kr.

  • af Justin Piché
    162,95 kr.

  • af Simon Laflamme, Michel Bock & Jean-Pierre Pichette
    272,95 kr.

    Ce dixième volume des Cahiers Charlevoix regroupe cinq études sur l'Ontario français, qui traitent du diocèse de Sault-Sainte-Marie dans le conflit franco-irlandais entre 1904 et 1934; des perspectives amoureuses et conjugales des jeunes du nord-est de l'Ontario; des aspects de l'histoire des Franco-Ontariens du Centre et du Sud-Ouest de 1970 à 2000; de l'art perdu de faire des chansons de la région du Détroit ainsi que des propos et confidences du jésuite ethnologue Germain Lemieux.

  • af Victor Konrad
    627,95 kr.

    Border culture emerges through the intersection and engagement of imagination, affinity and identity. It is evident wherever boundaries separate or sort people and their goods, ideas or other belongings. It is the vessel of engagement between countries and peoples-assuming many forms, exuding a variety of expressions, changing shapes-but border culture does not disappear once it is developed, and it may be visualized as a thread that runs throughout the process of globalization.Border culture is conveyed in imaginaries and productions that are linked to borderland identities constructed in the borderlands. These identities underlie the enforcement of control and resistance to power that also comprise border cultures.Canada's borders in globalization offer an opportunity to explore the interplay of borders and culture, identify the fundamental currents of border culture in motion, and establish an approach to understanding how border culture is placed and replaced in globalization.Published in English.

  • af Elizabeth Dubois & Florian Martin-Bariteau
    627,95 kr.

  • af Saint-Pierre Diane
    732,95 kr.

  • af Justin Piché
    162,95 kr.

  • af Anna Kearney Guigne
    717,95 kr.

  • af Justin Piché
    157,95 kr.

    VOLUME 27, NUMBER 1 (2018) is a general issue featuring several articles examining aging, suffering and death behind the walls. This edition of the journal also features a section dedicated to "Continuing the Dialogue on Canada's Federal Penitentiary System" edited by Jarrod Shook, along with Prisoners' Struggles pieces and a book review.

  • af Emile Nelligan
    172,95 kr.

  • af Robert Major
    267,95 kr.

    Claude était éminemment habile à converser. Car il écoutait. Il écoutait attentivement et pesamment. Il jaugeait les paroles qu'il entendait, et réfléchissait longuement avant de hasarder une réponse. Si longuement que le narrateur en est perplexe, au début. De toute évidence, il n'était pas de ces gens qui, selon La Bruyère, « parlent un moment avant que d'avoir pensé ».Il y a donc un paradoxe: un livre de conversations avec quelqu'un qui ne parlait guère! Pourtant, malgré tout, des liens se sont noués. Il y a eu rencontre de ces êtres, qui sont sans doute, au départ tout au moins, un dilemme l'un pour l'autre: d'un côté un quasi analphabète, mais homme sage; d'autre part un universitaire, littéraire en plus, prolixe par déformation professionnelle...Le livre de dialogues a une longue et vénérable histoire. Il a eu cours, en particulier aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, mais on peut retracer son origine jusqu'aux dialogues platoniques, mettant en scène Socrate et divers interlocuteurs.Certes, ce petit livre n'a pas la prétention de s'insérer dans la prestigieuse série des dialogues illustrée entre autres par Platon, Sénèque, Diderot, Fontenelle, David Hume, voire Marguerite de Navarre ou encore Voltaire, celui-ci sur un mode satirique.Tout simplement, il fait état d'une rencontre.Ce livre est publié en français.-Claude was eminently skilled in conversation. Because he listened. He listened attentively and intently. He measured the words he heard and thought long before risking an answer. So long, in fact, that in the beginning it confused the narrator. This man was clearly not one of those people who, in the words of La Bruyère, "speak one moment before they think."And so here we have a paradox: a book of conversations with someone who hardly spoke! Yet, despite everything, bonds have been forged: encounters between people who, at least initially, posed a dilemma for one another--a nearly illiterate but wise man on the one hand, and an academic, a literary man to boot, made verbose through professional deformation on the other...As a genre, the dialogue has a long and venerable history in literature. It was especially popular in the 17th and 18th centuries, but the history of this literary form can be traced back to the Platonic dialogues with Socrates and various other interlocutors.To be sure, this small book makes no claim to join in the august ranks of the dialogues of Plato, Seneca, Diderot, Fontenelle, David Hume, Marguerite de Navarre, or even Voltaire and his satirical approach.It simply tells of an encounter.This book is published in French.

  • af Roger Kemble
    232,95 kr.

    527,95 kr.

    Dérives offers an glimpse into the daily lives of six individuals who struggled with severe mental illness over several years. It recounts, with great sensitivity and touching storytelling and masterful use of archival material, the setbacks and recoveries four women and two men with psychiatric conditions as an entry point into the study of Ontario's psychiatric health care system over the years. Dérives is the brainchild of two scholars. The first travelled kilometre after kilometre to interview witnesses; the second scrutinized medical records and archival patient files. Their combined approach is based on historical methods: research, interviews, and history. This eminently touching book will interest the general reader interested in mental illness, social justice, and history; as well as researchers and students in social work, nursing, medicine, history, and health policy.

  • af Michael K Hawes
    522,95 kr.

  • af La Société Charlevoix
    317,95 kr.

    n (HTML) - FrenchFondée à Sudbury en 1992, la Société Charlevoix est un regroupement d'universitaires qui se consacrent à des travaux savants sur l'Ontario français. Par son nom, la Société honore la mémoire du jésuite Pierre-François-Xavier de Charlevoix (1682-1761), qui a laissé des observations remarquables sur le territoire ontarien. Limités en tout temps à dix en nombre, ses membres examinent les réalités franco-ontariennes selon les perspectives variées qu'apportent leurs disciplines. Leur élection se fait par cooptation, à l'unanimité des voix. Depuis 1995, la Société Charlevoix publie les Cahiers Charlevoix. Études franco-ontariennes, un collectif exclusivement dévolu à la diffusion des travaux de ses membres.Depuis leur création, nos Cahiers Charlevoix n'ont jamais comporté plus de six essais. La présente livraison, la treizième de la série, en compte sept : précédant les six études courantes de 2020, l'hommage rendu à un membre émérite disparu, Gaétan Gervais, commandait cette première.Publiée sous le patronage de la Société Charlevoix, l'édition de ce treizième Cahier Charlevoix est le fruit d'une entente entre la Société Charlevoix et les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa.

  • af Geneviève a Bonin-Isabelle
    522,95 kr.

  • - Looking back on the Tenure-Track Journey
    af Timothy Sibbald & Victoria Handford
    547,95 kr.

    Tenure is a pivotal decision for the academy. If it is earned, it provides security and permanence, creating further academic freedom to pursue research and interests important to the institution and to society. If it is not earned, then the peer review process provides clarification for why it has not been earned. This book brings together lived experiences of academics around the time of the tenure decision. While the book is stand-alone, it has the same collection of authors who wrote about their tenure-track experiences in The Academic Gateway, making the pair of books a remarkable longitudinal collection. The authors explore the complex relationship between academics, the academy as an ideal, and universities as an enactment of that ideal. Personal growth is evident and shows diversity of experience, as the maturing relationships with the role and workplace unfurl. Where tenure track is a very personal journey, the period around tenure is necessarily a form of engagement with peers. Yet it has challenges, particularly in a milieu where academic freedom is being nurtured. Individual authors negotiate their choices between their personal objectives and institutional mandates and policies. Simultaneously, after years in the tenure-track, they continue to be evolving as academics, whether through personal growth or by seeking changes in the academy itself.Published in English.

  • af Bertrand Labasse, Pierre Savary & Thierry Watine
    341,95 - 407,95 kr.

  • - Globalization, Security, Sustainability
    af Simon Dalby
    317,95 kr.

    With the new geological age known as the Anthropocene heralding dramaticdisruptions in the earth system, geopolitics needs to be fundamentallyreconsidered to deal with these new circumstances. Planetary boundaries andecological change are now the key contextualization for considering future globalpolitical arrangements.

  • af Michel Bock & Yves Frenette
    422,95 kr.

    L'Association canadienne-française de l'Ontario (ACFO) a été le principal porte-parole politique de la collectivité franco-ontarienne au XXe siècle.Cette analyse historique en six chapitres chronologiques va de la fondation de l'Association canadienne-française d'éducation d'Ontario (ACFEO) en 1910 jusqu'à sa disparition et son absorption par l'Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario en 2006.De 1910 à 1927, l'Association joue un rôle déterminant dans la crise du Règlement 17, qui interdit l'enseignement en français dans les écoles de la province. De 1927-1969, l'ACFEO contribue activement à l'avancement de la cause des écoles françaises (ou « bilingues ») de l'Ontario. Entre 1969 et 1982, l'Association, devenue l'« ACFO », travaille aux progrès institutionnels de la collectivité franco-ontarienne, tout en essuyant des critiques, voire des dénonciations formulées par plusieurs groupes de militants animés par les idéologies contre-culturelle et participative alors en vogue.Entre 1982 et 1992, l'ACFO se redéfinit pour s'adapter à la transformation de l'espace politique de l'Ontario français, ainsi qu'à la fragmentation de son champ idéologique sous l'impulsion de plus en plus irrépressible des régionalismes identitaires et de l'arrivée de groupes ethnoculturels issus de l'immigration francophone. Les années 1992-2006 sont les dernières de l'ACFO, qui ne peut se relever de la crise de légitimité qui la mine depuis la fin des années 1970.Une fenêtre privilégiée sur les efforts de construction identitaire et politique de la francophonie ontarienne au XXe siècle.Ce livre est publié en français.-The French-Canadian Association of Ontario (ACFO) has been the main political voice person for the Franco-Ontarian community in the 20th century.The first chapter (1910-1927) examines the first years of the Association and delves into the pivotal role it played during the debate surrounding Regulation 17, which was designed to prevent French-language schooling in the province. From 1927-1969, the ACFEO actively contributed to the advancement of French (or "bilingual") schools in Ontario. From 1969-1982, the Association, now called ACFO, played a key role in the institutional progress of the Franco-Ontarian community, amidst much criticism and accusations made by militants inspired by the counter-culture and participative ideologies of the day.From 1982 to 1992, ACFO redefined itself in order to adapt to an evolving political situation in l'Ontario français, as well as to the fragmentation of its ideology as regional identities took shape to a new ethnocultural reality in the wake of francophone immigration. The years from 1992 to 2006 were the Association's last, as it became unable to overcome a legitimacy crisis that had been undermining it since the end of the 1970s.A glimpse into the efforts that went into the identity and political construct of the Ontarian Francophonie throughout the 20th century.This book is published in French.

  • - Research, Practice and Ethics
    af Martin Rovers
    317,95 kr.

    Touch may well be one of the least understood or talked about subjects in the helping professions. A discussion on the importance and ethics of positive, caring, and appropriate touch in professions such as teaching, nursing and counselling is long overdue. Touch in the Helping Professions delivers just that, weaving together scholarly evidence, research and clinical practice from a wide range of perspectives encompassing philosophy, theology, psychology, and anthropology to challenge assumptions about the role of touch in the helping professions. The contributors to the volume focus not only on the overarching roles of gender, age, culture and life experience, but go beyond to encompass canine-assisted therapy, touch deprivation, sacred objects, as well as key ethical considerations. The prevailing lack of dialogue, due to fear of contravening ethical boundaries, has stood in the way of an open and responsible discussion on the use of touch in therapy. Touch in the Helping Professionsis a welcome and much needed contribution to the field-a window onto a fundamental need.This book is published in English.-Cet ouvrage offre un ensemble de donnes probantes et de rsultats cliniques l'appui du toucher dans le dveloppement physique et motionnel. Il est structur selon trois axes : la thorie sur le toucher; la pratique du toucher dans un contexte de thrapie, et les questions thiques. Il aborde la question du rle du genre, de l'ge, de la culture et de l'exprience de vie, des sujets comme la zoothrapie, la privation sensorielle, des objets sacrs, et des considrations d'ordre thique. Les approches varies - philosophie, thologie, psychologie, anthropologie - remettent en question les prsuppositions, offrent un contexte historico-culturelprofessionnel, et font appel des donnes primaires.Les collaborateurs soutiennent que le toucher sain et non sexuel n'est pas suffisamment enseign dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle. Cette absence de dialogue - engendre par la crainte de dpasser des bornes thiques, fait en sorte qu'une discussion ouverte et responsable sur l'utilisation du toucher dans un cadre thrapeutique ne peut avoir lieu, alors mme qu'elle contribuerait aux balises thoriques de notre comprhension de cet enjeu fondamental.Ce livre est publi en anglais.

    537,95 kr.

    The Academic Sabbatical: A Voyage of Discovery is a collection of narratives that reveals how important sabbaticals are to faculty and, by extension, to higher education. This in-depth look at the diverse experiences and perspectives provides a wealth of evidence that sabbaticals are instrumental in increasing productivity in terms of research and knowledge dissemination.These periods of self-directed and focused work enable scholars to restore their academic energies, leading to enhanced engagement with their programs, graduate students, and intellectual exchange among peers. Although not without challenges and tensions, sabbaticals help academics build stronger and deeper connections.While this book stands alone in promoting the richness and potential of the sabbatical as a structural feature of the academy, it is a great follow-up to The Academic Gateway and Beyond the Academic Gateway, which respectively discuss the tenure-track and tenure experience.This book is the third in the Lives in the Canadian Academic Landscape triptych.

    317,95 kr.

    The Academic Sabbatical: A Voyage of Discovery is a collection of narratives that reveals how important sabbaticals are to faculty and, by extension, to higher education. This in-depth look at the diverse experiences and perspectives provides a wealth of evidence that sabbaticals are instrumental in increasing productivity in terms of research and knowledge dissemination.These periods of self-directed and focused work enable scholars to restore their academic energies, leading to enhanced engagement with their programs, graduate students, and intellectual exchange among peers. Although not without challenges and tensions, sabbaticals help academics build stronger and deeper connections. While this book stands alone in promoting the richness and potential of the sabbatical as a structural feature of the academy, it is a great follow-up to The Academic Gateway and Beyond the Academic Gateway, which respectively discuss the tenure-track and tenure experience. This book is the third in the Lives in the Canadian Academic Landscape triptych.

  • af Turcotte Jean-Michel Turcotte
    322,95 - 538,95 kr.

  • af Maurice Henrie
    182,95 kr.

  • af Michel Picard
    182,95 kr.

    Le meurtre d'un notable seme l'emoi a Kilis; le trafic d'armes et l'industrie pharmaceutique ne font pas toujours bon menage. Depassee par la situation, son ex-femme requiert l'aide de Fisher, une vieille connaissance. Grace a son estime collegue, le Dr Derren, il va forcer les memoires a se livrer.

  • - Enjeux traductologiques d'une problematique transdisciplinaire
    350,95 kr.

    Centree sur l'etude des frontieres parfois floues entre litteraire et non litteraire dans la perspective d'une application a la traduction, la reflexion proposee dans ce collectif transdisciplinaire vise l'emergence d'une pensee traductologique decloisonnee alimentee de l'apport d'autres disciplines.

  • - enjeux traductologiques d'une problematique transdisciplinaire
    af Collombat Isabelle Collombat
    462,95 kr.

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