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  • af Valy Vaduva
    252,95 kr.

    Dragi cititori,Este o mare onoare s¿ v¿ pun la dispozi¿ie o carte important¿, Marea Trimitere. Aceasta ne provoac¿ s¿ ne gândim la ucenicia cre¿tin¿ radical¿, care va duce la o transformare spiritual¿ profund¿.Sunt încrez¿tor c¿ aceast¿ carte v¿ va convinge c¿ Marea Trimitere nu poate fi evitat¿. Mandatul Domnului Isus este înc¿ în vigoare ast¿zi. Hudson Taylor spunea: ¿Marea Trimitere nu este o op¿iune care trebuie luat¿ în considerare; este o porunc¿ ce trebuie ascultat¿". Mai mult, David Livingstone se întreba: ¿Dac¿ misiunea primit¿ din partea unui rege p¿mântesc este considerat¿ o onoare, cum se poate ca misiunea unui Rege ceresc s¿ fie considerat¿ un sacrificiu?" Prin urmare, este o onoare s¿ facem ucenici pentru Regele nostru Isus. Howard Hendricks, în prefäa c¿r¿ii Ucenicii se fac, nu se nasc, scria: ¿Face¿i ucenici este mandatul Înv¿¿¿torului (Matei 28:19-20). Îl putem ignora, dar nu ne putem sustrage lui". Întrebarea pentru noi ast¿zi este: Ce facem noi? Ne permitem s¿ îl ignor¿m?Ucenicia este cea mai mare nevoie a Bisericii contemporane. Bisericile trebuie s¿-¿i concentreze aten¿ia asupra maturiz¿rii ucenicilor, nu doar asupra îmbun¿t¿¿irii programelor. Adev¿rul este c¿ numai ucenicia radical¿ ¿i ascultarea duc la maturizarea credinciöilor.În aceast¿ carte, ve¿i descoperi cele patru dimensiuni ale Marii Trimiteri ¿i ve¿i g¿si multe instrumente utile pentru facerea de ucenici.Cele patru dimensiuni sunt:1. Facerea de ucenici2. Evanghelizarea cu putere3. Isus - Reveläia suprem¿4. Cre¿terea spiritual¿ pentru fiecare categorie de credinciöiV¿ invit din toat¿ inima s¿ v¿ rugäi pentru cre¿tinii din întreaga lume, ca ei s¿ ias¿ din zona de confort a religiei c¿ldüe ¿i s¿ devin¿ ucenici, care s¿ fie echipäi în mod adecvat ¿i s¿ înceap¿ s¿ fac¿ ucenici.Sunt fascinat de îndr¿zneala ¿i credinciöia lui Pavel care, înainte de martiriul s¿u, a transferat dumnezeiasca lui chemare fiului s¿u în credin¿¿, Timotei, scriindu-i: ¿¿i ce-ai auzit de la mine, în fäa multor marturi, încredin¿eaz¿ la oameni de încredere, care s¿ fie în stare s¿ înve¿e ¿i pe al¿ii" (2 Timotei 2:2). Ne permitem noi s¿ facem mai püin decât atât? Judecäi singuri!Hristos Se va întoarce în curând ¿i vrea s¿ g¿seasc¿ mul¿i ucenici maturi - un popor transformat dup¿ chipul S¿u. Pân¿ atunci, prin harul lui Dumnezeu, s¿ facem ucenici ¿i s¿-i echip¿m pentru Împ¿r¿¿ia lui Dumnezeu. Dumnezeu s¿ v¿ binecuvânteze pe töi!Cu dragoste, în slujba Lui,Valy V¿duva

  • af Valy Vaduva
    252,95 kr.

    Plin¿tatea lui Hristos: Exprimând natura ¿i caracterul lui Dumnezeu în ¿i prin tineDraga cititorule,Dup¿ ce ai participat la programele bisericii, ai mai citit Biblia înc¿ o dat¿, a memorat înc¿ zece versete, atunci ce? Dup¿ ce ai citit toate c¿r¿ile cre¿tine pe care ¿i le-a recomandat pastoral t¿u, ai ascultat toate predicile sugerate de prietenii t¿ie, te-ai rugat mai multe rug¿ciuni esen¿iale, ai mers în misiune, ai practicat multe din disciplinele spirituale, ¿i ai f¿cut mai multe fapte bune, atunci ce? Care este scopul final în ¿i pentru viäa ta? Ce dore¿te Dumnezeu? Ce vrea Isus de la tine pentru tine? Care este scopul Lui final cu tine? Ma bucur ca te-ai gândit la aceste într¿b¿ri provocatoare!Scopul Final al lui Hrisots pentru tine ¿i pentru mine este s¿ devenim ucenici maturi! Cu alte cuvinte Domenezeu dore¿te:¿ S¿ îl cunoätem pe Dumnezeu în mod intim ¿i personal (Ioan 17:3)¿ S¿ accept¿m chemarea la ucenicie ¿i s¿ ne poart¿m crucea în fiecare zi (Luca 9:23, Galateni 2:20)¿ S¿ ne înnoim mintea ¿i ne transform¿m caracterul în mod progresiv prin Cuvântul viu ¿i lucr¿tor al lui Dumnezei ¿i prin Duhul Sfânt (Romani 12:2, 2 Corinteni 3:18, Galateni 5:22-23)¿ S¿ cre¿tem ¿i s¿ ne maturizeaz¿m spiritual spre plin¿tatea lui Hristos (Efeseni 4:11-16, Evrei 5:11-14, 6:1-3)¿ Iar în final, s¿ ne multiplic¿m conform cu modelul de de ucenicie cre¿tin¿ l¿sat de Domnul Isus ¿i practicat de apostoli (Matei 28:19-20, 2 Timotei. 2:2).Ca ¿i cre¿tin, tu ai ADN-ul lui Dumnezeu în interiorul t¿u. Biblia ne spune: ¿Dumnezeiasca Lui putere ne-a d¿ruit tot ce prive¿te viäa ¿i evlavia" (2 Petru 1:3). Prin urmare, cre¿terea spiritual¿ ¿i maturitatea cre¿tin¿ ar trebui s¿ fie pasiunea fiec¿rui copil al lui Dumnezeu. Cu toate acestea, realitatea din multe biserici pare s¿ indice contrariul. Prin citirea acestei c¿r¿i vei:¿ Experimenta puterea iubirii äa cum nu ai mai experimentat-o pân¿ acum ¿i vei descoperi modalit¿¿i de a exersa umblarea în dragoste.¿ Înv¿¿a fundamentele teologice ale crucii. Vei primi îndrum¿ri concrete pentru a îmbr¿¿i¿a crucea ca astfel s¿ experimentezi puterea iert¿rii, puterea înnoirii min¿ii ¿i puterea intimit¿¿ii cu Isus în viäa ta.¿ Vei descoperi ingredientele principale pentru cre¿terea spiritual¿ ¿i îndrum¿ri cum s¿ le aplici în umblarea ta cu Hristos.¿ Vei fi prevenit cu privire la pericolul imaturit¿¿ii spirituale ca un cumva s¿ ignori aspectul acesta.Cu dragoste,- Valy Vaduva

  • af Peter Scazzero
    192,95 kr.

    În aceast¿ carte devöional¿, Peter Scazzero ne prezint¿ disciplina spiritual¿ antic¿ a oficiului zilnic. Premisa de baz¿ a oficiului zilnic este simpl¿:trebuie s¿ ne oprim în mod inten¿ionat s¿ fim cu Dumnezeu mai mult decât o dat¿ pe zi, astfel încât practicarea prezen¿ei lui Dumnezeu s¿ devin¿ real¿ în vie¿ile noastre.Fiecare dintre temele din aceast¿ devöiune de opt s¿pt¿mâni se bazeaz¿ pe un capitol din bestsellerul Spiritualitatea s¿n¿toas¿ emöional - de¿i nu este neap¿rat necesar s¿ citi¿i acea carte pentru a beneficia de aceste meditäii. Fiecare zi presupune cel püin doü momente devöionale - dimineäa/amiaza ¿i amiaza/seara - iar fiecare pauz¿ poate dura între cinci ¿i doüzeci de minute.

  • - A Closer Look at Why Discipleship Cannot Be Ignored
    af Valy Vaduva
    217,95 kr.

    Dear reader, It is my great honor to bring The Great Commission to your attention. It reminds us to think of radical discipleship and spiritual transformation. I am confident that the book will convince you that the Great Commission cannot be evaded. It is still in effect today. Hudson Taylor said: "The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed." Moreover, David Livingstone said: "If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?" Therefore, it is an honor to make disciples for our King Jesus. Howard Hendricks, in the foreword to "Disciples, are Made not Born," wrote: "'Make disciples' is the mandate of the Master (Matthew 28:19-20). We may ignore it, but we cannot evade it." The questions for us today are: What are we doing? Are we ignoring it? Richard Foster explains: "Perhaps the greatest malady in the Church today is converts to Christ who are not disciples of Christ-a clear contradiction in terms. This malady affects everything in church life." And Dallas Willard, an expert in spiritual formation, writes: "The last command Jesus gave the Church before he ascended to heaven was the Great Commission, the call for Christians to "make disciples of all the nations." But Christians have responded by making "Christians," not "disciples." This has been the Church's Great Omission." I am confident that you agree with me that we are challenged to reverse this OMISSION. For the first century Christians, the Great Commission was not a choice to consider but a command to obey. Should we continue to perpetuate the current statistics or decide to obey God? You and I have an option to make. Making disciples should be the driving force of everything the local Church is doing. Discipleship is the greatest need of the Church. Churches need to refocus their attention on mature disciples, not just better programs. The truth is that only radical obedient discipleship is leading believers to maturity. In this book, you will discover the Great Commission's four dimensions and provide you with multiple tools to make disciples. The four dimensions are: 1. Make Disciples2. Power Evangelism3. Christ-the Highest Revelation>George Barna underlines the problem of the contemporary Church: "Discipleship is not a program. It is not a ministry. It is a life-long commitment to a lifestyle." The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization concluded with two significant needs: The need for radical obedient discipleship, leading to maturity, to grow in-depth as well as in numbers;The need for radical cross-centered reconciliation, leading to unity, to grow in love as well as in faith and hope.>I wholeheartedly invite you to pray that Christians worldwide will get out of their comfort zone of lukewarm religion and become disciples, get adequately equipped, and start making disciples. I am fascinated by Paul's faithfulness before his martyrdom to transfer his godly legacy to his son in the faith-Timothy. He wrote: "The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also" (2 Timothy 2:2). Should we do less than that? You be the judge. Christ will soon return, and He expects to find many mature disciples-a people transformed into His likeness. Until then, by God's grace, let's make disciples and equip them for the Kingdom of God. May God bless you all!

  • - Expressing God's Nature and Character in and through you
    af Valy Vaduva
    217,95 kr.

    Fullness of Christ Grace-based, hope-filled, love-motived, this book is filled with encouragement to grow up into the fullness of Christ which is the birthright of every born again child of God. What is Christ's Ultimate Intention with us? I am glad you asked! The Ultimate Intention of the Church is a mature disciple: who knows God intimately and personally (John 17:3), who accepted the discipleship call and carries the cross daily (Luke 9:23, Galatians 2:20), whose mind and character is continuously renewed and transformed by the Spirit and the Word of God (Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Galatians 5:22-23), who grows and matures into the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-16, Hebrews 5:11-14, 6:1-3), and ultimately multiplies disciples according to the Christ's and the apostles' discipleship model (Matthew 28:19-20, 2 Timothy 2:2).As a Christian, you have the very DNA of God inside of you. The Bible tells us: "His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness" (2 Peter 1:3). Therefore, spiritual growth and Christian maturity should be the passion of every child of God. However, the reality in many churches seems to indicate otherwise. In this book, you will: Experience the power of love as you never did before and discover ways to practice walking in love.Learn about the theological foundations of the Cross. Receive guidance to embrace the cross and experience the power of forgiveness, the power of mind renewal, and the power of intimacy with Jesus in your life.Discover the main ingredients for spiritual growth and how to apply them in your walk with Christ.Be forewarned about the danger of spiritual immaturity and why you should not ignore it. Realize that you are called to become everything that God intends for you.Learn to live from the new heart Jesus gave you. Understand that you have experienced a spiritual heart transplant-the greatest exchange ever. Find ways to live based on your new identity, thus experiencing a victorious and fulfilling Christian life.By reading this book, the passion for Christ will be rekindled in your heart. "Until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). "This insightful proclamation is not just for the individual but also for the church, the whole body of Christ learning to share His life in common as our source and supply for living to God's glory. If trying hard to be like Jesus is wearing you out, you may want to read about trusting Jesus to live His life through you by His indwelling Spirit. The words and ideas in this book are not just for learning but for living!" - Steve Pettit, President of One In Christ, Alachua, FL "Valy Vaduva's book, Fullness of Christ, is a much-needed volume on the importance of Great Commission discipleship and spiritual growth... Biblical teaching that overlooks union with Christ and the deeper meaning of the Cross ends up being merely academic, legalistic, or both. This book gives clear teaching on grace-oriented, Christ-centered discipleship with helpful explanations of related terminology, doctrines, and disciplines. I commend this book with Valy and Elena Vaduva's life coaching and discipleship training ministry. -Dr. John Woodward, Director of Counseling and TrainingGrace Fellowship International, Pigeon Forge, TN

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