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  • af Trixia Valle
    127,95 kr.

    What mistakes are we parents making in the training and education of our children that are producing crystal children who cannot tolerate frustration and who demand immediacy in what they want? Love is being confused with total concession and, in the interest of giving them the best, we are causing them damage that limits and harms them. We must not forget that children learn from their parents. The example, with clear values and purposes, will allow parents to be energetic, strict and loving at the same time when educating their children so that they can be independent and become good subjects for the society in which we live. Parent education expert, Trixia Valle, shares useful tools to avoid being "cotton parents" and to be able to provide effective parenting to our children.

  • af Luis Valls
    158,95 kr.

    This is a dynamic and motivating business book very different from what is usually found on the market. Because we already know that entrepreneurship exists and that there are "structures" to start something new or something different and achieve success, but, many times, how to achieve it is what remains to be defined and, in these pages, a path is proposed, a guide, a motivation to invite you to take the step and create what you want and undertake with the style you want. You can be an entrepreneur from the space that motivates you the most, from the one that presents the most potential for you. You can be an intrapreneur, independent entrepreneur or hybrid entrepreneur. If you have an entrepreneur inside you, without a doubt, this book is for you. We hope you can find yourself in it.

  • af Adrian Alaves
    138,95 kr.

    You have in your hands a proven method to live happier. When you change your mentality, your true essence appears; the one that will demand the life you deserve to live. By training your mind you will be able to generate new interpretations and new neural pathways that will lead you to create new behaviors and behaviors with which you will be able to change your life positively and reach your High Ideal, the one that, by human nature, corresponds to you. The purpose of this book is to help people transform as human beings, to modify the reality that surrounds them, to find their essence... It motivates them to seek to raise their level of consciousness, to train the mind, to see themselves. understanding the root of their suffering to heal it, separating themselves from the subconscious, directing their thoughts where they want to focus it: towards love, health, freedom and towards a life with purpose, and thus being able to share their gifts and put their Stop Ideal at the service of humanity to be in absolute happiness, to correct course, to evolve.

  • af Gaby Heredia
    189,95 kr.

    You have in your hands a 365-day angelic guide so that every day of the year you receive the messages that the angels and archangels have for you. By reading them you will have the company, guidance and embrace of these kind beings who will fill you with light and positive sensations to generate fruitful and positive days in your life. What is the promise of this book? May the angels and archangels accompany you at all times so that you are never alone and so that you live happily! Each message is a bridge of communication with them. Each message is a heavenly teaching that will help transform your heart. Gaby Heredia shares with us in these pages the messages that the angels and archangels want us to receive. Her intervention as an angelologist brings us closer to what these beings of light have to tell us and she invites us to begin to build that bond of love and direct communication that all of us can also have with them.

  • af Anne Griffin
    205,95 kr.

    Jeanie Masterson has a gift: she can hear the recently dead and give voice to their final wishes and revelations. Inherited from her father, this gift has enabled the family undertakers to flourish in their small Irish town. Yet she has always been uneasy about censoring some of the dead's last messages to the living. Unsure, too, about the choice she made when she left school seventeen years ago: to stay or leave for a new life in London with her charismatic teenage sweetheart. So when Jeanie's parents unexpectedly announce their plan to retire, she is jolted out of her limbo. In this captivating successor to her much-lauded debut, When All Is Said, Anne Griffin portrays a young woman who is torn between duty, a comfortable marriage, a calling she both loves and hates and her last chance to break free. Listening Still is a heartachingly honest look at what we give up and what we gain when we choose to follow our heart.

  • af Christiane Northrup
    394,95 kr.

    This book offers complete and detailed information on everything related to women's health, and combines the latest advances in medicine with alternative therapies that involve both the body and the mind. From a holistic perspective that takes into account emotions, personal development and spiritual life, it exposes the patriarchalism of the medical profession and shows the dark side of some widespread beliefs. The sincerity of the collected testimonies and the author's courageous reflections on women's needs and intimate conflicts will lead many readers to see her experiences in a new light. They will discover that the ambivalence of feelings towards their children is natural, that the maternal instinct is a creative impulse that does not exhaust itself in the offspring, and that if they want to heal and remain healthy they must carry out radical changes in their lives and in their way of life. This is an indispensable reference work for all women willing to take charge of their own well-being.

  • af Kenneth Rogers
    182,95 kr.

    Heroes, Villains, and Healing allow survivors to view their thoughts and actions through the lens of Marvel heroes and villains they love and hate. Characters such as Wolverine demonstrate how trauma can cause the strongest to forget and block out the pain of the past, while powerful characters such as the Hulk and Thing view themselves as monsters, using their anger and strength to mask their pain, fear, and sense of loneliness. While filled with fantastic radioactive mutations, arch-nemesis, and super soldiers, the realm of superheroes and villains provides survivors the ability to safely explore the theories and applications of cognitive behavior therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and internal family systems therapy to heal their cognitive distortions and become complete individuals. Comics, while designed to be read through the lens of good vs. evil and hero vs. villain, can cause survivors to view their reality, their actions, and the actions of others in the same black-and-white terms. However, reality is more complex, containing contrasting colors and shades of grey. Heroes, Villains, and Healing use these comics as a foundation, providing the tools to identify cognitive distortions and change their automatic thoughts to no longer view themselves as either a hero or a villain. Instead, they learn to view themselves as individuals capable of overcoming the impact of their traumatic past to become the best version of themselves.

  • af Carlos Gomez
    188,95 kr.

    Porque no es vuelo el verbo de pájaros Despierto los domingos de mis lunescon alma de pie y ala de cuerpoy pregunto por el alba en el ocaso.Mi infancia de viejo, mondocon dientes cariados, dientes de amor.Tengo el fatalismo por el día de la mosca.Con salud de condenado a guillotinasoy del verbo ave.Porque no es vuelo el verbo de pájarosme levanto cada día y asesino mi muerte. - Carlos Israel Peña Gómez. Librero y lector. Asiduo visitante del panteón de San Fernando, donde se le puede contactar.

  • af Grant Boyer
    327,95 kr.

    Это вымышленные сказки для детей на ночь, призванные стимулировать творческое мышление и воображение. Майя - трехлетняя девочка из Восточной Европы с ярким характером. Она переезжает в Ригглснортвилл, США, со своей мамой, которую ласково называет Мамочкой, и старшей сестрой Мирой. Майя знакомится и подружится с Хэтти и Барти, которые также живут в Ригглснортвилле, и впервые она представлена в книге Восьмой месяц приключений Хэтти и Барти. Настоящие Майя в настоящее время живут на раздираемой войной территории Украины. Хотя эти приключения являются вымышленными, ваша выдающаяся личность стала для меня источником вдохновения! Был создан фонд под названием Maya's Adventures Trust, где 50% чистой выручки от продаж серии книг Приключения Майи будет передано Майе и ее семье.

  • af Jay Kristoff
    268,95 kr.

    On an island junkyard beneath a sky that glows with radiation, a deadly secret lies buried in the scrap. Seventeen-year-old Eve isn't looking for trouble--she's too busy looking over her shoulder. The robot gladiator she spent months building has been reduced to a smoking wreck, she's on the local gangster's wanted list, and the only thing keeping her grandpa alive is the money she just lost to the bookies. Worst of all, she's discovered she can somehow destroy machines with the power of her mind, and a bunch of puritanical fanatics are building a coffin her size because of it. If she's ever had a worse day, Eve can't remember it. The problem is, Eve has had a worse day--one that lingers in her nightmares and the cybernetic implant where her memories used to be. Her discovery of a handsome android named Ezekiel--called a "Lifelike" because they resemble humans--will bring her world crashing down and make her question whether her entire life is a lie. With her best friend Lemon Fresh and her robotic sidekick Cricket in tow, Eve will trek across deserts of glass, battle unkillable bots, and infiltrate towering megacities to save the ones she loves... and learn the truth about the bloody secrets of her past.

  • af Camila Healing
    153,95 kr.

    Hypnosis is for everyone. Through it you remember the capacity for self-healing and neuroprogramming that has always been within you. If you have ever asked yourself: Where does my pain come from and how can I heal it? How can I let go of an emotion? How do I change patterns in my life? This book is that guide that teaches you how to answer these questions. By knowing and practicing the 9 steps of the Healing Hypnosis(R) technique you will remember how to reprogram your perception, you will be able to find answers to your questions and change the beliefs that determined you to be and live at your highest potential. Camila Healing(R) will guide you step by step so that you know and can implement this simple technique in your life that will help you know, let go, heal and manifest everything you need.

  • af Taylor Jenkins Reid
    233,95 kr.

    In her twenties, Emma Blair marries her high school sweetheart, Jesse. They build a life for themselves, far away from the expectations of their parents and the people of their hometown in Massachusetts. They travel the world together, living life to the fullest and seizing every opportunity for adventure. On their first wedding anniversary, Jesse is on a helicopter over the Pacific when it goes missing. Just like that, Jesse is gone forever. Emma quits her job and moves home in an effort to put her life back together. Years later, now in her thirties, Emma runs into an old friend, Sam, and finds herself falling in love again. When Emma and Sam get engaged, it feels like Emma's second chance at happiness. That is, until Jesse is found. He's alive, and he's been trying all these years to come home to her. With a husband and a fiancé, Emma has to now figure out who she is and what she wants, while trying to protect the ones she loves. Who is her one true love? What does it mean to love truly? Emma knows she has to listen to her heart. She's just not sure what it's saying.

  • af Jennifer L Armentrout
    288,95 kr.

    A great primal power has risen. The Queen of Flesh and Fire has become the Primal of Blood and Bone--the true Primal of Life and Death. And the battle Casteel, Poppy, and their allies have been fighting has only just begun. Gods are awakening across Iliseeum and the mortal realm, readying for the war to come. But when Poppy falls into stasis, Cas faces the very real possibility that the dire, unexpected consequences of what she is becoming could take her away from him. Cas is given some advice, though--something he plans to cling to as he waits to see her beautiful eyes open once more: Talk to her. And so, he does. He reminds Poppy how their journey began, revealing things about himself that only Kieran knows in the process. But it's anybody's guess what she'll wake to or exactly how much of the realm and Cas will have changed when she does.

  • af Jennifer L Armentrout
    258,95 kr.

    There is need. And then there is Fate... Being destined to become some kind of supernatural electrical outlet isn't exactly awesome--especially when Alexandria's "other half" is everywhere she goes. Seth's in her training room, outside her classes, and keeps showing up in her bedroom--so not cool. Their connection does have some benefits, like staving off her nightmares of the tragic showdown with her mother, but it has no effect on what Alex feels for the forbidden, pure-blooded Aiden. Or what he will do--and sacrifice--for her. When daimons infiltrate the Covenants and attack students, the gods send furies--lesser gods determined to eradicate any threat to the Covenants and to the gods, and that includes the Apollyon... and Alex. If that and hordes of aether-sucking monsters didn't blow bad enough, a mysterious threat seems willing to do anything to neutralize Seth, even if that means forcing Alex into servitude... or killing her. When the gods are involved, some decisions can never, ever be undone.

  • af Shelby Mahurin
    268,95 kr.

    "La oscuridad viena a por nosotros, Câelie. Y tambiâen viene a por ti. Han pasado seis meses desde que Câelie pronunciâosus votos sagrados y se uniâo a lost Chaseurs como la primera cazandora en sus filas. Con su prometido Jean Luc como capitâan, estâa decidida a afianzarse en su nuevo rol y proteger Belterra como no pudo hacer con su hermana."--

  • af Santa Montefiore
    268,95 kr.

    "Cornwall, 1944. Cuando Rupert Dash desaparece en combate y le dan por fallecido en la Batalla de Arnhem, su mujer, Florence, se queda desolada, incapaz de aceptar que se ha ido para siempre. Por eso, cuando encuentra un poema titulado "Espâerame" escondido entre las pâaginas de un viejo libro, cree que es una seänal de su marido. Una promesa de que volverâa a ella. Londres, 1988. Desde su infancia, Max ha tenido una pesadilla recurrente: rodeado por el terrible caos de la guerra, tiene una misiâon urgente que debe completar. Pero el sueäno siempre acaba despertâandolo de terror, con el corazâon acelerado por los horrores del campo de batalla. Desesperado por comprender por quâe le persiguen tales visiones, Max se embarca en un viaje que lo lleva hasta Cornwall y a un hombre llamado Rupert Dash. Melbourne, 1995. Florence recibe una carta de un desconocido que vive en el otro extremo del mundo y que asegura recordar una vida que perteneciâo a otra persona antes que a âel. ÅPodrâia ser el hombre a quien Florence lleva cincuenta y un aänos esperando volver a encontrar?"--Publisher's description.

  • af Emma Straub
    258,95 kr.

    "En la vâispera de su cuadragâesimo cumpleaänos, la vida de Alice no va del todo mal. Le gusta su trabajo, aunque no sea exactamente el que habâia soänado. Estâa satisfecha con su apartamento, su situaciâon sentimental y su independencia, y adora a su mejor amiga. Pero su padre estâa enfermo, y tiene la sensaciâon de que le falta algo. Cuando se despierta a la maänana siguiente, descubre que ha retrocedido hasta 1996, y tiene la oportunidad de revivir su decimosexto cumpleaänos. Pero no es solo su cuerpo de adolescente lo que la sorprende, o ver al chico del que estaba enamorada en el instituto. es su padre. Reencontrarse con la versiâon encantadora y rebosante de vida de su padre, en sus plenos cuarenta. Ahora, armada con una nueva perspectiva sobre su propia vida y la de âel, algunos hechos del pasado adquieren un nuevo significado. ÅAcaso hay algo que cambiarâia si pudiera?" --

  • af Hollan Goewey
    183,95 kr.

    Divorce Your Diet is about just that -teaching readers how to break up with diets and food beliefs that have not served them well in finding health. I am focused on what I can do to help people better understand their bodies and, more specifically, how to feed their bodies in a more healthful way. This book strives to teach people healthier ways to replace what they already eat. While educating readers on ways to keep their bodies healthy, Divorce Your Diet will also introduce techniques on how readers can become more in tune with themselves and their health. People have traded diet for diet and yo-yo back and forth until they give up. The goal of Divorce Your Diet is to teach people that health can be intuitive and that by swapping out some ingredients for healthier ones, we can start to listen to and understand our bodies on a deeper level and meet them where they need us.

  • af Moore Ph. D. Michelle
    198,95 kr.

    In Not Your Mom's Divorce author Michelle Moore provides a combination of research, clinical expertise, and personal experience that will support, guide, and educate women through the divorce process and empower them to move forward. She approaches it with a balance of education and vulnerability from the unique personal and professional perspective as a therapist/psychologist and having been divorced herself, with a voice that is real, raw, and relatable. Not Your Mom's Divorce offers women a positive and realistic point of view about divorce and the divorce process for the first time. Further, Michelle examines the whole experience of divorce, well beyond the emotional recovery from an ending relationship. Not Your Mom's Divorce brings all things related to divorce, including identifying, addressing, and navigating the intricacies of the process, to the surface. She discusses everything from how to talk about it with friends and family, what to say to coworkers, what you get to keep to yourself, managing social media, in addition to the "dirty details" such as keeping or not keeping a married last name, when it's okay to call oneself single, and much more. Not Your Mom's Divorce offers an engaging, supportive, and wisdom-filled read that highlights the positive effects divorce can, and often does, have on a woman's mental wellness and physical health, while also openly acknowledging the difficult side of the process.

  • af Joseph O'Connor
    258,95 kr.

    This book provides you the tools to become a master coach, along with the necessary inspiration to utilize them for the enrichment of your life and the life of those who interact with you.

  • af Florin Daisy Alpert
    248,95 kr.

    It's 1998 and Isabel Rosen, the only daughter of a Lower East Side appetizing store owner, has one semester left at Wilder College, a prestigious school in New Hampshire. Desperate to shed her working-class roots and still mourning the death of her mother four years earlier, Isabel has always felt like an outsider at Wilder but now, in her final semester, she believes she has found her place-until a nonconsensual sexual encounter with one of the only other Jewish students on campus leaves her reeling. Enter R. H. Connelly, a once-famous poet and Isabel's writing professor, a man with secrets of his own. Connelly makes Isabel feel seen, beautiful, talented: the woman she longs to become. His belief in her ignites a belief in herself, and the two begin an affair that shakes the foundation of who Isabel thinks she is, for better and worse. As the lives of the adults around her slowly come apart, Isabel discovers that the line between youth and adulthood is less defined than she thought. A coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal, Daisy Alpert Florin's My Last Innocent Year is a timely and wise portrait of a young woman learning to trust her voice and move toward independence while recognizing the beauty and grit of where she came from.

  • af Becky Albertalli
    268,95 kr.

    Contrary to popular belief, best friends Kate Garfield and Anderson Walker are not codependent. Carpooling to and from theater rehearsals? Environmentally sound and efficient. Consulting each other on every single life decision? Basic good judgment. Pining for the same guys from afar? Shared crushes are more fun anyway. But when Kate and Andy's latest long-distance crush shows up at their school, everything goes off-script. Matt Olsson is talented and sweet, and Kate likes him. She really likes him. The only problem? So does Anderson. Turns out, communal crushes aren't so fun when real feelings are involved. This one might even bring the curtains down on Kate and Anderson's friendship.

  • af Hans Muller
    173,95 kr.

    An inspiring fable about the importance of getting out of our comfort zone, overcoming our fears and facing challenges with optimism and a positive attitude. In a kingdom far away, everyone lives happily and peacefully under the reign of the kind King Ludovico. But one day, everything changes: the queen dies of melancholy, the crown prince disappears and his brother suddenly loses his life. The flowers wither and the fields dry up. The third son of the kings, Prince Estanislao, is so affected by the losses that he loses interest in everything around him and even stops eating. King Ludovico, very weakened, understands that he needs time to get over his pain, but he also knows that his people cannot wait and that Estanislao must take responsibility for him as the future king. After several days locked in his room, the prince decides to embark on a journey through distant lands; a trip that will make him face himself and in which he will accumulate many riches in the form of experiences, teachings and affection. The valuable lessons he will learn along the way will finally allow him to return to his people the abundance, happiness, and hope he once lost.

  • af Gabor Maté
    383,95 kr.

    In this revolutionary book, renowned physician Gabor Maté eloquently dissects how in Western countries that pride themselves on their healthcare systems, chronic illness and general ill health are on the rise. And everywhere, adolescent mental illness is on the rise. So what is really "normal" when it comes to health?

  • af Amélie Wen Zhao
    268,95 kr.

    Lan's last remnant of her mother--and the fallen Hin dynasty of her ancestors--is a symbol seared onto her wrist, which, if the mysterious boy she encounters is to be trusted, may be the key to freeing her people by mastering the ancient, forgotten art of practitioning.

  • af Javier del Ponte & Juan Cammardella
    228,95 kr.

    "Una erótica del café" se presenta como un texto tan delirante como entretenido. El café aquí -al igual que la filosofía o el psicoanálisis- puede ser bien el protagonista o una excusa refinada para hablar de la erótica, de las relaciones o de la sexualidad. El tránsito por esta lectura (o locura) será sin saber si quien habla es el autor, su alterego o un personaje del que, sin nombre, lo conocemos por sus preguntas, sus teorías locas y por los rastros de su propia historia. Pasión y locura se unen como adjetivos en este relato simple y entretenido pero complejo y existencialista a la vez.

  • af Stephanie Garber
    238,95 kr.

  • af Juan Sebastián Morgado
    398,95 kr.

    El encuentro por el título mundial Capablanca vs Alekhine 1927 - Argentina hacia las ligas mayores 1927 - 1929 Características de esta colección: Esta obra está estructurada como una cronología del match por el título mundial Capablanca vs Alekhine 1927, en el contexto socio-político en que se desarrolló. La llegada de la tecnología a fines de la década de 1990 facilitó la investigación, pero el ordenamiento final llevó no menos de 15 años. Los conceptos históricos y culturales que se insertan aquí se fundan en las profundas ideas del escritor Ezequiel Martínez Estrada (1895-1964), principalmente sobre la base de sus obras de las décadas del '30 y del '40. Puede decirse que la historia oficial argentina consiste en enormes cirugías históricas sin anestesia, que hoy acostumbramos a denominar 'relatos', palabra que él también ya había utilizado. Él quiso significar que tenemos en Argentina múltiples historias parciales, paralelas, simples apologías o exégesis de personalidades o de algunos hechos, pergeñadas generalmente por los grupos del poder. Y a este magno encuentro le corresponden las generales de esta 'ley'. Puede decirse que cuando se estaba jugando este match, Ezequiel estaba terminando su ensayo Filosofía del Ajedrez, que por diversas razones quedó inédito hasta 2008, cuando fue publicado por la Biblioteca Nacional. Martínez Estrada descubrió que, dentro del cambiante devenir, existen invariantes históricos, fuerzas inertes que permanecen desde la colonia, y se van transmitiendo incólumes de generación en generación. Al invariante principal lo llamó "constelación de la colonia". De él surgen muchos otros. He preferido agruparlos y renombrar al invariante mayor como "monárquico funcional". Expresó el pensador: Por mucho que hayan variado individualmente los habitantes de Inglaterra, Francia, España, Holanda o cualquier otra nación cuya evolución histórica ha sufrido las más increíbles perturbaciones, los rasgos específicos de la nacionalidad siguen conteniendo vivos los elementos que encontramos ya en los orígenes de su formación como pueblos y como Estados. Pues esa misma ley de los invariantes que da unidad al género humano, al mismo tiempo que configura individualidades históricas inconfundibles, podemos encontrarla también en nuestro país y en todos los demás del continente. Para nosotros, acaso el gaucho (lo gauchesco) tenga un valor genético semejante al del normando, el sajón, el íbero, el latino. Este concepto parece muy evidente, pero hay una gran resistencia en la intelectualidad y en la población en general, para aceptarlo. Todos dicen: 'No, la historia nunca es igual, siempre cambia'. Sin embargo, por ejemplo, quién podría decir que en Sudáfrica no hubo un invariante racial? Hoy sólo podemos decir que Mandela comenzó a quebrarlo. La estructura de este tomo está concebida para proporcionar información de amplio contexto sobre el ajedrez en Argentina período 1925-1927, incluido como tema principal el encuentro Capablanca - Alekhine de 1927. Se priorizó la calidad técnica de las jugadas según los criterios actuales que indican los medios modernos. Incluye todas las partidas jugadas en el citado período por Capablanca y Alekhine en torneos. Se agrega completa información sobre las actividades nacionales, que permite comparar el nivel de los ajedrecistas argentinos con los de otros países. Se han mencionado conceptos estratégicos argentinos, como las casillas reales --ideadas por Osvaldo Bazán, desarrolladas por Sergio Wavrenchuk y puestas en práctica por este autor en dos obras--, y las jugadas indeterminativas generales, idea de los cordobeses Luis Bronstein y Rodolfo Redolfi. Se incluyen también los análisis y comentarios de la época, tomados de las revistas y los periódicos, de manera que pueden compararse ambos con facilidad. Los entornos favorecían netamente a Capablanca, quien era muy popular, all

  • af Henrique Soares Jacobina
    113,95 kr.

  • af Luis Miguel Bedoya Gómez
    123,95 kr.

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